def copy_raster_and_add_overviews(filename_src: PathLikeOrStr, output_filename_template: str, overview_list: Sequence[int], overview_alg='bilinear', create_file_per_ovr: bool = True, driver_name: str = 'GTiff'): files_list = [] ds_with_ovrs = output_filename_template.format('') shutil.copy(filename_src, ds_with_ovrs) files_list.append(ds_with_ovrs) ds_base = output_filename_template.format(0) shutil.copy(filename_src, ds_base) files_list.append(ds_base) ds = open_ds(ds_with_ovrs, gdal.GA_Update) size = (ds.RasterXSize, ds.RasterYSize) ds.BuildOverviews(overview_alg, overviewlist=overview_list) driver = gdal.GetDriverByName(driver_name) all_ovrs = [1] all_ovrs.extend(overview_list) for ovr_idx, f in enumerate(all_ovrs): filename_i = output_filename_template.format(ovr_idx) if ovr_idx == 0: ds1 = open_ds(filename_i) else: ds1 = open_ds(ds_with_ovrs, ovr_idx=ovr_idx, ovr_only=True) if create_file_per_ovr: driver.CreateCopy(filename_i, ds1) files_list.append(filename_i) assert ds1.RasterXSize == int(size[0] / f) and ds1.RasterYSize == int( size[1] / f) and ds1.RasterCount == 1 return all_ovrs, files_list
def test_utils_py_1(): """ test get_ovr_idx, create_flat_raster """ filename = 'tmp/raster.tif' temp_files.append(filename) raster_creation.create_flat_raster(filename, overview_list=[2, 4]) ds = util.open_ds(filename) compression = util.get_image_structure_metadata(filename, 'COMPRESSION') assert compression == 'DEFLATE' ovr_count = util.get_ovr_count(ds) + 1 assert ovr_count == 3 pixel_size = util.get_pixel_size(ds) assert pixel_size == (10, -10) for i in range(-ovr_count, ovr_count): assert util.get_ovr_idx(filename, ovr_idx=i) == (i if i >= 0 else ovr_count + i) for res, ovr in [(5, 0), (10, 0), (11, 0), (19.99, 0), (20, 1), (20.1, 1), (39, 1), (40, 2), (41, 2), (400, 2)]: assert util.get_ovr_idx(filename, ovr_res=res) == ovr assert util.get_ovr_idx(filename, float(res)) == ovr # noqa secret functionality # test open_ds with multiple different inputs filename2 = 'tmp/raster2.tif' temp_files.append(filename2) raster_creation.create_flat_raster(filename2) ds_list = util.open_ds([ds, filename2]) assert tuple(util.get_ovr_count(ds) for ds in ds_list) == (2, 0) ds_list = None
def get_color_table_from_raster( path_or_ds: PathOrDS) -> Optional[gdal.ColorTable]: ds = open_ds(path_or_ds, silent_fail=True) if ds is not None: ct = ds.GetRasterBand(1).GetRasterColorTable() return ct.Clone() return None
def calc_fwd(self, filename_or_ds, ovr_idx): self.ox = np.array(self.ox, dtype=np.float32) self.oy = np.array(self.oy, dtype=np.float32) abs_oz = np.array(self.oz, dtype=np.float32) ds = open_ds(filename_or_ds) az = np.array(self.get_grid_azimuth(), dtype=np.float32) el = np.array(self.elevation, dtype=np.float32) r = np.array(self.max_r, dtype=np.float32) if len( self.max_r) == len(el) else np.full_like(el, self.max_r[0]) a = (90 - az) * M_PI_180 e = el * M_PI_180 ground_r = r * np.cos(e) self.tmsl = True if not self.omsl: _pixels, _lines, alts = gdallocationinfo( ds, band_nums=1, x=self.ox, y=self.oy, srs=LocationInfoSRS.SameAsDS_SRS, inline_xy_replacement=False, ovr_idx=ovr_idx, axis_order=osr.OAMS_TRADITIONAL_GIS_ORDER) abs_oz = abs_oz + alts earth_d = 6378137.0 * 2 earth_curvature = (1 - self.refraction_coeff) / earth_d = abs_oz + r * np.sin( e) + ground_r * ground_r * earth_curvature self.tx = self.ox + np.cos(a) * ground_r self.ty = self.oy + np.sin(a) * ground_r
def gdallocationinfo_util(filename_or_ds: PathOrDS, x: ArrayOrScalarLike, y: ArrayOrScalarLike, open_options: Optional[dict] = None, band_nums: Optional[Sequence[int]] = None, resample_alg=gdalconst.GRIORA_NearestNeighbour, output_mode: Optional[LocationInfoOutput] = None, **kwargs): if output_mode is None: output_mode = LocationInfoOutput.Quiet if output_mode in [LocationInfoOutput.XML, LocationInfoOutput.LifOnly]: raise Exception( f'Sorry, output mode {output_mode} is not implemented yet. you may use the c++ version.' ) quiet_mode = output_mode == LocationInfoOutput.Quiet print_mode = output_mode in \ [LocationInfoOutput.ValOnly, LocationInfoOutput.PixelLineVal, LocationInfoOutput.PixelLineValVerbose] inline_xy_replacement = not print_mode ds = open_ds(filename_or_ds, open_options=open_options) band_nums = get_band_nums(ds, band_nums) x, y, results = gdallocationinfo( filename_or_ds=ds, x=x, y=y, band_nums=band_nums, resample_alg=resample_alg, inline_xy_replacement=inline_xy_replacement, quiet_mode=quiet_mode, **kwargs) xsize, ysize = ds.RasterXSize, ds.RasterYSize is_nearest_neighbour = resample_alg == gdal.GRIORA_NearestNeighbour if print_mode: if output_mode == LocationInfoOutput.PixelLineValVerbose: print('Report:') for idx, (pixel, line) in enumerate(zip(x, y)): if not quiet_mode and pixel < 0 or pixel >= xsize or line < 0 or line >= ysize: print(f'Location {pixel} {line} is off this file!') else: if is_nearest_neighbour: pixel, line = int(pixel), int(line) if output_mode == LocationInfoOutput.PixelLineValVerbose: print(f' Location: ({pixel}P,{line}L)') for bnd_idx, band_num in enumerate(band_nums): val = results[bnd_idx][idx] if output_mode == LocationInfoOutput.ValOnly: print(val) elif output_mode == LocationInfoOutput.PixelLineVal: print(f'{pixel} {line} {val}') elif output_mode == LocationInfoOutput.PixelLineValVerbose: print(f' Band {band_num}:') print(f' Value: {val}') return results
