def hdf_to_tiff(base_folder_modis, list_of_files, output_folder, datasets): for f in list_of_files: path_to_file = os.path.join(base_folder_modis, f) modis_data = gdal.Open(path_to_file) subdatasets = modis_data.GetSubDatasets() vals = [] output_paths = [] if type(datasets) == int: val = subdatasets[datasets][0] vals.append(val) filename = 'mod_' + f[:-4] + str(datasets) + '.tif' output_path = os.path.join(output_folder, filename) output_paths.append(output_path) gdal.Translate(output_path, val, options=gdal.TranslateOptions([b'-ot', b'Float32'])) else: for ds in datasets: val = subdatasets[ds][0] vals.append(val) filename = 'mod_' + f[:-4] + str(ds) + '.tif' output_path = os.path.join(output_folder, filename) output_paths.append(output_path) gdal.Translate(output_path, val, options=gdal.TranslateOptions( [b'-ot', b'Float32'])) del modis_data for p in output_paths: print('File {} processed successfully'.format(p)) return output_paths
def renderVRT(fname, data_lyr, geotrans=None, drivername='ENVI', gdal_fmt='float32', proj=None, nodata=None, verbose=False): """Exports raster and renders corresponding VRT file.""" gdalMap = { 'byte' : 1, 'int16' : 3, 'int32' : 5, 'float32' : 6, 'float64' : 7, 'cfloat32' : 10, 'cfloat64': 11} gdalfile=gdal.GetDriverByName(drivername).Create(fname, data_lyr.shape[1], data_lyr.shape[0], 1, gdalMap[gdal_fmt]) gdalfile.GetRasterBand(1).WriteArray(data_lyr) if geotrans: #If user wishes to update geotrans. gdalfile.SetGeoTransform(geotrans) if proj: #If user wishes to update projection. gdalfile.SetProjection(proj) if nodata is not None: #If user wishes to set nodata val. gdalfile.GetRasterBand(1).SetNoDataValue(nodata) # Finalize VRT gdal.Translate(fname+'.vrt', gdalfile, options=gdal.TranslateOptions(format="VRT", noData=nodata)) else: # Finalize VRT gdal.Translate(fname+'.vrt', gdalfile, options=gdal.TranslateOptions(format="VRT")) gdalfile = None return
def multilook(infile, outname=None, alks=5, rlks=15, multilook_tool="isce", no_data=None): ''' Take looks. ''' if multilook_tool=="gdal": from osgeo import gdal print("multi looking using gdal ...") if outname is None: spl = os.path.splitext(infile) ext = '.{0}alks_{1}rlks'.format(alks, rlks) outname = spl[0] + ext + spl[1] print(infile) ds = gdal.Open(infile + ".vrt", gdal.GA_ReadOnly) xSize = ds.RasterXSize ySize = ds.RasterYSize outXSize = xSize/int(rlks) outYSize = ySize/int(alks) if no_data: gdalTranslateOpts = gdal.TranslateOptions(format="ENVI", width=outXSize, height=outYSize, noData=no_data) else: gdalTranslateOpts = gdal.TranslateOptions(format="ENVI", width=outXSize, height=outYSize) gdal.Translate(outname, ds, options=gdalTranslateOpts) ds = None ds = gdal.Open(outname, gdal.GA_ReadOnly) gdal.Translate(outname+".vrt", ds, options=gdal.TranslateOptions(format="VRT")) ds = None else: from mroipac.looks.Looks import Looks print('Multilooking {0} ...'.format(infile)) inimg = isceobj.createImage() inimg.load(infile + '.xml') if outname is None: spl = os.path.splitext(inimg.filename) ext = '.{0}alks_{1}rlks'.format(alks, rlks) outname = spl[0] + ext + spl[1] lkObj = Looks() lkObj.setDownLooks(alks) lkObj.setAcrossLooks(rlks) lkObj.setInputImage(inimg) lkObj.setOutputFilename(outname) lkObj.looks() return outname
