def reproj_convert_layer(geojson_path, output_path, file_format, output_crs, input_crs="epsg:4326"): layer_name = output_path.split('/') layer_name = layer_name[len(layer_name) - 1].split('.')[0] in_driver = GetDriverByName("GeoJSON") out_driver = GetDriverByName(file_format) inSpRef = SpatialReference() inSpRef.ImportFromEPSG(int(input_crs.split("epsg:")[1])) outSpRef = SpatialReference() ret_val = outSpRef.ImportFromProj4(output_crs) if not ret_val == 0: raise ValueError("Error when importing the output crs") coords_transform = CoordinateTransformation(inSpRef, outSpRef) f_in = in_driver.Open(geojson_path) input_layer = f_in.GetLayer() f_out = out_driver.CreateDataSource(output_path) output_layer = f_out.CreateLayer(layer_name, outSpRef) input_lyr_defn = input_layer.GetLayerDefn() for i in range(input_lyr_defn.GetFieldCount()): fieldDefn = input_lyr_defn.GetFieldDefn(i) output_layer.CreateField(fieldDefn) output_lyr_defn = output_layer.GetLayerDefn() for inFeature in input_layer: geom = inFeature.GetGeometryRef() outFeature = OgrFeature(output_lyr_defn) if geom: geom.Transform(coords_transform) outFeature.SetGeometry(geom) else: outFeature.SetGeometry(None) for i in range(output_lyr_defn.GetFieldCount()): outFeature.SetField( output_lyr_defn.GetFieldDefn(i).GetNameRef(), inFeature.GetField(i)) output_layer.CreateFeature(outFeature) outFeature.Destroy() inFeature.Destroy() f_in.Destroy() f_out.Destroy() if "Shapefile" in file_format: outSpRef.MorphToESRI() with open(output_path.replace(".shp", ".prj"), 'w') as file_proj: file_proj.write(outSpRef.ExportToWkt()) with open(output_path.replace(".shp", ".cpg"), "w") as encoding_file: encoding_file.write("ISO-8859-1") return 0
def write(self, fpath, polygons, spatial_reference=None, driver_name=None): """ Convert SCHISM polygon YAML file to a shapefile Parameters ---------- fpath: str output file name polygons: array of schism_polygon.SchismPolygon polygons to write spatial_reference: osgeo.osr.SpatialReference or proj4 string default: NAD83, UTM zone 10N, meter driver_name: osgeo.ogr Driver name default: ESRI Shapefile """ if spatial_reference is None: # Not sure if this changed. it should be EPSG 26910 #spatial_reference = '+proj=utm +zone=10N +ellps=NAD83 +datum=NAD83 +units=m' spatial_reference= '+proj=utm +zone=10 +ellps=GRS80 +towgs84=0,0,0,0,0,0,0 +units=m +no_defs' if isinstance(spatial_reference, str): spatial_reference_obj = SpatialReference() try: spatial_reference_obj.ImportFromProj4(spatial_reference) except: raise ValueError("spatial reference could not be created from string: {}".format(spatial_reference)) elif isinstance(spatial_reference, SpatialReference): spatial_reference_obj = spatial_reference else: raise ValueError('Not support spatial_reference type') if driver_name is None: driver_name = 'ESRI Shapefile' driver = GetDriverByName(driver_name) if driver is None: print('%s is not available.' % driver_name) raise RuntimeError() datasource = driver.CreateDataSource(str(fpath)) if datasource is None: raise RuntimeError("Cannot create a GIS file") layer = datasource.CreateLayer('layer', spatial_reference_obj, wkbPolygon) fields = ('name', 'type', 'attribute') for field in fields: layer.CreateField(FieldDefn(field)) feature_defn = layer.GetLayerDefn() feature = Feature(feature_defn) for i, polygon in enumerate(polygons): feature.SetGeometry(CreateGeometryFromWkb(polygon.wkb)) feature.SetField(0, feature.SetField(1, polygon.type) feature.SetField(2, polygon.attribute) layer.CreateFeature(feature) datasource.Destroy()
def write(self, fpath, lines, spatial_reference=None, driver_name=None, **kwargs): """ Parameters ---------- fpath: str output file name lines: array of schism_linestring.LineString list of LineStrings spatial_reference: osgeo.osr.SpatialReference default: NAD83, UTM zone 10N, meter """ # Boilerplate to create a SHP file if spatial_reference is None: spatial_reference = SpatialReference() spatial_reference.ImportFromProj4( '+proj=utm +zone=10N +ellps=NAD83 +datum=NAD83 +units=m') if driver_name is None: driver_name = 'ESRI Shapefile' driver = GetDriverByName(driver_name) if driver is None: print('%s is not available.' % driver_name) raise RuntimeError() datasource = driver.CreateDataSource(fpath) if datasource is None: raise RuntimeError("Cannot create a GIS file") layer = datasource.CreateLayer('layer', spatial_reference, wkbLineString) fields = [] for l in lines: if l.prop is not None: for k in l.prop: if k not in fields and k != 'coordinates': fields.append(k) map(layer.CreateField, [FieldDefn(field) for field in fields]) feature_defn = layer.GetLayerDefn() feature = Feature(feature_defn) for i, line in enumerate(lines): feature.SetGeometry(CreateGeometryFromWkb(line.wkb)) for j, f in enumerate(fields): val = line.prop.get(f) if val is not None: feature.SetField(j, val) layer.CreateFeature(feature) datasource.Destroy()