def doit(src_filename, pct_filename: Optional[ColorTableLike], dst_filename: Optional[PathLikeOrStr] = None, driver_name: Optional[str] = None): # ============================================================================= # Get the PCT. # ============================================================================= ct = get_color_table(pct_filename) if pct_filename is not None and ct is None: print('No color table on file ', pct_filename) return None, 1 # ============================================================================= # Create a MEM clone of the source file. # ============================================================================= src_ds = open_ds(src_filename) mem_ds = gdal.GetDriverByName('MEM').CreateCopy('mem', src_ds) # ============================================================================= # Assign the color table in memory. # ============================================================================= mem_ds.GetRasterBand(1).SetRasterColorTable(ct) mem_ds.GetRasterBand(1).SetRasterColorInterpretation(gdal.GCI_PaletteIndex) # ============================================================================= # Write the dataset to the output file. # ============================================================================= if not driver_name: driver_name = GetOutputDriverFor(dst_filename) dst_driver = gdal.GetDriverByName(driver_name) if dst_driver is None: print('"%s" driver not registered.' % driver_name) return None, 1 if driver_name.upper() == 'MEM': out_ds = mem_ds else: out_ds = dst_driver.CreateCopy(dst_filename or '', mem_ds) mem_ds = None src_ds = None return out_ds, 0
def test_utils_py_1(): """ test get_ovr_idx, create_flat_raster """ filename = 'tmp/raster.tif' temp_files.append(filename) raster_creation.create_flat_raster(filename, overview_list=[2, 4]) ds = util.open_ds(filename) compression = util.get_image_structure_metadata(filename, 'COMPRESSION') assert compression == 'DEFLATE' ras_count = util.get_ovr_count(ds) + 1 assert ras_count == 3 pixel_size = util.get_pixel_size(ds) assert pixel_size == (10, -10) for i in range(-ras_count, ras_count): assert util.get_ovr_idx(filename, ovr_idx=i) == (i if i >= 0 else ras_count + i) for res, ovr in [(5, 0), (10, 0), (11, 0), (19.99, 0), (20, 1), (20.1, 1), (39, 1), (40, 2), (41, 2), (400, 2)]: assert util.get_ovr_idx(filename, ovr_res=res) == ovr assert util.get_ovr_idx( filename, ovr_idx=float(res)) == ovr # noqa secret functionality
def gdallocationinfo( filename_or_ds: PathOrDS, x: ArrayOrScalarLike, y: ArrayOrScalarLike, srs: CoordinateTransformationOrSRS = None, axis_order: Optional[OAMS_AXIS_ORDER] = None, open_options: Optional[dict] = None, ovr_idx: Optional[int] = None, band_nums: Optional[Sequence[int]] = None, inline_xy_replacement: bool = False, return_ovr_pixel_line: bool = False, transform_round_digits: Optional[float] = None, allow_xy_outside_extent: bool = True, pixel_offset: Real = -0.5, line_offset: Real = -0.5, resample_alg=gdalconst.GRIORA_NearestNeighbour, quiet_mode: bool = True, ) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: ds = open_ds(filename_or_ds, open_options=open_options) filename = filename_or_ds if is_path_like(filename_or_ds) else '' if ds is None: raise Exception(f'Could not open {filename}.') if not isinstance(x, ArrayLike.__args__): x = [x] if not isinstance(y, ArrayLike.__args__): y = [y] if len(x) != len(y): raise Exception( f'len(x)={len(x)} should be the same as len(y)={len(y)}') point_count = len(x) dtype = np.float64 if not isinstance(x, np.ndarray) or not isinstance(y, np.ndarray): x = np.array(x, dtype=dtype) y = np.array(y, dtype=dtype) inline_xy_replacement = True if srs is None: srs = LocationInfoSRS.PixelLine # Build Spatial Reference object based on coordinate system, fetched from the opened dataset if srs != LocationInfoSRS.PixelLine: if srs != LocationInfoSRS.SameAsDS_SRS: ds_srs = ds.GetSpatialRef() ct = None if isinstance(srs, osr.CoordinateTransformation): ct = srs else: if srs == LocationInfoSRS.SameAsDS_SRS_GeogCS: points_srs = ds_srs.CloneGeogCS() else: points_srs = get_srs(srs, axis_order=axis_order) ct = get_transform(points_srs, ds_srs) if ct is not None: if not inline_xy_replacement: x = x.copy() y = y.copy() inline_xy_replacement = True transform_points(ct, x, y) if transform_round_digits is not None: x.round(transform_round_digits, out=x) y.round(transform_round_digits, out=y) # Read geotransform matrix and calculate corresponding pixel coordinates geotransform = ds.GetGeoTransform() inv_geotransform = gdal.InvGeoTransform(geotransform) if inv_geotransform is None: raise Exception("Failed InvGeoTransform()") # can we inline this transformation ? x, y = \ (inv_geotransform[0] + inv_geotransform[1] * x + inv_geotransform[2] * y), \ (inv_geotransform[3] + inv_geotransform[4] * x + inv_geotransform[5] * y) inline_xy_replacement = True xsize, ysize = ds.RasterXSize, ds.RasterYSize bands = get_bands(ds, band_nums, ovr_idx=ovr_idx) ovr_xsize, ovr_ysize = bands[0].XSize, bands[0].YSize pixel_fact, line_fact = (ovr_xsize / xsize, ovr_ysize / ysize) if ovr_idx else (1, 1) bnd_count = len(bands) shape = (bnd_count, point_count) np_dtype, np_dtype = GDALTypeCodeAndNumericTypeCodeFromDataSet(ds) results = np.empty(shape=shape, dtype=np_dtype) check_outside = not quiet_mode or not