def paso2SuomiNPP(paso1, paso2): print('Obteniendo datos...\nUniendo paso 1 y paso 2...') xmin = -118 xmax = -85 ymin = 12 ymax = 35 ds_1 = gdal.Open(paso1) ds_2 = gdal.Open(paso2) gdal.Warp('data_1_4326.tif', ds_1, options=gdal.WarpOptions(dstSRS='EPSG:4326', dstNodata=-9999)) gdal.Warp('data_2_4326.tif', ds_2, options=gdal.WarpOptions(dstSRS='EPSG:4326', dstNodata=-9999)) ds_1 = gdal.Open('data_1_4326.tif') ds_2 = gdal.Open('data_2_4326.tif') gdal.Translate( 'data_1_4326_rec.tif', ds_1, options=gdal.TranslateOptions(projWin=[xmin, ymax, -96.5, ymin])) gdal.Translate( 'data_2_4326_rec.tif', ds_2, options=gdal.TranslateOptions(projWin=[-96.5, ymax, xmax, ymin])) ds_1 = gdal.Open('data_1_4326_rec.tif') ds_2 = gdal.Open('data_2_4326_rec.tif') data_1 = ds_1.ReadAsArray() data_2 = ds_2.ReadAsArray() data = np.concatenate((data_1, data_2), axis=1) data[data == -9999.000000] = np.nan data[data == -340282346638528859811704183484516925440.000000] = np.nan nx = data.shape[0] ny = data.shape[1] ds_1 = None ds_2 = None data_1 = None data_2 = None os.remove('data_1_4326.tif') os.remove('data_2_4326.tif') os.remove('data_1_4326_rec.tif') os.remove('data_2_4326_rec.tif') return data, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, nx, ny
def process_dir(subdir): args = get_args() start2 = time.time() plot = subdir.split('/')[-1] plot_split = plot.split(' ') cwd = os.getcwd() plot_name = '_'.join(plot_split) vrt_options = gdal.BuildVRTOptions(srcNodata="0 0 0", resampleAlg='cubic', addAlpha=False) # Create VRT #os.chdir(subdir) images = glob.glob(f'{subdir}/*.tif') vrt = gdal.BuildVRT('my.vrt', images, options=vrt_options) # Create geoTiff from VRT translateOptions = gdal.TranslateOptions( creationOptions=["TILED=YES", "COMPRESS=LZW", "BIGTIFF=YES"]) gdal.Translate(f'{args.outdir}/{plot_name}_ortho.tif', vrt, driver="GTiff", options=translateOptions) vrt = None
def mosaic(rstr_lst, out_path): ''' Takes a list of raster files and merges them together ''' print("--- starting mosaic ---") vrt_options = gdal.BuildVRTOptions(resampleAlg='nearest', addAlpha=True, xRes=30, yRes=30) #create the VRT with the raster list temp_vrt = gdal.BuildVRT('temp.vrt', rstr_lst, options=vrt_options) #we need to specify the translation option before, # here we add Gtiff and COMPRESS; to deal with big rasters and compression, the final output will have # 4gb #we can set other commands as well translateoptions = gdal.TranslateOptions( gdal.ParseCommandLine(("-of Gtiff -co COMPRESS=LZW"))) #time it start_time = time.time() #apply gdalTranslate and then save the raster gdal.Translate(out_path, temp_vrt, options=translateoptions) #print a message as soon as it is over! print("--- {0} merged in {1} minutes ---".format( os.path.basename(out_path), round((time.time() - start_time) / 60, 2)))
def dataVentana(x, y, offset): print('Obteniendo datos de ventana...') coorVentana = coordenadasVentana(x, y, offset) ds = gdal.Open('tmp.tif') gdal.Warp('tmp_4326.tif', ds, options=gdal.WarpOptions(dstSRS='EPSG:4326', dstNodata=-9999.000)) ds = gdal.Open('tmp_4326.tif') gdal.Translate('tmp_4326_rec.tif', ds, options=gdal.TranslateOptions(projWin=coorVentana, noData=np.nan)) ds = gdal.Open('tmp_4326_rec.tif') data = ds.ReadAsArray() data[data == -9999.000] = np.nan ds = None os.remove('tmp.tif') os.remove('tmp_4326.tif') os.remove('tmp_4326_rec.tif') return data
