Example #1
def test_detect_zeroes_disabled(nbd_env, format):
    vol = create_volume(nbd_env, format, "sparse")

    config = {
        "sd_id": vol.sdUUID,
        "img_id": vol.imgUUID,
        "vol_id": vol.volUUID,

    with nbd_server(config) as nbd_url:
        # Fill image with zeroes.
        with nbd_client.open(urlparse(nbd_url)) as c:
            c.write(0 * MiB, b"\0" * nbd_env.virtual_size)
            extents = c.extents(0, nbd_env.virtual_size)

    image_info = qemuimg.info(vol.volumePath)
    if format == "raw":
        assert image_info["actual-size"] == nbd_env.virtual_size
        assert image_info["actual-size"] >= nbd_env.virtual_size

    log.debug("image extents: %s", extents)

    # Entire image should be data extent.
    base_alloc = [(e.length, e.zero) for e in extents["base:allocation"]]
    assert base_alloc == [(nbd_env.virtual_size, False)]

    if format != "raw":
        # Entire image should be allocated.
        alloc_depth = [(e.length, e.hole)
                       for e in extents["qemu:allocation-depth"]]
        assert alloc_depth == [(nbd_env.virtual_size, False)]
Example #2
def test_base_allocation_some_data(nbd_server, user_file, fmt, zero_flags):
    size = 1024**3
    create_image(user_file.path, fmt, size)

    nbd_server.image = user_file.path
    nbd_server.fmt = fmt

    # Use qcow2 cluster size to avoid inconsistent results on CentOS and
    # Fedora.
    data_length = 64 * 1024
    zero_length = size // 2 - data_length

    with nbd.open(nbd_server.url) as c:
        # Create 4 extents: data, zero, data, zero.
        c.write(0, b"x" * data_length)
        c.write(size // 2, b"x" * data_length)

        extents = list(nbdutil.extents(c))

    assert extents == [
        nbd.Extent(length=data_length, flags=0),
        nbd.Extent(length=zero_length, flags=zero_flags),
        nbd.Extent(length=data_length, flags=0),
        nbd.Extent(length=zero_length, flags=zero_flags),
Example #3
def test_base_allocation_many_extents(nbd_server, user_file):
    # Tested only with raw since qcow2 minimal extent is cluster size (64K),
    # and writing 1000 extents (62.5 MiB) will be too slow in the CI.

    # Extents must be multiple of file system block size.
    extent_length = os.statvfs(user_file.path).f_bsize

    # Use number which is not a multiple of our buffer capacity (1024 extents)
    # to ensure we read partial buffers correctly.
    extents_count = 2000

    size = extents_count * extent_length
    create_image(user_file.path, "raw", size)

    nbd_server.image = user_file.path
    nbd_server.fmt = "raw"

    with nbd.open(nbd_server.url) as c:
        # Write data to all even extents.
        data = b"x" * extent_length
        for i in range(0, size, extent_length * 2):
            c.write(i, data)

        extents = list(nbdutil.extents(c))

    assert len(extents) == extents_count

    for i, ext in enumerate(extents):
        assert ext.length == extent_length
        assert ext.zero == bool(i % 2)
Example #4
def copy_disk(nbd_url, backup_disk):
    log.info("Backing up data extents from %s to %s", nbd_url, backup_disk)
    backup_url = urlparse(nbd_url)

    with nbd.open(backup_url) as src_client, \
            qemu_nbd.open(backup_disk, "qcow2") as dst_client:
        nbdutil.copy(src_client, dst_client)
Example #5
def test_open_tcp(tmpdir, url_template, host, export):
    image = str(tmpdir.join("image"))
    with open(image, "wb") as f:

    sock = nbd.TCPAddress(host, testutil.random_tcp_port())
    url = url_template.format(port=sock.port)

    log.debug("Trying url=%r export=%r", url, export)
    with qemu_nbd.run(image, "raw", sock, export_name=export):
        with nbd.open(urlparse(url)) as c:
            assert c.export_size == 1024**3
Example #6
def test_open_unix(tmpdir, url, export):
    image = str(tmpdir.join("image"))
    with open(image, "wb") as f:

    sock = nbd.UnixAddress(tmpdir.join("sock"))
    url = url.replace("/path", sock)

