Example #1
    def add_review(self, request_id, by_project=None, by_group=None, msg=None):
        Adds review by project to the request
        :param request_id: request to add review to
        :param project: project to assign review to
        req = get_request(self.apiurl, str(request_id))
        if not req:
            raise oscerr.WrongArgs('Request {} not found'.format(request_id))
        for i in req.reviews:
            if by_project and i.by_project == by_project and i.state == 'new':
            if by_group and i.by_group == by_group and i.state == 'new':

        # don't try to change reviews if the request is dead
        if req.state.name not in ('new', 'review'):

        query = {}
        if by_project:
            query['by_project'] = by_project
            if not msg:
                msg = 'Being evaluated by staging project "{}"'
                msg = msg.format(by_project)
        if by_group:
            query['by_group'] = by_group
            if not msg:
                msg = 'Being evaluated by group "{}"'.format(by_group)
        if not query:
            raise oscerr.WrongArgs('We need a group or a project')
        query['cmd'] = 'addreview'
        url = self.makeurl(['request', str(request_id)], query)
        http_POST(url, data=msg)
Example #2
    def repair(self, request):
        reviews = []
        reqid = str(request)
        req = get_request(self.api.apiurl, reqid)

        if not req:
            raise oscerr.WrongArgs('Request {} not found'.format(reqid))

        if req.state.name != 'review':
            print('Request "{}" is not in review state'.format(reqid))

        reviews = [
            r.by_project for r in req.reviews
            if ':Staging:' in str(r.by_project) and r.state == 'new'

        if reviews:
            if len(reviews) > 1:
                raise oscerr.WrongArgs(
                    'Request {} had multiple review opened by different staging project'
            raise oscerr.WrongArgs(
                'Request {} is not for staging project'.format(reqid))

        staging_project = reviews[0]
            data = self.api.get_prj_pseudometa(staging_project)
        except urllib2.HTTPError, e:
            if e.code == 404:
                data = None
Example #3
def do_vdelreq(self, subcmd, opts, *args):
    """${cmd_name}: display pending virtual accept delete request

    osc vdelreq [OPT] COMMAND PROJECT
        Shows pending the virtual accept delete requests and the current state.


    "list" will list virtually accepted delete request.

        osc vdelreq [--delreq-review DELREQREVIEW] list PROJECT

    self.apiurl = self.get_api_url()

    if len(args) == 0:
        raise oscerr.WrongArgs('No command given, see "osc help vdelreq"!')
    if len(args) < 2:
        raise oscerr.WrongArgs('No project given, see "osc help vdelreq"!')

    cmd = args[0]
    if cmd in ('list'):
        self.list_virtually_accepted_request(args[1], opts)
        raise oscerr.WrongArgs('Unknown command: %s' % cmd)
Example #4
def do_origin(self, subcmd, opts, *args):
    """${cmd_name}: tools for working with origin information


    config: print expanded OSRT:OriginConfig
    cron: update the lookup for all projects with an OSRT:OriginConfig attribute
    history: list requests containing an origin annotation
    list: print all packages and their origin
    package: print the origin of package
    potentials: list potential origins of a package
    projects: list all projects with an OSRT:OriginConfig attribute
    report: print origin summary report
    update: handle package source changes as either delete or submit requests

        osc origin config [--origins-only]
        osc origin cron
        osc origin history [--format json|yaml] PACKAGE
        osc origin list [--force-refresh] [--format json|yaml]
        osc origin package [--debug] PACKAGE
        osc origin potentials [--format json|yaml] PACKAGE
        osc origin projects [--format json|yaml]
        osc origin report [--diff] [--force-refresh] [--mail]
        osc origin update [--listen] [--listen-seconds] [PACKAGE...]

    if len(args) == 0:
        raise oscerr.WrongArgs('A command must be indicated.')
    command = args[0]
    if command not in [
            'config', 'cron', 'history', 'list', 'package', 'potentials',
            'projects', 'report', 'update'
        raise oscerr.WrongArgs('Unknown command: {}'.format(command))
    if command == 'package' and len(args) < 2:
        raise oscerr.WrongArgs('A package must be indicated.')

    level = logging.DEBUG if opts.debug else None
    logging.basicConfig(level=level, format='[%(levelname).1s] %(message)s')

    # Allow for determining project from osc store.
    if not opts.project and core.is_project_dir('.'):
        opts.project = core.store_read_project('.')

    apiurl = self.get_api_url()
    if command not in ['cron', 'projects', 'update']:
        if not opts.project:
            raise oscerr.WrongArgs('A project must be indicated.')
        config = config_load(apiurl, opts.project)
        if not config:
            raise oscerr.WrongArgs(
                'OSRT:OriginConfig attribute missing from {}'.format(

    function = 'osrt_origin_{}'.format(command)
    globals()[function](apiurl, opts, *args[1:])
    def repair(self, request):
        reviews = []
        reqid = str(request)
        req = get_request(self.api.apiurl, reqid)

        if not req:
            raise oscerr.WrongArgs('Request {} not found'.format(reqid))

        if req.state.name != 'review':
            print('Request "{}" is not in review state'.format(reqid))

        reviews = [
            r.by_project for r in req.reviews
            if ':Staging:' in str(r.by_project) and r.state == 'new'

        if reviews:
            if len(reviews) > 1:
                raise oscerr.WrongArgs(
                    'Request {} had multiple review opened by different staging project'
            raise oscerr.WrongArgs(
                'Request {} is not for staging project'.format(reqid))

        staging_project = reviews[0]
            data = self.api.project_status(staging_project)
        except HTTPError as e:
            if e.code == 404:
                data = None

        # Pre-check and pre-setup
        if data is not None:
            for request in data.findall('staged_requests/requests'):
                if request.get('id') == reqid:
                    print('Request "{}" had the good setup in "{}"'.format(
                        reqid, staging_project))
            # this situation should only happen on adi staging
            print('Project is not exist, re-creating "{}"'.format(
            name = self.api.create_adi_project(staging_project)

        # a bad request setup found
        print('Repairing "{}"'.format(reqid))
                            message='Re-evaluation needed',
                            msg='Requesting new staging review')
    def find_via_stagingapi(self, pkgs):
        Search for all various mutations and return list of SR#s. Use
        and instance of StagingAPI to direct the search, this makes
        sure that the SR# are inside a staging project.
        :param pkgs: mesh of argumets to search for

        This function is only called for its side effect.

        for p in pkgs:
            found = False
            for staging in self.api.get_staging_projects():
                if _is_int(p) and self.api.get_package_for_request_id(
                        staging, p):
                    self.srs[int(p)] = {'staging': staging}
                    found = True
                    rq = self.api.get_request_id_for_package(staging, p)
                    if rq:
                        self.srs[rq] = {'staging': staging}
                        found = True
            if not found:
                raise oscerr.WrongArgs('No SR# found for: {}'.format(p))
    def find_request_id(self, request_id):
        Look up the request by ID to verify if it is correct
        :param request_id: ID of the added request

        if not _is_int(request_id):
            return False

        url = makeurl(self.api.apiurl, ['request', str(request_id)])
            f = http_GET(url)
        except urllib2.HTTPError:
            return None

        root = ET.parse(f).getroot()

        if root.get('id', None) != str(request_id):
            return None

        project = root.find('action').find('target').get('project')
        if (project != self.api.project
                and not project.startswith(self.api.cstaging)):
            msg = 'Request {} is not for {}, but for {}'
            msg = msg.format(request_id, self.api.project, project)
            raise oscerr.WrongArgs(msg)
        self.srs[int(request_id)] = {'project': project}

        return True
Example #8
    def supseded_request(self, request):
        Returns a staging info for a request or None
        :param request - a Request instance
        :return dict with 'prj' and 'rq_id' of the old request
        # Consolidate all data from request
        request_id = int(request.get('id'))
        action = request.findall('action')
        if not action:
            msg = 'Request {} has no action'.format(request_id)
            raise oscerr.WrongArgs(msg)
        # we care only about first action
        action = action[0]

        # Where are we targeting the package
        target_project = action.find('target').get('project')
        target_package = action.find('target').get('package')

