def prepare_tabledata(self):
        if self.s == None:
            self.tableData = [['', '', '', '', False]]
            self.tableData = []
            for l in self.s:
                idstr = l[0]
                pvname = l[1]
                # read PV value
                curval = "---"
                restore_flag = l[2]
                    ipv = PVUtil.createPV(pvname, self.widget)
                    curval = PVUtil.getString(ipv)
                    restore_flag = False
                if self.savemode:
                        [pvname, idstr, curval, restore_flag])
                        [pvname, idstr, curval, '---', restore_flag])

        if self.savemode:
            self.colNames = TABLE_HEADER_SAVEMODE
            self.colNames = TABLE_HEADER_LOADMODE

        self.dataModel = MyTableModel(self.tableData,
Example #2
    def run(self):
        simuData = array.array('d', range(65536))
        value = PVUtil.getDouble(pvs[0])
        dataSrc = PVUtil.getString(pvs[1])

        if dataSrc == "Linear Sine Wave":
            for i in range(256):
                for j in range(256):
                    simuData[i * 256 +
                             j] = math.sin(j * 6 * math.pi / 256 +
                                           i * 6 * math.pi / 256 + value)

            for i in range(256):
                for j in range(256):
                    x = j - 128
                    y = i - 128
                    p = math.sqrt(x * x + y * y)
                    simuData[i * 256 + j] = math.sin(p * 2 * math.pi / 256 +

        class UITask(Runnable):
            def run(self):

        UIBundlingThread.getInstance().addRunnable(currentDisplay, UITask())
def main():

    if spectrumPv.isConnected():
        spectrum = PVUtil.getLong(spectrumPv)
        if spectrum is None:
            spectrum = 1
        spectrum = 1

    if periodPv.isConnected():
        period = PVUtil.getLong(periodPv)
        if period is None:
            period = 1
        period = 1

    if modePv.isConnected() and PVUtil.getString(modePv).lower() == "counts":
        mode = "YC"
        axis_title = "Counts"
        mode = "Y"
        axis_title = "Counts/us"
    widget.setPropertyValue("trace_0_x_pv","$(P)DAE:SPEC:" + str(period) + ":" + str(spectrum) + ":X")
    widget.setPropertyValue("trace_0_y_pv","$(P)DAE:SPEC:" + str(period) + ":" + str(spectrum) + ":" + mode)
    widget.setPropertyValue("axis_1_axis_title", axis_title)
def getWidgetPVString(display, widget):
    """Fetch value of a widget's PV
       @param display BOY Display
       @param widget Widget name
       @return Value of that PV as string
    pv = display.getWidget(widget).getPV()
    return str(PVUtil.getString(pv))
Example #5
def getWidgetPVString(display, widget):
    """Fetch value of a widget's PV
       @param display BOY Display
       @param widget Widget name
       @return Value of that PV as string
    pv = display.getWidget(widget).getPV()
    return str(PVUtil.getString(pv))
def get_pv_value(pv, max_wait=1.0):
    Gets the value of a PV as a string. Returns None if no value available
    steps = 100
    for i in range(steps):
            return PVUtil.getString(pv)
    return None
def get_motor_pvs():
    Get the PVs containing the names of the motors associated with the specified soft motors
    motor_pvs = []
    for name in [PVUtil.getString(pv) for pv in pvs[1:]]:  # pvs[0] is for the number of motors
        if is_unexpanded_macro(name) or len(name) == 0:
            # Associate all PVs with the top-level display for ease. Shouldn't be any conflict
            motor_pvs.append(PVUtil.createPV(display.getMacroValue("P") + name + ":MOTOR", display))
    return motor_pvs
Example #8
    def run(self):
        element = PVUtil.getString(pvs[1])
        edge = PVUtil.getString(pvs[2])
        vacuum_press = PVUtil.getString(pvs[3])
        default_press = PVUtil.getString(pvs[4])
        wait_purge = PVUtil.getString(pvs[5])
        wait_vacuum = PVUtil.getString(pvs[6])
        argon_order = int(PVUtil.getDouble(pvs[7]))
        helium_order = int(PVUtil.getDouble(pvs[8]))
        nitrogen_order = int(PVUtil.getDouble(pvs[9]))

        ConsoleUtil.writeInfo("Element: " + str(element))
        ConsoleUtil.writeInfo("Edge: " + str(edge))
        ConsoleUtil.writeInfo("Vacuum_press: " + str(vacuum_press))
        ConsoleUtil.writeInfo("Default_press: " + str(default_press))
        ConsoleUtil.writeInfo("Wait_purge: " + str(wait_purge))
        ConsoleUtil.writeInfo("Wait_vacuum: " + str(wait_vacuum))
        ConsoleUtil.writeInfo("Argon_order: " + str(argon_order))
        ConsoleUtil.writeInfo("Helium_order: " + str(helium_order))
        ConsoleUtil.writeInfo("Nitrogen_order: " + str(nitrogen_order))

        command = [
            str(edge), "--pressureVacuum=" + str(vacuum_press),
            "--pressureWork=" + str(default_press),
            "--extraTimeManifold=" + str(wait_purge),
            "--extraTimeManifoldVacuum=" + str(wait_vacuum),
            "--argonOrder=" + str(argon_order),
            "--heliumOrder=" + str(helium_order),
            "--nitrogenOrder=" + str(nitrogen_order)
        #command = ['python3.4', '/usr/local/bin/gass', '-h']
        #command = ['gass', '-h']

        #command = "gass %s %s" % (str(element), str(edge))

        ConsoleUtil.writeInfo("command: " + str(command))

Example #9
from org.csstudio.opibuilder.scriptUtil import PVUtil, WidgetUtil, ConsoleUtil

hvstr = PVUtil.getString(pvArray[0])
hvinfo = hvstr.split(",")

hv = hvinfo[3]
board = hvinfo[4]
half = hvinfo[5]

chstr = PVUtil.getString(pvArray[1])
chlist = chstr.split(",")
nchan = len(chlist)

ch2 = PVUtil.getString(pvArray[2])

