Example #1
def trainPosition():
    to_airport = {}
    from_airport = {}
    current_sec = int(time.time())
    for i in getWSJsonResponse(OSE_WS_URL):
        # get values from record
        id = i["id"]
        trip_id = i["tripId"]
        start = i["tripStartEn"]
        end = i["tripEndEn"]
        end2 = i["endStationNameEn"]
        station = i["closestStationId"]
        speed = i["speed"]
        lat = float(i["lat"])
        lon = float(i["lon"])
        distance = distance_from_station(lat, lon, station)
        # create record
        rc = {'start': start, 'end': end, 'end2': end2, 'station': getStation(station), 'speed': speed, 'id': id, 'trip_id': trip_id, 'distance': distance}
        # default direction from airport
        direction = "d"
        session_id = id + "_" + direction
        # airport to liosia, kiato
        if (start in ['AIRPORT'] and (end in ['A. LIOSSIA', 'KIATO'] or end2 in ['A. LIOSSIA', 'KIATO'])) or (start in ['A. LIOSSIA'] and (end in ['KIATO'] or end2 in ['KIATO'])):
            rc['next_station'] = getNextStation(station, speed, 1)
            rc['prev_station'] = getNextStation(station, speed, 2)
            from_airport[id] = rc
            from_airport[id].update(checkPrev(session_id, current_sec))
        # kiato,liosia to airport
        elif start in ['A. LIOSSIA', 'KIATO'] and end in ['AIRPORT'] or end2 in ['AIRPORT']:
            rc['next_station'] = getNextStation(station, speed, 2)
            rc['prev_station'] = getNextStation(station, speed, 1)
            to_airport[id] = rc
            # update direction
            direction = "r"
            session_id = id + "_" + direction
            to_airport[id].update(checkPrev(session_id, current_sec))
        # update session if has changed
        if (not session.has_key(session_id)) or session.get(session_id)[0] != st.get(station, [station, '', ''])[0] or distance != session.get(session_id)[2]:
            session[session_id] = [st.get(station, [station, '', ''])[0], current_sec, distance]
    # sort dictionaries based on id
    return {'stations':stationsToDisplay(),
                           'from_airport':OrderedDict(sorted(from_airport.items(), key=lambda t: t[0])),
                           'to_airport':OrderedDict(sorted(to_airport.items(), key=lambda t: t[0]))}
Example #2
def getStation(station):
    return st.get(station, [station, '', ''])[0]