Example #1
def load_one_to_manys(session):
    # TODO(kevinbenton): we should be able to remove this after we
    # have eliminated all places where related objects are constructed
    # using a key rather than a relationship.
    for new_object in session.new:
        state = sqlalchemy.inspect(new_object)

        # set up relationship loading so that we can call lazy
        # loaders on the object even though the ".key" is not set up yet
        # (normally happens by in after_flush_postexec, but we're trying
        # to do this more succinctly).  in this context this is only
        # setting a simple flag on the object's state.

        # look for eager relationships and do normal load.
        # For relationships where the related object is also
        # in the session these lazy loads will pull from the
        # identity map and not emit SELECT.  Otherwise, we are still
        # local in the transaction so a normal SELECT load will work fine.
        for relationship_attr in state.mapper.relationships:
            if relationship_attr.lazy not in ('joined', 'subquery'):
                # we only want to automatically load relationships that would
                # automatically load during a lookup operation
            if relationship_attr.key not in state.dict:
                getattr(new_object, relationship_attr.key)
                assert relationship_attr.key in state.dict
Example #2
def _persistent_to_deleted(session, obj):
    """Expire relationships when an object w/ a foreign key becomes deleted"""
    mapper = sqlalchemy.inspect(obj).mapper
    for prop in mapper.relationships:
        if prop.direction is orm.interfaces.MANYTOONE:
            for col in prop.local_columns:
                colkey = mapper.get_property_by_column(col).key
                expire_for_fk_change(obj, None, prop, colkey)
Example #3
def _persistent_to_deleted(session, obj):
    """Expire relationships when an object w/ a foreign key becomes deleted"""
    mapper = sqlalchemy.inspect(obj).mapper
    for prop in mapper.relationships:
        if prop.direction is orm.interfaces.MANYTOONE:
            for col in prop.local_columns:
                colkey = mapper.get_property_by_column(col).key
                _expire_for_fk_change(obj, None, prop, colkey)
Example #4
def expire_for_fk_change(target, fk_value, relationship_prop, column_attr):
    """Expire relationship attributes when a many-to-one column changes."""

    sess = orm.object_session(target)

    # subnets and network's many-to-one relationship is used as example in the
    # comments in this function
    if sess is not None:
        # optional behavior #1 - expire the "Network.subnets"
        # collection on the existing "network" object
        if relationship_prop.back_populates and \
                relationship_prop.key in target.__dict__:
            obj = getattr(target, relationship_prop.key)
            if obj is not None and sqlalchemy.inspect(obj).persistent:
                sess.expire(obj, [relationship_prop.back_populates])

        # optional behavior #2 - expire the "Subnet.network"
        if sqlalchemy.inspect(target).persistent:
            sess.expire(target, [relationship_prop.key])

        # optional behavior #3 - "trick" the ORM by actually
        # setting the value ahead of time, then emitting a load
        # for the attribute so that the *new* Subnet.network
        # is loaded.  Then, expire Network.subnets on *that*.
        # Other techniques here including looking in the identity
        # map for "value", if this is a simple many-to-one get.
        if relationship_prop.back_populates:
            target.__dict__[column_attr] = fk_value
            new = getattr(target, relationship_prop.key)
            if new is not None:
                if sqlalchemy.inspect(new).persistent:
                    sess.expire(new, [relationship_prop.back_populates])
        # no Session yet, do it later. This path is reached from the 'expire'
        # listener setup by '_expire_prop_on_col' below, when a foreign key
        # is directly assigned to in the many to one side of a relationship.
        # i.e. assigning directly to Subnet.network_id before Subnet is added
        # to the session
        if target not in _emit_on_pending:
            _emit_on_pending[target] = []
            (fk_value, relationship_prop, column_attr))
Example #5
def _expire_for_fk_change(target, fk_value, relationship_prop, column_attr):
    """Expire relationship attributes when a many-to-one column changes."""

    sess = orm.object_session(target)

    # subnets and network's many-to-one relationship is used as example in the
    # comments in this function
    if sess is not None:
        # optional behavior #1 - expire the "Network.subnets"
        # collection on the existing "network" object
        if relationship_prop.back_populates and \
                relationship_prop.key in target.__dict__:
            obj = getattr(target, relationship_prop.key)
            if obj is not None and sqlalchemy.inspect(obj).persistent:
                sess.expire(obj, [relationship_prop.back_populates])

        # optional behavior #2 - expire the "Subnet.network"
        if sqlalchemy.inspect(target).persistent:
            sess.expire(target, [relationship_prop.key])

        # optional behavior #3 - "trick" the ORM by actually
        # setting the value ahead of time, then emitting a load
        # for the attribute so that the *new* Subnet.network
        # is loaded.  Then, expire Network.subnets on *that*.
        # Other techniques here including looking in the identity
        # map for "value", if this is a simple many-to-one get.
        if relationship_prop.back_populates:
            target.__dict__[column_attr] = fk_value
            new = getattr(target, relationship_prop.key)
            if new is not None:
                if sqlalchemy.inspect(new).persistent:
                    sess.expire(new, [relationship_prop.back_populates])
        # no Session yet, do it later. This path is reached from the 'expire'
        # listener setup by '_expire_prop_on_col' below, when a foreign key
        # is directly assigned to in the many to one side of a relationship.
        # i.e. assigning directly to Subnet.network_id before Subnet is added
        # to the session
        if target not in _emit_on_pending:
            _emit_on_pending[target] = []
            (fk_value, relationship_prop, column_attr))
Example #6
def load_one_to_manys(session):
    # TODO(kevinbenton): we should be able to remove this after we
    # have eliminated all places where related objects are constructed
    # using a key rather than a relationship.