        # If the values are empty it is no error
        if not target_project or not target_package:
            msg = 'no target/package in request {}, action {}; '
            msg = msg.format(request_id, action)

        # If the package is currently tracked then we do the replacement
        stage_info = self.packages_staged.get(target_package, {'prj': '', 'rq_id': 0})
        if stage_info['rq_id'] != 0 and int(stage_info['rq_id']) != request_id:
            return stage_info
        return None
Example #9
    def do_change_review_state(self, request_id, newstate, message=None,
                               by_group=None, by_user=None, by_project=None):
        Change review state of the staging request
        :param request_id: id of the request
        :param newstate: state of the new request
        :param message: message for the review
        :param by_group, by_user, by_project: review type

        message = '' if not message else message

        req = get_request(self.apiurl, str(request_id))
        if not req:
            raise oscerr.WrongArgs('Request {} not found'.format(request_id))

        for review in req.reviews:
            if review.by_group == by_group and \
               review.by_user == by_user and \
               review.by_project == by_project and \
               review.state == 'new':

                # call osc's function
                return change_review_state(self.apiurl, str(request_id),

        return False
Example #10
    def accept_non_ring_request(self, request):
        Accept review of requests that are not yet in any ring so we
        don't delay their testing.
        :param request: request to check

        # Consolidate all data from request
        request_id = int(request.get('id'))
        action = request.findall('action')
        if not action:
            msg = 'Request {} has no action'.format(request_id)
            raise oscerr.WrongArgs(msg)
        # we care only about first action
        action = action[0]

        # Where are we targeting the package
        target_project = action.find('target').get('project')
        target_package = action.find('target').get('package')

        # If the values are empty it is no error
        if not target_project or not target_package:
            msg = 'no target/package in request {}, action {}; '
            msg = msg.format(request_id, action)

        # Verify the package ring
        ring = self.ring_packages.get(target_package, None)
        if not ring:
            # accept the request here
            message = 'No need for staging, not in tested ring projects.'
Example #11
 def set_review(self, request_id, project, state='accepted', msg=None):
     Sets review for request done by project
     :param request_id: request to change review for
     :param project: project to do the review
     req = get_request(self.apiurl, str(request_id))
     if not req:
         raise oscerr.WrongArgs('Request {} not found'.format(request_id))
     # don't try to change reviews if the request is dead
     if req.state.name not in ('new', 'review'):
     cont = False
     for i in req.reviews:
         if i.by_project == project and i.state == 'new':
             cont = True
     if not cont:
     if not msg:
         msg = 'Reviewed by staging project "{}" with result: "{}"'
         msg = msg.format(project, state)
Example #12
    def find_via_stagingapi(self, pkgs):
        Search for all various mutations and return list of SR#s. Use
        and instance of StagingAPI to direct the search, this makes
        sure that the SR# are inside a staging project.
        :param pkgs: mesh of argumets to search for

        This function is only called for its side effect.

        url = self.api.makeurl(
            ['staging', self.api.project, 'staging_projects'], {'requests': 1})
        status = ET.parse(self.api.retried_GET(url)).getroot()

        for p in pkgs:
            found = False
            for staging in status.findall('staging_project'):
                for request in staging.findall('staged_requests/request'):
                    if request.get('package') == p or request.get('id') == p:
                        self.srs[int(request.get('id'))] = {
                            'staging': staging.get('name')
                        found = True
            if not found:
                raise oscerr.WrongArgs('No SR# found for: {}'.format(p))
    def find_request_package(self, package):
        Look up the package by its name and return the SR#
        :param package: name of the package

        query = 'types=submit,delete&states=new,review&project={}&view=collection&package={}'
        query = query.format(self.api.project, quote(package))
        url = makeurl(self.api.apiurl, ['request'], query)
        f = http_GET(url)

        root = ET.parse(f).getroot()

        requests = []
        for sr in root.findall('request'):
            # Check the target matches - OBS query is case insensitive, but OBS is not
            rq_target = sr.find('action').find('target')
            if package != rq_target.get('package') or self.api.project != rq_target.get('project'):

            request = sr.get('id')
            state = sr.find('state').get('name')

            self.srs[int(request)] = {'project': self.api.project, 'state': state}

        if len(requests) > 1:
            msg = 'There are multiple requests for package "{}": {}'
            msg = msg.format(package, ', '.join(requests))
            raise oscerr.WrongArgs(msg)

        request = int(requests[0]) if requests else None
        return request
Example #14
    def __init__(self,
        """Creates a request in the OBS instance and instantiates an object to represent it"""
        self.revoked = True

        if type == 'submit':
            self.reqid = osc.core.create_submit_request(
            print('created submit request {}/{} -> {}'.format(
                source_package.project.name, source_package.name,
        elif type == 'delete':
            self.reqid = create_delete_request(APIURL, target_project.name,
            raise oscerr.WrongArgs(f'unknown request type {type}')

        self.revoked = False
Example #15
    def select_request(self, request, move, filter_from):
        supersede = False

        staged_requests = {
            int(self.api.packages_staged[package]['rq_id']): package
            for package in self.api.packages_staged
        if request in staged_requests:
            supersede = self._supersede(request)

        if request not in staged_requests and not supersede:
            # Normal 'select' command
            print('Adding request "{}" to project "{}"'.format(
                request, self.target_project))

            return self.api.rq_to_prj(request, self.target_project)
        elif request in staged_requests and (move or supersede):
            # 'select' command becomes a 'move'
            # supersede = (new_rq, package, project)
            fprj = self.api.packages_staged[staged_requests[request]][
                'prj'] if not supersede else supersede[2]
            if filter_from and filter_from != fprj:
                print('Ignoring "{}" in "{}" since not in "{}"'.format(
                    request, fprj, filter_from))
                return True

            if supersede:
                print('"{} ({}) is superseded by {}'.format(
                    request, supersede[1], supersede[0]))

            if fprj == self.target_project:
                print('"{}" is currently in "{}"'.format(
                    request, self.target_project))
                return False

            print('Moving "{}" from "{}" to "{}"'.format(
                request, fprj, self.target_project))

            # Store the source project, we also need to write a comment there

            return self.api.move_between_project(fprj, request,
        elif request in staged_requests and not move:
            # Previously selected, but not explicit move
            fprj = self.api.packages_staged[staged_requests[request]]['prj']
            msg = 'Request {} is already tracked in "{}".'
            msg = msg.format(request, fprj)
            if fprj != self.target_project:
                msg += '\nUse --move modifier to move the request from "{}" to "{}"'
                msg = msg.format(fprj, self.target_project)
            return True
        elif supersede:
            print('"{} ({}) supersedes {}'.format(request, supersede[1],
            raise oscerr.WrongArgs('Arguments for select are not correct.')
Example #16
    def repair(self, request):
        reviews = []
        reqid = str(request)
        req = get_request(self.api.apiurl, reqid)

        if not req:
            raise oscerr.WrongArgs('Request {} not found'.format(reqid))

        if req.state.name != 'review':
            print('Request "{}" is not in review state'.format(reqid))

        reviews = [
            r.by_project for r in req.reviews
            if ':Staging:' in str(r.by_project) and r.state == 'new'

        if reviews:
            if len(reviews) > 1:
                raise oscerr.WrongArgs(
                    'Request {} had multiple review opened by different staging project'
            raise oscerr.WrongArgs(
                'Request {} is not for staging project'.format(reqid))

        staging_project = reviews[0]
        data = self.api.get_prj_pseudometa(staging_project)
        for request in data['requests']:
            if request['id'] == reqid:
                print('Request "{}" had the good setup in "{}"'.format(
                    reqid, staging_project))

        # a bad request setup found
        print('Repairing "{}"'.format(reqid))
                            message='Re-evaluation needed',
                            msg='Requesting new staging review')
Example #17
def do_check_repo(self, subcmd, opts, *args):
    """${cmd_name}: Checker review of submit requests.

