Example #1
 def test_json_load_file_gz__json_save_file_pretty_gz(self):
     data = {'answer': 42}
     gz_file = json_save_file_pretty_gz(data)
     assert json_load_file_gz(gz_file) == data
     assert file_exists(gz_file) is True
     assert json_load_file_gz_and_delete(gz_file) == data
     assert file_exists(gz_file) is False
    def test_add_file(self):
        metadata = self.metadata
        file_paths = metadata.data.get('original_file_paths')

        assert self.metadata.exists() is False  # metadata folder doesn't exist

        # adding file first time
        assert metadata.add_file(
        ) == self.file_hash  # add file and get file hash as return value
        assert metadata.exists() is True  # confirm metadata folder now exists
        assert folder_exists(metadata.metadata_folder_path()
                             )  # confirm metadata folder now exists
        assert file_exists(
            metadata.metadata_file_path())  # confirm metadata json file exists
        assert file_exists(metadata.source_file_path()
                           )  # confirm source file was correctly put in place
        assert metadata.file_hash == self.metadata_utils.file_hash(
        )  # confirm hash of source file matches hash of file_path
        assert metadata.metadata_file_path() == path_combine(
            metadata.metadata_folder_path(), DEFAULT_METADATA_FILENAME
        )  # confirm metadata file is place in correct location
        file_paths = metadata.data.get('original_file_paths')
        assert file_paths == [
        ]  # confirms that in this mode the entire path is preserved

        # adding same file 2nd time (with same hash and same name)
        assert metadata.add_file(
            self.file_path) == self.file_hash  # adding the same file again
        file_paths = metadata.data.get('original_file_paths')
        assert file_paths == [self.file_path
                              ]  # should not impact this value (same as above)

        # adding same file 3nd time (with same hash but different name)
        assert metadata.add_file(
        ) == self.file_hash  # adding the same file again (with different name)
        file_paths = metadata.data.get('original_file_paths')
        assert file_paths == [self.file_path, self.file_copy_path
                              ]  # will make the new file path be added

        # adding same file 4th time (with self.path_hd1 set to parent folder of path)
        file_parent_folder = parent_folder(
            self.file_path)  # get parent folder of test file
        self.metadata.path_hd1 = file_parent_folder  # assign it to the metadata variable used to calculate virtual paths

        assert metadata.add_file(self.file_path) == self.file_hash
        file_paths = metadata.data.get('original_file_paths')
        assert file_paths == [
            self.file_path, self.file_copy_path,
        ]  # confirm that the virtual file path was added as the 3rd item (in this case the file name)

        #clean up
        assert self.metadata.delete() is True
        assert folder_not_exists(self.metadata.metadata_folder_path())
    def test_download(self):
        path_screenshot_1 = self.screenshot.download()
        assert file_exists(path_screenshot_1)

        # download to specific location
        target_file = temp_file(extension='.png')
        #target_file       = '/tmp/vm_screenshot_2.png'
        path_screenshot_2 = VM_Screenshot(self.vm, target_file).download()
        assert file_exists(path_screenshot_2)
Example #4
    def test_file_create(self):
        target = temp_file()
        text = random_string()

        assert file_delete(target) is True
        assert file_exists(target) is False
        assert file_create(target, text) == target

        assert file_exists(target) is True
        assert file_contents(target) == text

        empty_file = file_create()

        assert file_exists(empty_file) is True
        assert file_contents(empty_file) == ''
Example #5
    def test_save_png_bytes_to_file(self):
        with Log_To_String(logger_png) as log_to_string:
            assert file_not_exists(self.path_temp_png)
            png_file = save_png_bytes_to_file(bytes=TEST_PNG_BYTES,
            assert png_file == self.path_temp_png
            assert file_exists(self.path_temp_png)
            assert log_to_string.contents(
            ) == f'Png data with size 148 saved to {png_file}\n'

