Example #1
 def getRoot(self, multiRootLog = True):
   """ returns the root of this graph, write a log if there're more than one root """
   # create the list to return
   result = []
   # add all objects, that have don't have an is_a relation chip or which parents are not available in the graph
   for key in self.hpoTermsDict:
     # check, if parent is not in graph
     if self.getParents( key ) == []:
       result.append( key )
   # check log
   if multiRootLog and len(result) != 1:
     out.writeWarning("WARNING: found unexpected multiple (or none) roots in graph!")
   # return this
   return result
Example #2
    def predictSequence(args, hpoGraph, uni2hpoDict, name="Sequence", seq=""):
        # ok, do the whole thing
            # debug msg
            out.writeLog('Predict function for protein: id: "' + str(name) + '" sequence: "' + str(seq) + '"')

            # lookup resulst if available
            foundInLookUp, hits = False, []
            if args.lookupdb:
                out.writeLog("Checking for precalculated results!")
                # ok, load them
                f = open(args.lookupdb, "r")
                for line in f:
                    if line.strip() == name.strip():
                        # oh, cool, its precalculated
                        foundInLookUp = True
                    elif foundInLookUp and line.startswith("\t"):
                        # ok, this belongs to result, load it
                        m = re.search("\t([^\t]*)\t([^\t]*)\t([^\t]*)\t([^\t]*)\t([^\t]*)\t([^\t]*)", line)
                                "method": m.group(1),
                                "hit_id": m.group(2),
                                "hit_value": float(m.group(3)),
                                "hit_from": int(m.group(4)),
                                "hit_to": int(m.group(5)),
                                "hit_order": bool(m.group(6)),
                    elif foundInLookUp:

            # ok, first of all, get similar sequences!
            if not foundInLookUp:
                out.writeLog("Check blast and hhblits for sequence orthologs!")
                blastResults = blast.Blast.localBlast(seq=seq, database=args.blastDbFile, minEVal=args.blastMinEVal)
                for hit in blastResults.hits:
                    out.writeDebug("Blast: found hit: " + str(hit))
                hhblitsResults = hhblits.HHBLITS.localHHBLITS(seq=str(seq), database=args.hhblitsDbFile)
                for hit in hhblitsResults.hits:
                    out.writeDebug("hhblits: found hit: " + str(hit))

            # reduce hits if fast prediction
            if args.fast:
                out.writeLog("Reduce hits for faster prediction!")
                hitsTmp = sorted(hits, key=lambda t: t["hit_value"])
                hits = hitsTmp[:6]

            # now get the hpo-Identifiers for each similar sequence
            out.writeLog("uniprot ids ({}) 2 HPO Terms".format(len(hits)))
            for hit in hits:
                    # Do not output this, it might be some GB output
                    #          out.writeDebug("found hpoTerms for " + str( hit[ "hit_id" ] ) + ": " + str( uni2hpoDict[ hit[ "hit_id" ] ] ) )
                    hit.update({"hpoTerms": uni2hpoDict[hit["hit_id"]]})
                except KeyError:
                    out.writeWarning("MISSING HPO TERMS FOR HIT: " + str(hit))

            # build and merge trees
            out.writeLog("Build and merge tree for similar sequences!")
            graph, hit_id = hpoGraph.getHpoSubGraph(hpoGraph.getRoot()), 0
            for hit in hits:
                #        out.writeDebug("@blast merging: {}".format(hit))
                subtree = hpoGraph.getHpoSubGraph(hit["hpoTerms"], {hit_id: hit})
                hit_id += 1
                graph += subtree

            # do the prediciton
            out.writeLog("Run main prediction!")
            # init the predictor
            p = predictor.Predictor(args.neuronalNet)
            p.runprediction(seq, graph)
            # always accept the root
            for root in hpoGraph.getRoot():
                graph.getHpoTermById(root).accepted = 1

            # do the output
            out.writeLog("writing output")
            for node in graph.getAcceptedNodes(args.minimalConfidence):
                out.writeOutput("{}\t{}\t{}".format(name, node.id, "%.*f" % (2, (node.accepted + 2) / 4)))

            # svg image desired?
            if args.createSvgImage:
                out.writeLog("Create a svg image showing all results!")
                if graph != None:
                    graph.writeSvgImage(fileName=str(name) + ".svg")
                    out.writeWarning("Can't create a svg image from an empty tree!")

            # clear attrs from all tree nodes, so that these don't interfere with later predictions
        #      out.writeLog("Clear memory for next prediction")
        #      hpoGraph.clearAttr()

        except Exception as err:
            exc_type, exc_obj, exc_tb = sys.exc_info()
            out.writeError("Predicting Error: " + str(err) + " on line: " + str(exc_tb.tb_lineno))