def renameFromTags(self): """rename the tracks according to the tags""" newPathToTracks = [] for pathToTrack in self.pathToTracks: track = Track(pathToTrack) track.renameFromTags("%tracknumber%. %artist% - %title%") newPathToTracks.append(track.getPath()) self.pathToTracks = newPathToTracks
def onReleaseBrowse(self, event): dirDialog = MultiDirDialog(self, message="Choose Release Folder(s)", defaultPath=os.path.join('X:/', 'Usenet', 'Music')) dirDialog.SetSize(wx.Size(1000, 750)) if dirDialog.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: self.getLogWindow().clear() jobCount = len(dirDialog.GetPaths()) job = 0 for path in dirDialog.GetPaths(): job += 1 timeStart = time.clock() self.getLogWindow().addParent("{0} of {1}: \t\t{2}\n".format(job, jobCount, path)) albumArtist = None album = None genre = None label = None catalogNumber = None releaseDate = None albumArtUrl = None albumArtSource = None pathToAlbumArt = None # check if nfo in this folder globNfo = glob.glob(os.path.join(path, '*.nfo')) if len(globNfo) > 0: pathToNfo = globNfo[0] else: pathToNfo = None self.getLogWindow().addChild("FATAL: Could not find nfo!\n") continue # skip # parse the nfo and obtain useful info if pathToNfo: nfo = Nfo(pathToNfo) (albumArtist, album, genre, label, catalogNumber, releaseDate) = nfo.parse() # sanitize album, make sure it doesn't contain any (Incl bullshit) inclAlbumMatch ='\s\(Incl.? [^)]+\)', album) if inclAlbumMatch: album = album.replace(, "") # crawl websites and use apis and verify information and obtain album art # first crawl beatport for info mainly beatportCrawler = BeatportCrawler() results = beatportCrawler.crawl(albumArtist, album, releaseDate) beatportAlbumArtUrl = None self.getLogWindow().addChild("BEATPORT CRAWL: ") if results: (beatportAlbum, beatportLabel, beatportCatalogNumber, beatportReleaseDate, beatportAlbumArtUrl) = results # use beatport's info instead if beatportAlbum: album = beatportAlbum if beatportLabel: label = beatportLabel if beatportCatalogNumber: catalogNumber = beatportCatalogNumber if beatportReleaseDate: releaseDate = beatportReleaseDate self.getLogWindow().add("Success!\n") self.getLogWindow().addChild("ALBUM: " + beatportAlbum + "\n", 2) self.getLogWindow().addChild("LABEL: " + beatportAlbum + "\n", 2) self.getLogWindow().addChild("CATALOG NUMBER: " + beatportCatalogNumber + "\n", 2) self.getLogWindow().addChild("RELEASE DATE: " + beatportReleaseDate + "\n", 2) self.getLogWindow().addChild("ALBUM ART: " + beatportAlbumArtUrl + "\n", 2) else: self.getLogWindow().add("Failed!\n") self.getLogWindow().addChild("DISCOGS SEARCH: ") # crawl discogs because we want their album artist and their album art is preferred, but they don't always have try: discogsSearch = discogs.Search("{0} {1}".format(albumArtist, album)) discogsRelease = discogsSearch.results()[0] if discogsRelease.title == album: self.getLogWindow().add("Success!\n") discogsImages ='images') discogsAlbumArtists ='artists') if len(discogsAlbumArtists) == 1: discogsAlbumArtist = discogsAlbumArtists[0]['name'] elif len(discogsAlbumArtists) == 2: discogsAlbumArtist = discogsAlbumArtists[0]['name'] + " & " + discogsAlbumArtists[1]['name'] elif len(discogsAlbumArtists) == 3: discogsAlbumArtist = "{0}, {1} & {2}".format(discogsAlbumArtists[0]['name'], discogsAlbumArtists[1]['name'], discogsAlbumArtists[2]['name']) self.getLogWindow().addChild("ALBUM ARTIST: {0}\n".format(discogsAlbumArtist), 2) # use discogs' album artist! # get rid of (#) if its at the end of the line of the artist, Discogs likes to put it there # when there are duplicates