Example #1
def parse(file):
    f = open(file, 'r')
    s = f.readline()
    total_time = 0
    while s != '':
        if 'Elapsed (wall clock) time' in s:
            total_time = op.parse_time(s)
        s = f.readline()
    print total_time/1000
    return total_time/1000
def run_the_function(print_result, height, width, repeat, text_file_name, grain_size):
    path_name= "./data/KnifeQuadBPos1_2_21_int16.h5"
    top_level_data_set_name= "KnifeQuadBPos1/"
    host_name = socket.gethostname()
    #Program to execute
    debug_version = './Debug/cppProcessing2.0 '
    profile_version = './Profiling/cppProcessing2.0 '
    parallel_debug = './parallel_debug/cppProcessing2.0 '
    parallel_profile = './parallel_profile/cppProcessing2.0 '

    cmdl_arg = '1 '  + str(width) + ' '+ str(height) + ' ' + str(repeat) + ' ' + text_file_name + ' ' + str(grain_size) + ' 1'
    program_to_execute = parallel_profile + cmdl_arg

    #events to monitor
    event1 = op.oprofile_events('CPU_CLK_UNHALTED','0x00',100000000)
    event2 = op.oprofile_events('INST_RETIRED','0x00',60000000)
    #cache misses
    event3 = op.oprofile_events('LLC_MISSES','0x41',60000)          #divide by LLC_REFS
#     event4 = op.oprofile_events('l2_lines_in','0x07',1000000)       #100000
#     event5 = op.oprofile_events('br_inst_retired', '0x01', 400000)    #total branch instructions retired
#     event6 = op.oprofile_events('br_misp_retired', '0x01', 400000)    #total mispredicted branches. Divide by br_inst_retired
    event6 = op.oprofile_events('mem_trans_retired','0x02',2000000)
#     event7 = op.oprofile_events('uops_retired', 'stall_cycles',2000000)        #no of stall cycles. Divide by cpu cycles
#     event8 = op.oprofile_events('dtlb_load_misses', '0x01',2000000) 
# #    event8 = op.oprofile_events('dtlb_load_misses', '0x81',1000)   #Ivy Bridge
#     event9 = op.oprofile_events('LLC_REFS', '0x4f',6000)            
#     event10 = op.oprofile_events('l1d_pend_miss', 'pending',2000000)        #cycles of l1d misses outstanding. Divide by CPU cycles
#     event11 = op.oprofile_events('resource_stalls', '0x01',2000000)        #no of stall cycles/divide by number of instructions
#     event12 = op.oprofile_events('l1d', '0x01',2000000)        #cycles of l1d misses outstanding. Divide by CPU cycles

    list_of_events = [event1, event2, event3, event6]#, event7, event8, event9, event10, event11, event12]
    #variable initialisation
    dict_of_attributes = {}
    total_time = 0.0
    dict_of_function_perc_time = {}
    list_of_events_recorded = []
    image_size = width * height * 2    #memory size
    total_processing_time = 0.0

    operf_events = op.get_operf_option(list_of_events)
    result_directory = './oprof_reports/'+ host_name + '/'
    report_destination = result_directory + 'profile_report.txt'
    sample_data_destination = result_directory + 'oprof_data/'
    #commandline options
    cmd_git = 'git rev-parse HEAD > ' + report_destination
    cmd_time = '(/usr/bin/time -v ' + program_to_execute + ') &>> ' + report_destination
    cmd_operf = 'operf ' + '-d ' + sample_data_destination + ' ' + operf_events + ' '+ program_to_execute
    cmd_opreport = 'opreport --symbols --session-dir=' + sample_data_destination +  ' >> ' + report_destination
    cmd_mkdir = 'mkdir -p ' + sample_data_destination
    cmd_annotate = 'opannotate -s --output-dir=' + result_directory + 'annotated/ ' + '--session-dir=' + sample_data_destination + ' '+ program_to_execute
    f = open(report_destination, 'r')
    list_of_functions = op.get_function_list(f)
    for function_name in list_of_functions:
        dict_of_function_perc_time[function_name] = 0
        dict_of_attributes[function_name] = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]
    f = open(report_destination, 'r')
    s = f.readline()
    commit_key = s;
    while s != '':
    	if 'Counted' in s:
    	    for event in list_of_events:
    		if (event.event_name + ' events') in s:
        if 'Elapsed (wall clock) time ' in s:
            total_time = op.parse_time(s)
        for function_name in list_of_functions:
            if function_name in s:
                delimited = s.split(' ')
                parsed = [item for item in delimited if item != '']
                attributes = []
                dict_of_function_perc_time[function_name] = float(parsed[1]) + dict_of_function_perc_time[function_name]
                for index in xrange(len(list_of_events_recorded)):  # manually add the percentage clock cycles
                    attributes.append( float(parsed[index * 2]) + dict_of_attributes[function_name][index] )      
                dict_of_attributes[function_name] = attributes
        s = f.readline()

