Example #1
 def test_success(self):
     Gets LB contents with drained_at correctly
     node11 = node('11', 'a11', condition='DRAINING')
     node12 = node('12', 'a12')
     node21 = node('21', 'a21', weight=3)
     node22 = node('22', 'a22', weight=None, condition='DRAINING')
     seq = [
         lb_req('loadbalancers', True,
                {'loadBalancers': [{
                    'id': 1
                }, {
                    'id': 2
         parallel_sequence([[nodes_req(1, [node11, node12])],
                            [nodes_req(2, [node21, node22])],
                            [lb_hm_req(1, {"type": "CONNECT"})],
                            [lb_hm_req(2, {})]]),
         parallel_sequence([[node_feed_req('1', '11', '11feed')],
                            [node_feed_req('2', '22', '22feed')]]),
     eff = get_clb_contents()
     self.assertEqual(perform_sequence(seq, eff), ([
         attr.assoc(CLBNode.from_node_json(1, node11), _drained_at=1.0),
         CLBNode.from_node_json(1, node12),
         CLBNode.from_node_json(2, node21),
         attr.assoc(CLBNode.from_node_json(2, node22), _drained_at=2.0)
     ], {
         '1': CLB(True),
         '2': CLB(False)
Example #2
 def test_success(self):
     Gets LB contents with drained_at correctly
     node11 = node('11', 'a11', condition='DRAINING')
     node12 = node('12', 'a12')
     node21 = node('21', 'a21', weight=3)
     node22 = node('22', 'a22', weight=None, condition='DRAINING')
     seq = [
         lb_req('loadbalancers', True,
                {'loadBalancers': [{'id': 1}, {'id': 2}]}),
         parallel_sequence([[nodes_req(1, [node11, node12])],
                            [nodes_req(2, [node21, node22])],
                            [lb_hm_req(1, {"type": "CONNECT"})],
                            [lb_hm_req(2, {})]]),
         parallel_sequence([[node_feed_req('1', '11', '11feed')],
                            [node_feed_req('2', '22', '22feed')]]),
     eff = get_clb_contents()
         perform_sequence(seq, eff),
         ([attr.assoc(CLBNode.from_node_json(1, node11), _drained_at=1.0),
           CLBNode.from_node_json(1, node12),
           CLBNode.from_node_json(2, node21),
           attr.assoc(CLBNode.from_node_json(2, node22), _drained_at=2.0)],
          {'1': CLB(True), '2': CLB(False)}))
Example #3
 def test_lb_disappeared_during_feed_fetch(self):
     If a load balancer gets deleted while fetching feeds, no nodes will be
     returned for it.
     node21 = node('21', 'a21', condition='DRAINING', weight=None)
     seq = [
         lb_req('loadbalancers', True,
                {'loadBalancers': [{'id': 1}, {'id': 2}]}),
             [nodes_req(1, [node('11', 'a11', condition='DRAINING'),
                            node('12', 'a12')])],
             [nodes_req(2, [node21])],
             [lb_hm_req(1, {"type": "CONNECT"})],
             [lb_hm_req(2, {"type": "CONNECT"})]
             [node_feed_req('1', '11', CLBNotFoundError(lb_id=u'1'))],
             [node_feed_req('2', '21', '22feed')]]),
     eff = get_clb_contents()
         perform_sequence(seq, eff),
         ([attr.assoc(CLBNode.from_node_json(2, node21), _drained_at=2.0)],
          {'2': CLB(True)}))
Example #4
 def test_from_node_json_with_weight(self):
     A node's JSON representation can be parsed to a :obj:`CLBNode` object
     with a `CLBDescription`. When weight is not specified it defaults to 1.
     node_json = {
         "id": "node1",
         "address": "",
         "port": 20,
         "condition": "DRAINING",
         "type": "SECONDARY",
         "weight": 50,
     node = CLBNode.from_node_json(123, node_json)
                 lb_id="123", port=20, weight=50, condition=CLBNodeCondition.DRAINING, type=CLBNodeType.SECONDARY
Example #5
 def test_lb_disappeared_during_feed_fetch(self):
     If a load balancer gets deleted while fetching feeds, no nodes will be
     returned for it.
     node21 = node('21', 'a21', condition='DRAINING', weight=None)
     seq = [
         lb_req('loadbalancers', True,
                {'loadBalancers': [{
                    'id': 1
                }, {
                    'id': 2
             nodes_req(1, [
                 node('11', 'a11', condition='DRAINING'),
                 node('12', 'a12')
         ], [nodes_req(2, [node21])], [lb_hm_req(1, {"type": "CONNECT"})],
                            [lb_hm_req(2, {"type": "CONNECT"})]]),
             [[node_feed_req('1', '11', CLBNotFoundError(lb_id=u'1'))],
              [node_feed_req('2', '21', '22feed')]]),
     eff = get_clb_contents()
         perform_sequence(seq, eff),
         ([attr.assoc(CLBNode.from_node_json(2, node21), _drained_at=2.0)
           ], {
               '2': CLB(True)
Example #6
def get_clb_contents():
    Get Rackspace Cloud Load Balancer contents as list of `CLBNode`. CLB
    health monitor information is also returned as a pmap of :obj:`CLB` objects
    mapped on LB ID.

