def save(self): date = sunpy.time.parse_time( error = sys('touch '+self.maps_dir+'data/{:%Y/%m/%d/} > shelloutput.txt'.format(date)) if error != 0: sys('{0}{1:%Y}; {0}{1:%Y/%m}; {0}{1:%Y/%m/%d} > shelloutput.txt'.format( 'mkdir '+self.maps_dir+'data/', date)), self.maps_dir+'data/{:%Y/%m/%d/%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S}.fits'.format(date), clobber=True)
def loadinTwo(): while(True): os.sys("clear") time.sleep(1) sys.stdout.write("\r") sys.stdout.flush() sys.stdout.write("Loading") time.sleep(0.2) sys.stdout.flush() sys.stdout.write(".") time.sleep(0.2) sys.stdout.flush() sys.stdout.write(".") time.sleep(0.2) sys.stdout.flush() sys.stdout.write(".") time.sleep(0.2) sys.stdout.flush() sys.stdout.write(".") time.sleep(0.2) sys.stdout.flush() os.system("clear") sys.stdout.write("\r")
def Quitter(): while True: choix=input('Veux-tu quitter ou recommencer une partie ? Q/R ') choix=Minuscule(choix) if choix=='r': return True elif choix=='q': sys('cls') print("\nDommage... :'('") slp(1.5) exit() else: print('Desole mais '+choix+' n\'est pas une reponse valide...')
def metal3DToEsfBarra(nmbArch, nmbDBase, nmbTabla): ''' Importa el listado de esfuerzos en barras de metal 3D que se pasa como parámetro nmbArchivo: Nombre del archivo que contiene el listado. nmbDBase: Nombre de la base de datos donde se guardará la tabla. nmbTabla: Nombre de la tabla que contendrá los esfuerzos. ''' os.sys("fromdos " + nmbArch) os.sys("csplit -s "+ nmbArch + " '/.*Esfuerzos.*/' '/.*Esfuerzos.*/'") nmbArchEsf= nmbArch + ".esf" os.sys("mv xx02 " + nmbArchEsf) os.sys("rm -f xx*") metal3DcreaTablaEsfBarra(nmbArch,nmbDBase,nmbTabla) listado= open(nmbArchEsf,"r") str1= "" str1SB= "" csv= "" lst= [] nmbAccion= "" idElem= 0.0 numSec= 0.0 tmpStr= "" tmpDbl= 0.0 codEsf= "" N= 0.0 Ty= 0.0 Tz= 0.0 Mt= 0.0 My= 0.0 Mz= 0.0 for line in listado: str1= readln("listado") str1SB= str1.strip() if(strlen(str1SB)>1): if(re.match(".*Hipótesis.*",str1SB)): nmbAccion= getNombreAccion(str1SB) else: csv= replace(eliminaCar(str1SB," "),"|",",") if(re.match(",[0-9]+/[0-9]+.*",csv)): lstXSec=separaCsv(csv) idElem= tonum(replaceAll(lstXSec[1],"/",multINode)) numSec= lstXSec.size-4 else: if(re.match(",,[MNT].*",csv)): lst=separaCsv(csv) codEsf= getCodEsf(lst[2]) if(codEsf=="?"): print "El código de esfuerzo: ",lst[2]," en la línea",str1SB," es desconocido" else: for j in range(1,numSec): xSec= tonum(replaceAll(lstXSec[2+j],"m","")) tmpDbl= lst[2+j] tmpStr= "update "+nmbTabla+" set " + codEsf + " = " tmpStr= tmpStr + sqlValue(tmpDbl) + " where ELEM= " + sqlValue(idElem) tmpStr= tmpStr + " and xSEC= " + sqlValue(xSec)+" and ACCION= "+sqlValue(nmbAccion) cur.execute(tmpStr) listado.close()
def AvoidWrongTriggers(): """ Throws an error if Eyelink is connected but not configured.\n *Only needed in EEG experiments without Eyetracking!* **Author** : Wanja Mössing, WWU Münster | [email protected] \n *July 2017* Since we use a Y-cable which is supposed to send the TTL-triggers from the Python-PC to EEG & Eyetracker host, there is a permanent connection between the three parallelports (1. EEG, 2.Python, 3.Eyelink). Therefore, all parallelports need to be set low, except for the one putting the triggers (i.e. Python). The Eyelink host-pc sends a random trigger at startup if not configured properly. So if an experiment that doesn't use the Eyetracker sends a trigger to the EEG while the Eyetracker host-pc is turned on, that causes a wrong trigger in the EEG signal. This function can be placed at the beginning of an experiment that doesn't use the eyelink to throw an error if the eyelink is still connected. """ from os import system as sys from platform import system as sys_name print 'Pinging Eyelink to check if connected and powered...' if sys_name() == 'Windows': r = sys('ping -n 1') else: r = sys('ping -c 1') if r != 0: msg = """Eyelink host PC is turned on. Without running the appropriate startup routines (e.g., `EyelinkStart` from Wanja`s Github repo), this will cause faulty triggervalues in your EEG signal, because the parallel-port of the Eyelink-PC is set to a random value at startup instead of reading the port. Either turn off the Eyelink-PC or configure it!""" print(msg) raise SystemExit return