def build_clc_raster(self): xy_resolution = self.config['AGGREGATION']['DEM'] for filename in [ self.filepath.root_work_path + self.get_layer_fn('clc'), self.filepath.root_tmp_path + 'clc_rst.vrt' ]: if os.path.exists(filename): os.remove(filename) input_fn = self.filepath.root_clc_path + self.config['FILES']['CLC'] vrt_options = gdal.BuildVRTOptions( resampleAlg=Resampling.mode, xRes=xy_resolution, yRes=xy_resolution, outputBounds=self.padded_bounding_box) test_vrt = gdal.BuildVRT(self.filepath.root_tmp_path + 'clc_rst.vrt', input_fn, options=vrt_options) test_vrt = None gdal.Translate(self.filepath.root_work_path + self.get_layer_fn('clc'), self.filepath.root_tmp_path + 'clc_rst.vrt') translate_options = gdal.TranslateOptions( xRes=xy_resolution, yRes=xy_resolution, outputBounds=self.padded_bounding_box) gdal.Translate(self.filepath.root_work_path + self.get_layer_fn('clc'), input_fn, options=translate_options)
def save_as_png(tif): """ Save tif as a JPEG with web mercator projection tif = 'path/to/tif/file' """ print("Saving jpeg...") start_time = time.time() # setup jpg access jpg = tif.replace('.tif', '.png') # define web mercator for web maps web_srs = osr.SpatialReference() web_srs.ImportFromEPSG(3857) # setup options translate_options = gdal.TranslateOptions( format='PNG', outputType=gdal.GDT_Byte, scaleParams=[''], # scaleParams=[[0, 4294967296, 0, 255]], outputSRS=web_srs) # convert tif to jpg gdal.Translate(destName=jpg, srcDS=tif, options=translate_options) print("done... took {0}".format(time.time() - start_time))
def stack_geotiff(tifs, outtif='stacked.tif', options=['INTERLEAVE=PIXEL'], remove=True): """ Merges multiple TIFFs to one Multilayer TIFF, all files need to have the same extent, projection, pixel size Args: remove (boolean): Define if the result should be removed after the operation tifs (list): A list with the path to the TIFF files Returns: stacked.tif (TIFF): Writes a Multiband TIFF to the current work directory + returns it as GDAL Dataset """ import os from osgeo import gdal outvrt = '/vsimem/stacked.vrt' # /vsimem is special in-memory virtual "directory" bv_options = gdal.BuildVRTOptions(options, separate=True) outds = gdal.BuildVRT(outvrt, tifs, options=bv_options) tr_options = gdal.TranslateOptions(creationOptions=options) outds = gdal.Translate(outtif, outds, options=tr_options) if remove: for i in tifs: os.remove(i) print('\n The stacked tiff can be found in the working directory under ' + outtif) return
def upload(): if request.method == "GET": flash("GET /upload: You shouldn't be here.") return redirect("/") else: if 'file' not in request.files: flash("no file present") return redirect('/') file = request.files['file'] if file.filename == '': flash("no file selected") return redirect('/') if file and allowed_file(file.filename): src_full = os.path.join(app.config['UPLOAD_FOLDER'], file.filename) src_name = os.path.splitext(file.filename)[0] src_path = os.path.join(app.config['UPLOAD_FOLDER'], src_name) save_file(file) run_gdal( src_full, src_path, gdal.TranslateOptions(format="PDS4", options=make_options(request.form))) flash("PDS4 label generated.") return sendlabelfile(src_path)
