def _createNoTermsFrequencyFieldType(): f = FieldType() f.setIndexed(True) f.setTokenized(True) f.setOmitNorms(True) f.setIndexOptions(FieldInfo.IndexOptions.DOCS_ONLY) f.freeze() return f
def main(): INDEX_DIR = "full_index1" DOCUMENTS_DIR = "/media/joseph/Windows8_OS/Users/Joseph/AppData/Local/lxss/home/jwymbs23/data_science_projects/french_pamphlets/frc-data-master/OCR_text/" # Initialize lucene and JVM lucene.initVM(vmargs=['-Djava.awt.headless=true']) print("lucene version is:", lucene.VERSION, '\n') store = getStore(INDEX_DIR) analyzer = getAnalyzer() writer = getWriter(store=store, analyzer=analyzer, create=True) #get list of documents doc_list = getDoclist(DOCUMENTS_DIR) ftype = FieldType() ftype.setIndexOptions(IndexOptions.DOCS_AND_FREQS_AND_POSITIONS) ftype.setTokenized(True) ftype.setStoreTermVectors(True) ftype.freeze() for cd, doc_name in enumerate(doc_list): if not cd % 1000: print(cd, '--', len(doc_list)) with open(doc_name, 'r') as d: doc_lines = d.readlines() full_text = ''.join([i.strip() for i in doc_lines]).lower() try: # create a document that would we added to the index doc = Document() # Add fields to this document #could process fname here instead of in the dataframe later doc.add( Field("identifier", doc_name.split('/')[-1], TextField.TYPE_STORED) ) #Store.YES))#, Field.Index.ANALYZED)) doc.add( Field("vectext", full_text, ftype) ) #TextField.TYPE_STORED, TermVector.YES, ))#Store.YES))#, Field.Index.ANALYZED)) doc.add(Field("text", full_text, TextField.TYPE_STORED)) # Add the document to the index writer.addDocument(doc) except: print("Failed in indexDocs: ", doc_name) #writer.optimize() writer.commit()
def setUp(self): super(Test_Bug1842, self).setUp() self.analyzer = StandardAnalyzer() w1 = self.getWriter(analyzer=self.analyzer) doc1 = Document() ftype = FieldType() ftype.setIndexOptions(IndexOptions.DOCS_AND_FREQS_AND_POSITIONS) ftype.setTokenized(True) ftype.setStoreTermVectors(True) ftype.freeze() doc1.add(Field("all", "blah blah blah Gesundheit", ftype)) doc1.add(Field('id', '1', StringField.TYPE_NOT_STORED)) w1.addDocument(doc1) w1.close()
class Indexer: """ Indexer Class """ (NAME, CONTENT, DATE, URL, TAGS, TIMESTAMP) = ("name", "content", "date", "url", "tags", "timestamp") def __init__(self, indexDir="", debug=False, verbose=False): """ :Parameters: - `indexDir`: Path where the Index will be saved. (Str) - `debug`: Create the Index in RAM Memory (indexDir will be ignored). (Boolean) - `verbose`: Provide additional information about the initialization process. (Boolean) """ self.__verbose = verbose if indexDir != "": INDEX_DIR = indexDir else: INDEX_DIR = os.path.dirname( os.path.realpath(__file__)) + "/luceneIndex" if not os.path.exists(INDEX_DIR): os.makedirs(INDEX_DIR) self.__boAppend = False else: self.__boAppend = True # Initialize lucene and JVM lucene.initVM() # Get index storage if debug: # Store the index in memory self.__indexDir = RAMDirectory() self.__boAppend = False INDEX_DIR = "RAM Memory" else: # Store an index on disk self.__indexDir = SimpleFSDirectory(Paths.get(INDEX_DIR)) # Create Content FieldType self.__contentType = FieldType() self.__contentType.setIndexOptions(IndexOptions.DOCS_AND_FREQS) self.__contentType.setTokenized(True) self.__contentType.setStored(True) self.__contentType.setStoreTermVectors(True) self.__contentType.setStoreTermVectorPositions(True) self.__contentType.freeze() # Get the Analyzer self.__analyzer = StandardAnalyzer( StandardAnalyzer.ENGLISH_STOP_WORDS_SET) # Print Indexer Information print("Lucene version is: ", lucene.VERSION) print("Index Directory: ", INDEX_DIR) def __del__(self): self.__indexDir.close() ################################################## #Private Methods ################################################## @staticmethod def __getTimestamp(dateTime): """ Converts the document's date to an integer timestamp :Parameters: - `dateTime`: Document's date (Str) :Returns: - Date timestamp (Int) """ tm = time.strptime(dateTime, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ') sTime = "{0:0>4}{1:0>2}{2:0>2}{3:0>2}{4:0>2}{5:0>2}".format( tm.tm_year, tm.tm_mon, tm.tm_mday, tm.tm_hour, tm.tm_min, tm.tm_sec) return int(sTime) @staticmethod def __getDateTime(timeStamp): """ Converts the document's timestamp to date :Parameters: - `timeStamp`: Document's timestamp :Returns: - Date (Str) """ date = datetime.datetime(year=int(timeStamp[0:4]), month=int(timeStamp[4:6]), day=int(timeStamp[6:8]), hour=int(timeStamp[8:10]), minute=int(timeStamp[10:12]), second=int(timeStamp[12:14])) return