ConsoleUtil.writeInfo("pv0=" + hvstr)
ConsoleUtil.writeInfo("pv1=" + chstr)
ConsoleUtil.writeInfo("pv2=" + ch2)

for n in range(0, nchan):
    ConsoleUtil.writeInfo("Chann" + str(n))
    linkingContainer = WidgetUtil.createWidgetModel(
    linkingContainer.setPropertyValue("opi_file", "chan1.opi")
    linkingContainer.addMacro("ID", chlist[n])
    linkingContainer.setPropertyValue("resize_behaviour", 1)
    linkingContainer.setPropertyValue("border_style", 0)

linkingContainer = WidgetUtil.createWidgetModel(
Example #10
#9 $(P)_YTITLE
#10 local_YTITLE
#11 local TRACETYPE

init = widget.getPropertyValue("border_width")  #misuse this as an init flag

if init == 0:  #if not already initialised
    xmin = PVUtil.getDouble(pvArray[0])  #get all the PVs
    lxmin = PVUtil.getDouble(pvArray[1])
    xmax = PVUtil.getDouble(pvArray[2])
    lxmax = PVUtil.getDouble(pvArray[3])
    nbinsx = PVUtil.getLong(pvArray[4])
    lnbinsx = PVUtil.getLong(pvArray[5])
    nelm = PVUtil.getLong(pvArray[6])
    xt = PVUtil.getStringArray(pvArray[7])
    lxt = PVUtil.getString(pvArray[8])
    yt = PVUtil.getStringArray(pvArray[9])
    lyt = PVUtil.getString(pvArray[10])
    trace = PVUtil.getLong(pvArray[11])

    xt = list(map(int, xt))  #convert the waveforms into strings - ugly!
    xtstr = "".join([chr(c) for c in xt])
    yt = list(map(int, yt))
    ytstr = "".join([chr(c) for c in yt])

    #in all cases we let the local PVs (from MACROS) override those from the ioc,

    #for axes, if XMAX<XMIN it means the variables are not filled - do it anther way.

    if (lxmin < lxmax):  #test macro version first
        xminval = lxmin
Example #11
from org.csstudio.opibuilder.scriptUtil import PVUtil, DataUtil, ConsoleUtil

register_pv = pvArray[0]
display_mode_pv = pvArray[1]
deviation_register_pv = pvArray[2]
numBPM = 160

## Get Orbit Widgets
graph_orbit_x = display.getWidget("Graph Orbit X")
graph_orbit_y = display.getWidget("Graph Orbit Y")

## Update Graphical Data
        if triggerPV == register_pv:
                register = PVUtil.getString(register_pv)
                registers = widget.getWidget("Register Selection").getPropertyValue("items")
                if register == registers[0]:
                        orbit_x_pv = widget.getMacroValue("orbit_x_ioc")
                        orbit_y_pv = widget.getMacroValue("orbit_y_ioc")
                        trigger = 1
                        orbit_x_pv = widget.getMacroValue("orbit_x_graph")
                        orbit_y_pv = widget.getMacroValue("orbit_y_graph")
                        orbit_x = DataUtil.createDoubleArray(numBPM)
                        orbit_y = DataUtil.createDoubleArray(numBPM)
                        if register == registers[1] or register == registers[2]:
                                orbit_filename = register[-1] + ".txt"
                                orbit_pathname = "/home/fac_files/hla/sirius/machine_apps/si_sofb/"
                                orbit_x_data = open(orbit_pathname+"reforbit_x/"+orbit_filename).readlines()
                                orbit_y_data = open(orbit_pathname+"reforbit_y/"+orbit_filename).readlines()
Example #12
#Fill PV Name only once
if widget.getVar("firstTime") == None:
    widget.setVar("firstTime", True)
    i = 0
    for pv in pvs:
        table.setCellText(i, 0, pv.getName())
        if not pv.isConnected():
            table.setCellText(i, 1, "Disconnected")
        i += 1

#find index of the trigger PV
i = 0
while triggerPV != pvs[i]:
    i += 1

table.setCellText(i, 1, PVUtil.getString(triggerPV))
table.setCellText(i, 2, PVUtil.getTimeString(triggerPV))
table.setCellText(i, 3, PVUtil.getStatus(triggerPV))
table.setCellText(i, 4, PVUtil.getSeverityString(triggerPV))

s = PVUtil.getSeverity(triggerPV)

color = ColorFontUtil.WHITE
if s == 0:
    color = ColorFontUtil.GREEN
elif s == 1:
    color = ColorFontUtil.RED
elif s == 2:
    color = ColorFontUtil.YELLOW
elif s == 3:
    color = ColorFontUtil.PINK
Example #13
from org.csstudio.opibuilder.scriptUtil import PVUtil
from org.eclipse.ui import PlatformUI

if PVUtil.getDouble(pvs[0]):
    selection_type = PVUtil.getString(pvs[1])
    #if selection_type in ['ch', 'cv', 'fch', 'fcv', 'qs']: selection_type = "Corrector"
    title = selection_type.upper() + ' Selection'
    window = PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getActiveWorkbenchWindow()
Example #14
# If we should flip
if should_flip != bool(display.getVar("flipped")):
    display.setVar("flipped", should_flip)

# Now iterate through the pvs, stopping when something is blocking the beam
lastx = None
firstpv = True
for pv in pvs:
    # skip the first PV which is 'flipped' (and un-initialised until a flip occurs)
    if firstpv:
        firstpv = False
    # First get the name of the item
    name = PVUtil.getString(pv)
    # Now see if we can get a named widget from this pv value
        w = display.getWidget(name)
    # If we got this far then we have a widget that is blocking the beam
    # so store its x co-ordinate
    if should_flip:
        lastx = w.getPropertyValue("x") + w.getPropertyValue("width")
        lastx = w.getPropertyValue("x")