def get_zip_style(feature: Feature) -> str: zippy: str = feature.GetField("zip") if int(zippy[-1]) % 2 == 0: return 'PEN(w:2px,c:#0000FF,id:"mapinfo-pen-1,ogr-pen-0");BRUSH(fc:#FFFF00,bc:#FFFFFF,id:"mapinfo-brush-2,ogr-brush-2")' else: return 'PEN(w:2px,c:#0000FF,id:"mapinfo-pen-1,ogr-pen-0");BRUSH(fc:#E8BEFF,bc:#FFFFFF,id:"mapinfo-brush-2,ogr-brush-2")'
def _ogr_feat_to_row(self, feat: ogr.Feature) -> dict: ''' ogr feature to table row (dict with field names as keys and field values as values) ''' if self.field_names is not None: items = OrderedDict([(f, feat[f]) for f in self.field_names if hasattr(feat, f)]) else: items = OrderedDict(self._cursor.items()) items[self.id_field] = feat.GetFID() geom = feat.geometry() if geom: qgeom = QgsGeometry() qgeom.fromWkb(geom.ExportToWkb()) if not qgeom.isGeosValid(): qgeom = qgeom.makeValid() geom = qgeom items[self.geom_field] = geom return items
def convert_ogr_to_geojson(file_path, file_format): regex_field_name = re.compile("[^a-zA-Z0-9_-ëêàáâãæêéèñòóô]+") in_driver = GetDriverByName(file_format) out_driver = GetDriverByName('MEMORY') f_in = in_driver.Open(file_path) input_layer = f_in.GetLayer() outSpRef = SpatialReference() outSpRef.ImportFromEPSG(4326) coords_transform = CoordinateTransformation(input_layer.GetSpatialRef(), outSpRef) f_out = out_driver.CreateDataSource('') output_layer = f_out.CreateLayer('', outSpRef) input_lyr_defn = input_layer.GetLayerDefn() for i in range(input_lyr_defn.GetFieldCount()): fieldDefn = input_lyr_defn.GetFieldDefn(i) fieldDefn.SetName(regex_field_name.sub('_', fieldDefn.GetNameRef())) output_layer.CreateField(fieldDefn) output_lyr_defn = output_layer.GetLayerDefn() nb_field = output_lyr_defn.GetFieldCount() field_names = [ output_lyr_defn.GetFieldDefn(i).GetNameRef() for i in range(nb_field) ] res = [] for inFeature in input_layer: geom = inFeature.GetGeometryRef() outFeature = OgrFeature(output_lyr_defn) # Don't try to transform empty geometry : if geom: geom.Transform(coords_transform) outFeature.SetGeometry(geom) else: outFeature.SetGeometry(None) outFeature.SetFID(inFeature.GetFID()) for i in range(output_lyr_defn.GetFieldCount()): outFeature.SetField(field_names[i], inFeature.GetField(i)) res.append(outFeature.ExportToJson()) outFeature.Destroy() inFeature.Destroy() f_in.Destroy() f_out.Destroy() return ''.join([ '''{"type":"FeatureCollection","features":[''', ','.join(res), ''']}''' ]).encode()
def get_fire_style(feature: Feature) -> str: """Function that determines which style to use, based on the feature description""" riskdesc: str = feature.GetField("riskdesc") risktype: str = feature.GetField("risktype") description: str = " ".join([risktype, riskdesc]) if description == "IF Smoke Risk": return 'PEN(w:2px,c:#0000FF,id:"mapinfo-pen-1,ogr-pen-0");BRUSH(fc:#FFFF00,bc:#FFFFFF,id:"mapinfo-brush-1,ogr-brush-0")' if description == "IF Low": return 'PEN(w:2px,c:#0000FF,id:"mapinfo-pen-1,ogr-pen-0");BRUSH(fc:#E8BEFF,bc:#FFFFFF,id:"mapinfo-brush-2,ogr-brush-0")' if description == "IF Moderate": return 'PEN(w:2px,c:#0000FF,id:"mapinfo-pen-1,ogr-pen-0");BRUSH(fc:#C500FF,bc:#FFFFFF,id:"mapinfo-brush-2,ogr-brush-0")' if description == "IF High": return 'PEN(w:2px,c:#0000FF,id:"mapinfo-pen-1,ogr-pen-0");BRUSH(fc:#4C0073,bc:#FFFFFF,id:"mapinfo-brush-2,ogr-brush-0")' if description == "IM Low": return 'PEN(w:1px,c:#000000,id:"mapinfo-pen-2,ogr-pen-0");BRUSH(fc:#55FF00,bc:#FFFFFF,id:"mapinfo-brush-2,ogr-brush-0")' if description == "IM Moderate": return 'PEN(w:1px,c:#000000,id:"mapinfo-pen-2,ogr-pen-0");BRUSH(fc:#FFFF00,bc:#FFFFFF,id:"mapinfo-brush-2,ogr-brush-0")' if description == "IM High": return 'PEN(w:1px,c:#000000,id:"mapinfo-pen-2,ogr-pen-0");BRUSH(fc:#FFAA00,bc:#FFFFFF,id:"mapinfo-brush-2,ogr-brush-0")' if description == "IM Very High": return 'PEN(w:1px,c:#000000,id:"mapinfo-pen-2,ogr-pen-0");BRUSH(fc:#E60000,bc:#FFFFFF,id:"mapinfo-brush-2,ogr-brush-0")' if description == "WL Low": return 'PEN(w:1px,c:#FFFFFF,id:"mapinfo-pen-2,ogr-pen-0");BRUSH(fc:#55FF00,bc:#FFFFFF,id:"mapinfo-brush-2,ogr-brush-0")' if description == "WL Moderate": return 'PEN(w:1px,c:#FFFFFF,id:"mapinfo-pen-2,ogr-pen-0");BRUSH(fc:#FFFF00,bc:#FFFFFF,id:"mapinfo-brush-2,ogr-brush-0")' if description == "WL High": return 'PEN(w:1px,c:#FFFFFF,id:"mapinfo-pen-2,ogr-pen-0");BRUSH(fc:#FFAA00,bc:#FFFFFF,id:"mapinfo-brush-2,ogr-brush-0")' if description == "WL Very High": return 'PEN(w:1px,c:#FFFFFF,id:"mapinfo-pen-2,ogr-pen-0");BRUSH(fc:#E60000,bc:#FFFFFF,id:"mapinfo-brush-2,ogr-brush-0")'
