def test_start_out_of_range(self): img = np.zeros((10, 10), dtype=bool) path = find_path(img, (200, 0), [(3, 3), (5, 5)]) self.assertIsNone(path) img = np.zeros((10, 10, 5), dtype=bool) path = find_path(img, (0, 0, 13), [(3, 3, 0)]) self.assertIsNone(path)
def test_usage(self): img = np.zeros((10, 10), dtype=bool) img[5,:] = True img[:, 0] = True self.assertTrue(img[0][0]) self.assertTrue(img[5][5]) self.assertFalse(img[3][3]) self.assertIsNone(find_path(img, (3, 3), [(3, 3)])) path = find_path(img, (0, 0), [(5, 5)]) self.assertEqual(path[0], (0, 0, 0)) self.assertEqual(path[-1], (5, 5, 0)) self.assertEqual(len(path), 5 + 1 + 5)
def test_multiple_goals(self): img = np.zeros((10, 10), dtype=bool) img[5,:] = True img[:, 0] = True path = find_path(img, (0, 0), [(3, 3), (5, 5)]) self.assertEqual(path[-1], (5, 5, 0)) self.assertEqual(len(path), 5 + 1 + 5)
def test_3d_planner(self): mimg = np.zeros((10, 10, 5), dtype=bool) mimg[5, :, 3] = True mimg[:, 7, 2] = True path = find_path(mimg, (0, 5, 3), [(7, 9, 2)]) self.assertIsNotNone(path)
def frontiers(img, start, draw=False): """ Find path to the best frontier (free-unknown transition) :param img: color image with free=white, unknown=green :param start: start pixel :param draw: debug frontiers in pyplot :return: extended image with drawn start and path, path """ size = img.shape green = img[:, :, :] == STATE_UNKNOWN white = img[:, :, :] == STATE_FREE mask_right = green[:, 2:, :] & white[:, 1:-1, :] mask_left = green[:, :-2, :] & white[:, 1:-1, :] mask = mask_left | mask_right z = np.zeros((size[0], 1, size[2]), dtype=np.bool) mask = np.hstack([z, mask, z]) mask_up = green[2:, :, :] & white[1:-1, :, :] mask_down = green[:-2, :, :] & white[1:-1, :, :] z = np.zeros((1, size[1], size[2]), dtype=np.bool) mask2 = mask_up | mask_down mask = np.vstack([z, mask2, z]) | mask z_mask_up = green[:, :, 2:] & white[:, :, 1:-1] z_mask_down = green[:, :, :-2] & white[:, :, 1:-1] z = np.zeros((size[0], size[1], 1), dtype=np.bool) mask3 = z_mask_up | z_mask_down # mask = np.concatenate([z, mask3, z], axis=2) | mask xy = np.where(mask) if len(xy[0]) == 0: # there are no frontiers, i.e. no exploration path return img, None score = np.zeros(len(xy[0])) for i in range(len(xy[0])): x, y = xy[1][ i] - SLICE_OCTOMAP_SIZE // 2, SLICE_OCTOMAP_SIZE // 2 - xy[0][i] if x > 4: # TODO - resolution and detect gate as one way only (0 is not sufficient due to impecise position score[i] = math.hypot(x, y) * 0.03 else: score[ i] = 0 # too cruel cut for X positive semi-space, but let's move INSIDE! for i in range(len(xy[0])): x, y = xy[1][ i] - SLICE_OCTOMAP_SIZE // 2, SLICE_OCTOMAP_SIZE // 2 - xy[0][i] for j in range(len(xy[0])): x2, y2 = xy[1][ j] - SLICE_OCTOMAP_SIZE // 2, SLICE_OCTOMAP_SIZE // 2 - xy[0][j] dist = math.hypot(x - x2, y - y2) if dist < 10 and score[i] > 0: # ~ 5 meters, only inside score[i] += 1.0 if draw: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt line = plt.plot(xy[1] - SLICE_OCTOMAP_SIZE // 2, SLICE_OCTOMAP_SIZE // 2 - xy[0], 'bo') m = score > 3 * max(score) / 4 plt.plot(xy[1][m] - SLICE_OCTOMAP_SIZE // 2, SLICE_OCTOMAP_SIZE // 2 - xy[0][m], 'ro') plt.axes().set_aspect('equal', 'datalim') drivable = white # use 1 pixel surrounding drivable_safe_y = drivable[2:, :] & drivable[1:-1, :] & drivable[:-2, :] drivable_safe_xy = drivable_safe_y[:, 2:] & drivable_safe_y[:, 1: -1] & drivable_safe_y[:, : -2] # add non-drivable frame to match original image size z = np.zeros((size[0] - 2, 1, size[2]), dtype=np.bool) tmp = np.hstack([z, drivable_safe_xy, z]) z = np.zeros((1, size[1], size[2]), dtype=np.bool) drivable = np.vstack([z, tmp, z]) for limit_score in [3 * max(score) / 4, max(score) / 4, 0]: # select goal positions above the limit_score # note, that the "safe path" does not touch external boundary so it would never find path # to frontier. As a workaround add also all 8-neighbors of frontiers. goals = [] xy2 = np.array(xy)[:, score > limit_score] for dx in [-1, 0, 1]: for dy in [-1, 0, 1]: for dz in [0]: #[-1, 0, 1]: goals.append(xy2 + np.repeat( np.asarray([[dy], [dx], [dz]]), xy2.shape[1], axis=1)) goals = np.hstack(goals).T[:, [1, 0, 2]] # the path planner currently expects goals as tuple (x, y) and operation "in" goals = set(map(tuple, goals)) path = find_path(drivable, start, goals, verbose=False) if path is not None: break img[mask] = STATE_FRONTIER if path is not None: for x, y, z in path: img[y][x] = STATE_PATH else: print('Path not found!') return img, path