       ${cmd_name} [SRID]...
           Shows pending review requests and their current state.

    opts.mode = ''
    opts.groups = {}
    opts.grouped = {}
    opts.verbose = False

    opts.apiurl = self.get_api_url()

    if opts.skip:
        if not len(args):
            raise oscerr.WrongArgs(
                'Please give, if you want to skip a review specify a SRID')
        for id_ in args:
                                                 message='skip review')

    ids = [arg for arg in args if arg.isdigit()]

    packs = []
    if not ids:
        # xpath query, using the -m, -r, -s options
        where = "@by_user='******'+and+@state='new'"
        url = makeurl(opts.apiurl, ['search', 'request'],
                      "match=state/@name='review'+and+review[" + where + "]")
        f = http_GET(url)
        root = ET.parse(f).getroot()
        for rq in root.findall('request'):
            packs.extend(self._check_repo_one_request(rq, opts))
        # we have a list, use them.
        for id_ in ids:
            packs.extend(self._check_repo_fetch_request(id_, opts))

    groups = {}
    for p in packs:
        a = groups.get(p.group, [])
        groups[p.group] = a

    for id_, reqs in groups.items():
        self._check_repo_group(id_, reqs, opts)
Example #18
    def create_new_adi(self, wanted_requests):
        all_requests = self.api.get_open_requests()

        non_ring_packages = []
        non_ring_requests = dict()

        for request in all_requests:
            # Consolidate all data from request
            request_id = int(request.get('id'))
            if len(wanted_requests) and request_id not in wanted_requests:
            action = request.findall('action')
            if not action:
                msg = 'Request {} has no action'.format(request_id)
                raise oscerr.WrongArgs(msg)
            # we care only about first action
            action = action[0]

            # Where are we targeting the package
            if len(wanted_requests):
                source_project = 'wanted'
                source = action.find('source')
                if source is not None:
                    source_project = source.get('project')
                    source_project = 'none'

            target_package = action.find('target').get('package')

            if not self.api.ring_packages.get(target_package):

                if not source_project in non_ring_requests:
                    non_ring_requests[source_project] = []

        if len(non_ring_packages):
            print "Not in a ring:", ' '.join(sorted(non_ring_packages))

        for source_project, requests in non_ring_requests.items():
            name = self.api.create_adi_project(None)

            for request in requests:
                if not self.api.rq_to_prj(request, name):
                    return False

            # Notify everybody about the changes
            self.api.update_status_comments(name, 'select')
Example #19
    def rq_to_prj(self, request_id, project):
        Links request to project - delete or submit
        :param request_id: request to link
        :param project: project to link into
        # read info from sr
        tar_pkg = None

        req = get_request(self.apiurl, str(request_id))
        if not req:
            raise oscerr.WrongArgs('Request {} not found'.format(request_id))

        act = req.get_actions('submit')
        if act:
            tar_pkg = self.submit_to_prj(act[0], project)

        act = req.get_actions('delete')
        if act:
            tar_pkg = self.delete_to_prj(act[0], project)

        if not tar_pkg:
            msg = 'Request {} is not a submit or delete request'
            msg = msg.format(request_id)
            raise oscerr.WrongArgs(msg)

        # register the package name
        self._add_rq_to_prj_pseudometa(project, int(request_id), tar_pkg)

        # add review
        self.add_review(request_id, project)

        # now remove the staging checker
                                    message='Picked {}'.format(project))
        return True
Example #20
    def add_review(self, requestid, by_project=None, by_package=None, msg=None):
        query = {}
        query['by_project'] = by_project
        query['by_package'] = by_package
        if not msg:
            msg = "Being evaluated by {}/{}. This is submitted by a tool to Leap, please review this change and decline it if Leap do not need this!"
            msg = msg.format(by_project, by_package)

        if not query:
            raise oscerr.WrongArgs('We need a project')

        query['cmd'] = 'addreview'
        url = makeurl(self.apiurl, ['request', str(requestid)], query)
        http_POST(url, data=msg)
Example #21
    def check_adi_project(self, project):
        query_project = self.api.extract_staging_short(project)
        info = self.api.project_status(project, reload=True)

        if info.find('staged_requests/request') is not None:
            if info.find('building_repositories/repo') is not None:
                print(query_project + ' ' + Fore.MAGENTA + 'building')
            if info.find('untracked_requests/request') is not None:
                print(query_project + ' ' + Fore.YELLOW + 'untracked: ' + ', '.join(['{}[{}]'.format(
                    Fore.CYAN + req.get('package') + Fore.RESET, req.get('id')) for req in info.findall('untracked_requests/request')]))
            if info.find('obsolete_requests/request') is not None:
                print(query_project + ' ' + Fore.YELLOW + 'obsolete: ' + ', '.join(['{}[{}]'.format(
                    Fore.CYAN + req.get('package') + Fore.RESET, req.get('id')) for req in info.findall('obsolete_requests/request')]))
            if info.find('broken_packages/package') is not None:
                print(query_project + ' ' + Fore.RED + 'broken: ' + ', '.join([
                    Fore.CYAN + p.get('package') + Fore.RESET for p in info.findall('broken_packages/package')]))
            for review in info.findall('missing_reviews/review'):
                print(query_project + ' ' + Fore.WHITE + 'review: ' + '{} for {}[{}]'.format(
                    Fore.YELLOW + self.api.format_review(review) + Fore.RESET,
                    Fore.CYAN + review.get('package') + Fore.RESET,
            for check in info.findall('missing_checks/check'):
                print(query_project + ' ' + Fore.MAGENTA + 'missing: {}'.format(check.get('name')))
            for check in info.findall('checks/check'):
                state = check.find('state').text
                if state != 'success':
                    print(query_project + '{} {} check: {}'.format(Fore.MAGENTA, state, check.get('name')))

        overall_state = info.get('state')

        if overall_state == 'empty':

        if overall_state != 'acceptable':
            raise oscerr.WrongArgs('Missed some case')

        ready = []
        for req in info.findall('staged_requests/request'):
            ready.append('{}[{}]'.format(Fore.CYAN + req.get('package') + Fore.RESET, req.get('id')))
        if len(ready):
            print(query_project, Fore.GREEN + 'ready:', ', '.join(ready))
    def find(self, pkgs):
        Search for all various mutations and return list of SR#s
        :param pkgs: mesh of argumets to search for

        This function is only called for its side effect.
        for p in pkgs:
            if self.find_request_package(p):
            if self.find_request_id(p):
            if self.find_request_project(p):
            raise oscerr.WrongArgs('No SR# found for: {}'.format(p))
    def find(self, pkgs, newcand):
        Search for all various mutations and return list of SR#s
        :param pkgs: mesh of argumets to search for
        :param newcand: the review state of staging-group must be new

        This function is only called for its side effect.
        for p in pkgs:
            if _is_int(p) and self.find_request_id(p):
            if self.find_request_package(p):
            if self.find_request_project(p, newcand):
            raise oscerr.WrongArgs('No SR# found for: {}'.format(p))
    def find_request_id(self, request_id):
        Look up the request by ID to verify if it is correct
        :param request_id: ID of the added request

        root = self.load_request(request_id)
        if root is None:
            return False

        project = root.find('action').find('target').get('project')
        if (project != self.api.project and not project.startswith(self.api.cstaging)):
            msg = 'Request {} is not for {}, but for {}'
            msg = msg.format(request_id, self.api.project, project)
            raise oscerr.WrongArgs(msg)
        self.srs[int(request_id)] = {'project': project}

        return True
Example #25
    def perform(self):
        Perform the list command

        # First dispatch all possible requests

        # Print out the left overs
        requests = self.api.get_open_requests()

        non_ring_packages = []

        for request in requests:
            # Consolidate all data from request
            request_id = int(request.get('id'))
            action = request.findall('action')
            if not action:
                msg = 'Request {} has no action'.format(request_id)
                raise oscerr.WrongArgs(msg)
            # we care only about first action
            action = action[0]

            # Where are we targeting the package
            target_package = action.find('target').get('package')

            # If the system have rings, we ask for the ring of the
            # package
            if self.api.crings:
                ring = self.api.ring_packages.get(target_package)
                ring = self.api.project

            # This condition is quite moot as we dispatched stuff
            # above anyway
            if ring:
                print('Request({}): {} -> {}'.format(request_id,
                                                     target_package, ring))

        if len(non_ring_packages):
            print "Not in a ring:", ' '.join(sorted(non_ring_packages))
Example #26
def do_staging(self, subcmd, opts, *args):
    """${cmd_name}: Commands to work with staging projects


    "accept" will accept all requests in
        $PROJECT:Staging:<LETTER> into $PROJECT
        If openSUSE:* project, requests marked ready from adi stagings will also
        be accepted.