allow_xy_outside_extent if check_outside and (np.any(x < 0) or np.any(x >= xsize) or np.any(y < 0) or np.any(y >= ysize)): msg = 'Passed coordinates are not in dataset extent!' if not allow_xy_outside_extent: raise Exception(msg) elif not quiet_mode: print(msg) if pixel_fact == 1: pixels_q = x elif return_ovr_pixel_line: x *= pixel_fact pixels_q = x else: pixels_q = x * pixel_fact if line_fact == 1: lines_q = y elif return_ovr_pixel_line: y *= line_fact lines_q = y else: lines_q = y * line_fact buf_xsize = buf_ysize = 1 buf_type, typecode = GDALTypeCodeAndNumericTypeCodeFromDataSet(ds) buf_obj = np.empty([buf_ysize, buf_xsize], dtype=typecode) for idx, (pixel, line) in enumerate(zip(pixels_q, lines_q)): for bnd_idx, band in enumerate(bands): if BandRasterIONumPy(band, 0, pixel - 0.5, line - 0.5, 1, 1, buf_obj, buf_type, resample_alg, None, None) == 0: results[bnd_idx][idx] = buf_obj[0][0] is_scaled, scales, offsets = get_scales_and_offsets(bands) if is_scaled: for bnd_idx, (scale, offset) in enumerate(zip(scales, offsets)): results[bnd_idx] = results[bnd_idx] * scale + offset return x, y, results
def Calc(calc: MaybeSequence[str], outfile: Optional[PathLikeOrStr] = None, NoDataValue: Optional[Number] = None, type: Optional[Union[GDALDataType, str]] = None, format: Optional[str] = None, creation_options: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, allBands: str = '', overwrite: bool = False, hideNoData: bool = False, projectionCheck: bool = False, color_table: Optional[ColorTableLike] = None, extent: Optional[Extent] = None, projwin: Optional[Union[Tuple, GeoRectangle]] = None, user_namespace: Optional[Dict]=None, debug: bool = False, quiet: bool = False, **input_files): if debug: print(f" starting calculation {calc}") # Single calc value compatibility if isinstance(calc, (list, tuple)): calc = calc else: calc = [calc] calc = [c.strip('"') for c in calc] creation_options = creation_options or [] # set up global namespace for eval with all functions of gdal_array, numpy global_namespace = {key: getattr(module, key) for module in [gdal_array, numpy] for key in dir(module) if not key.startswith('__')} if user_namespace: global_namespace.update(user_namespace) if not calc: raise Exception("No calculation provided.") elif not outfile and format.upper() != 'MEM': raise Exception("No output file provided.") if format is None: format = GetOutputDriverFor(outfile) if isinstance(extent, GeoRectangle): pass elif projwin: if isinstance(projwin, GeoRectangle): extent = projwin else: extent = GeoRectangle.from_lurd(*projwin) elif not extent: extent = Extent.IGNORE else: extent = extent_util.parse_extent(extent) compatible_gt_eps = 0.000001 gt_diff_support = { GT.INCOMPATIBLE_OFFSET: extent != Extent.FAIL, GT.INCOMPATIBLE_PIXEL_SIZE: False, GT.INCOMPATIBLE_ROTATION: False, GT.NON_ZERO_ROTATION: False, } gt_diff_error = { GT.INCOMPATIBLE_OFFSET: 'different offset', GT.INCOMPATIBLE_PIXEL_SIZE: 'different pixel size', GT.INCOMPATIBLE_ROTATION: 'different rotation', GT.NON_ZERO_ROTATION: 'non zero rotation', } ################################################################ # fetch details of input layers ################################################################ # set up some lists to store data for each band myFileNames = [] # input filenames myFiles = [] # input DataSets myBands = [] # input bands myAlphaList = [] # input alpha letter that represents each input file myDataType = [] # string representation of the datatype of each input file myDataTypeNum = [] # datatype of each input file myNDV = [] # nodatavalue for each input file DimensionsCheck = None # dimensions of the output Dimensions = [] # Dimensions of input files ProjectionCheck = None # projection of the output GeoTransformCheck = None # GeoTransform of the output GeoTransforms = [] # GeoTransform of each input file GeoTransformDiffer = False # True if we have inputs with different GeoTransforms myTempFileNames = [] # vrt filename from each input file myAlphaFileLists = [] # list of the Alphas which holds a list of inputs # loop through input files - checking dimensions for alphas, filenames in input_files.items(): if isinstance(filenames, (list, tuple)): # alpha is a list of files myAlphaFileLists.append(alphas) elif is_path_like(filenames) or isinstance(filenames, gdal.Dataset): # alpha is a single filename or a Dataset filenames = [filenames] alphas = [alphas] else: # I guess this alphas should be in the global_namespace, # It would have been better to pass it as user_namepsace, but I'll accept it anyway global_namespace[alphas] = filenames continue for alpha, filename in zip(alphas * len(filenames), filenames): if not alpha.endswith("_band"): # check if we have asked for a specific band... alpha_band = f"{alpha}_band" if alpha_band in input_files: myBand = input_files[alpha_band] else: myBand = 1 myF_is_ds = not is_path_like(filename) if myF_is_ds: myFile = filename filename = None else: myFile = open_ds(filename, gdal.GA_ReadOnly) if not myFile: raise IOError(f"No such file or directory: '{filename}'") myFileNames.append(filename) myFiles.append(myFile) myBands.append(myBand) myAlphaList.append(alpha) dt = myFile.GetRasterBand(myBand).DataType myDataType.append(gdal.GetDataTypeName(dt)) myDataTypeNum.append(dt) myNDV.append(None if hideNoData else myFile.GetRasterBand(myBand).GetNoDataValue()) # check