duplicateMatch ='\s\([0-9]+\)$', discogsAlbumArtist) if duplicateMatch: discogsAlbumArtist = discogsAlbumArtist.replace(, "") albumArtist = unicode(discogsAlbumArtist) # check if there's album art, if so use it if len(discogsImages) > 0: albumArtSource = "" discogsAlbumArt = discogsImages[0]['uri'] albumArtUrl = discogsAlbumArt self.getLogWindow().addChild("ALBUM ART: {0}\n".format(discogsAlbumArt), 2) # fetch album art and save it headers = { 'User-Agent' : 'Organazi/1.33.7 +http://at.home' } request = urllib2.Request(albumArtUrl, '', headers) response = urllib2.urlopen(request).read() pathToAlbumArt = os.path.join(path, 'albumart.jpg') image = open(pathToAlbumArt, 'wb') image.write(response) image.close() else: self.getLogWindow().add("Failed!\n") except discogs.DiscogsAPIError: self.getLogWindow().add("Failed!\n") # alter other stuff genre = genre.capitalize() # if still no album art yet, use beatport's (if it even exists, but usually does) if not albumArtUrl: if beatportAlbumArtUrl: albumArtSource = "Beatport" # first modify the album art url cause we want a bigger size albumArtUrl = beatportAlbumArtUrl.replace("212x212", "1000x1000") #fetch album art and save it response = urllib.urlopen(albumArtUrl).read() pathToAlbumArt = os.path.join(path, 'albumart.jpg') image = open(pathToAlbumArt, 'wb') image.write(response) image.close() # set the output directory if albumArtist and album: artistDirectory = os.path.join('M:\\', 'Music', albumArtist) outputDirectory = os.path.join(artistDirectory, album.replace("/", "_").replace(":", "_")) # do some checks, make sure we have everything before proceeding if os.path.exists(outputDirectory): self.getLogWindow().addChild("FATAL: This release has already been organazied!\n") continue else: self.getLogWindow().addChild("FATAL: This release is missing some vital information and cannot proceed!\n") continue self.getLogWindow().addChild(u"ARTIST: {0}\n".format(albumArtist.decode('utf-8'))) self.getLogWindow().addChild(u"RELEASE: {0}\n".format(album)) if genre: self.getLogWindow().addChild("GENRE: {0}\n".format(genre)) if releaseDate: self.getLogWindow().addChild("DATE: {0}\n".format(releaseDate)) if label: self.getLogWindow().addChild("LABEL: {0}\n".format(label)) if catalogNumber: self.getLogWindow().addChild("CATALOG NUMBER: {0}\n".format(catalogNumber)) if pathToAlbumArt: self.getLogWindow().addChild("ALBUM ART SOURCE: {0}\n".format(albumArtSource)) # loop through the mp3s for pathToTrack in glob.glob(os.path.join(path, '*.mp3')): track = Track(pathToTrack) track.setAlbum(album) track.setAlbumArtist(albumArtist) if genre: track.setGenre(genre) if label: track.setLabel(label) if catalogNumber: track.setCatalogNumber(catalogNumber) if releaseDate: track.setReleaseDate(releaseDate) track.fixTags() if pathToAlbumArt: track.setAlbumArt(pathToAlbumArt) track.renameFromTags() # create artist directory if it doesn't exist if not os.path.exists(artistDirectory): os.mkdir(artistDirectory) # create output directory if it doesn't exist if not os.path.exists(outputDirectory): os.mkdir(outputDirectory) # move to output directory newPath = os.path.join(outputDirectory, track.getFileName()) shutil.move(track.getPath(), newPath) self.getLogWindow().addChild("MOVED: {0}\n".format(newPath)) # remove source directory (only if album art has been added) try: if pathToAlbumArt: pass #shutil.rmtree(path) except WindowsError as error: self.getLogWindow().addChild("ERROR: Couldn't remove source folder!\n") self.getLogWindow().addChild("FINISHED: {0} seconds!\n".format(round(time.clock() - timeStart), 2)) dirDialog.Destroy()