    "acheck" will check if it is safe to accept new staging projects
        As $PROJECT is syncing the right package versions between
        /standard, /totest and /snapshot, it is important that the projects
        are clean prior to a checkin round.

    "adi" will list already staged requests, stage new requests, and supersede
        requests where applicable. New adi stagings will be created for new
        packages based on the grouping options used. The default grouping is by
        source project. When adi stagings are ready the request will be marked
        ready, unstaged, and the adi staging deleted.

    "check" will check if all packages are links without changes

    "check_duplicate_binaries" list binaries provided by multiple packages

    "config" will modify or view staging specific configuration

        Target project OSRT:Config attribute configuration applies to all
        stagings. Both configuration locations follow the .oscrc format (space
        separated list).

            Print all staging configuration.
        config key
            Print the value of key for stagings.
        conf key value...
            Set the value of key for stagings.
        config --clear
            Clear all staging configuration.
        config --clear key
            Clear (unset) a single key from staging configuration
        config --append key value...
            Append value to existing value or set if no existing value.

        All of the above may be restricted to a set of stagings.

        The staging configuration is automatically cleared anytime staging
        psuedometa is cleared (accept, or unstage all requests).

        The keys that may be set in staging configuration are:

        - repo_checker-binary-whitelist[-arch]: appended to target project list
        - todo: text to be printed after staging is accepted

    "cleanup_rings" will try to cleanup rings content and print
        out problems

    "freeze" will freeze the sources of the project's links while not
        affecting the source packages

    "frozenage" will show when the respective staging project was last frozen

    "ignore" will ignore a request from "list" and "adi" commands until unignored

    "unignore" will remove from requests from ignore list
        If the --cleanup flag is included then all ignored requests that were
        changed from state new or review more than 3 days ago will be removed.

    "list" will list/supersede requests for ring packages or all if no rings.

    "lock" acquire a hold on the project in order to execute multiple commands
        and prevent others from interrupting. An example:

        lock -m "checkin round"

        list --supersede
        accept A B C D E


        Each command will update the lock to keep it up-to-date.

    "repair" will attempt to repair the state of a request that has been

        Use the --cleanup flag to include all untracked requests.

    "select" will add requests to the project
        Stagings are expected to be either in short-hand or the full project
        name. For example letter or named stagings can be specified simply as
        A, B, Gcc6, etc, while adi stagings can be specified as adi:1, adi:2,
        etc. Currently, adi stagings are not supported in proposal mode.

        Requests may either be the target package or the request ID.

        When using --filter-by or --group-by the xpath will be applied to the
        request node as returned by OBS. Use the following on a current request
        to see the XML structure.

        osc api /request/1337

        A number of additional values will supplement the normal request node.

        - ./action/target/@devel_project: the devel project for the package
        - ./action/target/@devel_project_super: super devel project if relevant
        - ./action/target/@ring: the ring to which the package belongs
        - ./@aged: either True or False based on splitter-request-age-threshold
        - ./@nonfree: set to nonfree if targetting nonfree sub project
        - ./@ignored: either False or the provided message

        Some useful examples:

        --filter-by './action/target[starts-with(@package, "yast-")]'
        --filter-by './action/target/[@devel_project="YaST:Head"]'
        --filter-by './action/target[starts-with(@ring, "1")]'
        --filter-by '@id!="1234567"'
        --filter-by 'contains(description, "#Portus")'


        Multiple filter-by or group-by options may be used at the same time.

        Note that when using proposal mode, multiple stagings to consider may be
        provided in addition to a list of requests by which to filter. A more
        complex example:

        select --group-by='./action/target/@devel_project' A B C 123 456 789

        This will separate the requests 123, 456, 789 by devel project and only
        consider stagings A, B, or C, if available, for placement.

        No arguments is also a valid choice and will propose all non-ignored
        requests into the first available staging. Note that bootstrapped
        stagings are only used when either required or no other stagings are

        Another useful example is placing all open requests into a specific
        letter staging with:

        select A

        Built in strategies may be specified as well. For example:

        select --strategy devel
        select --strategy quick
        select --strategy special
        select --strategy super

        The default is none and custom is used with any filter-by or group-by
        arguments are provided.

        To merge applicable requests into an existing staging.

        select --merge A

        To automatically try all available strategies.

        select --try-strategies

        These concepts can be combined and interactive mode allows the proposal
        to be modified before it is executed.

        Moving requests can be accomplished using the --move flag. For example,
        to move already staged pac1 and pac2 to staging B use the following.

        select --move B pac1 pac2

        The staging in which the requests are staged will automatically be
        determined and the requests will be removed from that staging and placed
        in the specified staging.

        Related to this, the --filter-from option may be used in conjunction
        with --move to only move requests already staged in a specific staging.
        This can be useful if a staging master is responsible for a specific set
        of packages and wants to move them into a different staging when they
        were already placed in a mixed staging. For example, if one had a file
        with a list of packages the following would move any of them found in
        staging A to staging B.

        select --move --filter-from A B $(< package.list)

    "unselect" will remove from the project - pushing them back to the backlog
        If a message is included the requests will be ignored first.

        Use the --cleanup flag to include all obsolete requests.

    "unlock" will remove the staging lock in case it gets stuck or a manual hold
        If a command lock gets stuck while a hold is placed on a project the
        unlock command will need to be run twice since there are two layers of

    "rebuild" will rebuild broken packages in the given stagings or all
        The rebuild command will only trigger builds for packages with less than
        3 failures since the last success or if the build log indicates a stall.

        If the force option is included the rebuild checks will be ignored and
        all packages failing to build will be triggered.

    "setprio" will set priority of requests withing stagings
        If no stagings are specified all stagings will be used.
        The default priority is important, but the possible values are:
          "critical", "important", "moderate" or "low".

    "supersede" will supersede requests were applicable.
        A request list can be used to limit what is superseded.

        osc staging accept [--force] [--no-cleanup] [LETTER...]
        osc staging acheck
        osc staging adi [--move] [--by-develproject] [--split] [REQUEST...]
        osc staging check [--old] [STAGING...]
        osc staging check_duplicate_binaries
        osc staging config [--append] [--clear] [STAGING...] [key] [value]
        osc staging cleanup_rings
        osc staging freeze [--no-bootstrap] STAGING...
        osc staging frozenage [STAGING...]
        osc staging ignore [-m MESSAGE] REQUEST...
        osc staging unignore [--cleanup] [REQUEST...|all]
        osc staging list [--supersede]
        osc staging lock [-m MESSAGE]
        osc staging select [--no-freeze] [--move [--filter-from STAGING]]
            [--add PACKAGE]
            STAGING REQUEST...
        osc staging select [--no-freeze] [--interactive|--non-interactive]
            [--filter-by...] [--group-by...]
            [--merge] [--try-strategies] [--strategy]
            [STAGING...] [REQUEST...]
        osc staging unselect [--cleanup] [-m MESSAGE] [REQUEST...]
        osc staging unlock
        osc staging rebuild [--force] [STAGING...]
        osc staging repair [--cleanup] [REQUEST...]
        osc staging setprio [STAGING...] [priority]
        osc staging supersede [REQUEST...]
    if opts.version:

    # verify the argument counts match the commands
    if len(args) == 0:
        raise oscerr.WrongArgs('No command given, see "osc help staging"!')
    cmd = args[0]
    if cmd in (
        min_args, max_args = 0, None
    elif cmd in (
        min_args, max_args = 1, None
    elif cmd in (
        min_args, max_args = 0, 0
        raise oscerr.WrongArgs('Unknown command: %s' % cmd)
    args = clean_args(args)
    if len(args) - 1 < min_args:
        raise oscerr.WrongArgs('Too few arguments.')
    if max_args is not None and len(args) - 1 > max_args:
        raise oscerr.WrongArgs('Too many arguments.')

