Example #1
def test_map_children():
    """Test recursive application of map on children"""
    # a
    # |   \  \   \
    # b    c  d   e
    # | \         |
    # f  g        h
    # Should become
    # 2
    # |   \  \   \
    # 3    3  3   3
    # | \         |
    # 4  4        4

    root = TreeNode(1)
    b = TreeNode(1, root)
    TreeNode(1, root)
    TreeNode(1, root)
    e = TreeNode(1, root)

    TreeNode(1, b)
    TreeNode(1, b)

    TreeNode(1, e)

    def increment(node, children):
        for child in TreeNode(0, None, children):
            child.item += 1

        return node.item + 1, children

    rval = root.map(increment, root.children)
    assert [node.item for node in rval] == [2, 3, 4, 4, 3, 3, 3, 4]
Example #2
def build_full_tree(depth, child_per_parent=2):
    """Build a full tree

    depth: int
        Depth of the tree

    child_per_parent: int, optional
        Number of child per node. Default: 2

    root = TreeNode(0)
    node_buffer = [root]
    next_nodes = []
    node_item = 1
    for i in range(depth - 1):
        for node in node_buffer:
            for k in range(child_per_parent):
                next_nodes.append(TreeNode(node_item, parent=node))
                node_item += 1
        node_buffer = next_nodes
        next_nodes = []

    return root
Example #3
def test_node_remove_children_sequentially():
    """Test removing children one after the other"""
    parent = TreeNode("test")
    child1 = TreeNode("test1")
    child2 = TreeNode("test2")

    parent.add_children(child1, child2)

    assert parent.children[0] is child1
    assert parent.children[1] is child2
    assert child1.parent is parent
    assert child2.parent is parent


    assert len(parent.children) == 1
    assert child1.parent is None
    assert parent.children[0] is child2
    assert child2.parent is parent


    assert len(parent.children) == 0
    assert child1.parent is None
    assert child2.parent is None
Example #4
def test_node_creation_with_parent():
    """Test assignement of parent on initialization"""
    parent = TreeNode("test")
    child = TreeNode("test", parent)

    assert child.parent is parent

    assert parent.children[0] is child
Example #5
def test_node_add_child():
    """Test assignement of child"""
    parent = TreeNode("test")
    child = TreeNode("test")


    assert parent.children[0] is child
    assert child.parent is parent
Example #6
def test_root():
    """Test root access from leaf"""
    child = TreeNode("test")
    parent = TreeNode("test", children=[child])
    grand_parent = TreeNode("test", children=[parent])

    assert child.root is grand_parent
    assert child.root is parent.root
    assert grand_parent.root is grand_parent
Example #7
def test_children_children():
    """Test path through two level of children"""
    child = TreeNode("test")
    parent = TreeNode("test", children=[child])
    grand_parent = TreeNode("test", children=[parent])

    assert child.parent is parent
    assert child.parent.parent is grand_parent
    assert grand_parent.children[0] is parent
    assert grand_parent.children[0].children[0] is child
Example #8
def test_parent_parent():
    """Test path through two level of parents"""
    grand_parent = TreeNode("test")
    parent = TreeNode("test", grand_parent)
    child = TreeNode("test", parent)

    assert child.parent is parent
    assert child.parent.parent is grand_parent
    assert grand_parent.children[0] is parent
    assert grand_parent.children[0].children[0] is child
Example #9
def test_node_set_parent():
    """Test assignement of parent"""
    parent = TreeNode("test")
    child = TreeNode("test")


    assert child.parent is parent

    assert parent.children[0] is child
Example #10
def test_node_remove_child():
    """Test removing child"""
    parent = TreeNode("test")
    child = TreeNode("test")


    assert child.parent is parent
    assert parent.children[0] is child


    assert len(parent.children) == 0
    assert child.parent is None
Example #11
def test_node_drop_parent():
    """Test dropping parent"""
    parent = TreeNode("test")
    child = TreeNode("test")


    assert child.parent is parent
    assert parent.children[0] is child


    assert child.parent is None
    assert len(parent.children) == 0
Example #12
def test_node_set_no_parent():
    """Test assignement of no parent, meaning droping the parent"""
    parent = TreeNode("test")
    child = TreeNode("test")


    assert child.parent is parent
    assert parent.children[0] is child


    assert child.parent is None
    assert len(parent.children) == 0
Example #13
def test_node_remove_children_in_batch():
    """Test removing children all at the same time"""
    parent = TreeNode("test")
    child1 = TreeNode("test1")
    child2 = TreeNode("test2")

    parent.add_children(child1, child2)

    assert parent.children[0] is child1
    assert parent.children[1] is child2
    assert child1.parent is parent
    assert child2.parent is parent

    parent.drop_children(child1, child2)

    assert len(parent.children) == 0
    assert child1.parent is None
    assert child2.parent is None
Example #14
def test_node_remove_all_children():
    """Test drop_children() drops all of them"""
    parent = TreeNode("test")
    child1 = TreeNode("test1")
    child2 = TreeNode("test2")

    parent.add_children(child1, child2)

    assert parent.children[0] is child1
    assert parent.children[1] is child2
    assert child1.parent is parent
    assert child2.parent is parent


    assert len(parent.children) == 0
    assert child1.parent is None
    assert child2.parent is None
Example #15
def test_flattened():
    """Test flattened tree into a list, retrieving items"""
    # a
    # |   \  \   \
    # b    c  d   e
    # | \         |
    # f  g        h
    root = TreeNode("a")
    b = TreeNode("b", root)
    TreeNode("c", root)
    TreeNode("d", root)
    e = TreeNode("e", root)