def convert_hdf5_to_geotiff(filename: str) -> bool: from pathlib import Path ogr.UseExceptions() inp_dir = os.environ.get('NTL_HDF5_DIR') out_dir = os.environ.get('NTL_TIF_DIR') if filename.endswith('.h5'): targetfile = Path(filename).stem targetfile += '.tif' hdflayer = gdal.Open(inp_dir + filename, gdal.GA_ReadOnly) subhdflayer = hdflayer.GetSubDatasets()[0][0] rlayer = gdal.Open(subhdflayer, gdal.GA_ReadOnly) # collect bounding boxs horizontal_tile_number = int(rlayer.GetMetadata_Dict()[ "HorizontalTileNumber"]) vertical_tile_number = int(rlayer.GetMetadata_Dict()[ "VerticalTileNumber"]) west_bound_coord = (10 * horizontal_tile_number) - 180 north_bound_coord = 90 - (10 * vertical_tile_number) east_bound_coord = west_bound_coord + 10 south_bound_coord = north_bound_coord - 10 epsg = "-a_srs EPSG:4326" # WGS84 coordinate system translate_option_text = epsg+" -a_ullr " + str(west_bound_coord) + " " + str( north_bound_coord) + " " + str(east_bound_coord) + " " + str(south_bound_coord) translate_options = gdal.TranslateOptions( gdal.ParseCommandLine(translate_option_text)) gdal.Translate(out_dir + targetfile, rlayer, options=translate_options) return True return False
def country_biomass_compute(iso3, input_dir="data_raw", output_dir="data", proj="EPSG:3395"): """Function to mosaic and resample biomass data from WHRC. This function mosaics and resamples the biomass data obtained from GEE. A reprojection can be performed. :param iso3: Country ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 code. :param input_dir: Directory with input files for biomass. :param output_dir: Output directory. :param proj: Projection definition (EPSG, PROJ.4, WKT) as in GDAL/OGR. Default to "EPSG:3395" (World Mercator). """ # Create output directory make_dir("data") # Mosaicing files_tif = input_dir + "/biomass_whrc_" + iso3 + "*.tif" input_list = glob(files_tif) output_file = input_dir + "/biomass_whrc_gee.vrt" gdal.BuildVRT(output_file, input_list) # Resampling without compression using .vrt file # See: input_file = input_dir + "/biomass_whrc_gee.vrt" output_file = input_dir + "/biomass_whrc_warp.vrt" param = gdal.WarpOptions(options=["overwrite", "tap"], format="VRT", xRes=30, yRes=30, srcNodata=-9999, dstNodata=-9999, srcSRS="EPSG:4326", dstSRS=proj, resampleAlg=gdal.GRA_Bilinear, outputType=gdal.GDT_Int16, multithread=True, warpMemoryLimit=500, warpOptions=["NUM_THREADS=ALL_CPUS"]) gdal.Warp(output_file, input_file, options=param) # Compressing input_file = input_dir + "/biomass_whrc_warp.vrt" output_file = output_dir + "/biomass_whrc.tif" param = gdal.TranslateOptions(options=["overwrite", "tap"], format="GTiff", creationOptions=[ "TILED=YES", "BLOCKXSIZE=256", "BLOCKYSIZE=256", "COMPRESS=LZW", "PREDICTOR=2", "BIGTIFF=YES" ]) gdal.Translate(output_file, input_file, options=param)
def _translate(src, dst, **kwargs): topt = gdal.TranslateOptions(**kwargs) ds = gdal.Translate(dst, src, options=topt) assert ds ds = None return True
def close(self): #gdalTranslateOpts = gdal.TranslateOptions(format='VRT', # width=outXSize, height=outYSize, # srcWin=[0,0,outXSize*xlooks, outYSize*ylooks], # noData=noData, resampleAlg=method) gdalTranslateOpts = gdal.TranslateOptions(format='VRT', unscale=True) gdal.Translate(self.stackName, self.vrt, options=gdalTranslateOpts)
def _api_convert_cloud_optimized_geotiff2(src_fpath, dst_fpath, compress='JPEG', blocksize=256): """ CommandLine: xdoctest -m ~/code/ndsampler/ndsampler/utils/ _api_convert_cloud_optimized_geotiff --bench """ from osgeo import gdal # data_set = gdal.Open(src_fpath) data_set = gdal.Open(src_fpath, gdal.GA_ReadOnly) # TODO: optional RESAMPLING option # NEAREST/AVERAGE/BILINEAR/CUBIC/CUBICSPLINE/LANCZOS overview_resample = 'NEAREST' # overviewlist = [2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64] overviewlist = [] if