    # Allow for determining project from osc store.
    if not opts.project:
        if core.is_project_dir('.'):
            opts.project = core.store_read_project('.')
            opts.project = 'Factory'

    # Cache the remote config fetch.

    # Init the OBS access and configuration
    opts.project = self._full_project_name(opts.project)
    opts.apiurl = self.get_api_url()
    opts.verbose = False
    Config(opts.apiurl, opts.project)

        strip=(opts.no_color or not bool(int(conf.config.get('staging.color', True)))))
    # Allow colors to be changed.
    for name in dir(Fore):
        if not name.startswith('_'):
            # .oscrc requires keys to be lower-case.
            value = conf.config.get('staging.color.' + name.lower())
            if value:
                setattr(Fore, name, ansi.code_to_chars(value))

    if opts.wipe_cache:

    api = StagingAPI(opts.apiurl, opts.project)
    needed = lock_needed(cmd, opts)
    with OBSLock(opts.apiurl, opts.project, reason=cmd, needed=needed) as lock:

        # call the respective command and parse args by need
        if cmd == 'check':
            if len(args) == 1:
                CheckCommand(api).perform(None, opts.old)
                for prj in args[1:]:
                    CheckCommand(api).perform(prj, opts.old)
        elif cmd == 'check_duplicate_binaries':
        elif cmd == 'config':
            projects = set()
            key = value = None
            stagings = api.get_staging_projects_short(None) + \
            for arg in args[1:]:
                if arg in stagings:
                elif key is None:
                    key = arg
                elif value is None:
                    value = arg
                    value += ' ' + arg

            if not len(projects):
                projects = api.get_staging_projects()

            ConfigCommand(api).perform(projects, key, value, opts.append, opts.clear)
        elif cmd == 'freeze':
            for prj in args[1:]:
                prj = api.prj_from_short(prj)
                print(Fore.YELLOW + prj)
                FreezeCommand(api).perform(prj, copy_bootstrap=opts.bootstrap)
        elif cmd == 'frozenage':
            projects = api.get_staging_projects_short() if len(args) == 1 else args[1:]
            for prj in projects:
                prj = api.prj_from_letter(prj)
                print('{} last frozen {}{:.1f} days ago'.format(
                    Fore.YELLOW + prj + Fore.RESET,
                    Fore.GREEN if api.prj_frozen_enough(prj) else Fore.RED,
        elif cmd == 'acheck':
            # Is it safe to accept? Meaning: /totest contains what it should and is not dirty
            version_totest = api.get_binary_version(api.project, "openSUSE-release.rpm", repository="totest", arch="x86_64")
            if version_totest:
                version_openqa = api.pseudometa_file_load('version_totest')
                totest_dirty = api.is_repo_dirty(api.project, 'totest')
                print("version_openqa: %s / version_totest: %s / totest_dirty: %s\n" % (version_openqa, version_totest, totest_dirty))
                print("acheck is unavailable in %s!\n" % (api.project))
        elif cmd == 'accept':
            # Is it safe to accept? Meaning: /totest contains what it should and is not dirty
            version_totest = api.get_binary_version(api.project, "openSUSE-release.rpm", repository="totest", arch="x86_64")

            if version_totest is None or opts.force:
                # SLE does not have a totest_version or openqa_version - ignore it
                version_openqa = version_totest
                totest_dirty   = False
                version_openqa = api.pseudometa_file_load('version_totest')
                totest_dirty   = api.is_repo_dirty(api.project, 'totest')

            if version_openqa == version_totest and not totest_dirty:
                cmd = AcceptCommand(api)
                for prj in args[1:]:
                    if cmd.perform(api.prj_from_letter(prj), opts.force):
                    if not opts.no_cleanup:
                        if api.item_exists(api.prj_from_letter(prj)):
                if opts.project.startswith('openSUSE:'):
                    if api.item_exists(api.crebuild):
                print("Not safe to accept: /totest is not yet synced")
        elif cmd == 'unselect':
            if opts.message:
                print('Ignoring requests first')
                IgnoreCommand(api).perform(args[1:], opts.message)
            UnselectCommand(api).perform(args[1:], opts.cleanup)
        elif cmd == 'select':
            # Include list of all stagings in short-hand and by full name.
            existing_stagings = api.get_staging_projects_short(None)
            existing_stagings += api.get_staging_projects()
            stagings = []
            requests = []
            for arg in args[1:]:
                # Since requests may be given by either request ID or package
                # name and stagings may include multi-letter special stagings
                # there is no easy way to distinguish between stagings and
                # requests in arguments. Therefore, check if argument is in the
                # list of short-hand and full project name stagings, otherwise
                # consider it a request. This also allows for special stagings
                # with the same name as package, but the staging will be assumed
                # first time around. The current practice seems to be to start a
                # special staging with a capital letter which makes them unique.
                # lastly adi stagings are consistently prefix with adi: which
                # also makes it consistent to distinguish them from request IDs.
                if arg in existing_stagings and arg not in stagings:
                elif arg not in requests:

            if len(stagings) != 1 or len(requests) == 0 or opts.filter_by or opts.group_by:
                if opts.move or opts.filter_from:
                    print('--move and --filter-from must be used with explicit staging and request list')

                open_requests = api.get_open_requests({'withhistory': 1})
                if len(open_requests) == 0:
                    print('No open requests to consider')

                splitter = RequestSplitter(api, open_requests, in_ring=True)

                considerable = splitter.stagings_load(stagings)
                if considerable == 0:
                    print('No considerable stagings on which to act')

                if opts.merge:
                if opts.try_strategies:
                if len(requests) > 0:
                    splitter.strategy_do('requests', requests=requests)
                if opts.strategy:
                elif opts.filter_by or opts.group_by:
                    kwargs = {}
                    if opts.filter_by:
                        kwargs['filters'] = opts.filter_by
                    if opts.group_by:
                        kwargs['groups'] = opts.group_by
                    splitter.strategy_do('custom', **kwargs)
                    if opts.merge:
                        # Merge any none strategies before final none strategy.

                proposal = splitter.proposal
                if len(proposal) == 0:
                    print('Empty proposal')

                if opts.interactive:
                    with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.yml') as temp:
                        temp.write(yaml.safe_dump(splitter.proposal, default_flow_style=False) + '\n\n')

                        if len(splitter.requests):
                            temp.write('# remaining requests:\n')
                            for request in splitter.requests:
                                temp.write('#    {}: {}\n'.format(
                                    request.get('id'), request.find('action/target').get('package')))

                        temp.write('# move requests between stagings or comment/remove them\n')
                        temp.write('# change the target staging for a group\n')
                        temp.write('# remove the group, requests, staging, or strategy to skip\n')
                        temp.write('# stagings\n')
                        if opts.merge:
                            temp.write('# - mergeable: {}\n'
                                       .format(', '.join(sorted(splitter.stagings_mergeable +
                        temp.write('# - considered: {}\n'
                                   .format(', '.join(sorted(splitter.stagings_considerable))))
                        temp.write('# - remaining: {}\n'
                                   .format(', '.join(sorted(splitter.stagings_available))))

                        editor = os.getenv('EDITOR')
                        if not editor:
                            editor = 'xdg-open'
                        return_code = subprocess.call(editor.split(' ') + [temp.name])

                        proposal = yaml.safe_load(open(temp.name).read())

                        # Filter invalidated groups from proposal.
                        keys = ['group', 'requests', 'staging', 'strategy']
                        for group, info in sorted(proposal.items()):
                            for key in keys:
                                if not info.get(key):
                                    del proposal[group]

                print(yaml.safe_dump(proposal, default_flow_style=False))

                print('Accept proposal? [y/n] (y): ', end='')
                if opts.non_interactive:
                    response = raw_input().lower()
                    if response != '' and response != 'y':

                for group, info in sorted(proposal.items()):
                    print('Staging {} in {}'.format(group, info['staging']))

