Example #1
    def give_all(player, items, target_name, target=None):

        if not target:
            target = player.location.search_creature(target_name)
        if not target:
            raise ActionRefused("%s isn't here with you." % target_name)
        if target is player:
            raise ActionRefused("Giving something to yourself doesn't make much sense.")

        # Actually try to give the items...
        items = list(items)
        refused = []
        for item in items:
                item.move(target, player)
            except ActionRefused as x:
                refused.append((item, str(x)))

        # Let the player know why giving a particular item failed
        for item, message in refused:

        if items:
            items_str = Lang.join(Lang.a(item.title) for item in items)
            player_str = Lang.capital(player.title)
            room_msg = "<player>%s</player> gives <item>%s</item> to <creature>%s</creature>." % (player_str, items_str, target.title)
            target_msg = "<player>%s</player> gives you <item>%s</item>." % (player_str, items_str)
            player.location.tell(room_msg, exclude_creature=player, specific_targets=[target], specific_target_msg=target_msg)
            player.tell("You give <creature>%s</creature> <item>%s</item>." % (target.title, items_str))

            player.tell("You weren't able to give <creature>%s</creature> anything." % target.title)
Example #2
    def func(player, parsed, ctx):

        if len(parsed.args) < 1:
            raise ActionRefused("Who are you trying to communicate with? You should use the form <userinput>tell [to name] 'your message'</userinput>")

        name = parsed.args[0]
        creature = player.location.search_creature(name)
        if not creature:
            creature = ctx.engine.search_player(name)  # is there a player around with this name?
            if not creature:
                raise ActionRefused("%s is not online." % name)

        # We found the person or creature. Make sure it isn't the player his/herself
        if creature is player:
            player.tell("A voice booms from deep within your mind 'Talk to yourself on your own time!'")
        # Seems to be a legit target
            # Some text formatting stuff
            # TODO: See Say.py for some limitations we should correct here too
            if parsed.unparsed[0:3] == "to " and len(parsed.unparsed.strip()) > 5:
                unparsed = parsed.unparsed[len(name) + 3:].lstrip()
                unparsed = parsed.unparsed[len(name):].lstrip()

            if unparsed:
                creature.tell("<player>%s</player> tells you: %s" % (player.name, unparsed))
                player.tell("You sent <creature>%s</creature> the message: %s" % (name, unparsed))
            # Looks like they forgot to provide a message.
                player.tell("What would you like to tell %s?" % creature.objective)
    def func(player, parsed, ctx):

        if len(parsed.args) < 1:
            raise ActionRefused("Who are you trying to whisper to? You should use the form <userinput>whisper [to name] 'your message'</userinput>")

        # we can't use parsed.obj_order directly, because the message could be directed to a player
        # that is not in the same location (and hence will not appear in parsed.obj_order)
        name = parsed.args[0]
        creature = player.location.search_creature(name)
        if not creature:
            creature = ctx.engine.search_player(name)  # is there a player around with this name?
            if not creature:
                raise ActionRefused("%s is not online." % name)

        # We found the person or creature. Make sure it isn't the player his/herself
        if creature is player:
            player.tell("A voice booms from deep within your mind 'Mutter to yourself on your own time!'")
        # Seems to be a legit target
            # Some text formatting stuff
            # TODO: See Say.py for some limitations we should correct here too
            if parsed.unparsed[0:3] == "to " and len(parsed.unparsed.strip()) > 5:
                unparsed = parsed.unparsed[len(name) + 3:].lstrip()
                unparsed = parsed.unparsed[len(name):].lstrip()

            if unparsed:
                creature.tell("<player>%s</player> whispers '%s' to you." % (player.name, unparsed))
                player.tell("You whisper the message %s to %s" % (unparsed, name))
            # Looks like they forgot to provide a message.
                player.tell("What would you like to whisper to %s?" % creature.objective)
    def func(player, parsed, ctx):

        if len(parsed.args) != 2 or len(parsed.obj_order) < 1:
            raise ActionRefused("You must specify what to move and where to move it."
                                "Only functional for items and creatures in your current location.")

        thing = parsed.obj_order[0]
        if isinstance(thing, Creature):
            raise ActionRefused("Use the 'transport' action to move creatures to another location.")

        # Is the player's current location the target?
        if parsed.args[1] == "here" and len(parsed.obj_order) == 1:
            target = player.location

        # If not the target must be another creature's inventory
        elif len(parsed.obj_order) == 2:
            target = parsed.obj_order[1]

            raise ParseError("I'm not sure what you want to move or where you want to move it to.")

        if thing is target:
            raise ActionRefused("You can not move something inside itself.")

