def get_global_conf(self): conf_result={} if os.isfile('../conf/global/master'): pass if os.isfile('../conf/global/slave'): pass conf_result['master']="coffee" conf_result['slave']="test01" return conf_result
def test_rename(builddir, runner): # prepare needed files with local.cwd(builddir): sh.touch('originalfile') builder = BuildFile(build_dir=builddir, runner=runner) ###### First build ########## builder.main(command_line=['-D', 'build']) expected_json = { ".deps_version": 2, "mv originalfile testfile": { "originalfile": "input-d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e", "testfile": "output-d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e" } } # assertions with local.cwd(builddir): assert_json_equality('.deps', expected_json) assert os.path.isfile('testfile') sys.exit.assert_called_once_with(0) # update original file to check the rebuild (sh.echo["newline"] > "originalfile")() ###### Second build ########## builder.main(command_line=['-D', 'build']) expected_json = { ".deps_version": 2, "mv originalfile testfile": { "originalfile": "input-321060ae067e2a25091be3372719e053", "testfile": "output-321060ae067e2a25091be3372719e053" } } with local.cwd(builddir): assert_json_equality('.deps', expected_json) assert "newline" in'testfile') ###### Cleaning ########## builder.main(command_line=['-D', 'clean']) with local.cwd(builddir): assert not os.isfile('testfile') assert os.isfile('originalfile')
def parse_NCBI_nodes_tab_file(folder): """this is a function to open nodes.dmp from the NCBI taxonomy database and find the parent child relationship....returns a dictionary for later use. """ # open file - read. # nodes.dmp - this file is separated by \t|\t # empty dictionary to add to parent and child (keys,vals) to tax_dictionary = {} # nodes.dmp files goes: child, parent, etc # merged.dmp file goes: old, new # In both cases, can take key as column 0 and value as column 1 for filename in ["nodes.dmp", "merged.dmp"]: if not os.isfile(filename): print("Could not find %s. Please check this." % filename) os._exit(0) with open(os.path.join(folder, filename)) as handle: for line in handle: tax_info = line.replace("\n", "\t").split("\t|\t") # first element parent = tax_info[1] # second element child = tax_info[0] # add these to the dictionary {parent:child} tax_dictionary[child] = parent # print(tax_dictionary) return tax_dictionary
def add_folder(self, path): """ 添加path路径中所有的账号,返回一个字典 规则:如果出现文件夹,则单独记录到一个类别中,一层文件夹下的所有账号密码都记录在 同一个类别 """ def search_sub_folder(dic,path): files = os.listdir(path) for file in files: if os.isfile(file): f = open(path.os.sep+file, r) content = time = time.strftime('%Y/%m/%d %H:%M',time.localtime(time.time())) dic[file] = [content, time] else: search_folder(dic,path+os.sep+file) data = {} #1.扫描到path中所有文件/文件夹的名称,添加到列表 files = os.listdir(path) #2.逐个读取文件,文件夹,按照规则添加到数据文件中 for file in files: if os.isfile(file): f = open(path+os.sep+file,r) content = time = time.strftime('%Y/%m/%d %H:%M',time.localtime(time.time())) data[file] = [content, time] else: #假如是文件夹 data[file] = {} search_sub_folder(data[file],path+os.sep+fil) return data
def test_xla_profiler_prog_capture(tmpdir): port = xu.get_free_tcp_ports()[0] training_started = Event() def train_worker(): model = BoringModel() trainer = Trainer(default_root_dir=tmpdir, max_epochs=4, profiler="xla", accelerator="tpu", devices=8) p = Process(target=train_worker, daemon=True) p.start() training_started.wait(120) logdir = str(tmpdir) xp.trace(f"localhost:{port}", logdir, duration_ms=2000, num_tracing_attempts=5, delay_ms=1000) p.terminate() assert os.isfile( os.path.join(logdir, "plugins", "profile", "*", "*.xplane.pb"))
def load(path): if not os.path.exists(path): print('Load path doesnt exist!') else: files = [f for f in os.listdir(path) if os.isfile(os.path.join(path, f))].sort() return files