    TreeNode("f", b)
    TreeNode("g", b)

    TreeNode("h", e)

    assert flattened(root) == ["a", "b", "f", "g", "c", "d", "e", "h"]
Example #16
def test_node_add_children():
    """Test assignement of children"""
    parent = TreeNode("test")
    child1 = TreeNode("test1")
    child2 = TreeNode("test2")

    parent.add_children(child1, child2)

    assert parent.children[0] is child1
    assert parent.children[1] is child2
    assert child1.parent is parent
    assert child2.parent is parent
Example #17
def test_depth_first_traversal():
    """Test order retrieval of DepthFirstTraversal"""
    # a
    # |   \  \   \
    # b    c  d   e
    # | \         |
    # f  g        h
    root = TreeNode("a")
    b = TreeNode("b", root)
    TreeNode("c", root)
    TreeNode("d", root)
    e = TreeNode("e", root)

    TreeNode("f", b)
    TreeNode("g", b)

    TreeNode("h", e)

    rval = [node.item for node in DepthFirstTraversal(root)]
    assert rval == ["f", "g", "b", "c", "d", "h", "e", "a"]
Example #18
def test_node_parent_reinsertion():
    """Test that replacing a parent with the same one does not change anything"""
    parent = TreeNode("test")
    child1 = TreeNode("test", parent)
    child2 = TreeNode("test", parent)

    assert child1.parent is parent
    assert child2.parent is parent
    assert parent.children[0] is child1
    assert parent.children[1] is child2


    assert child1.parent is parent
    assert child2.parent is parent
    assert parent.children[0] is child1
    assert parent.children[1] is child2


    assert child1.parent is parent
    assert child2.parent is parent
    assert parent.children[0] is child1
    assert parent.children[1] is child2
Example #19
def test_node_children_reinsertion():
    """Test that replacing a children with the same one does not change anything"""
    parent = TreeNode("test")
    child1 = TreeNode("test", parent)
    child2 = TreeNode("test", parent)

    assert child1.parent is parent
    assert child2.parent is parent
    assert parent.children[0] is child1
    assert parent.children[1] is child2


    assert child1.parent is parent
    assert child2.parent is parent
    assert parent.children[0] is child1
    assert parent.children[1] is child2


    assert child1.parent is parent
    assert child2.parent is parent
    assert parent.children[0] is child1
    assert parent.children[1] is child2
Example #20
def test_node_add_children_drop_children():
    """Test that replacing a children removes the node from previous parent's children"""
    grand_parent = TreeNode("test")
    parent = TreeNode("test", grand_parent)
    child = TreeNode("test", parent)

    assert child.parent is parent
    assert child.parent.parent is grand_parent
    assert grand_parent.children[0] is parent
    assert grand_parent.children[0].children[0] is child

    # That's silly...

    assert child.parent is grand_parent
    assert len(grand_parent.children) == 2
    assert grand_parent.parent is None
    assert len(parent.children) == 0
    assert parent.parent is grand_parent
Example #21
    def increment(node, children):
        for child in TreeNode(0, None, children):
            child.item += 1

        return node.item + 1, children
Example #22
def test_node_creation():
    """Test empty initialization of tree node"""
    TreeNode("test", None, tuple())
Example #23
def test_map_parent():
    """Test recursive application of map on parents"""
    # a
    # |   \  \   \
    # b    c  d   e
    # | \         |
    # f  g        h
    # Will give
    # 4
    # |
    # 3
    # |
    # 2

    root = TreeNode(1)
    b = TreeNode(1, root)
    TreeNode(1, root)
    TreeNode(1, root)
    e = TreeNode(1, root)

    f = TreeNode(1, b)
    TreeNode(1, b)

    h = TreeNode(1, e)

    def increment_parent(node, parent):
        if parent is not None:
            for parent in parent.root:
                parent.item += 1

        return node.item + 1, parent

    rval = f.map(increment_parent, f.parent)
    assert [node.item for node in rval.root] == [4, 3, 2]

    rval = h.map(increment_parent, h.parent)
    assert [node.item for node in rval.root] == [4, 3, 2]
Example #24
 def __init__(self, trial, parent=None):
     super(LineageNode, self).__init__(copy.deepcopy(trial), parent=parent)
     self._jump = TreeNode(self)
Example #25
 def __init__(self, trial: Trial, parent: LineageNode | None = None):
     super().__init__(copy.deepcopy(trial), parent=parent)
     self._jump: TreeNode[LineageNode] = TreeNode(self)