def pol_rec(): os.system('cls') global pi global e global cont print("This is a polar to rectangular vector converter.") time.sleep(1) while cont not in ["n","N"]: while True: try: angle_type = input("Is the angle in radians: y or n>>") print("Enter the vector in the format shown below:\n magnitude,angle") mag,angle= input("Please enter the polar vector>>").split(',') mag = float(mag) angle = float(angle) if angle_type in ["n","N","no","No"]: angle = math.radians(angle) x_vec = mag*math.cos(angle) y_vec = mag*math.sin(angle) print("<{},{}>".format(x_vec,y_vec)) break except: print("Error: Invalid Input!") time.sleep(1) os.system('cls') while True: cont = input("Do you wish to continue:Y or N?>>") if cont in ["y","Y"]: break elif cont in ["n", "N"]: break else: print("Error: Invalid Input") time.sleep(1) os.system('cls') os.sys('cls')
def metal3DcreaTablaEsfBarra(nmbArch, nmbDBase, nmbTabla): ''' Importa el listado de esfuerzos en barras de metal 3D que se pasa como parámetro nmbArchivo: Nombre del archivo que contiene el listado. nmbDBase: Nombre de la base de datos donde se guardará la tabla. nmbTabla: Nombre de la tabla que contendrá los esfuerzos. ''' os.sys("fromdos " + nmbArch) os.sys("csplit -s "+ nmbArch + " '/.*Esfuerzos.*/' '/.*Esfuerzos.*/'") nmbArchEsf= nmbArch + ".esf" os.sys("mv xx02 " + nmbArchEsf) os.sys("rm -f xx*") SQLTcreaTabla(nmbDBase,nmbTabla,"(idSecc int,ACCION string,ELEM integer,xSEC double,AXIL double,Q_1 double,Q_2 double,M_1 double,M_2 double,TORSOR double)") listado= open(nmbArchEsf,"r") str1= "" str1SB= "" csv= "" lst= [] lstXSec= "" nmbAccion= "" idElem= 0.0 idSecc= 0.0 numSec= 0.0 xSec= 0.0 tmpStr= "" j= 0.0 listado= open(nmbArchEsf) for line in listado: str1= line str1SB= str.strip() if(strlen(str1SB)>1): if(re.match(".*Hipótesis.*",str1SB)): nmbAccion= getNombreAccion(str1SB) for j in range(1,numSec): xSec= tonum(replaceAll(lst[2+j],"m","")) idSecc= idElem*10+j cur.execute("insert into "+nmbTabla+" (idSecc,ACCION,ELEM,xSEC) values("+sqlValue(int(idSecc))+","+sqlValue(nmbAccion)+","+sqlValue(idElem)+","+sqlValue(xSec)+")") else: csv= replace(eliminaCar(str1SB," "),"|",",") if(re.match(",[0-9]+/[0-9]+.*",csv)): lst=separaCsv(csv) idElem= tonum(replaceAll(lst[1],"/",multINode)) numSec= lst.size-4 listado.close()
NDiv = 1 ''' #Test MaxFiles=2 NDiv=1 ''' cnt = 0 for fr in range(0, MaxFiles, NDiv): to = fr + NDiv for iev in range(0, Njobperfile): #if(cnt>5) : break #sys("rm ./output/output_%d_%d" %(fr,to)) #sys("rm -rf ./log/log_%d_%d" %(fr,to)) #print "We now delete log" sys("mkdir ./log/log_%d_%d_%d" % (fr, to, iev)) Logfile = "./log/log_%d_%d_%d" % (fr, to, iev) Filenm01 = "%s/FBasy_%d_%d_%d.job" % (Logfile, fr, to, iev) Filenm02 = "%s/" % (Logfile, fr, to, iev) sys("cp ~/condor_script4 %s" % Filenm01) sys("echo \"Output = %s/Corrjob.out\">>%s" % (Logfile, Filenm01)) sys("echo \"Error = %s/Corrjob.err\">>%s" % (Logfile, Filenm01)) sys("echo \"Log = %s/Corrjob.log\">>%s" % (Logfile, Filenm01)) sys("echo \"Executable = %s\">>%s" % (Filenm02, Filenm01)) sys("echo \"Queue\" >>%s" % Filenm01) sys("echo \"#!/bin/sh \">%s" % Filenm02)
#!/usr/bin/env python3 from os import system as sys sys("clear") print("\n\n[ Info ] [ Wait ] Intalling Requeriments...\n\n") sys("./") from requests import get from simplejson.errors import JSONDecodeError from time import sleep url_lunesnode = '' url_wallet_generator = "" def set_name(): return input("\n[ Info ] Write your node name? ") def set_ip(): print("\n[ Info ] [ Wait ] Looking for your IP...\n") x = get("").text option_ip = input(f"[ Info ] This [ {x} ] is your IP address? [y/n] ") if option_ip == "y": return x elif option_ip == "n": ip = input("\n[ Info ] Input your ip: ") return ip
player2 = Player(input("Player 2: Please enter a name: "), 2) started = unixtime() def getInput(player): prefix = "{} (Player {})".format(, player.number) inp = input("{}: Please input 'Rock', 'Paper' or 'Scissors': ".format(prefix)).lower() if inp not in ["rock", "paper", "scissors"]: print("{}: Try again.".format(prefix)) getInput(player) return inp while True: p1_inp = getInput(player1) sys("cls") p2_inp = getInput(player2) winner = check_inputs(player1, player2, p1_inp, p2_inp) if winner == "p1": player1.matches_won += 1 elif winner == "p2": player2.matches_won += 1 try_again = input("Do you want to try again or both player's statistics? Enter 'Yes' to try again, 'viewstats' to view your statistics and anything else to exit. ").lower() if try_again == "yes": print("Starting a new game!") continue elif try_again == "viewstats": date1 = datetime.fromtimestamp(started) date2 = datetime.fromtimestamp(unixtime())
p13.start(100) p18.start(100) forward=100 backward=0 try: char = screen.getch() if char == ord('p'): LastKey='p' time.sleep(0.5) camera.capture('/home/pi/Documents/lucru/YoloV2NCS/data/image_captura_%s.jpg' %captura) print ('Captura initializata') print ('\n') sys("cd YoloV2NCS && python3 ./detectionExample/ --image ./data/image_captura_%s.jpg" % captura) print ('Captura completa!%s imagini captate\n' %captura) captura+=1 print ('\n') elif char == ord(' '): LastKey=' ' Stop() GPIO.output(20,True) GPIO.output(21,True) time.sleep(0.5) GPIO.output(20,False) GPIO.output(21,False) time.sleep(0.5) elif char == curses.KEY_RIGHT: Right() elif char == curses.KEY_LEFT:
def Bagger(datastoredir): if datastoredir == "./MalwareAPK": TYPE = 1 # TYPE SET TO DIFFERENTIATE MALWARE AND BENIGN IN DATASET WITH LABELS print("\n\t ** Extracting From Malware Samples ** \n\n") elif datastoredir == "./BenignAPK": TYPE = 0 print("\n\t ** Extracting From Benign Samples ** \n\n") TimeStamp = str(time.time()) Flag = 1 # Jdax = "./Modules/jadx/bin/jadx" # Jdax = "./jadx/build/jadx/bin/jadx" Jdax = "./jadx/build/jadx/bin/jadx" TargetApkPath = datastoredir + "/" ApkNameList = os.listdir(datastoredir) if len(ApkNameList) == int(0): Flag = 0 if Flag != int(0): ApkNameList.sort() TotalApks = len(ApkNameList) CurrentApk = 0 fieldnames = [] with open('data.csv') as csv_file: CSVREADER = csv.DictReader(csv_file) fieldnames = CSVREADER.fieldnames #GET THE FIELD NAMES csv_master_dict = dict.fromkeys(fieldnames, 0) for ApkName in ApkNameList: TargetApk = TargetApkPath + ApkName print(">[" + str(CurrentApk + 1) + ' / ' + str(TotalApks) + "] --- " + ApkName, end=' ') print("\t.", end=' ') sys(Jdax + " -d ./UnpackedApk/" + ApkName + TimeStamp + " " + TargetApk + " >/dev/null") #EXTRACT THE PERMISSIONS FROM THE APK FILES print(".", end=' ') UnpackedDir = "./UnpackedApk/" + ApkName + TimeStamp MainfestPath = UnpackedDir + "/resources/AndroidManifest.xml" try: root = ET.parse(MainfestPath).getroot() # FORMAT DATA ROW permissions = root.findall("uses-permission") csv_master_dict = dict.fromkeys(fieldnames, 0) csv_master_dict['NAME'] = ApkName csv_master_dict['CLASS'] = TYPE for perm in permissions: for att in perm.attrib: permelement = perm.attrib[att] if permelement in defaultList: csv_master_dict[permelement] = 1 sys("rm -f -R " + UnpackedDir) print(".", end=' ') with open('data.csv', 'a') as csv_dump: CSVwriter = csv.DictWriter(csv_dump, fieldnames=fieldnames) CSVwriter.writerow( csv_master_dict ) # SAVE DATA TO DATASET ROW BY ROW FOR EACH APPLICATION print(".") except Exception: print("EERRRROORR") pass CurrentApk += 1
choix_jouer=Minuscule(choix_jouer) if choix_jouer=='oui': break elif choix_jouer=='non': print("Dommage... :'(") slp(1.5) exit() else: print('Desole mais '+Entree+' n\'est pas une reponse valide...') while True: not_alone=Multi() while int(Diff)==0: sys('cls') print('Choisis ta difficulte : ') print('\n1)Facile') print('2)Moyen') print('3)Difficile') print('4)Personnalise') Diff=input() #On essaye de convertir Diff en Integer. Si ca marche pas, c'est que #le joueur a mis des lettres, et ca lui dit try: Diff=int(Diff) except Exception as e: print('Il semblerait que tu n\'ais pas renseigne un nombre...') continue
def getFTPFile(login): chamada = ( 'lftp -p %s -u %s,%s -e "get %s;quit" %s' % (login.porta, login.usuario, login.senha, login.arquivo, login.ip)) sys(chamada)
def clear(sclear, clearcmd): if (sclear == True): sys(clearcmd) else: print('\n', end='')
from os import system as sys import msvcrt while (True): print('Programa de sumas') num1 = int(input('Ingrese el primer numero:')) num2 = int(input('Ingrese el segundo numero:')) print('Que quieres hacer?') print('1.Sumar los 2 numeros') print('2.Restar los 2 numeros') print('3.Multiplicar los 2 numeros') num = (int(input('Elige un numero:'))) if (num == 1): print('La suma da:', num1 + num2) print("Presione una tecla para continuar...") msvcrt.getch() sys('cls') elif (num == 2): print('La resta da:', num1 - num2) print("Presione una tecla para continuar...") msvcrt.getch() sys('cls') elif (num == 3): print('La multiplicacion da', num1 * num2) print("Presione una tecla para continuar...") msvcrt.getch() sys('cls') else: print('Opcion invalida')
| _--'' __--*"__-'` |_--" .--=`"__-||" | | |\\\\ || | .dUU | | \\\\ // | UUUU | _|___// | UUUU | | | UUUU | | | UUUU | | | UUUU | | | UUUU | | | UUP' | | | ___^-"` ""' """) sleep(5) sys('cls') print('\nOh non t\'as croise le videur !') print('Ils ont pris tout ton pognon, et ils t\'ont bute !') Continuer=False break else: print('\nPutain la chance ! Il etait pas la ! Le temps de changer') print('de vetements et tu reviens, personne ne te reconnait. Tu as %s euros.'%Argent) else: Argent=Argent-mise*2 print('\nZut ! Tu n\'as plus que %s euros...'%Argent) cont=input('\nOn continue ? Oui/Non ') cont=fonctions.Minuscule(cont) if cont!='oui' and cont!='non': print('Ta reponse n\'est pas valide !')