def register_model(self, model_name): if not self.trained: if os.isfile(self.this_job_path + '/torchmodel.pth'): self.trained = True # add model information to database(file db or web db) if self.trained: # create model folder model_root_path = self.workspace_path + '/model' model_path = model_root_path + '/' + model_name createDirectory(model_root_path) createDirectory(model_path) if self.net_name is not "": # copy network file to model path # $WORKSPACE/nets{net_name} -> $WORKSPACE/model/{model_name}/ org_net_path = self.workspace_path + '/net/' + self.net_name + '.py' net_path = model_path + '/' shutil.copy(org_net_path, net_path) else: self.extract_network() org_net_path = self.this_job_path + '/' net_path = model_path + '/' shutil.copy(org_net_path, net_path) # copy model file ti model path # $JOB_PATH/torchmodel.pth -> $WORKSPACE/model/{model_name}/torchmodel.pth org_modelfile_path = self.this_job_path + '/torchmodel.pth' modelfile_path = model_path + '/torchmodel.pth' shutil.copy(org_modelfile_path, modelfile_path)
def write_ls(ls,file): if os.isfile(file): os.remove( file ) fp = open( file,'w' ) for l in ls: fp.write( l ) fp.close()
def select_diverse_ligands(self, target): """ :return: """ # download ligands # convert to fps # cluster on ligands # update data to only include selected members tmp = tempfile.mkdtemp() ligands =['ligands'] for ligand in ligands: self._write(ligand, tmp) files = [ os.path.join(tmp, f) for f in os.listdir(tmp) if os.isfile(os.path.join(tmp, f)) ] ligands = { os.path.basename(f).split(".")[0]: x for f in files for x in Chem.ForwardSDMolSupplier(f) if x is not None } for n, l in ligands.items(): l.SetProp("_Name", n) cluster_dict = self._cluster_ligands(ligands=ligands, t=target) reps = [l[0] for l in cluster_dict.values() if len(l) != 0] print reps
def download_equity_M1(self, tasks, startYr=2012, endYr=2015): """ """ try: # map equity tickers to security IDs. if self._mapTickersToSecIDs: maps = self._mapTickersToSecIDs else: assert os.isfile("./names/secID.json") jsonFile = open(dName, "r") allSecIds = json.loads( jsonFile.close() allTickers = [s.split(".")[0] for s in allSecIds] maps = dict(zip(allTickers, allSecIds)) self._mapTickersToSecIDs = maps tasks_ = [maps[task] for task in tasks] db = self._dbs["EQU_M1"]["self"] self._api.get_equity_M1_interMonth(db, id=1, startYr=startYr, endYr=endYr, tasks=tasks_) except AssertionError: msg = "[MONGOD]: Cannot map tickers to secIDs; " + "secID.json does not exist." raise VNPAST_DatabaseError(msg) except Exception, e: msg = "[MONGOD]: Unable to download data; " + str(e) raise VNPAST_DatabaseError(msg)
def save(self, mode, *path): path = os.path.join(path) if os.isfile(path): with open(path, mode) as f: return pickle.Unpickler(f).load() else: return False
def download_equity_M1(self, tasks, startYr=2012, endYr=2015): """ """ try: # map equity tickers to security IDs. if self._mapTickersToSecIDs: maps = self._mapTickersToSecIDs else: assert os.isfile('./names/secID.json') jsonFile = open(dName, 'r') allSecIds = json.loads( jsonFile.close() allTickers = [s.split('.')[0] for s in allSecIds] maps = dict(zip(allTickers, allSecIds)) self._mapTickersToSecIDs = maps tasks_ = [maps[task] for task in tasks] db = self._dbs['EQU_M1']['self'] self._api.get_equity_M1_interMonth(db, id=1, startYr=startYr, endYr=endYr, tasks=tasks_) except AssertionError: msg = '[MONGOD]: Cannot map tickers to secIDs; ' + \ 'secID.json does not exist.' raise VNPAST_DatabaseError(msg) except Exception as e: msg = '[MONGOD]: Unable to download data; ' + str(e) raise VNPAST_DatabaseError(msg)
def prune(path, **options): config = get_configuration(options) # TODO: exclude `latest.ext`! files = [f for f in os.listdir(path) if os.isfile(f)] matches = [f for f in files if f.endswith(extension)] if '--max-snapshots' in options: if int(options['--max-snapshots']) < len(matches): too_much = len(matches) - int(options['--max-snapshots']) for i in range(too_much): os.remove(files[i]) if '--max-size' in options: size = [os.path.getsize(f) for f in matches] if sum(size) > int(options['--max-size']): too_much = int(options['--max-size']) - sum(size) will_remove = [] while sum(will_remove) < too_much: will_remove.append(size.pop(0)) to_remove = matches[:len(will_remove)] for f in too_old: os.remove(f) if '--max-days' in options: is_too_old = functools.partial(is_old, days=int(options['--max-days'])) too_old = [f for f in files if is_too_old(to_date(f))] # is it safer to os.join this with the cwd? for f in too_old: os.remove(f) if options['--save-configuration']: del options['--save-configuration'] dump_args(config, open('.versioned', 'w'))