len(overviewlist) > 0: # TODO: check if the overviews already exist # main_band = data_set.GetRasterBand(1) # ovr_count = main_band.GetOverviewCount() # if ovr_count != len(overviewlist): # TODO: expose overview levels as arg data_set.BuildOverviews(str(overview_resample), overviewlist) options = [ 'TILED=YES', 'BIGTIFF=YES', 'BLOCKXSIZE={}'.format(blocksize), 'BLOCKYSIZE={}'.format(blocksize), ] if compress != 'RAW': options += ['COMPRESS={}'.format(compress)] if compress == 'JPEG' and data_set.RasterCount == 3: # Using YCBCR speeds up jpeg compression by quite a bit options += ['PHOTOMETRIC=YCBCR'] if overviewlist: options.append('COPY_SRC_OVERVIEWS=YES') options = list(map(str, options)) # python2.7 support translate_opts = gdal.TranslateOptions(format='GTiff', creationOptions=options) data_set2 = gdal.Translate(dst_fpath, data_set, options=translate_opts) data_set2 = None # NOQA # # Copy the in-memory dataset to an on-disk GeoTiff # driver2 = gdal.GetDriverByName(str('GTiff')) # data_set2 = driver2.CreateCopy(dst_fpath, data_set, options=options) # data_set = None # # OK, so setting things to None turns out to be important. Gah! # data_set2.FlushCache() # # Dereference everything # data_set2 = None # driver2 = None return dst_fpath
def IO(input_img, out_path, xsize, ysize, save_vrt=True): """ :param input_img: Geographic raster data as input :param out_path: Output directory for tiles images :param xsize: Size of X dimension :param ysize: Size of Y dimension :param save_vrt: (optional) Save output tiles into VRT :return: """ if xsize < 1 or ysize < 1: raise Exception( print( "[ ERROR! ] width or height dimension should be more then 1px") ) else: pass tile_size_x = xsize tile_size_y = ysize if not os.path.exists(out_path): os.mkdir(out_path) else: _deleteFilesIn(out_path) ds = gdal.Open(input_img) band = ds.GetRasterBand(1) x_size = band.XSize y_size = band.YSize # get only filename without extension output_filename = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(input_img))[0] print(output_filename) count = 0 for i in range(0, x_size, tile_size_x): for j in tqdm(range(0, y_size, tile_size_y), leave=False): count += 1 translate_options = gdal.TranslateOptions( bandList=[1, 2, 3], noData="none", srcWin=[i, j, tile_size_x, tile_size_y]) filename = os.path.join( out_path, str(output_filename) + "_" + str(count) + ".tif") gdal.Translate(filename, ds, options=translate_options) sleep(0.005) print(f'{count} tiles saved in {out_path}') if save_vrt: # Get the list of all files in directory tree at given path listOfFiles = _tiles_list(out_path) vrt_output = os.path.join(out_path, str(output_filename) + "_tiles_mosaic.vrt") vrt_opt = gdal.BuildVRTOptions(VRTNodata='none', srcNodata="NaN") gdal.BuildVRT(vrt_output, listOfFiles, options=vrt_opt)
def convert_file(band, des_name): ''' convert file by band ''' translate_options = gdal.TranslateOptions( format=TRANSLATE_OPTIONS_ARGV['format'], ) return gdal.Translate(destName=des_name, srcDS=band, options=translate_options)
def vrt_to_geotiff(self, vrt_path, img_path): if not img_path.exists() or self.overwrite_products: ds = gdal.Open(str(vrt_path)) creation_options = ['TILED=YES', 'COPY_SRC_OVERVIEWS=YES', 'BLOCKXSIZE=512', 'BLOCKYSIZE=512', 'NUM_THREADS=ALL_CPUS', 'BIGTIFF=IF_SAFER'] config_options = ['GDAL_CACHEMAX=8192'] translate_options = gdal.TranslateOptions(creationOptions=creation_options) ds = gdal.Translate(destName=str(img_path), srcDS=ds, options=translate_options, config_options=config_options) ds = None
