def __init__(self):
        logger = ourlogging.packageLogger(

        ### CONFIG ###
        # These are values which may appear in a config File
        self.programName = "" # Name of the program that the user sees Used mostly for documenation purposes
        self.arch = "" # 32bit or 64bit or both specified as x86 or x86_64 or both
                       # Note: Both is for installers like virtualbox that work for both arch and auto select
        self.url = "" # Main Website URL used as a last resort for searches
        self.versionRegex = "" # Regular expression that matches versions on a page
        self.versionURL = "" # URL used to find latest version used before downloadURL to find version
        self.downloadURL = "" # URL used to find the download for a file
        self.downloadRegex = "" #File to search for (This is depricated and is kept only for legacy purposes)
        self.linkRegex = "" #To be used with Beautiful Soup to scan a page for probable download links
        self.dependencies = [] #Software that the program Has to have to run
                               #Note: for dependencies that have options such as the Java Runtime Environment or Java Development kit
                               #This can contain lists of lists: [["JDK", "JRE"] "FOO"]. This means that either the JDK or JRE are
                               #Required but either will work and that the package FOO is required
        self.recommended = [] #Software that the program runs better with (ex: camstudio and camstudio codecs)
        self.installMethod = "" # Installation method exe, msi, or zip (Normally auto determined)
        self.installSilentArgs = "" # Arguments to pass to installer for silent install
        self.betaOK = "" # Has a value if beta versions are acceptable
        self.alphaOK = "" # Has a value if alpha versions are acceptable
        self.rcOK = "" # Has a value if rc versions are acceptable
        self.regVenderName = "" #Name of the vendor in the registry
        self.regProgName = "" #Name of the program in the registry (defaults to programName)
        self.regVersLocations = ['''SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node''',
                                '''SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall'''] #These are not quite correct but close
        self.installDir = "" #Directory that files should be installed to auto fills in "Program Files" or "Program Files (x86)"
                             #Should be handled scanning arch but if more flexability is needed then it can be specified
        ### LEAVE THIS LAST ###
        ### END CONFIG ###

        #These values are not read from the config file
        self.logger = logger
        self.currentVersion = "" #Currently installed version
        self.versions = "" #List of versions found on the webpage
        self.latestVersion = "" #Latest verison online
        self.downloadedPath = "" #Path installer was downloaded to
        self.actualURL = "" #Actual URL that was downloaded (after redirects)
        self.installed = False
        self.uninstalled = False

        #Default logic to find the correct Program Files Directory
        #TODO: add logic to pull this from package name
        if (self.installDir == "") and (self.arch.find("64") > -1):
            self.installDir = "C:\\Program Files"
        elif (self.installDir == "") and ((self.arch.find("32") > -1) or (self.arch.find("86") > -1)):
            self.installDir = "C:\\Program Files (x86)"
            self.logger.debug("Arch could not be determined defaulting installDir to C:\\Program Files")
            self.installDir = "C:\\Program Files"

        #Get the dependencies as a list
        if self.dependencies != [] and self.dependencies != "":
            exec "self.dependencies = " + self.dependencies
    def __init__(self):
        logger = ourlogging.packageLogger(

        ### CONFIG ###
        # These are values which may appear in a config File

        self.programName = ""  # Name of the program that the user sees Used mostly for documenation purposes
        self.arch = ""  # 32bit or 64bit or both specified as x86 or x86_64 or both
        # Note: Both is for installers like virtualbox that work for both arch and auto select

        #Web Fetch Information
        self.url = ""  # Main Website URL used as a last resort for searches
        self.versionRegex = ""  # Regular expression that matches versions on a page
        self.versionURL = ""  # URL used to find latest version used before downloadURL to find version
        self.downloadURL = ""  # URL used to find the download for a file
        self.downloadRegex = ""  #File to search for (This is depricated and is kept only for legacy purposes)
        self.linkRegex = ""  #To be used with Beautiful Soup to scan a page for probable download links