    # capture any new objects
    if session.new:

    if session.transaction.nested:
        # wait until final commit

    for new_object in session.info.pop('_load_rels', []):
        if new_object not in session:
            # don't load detached objects because that brings them back into
            # session
        state = sqlalchemy.inspect(new_object)

        # set up relationship loading so that we can call lazy
        # loaders on the object even though the ".key" is not set up yet
        # (normally happens by in after_flush_postexec, but we're trying
        # to do this more succinctly).  in this context this is only
        # setting a simple flag on the object's state.

        # look for eager relationships and do normal load.
        # For relationships where the related object is also
        # in the session these lazy loads will pull from the
        # identity map and not emit SELECT.  Otherwise, we are still
        # local in the transaction so a normal SELECT load will work fine.
        for relationship_attr in state.mapper.relationships:
            if relationship_attr.lazy not in ('joined', 'subquery'):
                # we only want to automatically load relationships that would
                # automatically load during a lookup operation
            if relationship_attr.key not in state.dict:
                getattr(new_object, relationship_attr.key)
                if relationship_attr.key not in state.dict:
                    msg = ("Relationship %s attributes must be loaded in db"
                           " object %s" % (relationship_attr.key, state.dict))
                    raise AssertionError(msg)
Example #7
def load_one_to_manys(session):
    # TODO(kevinbenton): we should be able to remove this after we
    # have eliminated all places where related objects are constructed
    # using a key rather than a relationship.

    # capture any new objects
    if session.new:

    if session.transaction.nested:
        # wait until final commit

    for new_object in session.info.pop('_load_rels', []):
        if new_object not in session:
            # don't load detached objects because that brings them back into
            # session
        state = sqlalchemy.inspect(new_object)

        # set up relationship loading so that we can call lazy
        # loaders on the object even though the ".key" is not set up yet
        # (normally happens by in after_flush_postexec, but we're trying
        # to do this more succinctly).  in this context this is only
        # setting a simple flag on the object's state.

        # look for eager relationships and do normal load.
        # For relationships where the related object is also
        # in the session these lazy loads will pull from the
        # identity map and not emit SELECT.  Otherwise, we are still
        # local in the transaction so a normal SELECT load will work fine.
        for relationship_attr in state.mapper.relationships:
            if relationship_attr.lazy not in ('joined', 'subquery'):
                # we only want to automatically load relationships that would
                # automatically load during a lookup operation
            if relationship_attr.key not in state.dict:
                getattr(new_object, relationship_attr.key)
                if relationship_attr.key not in state.dict:
                    msg = ("Relationship %s attributes must be loaded in db"
                           " object %s" % (relationship_attr.key, state.dict))
                    raise AssertionError(msg)
Example #8
def _listen_for_changes(cls, key, inst):
    mapper = sqlalchemy.inspect(cls)
    if key not in mapper.relationships:
    prop = inst.property

    if prop.direction is orm.interfaces.MANYTOONE:
        for col in prop.local_columns:
            colkey = mapper.get_property_by_column(col).key
            _expire_prop_on_col(cls, prop, colkey)
    elif prop.direction is orm.interfaces.ONETOMANY:
        remote_mapper = prop.mapper
        # the collection *has* to have a MANYTOONE backref so we
        # can look up the parent.  so here we make one if it doesn't
        # have it already, as is the case in this example
        if not prop.back_populates:
            name = "_%s_backref" % prop.key
            backref_prop = orm.relationship(
                prop.parent, back_populates=prop.key)

            remote_mapper.add_property(name, backref_prop)
            prop.back_populates = name
Example #9
def _listen_for_changes(cls, key, inst):
    mapper = sqlalchemy.inspect(cls)
    if key not in mapper.relationships:
    prop = inst.property

    if prop.direction is orm.interfaces.MANYTOONE:
        for col in prop.local_columns:
            colkey = mapper.get_property_by_column(col).key
            _expire_prop_on_col(cls, prop, colkey)
    elif prop.direction is orm.interfaces.ONETOMANY:
        remote_mapper = prop.mapper
        # the collection *has* to have a MANYTOONE backref so we
        # can look up the parent.  so here we make one if it doesn't
        # have it already, as is the case in this example
        if not prop.back_populates:
            name = "_%s_backref" % prop.key
            backref_prop = orm.relationship(prop.parent,

            remote_mapper.add_property(name, backref_prop)
            prop.back_populates = name