def info_file(self): #crear carpeta path = mother_path + '/' + print 'guardando en ' + path if (not os.path.isdir(path)): #si no existe el path, lo crea print "Anime no descargado aun, creando carpeta\n" + path os.mkdir(path) else: print "Al parecer ya habias descargado este anime" os.system('pause') name_path = path + '/' #Escribir archivo en path if os.isfile(name_path): print 'archivo ya esta creado' return None with open(name_path, 'wb') as f: f.write('utf-8') + '\n') f.write(self.state.encode('utf-8') + '\n') f.write(self.sinopsis.encode('utf-8') + '\n') f.write('Episodios:\n') caps = len(self.capitulos) i = caps - 1 while i > 2: f.write(self.capitulos[i].encode('utf-8') + '\n') i -= 1 f.close() return None
def disable_internet(): if os.isfile(internet_tag_file): os.remove(internet_tag_file) total_subnet = ",".join([net_config["HqCidr"],net_config["VpcCidr"]]) cmd = internet_cmd % ('-D', total_subnet) return exeute_shell(cmd)
def get_target_annotations(pset, annot_dir): """ Annotate a the 'TARGET' in the 'drug' slot of a PSet object using mapping from the UniProt idenitifer mapping tool API. :param pset: :param annot_dir: :return: """ # Read in drug target annotations and gene annotations drug_targets = pd.read_csv( os.path.join(annot_dir, 'drugbank_drug_targets_all.csv')) rnaseq_df = pset.get("molecularProfiles").get( "Kallisto_0.46.1.rnaseq").get("elementMetadata") # Map genes to drugbank drug ids genes_to_drugs = pd.merge( drug_targets.loc[:, ['Name', 'Gene Name', 'Drug IDs']], rnaseq_df.loc[:, ['gene_name', 'gene_id']], left_on='Gene Name', right_on='gene_name') # Annotate the genes # Expand list columns into rows and annotate drugs genes_to_drugs['Drug IDs'] = [ str.split(ids, '; ') for ids in genes_to_drugs['Drug IDs'].values ] genes_to_drugs = genes_to_drugs.explode('Drug IDs') # Write to disk if necessary. file_path = os.path.join(annot_dir, 'drugbank_drug_to_gene_mappings.csv') if not os.isfile(file_path): pd.write_csv(genes_to_drugs, file_path) pass
def save_additional_directories(self, dirs): for d in dirs: echo ">>> Saving " + d + "..." if os.isfile(d) or os.isdir(d): os.chdir("/") archive_path = self.backup_dir + d.replace("/", "_") + ".tar.bz2" bz2( tar(d, "c"), "-9", _out=archive_path )
def run(site): #Create tracking file for which videos have been analyzed trackFile = path+"processed.txt" print("TrackFile: ", trackFile) if not os.path.isfile(trackFile): f = open(trackFile,'a+') f.close() # Go through every video in S3 bucket # "untrunc" the video # Reupload new video to S3 for s3_file in s3.Bucket(VIDEO_BUCKET_NAME).objects.filter(Prefix='videos/'+site): substring = s3_file.key.split("/") filename = substring[-1] if filename.endswith(".mp4"): #Skip video fixing if already done if s3_file.key in open(doneFile).read(): print("\n\nAlready read:"+ s3_file.key) continue else: print("\n\nAnalyzing "+ s3_file.key +" video...") #Split key name vidName = filename.split('.')[0] time = substring[-2] date = substring[-3] facility = substring[-4] print("Video name: " + vidName) print("Facility: " + facility) #Download video from S3 print("Downloading video from S3...") videoFullPath = vidPath+filename s3.Bucket(VIDEO_BUCKET_NAME).download_file(s3_file.key, videoFullPath) print("Finished downloading video") #Create new directory for fixed video newVidPath = vidPath+facility+'/'+date+'/'+time+'/' if not os.path.exists(newVidPath): os.makedirs(newVidPath) #Fix Video untruncVideo(filename, newVidPath) #Sync video to S3 if os.isfile(newVidPath+filename): source = newVidPath+videoName destination = 's3://'+str(VIDEO_BUCKET_NAME)+'/*/full_videos_fixed/'+facility+'/'+date+'/'+time+'/' uploadToS3("sync", source, destination) #Remove video print("Done analyzing, removing current video file...") os.remove(videoFullPath) #Add video to doneFile f = open(trackFile,'a') f.write(str(s3_file.key)+'\n') f.close() print("Moving onto next video...\n")