that the dimensions of each layer are the same myFileDimensions = [myFile.RasterXSize, myFile.RasterYSize] if DimensionsCheck: if DimensionsCheck != myFileDimensions: GeoTransformDiffer = True if extent in [Extent.IGNORE, Extent.FAIL]: raise Exception( f"Error! Dimensions of file {filename} ({myFileDimensions[0]:d}, " f"{myFileDimensions[1]:d}) are different from other files " f"({DimensionsCheck[0]:d}, {DimensionsCheck[1]:d}). Cannot proceed") else: DimensionsCheck = myFileDimensions # check that the Projection of each layer are the same myProjection = myFile.GetProjection() if ProjectionCheck: if projectionCheck and ProjectionCheck != myProjection: raise Exception( f"Error! Projection of file {filename} {myProjection} " f"are different from other files {ProjectionCheck}. Cannot proceed") else: ProjectionCheck = myProjection # check that the GeoTransforms of each layer are the same myFileGeoTransform = myFile.GetGeoTransform(can_return_null=True) if extent == Extent.IGNORE: GeoTransformCheck = myFileGeoTransform else: Dimensions.append(myFileDimensions) GeoTransforms.append(myFileGeoTransform) if not GeoTransformCheck: GeoTransformCheck = myFileGeoTransform else: my_gt_diff = extent_util.gt_diff(GeoTransformCheck, myFileGeoTransform, eps=compatible_gt_eps, diff_support=gt_diff_support) if my_gt_diff not in [GT.SAME, GT.ALMOST_SAME]: GeoTransformDiffer = True if my_gt_diff != GT.COMPATIBLE_DIFF: raise Exception( f"Error! GeoTransform of file {filename} {myFileGeoTransform} is incompatible " f"({gt_diff_error[my_gt_diff]}), first file GeoTransform is {GeoTransformCheck}. " f"Cannot proceed") if debug: print( f"file {alpha}: {filename}, dimensions: " f"{DimensionsCheck[0]}, {DimensionsCheck[1]}, type: {myDataType[-1]}") # process allBands option allBandsIndex = None allBandsCount = 1 if allBands: if len(calc) > 1: raise Exception("Error! --allBands implies a single --calc") try: allBandsIndex = myAlphaList.index(allBands) except ValueError: raise Exception(f"Error! allBands option was given but Band {allBands} not found. Cannot proceed") allBandsCount = myFiles[allBandsIndex].RasterCount if allBandsCount <= 1: allBandsIndex = None else: allBandsCount = len(calc) if extent not in [Extent.IGNORE, Extent.FAIL] and ( GeoTransformDiffer or isinstance(extent, GeoRectangle)): # mixing different GeoTransforms/Extents GeoTransformCheck, DimensionsCheck, ExtentCheck = extent_util.calc_geotransform_and_dimensions( GeoTransforms, Dimensions, extent) if GeoTransformCheck is None: raise Exception("Error! The requested extent is empty. Cannot proceed") for i in range(len(myFileNames)): temp_vrt_filename, temp_vrt_ds = extent_util.make_temp_vrt(myFiles[i], ExtentCheck) myTempFileNames.append(temp_vrt_filename) myFiles[i] = None # close original ds myFiles[i] = temp_vrt_ds # replace original ds with vrt_ds # update the new precise dimensions and gt from the new ds GeoTransformCheck = temp_vrt_ds.GetGeoTransform() DimensionsCheck = [temp_vrt_ds.RasterXSize, temp_vrt_ds.RasterYSize] temp_vrt_ds = None ################################################################ # set up output file ################################################################ # open output file exists if outfile and os.path.isfile(outfile) and not overwrite: if allBandsIndex is not None: raise Exception("Error! allBands option was given but Output file exists, must use --overwrite option!") if len(calc) > 1: raise Exception( "Error! multiple calc options were given but Output file exists, must use --overwrite option!") if debug: print(f"Output file {outfile} exists - filling in results into file") myOut = open_ds(outfile, gdal.GA_Update) if myOut is None: error = 'but cannot be opened for update' elif [myOut.RasterXSize, myOut.RasterYSize] != DimensionsCheck: error = 'but is the wrong size' elif ProjectionCheck and ProjectionCheck != myOut.GetProjection(): error = 'but is the wrong projection' elif GeoTransformCheck and GeoTransformCheck != myOut.GetGeoTransform(can_return_null=True): error = 'but is the wrong geotransform' else: error = None if error: raise Exception( f"Error! Output exists, {error}. Use the --overwrite option " f"to automatically overwrite the existing file") myOutB = myOut.GetRasterBand(1) myOutNDV = myOutB.GetNoDataValue() myOutType = myOutB.DataType else: if outfile: # remove existing file and regenerate if os.path.isfile(outfile): os.remove(outfile) # create a new file if debug: print(f"Generating output file {outfile}") else: outfile = '' # find data type to use if not type: # use the largest type of the input files myOutType = max(myDataTypeNum) else: myOutType = type if isinstance(myOutType, str): myOutType = gdal.GetDataTypeByName(myOutType) # create file myOutDrv = gdal.GetDriverByName(format) myOut = myOutDrv.Create( os.fspath(outfile), DimensionsCheck[0], DimensionsCheck[1], allBandsCount, myOutType, creation_options) # set output geo info based on first input layer if not GeoTransformCheck: GeoTransformCheck = myFiles[0].GetGeoTransform(can_return_null=True) if GeoTransformCheck: myOut.SetGeoTransform(GeoTransformCheck) if not ProjectionCheck: ProjectionCheck = myFiles[0].GetProjection() if ProjectionCheck: myOut.SetProjection(ProjectionCheck) if NoDataValue is None: myOutNDV = None if hideNoData else DefaultNDVLookup[ myOutType] # use