        # What sort of container are we moving the item into?
        if thing in player:
            thing_container = player
        elif thing in player.location:
            thing_container = player.location
            raise ParseError("I don't understand what you are trying to move the item into.")

        thing.move(target, player)
        player.tell("Successfully moved <item>%s</item> from %s to %s." % (thing.name, thing_container.name, target.name))
Example #5
    def lock(self, actor, item=None):

        if self.locked:
            raise ActionRefused("It is already locked.")

        if item:

            if self.check_key(item):
                key = item
                raise ActionRefused("That can not be used to lock it.")


            key = self.search_key(actor)
            if not key:
                raise ActionRefused(
                    "You don't seem to have the key necessary to lock it.")

        self.locked = True
        actor.tell("You lock the %s with %s." % (self.name, Lang.a(key.title)))
        actor.tell_others("{Title} locked the %s with %s." %
                          (self.name, Lang.a(key.title)))

        if self.linked_door:
            self.linked_door.door.locked = True
Example #6
    def unlock(self, actor, item=None):

        if not self.locked:
            raise ActionRefused("It is not locked.")

        if item:

            if self.check_key(item):
                key = item
                raise ActionRefused("You can't use that to unlock it.")


            key = self.search_key(actor)
            if not key:
                raise ActionRefused(
                    "You don't seem to have the key necessary to unlock it.")

        self.locked = False
        actor.tell("You unlock the %s with %s." %
                   (self.name, Lang.a(key.title)))
        actor.tell_others("{Title} unlocked the %s with %s." %
                          (self.name, Lang.a(key.title)))

        if self.linked_door:
            self.linked_door.door.locked = False
Example #7
    def func(player, parsed, ctx):

        if not parsed.obj_order:
            raise ActionRefused("What do you want to use?")

        subj = ""

        if len(parsed.obj_order) > 1:

            item1, item2 = tuple(parsed.obj_info)
            if item1 in player and item2 in player:
                    "To use multiple items together you'll need to combine them first."


            who = parsed.obj_order[0]
            if isinstance(who, Creature):
                if who is player:
                    raise ActionRefused("You can't use another player.")
                subj = who.objective
                subj = "it"

        raise ActionRefused(
            "You'll need to be more specific and tell me exactly what you want to do with %s."
            % subj)
 def parse_is_are(cls, args):
     if args:
         if args[0] == "are":
             raise ActionRefused("Be more specific.")
         elif args[0] == "is":
             if len(args) >= 2:
                 del args[0]  # skip 'is', but only if more args follow
                 raise ActionRefused("Who do you mean?")
Example #9
    def insert(self, item, actor):

        if self.check_key(item):
            if self.locked:
                raise ActionRefused(
                    "You should try to unlock the door with it instead.")
                raise ActionRefused(
                    "You should try to lock the door with it instead.")

        raise ActionRefused("The %s doesn't seem to fit." % item.title)
Example #10
    def func(player, parsed, ctx):

        if not parsed.args:
            raise ParseError(
                "What would you like to drop? You can also 'drop all' or 'drop everything'."

        def drop(items, container):

            items = list(items)
            refused = []
            for item in items:
                    item.move(player.location, player, verb="drop")
                    if container is not player and container in player:
                        Drop.notify_item_removal(player, item, container)
                except ActionRefused as x:
                    refused.append((item, str(x)))

            for item, message in refused:

            if items:
                strItems = Lang.join(Lang.a(item.title) for item in items)
                player.tell("You discard <item>%s</item>." % strItems)
                player.tell_others("{Title} drops %s." % strItems)
                player.tell("Nothing was dropped.")

        arg = parsed.args[0]
        # drop all items?
        if arg == "all" or arg == "everything":
            drop(player.inventory, player)
            # drop a single item from inventory
            if parsed.obj_order:
                item = parsed.obj_order[0]
                if item in player:
                    drop([item], player)
                    raise ActionRefused("You can't seem to drop that!")
            # drop a container from inventory
                item, container = player.locate_item(arg,
                if item:
                    if container is not player:
                        Actions.print_object_location(player, item, container)
                    drop([item], container)
                    raise ActionRefused("You don't have <item>%s</item>." %
Example #11
    def func(player, parsed, ctx):

        if not parsed.unparsed:
            raise ActionRefused(
                "What would you like to say? You should use the form <userinput>say [to name] 'your message'</userinput>"

        message = parsed.unparsed

        # Figure out who the player is trying to talk to. Requires the form:
        # 'Say to <creature> well, hello there

        # TODO: We should handle the case of form 'Say message to <creature>'

        target = ""
        if parsed.obj_order:
            possible_target = parsed.obj_order[0]
            if parsed.obj_info[possible_target].previous_word == "to":
                if parsed.args[0] in (
                        possible_target.name, possible_target.title
                ) or parsed.args[0] in possible_target.aliases:
                    target = " to " + possible_target.title
                    _, _, message = message.partition(parsed.args[0])
                    message = message.lstrip()

