Example #1
    def test_pending_server_delete(self):
        When a pending job is cancelled, it is deleted from the job list. When
        the server finishes building, then ``execute_launch_config`` is called
        to remove the job from pending job list. It then notices that pending
        job_id is not there in job list and calls ``execute_delete_server``
        to delete the server.
        self.supervisor.execute_delete_server.return_value = succeed(None)

        s = GroupState('tenant', 'group', 'name', {}, {'1': {}}, None, {}, False)

        def fake_modify_state(callback, *args, **kwargs):
            callback(self.group, s, *args, **kwargs)

        self.group.modify_state.side_effect = fake_modify_state
        supervisor.execute_launch_config(self.log, '1', self.fake_state,
                                         'launch', self.group, 1)

        self.execute_config_deferreds[0].callback({'id': 's1'})

        # first bind is system='otter.job.launch', second is job_id='1'
            matches(IsInstance(self.log.__class__)), '1', self.group,
            {'id': 's1'}, self.supervisor)
Example #2
    def test_job_failure(self):
        ``execute_launch_config`` sets it up so that when a job fails, it is
        removed from pending.  It is also lgoged.
        s = GroupState('tenant', 'group', 'name', {}, {'1': {}}, None, {}, False)
        written = []

        # modify state writes on callback, doesn't write on error
        def fake_modify_state(callback, *args, **kwargs):
            d = maybeDeferred(callback, self.group, s, *args, **kwargs)
            return d

        self.group.modify_state.side_effect = fake_modify_state
        supervisor.execute_launch_config(self.log, '1', self.fake_state,
                                         'launch', self.group, 1)

        f = Failure(Exception('meh'))

        # job is removed and no active servers added
        self.assertEqual(s, GroupState('tenant', 'group', 'name', {}, {}, None, {},
        # state is written
        self.assertEqual(len(written), 1)
        self.assertEqual(written[0], s)

        self.log.err.assert_called_with(f, 'Launching server failed',
                                        image_ref="Unable to pull image ref.",
                                        flavor_ref="Unable to pull flavor ref.",
Example #3
 def test_add_job_called_with_new_jobs(self):
     ``execute_launch_config`` calls ``add_job`` on the state for every job
     that has been started
     supervisor.execute_launch_config(self.log, '1', self.fake_state,
                                      'launch', self.group, 3)
         [mock.call(str(i)) for i in (1, 2, 3)])
     self.assertEqual(self.fake_state.add_job.call_count, 3)
Example #4
 def test_positive_delta_execute_config_called_delta_times(self):
     If delta > 0, ``execute_launch_config`` calls
     ``supervisor.execute_config`` delta times.
     supervisor.execute_launch_config(self.log, '1', self.fake_state,
                                      'launch', self.group, 5)
                      [mock.call(matches(IsInstance(self.log.__class__)), '1',
                                 self.group, 'launch')] * 5)
Example #5
    def test_modify_state_failure_logged(self):
        If the job succeeded but modifying the state fails, that error is
        self.group.modify_state.side_effect = AssertionError
        supervisor.execute_launch_config(self.log, '1', self.fake_state,
                                         'launch', self.group, 1)
        self.execute_config_deferreds[0].callback({'id': 's1'})

            CheckFailure(AssertionError), system="otter.job.launch",
            image_ref="Unable to pull image ref.",
            flavor_ref="Unable to pull flavor ref.", job_id='1')
Example #6
    def test_on_job_completion_modify_state_called(self):
        ``execute_launch_config`` sets it up so that the group's
        ``modify_state``state is called with the result as an arg whenever a
        job finishes, whether successfully or not
        supervisor.execute_launch_config(self.log, '1', self.fake_state,
                                         'launch', self.group, 3)

        self.execute_config_deferreds[0].callback({'id': '1'})       # job id 1
        self.execute_config_deferreds[1].errback(Exception('meh'))   # job id 2
        self.execute_config_deferreds[2].callback({'id': '3'})       # job id 3

        self.assertEqual(self.group.modify_state.call_count, 3)
Example #7
def converge(log,
    Apply a policy's change to a scaling group, and attempt to make the
    resulting state a reality. This does no cooldown checking.