# Get the right source array of points
if should_flip:
Example #15
from org.csstudio.opibuilder.scriptUtil import PVUtil

op1 = PVUtil.getDouble(pvs[0])
op2 = PVUtil.getDouble(pvs[1])

operator = PVUtil.getString(pvs[2])

resultPV = pvs[3]

if operator == "+":
    resultPV.setValue(op1 + op2)
elif operator == "-":
    resultPV.setValue(op1 - op2)
elif operator == "*":
    resultPV.setValue(op1 * op2)
elif operator == "/":
    resultPV.setValue(op1 / op2)
Example #16
from org.csstudio.opibuilder.scriptUtil import PVUtil, WidgetUtil, ConsoleUtil
ch = int(PVUtil.getDouble(pvArray[0]))

desc = widget.getPropertyValue("tooltip")
currhv = -1
if len(desc) > 2:
    currhv = int(desc[desc.find("HVChan") + 7:])
    ConsoleUtil.writeInfo("Currhv = " + str(currhv))
    if currhv < 0:
        hv = "1"

        hv = PVUtil.getString(pvArray[1])

if (int(hv) != currhv):
    widget.removeAllChildren()  #clean the area first

    linkingContainer = WidgetUtil.createWidgetModel(
    linkingContainer.setPropertyValue("opi_file", "chan8.opi")
    linkingContainer.addMacro("ID", str(ch).zfill(3))
    #linkingContainer.addMacro("ID", ch)
    linkingContainer.addMacro("HV", str(hv.zfill(2)))
    linkingContainer.setPropertyValue("resize_behaviour", 1)
    linkingContainer.setPropertyValue("border_style", 0)

    widget.setPropertyValue("tooltip", "ChanHV " + hv)
#Warning - some danger of infinite recursion here. Careful"

#The $(LCID) macro is used to make local PVs per instance. So several instances could be run from the same CSS
#without interfering.

#For example loc://$(LCID)_NODE pv is like this:         B_SYS_HV_ECAL_SEC1_.....
#split into list with elements                           0 1   2  3    4    5
#eg - with N for the menu N = 3                                   *

nodeLoader.readTree()                            #Read in the node tree

n = int(widget.getMacroValue("N"))               #Get N,B and NODE
node = PVUtil.getString(pvArray[0])

if not node in nodeLoader.NodeIndex:             # check node defined, or force to top node   

nlist=node.split("_")                            #make a list of the parts of node   nlist = (B,SYS,HV,ECAL,SEC1,....)

#widget.setPropertyValue("height",24 )            #and size
#widget.setPropertyValue("visible","false")       #assume invisible until other decision made
widget.setPropertyValue("enabled","false")       #assume invisible until other decision made
widget.setPropertyValue("background_color","OPI_Background")       #assume invisible until other decision made

if n<=len(nlist):                                #if this level is included in the node
        if n>1:
                for e in range(1,n):
        if not pv.isConnected():
            table.setCellText(i / 2, 1, "Disconnected")
        i += 1
    # Based on value of macro SHOW_PLC_IOC, enable visibility of PLCIOCDetailsTable
    if widget.getPropertyValue("name") == 'PLCIOCDetailsTable':
        if display.getMacroValue("SHOW_PLC_IOC") == "true":
            widget.setPropertyValue("visible", "true")
                "visible", "true")

#find index of the trigger PV
i = 0
while triggerPV != pvs[i]:
    i += 1

pvValue = PVUtil.getString(triggerPV).strip()
eugValue = table.getCellText(i, 4)
if eugValue != "":
    pvValue = pvValue + " " + eugValue
table.setCellText(i, 1, pvValue)
table.setCellText(i, 2, PVUtil.getStatus(triggerPV).strip())
table.setCellText(i, 3, PVUtil.getSeverityString(triggerPV).strip())

s = PVUtil.getSeverity(triggerPV)

color = ColorFontUtil.WHITE
if s == 0:
    color = ColorFontUtil.GREEN
elif s == 1:
    color = ColorFontUtil.RED
elif s == 2:
from org.csstudio.opibuilder.scriptUtil import PVUtil
from org.csstudio.opibuilder.scriptUtil import ConsoleUtil

value = PVUtil.getString(pvs[0])
units = PVUtil.getString(pvs[1])
widget.setValue(value + " " + units)
from org.csstudio.opibuilder.scriptUtil import PVUtil, WidgetUtil, ConsoleUtil
#select next or previous sibling in nodelist

combo = display.getWidget("Node_Selector_Combo")
nodelist = combo.getPropertyValue("items")

listlen = len(nodelist)
nodefull = PVUtil.getString(pvArray[1])
inc = int(PVUtil.getLong(pvArray[0]))
index = nodelist.index(nodefull)
nodelen = len(nodefull.split("_"))

#ConsoleUtil.writeInfo(nodefull + " inc " + str(inc)+ "  index " + str(index) + " len " + str(listlen))

if not inc == 0:
    index += inc
    if (index >= 0) and (index < listlen):
        node = nodelist[index]
        if len(node.split("_")) == nodelen:
            combo.setPropertyValue("pv_value", node)
from org.csstudio.opibuilder.scriptUtil import PVUtil
from org.csstudio.opibuilder.scriptUtil import DataUtil

macroInput = DataUtil.createMacrosInput(True)

pvname = widget.getPVByName("loc://SetEemem")
pvvalue = PVUtil.getString(pvname)

if pvvalue == "IP":
    pvvalue = "Ip"
elif pvvalue == "MAC":
    pvvalue = "Mac"    

macroInput.put("EEMEM_VALUE", "%s" % pvvalue)

widgetController.setPropertyValue("macros", macroInput)

    widgetController.getPropertyValue("opi_file"), True)
Example #22
    button.setPropertyValue("pv_name", power_supply)
    #button.setPropertyValue("text", power_supply)
    #spinner.setPropertyValue("pv_name", setpoint)
    #text_update.setPropertyValue("pv_name", readback)
    #led.setPropertyValue("pv_name", '$(power_supply_status)')
    macro_inputs = DataUtil.createMacrosInput(True)
    macro_inputs.put("power_supply", power_supply)
    macro_inputs.put("power_supply_sp", setpoint)
    macro_inputs.put("power_supply_rb", readback)
    macro_inputs.put("power_supply_start", 'sim://const("quadrupole")')
    linkingContainer.setPropertyValue("macros", macro_inputs)

subsystem      = "SIPS-"
family         = PVUtil.getString(pvs[0]).upper()
power_supplies = get_power_supply_list(family)
header_opi     = "table/selection_table_low_header.opi"
line_opi       = "table/selection_table_line.opi"

table_container  = display.getWidget("table_container")
#fam_table   = display.getWidget("fam_table")
#shunt_table_1 = display.getWidget("shunt_table_1")
#shunt_table_2 = display.getWidget("shunt_table_2")

if power_supplies is None:
    table_container.setPropertyValue("visible", False)
Example #23
from org.csstudio.opibuilder.scriptUtil import PVUtil
import os, time

numberofboxes = 19
check_eemem_boxarray = []
eemem_message = display.getWidget("eemem_message")
set_eemem = display.getWidget("eemem_choice").getPV()
set_eemem_choice = PVUtil.getString(set_eemem)

def is_number(s):
        return True
    except ValueError:
        return False

if set_eemem_choice == "":

        "Please select which values to change and alter at least one of them.")

