Example #1
class IndexQuoteFetcherTestCase(unittest.TestCase):

    def setUp(self):
        self.fetcher = IndexQuoteFetcher()
        self.dates = dateutil.get_startfrom(DATES, '20140101', 20)

    def tearDown(self):
        self.fetcher = None

    def test_fetch_window1(self):
        close = self.fetcher.fetch_window('close', self.dates, index='HS300')
        self.assertIsInstance(close, pd.Series)

    def test_fetch_window2(self):
        close = self.fetcher.fetch_window(['close'], self.dates, index='HS300')
        self.assertIsInstance(close, pd.DataFrame)
Example #2
class TSRetUpdater(UpdaterBase):
    """The updater class for collections 'ts_ret'."""

    def __init__(self, timeout=60):
        UpdaterBase.__init__(self, timeout=timeout)
        self.interval = IntervalFetcher('1min')
        self.quote = QuoteFetcher()
        self.indexquote = IndexQuoteFetcher()
        self.times = dateutil.generate_intervals(60)

    def pre_update(self):
                'dates': self.db.dates.distinct('date'),
                'collection': self.db['ts_ret'],

    def pro_update(self):

        self.logger.debug('Ensuring index dname_1_date_1 on collection {}', self.collection.name)
        self.collection.ensure_index([('dname', 1), ('date', 1)], background=True)

    def update(self, date):
        """Update TinySoft interval returns data(1min, 5min, 15min, 30min, 60min, 120min) for the **same** day after market close."""
        interval = self.interval.fetch_daily('close', self.times, date)
        interval.ix['093000'] = self.quote.fetch_daily('prev_close', date).reindex(index=interval.columns)
        interval = interval.sort_index()
        for i in (1, 5, 15, 30, 60, 120):
            sub_interval = interval.ix[::i]
            sub_ret = sub_interval.pct_change(1).ix[1:]
            key = {'dname': 'returns'+str(i), 'date': date}
            for time, ser in sub_ret.iterrows():
                key.update({'time': time})
                self.db.ts_ret.update(key, {'$set': {'dvalue': ser.dropna().to_dict()}}, upsert=True)
        self.logger.info('UPSERT documents for {} sids into (c: [{}]) of (d: [{}]) on {}', interval.shape[1], self.collection.name, self.db.name, date)

        indice = self.db.tsindex_1min.distinct('dname')
        for index in indice:
            query = {'dname': index, 'date': date}
            proj = {'_id': 0, 'close': 1}
                ser = pd.DataFrame(list(self.db.tsindex_1min.find(query, proj)))['close']
            ser.index = self.times
            prev_close = self.indexquote.fetch_daily('prev_close', date, index=index)
            ser.ix['093000'] = prev_close
            ser = ser.sort_index()
            for i in (5, 15, 30, 60, 120):
                sub_ser = ser.ix[::i]
                sub_ret = sub_ser.pct_change(1).ix[1:]
                key = {'dname': 'returns'+str(i), 'index': index, 'date': date}
                self.db.tsindex_ret.update(key, {'$set': {'dvalue': sub_ret.to_dict()}}, upsert=True)
        self.logger.info('UPSERT documents for {} indice into (c: [{}]) of (d: [{}]) on {}', len(indice), self.db.tsindex_ret.name, self.db.name, date)
Example #3
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.dates import DateFormatter
datefmt = DateFormatter('%Y%m%d')
from matplotlib.backends.backend_pdf import PdfPages

import magic

from orca.mongo.industry import IndustryFetcher
from orca.mongo.index import IndexQuoteFetcher
from orca.mongo.components import ComponentsFetcher
from orca.mongo.sywgquote import SYWGQuoteFetcher
from orca.mongo.kday import UnivFetcher

industry_fetcher = IndustryFetcher(datetime_index=True, reindex=True)
indexquote_fetcher = IndexQuoteFetcher(datetime_index=True)
components_fetcher = ComponentsFetcher(datetime_index=True)
sywgquote_fetcher = SYWGQuoteFetcher(datetime_index=True, use_industry=True)
univ_fetcher = UnivFetcher(datetime_index=True, reindex=True)

from orca.utils import dateutil
from orca.utils.io import read_frame
from orca.operation import api

class Weight(object):
    """Class to analyse portfolio weight decomposition through time."""
    def __init__(self, alpha, n, rank=None):
        self.alpha = api.format(alpha)
        self.rank_alpha = self.alpha.rank(axis=1, ascending=False)
        self.rank_alpha = self.rank_alpha[self.rank_alpha <= n]
Example #4
 def setUp(self):
     self.fetcher = IndexQuoteFetcher()
     self.dates = dateutil.get_startfrom(DATES, '20140101', 20)
Example #5
class Performance(object):
    """Class to provide analyser to examine the performance of an alpha from different perspective.