of = open("file.log", "a") time1 = time.strftime('%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S', time.localtime(time.time())) if new == old: of.write("{} {}\n".format(alias, time1)) #fun2("", "baidu") #在每月初进行备份 copy_time = time.strftime('%d', time.localtime(time.time())) if copy_time == 1: shutil.copy("file1.log", "file2.log") shutil.copy("file.log", "file1.log") of = open("m3u81.conf") lists = of.readlines() list_temp = [] for h in lists: if h.strip(): list_temp.append(h) lists = list_temp[:] l = len(lists) if l <= 0: os.sys("clear") print("[Warning]Please add the host server") while 1: for i in range(0, l): v_list = lists[i].strip().split(" ") if fun1(v_list[0], v_list[1]) == 0: fun2(v_list[0], v_list[1])
def print_header(): sys("clear") print(header)
#!/usr/bin/env python #automatically run PredictHaplo import os import sys import glob import string #generate config listsample = open('listsample.txt','r') for i in range(0,16): os.sys('cp config_sim0 config_sim'+str(i+1)) samplename = listsample.xreadline().rsplit() os.sys('sed \'3s/.*/'+samplename+'/\' config_sim'+str(i+1)+' > config.tmp1') os.sys('sed \'5s/.*/ref.fa/\' config.tmp1 > config.tmp2') os.sys('sed \'9s:.*:data/'+samplename+'_R1aaaa.sam:\' config.tmp2 > config.tmp3') os.sys('sed \'11s/.*/0/\' config.tmp3 > config_sim'+str(i+1)) os.sys('./PredictHaplo config_sim'+str(i+1))
def addHost(): nome = "" ip = "" user = "" senha = "" protocolo = "" porta = 0 while True: nome = input("\nnome do equipamento -> ") if nome != "": break else: sys('echo "$(tput setaf 1)\n O NOME NAO PODE ESTAR EM BRANCO \n$(tput sgr0)"' ) while True: ip = input("IP do equipamento -> ") if ip != "": break else: sys('echo "$(tput setaf 1)\n O IP NAO PODE ESTAR EM BRANCO \n$(tput sgr0)"' ) while True: user = input("usuario do equipamento -> ") if user != "": break else: sys('echo "$(tput setaf 1)\n O USUARIO NAO PODE ESTAR EM BRANCO \n$(tput sgr0)"' ) while True: senha = input("senha do equipamento -> ") if senha != "": break else: sys('echo "$(tput setaf 3)\n DESEJA REALMENTE DEIXAR A SENHA EM BRANCO? \n$(tput sgr0)"' ) op = input(" (Y/N) -> ") if op.upper() == "Y": break while True: op = input( "\nMetodo de backup:\n1 - FTP (via lftp)\n2 - SSH (via scp)\n --> " ) if op == "1": protocolo = "FTP" break elif op == "2": protocolo = "SSH" break else: sys('echo "$(tput setaf 1)\n OPCAO INVALIDA \n$(tput sgr0)"') while True: default_port_number = "21" if protocolo == "SSH": default_port_number = "22" try: porta = input("porta do equipamento (%s default) -> " % (default_port_number)) if porta != "": porta = int(porta) break except: sys('echo "$(tput setaf 1)\n POR FAVOR, APENAS DIGITOS \n$(tput sgr0)"' ) new_login = Modelos.Login(utils.tratarNome(nome), ip, user, senha, porta, "backup.rsc", protocolo) banco.insert(new_login) sys('echo "$(tput setaf 2)\n EQUIPAMENTO ADICIONADO COM SUCESSO \n$(tput sgr0)"' )
import os proxyflag = "" if os.sys("env | grep proxy")==0: proxyflag = "-E" os.sys("sudo " + proxyflag + " apt-get install build-essential python-pip python-dev python3-dev libevent-dev python-all-dev python-scipy python-matplotlib python-numpy portaudio19-dev libatlas-base-dev gfortran multimedia-jack libpng-dev libjpeg-dev libfreetype6-dev") os.sys("sudo " + proxyflag + " pip3 install scipy pyaudio ") os.sys("sudo " + proxyflag + " pip3 install pylab") # To start recording :P """ Listening requires: You may need to change "pcm.front cards.pcm.front" to "pcm.front cards.pcm.default" in /usr/share/alsa/alsa.conf. jack_control dps period 64 dbus-launch jack_control start Try this from the command line: pulseaudio --kill jack_control start Then when your done do this: jack_control exit pulseaudio --start And sometimes jack wont die, so then do Get jackd's PID: ps -aux | grep jackd
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Samet BELLUR from os import system as sys values = list(range(5)) tab = "\n" # I need that because backslash cannot useable in f-string. for i in range(5): x = input("Varriable {}: ".format(i + 1)) try: values[i] = int(x) except ValueError: try: values[i] = float(x) except ValueError: values[i] = x sys("cls") for i in range(5): print( f'{tab}Varriable {i+1};{tab}Value: {values[i]}{tab}Type: {type(values[i])}' ) sys("pause")
def execute_step(index): print "Now executing '{0}'...".format(steps.keys()[index]) sys(steps.values()[index]) print "Execution of '{0}' complete".format(steps.keys()[index])
from os import system as sys count = 0 while count <= 20: sys("python3")
import os os.sys("python") # os.sys("python") os.sys("python")
def get_image(url): nome_arquivo = url.split('/').pop() print(nome_arquivo) command = "curl --output " + nome_arquivo + " " + url sys(command) print("feito!")