def write_foglio(foglio, destination, point_borders=False, format_name='ESRI Shapefile'): cassini_soldener = '' #Imposto alcune variabile a seconda del codice_comune: #ATTENZIONE: Prima di modificare qui lo SRID controllare che su Postgres le tavole siano impostate adeguatamente nella tavola geometry_columns!!! #ATTENZIONE: se nella definizione della cassini_soldener si inseriscono dei valori fissi di x_0 e y_0 ricordarsi di definire successivamente la local_cassini_soldener in maniera adeguata, cioe' togliendo il riferimento al vettore shift_cassini prima definito. In pratica aggiungere il codice_comune nell'array del primo "if" (verso rigo 103...) if foglio['CODICE COMUNE'] == 'G087': cassini_soldener = '+proj=cass +lat_0=45.007336 +lon_0=7.53725 +x_0=%f +y_0=%f +ellps=intl +units=m +no_defs' t_srs = '4326' elif foglio['CODICE COMUNE'] == 'B305': cassini_soldener = '+proj=cass +lat_0=45.067618 +lon_0=7.436827 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +ellps=intl +units=m +no_defs' t_srs = '4326' elif foglio['CODICE COMUNE'] == 'I785': cassini_soldener = '+proj=cass +lat_0=37.267029 +lon_0=14.692473 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +ellps=intl +units=m +no_defs' t_srs = '4326' elif foglio['CODICE COMUNE'] == 'G535': cassini_soldener = '+proj=cass +lat_0=44.759075 +lon_0=9.917936 +x_0=-15.5 +y_0=10.5 +ellps=intl +units=m +no_defs' t_srs = '4326' elif foglio['CODICE COMUNE'] == 'G476': cassini_soldener = '+proj=cass +lat_0=40.535328 +lon_0=15.324016 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +ellps=intl +units=m +no_defs' t_srs = '4326' elif foglio['CODICE COMUNE'] == 'L380': cassini_soldener = '+proj=tmerc +lat_0=0 +lon_0=9 +k=0.9996 +x_0=1500000 +y_0=0 +ellps=intl +towgs84=-104.1,-49.1,-9.9,0.971,-2.917,0.714,-11.68 +units=m +no_defs' t_srs = '4326' elif foglio['CODICE COMUNE'] == 'I258': cassini_soldener = '+proj=cass +lat_0=45.099116 +lon_0=7.356182 +x_0=-1.5 +y_0=0.5 +ellps=intl +units=m +no_defs' t_srs = '4326' elif foglio['CODICE COMUNE'] == 'C261': cassini_soldener = '+proj=cass +lat_0=45.31413 +lon_0=9.502994 +x_0=1 +y_0=1 +ellps=intl +units=m +no_defs' t_srs = '4326' elif foglio['CODICE COMUNE'] == 'C722': cassini_soldener = "+proj=cass +lat_0=45.235812 +lon_0=7.602194 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +ellps=intl +units=m +no_defs +wktext" t_srs = '4326' elif foglio['CODICE COMUNE'] == 'A484': cassini_soldener = '+proj=cass +lat_0=40.535328 +lon_0=15.324016 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +ellps=intl +units=m +no_defs' t_srs = '4326' elif foglio['CODICE COMUNE'] == 'G793': cassini_soldener = '+proj=cass +lat_0=40.535328 +lon_0=15.324016 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +ellps=intl +units=m +no_defs' t_srs = '4326' elif foglio['CODICE COMUNE'] == 'I089': cassini_soldener = '+proj=cass +lat_0=40.535328 +lon_0=15.324016 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +ellps=intl +units=m +no_defs' t_srs = '4326' elif foglio['CODICE COMUNE'] == 'I143': cassini_soldener = '+proj=cass +lat_0=40.535328 +lon_0=15.324016 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +ellps=intl +units=m +no_defs' t_srs = '4326' elif foglio['CODICE COMUNE'] == 'I307': cassini_soldener = '+proj=cass +lat_0=40.535328 +lon_0=15.324016 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +ellps=intl +units=m +no_defs' t_srs = '4326' elif foglio['CODICE COMUNE'] == 'G226': cassini_soldener = '+proj=cass +lat_0=40.283555 +lon_0=15.483897 +x_0=8.9958 +y_0=-8.3549 +ellps=bessel +towgs84=668.8,146.4,506.5,5.187,-2.54,5.256,0 +units=m +no_defs' t_srs = '4326' elif foglio['CODICE COMUNE'] == 'B266': cassini_soldener = '+proj=cass +lat_0=40.283555 +lon_0=15.483897 +x_0=8.9958 +y_0=-8.3549 +ellps=bessel +towgs84=668.8,146.4,506.5,5.187,-2.54,5.256,0 +units=m +no_defs' t_srs = '4326' elif foglio['CODICE COMUNE'] == 'B868': cassini_soldener = '+proj=cass +lat_0=40.283555 +lon_0=15.483897 +x_0=8.9958 +y_0=-8.3549 +ellps=bessel +towgs84=668.8,146.4,506.5,5.187,-2.54,5.256,0 +units=m +no_defs' t_srs = '4326' elif foglio['CODICE COMUNE'] == 'F618': cassini_soldener = '+proj=cass +lat_0=40.283555 +lon_0=15.483897 +x_0=8.9958 +y_0=-8.3549 +ellps=bessel +towgs84=668.8,146.4,506.5,5.187,-2.54,5.256,0 +units=m +no_defs' t_srs = '4326' elif foglio['CODICE COMUNE'] == 'F625': cassini_soldener = '+proj=cass +lat_0=40.283555 +lon_0=15.483897 +x_0=8.9958 +y_0=-8.3549 +ellps=bessel +towgs84=668.8,146.4,506.5,5.187,-2.54,5.256,0 +units=m +no_defs' t_srs = '4326' elif foglio['CODICE COMUNE'] == 'H683': cassini_soldener = '+proj=cass +lat_0=40.283555 +lon_0=15.483897 +x_0=8.9958 +y_0=-8.3549 +ellps=bessel +towgs84=668.8,146.4,506.5,5.187,-2.54,5.256,0 +units=m +no_defs' t_srs = '4326' elif foglio['CODICE COMUNE'] == 'I410': cassini_soldener = '+proj=cass +lat_0=40.283555 +lon_0=15.483897 +x_0=8.9958 +y_0=-8.3549 +ellps=bessel +towgs84=668.8,146.4,506.5,5.187,-2.54,5.256,0 +units=m +no_defs' t_srs = '4326' elif foglio['CODICE COMUNE'] == 'I451': cassini_soldener = '+proj=cass +lat_0=40.283555 +lon_0=15.483897 +x_0=8.9958 +y_0=-8.3549 +ellps=bessel +towgs84=668.8,146.4,506.5,5.187,-2.54,5.256,0 +units=m +no_defs' t_srs = '4326' elif foglio['CODICE COMUNE'] == 'C370': cassini_soldener = '+proj=cass +lat_0=45.558239 +lon_0=10.76357 +x_0=+0.45 +y_0=-1.90 +ellps=intl +units=m +no_defs' t_srs = '4326' elif foglio['CODICE COMUNE'] == 'D292': cassini_soldener = '+proj=cass +lat_0=40.283555 +lon_0=15.483897 +x_0=8.9958 +y_0=-8.3549 +ellps=bessel +towgs84=668.8,146.4,506.5,5.187,-2.54,5.256,0 +units=m +no_defs' target_srs = SpatialReference() try: target_srs.ImportFromEPSG(int(t_srs)) except TypeError: raise target_srs.ImportFromProj4(t_srs) shifts = ((0., 0.), (0., 0.)) shifts = comuni_shift.get(foglio['CODICE COMUNE'], shifts) shifts = comuni_shift.get( (foglio['CODICE COMUNE'], foglio['NUMERO FOGLIO']), shifts) shift_cassini, shift_gauss_boaga = shifts ##### Parte eventualmente da MODIFICARE: if foglio['CODICE COMUNE'] in [ 'G535', 'I258', 'L380', 'G476', 'C261', 'A484', 'B266', 'B868', 'F618', 'F625', 'G226', 'G793', 'I307', 'I410', 'I451', 'D292', 'I143', 'I089', 'H683', 'C722', 'B305', 'I785', 'C370' ]: local_cassini_soldener = cassini_soldener else: local_cassini_soldener = cassini_soldener % (-shift_cassini[0], -shift_cassini[1]) source_srs = SpatialReference() source_srs.ImportFromProj4(local_cassini_soldener) trasformation = CoordinateTransformation(source_srs, target_srs) f_comune = FieldDefn('COMUNE', OFTString) f_comune.SetWidth(4) f_foglio = FieldDefn('FOGLIO', OFTString) f_foglio.SetWidth(11) f_tipo = FieldDefn('tipo', OFTString) f_tipo.SetWidth(11) f_part = FieldDefn('PARTICELLA', OFTString) f_part.SetWidth(8) f_numero = FieldDefn('NUMERO', OFTString) f_part.SetWidth(8) f_dimensione = FieldDefn('DIMENSIONE', OFTInteger) f_area = FieldDefn('AREA', OFTInteger) f_angolo = FieldDefn('ANGOLO', OFTReal) f_pos_x = FieldDefn('POSIZIONEX', OFTReal) f_pos_y = FieldDefn('POSIZIONEY', OFTReal) f_interno_x = FieldDefn('P_INTERNOX', OFTReal) f_interno_y = FieldDefn('P_INTERNOY', OFTReal) f_simbolo = FieldDefn('SIMBOLO', OFTInteger) f_etichetta = FieldDefn('etichetta', OFTString) f_etichetta.SetWidth(32) f_testo = FieldDefn('TESTO', OFTString) f_testo.SetWidth(256) create_options = [] if format_name == 'PostgreSQL': #Per passare i parametri del driver nella forma "parametro=valore". Sfortunatamente NON POSSO PASSARE "-APPEND"!!!! #vedi anche: papszOptions = ['OVERWRITE=yes'] elif format_name == 'SQLite': #IN SVILUPPO! #per maggiori info vedere: create_options = [ 'SPATIALITE=YES', 'INIT_WITH_EPSG=YES', 'OGR_SQLITE_SYNCHRONOUS=OFF', 'OVERWRITE=yes' ] #l'opzione Overwrite sul DB non funziona: ho messo una IF oltre papszOptions = ['FORMAT=SPATIALITE', 'OVERWRITE=yes'] #default else: papszOptions = [] if (format_name == 'SQLite') and (os.path.exists(destination)): ds = GetDriverByName(format_name).Open(destination, update=1) #Pensavo in questo modo di ovviare all'errore che mi restituisce lo script nel caso di DB: #ERROR 1: PostgreSQL driver doesn't currently support database creation. Please create database with the `createdb' command. #ma non ho risolto niente... Invece aggiungendo "PG:" il plugin genera le tabelle! elif (format_name == 'PostgreSQL'): # ds = GetDriverByName(format_name).Open(destination) #destination = "PG:%s" % (destination) ds = GetDriverByName(format_name).CreateDataSource( destination, options=create_options) else: ds = GetDriverByName(format_name).CreateDataSource( destination, options=create_options) #per evitare sovrascritture aggiungo anche l'allegato pedice = "%s_%s_%s_%s" % (foglio['CODICE COMUNE'], foglio['NUMERO FOGLIO'], foglio['CODICE