                # TODO: Remind user that the other creature must be in the room with them
                # e.g., raise ActionRefused("You can't say that%s as they don't appear to be here with you.", target)

        player.tell("You say%s: %s" % (target, message))
        player.tell_others("{Title} says%s: %s" % (target, message))
Example #12
    def insert(self, item, actor):

        if actor is self or actor is not None and actor.isSysOp:
            super(NPC, self).insert(item, self)
            raise ActionRefused("%s does not accept %s." %
                                (Lang.capital(self.title), item.title))
Example #13
 def move(self,
     raise ActionRefused("You can't %s that." % verb)
Example #14
    def func(player, parsed, ctx):

        if not parsed.args:
            raise ParseError(
                "Display the internal attributes associated with what location, item, or creature?"

        name = parsed.args[0]
        if name == "location":
            obj = player.location
        elif parsed.obj_order:
            obj = parsed.obj_order[0]
            raise ActionRefused("I can't locate the object %s." % name)

            "%r" % obj, "Python class defined in module : " +

        for varname, value in sorted(vars(obj).items()):
            player.tell(".%s: %r" % (varname, value))

        if obj in ctx.engine.heartbeats:
            player.tell("%s is subscribed to heartbeat topic." % obj.name)
Example #15
    def inventory_size(self):

        if self.opened:
            return super(Box, self).inventory_size
            raise ActionRefused(
                "You'll need to open it to see what's inside...")
Example #16
    def func(player, parsed, ctx):

        if len(parsed.obj_order) != 2:
            raise ParseError(
                "You need to tell me what to throw and where to throw it.")

        item, where = parsed.obj_order[0], parsed.obj_order[1]

        if isinstance(item, Creature):
            raise ActionRefused("You can't throw another living creature.")

        # If the item is in the room with the player we'll need to pick it up first
        if item in player.location:

            item.move(player, player, verb="take")
            player.tell("You take <item>%s</item>." % item.title)
            player.tell_others("{Title} takes %s." % item.title)

        # Toss the item at the target.
        item.move(player.location, player, verb="throw")

        player.tell("You throw the <item>%s</item> at %s" %
                    (item.title, where.title))
        player.tell_others("{Title} throws the %s at %s." %
                           (item.title, where.title))
Example #17
    def allow_passage(self, actor):

        if not self.bound:
            raise LocationIntegrityError("This door appears to be stuck shut.",
                                         None, self, None)

        if not self.opened:
            raise ActionRefused("The door is closed.")
    def insert(self, item, actor):

        if isinstance(item, Item) and (actor is self
                                       or actor is not None and actor.isSysOp):
            item.contained_in = self
            raise ActionRefused("That item can not be given to this creature.")
    def remove(self, item, actor):

        if actor is self or actor is not None and actor.isSysOp:
            item.contained_in = None
            raise ActionRefused("You can not take %s from %s." %
                                (item.title, self.title))
Example #20
    def open(self, actor, item=None):

        if self.opened:
            raise ActionRefused("It is already open.")

        elif self.locked:
            raise ActionRefused("It is locked.")

            self.opened = True
            actor.tell("You open it.")
            actor.tell_others("{Title} opens the %s." % self.name)

            if self.linked_door:
                self.linked_door.door.opened = True
                if self.linked_door.open_msg:
Example #21
    def func(player, parsed, ctx):

        if len(parsed.args) not in (1, 2) or parsed.unrecognized:
            raise ParseError("What are you trying to %s?" %

        if parsed.obj_order:
            if isinstance(parsed.obj_order[0], Creature):
                raise ActionRefused(
                    "You can't do that to other living creatures.")

        obj_name = parsed.args[0]

        # Is the player using something to try to manipulate the object?
        with_item_name = None
        with_item = None
        if len(parsed.args) == 2:
            with_item_name = parsed.args[1]

        what = player.search_item(obj_name,
        # Are we dealing with an exit?
        if not what:
            if obj_name in player.location.exits:
                what = player.location.exits[obj_name]

        # Are we dealing with an item?
        if what:
            # If so, are they using an item to accomplish the manipulation?
            if with_item_name:
                with_item = player.search_item(with_item_name,
                if not with_item:
                    raise ActionRefused(
                        "You don't seem to have <item>%s</item>." %

            getattr(what, parsed.verb)(player, with_item)

            raise ActionRefused("You don't see that here.")
Example #22
    def open(self, actor, item=None):

        if self.opened:
            raise ActionRefused("It is already open.")

        self.opened = True

        actor.tell("You open the %s." % self.name)
        actor.tell_others("{Title} opens the %s." % self.name)
Example #23
    def close(self, actor, item=None):

        if not self.opened:
            raise ActionRefused("It is already closed.")