    :return: Effect of (``list`` of :obj:`CLBNode`, `pmap` of :obj:`CLB`)
    :rtype: :obj:`Effect`
    # If we get a CLBNotFoundError while fetching feeds, we should throw away
    # all nodes related to that load balancer, because we don't want to act on
    # data that we know is invalid/outdated (for example, if we can't fetch a
    # feed because CLB was deleted, we don't want to say that we have a node in
    # DRAINING with draining time of 0; we should just say that the node is
    # gone).

    def gone(r):
        return catch(CLBNotFoundError, lambda exc: r)

    lb_ids = [lb['id'] for lb in (yield _retry(get_clbs()))]
    node_reqs = [_retry(get_clb_nodes(lb_id).on(error=gone([])))
                 for lb_id in lb_ids]
    healthmon_reqs = [
        for lb_id in lb_ids]
    all_nodes_hms = yield parallel(node_reqs + healthmon_reqs)
    all_nodes, hms = all_nodes_hms[:len(lb_ids)], all_nodes_hms[len(lb_ids):]
    lb_nodes = {
        lb_id: [CLBNode.from_node_json(lb_id, node)
                for node in nodes]
        for lb_id, nodes in zip(lb_ids, all_nodes)}
    clbs = {
        str(lb_id): CLB(bool(health_mon))
        for lb_id, health_mon in zip(lb_ids, hms) if health_mon is not None}
    draining = [n for n in concat(lb_nodes.values())
                if n.description.condition == CLBNodeCondition.DRAINING]
    feeds = yield parallel(
        [_retry(get_clb_node_feed(n.description.lb_id, n.node_id).on(
         for n in draining]
    nodes_to_feeds = dict(zip(draining, feeds))
    deleted_lbs = set([
        for (node, feed) in nodes_to_feeds.items() if feed is None])

    def update_drained_at(node):
        feed = nodes_to_feeds.get(node)
        if node.description.lb_id in deleted_lbs:
            return None
        if feed is not None:
            node.drained_at = extract_clb_drained_at(feed)
        return node