                    # SelectCommand expects strings.
                    request_ids = map(str, info['requests'].keys())
                    target_project = api.prj_from_short(info['staging'])

                    if 'merge' not in info:
                        # Assume that the original splitter_info is desireable
                        # and that this staging is simply manual followup.
                        api.set_splitter_info_in_prj_pseudometa(target_project, info['group'], info['strategy'])

                    SelectCommand(api, target_project) \
                        .perform(request_ids, no_freeze=opts.no_freeze)
                target_project = api.prj_from_short(stagings[0])
                if opts.add:
                    api.mark_additional_packages(target_project, [opts.add])
                    SelectCommand(api, target_project) \
                        .perform(requests, opts.move,
                                 api.prj_from_short(opts.filter_from), opts.no_freeze)
        elif cmd == 'cleanup_rings':
        elif cmd == 'ignore':
            IgnoreCommand(api).perform(args[1:], opts.message)
        elif cmd == 'unignore':
            UnignoreCommand(api).perform(args[1:], opts.cleanup)
        elif cmd == 'list':
        elif cmd == 'lock':
        elif cmd == 'adi':
            AdiCommand(api).perform(args[1:], move=opts.move, by_dp=opts.by_develproject, split=opts.split)
        elif cmd == 'rebuild':
            RebuildCommand(api).perform(args[1:], opts.force)
        elif cmd == 'repair':
            RepairCommand(api).perform(args[1:], opts.cleanup)
        elif cmd == 'setprio':
            stagings = []
            priority = None

            priorities = ['critical', 'important', 'moderate', 'low']
            for arg in args[1:]:
                if arg in priorities:
                    priority = arg

            PrioCommand(api).perform(stagings, priority)
        elif cmd == 'supersede':
        elif cmd == 'unlock':
Example #27
    def perform(self, packages=None, supersede=False):
        Perform the list command

        if not packages:
            packages = []

        if supersede:
            if packages:
                # First dispatch all possible requests

        # Print out the left overs
        requests = self.api.get_open_requests()

        non_ring_packages = []
        change_devel_requests = {}

        result = {}
        for request in requests:
            # Consolidate all data from request
            request_id = int(request.get('id'))
            action = request.findall('action')
            if not action:
                msg = 'Request {} has no action'.format(request_id)
                raise oscerr.WrongArgs(msg)
            # we care only about first action
            action = action[0]

            # Where are we targeting the package
            target_package = action.find('target').get('package')

            # handle change_devel requests
            if action.get('type') == 'change_devel':
                change_devel_requests[target_package] = request_id

            # If the system have rings, we ask for the ring of the
            # package
            if self.api.crings:
                ring = self.api.ring_packages_for_links.get(target_package)
                if ring:
                    # cut off *:Rings: prefix
                    ring = ring[len(self.api.crings) + 1:]
                ring = self.api.project

            # list all deletereq as in-ring
            if action.get('type') == 'delete':
                if ring:
                    ring = ring + " (delete request)"
                    ring = '(delete request)'

            # This condition is quite moot as we dispatched stuff
            # above anyway
            if ring:
                devel = self.api.get_devel_project("openSUSE:Factory",
                if devel is None:
                    devel = '00'
                                  []).append('sr#{}: {:<30} -> {:<12}'.format(
                                      request_id, target_package, ring))
                # show origin of request
                if self.api.project != "openSUSE:Factory" and action.find(
                        'source') != None:
                    source_prj = action.find('source').get('project')
                    if source_prj.startswith('SUSE:SLE-12:') \
                        or source_prj.startswith('SUSE:SLE-12-'):
                        source_prj = source_prj[len('SUSE:SLE-12:'):]
                    elif source_prj.startswith('openSUSE:'):
                        source_prj = source_prj[len('openSUSE:'):]
                        if source_prj.startswith('Leap:'):
                            source_prj = source_prj[len('Leap:'):]
                    elif source_prj.startswith('home:'):
                        source_prj = '~' + source_prj[len('home:'):]
                    result[devel][-1] += ' ({})'.format(source_prj)

        for prj in sorted(result.keys()):
            print prj
            for line in result[prj]:
                print ' ', line

        if len(non_ring_packages):
            print "Not in a ring:", ' '.join(sorted(non_ring_packages))
        if len(change_devel_requests):
            print "\nChange devel requests:"
            for package, requestid in change_devel_requests.items():
                print('Request({}): {}'.format(
                    package, 'https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/' +
Example #28
def do_staging(self, subcmd, opts, *args):
    """${cmd_name}: Commands to work with staging projects


    "accept" will accept all requests in
        openSUSE:Factory:Staging:<LETTER> (into Factory)

    "acheck" will check if it's safe to accept new staging projects
        As openSUSE:Factory is syncing the right package versions between
        /standard, /totest and /snapshot, it's important that the projects
        are clean prior to a checkin round.

    "check" will check if all packages are links without changes

    "cleanup_rings" will try to cleanup rings content and print
        out problems

    "freeze" will freeze the sources of the project's links (not
        affecting the packages actually in)

    "frozenage" will show when the respective staging project was last frozen

    "list" will pick the requests not in rings

    "select" will add requests to the project

    "unselect" will remove from the project - pushing them back to the backlog

        osc staging accept [--force] [LETTER...]
        osc staging check [--old] REPO
        osc staging cleanup_rings
        osc staging freeze [--no-boostrap] PROJECT...
        osc staging frozenage PROJECT...
        osc staging list [--supersede]
        osc staging select [--no-freeze] [--move [--from PROJECT]] LETTER REQUEST...
        osc staging unselect REQUEST...
        osc staging repair REQUEST...
    if opts.version:

    # verify the argument counts match the commands
    if len(args) == 0:
        raise oscerr.WrongArgs('No command given, see "osc help staging"!')
    cmd = args[0]
    if cmd in ('freeze', 'frozenage', 'repair'):
        min_args, max_args = 1, None
    elif cmd == 'check':
        min_args, max_args = 0, 2
    elif cmd == 'select':
        min_args, max_args = 1, None
        if not opts.add:
            min_args = 2
    elif cmd == 'unselect':
        min_args, max_args = 1, None
    elif cmd == 'adi':
        min_args, max_args = None, None
    elif cmd in ('list', 'accept'):
        min_args, max_args = 0, None
    elif cmd in ('cleanup_rings', 'acheck'):
        min_args, max_args = 0, 0
        raise oscerr.WrongArgs('Unknown command: %s' % cmd)
    if len(args) - 1 < min_args:
        raise oscerr.WrongArgs('Too few arguments.')
    if max_args is not None and len(args) - 1 > max_args:
        raise oscerr.WrongArgs('Too many arguments.')

    # Init the OBS access and configuration
    opts.project = self._full_project_name(opts.project)
    opts.apiurl = self.get_api_url()
    opts.verbose = False

    with OBSLock(opts.apiurl, opts.project):
        api = StagingAPI(opts.apiurl, opts.project)

        # call the respective command and parse args by need
        if cmd == 'check':
            prj = args[1] if len(args) > 1 else None
            CheckCommand(api).perform(prj, opts.old)
        elif cmd == 'freeze':
            for prj in args[1:]:
        elif cmd == 'frozenage':
            for prj in args[1:]:
                print "%s last frozen %0.1f days ago" % (api.prj_from_letter(
                    prj), api.days_since_last_freeze(api.prj_from_letter(prj)))
        elif cmd == 'acheck':
            # Is it safe to accept? Meaning: /totest contains what it should and is not dirty
            version_totest = api.get_binary_version(api.project,
            if version_totest:
                version_openqa = api.load_file_content(
                    "%s:Staging" % api.project, "dashboard", "version_totest")
                totest_dirty = api.is_repo_dirty(api.project, 'totest')
                print "version_openqa: %s / version_totest: %s / totest_dirty: %s\n" % (
                    version_openqa, version_totest, totest_dirty)
                print "acheck is unavailable in %s!\n" % (api.project)
        elif cmd == 'accept':
            # Is it safe to accept? Meaning: /totest contains what it should and is not dirty
            version_totest = api.get_binary_version(api.project,

            if version_totest is None or opts.force:
                # SLE does not have a totest_version or openqa_version - ignore it
                version_openqa = version_totest
                totest_dirty = False
                version_openqa = api.load_file_content(
                    "%s:Staging" % api.project, "dashboard", "version_totest")
                totest_dirty = api.is_repo_dirty(api.project, 'totest')

