Example #1
 def test_pause_stops_convergence(self):
     Pausing a group will stop any further convergence cycle. We do this by
     1. Setup mimic to build server for just before timeout
     2. Creating a group with 1 min entity
     3. Pause the group
     4. Wait for server to finish building in mimic
     5. Notice that group continues to think that server is building
     mimic_nova = MimicNova(pool=self.helper.pool, test_case=self)
     server_build_time = convergence_interval + 5
     yield mimic_nova.sequenced_behaviors(
         criteria=[{"server_name": "pause-stops-convergence" + ".*"}],
             {"name": "build",
              "parameters": {"duration": server_build_time}}
     group, _ = self.helper.create_group(min_entities=1)
     yield group.start(self.rcs, self)
     one_building = ContainsDict({"pendingCapacity": Equals(1),
                                  "activeCapacity": Equals(0),
                                  "desiredCapacity": Equals(1),
                                  "status": Equals("ACTIVE")})
     yield self.helper.assert_group_state(group, one_building)
     yield group.pause(self.rcs)
     # Wait for server to build and few more convergence cycles after that
     yield sleep(reactor,
                 server_build_time + convergence_interval * 2)
     # The group still thinks that server is building
     yield self.helper.assert_group_state(group, one_building)
Example #2
 def test_pause_and_create_execute_webhook(self):
     Webhook can be created on a paused group but it cannot be executed
     group, policy = yield self.test_pause_and_create_policy()
     webhook = yield policy.create_webhook(self.rcs)
     # execute webhook and wait for sometime for execution to take place
     resp = yield treq.post(webhook.capurl, pool=self.helper.pool)
     self.assertEqual(resp.code, 202)
     yield treq.content(resp)
     yield sleep(reactor, 2)
     # The group has no impact
     yield self.helper.assert_group_state(
         ContainsDict({"pendingCapacity": Equals(0),
                       "desiredCapacity": Equals(0),
                       "activeCapacity": Equals(0)}))
Example #3
 def test_pause_and_scheduled_policy(self):
     A scheduled policy is not executed on a paused group
     group, _ = self.helper.create_group()
     yield group.start(self.rcs, self)
     policy = ScalingPolicy(
         set_to=1, scaling_group=group,
         schedule={"at": get_utcstr_from_now(5)})
     yield policy.start(self.rcs, self)
     yield group.pause(self.rcs)
     yield sleep(reactor, 5 + scheduler_interval + 2)
     yield self.helper.assert_group_state(
             "pendingCapacity": Equals(0),
             "activeCapacity": Equals(0),
             "desiredCapacity": Equals(0)}))
Example #4
    def test_resume(self):
        Calling resume on a paused group changes {"paused": False} in group
        state and triggers convergence. The group can then execute policy,
        webhook or trigger convergence
        group = yield self.test_pause_stops_convergence()
        yield group.resume(self.rcs)
        yield self.helper.assert_group_state(
            group, ContainsDict({"paused": Equals(False)}))
        yield group.wait_for_state(
            ContainsDict({"activeCapacity": Equals(1),
                          "pendingCapacity": Equals(0),
                          "desiredCapacity": Equals(1),
                          "status": Equals("ACTIVE")}))

        # can create and execute policy
        policy = ScalingPolicy(scale_by=1, scaling_group=group)
        yield policy.start(self.rcs, self)
        yield policy.execute(self.rcs)
        yield group.wait_for_state(
            ContainsDict({"activeCapacity": Equals(2),
                          "pendingCapacity": Equals(0),
                          "desiredCapacity": Equals(2),
                          "status": Equals("ACTIVE")}))

        # can create and execute webhooks
        webhook = yield policy.create_webhook(self.rcs)
        resp = yield treq.post(webhook.capurl, pool=self.helper.pool)
        self.assertEqual(resp.code, 202)
        yield treq.content(resp)
        yield sleep(reactor, 2)
        yield group.wait_for_state(
            ContainsDict({"activeCapacity": Equals(3),
                          "pendingCapacity": Equals(0),
                          "desiredCapacity": Equals(3),
                          "status": Equals("ACTIVE")}))

        # can trigger convergence
        yield group.trigger_convergence(self.rcs)