the default noDataValue for this datatype elif isinstance(NoDataValue, str) and NoDataValue.lower() == 'none': myOutNDV = None # not to set any noDataValue else: myOutNDV = NoDataValue # use the given noDataValue for i in range(1, allBandsCount + 1): myOutB = myOut.GetRasterBand(i) if myOutNDV is not None: myOutB.SetNoDataValue(myOutNDV) if color_table: # set color table and color interpretation if is_path_like(color_table): color_table = get_color_table(color_table) myOutB.SetRasterColorTable(color_table) myOutB.SetRasterColorInterpretation(gdal.GCI_PaletteIndex) myOutB = None # write to band myOutTypeName = gdal.GetDataTypeName(myOutType) if debug: print(f"output file: {outfile}, dimensions: {myOut.RasterXSize}, {myOut.RasterYSize}, type: {myOutTypeName}") ################################################################ # find block size to chop grids into bite-sized chunks ################################################################ # use the block size of the first layer to read efficiently myBlockSize = myFiles[0].GetRasterBand(myBands[0]).GetBlockSize() # find total x and y blocks to be read nXBlocks = (int)((DimensionsCheck[0] + myBlockSize[0] - 1) / myBlockSize[0]) nYBlocks = (int)((DimensionsCheck[1] + myBlockSize[1] - 1) / myBlockSize[1]) myBufSize = myBlockSize[0] * myBlockSize[1] if debug: print(f"using blocksize {myBlockSize[0]} x {myBlockSize[1]}") # variables for displaying progress ProgressCt = -1 ProgressMk = -1 ProgressEnd = nXBlocks * nYBlocks * allBandsCount ################################################################ # start looping through each band in allBandsCount ################################################################ for bandNo in range(1, allBandsCount + 1): ################################################################ # start looping through blocks of data ################################################################ # store these numbers in variables that may change later nXValid = myBlockSize[0] nYValid = myBlockSize[1] # loop through X-lines for X in range(0, nXBlocks): # in case the blocks don't fit perfectly # change the block size of the final piece if X == nXBlocks - 1: nXValid = DimensionsCheck[0] - X * myBlockSize[0] # find X offset myX = X * myBlockSize[0] # reset buffer size for start of Y loop nYValid = myBlockSize[1] myBufSize = nXValid * nYValid # loop through Y lines for Y in range(0, nYBlocks): ProgressCt += 1 if 10 * ProgressCt / ProgressEnd % 10 != ProgressMk and not quiet: ProgressMk = 10 * ProgressCt / ProgressEnd % 10 from sys import version_info if version_info >= (3, 0, 0): exec('print("%d.." % (10*ProgressMk), end=" ")') else: exec('print 10*ProgressMk, "..",') # change the block size of the final piece if Y == nYBlocks - 1: nYValid = DimensionsCheck[1] - Y * myBlockSize[1] myBufSize = nXValid * nYValid # find Y offset myY = Y * myBlockSize[1] # create empty buffer to mark where nodata occurs myNDVs = None # make local namespace for calculation local_namespace = {} val_lists = defaultdict(list) # fetch data for each input layer for i, Alpha in enumerate(myAlphaList): # populate lettered arrays with values if allBandsIndex is not None and allBandsIndex == i: myBandNo = bandNo else: myBandNo = myBands[i] myval = gdal_array.BandReadAsArray(myFiles[i].GetRasterBand(myBandNo), xoff=myX, yoff=myY, win_xsize=nXValid, win_ysize=nYValid) if myval is None: raise Exception(f'Input block reading failed from filename {filename[i]}') # fill in nodata values if myNDV[i] is not None: # myNDVs is a boolean buffer. # a cell equals to 1 if there is NDV in any of the corresponding cells in input raster bands. if myNDVs is None: # this is the first band that has NDV set. we initializes myNDVs to a zero buffer # as we didn't see any NDV value yet. myNDVs = numpy.zeros(myBufSize) myNDVs.shape = (nYValid, nXValid) myNDVs = 1 * numpy.logical_or(myNDVs == 1, myval == myNDV[i]) # add an array of values for this block to the eval namespace if Alpha in myAlphaFileLists: val_lists[Alpha].append(myval) else: local_namespace[Alpha] = myval myval = None for lst in myAlphaFileLists: local_namespace[lst] = val_lists[lst] # try the calculation on the array blocks this_calc = calc[bandNo - 1 if len(calc) > 1 else 0] try: myResult = eval(this_calc, global_namespace, local_namespace) except: print(f"evaluation of calculation {this_calc} failed") raise # Propagate nodata values (set nodata cells to zero # then add nodata value to these cells). if myNDVs is not None and myOutNDV is not None: myResult = ((1 * (myNDVs == 0)) * myResult) + (myOutNDV * myNDVs) elif not isinstance(myResult, numpy.ndarray): myResult = numpy.ones((nYValid, nXValid)) * myResult # write data block to the output file myOutB = myOut.GetRasterBand(bandNo) if gdal_array.BandWriteArray(myOutB, myResult, xoff=myX, yoff=myY) != 0: raise Exception('Block writing failed') myOutB = None # write to band # remove temp files for idx, tempFile in enumerate(myTempFileNames): myFiles[idx] = None os.remove(tempFile) gdal.ErrorReset() myOut.FlushCache() if gdal.GetLastErrorMsg() != '': raise Exception('Dataset writing failed') if not quiet: print("100 - Done") return myOut
