Example #1
from django import template
from django.core.urlresolvers import Resolver404, resolve
from django.utils import six
from django.utils.six.moves.urllib import parse
from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _

from oscar.apps.customer import history
from oscar.core.compat import assignment_tag
from oscar.core.loading import get_model

Site = get_model('sites', 'Site')

register = template.Library()
assignment_tag = assignment_tag(register)

def recently_viewed_products(context, current_product=None):
    Inclusion tag listing the most recently viewed products
    request = context['request']
    products = history.get(request)
    if current_product:
        products = [p for p in products if p != current_product]
    return {'products': products, 'request': request}

@assignment_tag(takes_context=True)  # noqa (too complex (11))
def get_back_button(context):
from django import template

from oscar.core.compat import assignment_tag
from oscar.core.loading import get_model

register = template.Library()
Category = get_model('catalogue', 'category')

assignment_tag = assignment_tag(register)

def get_annotated_list(depth=None, parent=None):
    Gets an annotated list from a tree branch.

    Borrows heavily from treebeard's get_annotated_list
    # 'depth' is the backwards-compatible name for the template tag,
    # 'max_depth' is the better variable name.
    max_depth = depth

    annotated_categories = []

    start_depth, prev_depth = (None, None)
    if parent:
        categories = parent.get_descendants()
        if max_depth is not None:
            max_depth += parent.get_depth()
        categories = Category.get_tree()