def run(self): iter = mcl_input_iterator(self.inf) for mcl_input_block in iter: out_block = mcl_input_block.readline() mclinf = open(self.mclinput_fname, 'w') mclinf.write( mclinf.close() parameter = self.parameter.split() wl = ['mcl', self.mclinput_fname, '-o',self.mcloutput_fname] + parameter try: os.spawnvp(os.P_WAIT, 'mcl', wl) except: sys.stderr.write('MCL running error.\n') os.remove(self.mclinput_fname) if os.isfile(self.mcloutput_fname): os.remove(self.mcloutput_fname) sys.exit(1) out_block += '(parameter %s )\n'%self.parameter mcloutf = open(self.mcloutput_fname, 'r') out_block += mcloutf.close() self.outf.write(out_block) os.remove(self.mclinput_fname) os.remove(self.mcloutput_fname)
def rinex_renamer(input_rinex_path,output_directory,stat_out_name='',remove=False): if stat_out_name == '': stat_out_name = os.path.basename(input_rinex_path)[0:4] stat_out_name = stat_out_name.lower() inp_rinex_obj=open(input_rinex_path,'r+') out_dir = output_directory # nom redondant mais j'ai la flemme d'aller corriger le nom de la variable if not os.path.exists(out_dir): os.makedirs(out_dir) os.chdir(out_dir) first_epoch , last_epoch = rinex_start_end(input_rinex_path) rnx_interval_ext = rinex_session_id(first_epoch,last_epoch) + '.' rinex_out_name = stat_out_name + first_epoch.strftime('%j') + rnx_interval_ext + first_epoch.strftime('%y') + 'o' print(rinex_out_name) output_rinex_path = os.path.join(out_dir,rinex_out_name) if input_rinex_path != output_rinex_path: print("INFO : copy of ", input_rinex_path , ' to ' , output_rinex_path) shutil.copy(input_rinex_path,output_rinex_path) if remove and os.isfile(output_rinex_path) : print("INFO : removing " , input_rinex_path) os.remove(input_rinex_path) else: print("INFO : " , input_rinex_path) print("and", output_rinex_path ,"are the same file") print("nothing's done ...") return output_rinex_path
def enable_internet(): # create a file to indicate the state of internet connection if not os.isfile(internet_tag_file): open(internet_tag_file, "a").close() total_subnet = ",".join([net_config["HqCidr"],net_config["VpcCidr"]]) cmd = internet_cmd % ('-A', total_subnet) return exeute_shell(cmd)
def build_model_from_dirents(self, dirent): for subdir in os.listdir(dirent): if os.path.isdir(subdir): self.build_feature(subdir) for filename in os.listdir(subdir): if os.isfile(filename) and re.match(".*.sql$", filename): self.build_scenario(filename) return Model(self.features)
def calcula_tamanho_pasta(pasta): tamanhoTotal = 0 ficheiros = os.listdir(pasta) for ficheiro in ficheiros: if os.isfile(join(pasta, ficheiro)): tamanhoTotal += os.path.getsize(join(pasta, ficheiro)) / 1024 return tamanhoTotal
def find_in_path(basename): path_ary = os.getenv(PATH).split(':') for p in path_ary: path = "%s/%s" % (p, basename) if os.access(path, os.X_OK) and os.isfile(path): return path return False
def countFiles(path,num=0): for content in listdir(path): if isfile(content): num+=1 for content in listdir(path): if isdir(content): num+=countFiles(join(path,content)) return num
def setValue(self, value): """ Sets value and filename for this object. """ if os.isfile(value): # allow to overwrite files only with existing files self.varValue = value self.filename = os.path.basename(value) else: raise IncorrectValue, value+" in PathToFile.setValue()"
def convert_to_npy(args): if not isinstance(args, tuple): key = "data" npz_file = args else: npz_file, key = args if not os.isfile(npz_file[:-3] + "npy"): a = np.load(npz_file)[key][:-3] + "npy", a)
def precondition_check(): """f() -> None Disallow running the program if the C version generated files are not there. """ for filename in [WITH_PASS_EPAK, NO_PASS_EPAK]: if not os.isfile(filename): print "Missing %r" % filename sys.exit(1)