    :param alpha: Alpha to be examined, either a well formatted DataFrame or :py:class:`orca.alpha.base.AlphaBase`

    mongo_lock = Lock()

    quote = QuoteFetcher(datetime_index=True, reindex=True)
    index_quote = IndexQuoteFetcher(datetime_index=True)
    components = ComponentsFetcher(datetime_index=True, reindex=True)

    returns = None
    index_returns = {
        'HS300': None,
    index_components = {'HS300': None, 'CS500': None, 'other': None}

    def get_returns(cls, startdate):
        if cls.returns is None or startdate < cls.returns.index[0]:
            with cls.mongo_lock:
                cls.returns = cls.quote.fetch(
                    'returns', startdate=startdate.strftime('%Y%m%d'))
        return cls.returns

    def get_index_returns(cls, startdate, index='HS300'):
        if index not in cls.index_returns or cls.index_returns[
                index] is None or startdate < cls.index_returns[index].index[0]:
            with cls.mongo_lock:
                cls.index_returns[index] = cls.quote.fetch(
                    'returns', startdate=startdate.strftime('%Y%m%d'))
        return cls.index_returns[index]

    def get_index_components(cls, startdate, index):
        if cls.index_components[
                index] is None or startdate < cls.index_components[
            with cls.mongo_lock:
                cls.index_components['HS300'] = cls.components.fetch(
                    'HS300', startdate=startdate.strftime('%Y%m%d'))
                cls.index_components['CS500'] = cls.components.fetch(
                    'CS500', startdate=startdate.strftime('%Y%m%d'))
                cls.index_components['other'] = ~(
                    | cls.index_components['CS500'])
        return cls.index_components[index]

    def set_returns(cls, returns):
        """Call this method to set returns so that for future uses, there is no need to interact with MongoDB."""
        with cls.mongo_lock:
            cls.returns = api.format(returns)

    def set_index_returns(cls, index, returns):
        """Call this method to set index returns so that for future uses, there is no need to interact with MongoDB."""
        with cls.mongo_lock:
            returns.index = pd.to_datetime(returns.index)
            cls.index_returns[index] = returns

    def set_index_components(cls, index, components):
        """Call this method to set index components data so that for future uses, there is no need to interact with MongoDB."""
        with cls.mongo_lock:
            cls.index_components[index] = api.format(components).fillna(False)

    def __init__(self, alpha):
        if isinstance(alpha, AlphaBase):
            self.alpha = alpha.get_alphas()
            self.alpha = api.format(alpha)
        self.alpha = self.alpha[np.isfinite(self.alpha)]
        self.startdate = self.alpha.index[0]

    def get_original(self):
        """**Be sure** to use this method when either the alpha is neutralized or you know what you are doing."""
        return Analyser(self.alpha, Performance.get_returns(self.startdate))

    def get_shift(self, n):
        return Analyser(self.alpha.shift(n),

    def get_longshort(self):
        """Pretend the alpha can be made into a long/short portfolio."""
        return Analyser(api.neutralize(self.alpha),

    def get_long(self, index=None):
        """Only analyse the long part."""
        return Analyser(self.alpha[self.alpha>0], Performance.get_returns(self.startdate),
                Performance.get_index_returns(self.startdate, index=index)) \
               if index is not None else \
               Analyser(self.alpha[self.alpha>0], Performance.get_returns(self.startdate))

    def get_short(self, index=None):
        """Only analyse the short part."""
        return Analyser(-self.alpha[self.alpha<0], Performance.get_returns(self.startdate),
                Performance.get_index_returns(self.startdate, index=index)) \
               if index is not None else \
               Analyser(-self.alpha[self.alpha<0], Performance.get_returns(self.startdate))

    def get_qtop(self, q, index=None):
        """Only analyse the top quantile as long holding."""
        return Analyser(api.qtop(self.alpha, q), Performance.get_returns(self.startdate),
                Performance.get_index_returns(self.startdate, index=index)) \
               if index is not None else \
               Analyser(api.qtop(self.alpha, q), Performance.get_returns(self.startdate))

    def get_qbottom(self, q, index=None):
        """Only analyse the bottom quantile as long holding."""
        return Analyser(api.qbottom(self.alpha, q), Performance.get_returns(self.startdate),
                Performance.get_index_returns(self.startdate, index=index)) \
               if index is not None else \
               Analyser(api.qbottom(self.alpha, q), Performance.get_returns(self.startdate))

    def get_ntop(self, n, index=None):
        """Only analyse the top n stocks as long holding."""
        return Analyser(api.top(self.alpha, n), Performance.get_returns(self.startdate),
                Performance.get_index_returns(self.startdate, index=index)) \
               if index is not None else \
               Analyser(api.top(self.alpha, n), Performance.get_returns(self.startdate))

    def get_nbottom(self, n, index=None):
        """Only analyse the bottom n stocks as long holding."""
        return Analyser(api.bottom(self.alpha, n), Performance.get_returns(self.startdate),
                Performance.get_index_returns(self.startdate, index=index)) \
               if index is not None else \
               Analyser(api.bottom(self.alpha, n), Performance.get_returns(self.startdate))