    nodes = map(update_drained_at, concat(lb_nodes.values()))
    yield do_return((
        list(filter(bool, nodes)),
        pmap(keyfilter(lambda k: k not in deleted_lbs, clbs))))
Example #7
 def test_success(self):
     Gets LB contents with drained_at correctly
     node11 = node("11", "a11", condition="DRAINING")
     node12 = node("12", "a12")
     node21 = node("21", "a21", weight=3)
     node22 = node("22", "a22", weight=None, condition="DRAINING")
     seq = [
         lb_req("loadbalancers", True, {"loadBalancers": [{"id": 1}, {"id": 2}]}),
         parallel_sequence([[nodes_req(1, [node11, node12])], [nodes_req(2, [node21, node22])]]),
         parallel_sequence([[node_feed_req(1, "11", "11feed")], [node_feed_req(2, "22", "22feed")]]),
     eff = get_clb_contents()
         perform_sequence(seq, eff),
             assoc_obj(CLBNode.from_node_json(1, node11), drained_at=1.0),
             CLBNode.from_node_json(1, node12),
             CLBNode.from_node_json(2, node21),
             assoc_obj(CLBNode.from_node_json(2, node22), drained_at=2.0),
Example #8
def get_clb_contents():
    """Get Rackspace Cloud Load Balancer contents as list of `CLBNode`."""

    # If we get a CLBNotFoundError while fetching feeds, we should throw away
    # all nodes related to that load balancer, because we don't want to act on
    # data that we know is invalid/outdated (for example, if we can't fetch a
    # feed because CLB was deleted, we don't want to say that we have a node in
    # DRAINING with draining time of 0; we should just say that the node is
    # gone).

    def gone(r):
        return catch(CLBNotFoundError, lambda exc: r)

    lb_ids = [lb['id'] for lb in (yield _retry(get_clbs()))]
    node_reqs = [
        _retry(get_clb_nodes(lb_id).on(error=gone([]))) for lb_id in lb_ids
    all_nodes = yield parallel(node_reqs)
    lb_nodes = {
        lb_id: [CLBNode.from_node_json(lb_id, node) for node in nodes]
        for lb_id, nodes in zip(lb_ids, all_nodes)
    draining = [
        n for n in concat(lb_nodes.values())
        if n.description.condition == CLBNodeCondition.DRAINING
    feeds = yield parallel([
        for n in draining
    nodes_to_feeds = dict(zip(draining, feeds))
    deleted_lbs = set([
        node.description.lb_id for (node, feed) in nodes_to_feeds.items()
        if feed is None

    def update_drained_at(node):
        feed = nodes_to_feeds.get(node)
        if node.description.lb_id in deleted_lbs:
            return None
        if feed is not None:
            return assoc_obj(node, drained_at=extract_CLB_drained_at(feed))
            return node

    nodes = map(update_drained_at, concat(lb_nodes.values()))
    yield do_return(list(filter(bool, nodes)))
Example #9
 def test_from_node_json_no_weight(self):
     A node's JSON representation can be parsed to a :obj:`CLBNode` object
     with a `CLBDescription`. When weight is not specified it defaults to 1.
     node_json = {'id': 'node1', 'address': '', 'port': 20,
                  'condition': 'DRAINING', 'type': 'SECONDARY'}
     node = CLBNode.from_node_json(123, node_json)
         CLBNode(node_id='node1', address='',
                 connections=None, drained_at=0.0,
                     lb_id='123', port=20,
Example #10
 def test_lb_disappeared_during_feed_fetch(self):
     If a load balancer gets deleted while fetching feeds, no nodes will be
     returned for it.
     node21 = node("21", "a21", condition="DRAINING", weight=None)
     seq = [
         lb_req("loadbalancers", True, {"loadBalancers": [{"id": 1}, {"id": 2}]}),
             [[nodes_req(1, [node("11", "a11", condition="DRAINING"), node("12", "a12")])], [nodes_req(2, [node21])]]
             [[node_feed_req(1, "11", CLBNotFoundError(lb_id=u"1"))], [node_feed_req(2, "21", "22feed")]]
     eff = get_clb_contents()
     self.assertEqual(perform_sequence(seq, eff), [assoc_obj(CLBNode.from_node_json(2, node21), drained_at=2.0)])
Example #11
def get_clb_contents():
    """Get Rackspace Cloud Load Balancer contents as list of `CLBNode`."""
    # If we get a CLBNotFoundError while fetching feeds, we should throw away
    # all nodes related to that load balancer, because we don't want to act on
    # data that we know is invalid/outdated (for example, if we can't fetch a
    # feed because CLB was deleted, we don't want to say that we have a node in
    # DRAINING with draining time of 0; we should just say that the node is
    # gone).