def dirSize(path,size=0): from os import listdir,isfile,isdir,stat for content in listdir(path): if isfile(content): size+=stat(join(path,content)).st_size for content in listdir(path): if isdir(content): size+=dirSize(join(path,content)) return size
def __init__(self, partName, unixEpochTime, configurationRef, partStatus): self.partName = partName self.unixEpochTime = unixEpochTime self.fileName = self.partName = MARK_DOWN_EXTENSION self.configurationRef = configurationRef self.partStatus = partStatus if (os.isfile(filename)): f = open('r',self.fileName) line = f.readline()
def stream(data, song_name): song = ("%s.mp3", song_name) if os.isfile(song): else: with open(song, 'wb') as file: file.write(data)
def default_options(action): """Enable or Disable All Available options""" for k in option_dict: file = os.path.join(config_dir, k) if action == 'enable': with open(file, 'w') as f: f.close else: if os.isfile(file): os.remove(file)
def main(): if sys.argv[1] == "-c": print "List of missing files/dirs:" backup_list = open("/home/tj/.backup-list") for line in backup_list: path = os.path.join("/home/tj", line) if os.isdir(path) or os.isfile(path): print line print "End of List" sys.exit(0)
def from_dir(self, dir): list = SourceList() for ele in os.listdir(dir): if ele.startswith('.'): continue if os.isfile(ele): file = ele else: file = ele+'/'+ele
def __init__(self, directory=""): = directory if len( > 0: = [ f for f in listdir( if isfile(join(, f)) and f.endswith(".csv") ] print( "Note : It's better to make use of pandas.\n\n\tpd.read_csv(\"actors.csv\").to_dict(orient=\"row\")\n" )
def search_sub_folder(dic,path): files = os.listdir(path) for file in files: if os.isfile(file): f = open(path.os.sep+file, r) content = time = time.strftime('%Y/%m/%d %H:%M',time.localtime(time.time())) dic[file] = [content, time] else: search_folder(dic,path+os.sep+file)
def get_bucket_owner(self, bucket): """ returns the bucket owner """ path = os.path.join(self.id_to_filename(bucket), '_owner') if not os.isfile(path): return "nobody" f = open("r", path) owner = f.close() owner = owner.rstrip("\n") return owner
def scan(self, payload, **kwargs): """ Scan a payload using TRiD :param bytes payload: Payload to be scanned :param **kwargs kwargs: Additional parameters (unused) :returns: Results from scan :rtype: dict or None """ results = [] path = self.stoq.write(path=self.stoq.temp_dir, payload=payload, binary=True) if not os.path.isfile(self.bin): self.stoq.log.error("TrID does not exist at {}!".format(self.bin)) return None # Build our command and then execute it cmd = [self.bin, "-d:{}".format(self.defs), path] trid_results = check_output(cmd).splitlines() # If there are results, iterate over them and build our blob if len(trid_results) > 0: if trid_results[7].startswith("Warning".encode()): start_pos = 10 else: start_pos = 7 for line in trid_results[start_pos:]: line = line.decode().split() if len(line) > 1: r = {} r['likely'] = line[0] r['extension'] = line[1] r['type'] = ' '.join(line[2:]) results.append(r) # Time to cleanup if we wrote a temp file to disk try: if os.isfile(path): os.remove(path) except: pass super().scan() if results: return results else: return None
def _check_cram_fasta_input(urls_dict, ref_fasta): """ Ensure reference FASTA file is provided if """ ftypes = [vals['ftype'] for vals in urls_dict.values()] if 'cram' in ftypes: if not os.isfile(ref_fasta): err = 'INPUT ERROR: input .tsv contains one or more CRAM files ' + \ 'but --ref-fasta not specified' exit(err)