if b == a: les_joueurs[i].send("déplacement incorrect ,rejouez".encode("Utf8")) time.sleep(1) continue #Lorsque le joueur i a gagné if a == "vous gagnez": les_joueurs[i].send(a.encode("Utf8")) message = "joueur " + str(i) + " a gagné" for joueur in liste_joueur: if joueur != les_joueurs[i]: joueur.send(message.encode("Utf8")) joueur.close() time.sleep(1) break message = "joueur " + str(i) + " a joué \n" + a for key in les_joueurs: les_joueurs[key].send(message.encode("Utf8")) time.sleep(1.5) i += 1 #On réinitialise i si i est supérieur au nombre de joueur if i > nb_joueur: i = 1 try: os.sys("pause") except: print("le jeu est términé")
) exit() try: import rcpy # print("\nRCPY is installed!") except ImportError: print("\nRCPY is not installed!") permission = input( "Should I install the missing packages for you? (y/n): ") if permission.lower == "y": print("Installing missing packages!") os.sys( "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install roboticscape -y && sudo apt-get upgrade roboticscape -y && sudo apt-get install python3 python3-pip -y && sudo pip3 install rcpy && sudo pip3 install numpy" ) # Configure Network change_ap_ssid = input("Change the AP SSID? (y/n): ") if change_ap_ssid.lower == "y": ap_ssid = input("Enter new SSID: ") elif change_ap_ssid.lower == "n": pass change_ap_pass = input("Change the AP password? (y/n): ")
from os import system as sys import getpass from termcolor import colored from python_operations import what_py from docker_operations_all import what_docker from all_operations import all_operations_display import smtplib #code for banner and designs print(sys("figlet LINUXPY")) print() print() #read password from file f = open("password.txt",'r') password = password = password[0:len(password)-1] #password setup x = getpass.getpass("Enter Your Password : "******"LogIn Successfull !","red")) print() else : print(colored("Password is Incorrect !","red")) #menu-bar first_time = True if x == password: while True:
import os try: from mysql.connector import errorcode except ImportError: from os import system as sys sys("pip install mysql-connector-python") del sys try: from prettytable import PrettyTable except ImportError: from os import system as sys sys("pip install prettytable && exit") del sys import mysql import mysql.connector from mysql.connector import errorcode import mysql.connector cnx = mysql.connector.connect(user="******", password="******", host="localhost") cur = cnx.cursor() s1 = "CREATE DATABASE SCAMAZON" cur.execute(s1) s = "use SCAMAZON" cur.execute(s) s2 = "create table Cart(Ino VARCHAR(10),Mno VARCHAR(10),Price int,QTY INT)" cur.execute(s2)
from os import system as sys sys(''' gcc -c IA.c gcc -c functions.c gcc -c main.c gcc -o exe main.o functions.o IA.o rm *.o ./exe ''')
from os import system as sys sys("ifconfig") sys("sudo ifconfig eth0 down") sys("sudo ifconfig eth0") #original ip is sys("sudo idconig eth0 up")
def set_files(node_name, ip, type_net, hash_seed, password): sys(f"sed -i 's/NODE_NAME/{node_name}/g' ./settings/lunesnode.conf") sys(f"sed -i 's/IPV4/{ip}/g' ./settings/lunesnode.conf") sys(f"sed -i 's/TYPE_NETWORK/{type_net}/g' ./settings/lunesnode.conf") sys(f"sed -i 's/WALLET_SEED/{hash_seed}/g' ./settings/lunesnode.conf") sys(f"sed -i 's/WALLET_PASS/{password}/g' ./settings/lunesnode.conf") sys(f"sed -i 's/PEER1/' ./settings/lunesnode.conf") sys(f"sed -i 's/PEER2/' ./settings/lunesnode.conf") sys(f"sed -i 's/PEER3/' ./settings/lunesnode.conf")
#### neeed to make sure google still work for sure # this may have to run on non-python devs' boxes, try/catch an install of the requests lib to be SURE try: import requests except: import os os.sys('easy_install pip') os.sys('pip install requests') import requests #r = requests.get('') r = requests.get('') if r.status_code = 200: print "yep, it still there"
count += 1 if count != 0: conn = pymysql.connect(host='', user='******', passwd=None, db='development_sdn') cur = conn.cursor() cur.execute( "INSERT INTO t_sdnfetchedinformation(noOfSdnRecordsFetched) VALUES ('{}')" .format(count)) conn.commit() # conn.close() print('done') sql = "SELECT sdnFetchedInformationUid FROM t_sdnfetchedinformation WHERE noOfSdnRecordsFetched='{}'".format( count) cur.execute(sql) allInfo = cur.fetchall() for all in allInfo: for one in all: batch = one print(batch) # time.sleep(5) sdn_trigger(file_name, batch) main() sys('rm {}'.format(file_name))
