def authenticate_user(auth_endpoint, username, password, tenant_id=None, log=None, pool=None): """ Authenticate to a Identity auth endpoint with a username and password. :param str auth_endpoint: Identity API endpoint URL. :param str username: Username to authenticate as. :param str password: Password for the specified user. :param str tenant_id: Tenant ID to include in auth request :param log: If provided, a BoundLog object. :param twisted.web.client.HTTPConnectionPool pool: If provided, a connection pool which an integration test can manually clean up to avoid a race condition between Trial and Twisted. :return: Decoded JSON response as dict. """ if not log: log = _DoNothingLogger(None, None) request = {"auth": {"passwordCredentials": {"username": username, "password": password}}} if tenant_id: request["auth"]["tenantId"] = tenant_id d =, "tokens"), json.dumps(request), headers=headers(), log=log, pool=pool) d.addCallback(check_success, [200, 203]) d.addErrback(wrap_upstream_error, "identity", ("authenticating", username), auth_endpoint) d.addCallback(treq.json_content) return d
def impersonate_user(auth_endpoint, identity_admin_token, username, expire_in=10800, log=None): """ Acquire an auth-token for a user via impersonation. :param str auth_endpoint: Identity API endpoint URL. :param str identity_admin_token: Auth token that has the appropriate permissions to impersonate other users. :param str username: Username to impersonate. :param str expire_in: Number of seconds for which the token will be valid. :return: Decoded JSON as dict. """ d = append_segments(auth_endpoint, 'RAX-AUTH', 'impersonation-tokens'), json.dumps({ "RAX-AUTH:impersonation": { "user": {"username": username}, "expire-in-seconds": expire_in } }), headers=headers(identity_admin_token), log=log) d.addCallback(check_success, [200, 203]) d.addErrback(wrap_request_error, auth_endpoint, data='impersonation') d.addCallback(treq.json_content) return d
def authenticate_user(auth_endpoint, username, password, log=None): """ Authenticate to a Identity auth endpoint with a username and password. :param str auth_endpoint: Identity API endpoint URL. :param str username: Username to authenticate as. :param str password: Password for the specified user. :return: Decoded JSON response as dict. """ d = append_segments(auth_endpoint, 'tokens'), json.dumps( { "auth": { "passwordCredentials": { "username": username, "password": password } } }), headers=headers(), log=log) d.addCallback(check_success, [200, 203]) d.addErrback(wrap_request_error, auth_endpoint, data=('authenticating', username)) d.addCallback(treq.json_content) return d
def impersonate_user(auth_endpoint, identity_admin_token, username, expire_in=10800, log=None): """ Acquire an auth-token for a user via impersonation. :param str auth_endpoint: Identity API endpoint URL. :param str identity_admin_token: Auth token that has the appropriate permissions to impersonate other users. :param str username: Username to impersonate. :param str expire_in: Number of seconds for which the token will be valid. :return: Decoded JSON as dict. """ d =, 'RAX-AUTH', 'impersonation-tokens'), json.dumps({ "RAX-AUTH:impersonation": { "user": { "username": username }, "expire-in-seconds": expire_in } }), headers=headers(identity_admin_token), log=log) d.addCallback(check_success, [200, 203]) d.addErrback(wrap_upstream_error, 'identity', 'impersonation', auth_endpoint) d.addCallback(treq.json_content) return d
def add(): d =, headers=headers(auth_token), data=json.dumps({"nodes": [{"address": ip_address, "port": port, "condition": "ENABLED", "type": "PRIMARY"}]}), log=lb_log) d.addCallback(check_success, [200, 202]) d.addErrback(log_lb_unexpected_errors, path, lb_log, 'add_node') return d
def create_server(server_endpoint, auth_token, server_config, log=None): """ Create a new server. :param str server_endpoint: Server endpoint URI. :param str auth_token: Keystone Auth Token. :param dict server_config: Nova server config. :return: Deferred that fires with the CreateServer response as a dict. """ path = append_segments(server_endpoint, 'servers') d =, headers=headers(auth_token), data=json.dumps({'server': server_config}), log=log) d.addCallback(check_success, [202]) d.addErrback(wrap_request_error, path, 'server_create') return d.addCallback(treq.json_content)
def add(): d =, headers=headers(auth_token), data=json.dumps({ "nodes": [{ "address": ip_address, "port": port, "condition": "ENABLED", "type": "PRIMARY" }] }), log=lb_log) d.addCallback(check_success, [200, 202]) d.addErrback(log_lb_unexpected_errors, lb_log, 'add_node') d.addErrback(wrap_request_error, path, 'add_node') d.addErrback(check_deleted_clb, lb_id) return d
def authenticate_user(auth_endpoint, username, password, tenant_id=None, log=None, pool=None): """ Authenticate to a Identity auth endpoint with a username and password. :param str auth_endpoint: Identity API endpoint URL. :param str username: Username to authenticate as. :param str password: Password for the specified user. :param str tenant_id: Tenant ID to include in auth request :param log: If provided, a BoundLog object. :param twisted.web.client.HTTPConnectionPool pool: If provided, a connection pool which an integration test can manually clean up to avoid a race condition between Trial and Twisted. :return: Decoded JSON response as dict. """ if not log: log = _DoNothingLogger(None, None) request = { "auth": { "passwordCredentials": { "username": username, "password": password } } } if tenant_id: request['auth']['tenantId'] = tenant_id d =, 'tokens'), json.dumps(request), headers=headers(), log=log, pool=pool) d.addCallback(check_success, [200, 203]) d.addErrback(wrap_upstream_error, 'identity', ('authenticating', username), auth_endpoint) d.addCallback(treq.json_content) return d
def validate_launch_stack_config(log, region, service_catalog, auth_token, launch_config): """Validates a launch_stack config using Heat's stack-preview endpoint.""" stack_args = launch_config['stack'] heat_endpoint = get_heat_endpoint(service_catalog, region) url = append_segments(heat_endpoint, 'stacks', 'preview') new_args = thaw(set_in(stack_args, ('stack_name',), 'as_%s' % uuid4())) def catch_error(error): error.trap(APIError) if error.value.code in [400, 404, 409]: raise InvalidLaunchConfiguration(error.value.body) d = url, json.dumps(new_args), headers=headers(auth_token), log=log) d.addCallback(check_success, [200]) d.addCallback(treq.json_content) d.addErrback(catch_error) return d
def validate_launch_stack_config(log, region, service_catalog, auth_token, launch_config): """Validates a launch_stack config using Heat's stack-preview endpoint.""" stack_args = launch_config['stack'] heat_endpoint = get_heat_endpoint(service_catalog, region) url = append_segments(heat_endpoint, 'stacks', 'preview') new_args = thaw(set_in(stack_args, ('stack_name', ), 'as_%s' % uuid4())) def catch_error(error): error.trap(APIError) if error.value.code in [400, 404, 409]: raise InvalidLaunchConfiguration(error.value.body) d =, json.dumps(new_args), headers=headers(auth_token), log=log) d.addCallback(check_success, [200]) d.addCallback(treq.json_content) d.addErrback(catch_error) return d