def scan(self, payload, **kwargs): """ Scan a payload using XORSearch :param bytes payload: Payload to be scanned :param **kwargs kwargs: Additional parameters (unused) :returns: Results from scan :rtype: dict or None """ results = [] path = self.stoq.write(path=self.stoq.temp_dir, payload=payload, binary=True) if not os.path.isfile(self.bin): self.log.error("XORSearch does not exist at {}!".format(self.bin)) return None # Build our command and then execute it cmd = [self.bin, '-f', self.terms, path] process_results = check_output(cmd).splitlines() # If there are results, iterate over them and build our blob if len(process_results) > 0: for line in process_results: line = line.decode() result = line.split() hit = line.split(': ') r = {} # We are going to skip over hits that are not xor'd if result[2] != '00': r['key'] = result[2] r['pos'] = result[4].replace(':', '') r['str'] = hit[1] results.append(r) # Time to cleanup if we wrote a temp file to disk try: if os.isfile(path): os.remove(path) except: pass super().scan() # Return our results if results: return results else: return None
def scan(self, payload, **kwargs): """ Scan a payload using XORSearch :param bytes payload: Payload to be scanned :param **kwargs kwargs: Additional parameters (unused) :returns: Results from scan :rtype: dict or None """ results = [] path = self.stoq.write(path=self.stoq.temp_dir, payload=payload, binary=True) if not os.path.isfile(self.bin): self.stoq.log.error("XORSearch does not exist at {}!".format(self.bin)) return None # Build our command and then execute it cmd = [self.bin, '-f', self.terms, path] process_results = check_output(cmd).splitlines() # If there are results, iterate over them and build our blob if len(process_results) > 0: for line in process_results: line = line.decode() result = line.split() hit = line.split(': ') r = {} # We are going to skip over hits that are not xor'd if result[2] != '00': r['key'] = result[2] r['pos'] = result[4].replace(':', '') r['str'] = hit[1] results.append(r) # Time to cleanup if we wrote a temp file to disk try: if os.isfile(path): os.remove(path) except: pass super().scan() # Return our results if results: return results else: return None
def enqueue(params, email, qdir=QUEUEDIR): """ This is a function to enqueue messages """ # Make the directory to queue messages if doesn't exist if not os.path.exists(qdir): os.makedirs(qdir) # Construct the base of the file timestamp = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H.%M.%S", time.gmtime()) base = qdir + "/" + timestamp i=0 while (os.isfile(base + ".mail") or os.isfile(base + ".msmtp")): i += 1 base = qdir + "/" + timestamp + "-" + i with + ".mail", os.O_WRONLY, int("0600", 8)) as fem, + ".msmtp", os.O_WRONLY, int("0600", 8)) as fms: # Print strings into files print(params, fms) print(message, fem)
def runqueue(qdir=QUEUEDIR, maxwait=120, lockfile=LOCKFILE): # Wait for a lock that another instance has set wait = 0 for i in range(maxwait): if os.isfile(lockfile): time.sleep(1) else: break if os.isfile(lockfile): print("Cannot use the queuedir, because another instance is already using it") print("Remove the lockfile if that's not the case") # Check for empty queuedir if len(os.listdir(qdir)) == 0: print("No mails in the queuedir") # Lock the directory touch(lockfile) # Process all mails for mailfile in glob.glob(qdir + "/*.mail"): msmtpfile = os.path.splitext(mailfile)[0] + ".msmtp" print("Sending") with as f: msmtp_opts = if 0 != Call(["msmtp", msmtp_opts, "<", mailfile]): os.remove(msmtpfile) os.remove(mailfile) print("Sent") else: print("msmtp could not process the message") # Unlock the directory os.rm(lockfile) return 0
def __init__(self, m_init, Ms, d_mxHxm=0.1, name=None): if isinstance(m_init, str): if os.isfile(m_init): self.m_init = m_init else: raise JoommfError("Magnetisation file not found") else: self.m_init = m_init # Want to throw a warning here if neither self.Ms = Ms self.d_mxHxm = d_mxHxm = name
def expandpath(path): """Expand (fully qualify) an arbitrary path to an existing file or directory. If path does not map to an existing file the pathname is returned unchanged. """ if os.isdir(path): return expand_dir_path(path) elif os.isfile(path): return expand_file_path(path) else: return path