    log.debug("Trying url=%r export=%r", url, export)
    with qemu_nbd.run(image, "raw", sock, export_name=export):
        with nbd.open(urlparse(url)) as c:
            assert c.export_size == 1024**3
Example #7
def test_raw_readinto(nbd_server):
    offset = 1024**2
    data = b"can read from raw"

    with io.open(nbd_server.image, "wb") as f:
        f.truncate(2 * 1024**2)


    with nbd.open(nbd_server.url) as c:
        buf = bytearray(len(data))
        c.readinto(offset, buf)
        assert buf == data
Example #8
def test_allocation_depth(nbd_env, format, backing_chain):
    # Check that qemu-nbd exposes the "qemu:allocation-depth" meta
    # context for qcow2 format.
    vol = create_volume(nbd_env, format, "sparse")
    config = {
        "sd_id": vol.sdUUID,
        "img_id": vol.imgUUID,
        "vol_id": vol.volUUID,
        "readonly": True,
        "backing_chain": backing_chain,
    with nbd_server(config) as nbd_url:
        with nbd_client.open(urlparse(nbd_url)) as c:
            extents = c.extents(0, nbd_env.virtual_size)
            log.debug("extents: %s", extents)
            assert ("qemu:allocation-depth" in extents) == (format != "raw")
Example #9
def test_extents_reply_error(nbd_server, user_file):
    The server SHOULD return NBD_EINVAL if it receives a NBD_CMD_BLOCK_STATUS
    request including one or more sectors beyond the size of the device.
    size = 1024**2
    create_image(user_file.path, "raw", size)

    nbd_server.image = user_file.path
    nbd_server.fmt = "raw"

    with nbd.open(nbd_server.url) as c:
        with pytest.raises(nbd.ReplyError) as e:
            c.extents(0, size + 1)

        # Server should return this, qemu does.
        assert e.value.code == errno.EINVAL

        # The next request should succeed.
        assert c.read(4096, 1) == b"\0"
Example #10
def test_detect_zeroes_discard(nbd_env, format):
    vol = create_volume(nbd_env, format, "sparse")

    config = {
        "sd_id": vol.sdUUID,
        "img_id": vol.imgUUID,
        "vol_id": vol.volUUID,
        "discard": True,
        "detect_zeroes": True,

    with nbd_server(config) as nbd_url:
        # Fill image with zeroes. The writes should be converted to write
        # zeroes command.
        with nbd_client.open(urlparse(nbd_url)) as c:
            c.write(0 * MiB, b"\0" * nbd_env.virtual_size)
            extents = c.extents(0, nbd_env.virtual_size)

    image_info = qemuimg.info(vol.volumePath)
    if format == "raw":
        assert image_info["actual-size"] == 0
        # Image contains only metadata.
        assert image_info["actual-size"] <= MiB

    log.debug("image extents: %s", extents)

    # Entire image should be zero extent. For qcow2 image, qemu-nbd writes zero
    # clusters. For raw image, qemu-nbd deallocates the entire image.
    base_alloc = [(e.length, e.zero) for e in extents["base:allocation"]]
    assert base_alloc == [(nbd_env.virtual_size, True)]

    if format != "raw":
        # Entire image should be allocated. For qcow2 image, zero
        # clusters are always allocated.
        alloc_depth = [(e.length, e.hole)
                       for e in extents["qemu:allocation-depth"]]
        assert alloc_depth == [(nbd_env.virtual_size, False)]
Example #11
def copy_dirty(nbd_url, backup_disk):
    log.info("Backing up dirty extents from %s to %s", nbd_url, backup_disk)
    backup_url = urlparse(nbd_url)

    with nbd.open(backup_url, dirty=True) as src_client, \
            qemu_nbd.open(backup_disk, "qcow2") as dst_client:

        buf = bytearray(4 * 1024**2)

        offset = 0
        for ext in nbdutil.extents(src_client, dirty=True):
            if ext.dirty:
                todo = ext.length
                while todo:
                    step = min(todo, len(buf))
                    view = memoryview(buf)[:step]
                    src_client.readinto(offset, view)
                    dst_client.write(offset, view)
                    offset += step
                    todo -= step
                offset += ext.length
Example #12
def test_base_allocation_full(nbd_server, user_file, fmt):
    size = 1024**2
    create_image(user_file.path, fmt, size)

    nbd_server.image = user_file.path
    nbd_server.fmt = fmt

    with nbd.open(nbd_server.url) as c:
        c.write(0, b"x" * size)

