def test_dictionaries_are_equal(): d1 = OrderedDict() d1['a'] = 1 d1['b'] = 2 d2 = OrderedDict() d2['a'] = 1 d2['b'] = 2 assert d1 == d2
def test_dictionaries_are_not_equal_order(): d1 = OrderedDict() d1['a'] = 1 d1['b'] = 2 d2 = OrderedDict() d2['b'] = 2 d2['a'] = 1 assert d1 != d2
def test_dictionaries_are_not_equal_order(): d1 = OrderedDict() d1['a'] = 1 d1['b'] = 2 d2 = OrderedDict() d2['b'] = 2 d2['a'] = 1 assert d1 != d2 # this is using the __str__ method.. They are diff order
def test_dictionaries_are_not_equal_elements(): d1 = OrderedDict() d1['a'] = 1 d1['b'] = 2 d2 = OrderedDict() d2['c'] = 1 d2['d'] = 2 assert d1 != d2
def test_add_two_dicts_with_unique_keys(): d1 = OrderedDict() d1['a'] = 1 d1['b'] = 2 d2 = OrderedDict() d2['c'] = 3 d2['d'] = 4 d3 = d1 + d2 assert d3 == {'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3, 'd': 4}
def ordered_unbunchify(x): """ Recursively converts a OrderedBunch into a dictionary. >>> b = OrderedBunch(foo=OrderedBunch(lol=True), hello=42, ponies='are pretty!') >>> ordered_unbunchify(b) {'ponies': 'are pretty!', 'foo': {'lol': True}, 'hello': 42} ordered_unbunchify will handle intermediary dicts, lists and tuples (as well as their subclasses), but ymmv on custom datatypes. >>> b = OrderedBunch(foo=['bar', OrderedBunch(lol=True)], hello=42, ... ponies=('are pretty!', OrderedBunch(lies='are trouble!'))) >>> ordered_unbunchify(b) #doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE {'ponies': ('are pretty!', {'lies': 'are trouble!'}), 'foo': ['bar', {'lol': True}], 'hello': 42} nb. As dicts are not hashable, they cannot be nested in sets/frozensets. """ if isinstance(x, OrderedDict): return OrderedDict( (k, ordered_unbunchify(v)) for k, v in x.iteritems()) elif isinstance(x, dict): return dict((k, ordered_unbunchify(v)) for k, v in x.iteritems()) elif isinstance(x, (list, tuple)): return type(x)(ordered_unbunchify(v) for v in x) else: return x
def test_add_two_dicts_with_repeated_keys(): d1 = OrderedDict() d1['a'] = 1 d1['b'] = 2 d2 = OrderedDict() d2['c'] = 3 d2['a'] = 4 # repeated d3 = d1 + d2 assert d3 == { 'a': 4, # updated 'b': 2, 'c': 3 }
def test_get_items_with_existent_items(): d = OrderedDict() d['language'] = 'Python' d['other'] = ('a', 'b', 'c') assert d['language'] == 'Python' assert d['other'] == ('a', 'b', 'c')
def visit(self, ast_node, compiled_children_by_node, ancestors=None): if ancestors is None: ancestors = [] childs_ancestors = [ast_node] + ancestors print(dump(ast_node, include_attributes=True)) compiled_children = OrderedDict() for field, value in ast.iter_fields(ast_node): # print("iterating:", get_name(ast_node), field) if isinstance(value, list): compiled_children[field] = [ self.visit(item, compiled_children_by_node, childs_ancestors) for item in value if isinstance(item, ast.AST) ] elif isinstance(value, ast.AST): compiled_children[field] = self.visit( value, compiled_children_by_node, childs_ancestors) compile_func = getattr(compilers, "compile_" + get_name(ast_node)) compiled_children_by_node[ast_node] = compiled_children.copy() # `ancestors` argument is optional try: return compile_func(ast_node, compiled_children, ancestors) except TypeError as e: if str(e).startswith("compile_") and str(e).endswith( "takes 2 positional arguments but 3 were given"): return compile_func(ast_node, compiled_children) else: print("cannot handle error", str(e)) raise e except Exception as e: raise e
def __recursiveUpdate(left, right): for key, value in right.iteritems(): if isinstance(value, dict): tmp = __recursiveUpdate(left.get(key, OrderedDict()), value) left[key] = tmp else: left[key] = right[key] return left
def test_get_items_with_missing_items(): d = OrderedDict() d['language'] = 'Python' assert d['language'] == 'Python' with pytest.raises(KeyError): d['other-key']
def test_membership(): d = OrderedDict() d['language'] = 'Python' d['other'] = ('a', 'b', 'c') assert 'language' in d assert 'other' in d assert 'not-found' not in d
