def test_scans_first_packet(packet: client.LidarPacket,
                            packets: client.PacketSource) -> None:
    """Check that data in the first packet survives batching to a scan."""
    scans = iter(client.Scans(packets))
    scan = next(scans)

    h = packet._pf.pixels_per_column
    w = packet._pf.columns_per_packet

    assert np.array_equal(packet.field(ChanField.RANGE),
                          scan.field(ChanField.RANGE)[:h, :w])

    assert np.array_equal(packet.field(ChanField.REFLECTIVITY),
                          scan.field(ChanField.REFLECTIVITY)[:h, :w])

    assert np.array_equal(packet.field(client.ChanField.SIGNAL),
                          scan.field(client.ChanField.SIGNAL)[:h, :w])

    assert np.array_equal(packet.field(client.ChanField.NEAR_IR),
                          scan.field(client.ChanField.NEAR_IR)[:h, :w])

    assert packet.frame_id == scan.frame_id

    assert np.array_equal(packet.timestamp, scan.timestamp[:w])

    assert np.array_equal(packet.header(ColHeader.ENCODER_COUNT),

    assert np.array_equal(packet.status, scan.status[:w])
Example #2
    def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[Packet]:
        buf = bytearray(2**16)
        packet_info = _pcap.packet_info()

        real_start_ts = time.monotonic()
        pcap_start_ts = None

        while True:
            with self._lock:
                if self._handle is None:
                if not _pcap.next_packet_info(self._handle, packet_info):

                n = _pcap.read_packet(self._handle, buf)

            if self._rate:
                if not pcap_start_ts:
                    pcap_start_ts = packet_info.timestamp
                real_delta = time.monotonic() - real_start_ts
                pcap_delta = (packet_info.timestamp -
                              pcap_start_ts) / self._rate
                delta = max(0, pcap_delta.total_seconds() - real_delta)

            if packet_info.dst_port == self._lidar_port and n != 0:
                yield LidarPacket(buf[0:n], self._metadata)

            elif packet_info.dst_port == self._imu_port and n != 0:
                yield ImuPacket(buf[0:n], self._metadata)
Example #3
    def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[Packet]:
        with self._lock:
            if self._handle is None:
                raise ValueError("I/O operation on closed packet source")

        buf = bytearray(2**16)
        packet_info = _pcap.packet_info()

        real_start_ts = time.monotonic()
        pcap_start_ts = None
        metadata = self._metadata
        while True:
            with self._lock:
                if (self._handle is None or
                        not _pcap.next_packet_info(self._handle, packet_info)):
                timestamp = packet_info.timestamp

                n = _pcap.read_packet(self._handle, buf)

            if self._rate:
                if not pcap_start_ts:
                    pcap_start_ts = packet_info.timestamp
                real_delta = time.monotonic() - real_start_ts
                pcap_delta = (packet_info.timestamp -
                              pcap_start_ts) / self._rate
                delta = max(0, pcap_delta - real_delta)

            if packet_info.dst_port == self._lidar_port and n != 0:
                yield LidarPacket(buf[0:n], metadata, timestamp)

            elif packet_info.dst_port == self._imu_port and n != 0:
                yield ImuPacket(buf[0:n], metadata, timestamp)
Example #4
def test_read_real_packet(packet: client.LidarPacket) -> None:
    """Read some arbitrary values from a packet and check header invariants."""
    assert packet.field(client.ChanField.RANGE)[0, 0] == 1723
    assert packet.field(client.ChanField.REFLECTIVITY)[0, 0] == 196
    assert packet.field(client.ChanField.SIGNAL)[0, 0] == 66
    assert packet.field(client.ChanField.NEAR_IR)[0, 0] == 1768

    assert np.all(np.diff(packet.header(client.ColHeader.FRAME_ID)) == 0)
    assert np.all(np.diff(packet.header(client.ColHeader.MEASUREMENT_ID)) == 1)
    # in 512xN mode, the angle between measurements is exactly 176 encoder ticks
    assert np.all(
        np.diff(packet.header(client.ColHeader.ENCODER_COUNT)) == 176)
    assert np.all(packet.header(client.ColHeader.STATUS) == 0xffffffff)
Example #5
def test_read_legacy_packet(packet: client.LidarPacket) -> None:
    """Read some arbitrary values from a packet and check header invariants."""
    assert packet.field(client.ChanField.RANGE)[-1, 0] == 12099
    assert packet.field(client.ChanField.REFLECTIVITY)[-1, 0] == 1017
    assert packet.field(client.ChanField.SIGNAL)[-1, 0] == 6
    assert packet.field(client.ChanField.NEAR_IR)[-1, 0] == 13

    assert np.all(np.diff(packet.header(client.ColHeader.FRAME_ID)) == 0)
    assert np.all(np.diff(packet.header(client.ColHeader.MEASUREMENT_ID)) == 1)
    assert np.all(np.diff(packet.timestamp) > 0)
    assert np.all(np.diff(packet.measurement_id) == 1)
    assert packet.packet_type == 0
    assert packet.frame_id == 5424
    assert packet.init_id == 0
    assert packet.prod_sn == 0
    # in 1024xN mode, the angle between measurements is exactly 88 encoder ticks
    assert np.all(np.diff(packet.header(client.ColHeader.ENCODER_COUNT)) == 88)
    assert np.all(packet.status == 0xffffffff)
Example #6
    def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[Packet]:
        with self._lock:
            if self._handle is None:
                raise ValueError("I/O operation on closed packet source")

        buf = bytearray(2**16)
        packet_info = _pcap.packet_info()

        real_start_ts = time.monotonic()
        pcap_start_ts = None
        while True:
            with self._lock:
                if not (self._handle
                        and _pcap.next_packet_info(self._handle, packet_info)):
                n = _pcap.read_packet(self._handle, buf)

            # if rate is set, read in 'real time' simulating UDP stream
            # TODO: factor out into separate packet iterator utility
            timestamp = packet_info.timestamp
            if self._rate:
                if not pcap_start_ts:
                    pcap_start_ts = timestamp
                real_delta = time.monotonic() - real_start_ts
                pcap_delta = (timestamp - pcap_start_ts) / self._rate
                delta = max(0, pcap_delta - real_delta)

                if (packet_info.dst_port == self._metadata.udp_port_lidar):
                    yield LidarPacket(buf[0:n], self._metadata, timestamp)
                elif (packet_info.dst_port == self._metadata.udp_port_imu):
                    yield ImuPacket(buf[0:n], self._metadata, timestamp)
            except ValueError:
                # TODO: bad packet size or init_id here, use specific exceptions
def _patch_frame_id(packet: client.LidarPacket, fid: int) -> None:
    """Rewrite the frame id of a non-legacy format lidar packet."""
    packet._data[2:4] = memoryview(fid.to_bytes(2, byteorder='little'))