Example #1
def beziereven_sum ( func , N , xmin , xmax , **kwargs ) :
    """Make a function/histiogram representation in terms of Bezier sum
    (sum of Bernstein Polynomials)
    >>> func = lambda x : x * x
    >>> fsum = beziereven_sum ( func , 2 , -1 , 1 )
    >>> print fsum
    >>> x = ...
    >>> print 'FUN(%s) = %s ' % ( x , fsum ( x ) ) 
    assert is_integer ( N ) and 0 <= N , "beziereven_sum: invalid N %s " % N 
    xmin,xmax = _get_xminmax_ ( func , xmin , xmax , 'beziereven_sum' )

    ## result 
    bsum  = Ostap.Math.BernsteinEven ( N , xmin , xmax )
    npars = bsum.bernstein().npars() 
    ## constants 
    b_i   = npars *[0.0]
    xmid  = 0.5 * ( xmin + xmax ) 
    ## symmetric function: f(xmid-x)=f(xmid+x) 
    def _sym_func_ ( x ) :
        x1 =        x
        x2 = xmid - x
        y1 = float ( func ( x1 ) )
        y2 = float ( func ( x2 ) )
        return 0.5 * ( y1 + y2 ) 
    from ostap.math.integral import integral as _integral 
    args = {} 
    for i in  range ( len ( b_i ) )  : 
        index = 2 * N + 1 , i
        if not index in _bernstein_dual_basis_ :
            ## create the dual basic function
            _DUAL = Ostap.Math.BernsteinDualBasis
            _dual = _DUAL ( *index )
            _bernstein_dual_basis_ [ index ] = _dual

        ## get the dual basic function
        dual = _bernstein_dual_basis_[ index ]
        ## get the integration function 
        fun_i = lambda x : _sym_func_ ( x ) * dual ( bsum.t( x ) )

        ## use integration 
        if kwargs : args = deepcopy ( kwargs )
        c_i = _integral ( fun_i , xmin , xmax , **args ) / ( xmax - xmin )
        b_i[i] = c_i 
    ## fill result with symmetrized coefficients 
    last = npars - 1 
    for i in bsum :
        bsum.setPar( i , 0.5 * ( b_i[ i ] + b_i [ last - i ] ) ) 
    return bsum
Example #2
def _diff2_(fun1, fun2, xmin, xmax):

    _fun1_ = lambda x: float(fun1(x))**2
    _fun2_ = lambda x: float(fun2(x))**2
    _fund_ = lambda x: (float(fun1(x)) - float(fun2(x)))**2

    from ostap.math.integral import integral as _integral
    import warnings

    with warnings.catch_warnings():
        d1 = _integral(_fun1_, xmin, xmax)
        d2 = _integral(_fun2_, xmin, xmax)
        dd = _integral(_fund_, xmin, xmax)

    import math
    return "%.4e" % math.sqrt(dd / (d1 * d2))
Example #3
def sp_integrate_1D(func, xmin, xmax, *args, **kwargs):
    """Make 1D numerical integration 
    >>> func = ...
    >>> print func.sp_integrate ( -10 , 10 )    
    from ostap.math.integral import integral as _integral
    return _integral(func, xmin, xmax, *args, **kwargs)
Example #4
def bezier_sum ( func , N , xmin , xmax , **kwargs ) :
    """Make a function/histiogram representation in terms of Bezier sum
    (sum of Bernstein Polynomials)
    >>> func = lambda x : x * x
    >>> fsum = bezier_sum ( func , 4 , 0 , 1 )
    >>> print fsum
    >>> x = ...
    >>> print 'FUN(%s) = %s ' % ( x , fsum ( x ) ) 
    if not isinstance ( N , (int,long) ) or 0 > N :
        raise AttributeError( "bezier_sum: invalid N %s " % N )
    xmin,xmax = _get_xminmax_ ( func , xmin , xmax , 'bezier_sum' )

    ## result 
    bsum = Ostap.Math.Bernstein ( N , xmin , xmax )
    ## from scipy import integrate
    from ostap.math.integral import integral as _integral 

    args = {} 
    for i in  range ( 0 , N + 1 ) :

        index = N,i
        if not _bernstein_dual_basis_.has_key ( index ) :
            ## create the dual basic function
            _DUAL = Ostap.Math.BernsteinDualBasis
            _dual = _DUAL ( *index )
            _bernstein_dual_basis_ [ index ] = _dual

        ## get the dual basic function
        dual = _bernstein_dual_basis_[ index ]
        ## get the integration function 
        fun_i = lambda x : float ( func ( x ) ) * dual ( bsum.t( x ) )

        ## use scipy for integration 
        if kwargs : args = deepcopy ( kwargs )
        c_i = _integral ( fun_i , xmin , xmax , **args ) / ( xmax - xmin )
        bsum.setPar( i , c_i )
    return bsum
Example #5
def legendre_sum ( func , N , xmin , xmax , **kwargs ) :
    """ Make a function representation in terms of Legendre polynomials
    [It is not very CPU efficient (scipy is used for integration), but stable enough...]
    >>> func = lambda x : x * x
    >>> fsum = legendre_sum ( func , 4 , -1 , 1 )
    >>> print fsum
    >>> x = ...
    >>> print 'FUN(%s) = %s ' % ( x , fsum ( x ) ) 
    see Gaudi::Math::LegendreSum
    from copy import deepcopy
    if not isinstance ( N , (int,long) ) or 0 > N :
        raise AttributeError( "legendre_sum: invalid N %s " % N )

    xmin,xmax = _get_xminmax_ ( func , xmin , xmax , 'legendre_sum' )

    ## prepare the result
    lsum  = Ostap.Math.LegendreSum ( N , xmin , xmax )
    ## the type for the basic legendre polynomials, used for integration 
    L_    = Ostap.Math.Legendre 

    ## transform x to local variable -1<t<1 
    tx    = lambda x : lsum.t ( x )

    idx   = 1.0 / ( xmax - xmin ) ## scale factor 

    from ostap.math.integral import integral as _integral 
    args  = {}
    for n in range ( N + 1 ) :
        li     = L_ ( n ) 
        fun_n  = lambda x : func ( x ) * li ( tx ( x ) )
        if kwargs : args = deepcopy ( kwargs )

        c_n    = _integral ( fun_n , xmin , xmax , **args ) * ( 2 * n + 1 ) * idx
        lsum.setPar ( n , c_n ) 
    return lsum