####################### SetEemem => Cards ###############################

elif set_eemem_choice == "Cards":

    cardscount = 0
    empty_cards = 0
    cards_message = ""
from org.csstudio.opibuilder.scriptUtil import ConsoleUtil
from org.csstudio.opibuilder.scriptUtil import PVUtil
from org.csstudio.opibuilder.scriptUtil import ColorFontUtil
import WidgetUtil

lvl2 = PVUtil.getString(pvs[0])
lvl3 = PVUtil.getString(pvs[1])

label_name = "Combo_2"

ATT_array = ["VM1", "VM2", "VM3", "VM4", "VM5", "VM6", "VM7", "ADC"]
GATE_array = ["VM1", "VM2", "VM3", "VM4", "VM5", "VM6", "VM7"]
CONST_array = ["VM1", "VM2", "VM3", "VM4", "VM5", "VM6", "VM7"]
MUX_array = ["VM1", "VM2", "VM3", "VM4", "VM5", "VM6", "VM7"]
SYNC_array = ["MODE", "DELAY", "ON", "OFF"]
AWG_array = [
    "SIN", "TRAF", "TRAR", "TRAC", "FALL", "RIS", "SQON", "SQOFF", "TRIG",
AMP_array = ["MODE", "Q", "GAIN"]
MODEX_array = ["Q", "GAIN", "DETU"]
PIEZO_array = ["GAIN"]

temp = lvl2
if temp == "ATT":
    WidgetUtil.setItems(display, label_name, ATT_array)
elif temp == "GATE":
    WidgetUtil.setItems(display, label_name, GATE_array)
elif temp == "CONSTI" or temp == "CONSTQ":
    WidgetUtil.setItems(display, label_name, CONST_array)
elif temp == "MUX":
col = 3
#ConsoleUtil.writeInfo("Trigger PV : " + triggerPV.getName());
while triggerPV != pvs[i]:
    if col == 5:
        if pvs[i+1].getName() == "epics://" + func + ":" + table.getCellText(row, 0) + "PLC-IOCHLTS":
            col = col+1
            col = 3
            row = row+1
        col += 1
        if col > 6:
           row += 1
           col = 3
    i += 1

table.setCellText(row, col, PVUtil.getString(triggerPV))
s = PVUtil.getSeverity(triggerPV)
color = ColorFontUtil.WHITE
if s == 0:
    color = ColorFontUtil.GREEN
elif s == 1:
    color = ColorFontUtil.RED
elif s == 2:
    color = ColorFontUtil.YELLOW
elif s == 3:
    color = ColorFontUtil.PINK
table.setCellBackground(row, col, color)
Example #26
from org.csstudio.opibuilder.scriptUtil import PVUtil, WidgetUtil, DataUtil

def add_header(table, header_opi):
    linkingContainer = WidgetUtil.createWidgetModel("org.csstudio.opibuilder.widgets.linkingContainer")
    linkingContainer.setPropertyValue("opi_file", header_opi)
    linkingContainer.setPropertyValue("resize_behaviour", 1)
    linkingContainer.setPropertyValue("border_style", 0)

device_type = PVUtil.getString(pvs[0]).lower()
if device_type == 'bpm':
    left_header_opi = "table/selection_table_bpm.opi"
elif device_type == 'ch':
    left_header_opi = "table/selection_table_ch.opi"
elif device_type == 'cv':
    left_header_opi = "table/selection_table_cv.opi"
up_header_opi = "table/selection_table_up_header.opi"
low_header_opi = "table/selection_table_low_header.opi"

table_container = display.getWidget("table_container")

if device_type is None:
    table_container.setPropertyValue("visible", False)

    add_header(table_container, up_header_opi)
    add_header(table_container, left_header_opi)
    add_header(table_container, low_header_opi)
Example #27
Initialize Table widget with last scan
@author: Kay Kasemir
from errors import showException

    from org.csstudio.opibuilder.scriptUtil import PVUtil
    from scan.table.table_scan import TableScan
    from tablescan_ui import getTableFromPath, displayTableInWidget

    # Try to load table from file
    path = PVUtil.getString(pvs[1])
    table_scan = None
        table_scan = getTableFromPath(path)
        table_scan = None
    # Create default table if nothing loaded
    if not table_scan:
        table_scan = TableScan(
        [ "motor_x", TableScan.WAITFOR, TableScan.VALUE, TableScan.OR_TIME ],
          [ "1",            TableScan.SECONDS, "00:05:00",      "" ],
    displayTableInWidget(display, table_scan)
Example #28
from org.csstudio.opibuilder.scriptUtil import PVUtil
import os, time

numberofboxes = 19
check_eemem_boxarray =[]
eemem_message = display.getWidget("eemem_message")
set_eemem = display.getWidget("eemem_choice").getPV()
set_eemem_choice = PVUtil.getString(set_eemem)

def is_number(s):
        return True
    except ValueError:
        return False

if set_eemem_choice == "":
    eemem_message.setPropertyValue("text","Please select which values to change and alter at least one of them.")
####################### SetEemem => Cards ###############################

elif set_eemem_choice == "Cards":
    cardscount = 0
    empty_cards = 0
    cards_message =""
    ################ check if calibration file exists #################
    filepath = display.getWidget("eemem_cards_cal_file").getValue()
#loc://$(LCID)_MOUT  (pv[1]) is changed, tiggering for ChoiceButton_N, which makes
#loc://$(LCID)_NODE  (pv[0]) change, triggering for all buttons.
#Warning - some danger of infinite recursion here. Careful"

#The $(LCID) macro is used to make local PVs per instance. So several instances could be run from the same CSS
#without interfering.