        # Entire image.
        extents = c.extents(0, size)["base:allocation"]
        assert extents == [nbd.Extent(length=size, flags=0)]

        # First block.
        extents = c.extents(0, 4096)["base:allocation"]
        assert extents == [nbd.Extent(length=4096, flags=0)]

        # Last block.
        extents = c.extents(size - 4096, 4096)["base:allocation"]
        assert extents == [nbd.Extent(length=4096, flags=0)]

        # Some block.
        extents = c.extents(4096, 4096)["base:allocation"]
        assert extents == [nbd.Extent(length=4096, flags=0)]

        # Unaligned start.
        extents = c.extents(4096 - 1, 4096 + 1)["base:allocation"]
        assert extents == [nbd.Extent(length=4096 + 1, flags=0)]

        # Unaligned end.
        extents = c.extents(4096, 4096 + 1)["base:allocation"]
        assert extents == [nbd.Extent(length=4096 + 1, flags=0)]

        # Unaligned start and end.
        extents = c.extents(4096 - 1, 4096 + 2)["base:allocation"]
        assert extents == [nbd.Extent(length=4096 + 2, flags=0)]
Example #13
def test_detect_zeroes_no_discard(nbd_env, format):
    vol = create_volume(nbd_env, format, "sparse")

    config = {
        "sd_id": vol.sdUUID,
        "img_id": vol.imgUUID,
        "vol_id": vol.volUUID,
        "discard": False,
        "detect_zeroes": True,

    with nbd_server(config) as nbd_url:
        # Fill image with zeroes. The writes should be converted to write
        # zeroes command.
        with nbd_client.open(urlparse(nbd_url)) as c:
            c.write(0 * MiB, b"\0" * nbd_env.virtual_size)
            extents = c.extents(0, nbd_env.virtual_size)

    # For qcow2 format, in qemu-nd < 6.2 actual zeroes written to image.
    # In 6.2 zeroes seem to be converted to zero clusters. Since the
    # behavior is not consistent we don't have easy way to verify.
    if format == "raw":
        image_info = qemuimg.info(vol.volumePath)
        assert image_info["actual-size"] == nbd_env.virtual_size

    log.debug("image extents: %s", extents)

    # Entire image should be zero extent.
    base_alloc = [(e.length, e.zero) for e in extents["base:allocation"]]
    assert base_alloc == [(nbd_env.virtual_size, True)]

    if format != "raw":
        # qemu-nbd allocated entire image in both cases.
        alloc_depth = [(e.length, e.hole)
                       for e in extents["qemu:allocation-depth"]]
        assert alloc_depth == [(nbd_env.virtual_size, False)]
Example #14
def test_base_allocation_empty(nbd_server, user_file, fmt, hole_flags):
    size = 1024**3
    create_image(user_file.path, fmt, size)

    nbd_server.image = user_file.path
    nbd_server.fmt = fmt

    with nbd.open(nbd_server.url) as c:
        # Entire image.
        extents = list(nbdutil.extents(c))
        assert extents == [nbd.Extent(length=size, flags=hole_flags)]

        # First block.
        extents = list(nbdutil.extents(c, length=4096))
        assert extents == [nbd.Extent(length=4096, flags=hole_flags)]

        # Last block.
        extents = list(nbdutil.extents(c, offset=size - 4096, length=4096))
        assert extents == [nbd.Extent(length=4096, flags=hole_flags)]

        # Some block.
        extents = list(nbdutil.extents(c, offset=4096, length=4096))
        assert extents == [nbd.Extent(length=4096, flags=hole_flags)]

        # Unaligned start.
        extents = list(nbdutil.extents(c, offset=4096 - 1, length=4096 + 1))
        assert extents == [nbd.Extent(length=4096 + 1, flags=hole_flags)]

        # Unaligned end.
        extents = list(nbdutil.extents(c, offset=4096, length=4096 + 1))
        assert extents == [nbd.Extent(length=4096 + 1, flags=hole_flags)]