    This is done by dispatching to the appropriate orchestration backend for
    the scaling group; currently only direct nova interaction is supported.

    :param log: A bound log for logging
    :param str transaction_id: the transaction id
    :param dict config: the scaling group config
    :param otter.models.interface.IScalingGroup scaling_group: the scaling
        group object
    :param otter.models.interface.GroupState state: the group state
    :param dict launch_config: the scaling group launch config
    :param dict policy: the policy configuration dictionary

    :return: a ``Deferred`` that fires with the updated
        :class:`otter.models.interface.GroupState` if successful. If no changes
        are to be made to the group, None will synchronously be returned.
    if tenant_is_enabled(scaling_group.tenant_id, config_value):
        # For convergence tenants, find delta based on group's desired
        # capacity
        delta = apply_delta(log, state.desired, state, config, policy)
        if delta == 0:
            # No change in servers. Return None synchronously
            return None
            return defer.succeed(state)

    # For non-convergence tenants, the value used for desired-capacity is
    # the sum of active+pending, which is 0, so the delta ends up being
    # the min entities due to constraint calculation.
    delta = calculate_delta(log, state, config, policy)
    execute_log = log.bind(server_delta=delta)

    if delta == 0:
        execute_log.msg("no change in servers")
        return None
    elif delta > 0:
        execute_log.msg("executing launch configs")
        deferred = execute_launch_config(execute_log, transaction_id, state,
                                         launch_config, scaling_group, delta)
        # delta < 0 (scale down)
        execute_log.msg("scaling down")
        deferred = exec_scale_down(execute_log, transaction_id, state,
                                   scaling_group, -delta)

    deferred.addCallback(_do_convergence_audit_log, log, delta, state)
    return deferred
Example #8
    def test_no_jobs_started(self):
        If delta == 0, ``execute_launch_config`` does not create any job. It also logs
        d = execute_launch_config(self.log, "tid", self.state, "launch", "group", 0)

        self.log.msg.assert_called_once_with("Launching {delta} servers.", delta=0)
        self.assertEqual(len(self.jobs), 0)
Example #9
    def test_job_success(self):
        ``execute_launch_config`` sets it up so that when a job succeeds, it is
        removed from pending and the server is added to active.  It is also
        s = GroupState('tenant', 'group', 'name', {}, {'1': {}}, None, {}, False)

        def fake_modify_state(callback, *args, **kwargs):
            callback(self.group, s, *args, **kwargs)

        self.group.modify_state.side_effect = fake_modify_state
        supervisor.execute_launch_config(self.log, '1', self.fake_state,
                                         'launch', self.group, 1)

        self.execute_config_deferreds[0].callback({'id': 's1'})
        self.assertEqual(s.pending, {})  # job removed
        self.assertIn('s1', s.active)    # active server added
Example #10
 def test_propagates_add_job_failures(self):
     ``execute_launch_config`` fails if ``add_job`` raises an error
     self.fake_state.add_job.side_effect = AssertionError
     d = supervisor.execute_launch_config(self.log, '1', self.fake_state,
                                          'launch', self.group, 1)
     failure = self.failureResultOf(d)
Example #11
def converge(log, transaction_id, config, scaling_group, state, launch_config,
             policy, config_value=config_value):
    Apply a policy's change to a scaling group, and attempt to make the
    resulting state a reality. This does no cooldown checking.

    This is done by dispatching to the appropriate orchestration backend for
    the scaling group; currently only direct nova interaction is supported.