import numpy as np import datetime as dt import sunpy from import vso from import Map, GenericMap from sunpy.instr.aia import aiaprep from import readsav as read from astropy import units as u from os import system as sys #import numexpr as ne try: from fits import calc_fits except ImportError: print 'Current extension is broken, missing or incompatible.\n'\ +'Compiling Fortran extension.' sys('f2py -c -m fits fitsmodule.f90') from fits import calc_fits home = '/media/huw/' def gaussian(x, mean=0.0, std=1.0, amp=1.0): """Simple function to return a Gaussian distribution""" if isinstance(x, list): x = np.array(x) power = -((x - mean) ** 2.0) / (2.0 * (std ** 2.0)) f = amp * np.exp(power) if amp == 1: f = f / max(f) return f
from os import system as sys import time # Instructions # # Replace 'access_key and secret_key with your keys # Add/remove or adjust any of the below commands # The structure is there to help you with the command syntax. start = time.time() sys('navi keys --a access_key --s secret_key') sys('echo Adding User Groups') # Create User Groups sys('navi usergroup new --name "Linux" >> user_navi.log') sys('navi usergroup new --name "Corporate Apps" >> user_navi.log') sys('navi usergroup new --name "Custom Apps" >> user_navi.log') sys('navi usergroup new --name "Software" >> user_navi.log') sys('echo creating users') # Create or enable users sys('navi user add --username "*****@*****.**" --password "Dietcoke\!12345" --permission 64 --name "Thor" --email "*****@*****.**" >> user_navi.log' ) sys('navi user add --username "*****@*****.**" --password "Dietcoke\!12345" --permission 64 --name "Hulk Smash" --email "*****@*****.**" >> user_navi.log' ) sys('navi user add --username "*****@*****.**" --password "Dietcoke\!12345" --permission 64 --name "IronMan" --email "ironman@@marvel.avengers" >> user_navi.log' ) sys('navi user add --username "*****@*****.**" --password "Dietcoke\!12345" --permission 64 --name "Spiderman" --email "*****@*****.**" >> user_navi.log' ) sys('navi user add --username "*****@*****.**" --password "Dietcoke\!12345" --permission 64 --name "Dr Strange" --email "*****@*****.**" >> user_navi.log' )
def getSCPFile(login): chamada = ('sshpass -p "%s" scp -P %s %s@%s:/%s %s' % (login.senha, login.porta, login.usuario, login.ip, login.arquivo, login.arquivo)) sys(chamada)
#!/usr/bin/python from os import system as sys from collections import OrderedDict def init(): sys("mkdir ../temp") def shutdown(): #sys("rm -r ../temp") pass steps = OrderedDict() steps["copy-workspace"] = "cp -R ../../workspace/* ../temp/" steps["copy-resources"] = "cp -R ../resources/* ../temp/" #steps["create-archive"] = "zip -rv ../../bin/$(date +output.%F.%T.crx) ../temp/*" def execute_step(index): print "Now executing '{0}'...".format(steps.keys()[index]) sys(steps.values()[index]) print "Execution of '{0}' complete".format(steps.keys()[index]) init() i = 0 while i < len(steps): execute_step(i) i += 1 shutdown() #sys("echo All steps done. Target built at output.$(date +%F.%T).crx") sys("echo All steps done. Extension folder is at $(cd ..; pwd)/temp")
def cmd(self): self = raw_input('Secure-Shell=> ') sys(self)
def init(): sys("mkdir ../temp")
def init(): sys("sudo amixer cset numid=3 1")
def banner(): sys("cat banner.txt")
from os import system as sys try: from termcolor import colored from time import sleep import socket except ModuleNotFoundError: sys("python") sys("clear") def banner(): sys("cat banner.txt") try: print("\033[1;31;40m") banner() print("\t \t\t<[----- coded By ansanbinoy -----]>") print("") g = (colored("[~]", 'green')) y = ("\033[1;35m[+]") c = (colored("[~]", 'cyan')) b = (colored("[~]", 'blue')) gm = (colored("[-]", 'green')) tip = input(gm + " \033[1;32mTarget host : \033[1;37m") print("") tport = input(gm + " \033[1;32mPort range [Eg:(80-90) :\033[1;37m ") lport = int(tport.split('-')[0]) rport = int(tport.split('-')[1]) hport = rport + 1 print(colored("<===================================>", 'white'))
def calculate_temperatures(date, n_params=1, data_dir=home+'SDO_data/', maps_dir=home+'temperature_maps/', n_procs=4): wlens = ['94', '131', '171', '193', '211', '335'] client = vso.VSOClient() print 'Finding data for {}.'.format( # Loop through wavelengths for wl, wlen in enumerate(wlens): #print 'Finding {}A data...'.format(wlen), fits_dir = data_dir + '{}/{:%Y/%m/%d}/'.format(wlen, date) filename = fits_dir + 'aia*{0}*{1:%Y?%m?%d}?{1:%H?