    def get_qtail(self, q):
        """Long the top quantile and at the same time short the bottom quantile."""
        return Analyser(
            api.qtop(self.alpha, q).astype(int) -
            api.qbottom(self.alpha, q).astype(int),

    def get_ntail(self, n):
        """Long the top n stocks and at the same time short the bottom n stocks."""
        return Analyser(
            api.top(self.alpha, n).astype(int) -
            api.bottom(self.alpha, n).astype(int),

    def get_quantiles(self, n):
        """Return a list of analysers for n quantiles."""
        return [Analyser(qt, Performance.get_returns(self.startdate)) \
                for qt in api.quantiles(self.alpha, n)]

    def get_universe(self, univ):
        """Return a performance object for alpha in this universe."""
        return Performance(api.intersect(self.alpha, univ))

    def get_bms(self):
        """Return a list of 3 performance objects for alphas in HS300, CS500 and other."""
        big = Performance.get_index_components(self.startdate,
        mid = Performance.get_index_components(self.startdate,
        sml = Performance.get_index_components(self.startdate,

        return [self.get_universe(univ) for univ in [big, mid, sml]]
Example #6
 def __init__(self, timeout=60):
     UpdaterBase.__init__(self, timeout=timeout)
     self.interval = IntervalFetcher('1min')
     self.quote = QuoteFetcher()
     self.indexquote = IndexQuoteFetcher()
     self.times = dateutil.generate_intervals(60)
Example #7
 def __init__(self, timeout=60):
     UpdaterBase.__init__(self, timeout=timeout)
     self.interval = IntervalFetcher('1min')
     self.quote = QuoteFetcher()
     self.indexquote = IndexQuoteFetcher()
     self.times = dateutil.generate_intervals(60)
Example #8
class TSRetUpdater(UpdaterBase):
    """The updater class for collections 'ts_ret'."""
    def __init__(self, timeout=60):
        UpdaterBase.__init__(self, timeout=timeout)
        self.interval = IntervalFetcher('1min')
        self.quote = QuoteFetcher()
        self.indexquote = IndexQuoteFetcher()
        self.times = dateutil.generate_intervals(60)

    def pre_update(self):
            'dates': self.db.dates.distinct('date'),
            'collection': self.db['ts_ret'],

    def pro_update(self):

        self.logger.debug('Ensuring index dname_1_date_1 on collection {}',
        self.collection.ensure_index([('dname', 1), ('date', 1)],

    def update(self, date):
        """Update TinySoft interval returns data(1min, 5min, 15min, 30min, 60min, 120min) for the **same** day after market close."""
        interval = self.interval.fetch_daily('close', self.times, date)
        interval.ix['093000'] = self.quote.fetch_daily(
            'prev_close', date).reindex(index=interval.columns)
        interval = interval.sort_index()
        for i in (1, 5, 15, 30, 60, 120):
            sub_interval = interval.ix[::i]
            sub_ret = sub_interval.pct_change(1).ix[1:]
            key = {'dname': 'returns' + str(i), 'date': date}
            for time, ser in sub_ret.iterrows():
                key.update({'time': time})
                    key, {'$set': {
                        'dvalue': ser.dropna().to_dict()
            'UPSERT documents for {} sids into (c: [{}]) of (d: [{}]) on {}',
            interval.shape[1], self.collection.name, self.db.name, date)

        indice = self.db.tsindex_1min.distinct('dname')
        for index in indice:
            query = {'dname': index, 'date': date}
            proj = {'_id': 0, 'close': 1}
                ser = pd.DataFrame(list(self.db.tsindex_1min.find(
                    query, proj)))['close']
            ser.index = self.times
            prev_close = self.indexquote.fetch_daily('prev_close',
            ser.ix['093000'] = prev_close
            ser = ser.sort_index()
            for i in (5, 15, 30, 60, 120):
                sub_ser = ser.ix[::i]
                sub_ret = sub_ser.pct_change(1).ix[1:]
                key = {
                    'dname': 'returns' + str(i),
                    'index': index,
                    'date': date
                    key, {'$set': {
                        'dvalue': sub_ret.to_dict()
                    }}, upsert=True)
            'UPSERT documents for {} indice into (c: [{}]) of (d: [{}]) on {}',
            len(indice), self.db.tsindex_ret.name, self.db.name, date)
Example #9
import os

import pandas as pd
import warnings
from lxml import etree

from orca import DATES
from orca.barra.base import BarraOptimizerBase
from orca.mongo.barra import BarraFetcher
barra_fetcher = BarraFetcher('short')
from orca.mongo.quote import QuoteFetcher
quote_fetcher = QuoteFetcher()
from orca.mongo.index import IndexQuoteFetcher
index_quote_fetcher = IndexQuoteFetcher()
from orca.mongo.components import ComponentsFetcher
components_fetcher = ComponentsFetcher(as_bool=False)

config = etree.XML("""<Optimize>
<RiskModel path="/home/SambaServer/extend_data/Barra/short/${YYYY}/${MM}/${DD}" name="CNE5S"/>
        <Net lower="1" upper="1"/>