        # Unaligned start and end.
        extents = list(nbdutil.extents(c, offset=4096 - 1, length=4096 + 2))
        assert extents == [nbd.Extent(length=4096 + 2, flags=hole_flags)]
Example #15
def test_base_allocation_some_data_unaligned(nbd_server, user_file, fmt,
    size = 1024**2
    create_image(user_file.path, fmt, size)

    nbd_server.image = user_file.path
    nbd_server.fmt = fmt

    data_length = 64 * 1024
    data_offset = 2 * data_length

    with nbd.open(nbd_server.url) as c:
        # Create 3 extents: zero, data, zero.
        c.write(data_offset, b"x" * data_length)

        # Unaligned part from first extent and last extent.
        extents = list(nbdutil.extents(c, data_offset - 1, data_length + 2))
        assert extents == [
            nbd.Extent(length=1, flags=zero_flags),
            nbd.Extent(length=data_length, flags=0),
            nbd.Extent(length=1, flags=zero_flags),

        # Unaligned part from second extent.
        extents = list(nbdutil.extents(c, data_offset + 1, data_length - 2))
        assert extents == [
            nbd.Extent(length=data_length - 2, flags=0),

        # Unaligned part from second and last extents.
        extents = list(nbdutil.extents(c, data_offset + 1, data_length))
        assert extents == [
            nbd.Extent(length=data_length - 1, flags=0),
            nbd.Extent(length=1, flags=zero_flags),
Example #16
def test_base_allocation_empty(nbd_server, user_file, fmt, zero_flags):
    size = nbd.MAX_LENGTH
    create_image(user_file.path, fmt, size)

    nbd_server.image = user_file.path
    nbd_server.fmt = fmt

    with nbd.open(nbd_server.url) as c:
        # Entire image.
        extents = c.extents(0, size)["base:allocation"]
        assert extents == [nbd.Extent(length=size, flags=zero_flags)]

        # First block.
        extents = c.extents(0, 4096)["base:allocation"]
        assert extents == [nbd.Extent(length=4096, flags=zero_flags)]

        # Last block.
        extents = c.extents(size - 4096, 4096)["base:allocation"]
        assert extents == [nbd.Extent(length=4096, flags=zero_flags)]

        # Some block.
        extents = c.extents(4096, 4096)["base:allocation"]
        assert extents == [nbd.Extent(length=4096, flags=zero_flags)]

        # Unaligned start.
        extents = c.extents(4096 - 1, 4096 + 1)["base:allocation"]
        assert extents == [nbd.Extent(length=4096 + 1, flags=zero_flags)]

        # Unaligned end.
        extents = c.extents(4096, 4096 + 1)["base:allocation"]
        assert extents == [nbd.Extent(length=4096 + 1, flags=zero_flags)]

        # Unaligned start and end.
        extents = c.extents(4096 - 1, 4096 + 2)["base:allocation"]
        assert extents == [nbd.Extent(length=4096 + 2, flags=zero_flags)]
Example #17
def test_bitmap_backing_chain(nbd_env):
    vol1 = create_volume(nbd_env, "raw", "sparse")

    # Write first cluster to vol1 - this cluster is not recorded in any bitmap.
                         offset=1 * MiB,
                         len=64 * KiB,

    # Simulate a snapshot - bitmap1 is created empty in vol2.
    vol2 = create_volume(nbd_env, "qcow2", "sparse", parent=vol1)
    bitmap1 = str(uuid.uuid4())
    qemuimg.bitmap_add(vol2.volumePath, bitmap1).run()

    # Write second cluster in vol2 - this cluster is recorded only in bitmap 1.
                         offset=2 * MiB,
                         len=64 * KiB,

    # Simulate another snapshot - bitmap1 is created empty in vol3.
    vol3 = create_volume(nbd_env, "qcow2", "sparse", parent=vol2)
    qemuimg.bitmap_add(vol3.volumePath, bitmap1).run()

    # Simulate backup - bitmap 2 is created in vol3.
    bitmap2 = str(uuid.uuid4())
    qemuimg.bitmap_add(vol3.volumePath, bitmap2).run()

    # Write third cluster in vol3. This cluster is recorded in both bitmaps.
                         offset=3 * MiB,
                         len=64 * KiB,