            if version_openqa == version_totest and not totest_dirty:
                cmd = AcceptCommand(api)
                for prj in args[1:]:
                    if not cmd.perform(api.prj_from_letter(prj), opts.force):
                    if not opts.no_cleanup:
                        if api.item_exists(api.prj_from_letter(prj)):
                        if api.item_exists("%s:DVD" %
                            cmd.cleanup("%s:DVD" % api.prj_from_letter(prj))
                if opts.project.startswith('openSUSE:'):
                    if api.item_exists(api.crebuild):
                print "Not safe to accept: /totest is not yet synced"
        elif cmd == 'unselect':
        elif cmd == 'select':
            tprj = api.prj_from_letter(args[1])
            if opts.add:
                api.mark_additional_packages(tprj, [opts.add])
                SelectCommand(api, tprj).perform(args[2:], opts.move,
                                                 opts.from_, opts.no_freeze)
        elif cmd == 'cleanup_rings':
        elif cmd == 'list':
            ListCommand(api).perform(args[1:], supersede=opts.supersede)
        elif cmd == 'adi':
        elif cmd == 'repair':
Example #29
def do_overview(self, subcmd, opts, *args):
    """${cmd_name}: Overview of various repositories.

    For a full description, read:

    overview viewname : will attempt to read the group from
    ~/.osc-overview/groupname.ini and display the data.

      -c, --changelog
           display diff of changes across the newest and the previous
           versions of the packages.
      -p, --patchinfo
           Create a patchinfo template
           Colorize the output. Also 'color=1' in $group.ini.
           Do not colorize the output. Also 'color=0' in $group.ini.

      osc overview [Options] {group}

      You should define your groups in ~/.osc-overview/$group.ini

    if not os.path.exists(os.path.expanduser("~/.osc-overview")):
        print("Drop your views in ~/.osc-overview")


    cmds = []
    cfgfiles = os.listdir(os.path.expanduser('~/.osc-overview'))
    for cfg in cfgfiles:

    if not args or not os.path.exists(os.path.expanduser('~/.osc-overview/%s.ini' % args[0]) ):
        raise oscerr.WrongArgs('Unknown action. Choose one of: %s.' \
                                           % ', '.join(cmds))
    cmd = args[0]

    min_args, max_args = 0, 0

    if len(args) - 1 < min_args:
        raise oscerr.WrongArgs('Too few arguments.')
    if len(args) - 1 > max_args:
        raise oscerr.WrongArgs('Too many arguments.')

    from oscpluginoverview.sources import GemSource, BuildServiceSource, BuildServicePendingRequestsSource

    #gems = GemSource("foo")
    #obs = BuildServiceSource('http://api.opensuse.org', 'zypp:Head')

    #reqs = BuildServicePendingRequestsSource('http://api.opensuse.org', 'openSUSE:Factory')

    self._overview(cmd, opts)
Example #30
def do_staging(self, subcmd, opts, *args):
    """${cmd_name}: Commands to work with staging projects


    "accept" will accept all requests in
        $PROJECT:Staging:<LETTER> into $PROJECT
        If openSUSE:* project, requests marked ready from adi stagings will also
        be accepted.

    "acheck" will check if it is safe to accept new staging projects
        As $PROJECT is syncing the right package versions between
        /standard, /totest and /snapshot, it is important that the projects
        are clean prior to a checkin round.

    "adi" will list already staged requests, stage new requests, and supersede
        requests where applicable. New adi stagings will be created for new
        packages based on the grouping options used. The default grouping is by
        source project. When adi stagings are ready the request will be marked
        ready, unstaged, and the adi staging deleted.

    "check" will check if all packages are links without changes

    "cleanup_rings" will try to cleanup rings content and print
        out problems

    "freeze" will freeze the sources of the project's links while not
        affecting the source packages

    "frozenage" will show when the respective staging project was last frozen

    "ignore" will ignore a request from "list" and "adi" commands until unignored

    "unignore" will remove from requests from ignore list
        If the --cleanup flag is included then all ignored requests that were
        changed from state new or review more than 3 days ago will be removed.

    "list" will list/supersede requests for ring packages or all if no rings.
        The package list is used to limit what requests are superseded when
        called with the --supersede option.

    "repair" will attempt to repair the state of a request that has been

        Use the --cleanup flag to include all untracked requests.

    "select" will add requests to the project
        Stagings are expected to be either in short-hand or the full project
        name. For example letter or named stagings can be specified simply as
        A, B, Gcc6, etc, while adi stagings can be specified as adi:1, adi:2,
        etc. Currently, adi stagings are not supported in proposal mode.

        Requests may either be the target package or the request ID.

        When using --filter-by or --group-by the xpath will be applied to the
        request node as returned by OBS. Several values will supplement the
        normal request node.

        - ./action/target/@devel_project: the devel project for the package
        - ./action/target/@ring: the ring to which the package belongs
        - ./@ignored: either false or the provided message

        Some useful examples:

        --filter-by './action/target[starts-with(@package, "yast-")]'
        --filter-by './action/target/[@devel_project="YaST:Head"]'
        --filter-by './action/target[starts-with(@ring, "1")]'
        --filter-by '@id!="1234567"'


        Multiple filter-by or group-by options may be used at the same time.

        Note that when using proposal mode, multiple stagings to consider may be
        provided in addition to a list of requests by which to filter. A more
        complex example:

        select --group-by='./action/target/@devel_project' A B C 123 456 789

        This will separate the requests 123, 456, 789 by devel project and only
        consider stagings A, B, or C, if available, for placement.

        No arguments is also a valid choice and will propose all non-ignored
        requests into the first available staging. Note that bootstrapped
        stagings are only used when either required or no other stagings are

        Another useful example is placing all open requests into a specific
        letter staging with:

        select A

        Interactive mode allows the proposal to be modified before application.

    "unselect" will remove from the project - pushing them back to the backlog
        If a message is included the requests will be ignored first.

        Use the --cleanup flag to include all obsolete requests.

    "unlock" will remove the staging lock in case it gets stuck

    "rebuild" will rebuild broken packages in the given stagings or all
        The rebuild command will only trigger builds for packages with less than
        3 failures since the last success or if the build log indicates a stall.

        If the force option is included the rebuild checks will be ignored and
        all packages failing to build will be triggered.

        osc staging accept [--force] [--no-cleanup] [LETTER...]
        osc staging acheck
        osc staging adi [--move] [--by-develproject] [--split] [REQUEST...]
        osc staging check [--old] STAGING
        osc staging cleanup_rings
        osc staging freeze [--no-boostrap] STAGING...
        osc staging frozenage [STAGING...]
        osc staging ignore [-m MESSAGE] REQUEST...
        osc staging unignore [--cleanup] [REQUEST...|all]
        osc staging list [--supersede] [PACKAGE...]
        osc staging select [--no-freeze] [--move [--from STAGING]]
            [--add PACKAGE]
            STAGING REQUEST...
        osc staging select [--no-freeze] [--interactive|--non-interactive]
            [--filter-by...] [--group-by...]
            [--merge] [--try-strategies] [--strategy]
            [STAGING...] [REQUEST...]
        osc staging unselect [--cleanup] [-m MESSAGE] [REQUEST...]
        osc staging unlock
        osc staging rebuild [--force] [STAGING...]
        osc staging repair [--cleanup] [REQUEST...]
        osc staging setprio [STAGING...]
    if opts.version:

    # verify the argument counts match the commands
    if len(args) == 0:
        raise oscerr.WrongArgs('No command given, see "osc help staging"!')
    cmd = args[0]
    if cmd == 'freeze':
        min_args, max_args = 1, None
    elif cmd == 'repair':
        min_args, max_args = 0, None
    elif cmd == 'frozenage':
        min_args, max_args = 0, None
    elif cmd == 'setprio':
        min_args, max_args = 0, None
    elif cmd == 'check':
        min_args, max_args = 0, 1
    elif cmd == 'select':
        min_args, max_args = 0, None
    elif cmd == 'unselect':
        min_args, max_args = 0, None
    elif cmd == 'adi':
        min_args, max_args = 0, None
    elif cmd == 'ignore':
        min_args, max_args = 1, None
    elif cmd == 'unignore':
        min_args, max_args = 0, None
    elif cmd in ('list', 'accept'):
        min_args, max_args = 0, None
    elif cmd in ('cleanup_rings', 'acheck'):
        min_args, max_args = 0, 0
    elif cmd == 'unlock':
        min_args, max_args = 0, 0
    elif cmd == 'rebuild':
        min_args, max_args = 0, None
        raise oscerr.WrongArgs('Unknown command: %s' % cmd)
    if len(args) - 1 < min_args:
        raise oscerr.WrongArgs('Too few arguments.')
    if max_args is not None and len(args) - 1 > max_args:
        raise oscerr.WrongArgs('Too many arguments.')