#For example loc://$(LCID)_NODE pv is like this:         B_SYS_HV_ECAL_SEC1_.....
#split into list with elements                           0 1   2  3    4    5
#eg - with N for the menu N = 3                                   *
# 3 clicked to set DC changes loc://$(LCID)_NODE pv to   B_SYS_HV_DC

n = int(widget.getMacroValue("N"))  #Get N,TOP and NODE and MOUT_$(N)
topnode = widget.getMacroValue("TOP")
node = PVUtil.getString(pvArray[0])
sel = PVUtil.getString(pvArray[1])

nlist = node.split(
    "_")  #make a list of the parts of node   nlist = (B,SYS,HV,ECAL,SEC1,....)

#ConsoleUtil.writeInfo("Action:"+str(n)+",  mode= "+node+",  sel= "+sel)
if not sel == 'select..':
    if n >= len(nlist) or ((n < len(nlist)) and (not sel == nlist[n])):

        newnode = topnode
        if n >= 1:
            for e in range(1, n):
                newnode += "_" + nlist[e]
        newnode += "_" + sel
pvs[0-19] = CHNL:XXX:READ
pvs[20-39] = CHNL:XXX:DRIFT
pvs[40-59] = CHNL:XXX:TEMP

table = widget.getTable()
color = ColorFontUtil.getColorFromRGB(240, 245, 245)
number_of_channels = 20
temp_pv_index_offset = number_of_channels
drift_pv_index_offset = number_of_channels*2
temp_value_column = 1
drift_value_column = 2
reading_value_column = 3

for i in range(number_of_channels):
    reading = PVUtil.getString(pvs[i])
    temperature = PVUtil.getString(pvs[i + temp_pv_index_offset])
    drift = PVUtil.getString(pvs[i + drift_pv_index_offset])
    row = i+1
    table.setCellText(row, temp_value_column, temperature)
    table.setCellText(row, drift_value_column, drift)
    table.setCellText(row, reading_value_column, reading)

    # Create colour scheme for table
    if row % 2 != 0:
        for col in range(0, 4):
            table.setCellBackground(row, col, color)

    if not pvs[i].isConnected():
        table.setCellText(row, 1, "Disconnected")
Example #31
from org.csstudio.opibuilder.scriptUtil import PVUtil
from org.csstudio.swt.widgets.figures.IntensityGraphFigure import IROIListener, IROIInfoProvider
from org.csstudio.utility.pv import PVListener
from java.lang import Thread, Runnable
from org.eclipse.swt.widgets import Display

roiXPV = pvs[1]
roiYPV = pvs[2]
roiWPV = pvs[3]
roiHPV = pvs[4]

intensityGraph = widget.getFigure()
name = PVUtil.getString(pvs[0])

class MyROIInfoProvider(IROIInfoProvider):
    '''Provide custom information for ROI.
    def getROIInfo(self, xIndex, yIndex, width, height):
        return name + "(" + str(xIndex) + ", " + str(yIndex) + " )"

class MyROIListener(IROIListener):
    '''Listener on ROI updates.
    def roiUpdated(self, xIndex, yIndex, width, height):
Example #32
from org.csstudio.opibuilder.scriptUtil import PVUtil
from org.eclipse.ui import PlatformUI

selection_type = PVUtil.getString(pvs[0]).upper()
title = selection_type + ' Selection'
window = PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getActiveWorkbenchWindow()

Example #33
from org.csstudio.opibuilder.scriptUtil import PVUtil
from org.eclipse.ui import PlatformUI

magnet_type = PVUtil.getString(pvs[0]).capitalize()
title = magnet_type + ' Power Supply'
window = PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getActiveWorkbenchWindow()

Example #34
from org.csstudio.opibuilder.scriptUtil import PVUtil,WidgetUtil,ConsoleUtil

nodefull = PVUtil.getString(pvArray[0])      #Full name of the node Eg. B_SYS_HV_ECAL_SEC1
bgcol    = widget.getMacroValue("BGCOL")     #BG color for button

#Write this command as the tooltip, to make it available as a macro for the action (a fudge suggested in the CSS/Boy forum)
Example #35
#Warning - some danger of infinite recursion here. Careful"

#The $(LCID) macro is used to make local PVs per instance. So several instances could be run from the same CSS
#without interfering.

#For example loc://$(LCID)_NODE pv is like this:         B_SYS_HV_ECAL_SEC1_.....
#split into list with elements                           0 1   2  3    4    5
#eg - with N for the menu N = 3                                   *
# 3 clicked to set DC changes loc://$(LCID)_NODE pv to   B_SYS_HV_DC

n = int(widget.getMacroValue("N"))               #Get N,TOP and NODE and MOUT_$(N)
node = PVUtil.getString(pvArray[0])
sel = PVUtil.getString(pvArray[1])

nlist=node.split("_")                           #make a list of the parts of node   nlist = (B,SYS,HV,ECAL,SEC1,....)