def get_dict(source, offset, size, original): #assert is_md5sum(source) assert offset >= 0 assert size >= 0 assert type(original) == bool return OrderedDict([("source", source), ("offset", offset), ("size", size), ("original", original), ("repeat", 1)])
def readDictionary(file): """ read csv file and parse it to dictionary """ # define local function to parse last token in proper Python types def __parseToken(token): return { 's': lambda x: x, 'i': lambda x: int(x), 'd': lambda x: float(x), 'f': lambda x: __findFunction(x), 't': lambda x: tuple(map(__parseToken, x.split("|"))), 'b': lambda x: bool(x), 'n': lambda x: None }[token[0]](token[1:]) def __findFunction(string): # does not allow for nested functions right now # split name into parts string = string.split(".") # import module module = __import__(string[0], globals(), locals(), [], -1) # return function object return module.__dict__[string[1]] # recursively merge dictionary right into dictionary left def __recursiveUpdate(left, right): for key, value in right.iteritems(): if isinstance(value, dict): tmp = __recursiveUpdate(left.get(key, OrderedDict()), value) left[key] = tmp else: left[key] = right[key] return left # create dictionary for output out_dict = OrderedDict() # open file and iterate over all lines expects empty ones f = open(file, 'r') for line in f: if (line != "\n") and (not line.startswith("#")): # split line into segments items = line.strip().split("||") # parse last item tmp_dict = __parseToken(items[-1]) # create hierachy for item in items[:-1:][::-1]: tmp_dict = {item: tmp_dict} # merge temporaly built dictionary into output dictionary __recursiveUpdate(out_dict, tmp_dict) return out_dict
def analyzeDataSet(self, state, data): timestamp = data[state['mainid']][state['subid']]["timestamp"] try: value = data[state['mainid']][state['subid']][self.field] if self.differential_mode: if state['last_value'] is None: state['last_value'] = data[state['mainid']][ state['subid']][self.field] return t = value - state['last_value'] else: t = value except KeyError: return (, state['mainid'], state['subid'], "KeyError", timestamp, timestamp, "%s not in data" % self.field, str(sys.exc_info())) except TypeError: return (, state['mainid'], state['subid'], "TypeError", timestamp, timestamp, "%s not in data" % self.field, str(sys.exc_info())) state['st'] = self.p_st * t + (1 - self.p_st) * state['st'] state['ewmv'] = self.p_ewmv * (t - state['st'])**2 + ( 1 - self.p_ewmv) * state['ewmv'] lower_bound = state['st'] - self.L * math.sqrt( state['ewmv'] * self.p_st / (2 - self.p_st)) upper_bound = state['st'] + self.L * math.sqrt( state['ewmv'] * self.p_st / (2 - self.p_st)) parameterdump = OrderedDict([("mainid", state['mainid']), ("subid", state['subid']), ("last_value", state['last_value']), ("L", self.L), ("st", state['st']), ("p_st", self.p_st), ("ewmv", state['ewmv']), ("p_ewmv", self.p_ewmv), ("value", value), ("t", t), ("lower_bound", lower_bound), ("upper_bound", upper_bound)]) state['last_value'] = data[state['mainid']][state['subid']][self.field] # print >> sys.stderr, parameterdump if lower_bound - t > 6e-14 and lower_bound - t > self.tolerance: return (, state['mainid'], state['subid'], "LowValue", timestamp, timestamp, "%s < %s" % (t, lower_bound), str(parameterdump)) if t - upper_bound > 6e-14 and t - upper_bound > self.tolerance: return (, state['mainid'], state['subid'], "HighValue", timestamp, timestamp, "%s > %s" % (t, upper_bound), str(parameterdump))
def test_ordered_dict_get_item(): o = OrderedDict() o['a'] = 1 o['b'] = 'asdf' assert_eq(1, o['a']) assert_eq(1, o.get('a')) assert_eq('asdf', o['b']) assert_eq('asdf', o.get('b')) assert_eq(None, o.get('c'))
def test_count_items(): d = OrderedDict() assert len(d) == 0 d['language'] = 'Python' assert len(d) == 1 d['other'] = ('a', 'b', 'c') assert len(d) == 2
def get_recipe(self): assert self.closed if self.recipe == None: self.recipe = OrderedDict([("md5sum", self.md5summer.hexdigest()), ("size", len(self.tail_buffer)), ("method", "concat"), ("pieces", list(self.__seq2rec()))]) # We now have a complete and useful recipe. But can it be improved? self.__polish_recipe_tail() self.__polish_recipe_repeats() return self.recipe