    # Init the OBS access and configuration
    opts.project = self._full_project_name(opts.project)
    opts.apiurl = self.get_api_url()
    opts.verbose = False

    if opts.wipe_cache:

    lock = OBSLock(opts.apiurl, opts.project)
    if cmd == 'unlock':

    with lock:
        api = StagingAPI(opts.apiurl, opts.project)

        # call the respective command and parse args by need
        if cmd == 'check':
            prj = args[1] if len(args) > 1 else None
            CheckCommand(api).perform(prj, opts.old)
        elif cmd == 'freeze':
            for prj in args[1:]:
        elif cmd == 'frozenage':
            projects = api.get_staging_projects_short() if len(
                args) == 1 else args[1:]
            for prj in projects:
                print("%s last frozen %0.1f days ago" %
        elif cmd == 'acheck':
            # Is it safe to accept? Meaning: /totest contains what it should and is not dirty
            version_totest = api.get_binary_version(api.project,
            if version_totest:
                version_openqa = api.load_file_content(
                    "%s:Staging" % api.project, "dashboard", "version_totest")
                totest_dirty = api.is_repo_dirty(api.project, 'totest')
                    "version_openqa: %s / version_totest: %s / totest_dirty: %s\n"
                    % (version_openqa, version_totest, totest_dirty))
                print("acheck is unavailable in %s!\n" % (api.project))
        elif cmd == 'accept':
            # Is it safe to accept? Meaning: /totest contains what it should and is not dirty
            version_totest = api.get_binary_version(api.project,

            if version_totest is None or opts.force:
                # SLE does not have a totest_version or openqa_version - ignore it
                version_openqa = version_totest
                totest_dirty = False
                version_openqa = api.load_file_content(
                    "%s:Staging" % api.project, "dashboard", "version_totest")
                totest_dirty = api.is_repo_dirty(api.project, 'totest')

            if version_openqa == version_totest and not totest_dirty:
                cmd = AcceptCommand(api)
                for prj in args[1:]:
                    if cmd.perform(api.prj_from_letter(prj), opts.force):
                    if not opts.no_cleanup:
                        if api.item_exists(api.prj_from_letter(prj)):
                        if api.item_exists("%s:DVD" %
                            cmd.cleanup("%s:DVD" % api.prj_from_letter(prj))
                if opts.project.startswith('openSUSE:'):
                    if api.item_exists(api.crebuild):
                print("Not safe to accept: /totest is not yet synced")
        elif cmd == 'unselect':
            if opts.message:
                print('Ignoring requests first')
                IgnoreCommand(api).perform(args[1:], opts.message)
            UnselectCommand(api).perform(args[1:], opts.cleanup)
        elif cmd == 'select':
            # Include list of all stagings in short-hand and by full name.
            existing_stagings = api.get_staging_projects_short(None)
            existing_stagings += [
                p for p in api.get_staging_projects() if not p.endswith(':DVD')
            stagings = []
            requests = []
            for arg in args[1:]:
                # Since requests may be given by either request ID or package
                # name and stagings may include multi-letter special stagings
                # there is no easy way to distinguish between stagings and
                # requests in arguments. Therefore, check if argument is in the
                # list of short-hand and full project name stagings, otherwise
                # consider it a request. This also allows for special stagings
                # with the same name as package, but the staging will be assumed
                # first time around. The current practice seems to be to start a
                # special staging with a capital letter which makes them unique.
                # lastly adi stagings are consistently prefix with adi: which
                # also makes it consistent to distinguish them from request IDs.
                if arg in existing_stagings and arg not in stagings:
                elif arg not in requests:

            if len(stagings) != 1 or len(
                    requests) == 0 or opts.filter_by or opts.group_by:
                if opts.move or opts.from_:
                        '--move and --from must be used with explicit staging and request list'

                open_requests = api.get_open_requests()
                if len(open_requests) == 0:
                    print('No open requests to consider')

                splitter = RequestSplitter(api, open_requests, in_ring=True)

                considerable = splitter.stagings_load(stagings)
                if considerable == 0:
                    print('No considerable stagings on which to act')

                if opts.merge:
                if opts.try_strategies:
                if len(requests) > 0:
                    splitter.strategy_do('requests', requests=requests)
                if opts.strategy:
                elif opts.filter_by or opts.group_by:
                    kwargs = {}
                    if opts.filter_by:
                        kwargs['filters'] = opts.filter_by
                    if opts.group_by:
                        kwargs['groups'] = opts.group_by
                    splitter.strategy_do('custom', **kwargs)
                    if opts.merge:
                        # Merge any none strategies before final none strategy.

                proposal = splitter.proposal
                if len(proposal) == 0:
                    print('Empty proposal')

                if opts.interactive:
                    with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.yml') as temp:
                                           default_flow_style=False) + '\n\n')
                            '# move requests between stagings or comment/remove them\n'
                        temp.write('# change the target staging for a group\n')
                        temp.write('# stagings\n')
                        if opts.merge:
                            temp.write('# - merged: {}\n'.format(', '.join(
                                sorted(splitter.stagings_mergeable +
                        temp.write('# - considered: {}\n'.format(', '.join(
                        temp.write('# - remaining: {}\n'.format(', '.join(

                        editor = os.getenv('EDITOR')
                        if not editor:
                            editor = 'xdg-open'
                        return_code = subprocess.call([editor, temp.name])

                        proposal = yaml.safe_load(open(temp.name).read())

                        # Filter invalidated groups from proposal.
                        keys = ['group', 'requests', 'staging', 'strategy']
                        for group, info in sorted(proposal.items()):
                            for key in keys:
                                if not info.get(key):
                                    del proposal[group]

                print(yaml.safe_dump(proposal, default_flow_style=False))

                print('Accept proposal? [y/n] (y): ', end='')
                if opts.non_interactive:
                    response = raw_input().lower()
                    if response != '' and response != 'y':

                for group, info in sorted(proposal.items()):
                    print('Staging {} in {}'.format(group, info['staging']))

                    # SelectCommand expects strings.
                    request_ids = map(str, info['requests'].keys())
                    target_project = api.prj_from_short(info['staging'])

                    if 'merge' not in info:
                        # Assume that the original splitter_info is desireable
                        # and that this staging is simply manual followup.
                            target_project, info['group'], info['strategy'])

                    SelectCommand(api, target_project) \
                        .perform(request_ids, no_freeze=opts.no_freeze)
                target_project = api.prj_from_short(stagings[0])
                if opts.add:
                    api.mark_additional_packages(target_project, [opts.add])
                    SelectCommand(api, target_project) \
                        .perform(requests, opts.move, opts.from_, opts.no_freeze)
        elif cmd == 'cleanup_rings':
        elif cmd == 'ignore':
            IgnoreCommand(api).perform(args[1:], opts.message)
        elif cmd == 'unignore':
            UnignoreCommand(api).perform(args[1:], opts.cleanup)
        elif cmd == 'list':
            ListCommand(api).perform(args[1:], supersede=opts.supersede)
        elif cmd == 'adi':
        elif cmd == 'rebuild':
            RebuildCommand(api).perform(args[1:], opts.force)
        elif cmd == 'repair':
            RepairCommand(api).perform(args[1:], opts.cleanup)
        elif cmd == 'setprio':