        #Install Information
        self.dependencies = []  #Software that the program Has to have to run
        #Note: for dependencies that have options such as the Java Runtime Environment or Java Development kit
        #This can contain lists of lists: [["JDK", "JRE"] "FOO"]. This means that either the JDK or JRE are
        #Required but either will work and that the package FOO is required
        self.recommended = [
        ]  #Software that the program runs better with (ex: camstudio and camstudio codecs)
        self.installMethod = ""  # Installation method exe, msi, or zip (Normally auto determined)
        self.installSilentArgs = ""  # Arguments to pass to installer for silent install
        self.betaOK = ""  # Has a value if beta versions are acceptable
        self.alphaOK = ""  # Has a value if alpha versions are acceptable
        self.rcOK = ""  # Has a value if rc versions are acceptable

        #Local Version Registry Information
        self.regQueryType = ""  #Registry Search Method
        self.regKey = ""  #Registry Hive Location
        self.regSubKey = ""  #Where to search within hive
        self.regValue = ""  #Used when gettting installed version by registry value (as opposed to key)
        self.regRegEx = ""  #Ick, a regular expression to match key/vals in the registry
        self.regExPos = ""  # A Registry key offset
        self.regVenderName = ""  #Name of the vendor in the registry
        self.regProgName = ""  #Name of the program in the registry (defaults to programName)
        Under 64 bit windows opening hklm\software opens a different key depending on the architecture of the CALLING application (sry for caps)
        So 32 bit python would be default open hklm\software\wow6432node, even if it was trying to go to wow6464 node
        To make things more complicated, it is only possible for a 64 bit app to naviagte to the wow6432node, so there is no path that
        explictely ends up in the 64 node area for 32 node

        To solve this winreg.OpenKey needs to be called with a permissions mask depending on where it is looking if and only if the underlying
        architecture is 64 bit.

        TLDR Make things go by:
        1) If the arch is not 32 bit (platform.platform()!=i386
        2) winreg.OpenKey(winreg.hklm,yourSubkey,0,searchPath)
        self.regArchMask = ""  #E

        #Local Version Version Info by File. Hopefullly the above works
        self.localVersionFilePath = ""  #A Path to a file that can be searched for a version number
        self.localVersionFileRegex = ""  #A Regex to match a version number from the file

        self.installDir = ""  #Directory that files should be installed to auto fills in "Program Files" or "Program Files (x86)"
        #Should be handled scanning arch but if more flexability is needed then it can be specified
        ### LEAVE THIS LAST ###
        ### END CONFIG ###

        #These values are not read from the config file
        self.logger = logger
        self.currentVersion = ""  #Currently installed version
        self.versions = ""  #List of versions found on the webpage
        self.latestVersion = ""  #Latest verison online
        self.downloadedPath = ""  #Path installer was downloaded to
        self.actualURL = ""  #Actual URL that was downloaded (after redirects)
        self.installed = False
        self.uninstalled = False

        #Default logic to find the correct Program Files Directory
        #TODO: add logic to pull this from package name
        if (self.installDir == "") and (self.arch.find("64") > -1):
            self.installDir = "C:\\Program Files"
        elif (self.installDir == "") and ((self.arch.find("32") > -1) or
                                          (self.arch.find("86") > -1)):
            self.installDir = "C:\\Program Files (x86)"
                "Arch could not be determined defaulting installDir to C:\\Program Files"
            self.installDir = "C:\\Program Files"

        #Get the dependencies as a list
        if self.dependencies != [] and self.dependencies != "":
            exec "self.dependencies = " + self.dependencies
Example #3
    def __init__(self):
        logger = ourlogging.packageLogger(

        ### CONFIG ###
        # These are values which may appear in a config File

        # General
        self.programName = ""  # Name of the program that the user sees Used mostly for documenation purposes
        self.arch = ""  # 32bit or 64bit or both specified as x86 or x86_64 or both
        # Note: Both is for installers like virtualbox that work for both arch and auto select