%M}*lev1?fits'.format(wlen, date) temp_im = Map(filename) # Download data if not enough found if temp_im == []: print 'File not found. Downloading from VSO...' qr = client.query(vso.attrs.Time(date,# - dt.timedelta(seconds=6), date + dt.timedelta(seconds=12)),#6)), vso.attrs.Wave(wlen, wlen), vso.attrs.Instrument('aia'), vso.attrs.Provider('JSOC')) res = client.get(qr, path=fits_dir+'{file}', site='NSO', methods=['URL_FILE_Rice']).wait() n_wlens = len(wlens) temp = np.arange(5.6, 7.01, 0.01) n_temps = len(temp) if n_params == 1: wid = [0.1] hei = [1.0] else: wid = np.arange(0.1, 1.1, 0.1) # Just copying Aschwanden's range here hei = np.arange(15, 31) n_widths = len(wid) n_heights = len(hei) n_vals = n_temps * n_widths * n_heights try: #raise IOError model = np.memmap(filename=home+'synth_emiss_{}pars'.format(n_params), dtype='float32', mode='r', shape=(n_vals, n_wlens)) params = np.loadtxt(home+'gaussian_parameters_{}'.format(n_params)) except IOError: resp = load_temp_responses() logt = np.arange(0, 15.05, 0.05) delta_t = logt[1] - logt[0] model = np.memmap(filename=home+'synth_emiss_{}pars'.format(n_params), dtype='float32', mode='w+', shape=(n_vals, n_wlens)) params = np.zeros((n_vals, n_params)) # Define linear index in model for this set of parameters i = 0 # For given gaussian width, height and centre: for width in wid: for height in hei: for meantemp in temp: # For each channel k: # intensity(k, params) <- sum(temperature_response(k, params) * DEM(params)) * dT dem = gaussian(logt, float(meantemp), width, height) model[i, :] = np.sum(resp * dem, axis=1) * delta_t normmod = model[i, 2] model[i, :] = model[i, :] / normmod # Store these parameters for use later params[i, :] = [meantemp, width, height] i += 1 model.flush() np.savetxt(home+'gaussian_parameters_{}'.format(n_params), params) sys('mpirun -np {} -host localhost python {}T{} {} {}'.format( n_procs,, date.time(), n_params, n_vals)) return
def hasPing(host): ping_str = "ping -c 1 > /dev/null" resposta = sys(ping_str + " " + host) return resposta == 0
from credentials import username,password,server from os import system as sys sys( "sqlplus {}/{}@{}".format(username,password,server) )
def compare(self, display_wlen='171', context_wlen=None, extra_maps=[]): # temp_args=None, temp_kwargs=None, # wlen_args=None, wlen_kwargs=None, # ctxt_args=None, ctxt_kwargs=None, # extr_args=None, extr_kwargs=None): valid_wlens = ['94', '131', '171', '195', '211', '335', '304', 'hmi'] if display_wlen.lower() not in valid_wlens: print "Display wavelength provided invalid or None." output = self.plot()#*temp_args, **temp_kwargs) return output save_output = True data_dir = self.data_dir maps_dir = self.maps_dir date = nmaps = 2 + len(extra_maps) if context_wlen: nrows = 2 else: nrows = 1 fig = plt.figure(figsize=(24, 14)) fig.add_subplot(nrows, nmaps, nmaps, axisbg='k') self.plot()#*temp_args, **temp_kwargs) plt.colorbar(orientation='horizontal') displaymap = Map(data_dir+'{0}/{1:%Y/%m/%d}/aia*{0}*t{1:%H?%M}*lev1?fits'\ .format(display_wlen, date)) if isinstance(displaymap, list): displaymap = displaymap[0] displaymap = aiaprep(displaymap) displaymap /= displaymap.exposure_time fig.add_subplot(nrows, nmaps, 1, axisbg='k') displaymap.plot()#*wlen_args, **wlen_kwargs) plt.colorbar(orientation='horizontal') if context_wlen and self.region != None: context_plot = fig.add_subplot(nrows, 1, nrows) contextmap = Map(data_dir+'{0}/{1:%Y/%m/%d}/aia*{0}*t{1:%H?%M}*lev1?fits'.format(context_wlen, date)) if isinstance(contextmap, list): contextmap = contextmap[0] x, y = self.region_coordinate['x'], self.region_coordinate['y'] contextmap = contextmap.submap([-1000, 1000], [y-300, y+300]) # Need to figure out how to get 'subimsize' from self. Use the default 150'' for now #rect = patches.Rectangle([x-subdx, y-subdx], subimsize[0], subimsize[1], color='white', fill=False) rect = patches.Rectangle([x-150, y-150], 300, 300, color='white', fill=False) contextmap.plot()#*ctxt_args, **ctxt_kwargs) context_plot.add_artist(rect) for m, thismap in extra_maps: fig.add_subplot(nrows, nmaps, 3+m) thismap.plot()#*extr_args, **extr_kwargs) if save_output: error = sys('touch '+maps_dir+'maps/{:%Y/%m/%d/} > shelloutput.txt'.format(date)) if error != 0: sys('{0}{1:%Y}; {0}{1:%Y/%m}; {0}{1:%Y/%m/%d} > shelloutput.txt'\ .format('mkdir '+maps_dir+'maps/', date)) filename = maps_dir+'maps/{:%Y/%m/%d/%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S}_with{}'.\ format(date, display_wlen) plt.savefig(filename) if self.region != None: reg_dir = maps_dir + 'maps/region_maps' reg_dir = reg_dir + '/{}/'. format(self.region) error = sys('touch ' + reg_dir + ' > shelloutput.txt') if error != 0: sys('mkdir ' + reg_dir + ' > shelloutput.txt') plt.savefig(reg_dir+'{:%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S}'.format(date)) plt.close() else: return
def left(): sys("sudo aplay left.wav")
def backward(): sys("sudo aplay backward.wav")
def forward(): sys("sudo aplay forward.wav")
def mk_file(name): ''' 这个方法只用来创建空文件,只接受一个参数:文件的名字 ''' sys('touch %s' % name)
def right(): sys("sudo aplay right.wav")