    llc_misses_per_instruction = op.get_llc_misses(list_of_functions, dict_of_attributes, list_of_events_recorded)
    CPI = op.get_CPI(list_of_functions, dict_of_attributes, list_of_events_recorded)
    bandwidth = op.get_bandwidth(list_of_functions, dict_of_function_perc_time, total_time, image_size, repeat)
    function_time = op.get_time(list_of_functions, dict_of_function_perc_time, total_time, repeat)
    l1d_miss_rate = op.get_L1D_miss_rate(list_of_functions, dict_of_attributes, list_of_events_recorded)
    DTLB_miss_rate = op.get_DTLB_miss_rate(list_of_functions, dict_of_attributes, list_of_events_recorded)
    LLC_miss_rate = op.get_LLC_miss_rate(list_of_functions, dict_of_attributes, list_of_events_recorded)
    br_misspre_rate = op.get_br_mispre_rate(list_of_functions, dict_of_attributes, list_of_events_recorded)
    resource_stall = op.get_resource_stall_rate(list_of_functions, dict_of_attributes, list_of_events_recorded)
    l2_miss_rate = op.get_L2_miss_rate(list_of_functions, dict_of_attributes, list_of_events_recorded)
    l1d_repl_rate = op.get_L1D_repl_rate(list_of_functions, dict_of_attributes, list_of_events_recorded)
    memory_bandwidth = op.get_memory_bandwidth(list_of_functions, dict_of_attributes, list_of_events_recorded)
    for name, perc_time in dict_of_function_perc_time.iteritems():
        total_processing_time = total_processing_time + perc_time * total_time /1000 /100   #in seconds

    #printing reports
    if print_result == True:
        print datetime.datetime.now().date(),
        print datetime.datetime.now().time(),
        print 'Report:'
        print cmd_time
        print cmd_operf
        print cmd_opreport
        print 'oprofile sample directory: ' + sample_data_destination
        print cmd_annotate