def gdal2xyz( srcfile: PathOrDS, dstfile: PathLikeOrStr = None, srcwin: Optional[Sequence[int]] = None, skip: Union[int, Sequence[int]] = 1, band_nums: Optional[Sequence[int]] = None, delim: str = ' ', skip_nodata: bool = False, src_nodata: Optional[Union[Sequence, Number]] = None, dst_nodata: Optional[Union[Sequence, Number]] = None, return_np_arrays: bool = False, pre_allocate_np_arrays: bool = True, progress_callback: OptionalProgressCallback = ...) -> Optional[Tuple]: """ translates a raster file (or dataset) into xyz format skip - how many rows/cols to skip each iteration srcwin (xoff, yoff, xsize, ysize) - Selects a subwindow from the source image for copying based on pixel/line location. band_nums - selected input bands to process, None to process all. delim - the delimiter to use between values in a line skip_nodata - Exclude the output lines with nodata value (as determined by srcnodata) src_nodata - The nodata value of the dataset (for skipping or replacing) default (`None`) - Use the dataset NoDataValue; `Sequence`/`Number` - use the given nodata value (per band or per dataset). dst_nodata - Replace source nodata with a given nodata. Has an effect only if not setting `-skipnodata` default(`None`) - use srcnodata, no replacement; `Sequence`/`Number` - replace the `srcnodata` with the given nodata value (per band or per dataset). srcfile - The source dataset filename or dataset object dstfile - The output dataset filename; for dstfile=None - if return_np_arrays=False then output will be printed to stdout return_np_arrays - return numpy arrays of the result, otherwise returns None pre_allocate_np_arrays - pre-allocated result arrays. Should be faster unless skip_nodata and the input is very sparse thus most data points will be skipped. progress_callback - progress callback function. use None for quiet or Ellipsis for using the default callback """ result = None progress_callback = get_progress_callback(progress_callback) # Open source file. ds = open_ds(srcfile) if ds is None: raise Exception(f'Could not open {srcfile}.') bands = get_bands(ds, band_nums) band_count = len(bands) gt = ds.GetGeoTransform() # Collect information on all the source files. if srcwin is None: srcwin = (0, 0, ds.RasterXSize, ds.RasterYSize) dt, np_dt = GDALTypeCodeAndNumericTypeCodeFromDataSet(ds) # Open the output file. if dstfile is not None: dst_fh = open(dstfile, 'wt') elif return_np_arrays: dst_fh = None else: dst_fh = sys.stdout if dst_fh: if dt == gdal.GDT_Int32 or dt == gdal.GDT_UInt32: band_format = (("%d" + delim) * len(bands)).rstrip(delim) + '\n' else: band_format = (("%g" + delim) * len(bands)).rstrip(delim) + '\n' # Setup an appropriate print format. if abs(gt[0]) < 180 and abs(gt[3]) < 180 \ and abs(ds.RasterXSize * gt[1]) < 180 \ and abs(ds.RasterYSize * gt[5]) < 180: frmt = '%.10g' + delim + '%.10g' + delim + '%s' else: frmt = '%.3f' + delim + '%.3f' + delim + '%s' if isinstance(src_nodata, Number): src_nodata = [src_nodata] * band_count elif src_nodata is None: src_nodata = list(band.GetNoDataValue() for band in bands) if None in src_nodata: src_nodata = None if src_nodata is not None: src_nodata = np.asarray(src_nodata, dtype=np_dt) if isinstance(dst_nodata, Number): dst_nodata = [dst_nodata] * band_count if (dst_nodata is None) or (None in dst_nodata) or (src_nodata is None): dst_nodata = None if dst_nodata is not None: dst_nodata = np.asarray(dst_nodata, dtype=np_dt) skip_nodata = skip_nodata and (src_nodata is not None) replace_nodata = (not skip_nodata) and (dst_nodata is not None) process_nodata = skip_nodata or replace_nodata if isinstance(skip, Sequence): x_skip, y_skip = skip else: x_skip = y_skip = skip x_off, y_off, x_size, y_size = srcwin bands_count = len(bands) nXBlocks = (x_size - x_off) // x_skip nYBlocks = (y_size - y_off) // y_skip progress_end = nXBlocks * nYBlocks progress_curr = 0 progress_prev = -1 progress_parts = 100 if return_np_arrays: size = progress_end if pre_allocate_np_arrays else 0 all_geo_x = np.empty(size) all_geo_y = np.empty(size) all_data = np.empty((size, band_count), dtype=np_dt) # Loop emitting data. idx = 0 for y in range(y_off, y_off + y_size, y_skip): size = bands_count if pre_allocate_np_arrays else 0 data = np.empty((size, x_size), dtype=np_dt) # dims: (bands_count, x_size) for i_bnd, band in enumerate(bands): band_data = band.ReadAsArray(x_off, y, x_size, 1) # read one band line if pre_allocate_np_arrays: data[i_bnd] = band_data[0] else: data = np.append(data, band_data, axis=0) for x_i in range(0, x_size, x_skip): progress_curr += 1 if progress_callback: progress_frac = progress_curr / progress_end progress = int(progress_frac * progress_parts) if progress > progress_prev: progress_prev = progress progress_callback(progress_frac) x_i_data = data[:, x_i] # single pixel, dims: (bands) if process_nodata and np.array_equal(src_nodata, x_i_data): if skip_nodata: continue elif replace_nodata: x_i_data = dst_nodata x = x_i + x_off geo_x = gt[0] + (x + 0.5) * gt[1] + (y + 0.5) * gt[2] geo_y = gt[3] + (x + 0.5) * gt[4] + (y + 0.5) * gt[5] if dst_fh: band_str = band_format % tuple(x_i_data) line = frmt % (float(geo_x), float(geo_y), band_str) dst_fh.write(line) if return_np_arrays: if pre_allocate_np_arrays: all_geo_x[idx] = geo_x all_geo_y[idx] = geo_y all_data[idx] = x_i_data else: all_geo_x = np.append(all_geo_x, geo_x) all_geo_y = np.append(all_geo_y, geo_y) all_data = np.append(all_data, [x_i_data], axis=0) idx += 1 if return_np_arrays: nodata = None if skip_nodata else dst_nodata if replace_nodata else src_nodata if idx != progress_curr: all_geo_x = all_geo_x[:idx] all_geo_y = all_geo_y[:idx] all_data = all_data[:idx, :] result = all_geo_x, all_geo_y, all_data.transpose(), nodata return result