    :param log: A bound log for logging
    :param str transaction_id: the transaction id
    :param dict config: the scaling group config
    :param otter.models.interface.IScalingGroup scaling_group: the scaling
        group object
    :param otter.models.interface.GroupState state: the group state
    :param dict launch_config: the scaling group launch config
    :param dict policy: the policy configuration dictionary

    :return: a ``Deferred`` that fires with the updated
        :class:`otter.models.interface.GroupState` if successful. If no changes
        are to be made to the group, None will synchronously be returned.
    if tenant_is_enabled(scaling_group.tenant_id, config_value):
        # For convergence tenants, find delta based on group's desired
        # capacity
        delta = apply_delta(log, state.desired, state, config, policy)
        if delta == 0:
            # No change in servers. Return None synchronously
            return None
            return defer.succeed(state)

    # For non-convergence tenants, the value used for desired-capacity is
    # the sum of active+pending, which is 0, so the delta ends up being
    # the min entities due to constraint calculation.
    delta = calculate_delta(log, state, config, policy)
    execute_log = log.bind(server_delta=delta)

    if delta == 0:
        execute_log.msg("no change in servers")
        return None
    elif delta > 0:
        execute_log.msg("executing launch configs")
        deferred = execute_launch_config(
            execute_log, transaction_id, state, launch_config,
            scaling_group, delta)
        # delta < 0 (scale down)
        execute_log.msg("scaling down")
        deferred = exec_scale_down(execute_log, transaction_id, state,
                                   scaling_group, -delta)

    deferred.addCallback(_do_convergence_audit_log, log, delta, state)
    return deferred
Example #12
    def test_delta_jobs_started(self):
        If delta > 0, ``execute_launch_config`` creates and starts delta jobs.
        It adds the jobs to the state and its completion deferreds to supervisor's pool.
        It also logs
        d = execute_launch_config(self.log, "tid", self.state, "launch", "group", 3)

        self.log.msg.assert_called_once_with("Launching {delta} servers.", delta=3)

        self.assertEqual(len(self.jobs), 3)
        for job in self.jobs:
            self.assertEqual(job.args, (self.log, "tid", "group", self.supervisor))
            self.assertEqual(job.launch, "launch")
            self.assertIn(job.job_id, self.state.pending)
            self.assertIn(job.d, self.supervisor.deferred_pool)
Example #13
def converge(log, transaction_id, config, scaling_group, state, launch_config,
    Apply a policy's change to a scaling group, and attempt to make the
    resulting state a reality. This does no cooldown checking.

    This is done by dispatching to the appropriate orchestration backend for
    the scaling group; currently only direct nova interaction is supported.

    :param log: A bound log for logging
    :param str transaction_id: the transaction id
    :param dict config: the scaling group config
    :param otter.models.interface.IScalingGroup scaling_group: the scaling
        group object
    :param otter.models.interface.GroupState state: the group state
    :param dict launch_config: the scaling group launch config
    :param dict policy: the policy configuration dictionary

    :return: a ``Deferred`` that fires with the updated
        :class:`otter.models.interface.GroupState` if successful. If no changes
        are to be made to the group, None will synchronously be returned.
    delta = calculate_delta(log, state, config, policy)
    execute_log = log.bind(server_delta=delta)

    if delta == 0:
        execute_log.msg("no change in servers")
        return None
    elif delta > 0:
        execute_log.msg("executing launch configs")
        deferred = execute_launch_config(execute_log, transaction_id, state,
                                         launch_config, scaling_group,
        # delta < 0 (scale down)
        execute_log.msg("scaling down")
        deferred = exec_scale_down(execute_log, transaction_id, state,
                                   scaling_group, -delta)

    deferred.addCallback(_do_convergence_audit_log, log, delta, state)
    return deferred
Example #14
    def test_positive_delta_execute_config_failures_propagated(self):
        ``execute_launch_config`` fails if ``execute_config`` fails for any one
        case, and propagates the first ``execute_config`` error.
        class ExecuteException(Exception):

        def fake_execute(*args, **kwargs):
            if len(self.execute_config_deferreds) > 1:
                return fail(ExecuteException('no more!'))
            d = Deferred()
            return succeed((
                str(len(self.execute_config_deferreds)), d))

        self.supervisor.execute_config.side_effect = fake_execute
        d = supervisor.execute_launch_config(self.log, '1', self.fake_state,
                                             'launch', self.group, 3)
        failure = self.failureResultOf(d)