Example #1
def flow_details(request, flow_id):
    flow_details = FlowDetails.objects.get(id=flow_id)

    result = []

    if flow_details.protocol == "http":
        http_details = filter(lambda x: x.flow_details.id == flow_details.id, HTTPDetails.objects.all())
        for http_detail in http_details:
            http_dict = dict()

            http_dict['protocol'] = 'HTTP'
            if http_detail.http_type:
                http_dict['http_type'] = http_detail.http_type
            if http_detail.method:
                http_dict['method'] = http_detail.method
            if http_detail.uri:
                http_dict['uri'] = http_detail.uri
            if http_detail.headers:
                headers = http_detail.headers
                content = headers[1:-1]
                clean_content = map(lambda x: x.replace("'", "").replace("\\r", "").strip(), content.split(","))
                human_readable_header = map(lambda x: str(x), clean_content)
                http_dict['headers'] = human_readable_header
            if http_detail.version:
                http_dict['version'] = http_detail.version
            if http_detail.reason:
                http_dict['reason'] = http_detail.reason
            if http_detail.status:
                http_dict['status'] = http_detail.status
            if http_detail.body:
                http_dict['body'] = http_detail.body
            if http_detail.content_type:
                http_dict['content_type'] = http_detail.content_type
            if http_detail.content_encoding:
                http_dict['content_encoding'] = http_detail.content_encoding
            if http_detail.file_path:
                # i don't keep the file names at the db but at the directories created according to the flow information
                flow_details = http_detail.flow_details
                src_info = ":".join([flow_details.src_ip, str(flow_details.sport)])
                dst_info = ":".join([flow_details.dst_ip, str(flow_details.dport)])
                file_dir = "-".join([src_info, dst_info])
                files = dict()
                files['path'] = os.path.join(http_detail.file_path.split('uploads')[1], file_dir)
                #files['file_list'] = os.listdir(os.path.join(http_detail.file_path, os.path.basename(files['path'])))
                #files['file_list'] = http_detail.files
                http_dict['files'] = files

                protocol_handler = settings.VIRUS_HANDLER
                package = "ovizart.modules.malware"
                module_name = ".".join([package, protocol_handler])
                virus_module = getattr(__import__(module_name, fromlist=["handler"]), "handler")
                virus_handler = virus_module.Handler()

                malware_dict = dict()
                for f in http_detail.files:
                    path = os.path.join(http_detail.file_path, file_dir, f)
                    rescan_result = virus_handler.rescan(str(path))
                    permalink = ""
                    if rescan_result and rescan_result['response_code'] == 1:
                        permalink = rescan_result['permalink']
                        scan_result = virus_handler.scan(str(path))
                        if scan_result and scan_result['response_code'] == 1:
                            report_result = virus_handler.get_report(str(path))
                            if report_result and report_result['response_code'] == 1:
                                permalink = report_result['permalink']

                    malware_dict[f] = permalink

                files['file_list'] = malware_dict


    if flow_details.protocol == "dns":
        dns_request= filter(lambda x: x.flow_details.id == flow_details.id, DNSRequest.objects.all())
        for dns_req in dns_request:
            dns_req_dict = dict()
            dns_req_dict['protocol'] = 'DNS Request'
            if dns_req.human_readable_type:
                dns_req_dict['human_readable_type'] = dns_req.human_readable_type
            if dns_req.value:
                dns_req_dict['value'] = dns_req.value


        dns_response= filter(lambda x: x.flow_details.id == flow_details.id, DNSResponse.objects.all())
        for dns_res in dns_response:
            dns_res_dict = dict()
            dns_res_dict['protocol'] = 'DNS Request'
            if dns_res.human_readable_type:
                dns_res_dict['human_readable_type'] = dns_res.human_readable_type
            if dns_res.value:
                dns_res_dict['value'] = dns_res.value