        with Log_To_String(logger_png) as log_to_string:
            png_file = save_png_bytes_to_file(bytes=TEST_PNG_BYTES)
            assert file_exists(png_file)
            assert log_to_string.contents(
            ) == f'Png data with size 148 saved to {png_file}\n'
Example #6
    def test_file_copy(self):
        text_a = random_string()
        text_b = random_string()
        file_a = temp_file(contents=text_a)
        file_b = temp_file(contents=text_b)
        assert file_exists(file_a) is True
        assert file_exists(file_b) is True
        assert file_contents(file_a) == text_a
        assert file_contents(file_b) == text_b
        assert file_delete(file_b) is True
        assert file_exists(file_b) is False

        file_copy(file_a, file_b)

        assert file_exists(file_b) is True
        assert file_contents(file_b) == text_a
Example #7
 def test_GET_bytes_to_file(self):
     target = temp_file(extension="png")
     assert file_not_exists(target)
     assert GET_bytes_to_file(self.url_png, target)
     assert file_exists(target)
     assert file_size(target) == 17575
     assert file_bytes(target)[:4] == b"\x89PNG"
    def test_copy_file(self):
        assert file_exists(self.test_file)
        assert folder_exists(self.new_folder)
        self.dst = os.path.join(self.new_folder, "image2.jpg")
        self.file_service.copy_file(self.test_file, self.dst)

        assert os.path.exists(self.dst) is True
Example #9
 def test_file_create_and_deletion(self):
     with Temp_S3_Zip_With_Lambda_File() as temp_s3_zip:
         assert folder_exists(temp_s3_zip.folder)
         assert file_exists(temp_s3_zip.tmp_file)
         assert temp_s3_zip.s3_prefix == 'lambdas/unit_tests/temp_zips'
         assert 'temp_zip_file_' in temp_s3_zip.file_name
         assert temp_s3_zip.s3_key == f'{temp_s3_zip.s3_prefix}/{temp_s3_zip.file_name}.zip'
Example #10
 async def test_args_set_user_data_dir__enable_logging(self):
     user_data = temp_folder()
     chrome = Chrome().headless(True)
     await chrome.browser()
     log_file = path_combine(user_data, 'Default/chrome_debug.log')
     assert file_exists(log_file)
Example #11
 def test_hd1_add_file(self):
     test_file      = temp_file(contents=random_text())
     test_file_name = file_name(test_file)
     file_in_hd1    = self.storage.hd1_add_file(test_file)
     assert file_exists(file_in_hd1)
     assert file_contents(file_in_hd1) == file_contents(test_file)
     assert self.storage.hd1_file_path(test_file_name) == file_in_hd1
Example #12
    def upload_ova(self, ova_path):
        sdk = self.sdk
        assert file_exists(ova_path)

        ovf_handle = OvfHandler(ova_path)

        ovfManager = sdk.content().ovfManager
        rp = sdk.resource_pool()
        ds = sdk.datastore()
        dc = sdk.datacenter()
        cisp = pyVmomi.vim.OvfManager.CreateImportSpecParams()
        cisr = ovfManager.CreateImportSpec(ovf_handle.get_descriptor(), rp, ds,

        lease = rp.ImportVApp(cisr.importSpec, dc.vmFolder)
        while lease.state == pyVmomi.vim.HttpNfcLease.State.initializing:
            print("Waiting for lease to be ready...")

        if lease.state == pyVmomi.vim.HttpNfcLease.State.error:
            print("Lease error: %s" % lease.error)
            return 1

        if lease.state == pyVmomi.vim.HttpNfcLease.State.done:
            return 0

        host = sdk.server_details().get('host')

        print("Starting deploy...")
        result = ovf_handle.upload_disks(lease, host)
    def test_lambda_upload_file(self):
        deploy_lambda = Deploy_Lambda(self.lambda_handler)
        package = deploy_lambda.package
        aws_lambda = package.aws_lambda