#ConsoleUtil.writeInfo("Action:"+str(n)+",  mode= "+node+",  sel= "+sel)
if not sel == 'select..':
        if n>=len(nlist) or ((n<len(nlist)) and (not sel==nlist[n])):
                if n>=1:
                        for e in range(1,n):
Example #36
from org.csstudio.opibuilder.scriptUtil import PVUtil
from org.csstudio.swt.widgets.figures.IntensityGraphFigure import IROIListener, IROIInfoProvider
from org.csstudio.utility.pv import PVListener
from java.lang import Thread, Runnable
from org.eclipse.swt.widgets import Display

roiXPV = pvs[1]
roiYPV = pvs[2]
roiWPV = pvs[3]
roiHPV = pvs[4]

intensityGraph = widget.getFigure()
name = PVUtil.getString(pvs[0])

class MyROIInfoProvider(IROIInfoProvider):
    '''Provide custom information for ROI.
    def getROIInfo(self, xIndex, yIndex, width, height):
        return name + "(" + str(xIndex) + ", " + str(yIndex) + " )"
class MyROIListener(IROIListener):
    '''Listener on ROI updates.
    def roiUpdated(self, xIndex, yIndex, width, height):

currentDisplay = Display.getCurrent()
Example #37
from org.csstudio.opibuilder.scriptUtil import PVUtil, WidgetUtil, ConsoleUtil

nodefull = PVUtil.getString(
    pvArray[0])  #Full name of the node Eg. B_SYS_HV_ECAL_SEC1
bgcol = widget.getMacroValue("BGCOL")  #BG color for button

#Write this command as the tooltip, to make it available as a macro for the action (a fudge suggested in the CSS/Boy forum)
widget.setPropertyValue("tooltip", nodefull)
widget.setPropertyValue("background_color", bgcol)
from org.csstudio.opibuilder.scriptUtil import PVUtil,WidgetUtil,ConsoleUtil
import fnmatch
import nodeLoader
import array
import math

nodeLoader.readTree()                              #Read in the node tree
views=["B_SYS_HV","B_HW_HV"]                       #list of possible views

topnode    = str(widget.getMacroValue("TOP"))      #Get the top node
rangemode  = str(widget.getMacroValue("SCALE"))    #Get the scale for the (= Whole or Part)
title      = str(widget.getMacroValue("TITLE"))    #Get the title
node       = PVUtil.getString(pvArray[0])          #Get the current node from local pv
rangepv    = PVUtil.getDoubleArray(pvArray[1])

if node.find(topnode) <0:                    #if the node doesn't contain topnode
	node = topnode                             #force to top
#ConsoleUtil.writeInfo("Node = "+node+"  Top = "+topnode)
view=-1                                            #init index of view
for n in range(len(views)):                        #find the vew for this node
        if node.find(views[n]) > -1:
if view > -1:                                      #if it's a valid view 

        if node in nodeLoader.NodeIndex:           #check for node and get index
                #ConsoleUtil.writeInfo("Node = "+node+"  Top = "+topnode)
                index  =  int(nodeLoader.NodeIndex[node])
                erange = nodeLoader.ElementRange[index].strip("'")
Example #39
from org.csstudio.opibuilder.scriptUtil import ConsoleUtil
from org.csstudio.opibuilder.scriptUtil import PVUtil
import WidgetUtil
from org.eclipse.jface.dialogs import MessageDialog

meas = PVUtil.getString(pvs[0])
temp = PVUtil.getString(pvs[1])
value = PVUtil.getString(pvs[2])

if meas=="" or temp =="" or value == "":
	MessageDialog.openWarning(None, "Warning", "At least one field is empty!")    
	flag = 0
	flag = 1
if flag ==1:
	StringToSend = meas+":"+temp+":"+value
	PVUtil.writePV("LLRF_USER:CavitySimulator:StringToSendTemp", StringToSend)
            color = ColorFontUtil.WHITE
            if s == 0:
                color = ColorFontUtil.GREEN
            elif s == 1:
                color = ColorFontUtil.RED
            elif s == 2:
                color = ColorFontUtil.YELLOW
            elif s == 3:
                color = ColorFontUtil.PINK
            elif s == 4:
                color = ColorFontUtil.GREEN   
            if "ellipse" == widgetType:
                widget.setPropertyValue("foreground_color", color)
            tooltip = PVUtil.getString(triggerPV)
            widget.setPropertyValue("tooltip", tooltip)

if "IOM" in type:
    if ".SIMM" not in triggerPV.getName():
        s = PVUtil.getSeverity(triggerPV)
        color = ColorFontUtil.WHITE
        if s == 0:
            color = ColorFontUtil.GREEN
        elif s == 1:
            color = ColorFontUtil.RED
        elif s == 2:
            color = ColorFontUtil.YELLOW
        elif s == 3:
            color = ColorFontUtil.PINK
Example #41
"""from org.csstudio.opibuilder.scriptUtil import PVUtil
from org.eclipse.ui import PlatformUI

## Define Window Title
title = PVUtil.getString(pvArray[1])

## Set Window Title
window = PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getActiveWorkbenchWindow()
from org.csstudio.opibuilder.scriptUtil import PVUtil
from org.eclipse.ui import PlatformUI
selection_type = PVUtil.getString(pvs[0]).upper()
title = selection_type + ' Selection'
## Define Window Title
title = PVUtil.getString(pvArray[1])

## Set Window Title
window = PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getActiveWorkbenchWindow()

Example #42
#Fill PV Name only once
if widget.getVar("firstTime") == None:
    widget.setVar("firstTime", True)
    for pv in pvs:
        table.setCellText(i, 0, pv.getName())
        if not pv.isConnected():
            table.setCellText(i, 1, "Disconnected")

#find index of the trigger PV
while triggerPV != pvs[i]:

table.setCellText(i, 1, PVUtil.getString(triggerPV))
table.setCellText(i, 2, PVUtil.getTimeString(triggerPV))
table.setCellText(i, 3, PVUtil.getStatus(triggerPV))
table.setCellText(i, 4, PVUtil.getSeverityString(triggerPV))

s = PVUtil.getSeverity(triggerPV)

color = ColorFontUtil.WHITE
if s == 0:
    color = ColorFontUtil.GREEN
elif s == 1:
    color = ColorFontUtil.RED
elif s == 2:
    color = ColorFontUtil.YELLOW
elif s == 3:
    color = ColorFontUtil.PINK
from org.csstudio.opibuilder.scriptUtil import PVUtil
from org.csstudio.opibuilder.scriptUtil import ColorFontUtil

table = widget.getTable()
#find index of the trigger PV
while triggerPV != pvs[i]:

table.setCellText(i/nbColPVs, i%nbColPVs +3, PVUtil.getString(triggerPV))

s = PVUtil.getSeverity(triggerPV)

color = ColorFontUtil.WHITE
if s == 0:
    color = ColorFontUtil.GREEN
elif s == 1:
    color = ColorFontUtil.RED
elif s == 2:
    color = ColorFontUtil.YELLOW
elif s == 3:
    color = ColorFontUtil.PINK
table.setCellBackground(i/nbColPVs, i%nbColPVs + 3, color)
Example #44
from org.csstudio.opibuilder.scriptUtil import PVUtil