        print '=' * 100
        print commit_key,
        print 'operf ' + '-d ' + sample_data_destination + ' ' + operf_events + ' '+ program_to_execute
        print 'The program took {0:.4} ms in total. {1:.4} ms per sample/reset pair.'.format(total_time, total_time/repeat)
        print 'Of which the processing functions took in total {0:.4} ms to run.'.format(total_processing_time)
        print 'Image size {0:d} ({1:d} * {2:d}) pixels.'.format(width * height, height, width), 
        print op.get_bytes(image_size)
        print 'Statistics collected for '+str(repeat)+' iterations'
        print 'Bandwidth:'
        print '\t' + 'Total: {0:.4} MB/s'.format(op.get_bytes(image_size * 2 * repeat/total_processing_time) )   #2 because of sample and reset
        for function in list_of_functions:
            index = list_of_functions.index(function)
            print '\t' +  function +':' + '{0}'.format(op.get_bytes((bandwidth[index])))   + '/s'             
        print 'LLC misses per instruction:'
        for function in list_of_functions:
            index = list_of_functions.index(function)
            print '\t' +  function +':' + '{0:.2%}'.format(llc_misses_per_instruction[index]) 
        print 'Cycle per instruction (CPI):'
        for function in list_of_functions:
            index = list_of_functions.index(function)
            print '\t' +  function +':' + '{0:.2}'.format(CPI[index]) 
        print 'Processing time (ms) for each call:'
        for function in list_of_functions:
            index = list_of_functions.index(function)
            print '\t' +  function +':' + '{0}'.format(int(function_time[index]))  
        if len(l1d_miss_rate) != 0:
            print 'L1D misses percentage:'
            for function in list_of_functions:
                index = list_of_functions.index(function)
                print '\t' +  function +':' + '{0:.2%}'.format(l1d_miss_rate[index]) 
        if len(l1d_repl_rate) != 0:
            print 'L1D replacement rate:'
            for function in list_of_functions:
                index = list_of_functions.index(function)
                print '\t' +  function +':' + '{0:.2%}'.format(l1d_repl_rate[index]) 
        if len(l2_miss_rate) != 0:
            print 'L2 misses percentage:'
            for function in list_of_functions:
                index = list_of_functions.index(function)
                print '\t' +  function +':' + '{0:.2%}'.format(l2_miss_rate[index]) 
        if len(DTLB_miss_rate) != 0:
            print 'DTLB miss per instruction:'
            for function in list_of_functions:
                index = list_of_functions.index(function)
                print '\t' +  function +':' + '{0:.2}'.format(DTLB_miss_rate[index]) 
        if len(LLC_miss_rate) != 0:
            print 'LLC miss rate:'
            for function in list_of_functions:
                index = list_of_functions.index(function)
                print '\t' +  function +':' + '{0:.2%}'.format(LLC_miss_rate[index]) 
        if len(br_misspre_rate) != 0:     
            print 'Branch misprediction percentage:'
            for function in list_of_functions:
                index = list_of_functions.index(function)
                print '\t' +  function +':' + '{0:.2%}'.format(br_misspre_rate[index]) 
        if len(resource_stall) != 0:
            print 'Resource stall cycle percentage:'
            for function in list_of_functions:
                index = list_of_functions.index(function)
                print '\t' +  function +':' + '{0:.2%}'.format(resource_stall[index]) 
        if len(memory_bandwidth) != 0:
            print 'Memory Bandwidth'
            for function in list_of_functions:
                index = list_of_functions.index(function)
                print '\t' +  function +':' + op.get_bytes(memory_bandwidth[index]) 
        print '=' * 100
    return image_size * 2 * repeat/total_processing_time
Example #3
def run_the_function(print_result, height, width, repeat, text_file_name,
    path_name = "./data/KnifeQuadBPos1_2_21_int16.h5"
    top_level_data_set_name = "KnifeQuadBPos1/"
    host_name = socket.gethostname()
    #Program to execute
    debug_version = './Debug/cppProcessing2.0 '
    profile_version = './Profiling/cppProcessing2.0 '
    parallel_debug = './parallel_debug/cppProcessing2.0 '
    parallel_profile = './parallel_profile/cppProcessing2.0 '

    cmdl_arg = '1 ' + str(width) + ' ' + str(height) + ' ' + str(
        repeat) + ' ' + text_file_name + ' ' + str(grain_size) + ' 1'
    program_to_execute = parallel_profile + cmdl_arg

    #events to monitor
    event1 = op.oprofile_events('CPU_CLK_UNHALTED', '0x00', 100000000)
    event2 = op.oprofile_events('INST_RETIRED', '0x00', 60000000)
    #cache misses
    event3 = op.oprofile_events('LLC_MISSES', '0x41',
                                60000)  #divide by LLC_REFS
    #     event4 = op.oprofile_events('l2_lines_in','0x07',1000000)       #100000