    if flow_details.protocol == "smtp":
        smtp_details= filter(lambda x: x.flow_details.id == flow_details.id, SMTPDetails.objects.all())
        for smtp_detail in smtp_details:
            smtp_dict = dict()
            smtp_dict['protocol'] = 'SMTP'
            if smtp_detail.login_data:
                smtp_dict['login_data'] = smtp_detail.login_data
            if smtp_detail.msg_from:
                smtp_dict['msg_from'] = smtp_detail.msg_from
            if smtp_detail.rcpt_to:
                smtp_dict['rcpt_to'] = smtp_detail.rcpt_to
            if smtp_detail.raw:
                smtp_dict['raw'] = smtp_detail.raw
            if smtp_detail.msgdata:
                data = smtp_detail.msgdata[1:-1]
                content = data.split(",")
                smtp_dict['msgdata'] = content
            if smtp_detail.attachment_path:
                smtp_dict['attachment_path'] = smtp_detail.attachment_path
                smtp_dict['get_path_dict'] = smtp_detail.get_path_dict()

                attachment_type  = dict()
                # detect the file type for SMTP
                for attachment in smtp_detail.attachment_path:
                    attachment_type[os.path.basename(attachment)] = get_file_type(attachment)

                protocol_handler = settings.VIRUS_HANDLER
                package = "ovizart.modules.malware"
                module_name = ".".join([package, protocol_handler])
                virus_module = getattr(__import__(module_name, fromlist=["handler"]), "handler")
                virus_handler = virus_module.Handler()

                for path in smtp_detail.attachment_path:
                    rescan_result = virus_handler.rescan(str(path))
                    permalink = ""
                    if rescan_result and rescan_result['response_code'] == 1:
                        permalink = rescan_result['permalink']
                        scan_result = virus_handler.scan(str(path))
                        if scan_result and scan_result['response_code'] == 1:
                            report_result = virus_handler.get_report(str(path))
                            if report_result and report_result['response_code'] == 1:
                                permalink = report_result['permalink']

                    base_path = os.path.basename(path)

                    for content in smtp_dict['get_path_dict']:
                        if content['file_name'] == base_path:
                            content['virus_total_link'] = permalink
                            content['file_type'] = attachment_type[base_path]


    context = dict()
    context['flow_details'] = result
    context['page_title'] = "Flow Details"
    return render_to_response("pcap/flow_details.html",
            context_instance=RequestContext(request, context))
Example #2
def upload(request):
    log = Logger("Upload form", "DEBUG")
    context = {
        'page_title': 'Upload your pcap file here',
        'upload_status': False,
        'message': request.session.get('message', False)
    if request.method == "POST":
        form = UploadPcapForm(request.POST, request.FILES)
        if form.is_valid():
            user_id = request.user.id
            context['form'] = form
            file_handler = FileHandler()
            mem_file = request.FILES['pcap_file']
            log.message("file: %s" % mem_file.name)
            context['upload_status'] = True

            #save the file name to the db
            pcap_name = mem_file.name
            upload_path = file_handler.upload_dir
            # evey pcap file is saved as a flow container, there may or may not be flows, the pcaps colon will give the flow pcaps
            hash_handler = HashHandler()
            hash_value = hash_handler.get_hash(os.path.join(upload_path, pcap_name))
            request.session['uploaded_hash'] = hash_value
            request.session['uploaded_file_name'] = pcap_name
            # send the file to the defined protocol handler so that it can detect
            protocol_handler = settings.PROTOCOL_HANDLER
            package = "ovizart.modules.traffic.detector"
            module_name = ".".join([package, protocol_handler])
            # from ovizart.modules.traffic.detector.x import handler as imported_module
            traffic_detector_module = getattr(__import__(module_name, fromlist=["handler"]), "handler")
            traffic_detector_handler = traffic_detector_module.Handler()
            traffic_detector_handler.create_reassemble_information(file_handler.file_path, upload_path)
            output = traffic_detector_handler.detect_proto(file_handler.file_path, upload_path)

            if output == False:
                request.session['message'] = "Error occured. Please try again."
                return redirect('/pcap/upload')

            file_type = get_file_type(file_handler.file_path)
            file_size = get_file_size(file_handler.file_path)
            flow_file, created = Flow.objects.get_or_create(user_id=user_id, hash_value=hash_value,file_name=pcap_name,
                                                            path=upload_path, upload_time=datetime.datetime.now(),
                                                            file_type=file_type, file_size=file_size)

            if "tcp" in output:
                log.message("protocol detected: %s" % "TCP")
                # run tcp flow extractor
                p_read_handler = PcapHandler()

                f_handler = FlowHandler(p_read_handler)
                flow, direction = f_handler.get_tcp_flows()

                p_write_handler = PcapHandler()
                files = f_handler.save_flow(flow, p_write_handler, save_path=upload_path)