def test_ordered_dict_popitem(): o = OrderedDict() o['a'] = 1 o['b'] = 'asdf' assert_eq(1, o.popitem(True)) assert_eq(1, len(o)) o['a'] = 1 assert_eq(1, o.popitem()) assert_eq(1, len(o))
def merge_plain_and_compiled_fields(node, compiled_children): result = OrderedDict() # print("in merge_plain_and_compiled_fields......") # print(compiled_children) for name, field in ast.iter_fields(node): # print(name) if name in compiled_children: result[name] = compiled_children[name] else: result[name] = field return result
def test_set_new_items(): d = OrderedDict() assert d.keys() == [] assert d.values() == [] d['language'] = 'Python' assert d.keys() == ['language'] assert d.values() == ['Python'] d['other'] = ('a', 'b', 'c') assert d.keys() == ['language', 'other'] assert d.values() == ['Python', ('a', 'b', 'c')]
def create_fieldDict(backend, convert_generic, convert_snmp, csv_file): field_map = readDictionary( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', 'config', csv_file)) fieldDict = OrderedDict() for key, dictionary in field_map.iteritems(): name = dictionary['name'] table = dictionary['table'] if (not 'only' in dictionary) or (dictionary['only'] == backend): if not table in fieldDict: fieldDict[table] = OrderedDict() if 'use_type' in dictionary: if dictionary['use_type'] == 'predef_value': fieldDict[table][name] = dictionary['value'] else: fieldDict[table][name] = convert_generic( dictionary['use_type']) else: fieldDict[table][name] = convert_snmp(dictionary['snmp_type']) return fieldDict
def compile(self): print(" compile() of ",, self.field_name) if is not None: method = getattr(compilers, "compile_" + if self.is_leaf(): print("compiling", return method(node=self, compiled_children=OrderedDict()) return str(method( node=self, compiled_children=OrderedDict( (, child.compile()) for child in self.children() ) )) # else: # This instance is a pseudo node to increase hierarchy # e.g. function_def -> body is a list of nodes # so these nodes cannot be direct children of function_def. # body itself is no ast node. # In this case we return a list instead of a string. return compilers.compile_list(self.children())
def test_ordered_dict_set_item(): o = OrderedDict() o['a'] = 1 o['b'] = 'asdf' assert_eq(1, o['a']) assert_eq('asdf', o['b']) try: o['c'] assert False, 'Should throw key error' except KeyError: pass
def test_ordered_dict_contains(): o = OrderedDict() o['a'] = 1 o['b'] = 'asdf' assert 'a' in o assert 'b' in o assert 'c' not in o del o['a'] assert 'a' not in o o['c'] = 2 assert 'c' in o
def test_items_method(): d1 = OrderedDict() d1['a'] = 1 d1['b'] = 2 d1['c'] = 3 d1['d'] = 4 assert d1.items() == [ ('a', 1), ('b', 2), ('c', 3), ('d', 4), ]
def test_ordered_dict_del_item(): o = OrderedDict() o['a'] = 1 o['b'] = 'asdf' assert_eq(1, o['a']) assert_eq('asdf', o['b']) del o['a'] assert_eq(None, o.get('a')) try: o['a'] assert False, 'Should throw key error' except KeyError: pass
def test_set_repeated_items(): d = OrderedDict() assert d.keys() == [] assert d.values() == [] d['language'] = 'Python' assert d.keys() == ['language'] assert d.values() == ['Python'] d['other'] = ('a', 'b', 'c') assert d.keys() == ['language', 'other'] assert d.values() == ['Python', ('a', 'b', 'c')] # Same key again: d['language'] = 'Ruby' assert d.keys() == ['language', 'other'] assert d.values() == ['Ruby', ('a', 'b', 'c')]
def test_str_and_repr(): d = OrderedDict() assert str(d) == "{}" assert repr(d) == str(d) d['a'] = 1 assert str(d) == "{'a': 1}" assert repr(d) == str(d) d['language'] = 'Python' assert str(d) == "{'a': 1, 'language': 'Python'}" assert repr(d) == str(d) d['points'] = (13, 4) assert str(d) == "{'a': 1, 'language': 'Python', 'points': (13, 4)}" assert repr(d) == str(d)
def test_ordered_dict_len(): o = OrderedDict() o['a'] = 1 o['b'] = 'asdf' assert_eq(1, o['a']) assert_eq('asdf', o['b']) assert_eq(2, len(o)) del o['a'] assert_eq(1, len(o)) o['c'] = 'qwer' assert_eq(2, len(o)) del o['c'] del o['b'] assert_eq(0, len(o))