        assert run.__module__ == self.expected_module
        assert run.__name__ == 'run'
        assert '/osbot_aws/lambdas/dev/hello_world.py' in package.get_files()
        assert len(files_list(aws_lambda.folder_code)) == len(
        assert file_exists(

        assert aws_lambda.s3_bucket == f'{self.expected_account_id}-osbot-lambdas'
        assert aws_lambda.s3_key == f'lambdas/{self.expected_module}.zip'

        assert self.s3.file_exists(bucket=aws_lambda.s3_bucket,
                                   key=aws_lambda.s3_key) is True
        assert self.s3.file_delete(bucket=aws_lambda.s3_bucket,
                                   key=aws_lambda.s3_key) is True
        assert self.s3.file_exists(bucket=aws_lambda.s3_bucket,
                                   key=aws_lambda.s3_key) is False


        assert self.s3.file_exists(bucket=aws_lambda.s3_bucket,
                                   key=aws_lambda.s3_key) is True
Example #14
 def test_upload_ova_file(self):
     self.ova.download_ova_file(self.url, self.ova_path)
     assert file_exists(self.ova_path)
     self.vm = self.ova.sdk.find_by_name(self.vm_name)
     assert self.vm is not None
Example #15
    def test_image_build(self):
        target_image = 'centos'
        expected_size = 209348126
        folder_dockerFile = path_combine(self.path_docker_images, target_image)
        path_dockerfile = path_combine(folder_dockerFile, 'Dockerfile')
        repository = "osbot_docker__test_image_build"
        tag = "abc"
        image_name = f"{repository}:{tag}"

        assert folder_exists(folder_dockerFile)
        assert file_exists(path_dockerfile)

        result = self.api_docker.image_build(folder_dockerFile, repository,

        build_logs = result.get('build_logs')
        image = result.get('image')
        status = result.get('status')
        tags = result.get('tags')

        assert self.api_docker.image_exists(repository, tag)
        assert status == 'ok'
        assert image_name in tags
        assert image_name in self.api_docker.images_names()
        assert image.get('Size') == expected_size
        assert next(build_logs) == {'stream': 'Step 1/3 : FROM centos:8'}

        assert self.api_docker.image_delete(repository, tag) is True

        assert image_name not in self.api_docker.images_names()
Example #16
 def test_screenshot(self):
     #self.vm.wait(1)                            # todo: when OCR serverless function is available add check to confirm text from image is the correct one
     self.vm.send_key('KEY_F2')  # will trigger setup page
     #self.vm.wait(4)                            # todo: when OVR is available use this to detect the correct use of F2
     path_screenshot = self.vm.screenshot()
     assert file_exists(path_screenshot)
 def test_deployment(self):
     deployment_file = path_combine('../../test_files/deployment',
     assert file_exists(deployment_file)
     deployment = yaml_load(deployment_file)
     resp = self.cluster.api_apps().create_namespaced_deployment(
         body=deployment, namespace="default")
     print("Deployment created. status='%s'" % resp.metadata.name)
Example #18
    def test_yaml_save__load(self):
        yaml = yaml_parse(yaml_code)
        yaml_file = yaml_save(yaml)

        assert file_exists(yaml_file) is True
        assert file_contents(yaml_file) == yaml_code

        assert yaml_load(yaml_file) == yaml
    def test_icap_process_file(self):
        file_to_rebuild = Files_To_Rebuild().file_word_with_macros()
        file_to_process = file_to_rebuild.get('local_path')
        expected_file_md5 = file_to_rebuild.get('md5s').get('rebuilt')
        expected_file_size = file_to_rebuild.get('file_sizes').get('rebuilt')
        result = self.icap_client.icap_process_file(self.target_ip,
        config = result.get('config')
        original_file = config.get('local_config').get('input_file')
        rebuilt_file = config.get('local_config').get('output_file')

        assert file_exists(original_file)
        assert file_exists(rebuilt_file)