    #     event5 = op.oprofile_events('br_inst_retired', '0x01', 400000)    #total branch instructions retired
    #     event6 = op.oprofile_events('br_misp_retired', '0x01', 400000)    #total mispredicted branches. Divide by br_inst_retired

    event6 = op.oprofile_events('mem_trans_retired', '0x02', 2000000)
    #     event7 = op.oprofile_events('uops_retired', 'stall_cycles',2000000)        #no of stall cycles. Divide by cpu cycles
    #     event8 = op.oprofile_events('dtlb_load_misses', '0x01',2000000)
    # #    event8 = op.oprofile_events('dtlb_load_misses', '0x81',1000)   #Ivy Bridge
    #     event9 = op.oprofile_events('LLC_REFS', '0x4f',6000)
    #     event10 = op.oprofile_events('l1d_pend_miss', 'pending',2000000)        #cycles of l1d misses outstanding. Divide by CPU cycles
    #     event11 = op.oprofile_events('resource_stalls', '0x01',2000000)        #no of stall cycles/divide by number of instructions
    #     event12 = op.oprofile_events('l1d', '0x01',2000000)        #cycles of l1d misses outstanding. Divide by CPU cycles

    list_of_events = [event1, event2, event3, event6
                      ]  #, event7, event8, event9, event10, event11, event12]
    #variable initialisation
    dict_of_attributes = {}
    total_time = 0.0
    dict_of_function_perc_time = {}
    list_of_events_recorded = []
    image_size = width * height * 2  #memory size
    total_processing_time = 0.0

    operf_events = op.get_operf_option(list_of_events)

    result_directory = './oprof_reports/' + host_name + '/'
    report_destination = result_directory + 'profile_report.txt'
    sample_data_destination = result_directory + 'oprof_data/'

    #commandline options
    cmd_git = 'git rev-parse HEAD > ' + report_destination
    cmd_time = '(/usr/bin/time -v ' + program_to_execute + ') &>> ' + report_destination
    cmd_operf = 'operf ' + '-d ' + sample_data_destination + ' ' + operf_events + ' ' + program_to_execute
    cmd_opreport = 'opreport --symbols --session-dir=' + sample_data_destination + ' >> ' + report_destination
    cmd_mkdir = 'mkdir -p ' + sample_data_destination
    cmd_annotate = 'opannotate -s --output-dir=' + result_directory + 'annotated/ ' + '--session-dir=' + sample_data_destination + ' ' + program_to_execute


    f = open(report_destination, 'r')
    list_of_functions = op.get_function_list(f)
    for function_name in list_of_functions:
        dict_of_function_perc_time[function_name] = 0
        dict_of_attributes[function_name] = [
            0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
            0, 0

    f = open(report_destination, 'r')
    s = f.readline()
    commit_key = s
    while s != '':
        if 'Counted' in s:
            for event in list_of_events:
                if (event.event_name + ' events') in s:
        if 'Elapsed (wall clock) time ' in s:
            total_time = op.parse_time(s)
        for function_name in list_of_functions:
            if function_name in s:
                delimited = s.split(' ')
                parsed = [item for item in delimited if item != '']
                attributes = []
                dict_of_function_perc_time[function_name] = float(
                    parsed[1]) + dict_of_function_perc_time[function_name]
                for index in xrange(
                            )):  # manually add the percentage clock cycles
                        float(parsed[index * 2]) +
                dict_of_attributes[function_name] = attributes
        s = f.readline()

    llc_misses_per_instruction = op.get_llc_misses(list_of_functions,
    CPI = op.get_CPI(list_of_functions, dict_of_attributes,
    bandwidth = op.get_bandwidth(list_of_functions, dict_of_function_perc_time,
                                 total_time, image_size, repeat)
    function_time = op.get_time(list_of_functions, dict_of_function_perc_time,
                                total_time, repeat)
    l1d_miss_rate = op.get_L1D_miss_rate(list_of_functions, dict_of_attributes,
    DTLB_miss_rate = op.get_DTLB_miss_rate(list_of_functions,
    LLC_miss_rate = op.get_LLC_miss_rate(list_of_functions, dict_of_attributes,
    br_misspre_rate = op.get_br_mispre_rate(list_of_functions,
    resource_stall = op.get_resource_stall_rate(list_of_functions,
    l2_miss_rate = op.get_L2_miss_rate(list_of_functions, dict_of_attributes,
    l1d_repl_rate = op.get_L1D_repl_rate(list_of_functions, dict_of_attributes,
    memory_bandwidth = op.get_memory_bandwidth(list_of_functions,

    for name, perc_time in dict_of_function_perc_time.iteritems():
        total_processing_time = total_processing_time + perc_time * total_time / 1000 / 100  #in seconds