print "Error inesperado\n" elif opciones_ac[accion] == 'descripcion': codigo = int( raw_input('Introduzca el código del producto a modificar:\n')) descripcion = raw_input( "Introduzca la nueva descripción del producto:\n") or "" if descripcion: descripcion = "descripcion='{}'".format(descripcion) cur.execute( "UPDATE productos SET {0} WHERE codigo={1};".format( descripcion, codigo)) conn.commit() cur.close() conn.close() elif opciones_ac[accion] == 'salir': sys('clear') print "\nPrograma terminado.\n" cur.close() conn.close() return raw_input("\n\n\n\tPresione enter para continuar...") sys('clear') continue if __name__ == '__main__': sys('clear') main()
def mk_dir(name): ''' 这个方法只创建文件夹,只接受一个参数:文件夹的名字 ''' sys('mkdir %s' % name)
def main(): while True: dbname = 'tienda' user = raw_input("Introduzca el nombre de usuario: ") pwd = 'password' #host = 'localhost' host = raw_input("Introduzca el host: ") try: db_usr = "******".format( dbname, user, host, pwd) conn = psycopg2.connect(db_usr) except Exception: pprint("Error:") logging.basicConfig(format="%(message)s") logging.warning("Unable to connect") return cur = conn.cursor() opciones_depa = { 1: 'lacteos', 2: 'perfumeria', 3: 'jardin', 4: 'abarrotes', } opciones_ac = { 1: 'consultar', 2: 'insertar', 3: 'modificar', 4: 'perecedero', 5: 'descripcion', 0: 'salir', } departamento = int( raw_input("""Introduzca el número del departamento a acceder: 1 - Lácteos 2 - Perfumería 3 - Jardín 4 - Abarrotes >>""")) sys('clear') accion = int( raw_input("""Introduzca la opción deseada: 1 - Consultar productos 2 - Insertar registro 3 - Modificar nombre de producto 4 - Mostrar perecederos 5 - Modificar descripción 0 - Regresar >>""")) sys('clear') if opciones_ac[accion] == 'consultar': try: cur.execute("SELECT codigo, nombre,\ descripcion FROM productos\ WHERE departamento = '{}';".format( opciones_depa[departamento])) print "Código\tNombre\t\tDescripción\n" for x in cur.fetchall(): print x[0], "\t", x[1], "\t\t", x[2] except: print "Error inesperado\n" elif opciones_ac[accion] == 'insertar': try: nombre = raw_input("Introduce el nombre del producto:\n") departamento = raw_input("Introduce el departamento:\n") descripcion = raw_input("Introduce la descripción:\n") perecedero = 's' in raw_input("Perecedero(s/n)\n").lower() proveedor = raw_input("Introduce el proveedor(10 char)\n")[:10] cur.execute( "INSERT INTO productos(nombre,departamento,descripcion,perecedero,proveedor)\ values('{0}','{1}','{2}',{3},'{4}');".format( nombre, departamento, descripcion, perecedero, proveedor)) conn.commit() cur.close() conn.close() except: print "Error inesperado\n" elif opciones_ac[accion] == 'modificar': codigo = int( raw_input('Introduzca el código del producto a modificar:\n')) nombre = raw_input( "Introduzca el nuevo nombre del producto:\n") or "" departamento = raw_input( "Introduzca el nuevo nombre de departamento:\n") or "" descripcion = raw_input( "Introduzca la nueva descripción del producto:\n") or "" if nombre: nombre = "nombre='{}'".format(nombre) cur.execute("UPDATE productos SET {0} WHERE departamento='{1}'\ AND codigo={2};".format( nombre, opciones_depa[departamento], codigo)) conn.commit() cur.close() conn.close() elif opciones_ac[accion] == 'perecedero': try: cur.execute("SELECT codigo,nombre\ FROM productos\ WHERE perecedero=True\ AND departamento='{0}';".format( opciones_depa[departamento])) print "Código\tNombre\n" for x in cur.fetchall(): print x[0], "\t", x[1] except: print "Error inesperado\n" elif opciones_ac[accion] == 'descripcion': codigo = int( raw_input('Introduzca el código del producto a modificar:\n')) descripcion = raw_input( "Introduzca la nueva descripción del producto:\n") or "" if descripcion: descripcion = "descripcion='{}'".format(descripcion) cur.execute( "UPDATE productos SET {0} WHERE codigo={1};".format( descripcion, codigo)) conn.commit() cur.close() conn.close() elif opciones_ac[accion] == 'salir': sys('clear') print "\nPrograma terminado.\n" cur.close() conn.close() return raw_input("\n\n\n\tPresione enter para continuar...") sys('clear') continue
import os import time counter=0 while True: try: os.sys('python /home/kim/codes/') counter+=1 print 'application runs for'+str(counter)+'times' time.sleep(5) except: print 'error occurred'
# Run this file only when you are absolutely sure from os import system as sys from WebsiteData import main_pages, Main_Folders sys('rm ./temp.html') for folder in Main_Folders: # run this command to check the files to be deleted # system(f'find ./{folder} -name "*.html" -type f') # run this command to delete the files after checking sys(f'find ./{folder} -name "*.html" -type f -delete') sys(f'find ./{folder} -name "*.txt" -type f -delete') for page in main_pages: # run this command to check the files to be deleted # system(f'ls ./{page}') # run this command to delete the files after checking sys(f'rm ./{page}')