operator = PVUtil.getString(pvs[2])


if operator=="+":
    resultPV.setValue(op1 + op2)
elif operator=="-":
    resultPV.setValue(op1 - op2)    
elif operator=="*":
    resultPV.setValue(op1 * op2)
elif operator=="/":
    resultPV.setValue(op1 / op2)
from org.csstudio.opibuilder.scriptUtil import PVUtil,WidgetUtil,ConsoleUtil
import fnmatch
import nodeLoader
import array
import math

nodeLoader.readTree()                              #Read in the node tree
views=["B_SYS_HV"]                                 #list of possible views

topnode    = str(widget.getMacroValue("TOP"))      #Get the top node
rangemode  = str(widget.getMacroValue("SCALE"))    #Get the scale for the (= Whole or Part)
title      = str(widget.getMacroValue("TITLE"))    #Get the title
node       = PVUtil.getString(pvArray[0])          #Get the current node from local pv
rangepv    = PVUtil.getDoubleArray(pvArray[1])

if node.find(topnode) <0:                    #if the node doesn't contain topnode
	node = topnode                             #force to top
#ConsoleUtil.writeInfo("Node = "+node+"  Top = "+topnode)
view=-1                                            #init index of view
for n in range(len(views)):                        #find the vew for this node
        if node.find(views[n]) > -1:
if view > -1:                                      #if it's a valid view 

        if node in nodeLoader.NodeIndex:           #check for node and get index
                #ConsoleUtil.writeInfo("Node = "+node+"  Top = "+topnode)
                index  =  int(nodeLoader.NodeIndex[node])
                erange = nodeLoader.ElementRange[index].strip("'")
from org.csstudio.opibuilder.scriptUtil import PVUtil, WidgetUtil, ConsoleUtil
import fnmatch
import nodeLoader
from java.util import Arrays

nodeLoader.readTree()  #Read in the node tree

topnode = widget.getMacroValue("TOP")  #Get the top node
nodesearch = PVUtil.getString(pvArray[0])  #Get the search string

if nodesearch.find(topnode) < 0:  #if the search doesn't contain topnode
    nodesearch = topnode + "*"  #force to top + wildcard

if nodesearch in nodeLoader.NodeIndex:  #if it's a node, tag a wildcard on the end
    nodesearch = nodesearch + "*"

nlist = fnmatch.filter(nodeLoader.NodeNames,
                       nodesearch)  #filter on the node search
if (len(nlist) >= 1):
    nlist.sort()  #make a sorted list of them
    nlist = ["None"]
widget.setPropertyValue("items", Arrays.asList(nlist))  #set the choice list
                        nlist[0])  #set selected as first in the list
Example #47
from org.csstudio.opibuilder.scriptUtil import PVUtil

text = PVUtil.getString(pvs[0])

logText = widget.getPropertyValue("text")

if text == 'StandBy...':
	logText = text
	logText = logText + '\n' + text

widget.setPropertyValue("text", logText)
Example #48
from org.csstudio.opibuilder.scriptUtil import PVUtil, WidgetUtil, ConsoleUtil
slotlist = PVUtil.getString(pvArray[0])
#P should be the Crate. eg B_DET_MM_FEU_Cr1
P = widget.getMacroValue("P")
C = widget.getMacroValue("CRATE")

slots = slotlist.split()
for n in range(0, len(slots)):
    linkingContainer = WidgetUtil.createWidgetModel(
    linkingContainer.setPropertyValue("opi_file", "slot_full.opi")
    newP = P + "_Cr" + C + "_Sl" + slots[n]
    linkingContainer.addMacro("P", newP)
    linkingContainer.setPropertyValue("width", 862)
    linkingContainer.setPropertyValue("height", 20)
    linkingContainer.setPropertyValue("resize_behaviour", 2)
    #linkingContainer.setPropertyValue("border_style", 2)
Example #49
from org.csstudio.opibuilder.scriptUtil import PVUtil
import os

save_load_configs_pv = widget.getPVByName("loc://save_load_configs")

save_load_option = PVUtil.getString(save_load_configs_pv)

message = ""

print save_load_option

if save_load_option == "Save voltage configuration":
    filepath_pv = display.getWidget("save_load_configs_filepath").getPV()
    filepath = PVUtil.getString(filepath_pv)
    filename_pv = display.getWidget("save_load_configs_filename").getPV()
    filename = PVUtil.getString(filename_pv)
    if filename=="" or filepath == "":
        message = 'Please choose directory and/ or filename first.'
        message = ""
        file = filepath + "/" + filename
        f= open(file, "w")        
#loc://$(LCID)_NODE  (pv[0]) change, triggering for all buttons.
#Warning - some danger of infinite recursion here. Careful"

#The $(LCID) macro is used to make local PVs per instance. So several instances could be run from the same CSS
#without interfering.

#For example loc://$(LCID)_NODE pv is like this:         B_SYS_HV_ECAL_SEC1_.....
#split into list with elements                           0 1   2  3    4    5
#eg - with N for the menu N = 3                                   *

nodeLoader.readTree()  #Read in the node tree

n = int(widget.getMacroValue("N"))  #Get N,B and NODE
topnode = widget.getMacroValue("TOP")
node = PVUtil.getString(pvArray[0])

if not node in nodeLoader.NodeIndex:  # check node defined, or force to top node
    node = topnode

nlist = node.split(
    "_")  #make a list of the parts of node   nlist = (B,SYS,HV,ECAL,SEC1,....)