    #printing reports
    if print_result == True:
        print datetime.datetime.now().date(),
        print datetime.datetime.now().time(),
        print 'Report:'
        print cmd_time
        print cmd_operf
        print cmd_opreport
        print 'oprofile sample directory: ' + sample_data_destination
        print cmd_annotate

        print '=' * 100
        print commit_key,
        print 'operf ' + '-d ' + sample_data_destination + ' ' + operf_events + ' ' + program_to_execute
        print 'The program took {0:.4} ms in total. {1:.4} ms per sample/reset pair.'.format(
            total_time, total_time / repeat)
        print 'Of which the processing functions took in total {0:.4} ms to run.'.format(
        print 'Image size {0:d} ({1:d} * {2:d}) pixels.'.format(
            width * height, height, width),
        print op.get_bytes(image_size)
        print 'Statistics collected for ' + str(repeat) + ' iterations'

        print 'Bandwidth:'
        print '\t' + 'Total: {0:.4} MB/s'.format(
                image_size * 2 * repeat /
                total_processing_time))  #2 because of sample and reset
        for function in list_of_functions:
            index = list_of_functions.index(function)
            print '\t' + function + ':' + '{0}'.format(
                op.get_bytes((bandwidth[index]))) + '/s'
        print 'LLC misses per instruction:'
        for function in list_of_functions:
            index = list_of_functions.index(function)
            print '\t' + function + ':' + '{0:.2%}'.format(

        print 'Cycle per instruction (CPI):'
        for function in list_of_functions:
            index = list_of_functions.index(function)
            print '\t' + function + ':' + '{0:.2}'.format(CPI[index])

        print 'Processing time (ms) for each call:'
        for function in list_of_functions:
            index = list_of_functions.index(function)
            print '\t' + function + ':' + '{0}'.format(

        if len(l1d_miss_rate) != 0:
            print 'L1D misses percentage:'
            for function in list_of_functions:
                index = list_of_functions.index(function)
                print '\t' + function + ':' + '{0:.2%}'.format(

        if len(l1d_repl_rate) != 0:
            print 'L1D replacement rate:'
            for function in list_of_functions:
                index = list_of_functions.index(function)
                print '\t' + function + ':' + '{0:.2%}'.format(

        if len(l2_miss_rate) != 0:
            print 'L2 misses percentage:'
            for function in list_of_functions:
                index = list_of_functions.index(function)
                print '\t' + function + ':' + '{0:.2%}'.format(

        if len(DTLB_miss_rate) != 0:
            print 'DTLB miss per instruction:'
            for function in list_of_functions:
                index = list_of_functions.index(function)
                print '\t' + function + ':' + '{0:.2}'.format(

        if len(LLC_miss_rate) != 0:
            print 'LLC miss rate:'
            for function in list_of_functions:
                index = list_of_functions.index(function)
                print '\t' + function + ':' + '{0:.2%}'.format(

        if len(br_misspre_rate) != 0:
            print 'Branch misprediction percentage:'
            for function in list_of_functions:
                index = list_of_functions.index(function)
                print '\t' + function + ':' + '{0:.2%}'.format(

        if len(resource_stall) != 0:
            print 'Resource stall cycle percentage:'
            for function in list_of_functions:
                index = list_of_functions.index(function)
                print '\t' + function + ':' + '{0:.2%}'.format(

        if len(memory_bandwidth) != 0:
            print 'Memory Bandwidth'
            for function in list_of_functions:
                index = list_of_functions.index(function)
                print '\t' + function + ':' + op.get_bytes(

        print '=' * 100
    return image_size * 2 * repeat / total_processing_time