date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') @staticmethod def __qualifyTags(tags): """ Creates the qualify string for tags :Parameters: - `tags`: List of document's tags :Return: - Qualify Tags (Str) """ sTags = "" for tag in tags: sTags += tag + '|' return sTags[:-1] @staticmethod def __scatterMatrix(numDocs, freqMtx): print("Scattering Frequency Matrix...") pB = ProgressBar(len(freqMtx), prefix='Progress:') matrix = [] innerMatrix = ['Term'] #Generate Document Columns for docIdx in range(numDocs): innerMatrix.append("D{0:0>4}".format(docIdx)) matrix.append(innerMatrix) #Generate Word Rows and Columns for word in sorted(freqMtx): innerMatrix = [] innerMatrix.append(word) for docIdx in range(numDocs): try: termCount = round(freqMtx[word][str(docIdx)], 3) innerMatrix.append(termCount) except KeyError: innerMatrix.append(0) matrix.append(innerMatrix) pB.updateProgress() return matrix @staticmethod def __saveMatrix(numDocs, freqMtx): pathMatrix = os.path.dirname( os.path.realpath(__file__)) + "/freqMtx.txt" fMatrix = open(pathMatrix, 'w') print("Saving Frequency Matrix File: ", pathMatrix) pB = ProgressBar(len(freqMtx), prefix='Progress:') # File Generation Start print("+========= Frequency Matrix =========+", file=fMatrix) print("%20s" % (' '), end=' ', file=fMatrix) for docIdx in range(numDocs): print("D{0:0>4}".format(docIdx), end=' ', file=fMatrix) print(file=fMatrix) for word in sorted(freqMtx): print("%20s" % (word), end=' ', file=fMatrix) for docIdx in range(numDocs): try: termCount = freqMtx[word][str(docIdx)] print("%02.03f" % (termCount), end=' ', file=fMatrix) except KeyError: print(" 0 ", end=' ', file=fMatrix) print(file=fMatrix) pB.updateProgress() # Close File fMatrix.close() def __stemString(self, stringToStem): stemmedTerms = [] tknStream = self.__analyzer.tokenStream('STEM', stringToStem) stemmed = SnowballFilter(tknStream, "English") stemmed.reset() while stemmed.incrementToken(): stemmedTerms.append( stemmed.getAttribute(CharTermAttribute.class_).toString()) tknStream.close() return stemmedTerms @staticmethod def __normalize(qVector, freqMtx): for term in qVector: for docId in freqMtx: if (term in freqMtx[docId]) and (freqMtx[docId][term] > qVector[term]): qVector[term] = freqMtx[docId][term] @staticmethod def __dotProduct(aVector, bVector): """ Calculate Dot Product :Parameters: - `aVector`: A Vector. (Dict) - `bVector`: B Vector. (Dict) :Returns: - Dot Product. (Int) """ dotProduct = 0 for term in aVector: if term in bVector: product = aVector[term] * bVector[term] dotProduct += product return dotProduct @staticmethod def __magnitude(vector): """ Calculate Dot Product :Parameters: - `vector`: Query Vector. (Dict) :Returns: - Vector Magnitude. (Int) """ # Magnitude of the vector is the square root of the dot product of the vector with itself. vectorMagnitude = Indexer.__dotProduct(vector, vector) vectorMagnitude = math.sqrt(vectorMagnitude) return vectorMagnitude ################################################## #Public Methods ################################################## def IndexDocs(self, documents): """ Index documents under the directory :Parameters: - `documents`: Documents to be indexed (List) """ # Get the Writer Configuration writerConfig = IndexWriterConfig(self.__analyzer) # Get index writer writer = IndexWriter(self.__indexDir, writerConfig) for document in documents: # Create a document that would we added to the index doc = Document() # Add a field to this document doc.add(TextField(Indexer.NAME, document['name'], Field.Store.YES)) doc.add( Field(Indexer.CONTENT, document['content'], self.__contentType)) doc.add( StringField(Indexer.DATE, document['date'], Field.Store.YES)) doc.add(StringField(Indexer.URL, document['url'], Field.Store.YES)) doc.add( TextField(Indexer.TAGS, self.__qualifyTags(document['tags']), Field.Store.YES)) doc.add( LongPoint(Indexer.TIMESTAMP, self.__getTimestamp(document['date']))) # Add or update the document to the index if not self.__boAppend: # New index, so we just add the document (no old document can be there): if self.__verbose: print("Adding " + document['name']) writer.addDocument(doc) else: # Existing index (an old copy of this document may have been indexed) so # we use updateDocument instead to replace the old one matching the exact # path, if present: if self.