def _extract_band(self, rasterFileName, band): sourceDir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self.stackName), "source_bands") if not os.path.exists(sourceDir): os.makedirs(sourceDir) bndVRT = os.path.join(sourceDir, os.path.basename(rasterFileName)) gdalTranslateOpts = gdal.TranslateOptions(format='VRT', bandList=[band]) gdal.Translate(bndVRT, rasterFileName, options=gdalTranslateOpts) return os.path.abspath(bndVRT)
def test_gdal_translate_lib_resampling_methods(resampleAlg, resampleAlgStr): option_list = gdal.TranslateOptions(resampleAlg=resampleAlg, options='__RETURN_OPTION_LIST__') assert option_list == ['-r', resampleAlgStr] assert gdal.Translate('', '../gcore/data/byte.tif', format='MEM', width=2, height=2, resampleAlg=resampleAlg) is not None
def run(self, input_ds, filetype, compress=None): self.locs['converted'].default_ext = filetype coptions = [] if compress: coptions.append('COMPRESS=' + compress) convert_translate_options = gdal.TranslateOptions( format=input_ds.filetypes[filetype], creationOptions=coptions) gdal.Translate(self.locs['converted'].path, input_ds.dataset, options=convert_translate_options, format=input_ds.filetypes[filetype])
def __init__(self, **kwargs): kwargs['defaults'] = { 'store_msg' : [],\ 'database' : None,\ 'product' : 'MCD15A3H',\ 'tile' : 'h08v06',\ 'log' : None,\ 'day' : '01',\ 'doy' : None, 'month' : '*',\ 'sds' : None, 'year' : "2019",\ 'site' : '',\ 'size_check' : False,\ 'noclobber' : True,\ 'local_dir' : 'work',\ 'local_file' : None,\ 'db_file' : None,\ 'db_dir' : 'work',\ 'verbose' : False,\ 'stderr' : sys.stderr } self.__dict__.update(ginit(self, **kwargs)) if 'database' in self.__dict__ and type(self.database) == Database: # already have databse stored pass else: self.database = Database(self.db_file,\ **(fdict(self.__dict__.copy(),ignore=['db_dir','db_file']))) self.translateoptions = gdal.TranslateOptions( gdal.ParseCommandLine("-of Gtiff -co COMPRESS=LZW")) # list of tiles if type(self.tile) is str: self.tile = [self.tile] if type(self.sds) is str: self.sds = [self.sds] if self.sds is not None: self.msg(f'initial SDS {self.sds}') self.required_sds = self.sds # for most transactions, we want all SDS # so self.sds should reflect that self.sds = None response = self.database.get_from_db('SDS', self.product) if response: self.msg("found SDS names in database") self.sds = response self.msg(self.sds) # require them all if 'required_sds' not in self.__dict__: self.required_sds = self.sds
def match_pixel_size(rasters, dst_dir=None, sfx=None, resampleAlg='cubic', in_mem=False): rasters = [Path(r) for r in rasters] rasters_res = {} for r in rasters: src = gdal.Open(str(r)) gt = src.GetGeoTransform() rasters_res[r] = (gt[1], gt[5]) src1 = None max_x_raster = max(rasters_res.keys(), key=lambda k: abs(rasters_res[k][0])) max_y_raster = max(rasters_res.keys(), key=lambda k: abs(rasters_res[k][1])) outputs = [max_x_raster] if max_x_raster != max_y_raster: logger.error( 'Could not locate a raster with both maximum x-resolution and y-resolution.' ) print(rasters_res) else: 'Maximum pixel size raster located: {}'.format(max_x_raster)) rasters.remove(max_x_raster) max_x = rasters_res[max_x_raster][0] max_y = rasters_res[max_y_raster][1]'({}, {})'.format(max_x, max_y)) for r in rasters: if in_mem == True: dst_dir = Path(r'/vsimem/') if not dst_dir: dst_dir = r.parent if not sfx: sfx = 'match_px_sz' dst = dst_dir / '{}_{}{}'.format(r.stem, sfx, r.suffix) if in_mem: dst = dst.as_posix()'Translating: {}'.format(r))'Destination: {}'.format(dst)) trans_opts = gdal.TranslateOptions(xRes=max_x, yRes=max_y, resampleAlg=resampleAlg) output = gdal.Translate(destName=str(dst), srcDS=str(r), options=trans_opts) outputs.append(dst) return outputs