        # Web Fetch Information
        self.url = ""  # Main Website URL used as a last resort for searches
        self.versionRegex = ""  # Regular expression that matches versions on a page
        self.versionURL = ""  # URL used to find latest version used before downloadURL to find version
        self.downloadURL = ""  # URL used to find the download for a file
        self.downloadRegex = ""  # File to search for (This is depricated and is kept only for legacy purposes)
        self.linkRegex = ""  # To be used with Beautiful Soup to scan a page for probable download links

        # Install Information
        self.dependencies = []  # Software that the program Has to have to run
        # Note: for dependencies that have options such as the Java Runtime Environment or Java Development kit
        # This can contain lists of lists: [["JDK", "JRE"] "FOO"]. This means that either the JDK or JRE are
        # Required but either will work and that the package FOO is required
        self.recommended = []  # Software that the program runs better with (ex: camstudio and camstudio codecs)
        self.installMethod = ""  # Installation method exe, msi, or zip (Normally auto determined)
        self.installSilentArgs = ""  # Arguments to pass to installer for silent install
        self.betaOK = ""  # Has a value if beta versions are acceptable
        self.alphaOK = ""  # Has a value if alpha versions are acceptable
        self.rcOK = ""  # Has a value if rc versions are acceptable

        # Local Version Registry Information
        self.regQueryType = ""  # Registry Search Method
        self.regKey = ""  # Registry Hive Location
        self.regSubKey = ""  # Where to search within hive
        self.regValue = ""  # Used when gettting installed version by registry value (as opposed to key)
        self.regRegEx = ""  # Ick, a regular expression to match key/vals in the registry
        self.regExPos = ""  # A Registry key offset
        self.regVenderName = ""  # Name of the vendor in the registry
        self.regProgName = ""  # Name of the program in the registry (defaults to programName)

        Under 64 bit windows opening hklm\software opens a different key depending on the architecture of the CALLING application (sry for caps)
        So 32 bit python would be default open hklm\software\wow6432node, even if it was trying to go to wow6464 node
        To make things more complicated, it is only possible for a 64 bit app to naviagte to the wow6432node, so there is no path that
        explictely ends up in the 64 node area for 32 node

        To solve this winreg.OpenKey needs to be called with a permissions mask depending on where it is looking if and only if the underlying
        architecture is 64 bit.

        TLDR Make things go by:
        1) If the arch is not 32 bit (platform.platform()!=i386
        2) winreg.OpenKey(winreg.hklm,yourSubkey,0,searchPath)
        self.regArchMask = ""  # E

        # Local Version Version Info by File. Hopefullly the above works
        self.localVersionFilePath = ""  # A Path to a file that can be searched for a version number
        self.localVersionFileRegex = ""  # A Regex to match a version number from the file

        self.installDir = (
        )  # Directory that files should be installed to auto fills in "Program Files" or "Program Files (x86)"
        # Should be handled scanning arch but if more flexability is needed then it can be specified
        ### LEAVE THIS LAST ###
        ### END CONFIG ###

        # These values are not read from the config file
        self.logger = logger
        self.currentVersion = ""  # Currently installed version
        self.versions = ""  # List of versions found on the webpage
        self.latestVersion = ""  # Latest verison online
        self.downloadedPath = ""  # Path installer was downloaded to
        self.actualURL = ""  # Actual URL that was downloaded (after redirects)
        self.installed = False
        self.uninstalled = False

        # Default logic to find the correct Program Files Directory
        # TODO: add logic to pull this from package name
        if (self.installDir == "") and (self.arch.find("64") > -1):
            self.installDir = "C:\\Program Files"
        elif (self.installDir == "") and ((self.arch.find("32") > -1) or (self.arch.find("86") > -1)):
            self.installDir = "C:\\Program Files (x86)"
            self.logger.debug("Arch could not be determined defaulting installDir to C:\\Program Files")
            self.installDir = "C:\\Program Files"

        # Get the dependencies as a list
        if self.dependencies != [] and self.dependencies != "":
            exec "self.dependencies = " + self.dependencies