__verbose: print("Updating " + document['name']) writer.updateDocument(Term(Indexer.NAME, document['name']), doc) # Print index information and close writer print("Indexed %d documents (%d docs in index)" % (len(documents), writer.numDocs())) writer.close() def Search(self, query, field=NAME, maxResult=1000): """ Search for a document into the Lucene's Index :Parameters: - `query`: Request to be made to the Index (Str). - `field`: Field to be consulted by the query (NAME, CONTENT, DATE, URL, TAGS). - `maxResult`: Maximum number of results. """ # Get the Index Directory reader = searcher = IndexSearcher(reader) # Create a query queryParser = QueryParser(field, self.__analyzer).parse(query) # Do a search hits =, maxResult) print("Found %d document(s) that matched query '%s':" % (hits.totalHits, queryParser)) for hit in hits.scoreDocs: doc = searcher.doc(hit.doc) print("Document NÂș: %d - Score: %.5f" % (hit.doc, hit.score)) print("Name: " + doc.get('name')) print("Tags: " + doc.get('tags') + "\n") reader.close() def StemDocument(self, docIdx): """ Return an array of the document's stemmed terms :Parameters: - `docIdx`: Document's index ID (Int). """ reader = doc = reader.document(docIdx).get(Indexer.CONTENT) reader.close() return self.__stemString(doc) def FreqMatrix(self, scattered=False, byTerms=True, saveMtx=False): """ Generates a Frequency Matrix of the current Index :Parameters: - `saveMtx`: Save the Frequency Matrix to a .txt file. (Boolean) """ freqMtx = {} # Terms - DocumentID Matrix reader = numDocs = reader.numDocs() print("Generating Frequency Matrix...") pB = ProgressBar(numDocs - 1, prefix='Progress:') for docIdx in range(numDocs): termItr = self.StemDocument(docIdx) termSize = len(termItr) docStr = '{0}'.format(docIdx) termDict = {} for termText in termItr: if byTerms: # Check if the term exists if termText in freqMtx: # Check if the document exists if docStr in freqMtx[termText]: termCount = int( math.ceil( ((freqMtx[termText][docStr] * termSize) / 100))) freqMtx[termText].update( {docStr: ((termCount + 1) / termSize) * 100}) else: freqMtx[termText].update( {docStr: (1 / termSize) * 100}) else: termIdx = {termText: {docStr: (1 / termSize) * 100}} freqMtx.update(termIdx) else: # Check if the term exists termText = termText.replace('.', '_') if termText in termDict: termCount = int( math.ceil((termDict[termText] * termSize) / 100)) termDict[termText] = ((termCount + 1) / termSize) * 100 else: termIdx = {termText: (1 / termSize) * 100} termDict.update(termIdx) if not byTerms: freqMtx.update({docStr: termDict}) pB.updateProgress() if saveMtx and byTerms: self.__saveMatrix(numDocs, freqMtx) if scattered and byTerms: freqMtx = self.__scatterMatrix(numDocs, freqMtx) # Close IndexReader reader.close() return freqMtx def GetSimilarity(self, query, freqMtx): """ Cosine Similarity """ qVector = {} qList = self.__stemString(query) for stem in qList: qVector.update({stem: 0}) self.__normalize(qVector, freqMtx) qList = [] #Get similarity between query and doc[n] for docIdx, dVector in freqMtx.items(): dP = self.__dotProduct(qVector, dVector) qM = self.__magnitude(qVector) dM = self.__magnitude(dVector) cosSimilarity = dP / (qM * dM) qList.append((docIdx, cosSimilarity)) return sorted(qList, key=lambda similarity: similarity[1], reverse=True) def AnalyzeDocument(self, docIdx): """ Generates a list of (entity, relation, entity) tuples as its output. :Parameters: - `docIdx`: Document's index ID (Int). """ gpeList = {} geolocator = Geocode() reader = doc = reader.document(docIdx) # Load NLTK Data nltkPath = os.path.dirname( os.path.realpath(__file__)) + '/../tools/nltk_data' # Named Entity Recognition content = doc.get(Indexer.CONTENT) sentences = nltk.sent_tokenize(content) #ProgressBar print("Analazing Document {0}".format(docIdx)) pB = ProgressBar(len(sentences), prefix='Progress:') # Loop over each sentence and tokenize it separately for sentence in sentences: ner = nltk.word_tokenize(sentence) ner = nltk.pos_tag(ner) ner = nltk.ne_chunk(ner) # Get all the Geo-Political Entities for subtrees in list( ner.subtrees( filter=lambda subtree: subtree.label() == 'GPE')): entityName = ' '.join([child[0] for child in subtrees]) if entityName not in gpeList: location = geolocator.GetGPE(entityName) if location: gpeList.update(location) pB.updateProgress() gpeList = geolocator.GetFeatureCollection(gpeList) return gpeList def GetDocField(self, docIdx, field=CONTENT): """ Get the document's field :Parameters: - `docIdx`: Document's index ID (Int). - `field`: Field to retrieve (Str). :Returns: - Document's field. (Str) """ reader = doc = reader.document(docIdx) content = doc.get(field) reader.close() return content