def reproyectaJPG(x, y, offset, archivo): coorVentana = coorVentanaSentinelHub(x, y, offset) ds = gdal.Open(archivo) gdal.Translate('tmp.tif', ds, options=gdal.TranslateOptions(outputBounds=coorVentana, outputSRS='EPSG:3857')) ds = gdal.Open('tmp.tif') gdal.Warp('tmp_4326.tif', ds, options=gdal.WarpOptions(dstSRS='EPSG:4326')) ds = None
def translate(raster_in, raster_out, format_out='GTiff', tgt_res=None, interp_method='bilinear'): ds = gdal.Open(raster_in) opts = gdal.TranslateOptions(format=format_out, xRes=tgt_res[0], yRes=tgt_res[1], resampleAlg=interp_method) gdal.Translate(raster_out, ds, options=opts) ds = None
def apply_trans(dem, trans_vec, out_path): """ Apply a translation vector of format (dx, dy, dz) to DEM and save to out_path. Uses GDAL Translate which requires a the new window (ulx, uly, lrx, lry) Parameters ---------- dem : os.path.abspath Path to the DEM to be translated. trans_vec : list/tuple Translation vector of format (dx, dy, dz). out_path : os.path.abspath Path to write the translated DEM to. Returns ------- None. """ # Get translation values dx, dy, dz = trans_vec # Open source DEM'Reading source DEM for translation:\n{}'.format(dem)) src = Raster(dem) # Compute new/translated bounds tulx = src.x_origin + dx tuly = src.y_origin + dy tlrx = tulx + src.x_sz * src.pixel_width tlry = tuly + src.y_sz * src.pixel_height trans_bounds = [tulx, tuly, tlrx, tlry] logger.debug('Translated bounds (ulx, uly, lrx, lry): {}' .format(trans_bounds)) # Translate in x-y'Applying translation in x-y...') temp_trans = r'/vsimem/temp_trans.vrt' trans_options = gdal.TranslateOptions(outputBounds=trans_bounds) gdal.Translate(out_path, dem, options=trans_options) logger.debug('DEM translated. Output: {}'.format(temp_trans)) # Shift in z logger.debug('Applying translation in z...') src_arr = src.MaskedArray dst_arr = src_arr - dz logger.debug('Writing translated raster to: {}'.format(out_path)) src.WriteArray(dst_arr, out_path) src = None logger.debug('Translation complete.')
def VNP_tif(inpath, outpath, layer1, layer2, layer3, layer4): if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(outpath, 'light')): os.makedirs(os.path.join(outpath, 'light')) if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(outpath, 'cloud')): os.makedirs(os.path.join(outpath, 'cloud')) if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(outpath, 'angle')): os.makedirs(os.path.join(outpath, 'angle')) if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(outpath, 'time')): os.makedirs(os.path.join(outpath, 'time')) f = os.listdir(inpath) for i in range(len(f)): if f[i].endswith('.h5'): infile = inpath + '//' + f[i] root_ds = gdal.Open(infile) ds_list = root_ds.GetSubDatasets() rlayer = gdal.Open(ds_list[layer1][0], gdal.GA_ReadOnly) alayer = gdal.Open(ds_list[layer2][0], gdal.GA_ReadOnly) clayer = gdal.Open(ds_list[layer3][0], gdal.GA_ReadOnly) tlayer = gdal.Open(ds_list[layer4][0], gdal.GA_ReadOnly) # collect