        assert result.get('file_sizes').get('rebuilt') == expected_file_size
        assert result.get('md5s').get('rebuilt') == expected_file_md5
Example #20
    def test_key_pair_create_to_file(self):
        key_name = 'osbot-unit-tests-temp_key_pair'
        result = self.ec2.key_pair_create_to_file(key_name=key_name)
        key_pair_id = result.get('key_pair').get('KeyPairId')
        path_key_pair = result.get('path_key_pair')

        assert file_exists(path_key_pair) is True
        assert file_contents(path_key_pair).find('BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY') > -1
        assert self.ec2.key_pair_delete(key_pair_id=key_pair_id) is True
        assert file_delete(path_key_pair) is True
Example #21
 def test_set_hd3_location(self):
     hd3_location = path_combine(temp_folder(), 'cccc')
     assert file_not_exists(hd3_location)
     assert self.config.hd3_location == hd3_location
     assert file_exists(hd3_location)
     assert abspath(
         self.config.hd3_location) == abspath('./test_data/scenario-1/hd3')
     assert folder_delete_all(hd3_location)
Example #22
    def test_prepare_zip(self):
        zip_name = self.zip_name

        response = self.file_distributor.prepare_zip(self.test_file,
                                                     zip_name)  # zip a file
        assert response == os.path.join(self.file_distributor.zip_folder,
        assert file_exists(
            os.path.join(self.file_distributor.zip_folder, zip_name))

        file_delete(os.path.join(self.file_distributor.zip_folder, zip_name))

        response = self.file_distributor.prepare_zip(self.test_folder,
                                                     zip_name)  # zip a folder
        assert response == os.path.join(self.file_distributor.zip_folder,
        assert file_exists(
            os.path.join(self.file_distributor.zip_folder, zip_name))

        file_delete(os.path.join(self.file_distributor.zip_folder, zip_name))
 def test_save(self):
     target_file = temp_file()                                                   # temp file to save data
     assert file_not_exists(target_file)                                         # confirm it doesn't exist
     with patch.object(Hash_Json, 'get_file_path', return_value=target_file):    # patch get_file_path to return temp file path
         assert self.hash_json.get_file_path() == target_file                    # confirm patch is in place
         self.hash_json.save()                                          # call write_to_file
         assert file_exists(target_file)                                         # confirm temp file now exists
         assert self.hash_json.load() == self.hash_json.data()                     # confirm reloaded data is correct
         assert json_load_file(target_file)    == self.hash_json.data()            # also confirm using direct json load of temp file
     assert self.hash_json.get_file_path()     != target_file                    # confirm pathc is not there (after 'with' ends)
     file_delete(target_file)                                                    # delete temp file
Example #24
    def test_prepare_hd2_hash_folder_zip(self):
        zip_name = self.zip_name
        test_path_list = [self.test_folder]

        response = self.file_distributor.prepare_hd2_hash_folder_zip(
            test_path_list, zip_name)
        assert response == os.path.join(self.file_distributor.zip_folder,
        assert file_exists(
            os.path.join(self.file_distributor.zip_folder, zip_name))

        file_delete(os.path.join(self.file_distributor.zip_folder, zip_name))
    def test_get_access_key_for_user(
            self):  # test CI_Setup().get_access_key_for_user method
        path_temp_credentials = self.ci_setup.path_temp_credentials  # store path in local var to make it easier to read
        assert file_delete(
        ) is True  # make sure temp file with access keys doesn't exist

        credential_1 = self.ci_setup.get_access_key_for_user(
        )  # create first test credential
        assert file_exists(
            path_temp_credentials)  # confirm temp file now exists
        assert len(self.ci_setup.iam.user_access_keys()
                   ) == 1  # confirm there is only one access key for this user
        file_delete(path_temp_credentials)  # delete temp file