ALLEGATO'], foglio['CODICE SVILUPPO']) #PLUGIN QGIS: #Decodifico alcuni campi in modo tale che vengano riconosciuti corretti anche dalle librerie interne di QGis: comune_decode = remove_accents(foglio['CODICE COMUNE']) #oppure potrebbe essere: #comune_decode = foglio['CODICE COMUNE'].encode('utf-8') codice_foglioXX = foglio['CODICE FOGLIO'][5: 9] #cosi' dovrebbe essere "0036" foglio_intero = int(codice_foglioXX.lstrip('0')) # tipo BORDO #bordi = ds.CreateLayer('CATASTO_BORDI', target_srs, wkbPolygon) nome_layer_not_utf = "CATASTO_BORDI_%s" % (pedice) nome_layer = nome_layer_not_utf.encode('utf-8') #serve per plugin QGis bordi = ds.CreateLayer(nome_layer, target_srs, wkbPolygon25D, papszOptions) bordi.CreateField(f_comune) bordi.CreateField(f_foglio) bordi.CreateField(f_tipo) bordi.CreateField(f_part) bordi.CreateField(f_dimensione) bordi.CreateField(f_angolo) bordi.CreateField(f_pos_x) bordi.CreateField(f_pos_y) bordi.CreateField(f_interno_x) bordi.CreateField(f_interno_y) bordi.CreateField(f_area) bordi.CreateField(f_etichetta) for oggetto in foglio['oggetti']['BORDO']: poly = Geometry(wkbPolygon) tabisole = map(int, oggetto['TABISOLE']) # contorno esterno vertici_contorno = int(oggetto['NUMEROVERTICI']) - sum(tabisole) ring = Geometry(wkbLinearRing) for vertice in range(vertici_contorno): x, y = map(float, oggetto['VERTICI'][vertice]) if True: x, y = trasformation.TransformPoint(x, y)[:2] ring.AddPoint(x + shift_gauss_boaga[0], y + shift_gauss_boaga[1]) ring.CloseRings() poly.AddGeometry(ring) # isole for isola in range(int(oggetto['NUMEROISOLE'])): ring = Geometry(wkbLinearRing) for vertice in range(vertice + 1, vertice + 1 + tabisole[isola]): x, y = map(float, oggetto['VERTICI'][vertice]) if True: x, y = trasformation.TransformPoint(x, y)[:2] ring.AddPoint(x + shift_gauss_boaga[0], y + shift_gauss_boaga[1]) ring.CloseRings() poly.AddGeometry(ring) etichetta = oggetto['CODICE IDENTIFICATIVO'] if oggetto['CODICE IDENTIFICATIVO'][-1] == '+': etichetta = '' feat = Feature(bordi.GetLayerDefn()) feat.SetField('COMUNE', comune_decode) #plugin in QGis necessita di decodifica #codice_foglioXX = foglio['CODICE FOGLIO'][5:9] #cosi' dovrebbe essere "0036" #feat.SetField('FOGLIO', codice_foglioXX.lstrip('0')) feat.SetField('FOGLIO', foglio_intero) #plugin in QGis necessita di decodifica feat.SetField('tipo', oggetto['tipo']) #feat.SetField('PARTICELLA', oggetto['CODICE IDENTIFICATIVO']) #voglio togliere il "+" feat.SetField('PARTICELLA', oggetto['CODICE IDENTIFICATIVO'].rstrip('+')) feat.SetField('DIMENSIONE', int(oggetto['DIMENSIONE'])) feat.SetField('ANGOLO', float(oggetto['ANGOLO'])) pos_x, pos_y = map(float, (oggetto['POSIZIONEX'], oggetto['POSIZIONEY'])) interno_x, interno_y = map( float, (oggetto['PUNTOINTERNOX'], oggetto['PUNTOINTERNOY'])) if True: pos_x, pos_y = trasformation.TransformPoint(pos_x, pos_y)[:2] interno_x, interno_y = trasformation.TransformPoint( interno_x, interno_y)[:2] feat.SetField('POSIZIONEX', pos_x + shift_gauss_boaga[0]) feat.SetField('POSIZIONEY', pos_y + shift_gauss_boaga[1]) feat.SetField('P_INTERNOX', interno_x + shift_gauss_boaga[0]) feat.SetField('P_INTERNOY', interno_y + shift_gauss_boaga[1]) feat.SetField('AREA', oggetto.get('AREA', -1)) feat.SetField('etichetta', etichetta.encode('utf-8')) feat.SetGeometry(poly) bordi.CreateFeature(feat) feat.Destroy() if point_borders: # tipo BORDO_PUNTO #bordi = ds.CreateLayer('CATASTO_PARTICELLE', target_srs, wkbPoint) #nome_layer = "CATASTO_PARTICELLE_%s" % (pedice) nome_layer_not_utf = "CATASTO_PARTICELLE_%s" % (pedice) nome_layer = nome_layer_not_utf.encode('utf-8') #serve per plugin QGis bordi = ds.CreateLayer(nome_layer, target_srs, wkbPoint, papszOptions) bordi.CreateField(f_comune) bordi.CreateField(f_foglio) bordi.CreateField(f_tipo) bordi.CreateField(f_part) bordi.CreateField(f_dimensione) bordi.CreateField(f_angolo) bordi.CreateField(f_area) bordi.CreateField(f_etichetta) for oggetto in foglio['oggetti']['BORDO']: etichetta = oggetto['CODICE IDENTIFICATIVO'] if oggetto['CODICE IDENTIFICATIVO'][-1] == '+': etichetta = '' feat = Feature(bordi.GetLayerDefn()) #feat.SetField('COMUNE', foglio['CODICE COMUNE']) feat.SetField( 'COMUNE', comune_decode) #plugin in QGis necessita di decodifica #feat.SetField('FOGLIO', foglio['CODICE FOGLIO']) feat.SetField( 'FOGLIO', foglio_intero) #plugin in QGis necessita di decodifica feat.SetField('tipo', oggetto['tipo']) feat.SetField('PARTICELLA', oggetto['CODICE IDENTIFICATIVO']) feat.SetField('DIMENSIONE', int(oggetto['DIMENSIONE'])) feat.SetField('ANGOLO', float(oggetto['ANGOLO'])) pos_x, pos_y = map( float, (oggetto['PUNTOINTERNOX'], oggetto['PUNTOINTERNOY'])) if True: pos_x, pos_y = trasformation.TransformPoint(pos_x, pos_y)[:2] feat.SetField('AREA', oggetto.get('AREA', -1)) feat.SetField('etichetta', etichetta.encode('utf-8')) pt = Geometry(wkbPoint) pt.SetPoint_2D(0, pos_x + shift_gauss_boaga[0], pos_y + shift_gauss_boaga[1]) feat.SetGeometry(pt) bordi.CreateFeature(feat) feat.Destroy() # tipo TESTO #testi = ds.CreateLayer('CATASTO_TESTI', target_srs, wkbPoint) #nome_layer = "CATASTO_TESTI_%s" % (pedice) nome_layer_not_utf = "CATASTO_TESTI_%s" % (pedice) nome_layer = nome_layer_not_utf.encode('utf-8') #serve per plugin QGis testi = ds.CreateLayer(nome_layer, target_srs, wkbPoint, papszOptions) testi.CreateField(f_comune) testi.CreateField(f_foglio) testi.CreateField(f_testo) testi.CreateField(f_dimensione) testi.CreateField(f_angolo) testi.CreateField(f_etichetta) for oggetto in foglio['oggetti']['TESTO']: x, y = map(float, (oggetto['POSIZIONEX'], oggetto['POSIZIONEY'])) if True: x, y = trasformation.TransformPoint(x, y)[:2] # FIXME: many texts are useless, prun them from etichetta etichetta = remove_accents(oggetto['TESTO']) feat = Feature(testi.GetLayerDefn()) #feat.SetField('COMUNE', foglio['CODICE COMUNE']) feat.SetField('COMUNE', comune_decode) #plugin in QGis necessita di decodifica #feat.SetField('FOGLIO', foglio['CODICE FOGLIO']) feat.SetField('FOGLIO', foglio_intero) #plugin in QGis necessita di decodifica #feat.SetField('TESTO', oggetto['TESTO']) feat.SetField('TESTO', etichetta) feat.SetField('DIMENSIONE', int(oggetto['DIMENSIONE'])) feat.SetField('ANGOLO', float(oggetto['ANGOLO'])) feat.SetField('etichetta', etichetta.encode('utf-8')) pt = Geometry(wkbPoint) pt.SetPoint_2D(0, x + shift_gauss_boaga[0], y + shift_gauss_boaga[1]) feat.SetGeometry(pt) testi.CreateFeature(feat) # tipo SIMBOLO #simboli = ds.CreateLayer('CATASTO_SIMBOLI', target_srs, wkbPoint) #nome_layer = "CATASTO_SIMBOLI_%s" % (pedice) nome_layer_not_utf = "CATASTO_SIMBOLI_%s" % (pedice) nome_layer = nome_layer_not_utf.encode('utf-8') #serve per plugin QGis simboli = ds.CreateLayer(nome_layer, target_srs, wkbPoint, papszOptions) simboli.CreateField(f_comune) simboli.CreateField(f_foglio) simboli.CreateField(f_simbolo) simboli.CreateField(f_angolo) for oggetto in foglio['oggetti']['SIMBOLO']: x, y = map(float, (oggetto['POSIZIONEX'], oggetto['POSIZIONEY'])) if True: x, y = trasformation.TransformPoint(x, y)[:2] feat = Feature(simboli.GetLayerDefn()) #feat.SetField('COMUNE', foglio['CODICE COMUNE']) feat.SetField('COMUNE', comune_decode) #plugin in QGis necessita di decodifica #feat.SetField('FOGLIO', foglio['CODICE FOGLIO']) feat.SetField('FOGLIO', foglio_intero) #plugin in QGis necessita di decodifica feat.SetField('SIMBOLO', oggetto['CODICE SIMBOLO']) feat.SetField('ANGOLO', float(oggetto['ANGOLO'])) pt = Geometry(wkbPoint) pt.SetPoint_2D(0, x + shift_gauss_boaga[0], y + shift_gauss_boaga[1]) feat.SetGeometry(pt) simboli.CreateFeature(feat) # tipo FIDUCIALE #fiduciali = ds.CreateLayer('CATASTO_FIDUCIALI', target_srs, wkbPoint) #nome_layer = "CATASTO_FIDUCIALI_%s" % (pedice) nome_layer_not_utf = "CATASTO_FIDUCIALI_%s" % (pedice) nome_layer = nome_layer_not_utf.encode('utf-8') #serve per plugin QGis fiduciali = ds.CreateLayer(nome_layer, target_srs, wkbPoint, papszOptions) fiduciali.CreateField(f_comune) fiduciali.CreateField(f_foglio) fiduciali.CreateField(f_numero) fiduciali.CreateField(f_simbolo) fiduciali.CreateField(f_pos_x) fiduciali.CreateField(f_pos_y) fiduciali.CreateField(f_etichetta) print 'corrections', shift_cassini, shift_gauss_boaga for oggetto in foglio['oggetti']['FIDUCIALE']: x, y = map(float, (oggetto['POSIZIONEX'], oggetto['POSIZIONEY'])) pos_x, pos_y = map(float, (oggetto['PUNTORAPPRESENTAZIONEX'], oggetto['PUNTORAPPRESENTAZIONEY'])) if True: x, y = trasformation.TransformPoint(x, y)[:2] pos_x, pos_y = trasformation.TransformPoint(pos_x, pos_y)[:2] etichetta = 'PF%02d/%s%s/%s' % (int(oggetto['NUMERO IDENTIFICATIVO']), foglio['CODICE NUMERO FOGLIO'][1:], foglio['CODICE ALLEGATO'], foglio['CODICE COMUNE']) feat = Feature(fiduciali.GetLayerDefn()) #feat.SetField('COMUNE', foglio['CODICE COMUNE']) feat.SetField('COMUNE', comune_decode) #plugin in QGis necessita di decodifica #feat.SetField('FOGLIO', foglio['CODICE FOGLIO']) feat.SetField('FOGLIO', foglio_intero) #plugin in QGis necessita di decodifica feat.SetField('NUMERO', oggetto['NUMERO IDENTIFICATIVO']) feat.SetField('SIMBOLO', oggetto['CODICE