def pct2rgb(src_filename: PathLikeOrStr, pct_filename: Optional[PathLikeOrStr], dst_filename: PathLikeOrStr, band_number: int = 1, out_bands: int = 3, driver_name: Optional[str] = None): # Open source file src_ds = open_ds(src_filename) if src_ds is None: raise Exception(f'Unable to open {src_filename} ') src_band = src_ds.GetRasterBand(band_number) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Ensure we recognise the driver. if driver_name is None: driver_name = GetOutputDriverFor(dst_filename) dst_driver = gdal.GetDriverByName(driver_name) if dst_driver is None: raise Exception(f'"{driver_name}" driver not registered.') # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Build color table. if pct_filename is not None: pal = get_color_palette(pct_filename) if pal.has_percents(): min_val = src_band.GetMinimum() max_val = src_band.GetMinimum() pal.apply_percent(min_val, max_val) ct = get_color_table(pal) else: ct = src_band.GetRasterColorTable() ct_size = ct.GetCount() lookup = [np.arange(ct_size), np.arange(ct_size), np.arange(ct_size), np.ones(ct_size) * 255] if ct is not None: for i in range(ct_size): entry = ct.GetColorEntry(i) for c in range(4): lookup[c][i] = entry[c] # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Create the working file. if driver_name.lower() == 'gtiff': tif_filename = dst_filename else: tif_filename = 'temp.tif' gtiff_driver = gdal.GetDriverByName('GTiff') tif_ds = gtiff_driver.Create(tif_filename, src_ds.RasterXSize, src_ds.RasterYSize, out_bands) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # We should copy projection information and so forth at this point. tif_ds.SetProjection(src_ds.GetProjection()) tif_ds.SetGeoTransform(src_ds.GetGeoTransform()) if src_ds.GetGCPCount() > 0: tif_ds.SetGCPs(src_ds.GetGCPs(), src_ds.GetGCPProjection()) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Do the processing one scanline at a time. progress(0.0) for iY in range(src_ds.RasterYSize): src_data = src_band.ReadAsArray(0, iY, src_ds.RasterXSize, 1) for iBand in range(out_bands): band_lookup = lookup[iBand] dst_data = np.take(band_lookup, src_data) tif_ds.GetRasterBand(iBand + 1).WriteArray(dst_data, 0, iY) progress((iY + 1.0) / src_ds.RasterYSize) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Translate intermediate file to output format if desired format is not TIFF. if tif_filename == dst_filename: dst_ds = tif_ds else: dst_ds = dst_driver.CreateCopy(dst_filename or '', tif_ds) tif_ds = None gtiff_driver.Delete(tif_filename) return dst_ds
def test_gdallocationinfo_py_7(): filename_template = 'tmp/byte{}.tif' overview_list = [2] overview_list, file_list = copy_raster_and_add_overviews( filename_src='../gcore/data/byte.tif', output_filename_template=filename_template, overview_list=overview_list) temp_files.extend(file_list) ds = open_ds(filename_template.format('')) ds_srs = ds.GetSpatialRef() gt = ds.GetGeoTransform() ovr_fact = 1 pix_offset = 0 p0 = list(i * ovr_fact + pix_offset for i in range(0, 3)) l0 = list(i * ovr_fact + pix_offset for i in range(0, 3)) p0, l0 = zip(*product(p0, l0)) x0 = list(gt[0] + pixel * gt[1] for pixel in p0) y0 = list(gt[3] + line * gt[5] for line in l0) dtype = np.float64 p0 = np.array(p0, dtype=dtype) l0 = np.array(l0, dtype=dtype) x0 = np.array(x0, dtype=dtype) y0 = np.array(y0, dtype=dtype) expected_results = [[(0.0, 0.0, 107), (0.0, 1.0, 115), (0.0, 2.0, 115), (1.0, 0.0, 123), (1.0, 1.0, 132), (1.0, 2.0, 132), (2.0, 0.0, 132), (2.0, 1.0, 107), (2.0, 2.0, 140)], [(0.0, 0.0, 120), (0.0, 0.5, 120), (0.0, 1.0, 132), (0.5, 0.0, 120), (0.5, 0.5, 120), (0.5, 1.0, 132), (1.0, 0.0, 124), (1.0, 0.5, 124), (1.0, 1.0, 129)]] expected_results = np.array(expected_results, dtype=dtype) do_print = False for ovr_idx, f in enumerate(overview_list): for srs in [ LocationInfoSRS.PixelLine, LocationInfoSRS.SameAsDS_SRS, 4326 ]: if srs == LocationInfoSRS.PixelLine: x = p0 y = l0 elif srs == LocationInfoSRS.SameAsDS_SRS: x = x0 y = y0 else: points_srs = get_srs(srs, axis_order=osr.OAMS_TRADITIONAL_GIS_ORDER) ct = get_transform(ds_srs, points_srs) x = x0.copy() y = y0.copy() transform_points(ct, x, y) pixels, lines, results = gdallocationinfo.gdallocationinfo( filename_or_ds=ds, ovr_idx=ovr_idx, x=x, y=y, transform_round_digits=2, return_ovr_pixel_line=True, srs=srs, axis_order=osr.OAMS_TRADITIONAL_GIS_ORDER) actual = list(zip(pixels, lines, *results)) actual = np.array(actual, dtype=dtype) expected = expected_results[ovr_idx] if do_print: print(actual) print(expected) outputs = list(zip(x, y, pixels, lines, *results)) print( f'ovr: {ovr_idx}, srs: {srs}, x/y/pixel/line/result: {outputs}' ) assert_allclose(expected, actual, rtol=1e-4, atol=1e-3)