    def gone(r):
        return catch(CLBNotFoundError, lambda exc: r)
    lb_ids = [lb['id'] for lb in (yield _retry(get_clbs()))]
    node_reqs = [_retry(get_clb_nodes(lb_id).on(error=gone([])))
                 for lb_id in lb_ids]
    all_nodes = yield parallel(node_reqs)
    lb_nodes = {lb_id: [CLBNode.from_node_json(lb_id, node) for node in nodes]
                for lb_id, nodes in zip(lb_ids, all_nodes)}
    draining = [n for n in concat(lb_nodes.values())
                if n.description.condition == CLBNodeCondition.DRAINING]
    feeds = yield parallel(
        [_retry(get_clb_node_feed(n.description.lb_id, n.node_id).on(
         for n in draining]
    nodes_to_feeds = dict(zip(draining, feeds))
    deleted_lbs = set([
        for (node, feed) in nodes_to_feeds.items() if feed is None])

    def update_drained_at(node):
        feed = nodes_to_feeds.get(node)
        if node.description.lb_id in deleted_lbs:
            return None
        if feed is not None:
            return assoc_obj(node, drained_at=extract_CLB_drained_at(feed))
            return node
    nodes = map(update_drained_at, concat(lb_nodes.values()))
    yield do_return(list(filter(bool, nodes)))
Example #12
def get_clb_contents():
    Get Rackspace Cloud Load Balancer contents as list of `CLBNode`. CLB
    health monitor information is also returned as a pmap of :obj:`CLB` objects
    mapped on LB ID.

    :return: Effect of (``list`` of :obj:`CLBNode`, `pmap` of :obj:`CLB`)
    :rtype: :obj:`Effect`

    # If we get a CLBNotFoundError while fetching feeds, we should throw away
    # all nodes related to that load balancer, because we don't want to act on
    # data that we know is invalid/outdated (for example, if we can't fetch a
    # feed because CLB was deleted, we don't want to say that we have a node in
    # DRAINING with draining time of 0; we should just say that the node is
    # gone).

    def gone(r):
        return catch(CLBNotFoundError, lambda exc: r)

    lb_ids = [lb['id'] for lb in (yield _retry(get_clbs()))]
    node_reqs = [
        _retry(get_clb_nodes(lb_id).on(error=gone([]))) for lb_id in lb_ids
    healthmon_reqs = [
        for lb_id in lb_ids
    all_nodes_hms = yield parallel(node_reqs + healthmon_reqs)
    all_nodes, hms = all_nodes_hms[:len(lb_ids)], all_nodes_hms[len(lb_ids):]
    lb_nodes = {
        lb_id: [CLBNode.from_node_json(lb_id, node) for node in nodes]
        for lb_id, nodes in zip(lb_ids, all_nodes)
    clbs = {
        str(lb_id): CLB(bool(health_mon))
        for lb_id, health_mon in zip(lb_ids, hms) if health_mon is not None
    draining = [
        n for n in concat(lb_nodes.values())
        if n.description.condition == CLBNodeCondition.DRAINING
    feeds = yield parallel([
        for n in draining
    nodes_to_feeds = dict(zip(draining, feeds))
    deleted_lbs = set([
        node.description.lb_id for (node, feed) in nodes_to_feeds.items()
        if feed is None

    def update_drained_at(node):
        feed = nodes_to_feeds.get(node)
        if node.description.lb_id in deleted_lbs:
            return None
        if feed is not None:
            node.drained_at = extract_clb_drained_at(feed)
        return node

    nodes = map(update_drained_at, concat(lb_nodes.values()))
    yield do_return((list(filter(bool, nodes)),
                     pmap(keyfilter(lambda k: k not in deleted_lbs, clbs))))