Example #1
 def test_obj_to_yaml_no_line_wrap(self):
     ruamel_data = {
         'key': ("this is some super super super long line that would normally cause"
                 " a line wrap when converting from dict to yaml. instead we don't want"
                 " to do that and just keep this one crazy long line.")
     result = yaml_utils.obj_to_yaml(ruamel_data)
     self.assertEqual(result, self.get_fixture_content('yaml/no_line_wrap.yaml'))
Example #2
 def test_obj_to_yaml(self):
     ruamel_data = OrderedMap([
         ('test_dict', OrderedMap([
             ('a', True)
     result = yaml_utils.obj_to_yaml(ruamel_data)
     self.assertEqual(result, self.get_fixture_content('yaml/simple.yaml'))
Example #3
    def convert_file(self, filename, expr_type=None):
        # parse the Mistral workflow from file
        mistral_wf_data, mistral_wf_data_ruamel = yaml_utils.read_yaml(

        # validate the Mistral workflow before we start
        mistral_wf_spec = mistral_workflow.instantiate(mistral_wf_data)

        # convert Mistral -> Orquesta
        mistral_wf = mistral_wf_data_ruamel[mistral_wf_spec.name]
        workflow_converter = WorkflowConverter()
        orquesta_wf_data_ruamel = workflow_converter.convert(
            mistral_wf, expr_type, force=self.args.force)
        orquesta_wf_data_str = yaml_utils.obj_to_yaml(orquesta_wf_data_ruamel)
        orquesta_wf_data = yaml_utils.yaml_to_obj(orquesta_wf_data_str)

        # validate we've generated a proper Orquesta workflow
        orquesta_wf_spec = orquesta_workflow.instantiate(orquesta_wf_data)
        if not self.args.force:

        # write out the new Orquesta workflow to a YAML string
        return yaml_utils.obj_to_yaml(orquesta_wf_data_ruamel)
Example #4
 def test_obj_to_yaml_dict(self):
     ruamel_data = {'test_dict': {'a': True}}
     result = yaml_utils.obj_to_yaml(ruamel_data)
     self.assertEqual(result, self.get_fixture_content('yaml/simple.yaml'))
Example #5
    def run(self, argv, output_stream, client=None):
        self.args, args = self.parser().parse_known_args(argv)
        wf_type = self.args.workflow_type
        directory = self.args.actions_directory
        if wf_type:
            for action, workflow in self.get_workflow_files(
                    wf_type, directory).items():
                output_stream.write("{} --> {}\n".format(action, workflow))
            return 0

        if self.args.validate:
            filenames = self.get_workflow_files('orquesta', directory).values()
            total = 0
            for f in filenames:
                fargs = list(args)
                total += client.run(fargs, output_stream)
            return total

        filenames = self.get_workflow_files('mistral-v2', directory)

        exceptions = {}
        for a_f, m_f in six.iteritems(filenames):
            fargs = list(args)  # make a copy

            # Get the backup filenames
            m_f_backup = '{}.{}'.format(m_f, BACKUP_EXTENSION)
            a_f_backup = '{}.{}'.format(a_f, BACKUP_EXTENSION)
            o_f = '{}.{}'.format(m_f, TMP_EXTENSION)  # Orquesta workflow file

            # Convert the workflow and save the YAML string in output
            output = six.moves.StringIO()
            # In this next block of code we are attempting to create a filesystem
            # transaction, where we either want to commit all of the changes to
            # disk or none of the changes.
            # Usually you want to minimize what you put into a try block, so you
            # can catch different errors and handle them differently. However, in
            # this case, there are so many file operations that can fail that it
            # ends up nesting try/except/else blocks very deep, and exception
            # handlers simply do cleanup and re-raise the exception.
            # So instead, we do all of our work in the try block, and handle
            # cleaning up after the different failure conditions in the except
            # block, and handle success conditions in the else block.
                client.run(fargs, output)

                # Write the workflow file
                with open(o_f, 'w') as o_file:

                # If the backup files already exist, they were created by a
                # previous run. In that case, we want to preserve the original
                # backup file, because it is more likely a valid Mistral
                # workflow than whatever the current workflow file is.
                if not os.path.isfile(m_f_backup):
                    # Move the existing workflow file to a backup
                    os.rename(m_f, m_f_backup)

                if not os.path.isfile(a_f_backup):
                    # Move the existing metadata file to a backup
                    shutil.copy2(a_f, a_f_backup)

                # Read the file into a dict, tweak the runner_type, and write
                # the dict back into a string
                action_data, action_data_ruamel = yaml_utils.read_yaml(a_f)
                action_data_ruamel['runner_type'] = 'orquesta'
                write_data = yaml_utils.obj_to_yaml(action_data_ruamel)

                # Promote/move the new workflow file into place
                shutil.move(o_f, m_f)

                # Rewrite the metadata file with the tweaked runner_rtype
                with open(a_f, 'w') as a_file:
                # SUCCESS!

            except Exception as e:
                # Anything could have happened, so we check for bad conditions

                # If we have a backup workflow file, revert it
                if os.path.isfile(m_f_backup):
                    # Remove the converted workflow file
                    if os.path.isfile(m_f):
                    # Move the backup file back
                    os.rename(m_f_backup, m_f)

                # If we have a backup action metadata file
                if os.path.isfile(a_f_backup):
                    # Remove the converted metadata file
                    if os.path.isfile(a_f):
                    # Move the backup file back
                    os.rename(a_f_backup, a_f)

                # If we ever support just Python 3, we can add the exception
                # directly to the dictionary value:
                # .append({'file': m_f, 'exception': e})
                exceptions.setdefault(str(e), []).append(m_f)
                # Remove the backup files

        if exceptions:
                "ERROR: Unable to convert all Mistral workflows.\n")
            for e, wfs in exceptions.items():
                sys.stderr.write("ISSUE: {}\n".format(e))
                sys.stderr.write("Affected files:\n")
                for wf in wfs:
                    sys.stderr.write("  - {}\n".format(wf))

        return len(exceptions)