    # Test bitmap 1 - recording changes since bitmap 1 was added.

    config = {
        "sd_id": vol3.sdUUID,
        "img_id": vol3.imgUUID,
        "vol_id": vol3.volUUID,
        "readonly": True,
        "bitmap": bitmap1,

    with nbd_server(config) as nbd_url:
        with nbd_client.open(urlparse(nbd_url), dirty=True) as c:
            extents = c.extents(0, nbd_env.virtual_size)

            dirty_extents = [(e.length, e.dirty)
                             for e in extents[c.dirty_bitmap]]

            assert dirty_extents == [
                (2 * MiB, False),
                (64 * KiB, True),
                (1 * MiB - 64 * KiB, False),
                (64 * KiB, True),
                (nbd_env.virtual_size - 3 * MiB - 64 * KiB, False),

            assert c.read(1 * MiB, 64 * KiB) == b"\xf1" * 64 * KiB
            assert c.read(2 * MiB, 64 * KiB) == b"\xf2" * 64 * KiB

    # Test bitmap 2 - recording changes since bitmap 2 was added.

    config = {
        "sd_id": vol3.sdUUID,
        "img_id": vol3.imgUUID,
        "vol_id": vol3.volUUID,
        "readonly": True,
        "bitmap": bitmap2,

    with nbd_server(config) as nbd_url:
        with nbd_client.open(urlparse(nbd_url), dirty=True) as c:
            extents = c.extents(0, nbd_env.virtual_size)

            dirty_extents = [(e.length, e.dirty)
                             for e in extents[c.dirty_bitmap]]

            assert dirty_extents == [
                (3 * MiB, False),
                (64 * KiB, True),
                (nbd_env.virtual_size - 3 * MiB - 64 * KiB, False),

            assert c.read(2 * MiB, 64 * KiB) == b"\xf2" * 64 * KiB
Example #18
def test_bitmap_single_volume(nbd_env):
    vol = create_volume(nbd_env, "qcow2", "sparse")

    # Write first cluster - this cluster is not recorded in any bitmap.
                         offset=1 * MiB,
                         len=64 * KiB,

    # Add bitmap 1 and write second cluster.
    bitmap1 = str(uuid.uuid4())
    qemuimg.bitmap_add(vol.volumePath, bitmap1).run()
                         offset=2 * MiB,
                         len=64 * KiB,

    # Add bitmap 2 and write third cluster.
    bitmap2 = str(uuid.uuid4())
    qemuimg.bitmap_add(vol.volumePath, bitmap2).run()
                         offset=3 * MiB,
                         len=64 * KiB,

    # Test bitmap 1 - recording changes since bitmap 1 was added.

    config = {
        "sd_id": vol.sdUUID,
        "img_id": vol.imgUUID,
        "vol_id": vol.volUUID,
        "readonly": True,
        "bitmap": bitmap1,

    with nbd_server(config) as nbd_url:
        with nbd_client.open(urlparse(nbd_url), dirty=True) as c:
            extents = c.extents(0, nbd_env.virtual_size)

            dirty_extents = [(e.length, e.dirty)
                             for e in extents[c.dirty_bitmap]]

            assert dirty_extents == [
                (2 * MiB, False),
                (64 * KiB, True),
                (1 * MiB - 64 * KiB, False),
                (64 * KiB, True),
                (nbd_env.virtual_size - 3 * MiB - 64 * KiB, False),

            assert c.read(1 * MiB, 64 * KiB) == b"\xf1" * 64 * KiB
            assert c.read(2 * MiB, 64 * KiB) == b"\xf2" * 64 * KiB

    # Test bitmap 2 - recording changes since bitmap 2 was added.

    config = {
        "sd_id": vol.sdUUID,
        "img_id": vol.imgUUID,
        "vol_id": vol.volUUID,
        "readonly": True,
        "bitmap": bitmap2,

    with nbd_server(config) as nbd_url:
        with nbd_client.open(urlparse(nbd_url), dirty=True) as c:
            extents = c.extents(0, nbd_env.virtual_size)

            dirty_extents = [(e.length, e.dirty)
                             for e in extents[c.dirty_bitmap]]

            assert dirty_extents == [
                (3 * MiB, False),
                (64 * KiB, True),
                (nbd_env.virtual_size - 3 * MiB - 64 * KiB, False),

            assert c.read(2 * MiB, 64 * KiB) == b"\xf2" * 64 * KiB