bounding box coordinates # -a_ullr <ulx> <uly> <lrx> <lry> #a = rlayer.GetMetadata_Dict() WestBoundCoord = rlayer.GetMetadata_Dict( )["HDFEOS_GRIDS_VNP_Grid_DNB_WestBoundingCoord"] EastBoundCoord = rlayer.GetMetadata_Dict( )["HDFEOS_GRIDS_VNP_Grid_DNB_EastBoundingCoord"] NorthBoundCoord = rlayer.GetMetadata_Dict( )["HDFEOS_GRIDS_VNP_Grid_DNB_NorthBoundingCoord"] SouthBoundCoord = rlayer.GetMetadata_Dict( )["HDFEOS_GRIDS_VNP_Grid_DNB_SouthBoundingCoord"] EPSG = "-a_srs EPSG:4326" # WGS84 translateOptionText = EPSG + " -a_ullr " + WestBoundCoord + " " + NorthBoundCoord + " " + EastBoundCoord + " " + SouthBoundCoord translateoptions = gdal.TranslateOptions( gdal.ParseCommandLine(translateOptionText)) outfile = outpath + '\\light\\' + f[i].strip('.h5') + '.tif' gdal.Translate(outfile, clayer, options=translateoptions) im_datas = alayer.GetRasterBand(1).ReadAsArray() min = np.min(im_datas[im_datas > 0]) if min < 9000: outfilea = outpath + '\\angle\\' + f[i].strip('.h5') + '.tif' gdal.Translate(outfilea, alayer, options=translateoptions) outfilet = outpath + '\\time\\' + f[i].strip('.h5') + '.tif' gdal.Translate(outfilet, tlayer, options=translateoptions)
def recorta(extencion, fechaNom, productoNom, escaneo, ext, anio, numEvento, nomEvento, region, pathOutputTif): from osgeo import gdal ds = gdal.Open(anio + '_tmp.tif') gdal.Translate(pathOutputTif + region + '/EDL_CT_' + anio + '_' + numEvento + '_' + nomEvento + '_' + productoNom + '/EDL_CT_' + anio + '_' + numEvento + '_' + nomEvento + '_' + productoNom + '_' + fechaNom + '_' + escaneo + '.tif', ds, options=gdal.TranslateOptions(projWin=[ extencion[0] - ext, extencion[3] + ext, extencion[2] + ext, extencion[1] - ext ]))
def processImages(self, layerWMS, webScaleParamList, outputFolder): scaleFeaturesDict = self.featuresByScale[self.scaleSelected] width, height, ncol, nrow = webScaleParamList for feat in scaleFeaturesDict.keys(): bboxStr = scaleFeaturesDict[feat].asWktCoordinates().replace( ',', '').split(' ') bbox = [] for i in bboxStr: bbox.append(float(i)) temp_path = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() complete_image ='RGB', (width * ncol, height * nrow)) dx = (bbox[2] - bbox[0]) / ncol dy = (bbox[3] - bbox[1]) / nrow for column in range(ncol): xmin = bbox[0] + dx * column xmax = bbox[0] + dx * (column + 1) for line in range(nrow): ymin = bbox[3] - dy * (line + 1) ymax = bbox[3] - dy * line imageURL = "{},{},{},{}&SRS=EPSG:4326&WIDTH={}&HEIGHT={}&LAYERS={}&STYLES=,,,&FORMAT=image/png&DPI=96&MAP_RESOLUTION=96&FORMAT_OPTIONS=dpi:96&TRANSPARENT=TRUE".format( xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, width, height, layerWMS) partialImage = requests.get(imageURL, allow_redirects=True) temp_file = os.path.join(, 'temp_image.png') open(temp_file, "wb").write(partialImage.content) complete_image.paste(, (width * column, height * line)) os.path.join(, 'complete_image.png')) outputFile = os.path.join(outputFolder, feat + ".tif") p1 = gdal.GCP(bbox[0], bbox[1], 0, 0, height * nrow) p2 = gdal.GCP(bbox[2], bbox[1], 0, width * ncol, height * nrow) p3 = gdal.GCP(bbox[0], bbox[3], 0, 0, 0) p4 = gdal.GCP(bbox[2], bbox[3], 0, width * ncol, 0) opt = gdal.TranslateOptions(format='GTiff', GCPs=[p1, p2, p3, p4]) gdal.Translate(outputFile, os.path.join(, 'complete_image.png'), options=opt) temp_path.cleanup()"gdal:assignprojection", { 'INPUT': outputFile, 'CRS': "EPSG:4326" }) return