        self.opened = False

        actor.tell("You close the %s." % self.name)
        actor.tell_others("{Title} closes the %s." % self.name)
Example #24
 def wrapped(*args, **kwargs):
     # check if the supplied actor
     actor = inspect.getcallargs(f, *args, **kwargs)["actor"]
         if actor and actor.isSysOp:
             return f(*args, **kwargs)
     except AttributeError:
         # actors without isSysOp are also not allowed to do anything
     raise ActionRefused("You're not allowed to do that.")
Example #25
    def func(player, parsed, ctx):

            if len(parsed.args) < 2:
                raise ParseError("You must specify what to give and whom to give it to.")

            if parsed.unrecognized or player.inventory_size == 0:
                raise ParseError("You don't have %s to give." % Lang.join(parsed.unrecognized))

            # Does the player want to give everything they have?
            if "all" in parsed.args:

                if len(parsed.args) != 2:
                    raise ParseError("You must specify who you want to give the items to.")

                what = player.inventory

                if parsed.args[0] == "all":
                    Give.give_all(player, what, parsed.args[1])
                    Give.give_all(player, what, parsed.args[0])

            # Player wants to give just a single item
            if len([who for who in parsed.obj_order if isinstance(who, Creature)]) > 1:
                # if there's more than one creature, it's not clear who to give stuff to
                raise ActionRefused("It's not clear who you want to give things to.")

            # if the first parsed word is a creature assume the syntax "give creature [the] thing(s)"
            if isinstance(parsed.obj_order[0], Creature):
                what = parsed.obj_order[1:]
                Give.give_all(player, what, None, target=parsed.obj_order[0])

            # if the last parsed word is a creature assume the syntax "give thing(s) [to] creature"
            elif isinstance(parsed.obj_order[-1], Creature):
                what = parsed.obj_order[:-1]
                Give.give_all(player, what, None, target=parsed.obj_order[-1])

                raise ActionRefused("It's not clear to who you want to give the item.")
Example #26
    def func(player, parsed, ctx):

        if not parsed.args:
            raise ParseError("usage: set object.attribute=value")

        args = parsed.args[0].split("=")
        if len(args) != 2:
            raise ParseError("usage: set object.attribute=value")

        name, field = args[0].split(".")

        # Player location?
        if name == "":
            obj = player.location
        # An item in the player's inventory or current location?
            obj = player.search_item(name,

        # A creature in the player's location?
        if not obj:
            obj = player.location.search_creature(name)

        if not obj:
            raise ActionRefused("I can not find the object you specified.")


        import ast

        value = ast.literal_eval(args[1])
        expected_type = type(getattr(obj, field))

        if expected_type is type(value):
            setattr(obj, field, value)
            player.tell("Object %s attribute %s set to %r" %
                        (name, field, value))
            raise ActionRefused("I expected a %s value type." % expected_type)
Example #27
    def close(self, actor, item=None):

        if not self.opened:
            raise ActionRefused("It is already closed.")

        self.opened = False
        actor.tell("You close it.")
        actor.tell_others("{Title} closes the %s." % self.name)

        if self.linked_door:
            self.linked_door.door.opened = False
            if self.linked_door.close_msg:
Example #28
    def func(player, parsed, ctx):

        current_pw = yield "input-noecho", "What is the secret that we share?<password>"
        new_pw = yield "input-noecho", (
            "What is the new secret we should both know?<password>",

            player.tell("Keep it secret. Keep it safe.")
        except ValueError as x:
            raise ActionRefused("%s" % x)
Example #29
    def func(player, parsed, ctx):

        if not parsed.unparsed:
            raise ActionRefused(
                "What do you wish to shout at the top of your lungs?")

        message = parsed.unparsed
        if not parsed.unparsed.endswith((".", "!", "?")):
            message += "!"

        player.tell("You scream '%s'" % message)
        player.tell_others("{Title} shouts '%s'" % message)
        player.location.tell_adjacent_locations("Someone nearby shouts '%s'" %
Example #30
    def func(player, parsed, ctx):

        if len(parsed.obj_order) != 2:
            raise ParseError("What would you like to show and to whom?")

        shown = parsed.obj_order[0]
        if shown not in player:
            raise ActionRefused("You do not have <item>%s</item> to show." % Lang.a(shown.title))

        target = parsed.obj_order[1]
        player.tell("You reveal the <item>%s</item> to <creature>%s</creature>." % (shown.title, target.title))
        room_msg = "%s shows something to %s." % (Lang.capital(player.title), target.title)
        target_msg = "%s reveals the %s to you." % (Lang.capital(player.title), Lang.a(shown.title))
        player.location.tell(room_msg, exclude_creature=player, specific_target_msg=target_msg, specific_targets=[target])