def register_model(self, model_name): if not self.trained: if os.isfile(self.this_job_path + '/' + self.torchmodel_filename): self.trained = True else: print("Error: No model trained.") return # add model information to database(file db or web db) if self.trained: # create model folder model_root_path = self.workspace_path + '/model' model_path = model_root_path + '/' + model_name createDirectory(model_root_path) createDirectory(model_path) if self.net_name is not "": # copy network file to model path # $WORKSPACE/nets{net_name} -> $WORKSPACE/model/{model_name}/ org_net_path = self.workspace_path + '/net/' + self.net_name + '.py' net_path = model_path + '/' + self.torchnet_filename shutil.copy(org_net_path, net_path) else: org_net_path = self.this_job_path + '/' + self.network_filename net_path = model_path + '/' + self.torchnet_filename shutil.copy(org_net_path, net_path) # copy model file to model path # $JOB_PATH/torchmodel.pth -> $WORKSPACE/model/{model_name}/torchmodel.pth org_modelfile_path = self.this_job_path + '/' + self.torchmodel_filename modelfile_path = model_path + '/' + self.torchmodel_filename shutil.copy(org_modelfile_path, modelfile_path) # copy service.json to model path org_service_file_path = self.this_job_path + '/service.json' service_file_path = model_path + '/service.json' if os.path.exists(org_service_file_path): shutil.copy(org_service_file_path, service_file_path) # copy result graph to model path if self.problem_type == "classification": org_graph_file_path = self.this_job_path + '/confusionMatrix.png' graph_file_path = model_path + '/confusionMatrix.png' if self.problem_type == "regression": org_graph_file_path = self.this_job_path + '/regressionAccuracy.png' graph_file_path = model_path + '/regressionAccuracy.png' if os.path.exists(org_graph_file_path): shutil.copy(org_graph_file_path, graph_file_path) # copy score to model path org_score_path = self.this_job_path + '/score' with open(org_score_path, "r") as score_file: score = score_file.readline() pos = score.find(':') score = score[pos + 2:] score_path = model_path + '/score' if os.path.exists(org_score_path): shutil.copy(org_score_path, score_path) self.create_model_metadata(model_name, model_path, score)
def cp(src, dst, symlink = False, ignores = []): ''' to copy file or directories. @src, string, source file or directory. @dst, string, destination file or directory @symlink, bool, whether ignore symlinks @ignores, list, ignore patterns, used as parameter for ignore_patterns. ''' if os.isfile(src): shutil.copy(src, dst) else: shutil.copytree(src, dst, symlink, shutil.ignore_patterns(ignores))
def integrity_check(): ITERATION = 0 FAILEDLOAD = 0 for x in self.EXISTS_TABLE:#range(len(self.EXISTS_TABLE)): if x:#EXISTS_TABLE if not os.isfile(str(self.LOADED_PATHS[ITERATION])+str(self.FILE_TABLE[ITERATION])):##does the not file exist with the specified path when it should print('Attempting repair... '+str(self.FILE_TABLE[ITERATION])) ##REPAIR ##END REPAIR else: print('found .. '+str(self.FILE_TABLE[ITERATION])) ITERATION +=1 print('Load check complete: LOADED|'+(len(self.EXISTS_TABLE)- FAILEDLOAD)+' Failed|'+str(FAILEDLOAD))
def add_new_command(command, tags): """adds a new command, also creates a new tag or adds it to the specified tag""" command_filename = COMMANDS_DIR+command.split()[0] print(command_filename) if os.isfile(command_filename): print("Filename exists") else: f = open(command_filename, 'w') if(tags is None): print(command+"-> No tag specified") else: print(command+"-> tags: "+" ".join(tags))
def compresscallfile(self): try:"Call dir %s" %self.calldir) maildir=os.path.join(,self.responder.maildir) zipfile=os.path.join(maildir,self.callid+".zip") os.system("zip -r %s %s" %(zipfile, self.calldir)) if os.isfile("%s" %(zipfile)):"Successfully zipped call file") else:"Could not compress call file") except: self.logger.error("Could not compress call file")
def update_media(self, base_path=getattr(settings, "MEDIA_ROOT", "")): """ settings.MEDIA_ROOTに指定されたパス配下をすべてS3にバックアップする。 保存パス: /{{project_name}}/media/{{dir_name}}/{{fn}} """ for fn in os.listdir(base_path): path = os.path.join(base_path, fn) if ( os.isdir(path) ): self.update_media(path) if not ( os.isfile(path) ): # シンボリックリンク等 continue # ToDo: S3にセーブ return