def rgb2pct(src_filename: PathLikeOrStr, pct_filename: Optional[PathLikeOrStr] = None, dst_filename: Optional[PathLikeOrStr] = None, color_count: int = 256, driver_name: Optional[str] = None): # Open source file src_ds = open_ds(src_filename) if src_ds is None: raise Exception(f'Unable to open {src_filename}') if src_ds.RasterCount < 3: raise Exception( f'{src_filename} has {src_ds.RasterCount} band(s), need 3 for inputs red, green and blue.' ) # Ensure we recognise the driver. if not driver_name: driver_name = GetOutputDriverFor(dst_filename) dst_driver = gdal.GetDriverByName(driver_name) if dst_driver is None: raise Exception(f'"{driver_name}" driver not registered.') # Generate palette if pct_filename is None: ct = gdal.ColorTable() err = gdal.ComputeMedianCutPCT(src_ds.GetRasterBand(1), src_ds.GetRasterBand(2), src_ds.GetRasterBand(3), color_count, ct, callback=gdal.TermProgress_nocb) else: ct = get_color_table(pct_filename) # Create the working file. We have to use TIFF since there are few formats # that allow setting the color table after creation. if driver_name.lower() == 'gtiff': tif_filename = dst_filename else: import tempfile tif_filedesc, tif_filename = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix='.tif') gtiff_driver = gdal.GetDriverByName('GTiff') tif_ds = gtiff_driver.Create(tif_filename, src_ds.RasterXSize, src_ds.RasterYSize, 1) tif_ds.GetRasterBand(1).SetRasterColorTable(ct) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # We should copy projection information and so forth at this point. tif_ds.SetProjection(src_ds.GetProjection()) tif_ds.SetGeoTransform(src_ds.GetGeoTransform()) if src_ds.GetGCPCount() > 0: tif_ds.SetGCPs(src_ds.GetGCPs(), src_ds.GetGCPProjection()) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Actually transfer and dither the data. err = gdal.DitherRGB2PCT(src_ds.GetRasterBand(1), src_ds.GetRasterBand(2), src_ds.GetRasterBand(3), tif_ds.GetRasterBand(1), ct, callback=gdal.TermProgress_nocb) if err != gdal.CE_None: raise Exception('DitherRGB2PCT failed') if tif_filename == dst_filename: dst_ds = tif_ds else: dst_ds = dst_driver.CreateCopy(dst_filename or '', tif_ds) tif_ds = None os.close(tif_filedesc) gtiff_driver.Delete(tif_filename) return dst_ds
def gdallocationinfo( filename_or_ds: PathOrDS, x: NumpyCompatibleArrayOrReal, y: NumpyCompatibleArrayOrReal, gis_order: bool = False, open_options: Optional[dict] = None, ovr_idx: Optional[int] = None, band_nums: Optional[Sequence[int]] = None, srs: CoordinateTransformationOrSRS = None, inline_xy_replacement: bool = True, quiet_mode: bool = True, allow_xy_outside_extent: bool = True, pixel_offset: Real = -0.5, line_offset: Real = -0.5, resample_alg=gdalconst.GRIORA_NearestNeighbour ) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: ds = open_ds(filename_or_ds, open_options=open_options) filename = filename_or_ds if is_path_like(filename_or_ds) else '' if ds is None: raise Exception(f'Could not open {filename}.') if not isinstance(x, NumpyCompatibleArray.__args__): x = [x] if not isinstance(y, NumpyCompatibleArray.__args__): y = [y] if len(x) != len(y): raise Exception( f'len(x)={len(x)} should be the same as len(y)={len(y)}') point_count = len(x) if not isinstance(x, np.ndarray): x = np.ndarray(x) if not isinstance(y, np.ndarray): y = np.ndarray(y) if srs is None: srs = LocationInfoSRS.PixelLine # Build Spatial Reference object based on coordinate system, fetched from the opened dataset if srs != LocationInfoSRS.PixelLine: if srs != LocationInfoSRS.SameAsDS_SRS: ds_srs = ds.GetSpatialRef() ct = None if isinstance(srs, osr.CoordinateTransformation): ct = srs else: if srs == LocationInfoSRS.SameAsDS_SRS_GeogCS: points_srs = ds_srs.CloneGeogCS() else: points_srs = get_srs(srs, gis_order=gis_order) ct = get_transform(points_srs, ds_srs) x, y, _z = transform_points(ct, x, y) # Read geotransform matrix and calculate corresponding pixel coordinates geomatrix = ds.GetGeoTransform() inv_geometrix = gdal.InvGeoTransform(geomatrix) if inv_geometrix is None: raise Exception("Failed InvGeoTransform()") x, y = \ (inv_geometrix[0] + inv_geometrix[1] * x + inv_geometrix[2] * y), \ (inv_geometrix[3] + inv_geometrix[4] * x + inv_geometrix[5] * y) xsize, ysize = ds.RasterXSize, ds.RasterYSize bands = get_bands(ds, band_nums, ovr_idx=ovr_idx) ovr_xsize, ovr_ysize = bands[0].XSize, bands[0].YSize pixel_fact, line_fact = (ovr_xsize / xsize, ovr_ysize / ysize) if ovr_idx else (1, 1) bnd_count = len(bands) shape = (bnd_count, point_count) np_dtype, np_dtype = GDALTypeCodeAndNumericTypeCodeFromDataSet(ds) results = np.empty(shape=shape, dtype=np_dtype) check_outside = not quiet_mode or not allow_xy_outside_extent if check_outside and (np.any(x < 0) or np.any(x >= xsize) or np.any(y < 0) or np.any(y >= ysize)): msg = 'Passed coordinates are not in dataset extent!' if not allow_xy_outside_extent: raise Exception(msg) elif not quiet_mode: print(msg) pixels = np.clip(x * pixel_fact + pixel_offset, 0, ovr_xsize - 1, out=x if inline_xy_replacement else None) lines = np.clip(y * line_fact + line_offset, 0, ovr_ysize - 1, out=y if inline_xy_replacement else None) for idx, (pixel, line) in enumerate(zip(pixels, lines)): for bnd_idx, band in enumerate(bands): val = band.ReadAsArray(pixel, line, 1, 1, resample_alg=resample_alg) val = val[0][0] results[bnd_idx][idx] = val is_scaled, scales, offsets = get_scales_and_offsets(bands) if is_scaled: for bnd_idx, scale, offset in enumerate(zip(scales, offsets)): results[bnd_idx] = results[bnd_idx] * scale + offset return pixels, lines, results
def test_min_max(data, name, min, max, approx_ok): ds = util.open_ds(test_py_scripts.get_data_path(data) + name) min_max = util.get_raster_min_max(ds, approx_ok=approx_ok) assert min_max == (min, max)