SIMBOLO']) feat.SetField('POSIZIONEX', pos_x + shift_gauss_boaga[0]) feat.SetField('POSIZIONEY', pos_y + shift_gauss_boaga[1]) feat.SetField('etichetta', etichetta.encode('utf-8')) pt = Geometry(wkbPoint) pt.SetPoint_2D(0, x + shift_gauss_boaga[0], y + shift_gauss_boaga[1]) feat.SetGeometry(pt) fiduciali.CreateFeature(feat) print etichetta, oggetto['CODICE SIMBOLO'], \ float(oggetto['POSIZIONEX']) + shift_cassini[0], float(oggetto['POSIZIONEY']) + shift_cassini[1], \ x + shift_gauss_boaga[0], y + shift_gauss_boaga[1] # tipo LINEA #linee = ds.CreateLayer('CATASTO_LINEE', target_srs, wkbLineString) #nome_layer = "CATASTO_LINEE_%s" % (pedice) nome_layer_not_utf = "CATASTO_LINEE_%s" % (pedice) nome_layer = nome_layer_not_utf.encode('utf-8') #serve per plugin QGis linee = ds.CreateLayer(nome_layer, target_srs, wkbLineString25D, papszOptions) linee.CreateField(f_comune) linee.CreateField(f_foglio) linee.CreateField(f_simbolo) for oggetto in foglio['oggetti']['LINEA']: # contorno esterno vertici = int(oggetto['NUMEROVERTICI']) linea = Geometry(wkbLineString) for vertice in range(vertici): x, y = map(float, oggetto['VERTICI'][vertice]) if True: x, y = trasformation.TransformPoint(x, y)[:2] linea.AddPoint(x + shift_gauss_boaga[0], y + shift_gauss_boaga[1]) feat = Feature(linee.GetLayerDefn()) #feat.SetField('COMUNE', foglio['CODICE COMUNE']) feat.SetField('COMUNE', comune_decode) #plugin in QGis necessita di decodifica #feat.SetField('FOGLIO', foglio['CODICE FOGLIO']) feat.SetField('FOGLIO', foglio_intero) #plugin in QGis necessita di decodifica feat.SetField('SIMBOLO', oggetto['CODICE TIPO DI TRATTO']) feat.SetGeometry(linea) linee.CreateFeature(feat) feat.Destroy() ds.Destroy()
def reproj_convert_layer(geojson_path, output_path, file_format, output_crs): """ Concert GeoJSON to GML or Shapefile and write it to disk. Convert a GeoJSON FeatureCollection to GML or ESRI Shapefile format and reproject the geometries if needed (used when the user requests an export). Parameters ---------- geojson_path: str Path of the input GeoJSON FeatureCollection to be converted. output_path: str Path for the resulting Shapefile/GML (should be in a directory created by tempfile.TemporaryDirectory). file_format: str The format of the expected result ('ESRI Shapefile' or 'GML' is expected). output_crs: str The output srs to use (in proj4 string format). Returns ------- result_code: int Should return 0 if everything went fine.. """ ## TODO : Use VectorTranslate to make the conversion? input_crs = "epsg:4326" layer_name = output_path.split('/') layer_name = layer_name[len(layer_name) - 1].split('.')[0] in_driver = GetDriverByName("GeoJSON") out_driver = GetDriverByName(file_format) inSpRef = SpatialReference() inSpRef.ImportFromEPSG(int(input_crs.split("epsg:")[1])) outSpRef = SpatialReference() ret_val = outSpRef.ImportFromProj4(output_crs) if not ret_val == 0: raise ValueError("Error when importing the output crs") coords_transform = CoordinateTransformation(inSpRef, outSpRef) f_in = in_driver.Open(geojson_path) input_layer = f_in.GetLayer() f_out = out_driver.CreateDataSource(output_path) output_layer = f_out.CreateLayer(layer_name, outSpRef) input_lyr_defn = input_layer.GetLayerDefn() for i in range(input_lyr_defn.GetFieldCount()): fieldDefn = input_lyr_defn.GetFieldDefn(i) output_layer.CreateField(fieldDefn) output_lyr_defn = output_layer.GetLayerDefn() for inFeature in input_layer: geom = inFeature.GetGeometryRef() outFeature = OgrFeature(output_lyr_defn) if geom: geom.Transform(coords_transform) outFeature.SetGeometry(geom) else: outFeature.SetGeometry(None) for i in range(output_lyr_defn.GetFieldCount()): outFeature.SetField( output_lyr_defn.GetFieldDefn(i).GetNameRef(), inFeature.GetField(i)) output_layer.CreateFeature(outFeature) outFeature.Destroy() inFeature.Destroy() f_in.Destroy() f_out.Destroy() if "Shapefile" in file_format: outSpRef.MorphToESRI() with open(output_path.replace(".shp", ".prj"), 'w') as file_proj: file_proj.write(outSpRef.ExportToWkt()) with open(output_path.replace(".shp", ".cpg"), "w") as encoding_file: encoding_file.write("ISO-8859-1") return 0