        credential_2 = self.ci_setup.get_access_key_for_user(
        )  # create another credential with delete_keys set to false
        assert len(self.ci_setup.iam.user_access_keys()
                   ) == 2  # confirm that there are 2 keys now in this user
        assert credential_1 != credential_2  # confirm that first and second credentials don't match
        assert file_exists(
            path_temp_credentials)  # confirm that temp file exists

        credential_3 = self.ci_setup.get_access_key_for_user(
        )  # create 3rd credential (with delete_keys set to True)
        assert len(self.ci_setup.iam.user_access_keys()
                   ) == 1  # confirm that there is only 1 key for this user
        assert credential_1 != credential_3  # and the that the credentials don't match

        credential_4 = self.ci_setup.get_access_key_for_user(
        )  # with new_key=False we should get the value from temp file
        assert credential_1 != credential_4  # which means that they shouldn't match with first credential
        assert credential_3 == credential_4  # but should match with the 3rd
        assert len(self.ci_setup.iam.user_access_keys(
        )) == 1  # finally confirm there is only one valid key for this user
Example #26
    def test_upload__download(self):
        local_file = temp_file(file_contents="This is a local file - " +
                               random_string())  # create local temp file

        self.datastore_file.upload(local_file)  # upload file to server
        tmp_file = self.datastore_file.download()  # download file from server

        assert file_exists(tmp_file)  # confirm it exists
        assert file_contents(local_file) == file_contents(
        )  # confirm content matches the randomly generated temp content

        assert self.datastore_file.delete(
        ) is True  # delete temp file from data_store
        file_delete(local_file)  # delete local temp file
Example #27
    def test__enter__leave__(self):
        temp_file = Temp_File()
        temp_web_server = Temp_Web_Server(root_folder=temp_file.tmp_folder)
        temp_browser = Temp_Browser(open_page=temp_web_server.url())
        full_link = urljoin(temp_web_server.url(), temp_file.tmp_file)
        with temp_file:
            with temp_web_server:
                with temp_browser:
                    with Wait_For_Download(page=temp_browser.page()) as _:
                        assert _.status is True
                        assert _.wait_count > 0
                        assert len(_.screenshots) == 0
                        assert file_exists(_.downloaded_file)

                    with Wait_For_Download(page=temp_browser.page(),
                                           capture_screenshots=True) as _:
                        assert _.status is True
                        assert _.wait_count > 0
                        assert len(_.screenshots) == 1
                        assert file_exists(_.downloaded_file)
Example #28
    def test_upload(self):
        tmp_folder = Temp_Folder_With_Lambda_File(


        downloaded_file = self.aws_lambda.s3().file_download(
            self.s3_bucket, self.s3_key)  # download file uploaded
        assert file_exists(downloaded_file) is True
        unzip_location = tmp_folder.folder + '_unzipped'
        Files.unzip_file(downloaded_file, unzip_location)  # unzip it
        assert file_contents(Files.find(unzip_location + '/*').pop(
        )) == tmp_folder.lambda_code  # confirm unzipped file's contents

        self.aws_lambda.s3().file_delete(self.s3_bucket, self.s3_key)
Example #29
    def add_file(self, file_path):
        if file_exists(file_path):
            tik = datetime.now()


            tok = datetime.now()
            delta = tok - tik

            if self.exists():
            return self.file_hash
Example #30
    def test_set_hd2_location(self):
        hd2_location = path_combine(temp_folder(), 'bbb')
        assert file_not_exists(hd2_location)
        assert self.config.hd2_location == hd2_location
        assert self.config.hd2_data_location == path_combine(
            hd2_location, DEFAULT_HD2_DATA_NAME)
        assert self.config.hd2_status_location == path_combine(
            hd2_location, DEFAULT_HD2_STATUS_NAME)
        assert self.config.hd2_processed_location == path_combine(
            hd2_location, DEFAULT_HD2_PROCESSED_NAME)
        assert file_exists(hd2_location)

        assert abspath(
            self.config.hd2_location) == abspath('./test_data/scenario-1/hd2')
        assert folder_delete_all(hd2_location)