#widget.setPropertyValue("height",24 )            #and size
#widget.setPropertyValue("visible","false")       #assume invisible until other decision made
                        "false")  #assume invisible until other decision made
    "OPI_Background")  #assume invisible until other decision made
Example #51
from org.csstudio.opibuilder.scriptUtil import PVUtil, WidgetUtil, DataUtil

def add_header(table, header_opi):
    linkingContainer = WidgetUtil.createWidgetModel("org.csstudio.opibuilder.widgets.linkingContainer")
    linkingContainer.setPropertyValue("opi_file", header_opi)
    linkingContainer.setPropertyValue("resize_behaviour", 1)
    linkingContainer.setPropertyValue("border_style", 0)

feature_type = PVUtil.getString(pvs[0]).lower()
if feature_type == 'bpm_selection':
    left_header_opi = "table/selection_table_bpm.opi"
elif feature_type == 'ch_selection':
    left_header_opi = "table/selection_table_ch.opi"
elif feature_type == 'cv_selection':
    left_header_opi = "table/selection_table_cv.opi"
up_header_opi = "table/selection_table_up_header.opi"
low_header_opi = "table/selection_table_low_header.opi"

table_container = display.getWidget("table_container")

if feature_type is None:
    table_container.setPropertyValue("visible", False)

    add_header(table_container, up_header_opi)
    add_header(table_container, left_header_opi)
    add_header(table_container, low_header_opi)
from org.csstudio.opibuilder.scriptUtil import PVUtil
from org.csstudio.opibuilder.scriptUtil import ColorFontUtil

table = widget.getTable()
nbColPVs = 2
#find index of the trigger PV
i = 0
while triggerPV != pvs[i]:
    i += 1

s = PVUtil.getSeverity(triggerPV)

color = ColorFontUtil.WHITE
if s == 0:
    color = ColorFontUtil.GREEN
elif s == 1:
    color = ColorFontUtil.RED
elif s == 2:
    color = ColorFontUtil.YELLOW
elif s == 3:
    color = ColorFontUtil.PINK
elif s == 4:
    color = ColorFontUtil.GREEN
# table.setCellBackground(i/nbColPVs, i%nbColPVs + 3, color)
if "-CUBHLTS" in triggerPV.getName():
    table.setCellText(i / nbColPVs, 3, PVUtil.getString(triggerPV))
    table.setCellBackground(i / nbColPVs, 3, color)
if "-PLCHLTS" in triggerPV.getName():
    table.setCellText(i / nbColPVs, 4, PVUtil.getString(triggerPV))
    table.setCellBackground(i / nbColPVs, 4, color)
from org.csstudio.opibuilder.scriptUtil import PVUtil
from org.csstudio.opibuilder.scriptUtil import ConsoleUtil

pv0 = PVUtil.getString(pvs[0]);
widget.setPropertyValue("tooltip", pv0);
Example #54
from org.csstudio.opibuilder.scriptUtil import PVUtil
from org.csstudio.opibuilder.scriptUtil import DataUtil

macroInput = DataUtil.createMacrosInput(True)

boxpv = display.getWidget("monitor_box_container").getPVByName(
channelpv = widget.getPVByName("loc://monitor_channel(\"\")")

boxnumber = PVUtil.getLong(boxpv)
channel = PVUtil.getString(channelpv)

#macroInput.put("BOXNO", "%s" % boxnumber)
macroInput.put("BOX", "BOX:%s" % boxnumber)
macroInput.put("CHANNEL", "%s" % channel)
#macroInput.put("P", "CB:CB:HV")

widgetController.setPropertyValue("macros", macroInput)

    "opi_file", widgetController.getPropertyValue("opi_file"), True)
Example #55
from org.csstudio.opibuilder.scriptUtil import PVUtil,WidgetUtil,ConsoleUtil

hvstr  =  PVUtil.getString(pvArray[0])
hvinfo = hvstr.split(",")

hv = hvinfo[3]
board =  hvinfo[4]
half =  hvinfo[5]

chstr  = PVUtil.getString(pvArray[1])
chlist = chstr.split(",")
nchan = len(chlist)

ch2 = PVUtil.getString(pvArray[2])

ConsoleUtil.writeInfo("pv0=" + hvstr)
ConsoleUtil.writeInfo("pv1=" + chstr)
ConsoleUtil.writeInfo("pv2=" + ch2)

for n in range(0,nchan):
        ConsoleUtil.writeInfo("Chann" + str(n));
        linkingContainer = WidgetUtil.createWidgetModel("org.csstudio.opibuilder.widgets.linkingContainer") 
        linkingContainer.setPropertyValue("opi_file", "chan1.opi")
        linkingContainer.addMacro("ID", chlist[n])
        linkingContainer.setPropertyValue("resize_behaviour", 1)
        linkingContainer.setPropertyValue("border_style", 0)

linkingContainer = WidgetUtil.createWidgetModel("org.csstudio.opibuilder.widgets.linkingContainer") 
Example #56
from org.csstudio.opibuilder.scriptUtil import PVUtil
from org.csstudio.opibuilder.scriptUtil import ColorFontUtil

table = widget.getTable()
nbColPVs = 2
#find index of the trigger PV
i = 0
while triggerPV != pvs[i]:
    i += 1

table.setCellText(i / nbColPVs, i % nbColPVs + 3, PVUtil.getString(triggerPV))

s = PVUtil.getSeverity(triggerPV)

color = ColorFontUtil.WHITE
if s == 0:
    color = ColorFontUtil.GREEN
elif s == 1:
    color = ColorFontUtil.RED
elif s == 2:
    color = ColorFontUtil.YELLOW
elif s == 3:
    color = ColorFontUtil.PINK

table.setCellBackground(i / nbColPVs, i % nbColPVs + 3, color)
Example #57
from org.csstudio.opibuilder.scriptUtil import PVUtil,WidgetUtil,ConsoleUtil
#select next or previous sibling in nodelist

combo    = display.getWidget("Node_Selector_Combo")
nodelist = combo.getPropertyValue("items")

listlen  = len(nodelist)
nodefull = PVUtil.getString(pvArray[1])
inc      = int(PVUtil.getLong(pvArray[0]))
index    = nodelist.index(nodefull)
nodelen  = len(nodefull.split("_"))

#ConsoleUtil.writeInfo(nodefull + " inc " + str(inc)+ "  index " + str(index) + " len " + str(listlen))

if not inc == 0:
    index   += inc
    if (index >=0) and (index < listlen):
        node = nodelist[index]
        if len(node.split("_")) == nodelen:
               combo.setPropertyValue("pv_value",node )   