def convert_ogr_to_geojson(file_path, file_format): """ Convert a layer (in a format supported by ogr) to a GeoJSON layer. Used in fallback, if the conversion failed with 'VectorTranslate'. Parameters ---------- file_path: str Path of the input file. file_format: str Format of the input layer Returns ------- raw_geojson: bytes The resulting GeoJSON FeatureCollection. """ regex_field_name = re.compile("[^a-zA-Z0-9_-ëêàáâãæêéèñòóô]+") in_driver = GetDriverByName(file_format) out_driver = GetDriverByName('MEMORY') f_in = in_driver.Open(file_path) input_layer = f_in.GetLayer() outSpRef = SpatialReference() outSpRef.ImportFromEPSG(4326) coords_transform = CoordinateTransformation(input_layer.GetSpatialRef(), outSpRef) f_out = out_driver.CreateDataSource('') output_layer = f_out.CreateLayer('', outSpRef) input_lyr_defn = input_layer.GetLayerDefn() for i in range(input_lyr_defn.GetFieldCount()): fieldDefn = input_lyr_defn.GetFieldDefn(i) fieldDefn.SetName(regex_field_name.sub('_', fieldDefn.GetNameRef())) output_layer.CreateField(fieldDefn) output_lyr_defn = output_layer.GetLayerDefn() nb_field = output_lyr_defn.GetFieldCount() field_names = [ output_lyr_defn.GetFieldDefn(i).GetNameRef() for i in range(nb_field) ] res = [] for inFeature in input_layer: geom = inFeature.GetGeometryRef() outFeature = OgrFeature(output_lyr_defn) # Don't try to transform empty geometry : if geom: geom.Transform(coords_transform) outFeature.SetGeometry(geom) else: outFeature.SetGeometry(None) outFeature.SetFID(inFeature.GetFID()) for i in range(output_lyr_defn.GetFieldCount()): outFeature.SetField(field_names[i], inFeature.GetField(i)) res.append(outFeature.ExportToJson()) outFeature.Destroy() inFeature.Destroy() f_in.Destroy() f_out.Destroy() return ''.join([ '''{"type":"FeatureCollection","features":[''', ','.join(res), ''']}''' ]).encode()
def get_predom(const: dict, ft: ogr.Feature) -> int: '''Derive the predominant ice value''' # get fields e_ct = ft.GetField('E_CT') e_ca = ft.GetField('E_CA') e_cb = ft.GetField('E_CB') e_cc = ft.GetField('E_CC') e_sa = ft.GetField('E_SA') e_sb = ft.GetField('E_SB') e_sc = ft.GetField('E_SC') e_sd = ft.GetField('E_SD') pnt_type = ft.GetField('PNT_TYPE') # set icebergs to open water e_sa = '0' if e_sa == 'L' else e_sa e_sb = '0' if e_sb == 'L' else e_sb e_sc = '0' if e_sc == 'L' else e_sc # find predominant key = '' if pnt_type in ['123', '128', '133']: # nodata key = 'ND' elif pnt_type in ['900', '400']: # land key = 'LD' elif pnt_type in ['101', '107', '115', '146']: # icefree/openwater/bergywater key = 'NI' else: # derive cd ca, cb, cc = 0, 0, 0 cd = 10 if e_ct == '9+' else int(float(e_ct)) if e_ct else 0 if e_ca is None: ca = 10 if e_ct == '9+' else int(float(e_ct)) if e_cb: cb = int(float(e_cb)) if e_cc: cc = int(float(e_cc)) cd -= ca + cb + cc # 1x icetype e_ca = e_ct if e_ca is None else e_ca ca = 10 if e_ca == '9+' else int(float(e_ca)) cb = 0 if e_cb is None else int(float(e_cb)) cc = 0 if e_cc is None else int(float(e_cc)) # 3x icetypes, pick the middle icetype if ca == cb and ca == cc: key = e_sa # choose predominance from column a to d elif ca >= cb and ca >= cc and ca >= cd: key = e_sa elif cb > ca and cb >= cc and cb >= cd: key = e_sb elif cc > ca and cc > cb and cc >= cd: key = e_sc elif cd > ca and cd > cb and cd > cc: key = e_sd # verify old ice predominance oipredom = False sypredom = False mypredom = False oi = 0 # check column a if e_sa in ['7.', '8.', '9.']: oi += ca if e_sa == '7.' and ca >= 4: oipredom = True elif e_sa == '8.' and ca >= 4: sypredom = True elif e_sa == '9.' and ca >= 4: mypredom = True # check colum b if e_sb in ['7.', '8.', '9.']: oi += cb if e_sb == '7.' and cb >= 4: oipredom = True elif e_sb == '8.' and cb >= 4: sypredom = True elif e_sb == '9.' and cb >= 4: mypredom = True # check colum c if e_sc in ['7.', '8.', '9.']: oi += cc if e_sc == '7.' and cc >= 4: oipredom = True elif e_sc == '8.' and cc >= 4: sypredom = True elif e_sc == '9.' and cc >= 4: mypredom = True # find predominant, order MY->SY->OLD. # preference given to oldice subcategories if oi >= 4: key = '7.' elif oipredom: key = '7.' elif sypredom: key = '8.' elif mypredom: key = '9.' # return predominant stage = PREDOMINANTS.get(key) if stage is None: try: stage = int(float(key)) except: stage = const['water']'predominant = {stage}') return stage
def getfiddo(feature: Feature) -> int: return feature.GetFID()
def title_provider(feature: ogr.Feature) -> str: name = feature.GetFieldAsString("MAP_LABEL") status = " (retired)" if feature.GetFieldAsString( 'LIFE_CYCLE_STATUS_CODE') == "RETIRED" else "" return f"{name}{status}"
def get_xyz_url_for_feature(feature: ogr.Feature) -> str: return feature.GetFieldAsString("xyz_url")
def get_profile_names_for_feature(feature: ogr.Feature) -> List[str]: return list( map( lambda profile_names_part: profile_names_part.strip(), feature.GetFieldAsString("profile").split(","), ))