                # save the flow pcap names to the mongo db
                pcap_list = map(lambda x: Pcap.objects.create(hash_value=hash_handler.get_hash(os.path.join(upload_path, x)), file_name=x, path=upload_path), files.values()[0])
                if flow_file.pcaps:
                    pre_li = flow_file.pcaps
                    flow_file.pcaps = pre_li
                    flow_file.pcaps = pcap_list

                # now i should hook a protocol detector
                # before that i should detect the application level protocol
                for f in files.values()[0]:
                    packets  = []
                    # better to save tcp level information to db here
                    full_path = os.path.join(upload_path, f)
                    pcap = p_read_handler.get_pcap()
                    # the list that will keep the tcp part of the packet
                    tcp_list = []
                    for ts, buf in pcap:
                        tcp_handler = TcpHandler()
                        tcp = tcp_handler.read_tcp(ts, buf)
                        # this list will be used at the layers above tcp
                        if tcp:
                            tcp_list.append((tcp, tcp_handler.ident))
                        else: continue
                        tcp_data = u"."
                        if tcp_handler.data:
                            tcp_data = tcp_handler.data
                            # some requests include hexadecimal info, most probably some binary info that can not be
                            # converted to the utf8, for now i better remove them, #TODO should handle them, though
                            # try with 4, tcp.data has binary request
                            # def get_tcp(n):
                            #    count = 1
                            #    f = file("milliyet.pcap", "rb")
                            #    reader = dpkt.pcap.Reader(f)
                            #    for ts, buf in reader:
                            #        if count == n:
                            #            f.close()
                            #            return buf
                            #        count += 1

                            data_li = tcp_data.split("\r\n")
                            tmp = []
                            for data in data_li:
                                    tmp.append("data that can not be encoded to utf-8")

                            tcp_data = " \n".join(tmp)

                        packet = PacketDetails.objects.create(ident=tcp_handler.ident, flow_hash=hash_value, timestamp=tcp_handler.timestamp,
                                                                length=tcp_handler.length, protocol=tcp_handler.proto,
                                                                dst_ip=tcp_handler.dst_ip, sport=tcp_handler.sport,
                                                                dport=tcp_handler.dport, data=str(tcp_data))
                    # get the pcap object
                    p = Pcap.objects.get(hash_value=hash_handler.get_hash(os.path.join(upload_path, f)))
                    log.message("pcap for packet update detected: %s" % p)
                    # update its packets
                    p.packets = list(packets) # converting a queryset to list

            if "udp" in output:
                log.message("protocol detected: %s" % "UDP")
                p_read_handler = PcapHandler()
                file_path = os.path.join(upload_path, pcap_name)
                udp_handler = UDPHandler()
                pcap = Pcap.objects.create(hash_value=hash_handler.get_hash(os.path.join(upload_path, pcap_name)), file_name=pcap_name, path=upload_path)
                pcap_list = list([pcap])
                if flow_file.pcaps:
                    pre_li = flow_file.pcaps
                    flow_file.pcaps = pre_li
                    flow_file.pcaps = pcap_list

                packets  = []
                for ts, buf in p_read_handler.get_reader():
                    udp = udp_handler.read_udp(ts, buf)
                    if udp:
                        udp_data = u"."
                        if udp_handler.data:
                            udp_data = udp_handler.data
                                udp_data = udp_data.encode("utf-8")
                                udp_data = "data that can not be encoded to utf-8"
                        packet = PacketDetails.objects.create(ident=udp_handler.ident, flow_hash=hash_value, timestamp=udp_handler.timestamp,
                                                            length = udp_handler.length,
                                                            protocol=udp_handler.proto, src_ip=udp_handler.src_ip,
                                                            dst_ip=udp_handler.dst_ip, sport=udp_handler.sport,
                                                            dport=udp_handler.dport, data=str(udp_data))
                        # get the pcap object
                p = Pcap.objects.get(hash_value=hash_handler.get_hash(os.path.join(upload_path, pcap_name)))
                # update its packets
                p.packets = list(packets) # converting a queryset to list

            # starting the bro related issues for the reassembled data
            output = traffic_detector_handler.detect_appproto(file_handler.file_path, upload_path)
            log.message("protocol detected: %s" % output)
            if output and "http" in output:
                log.message("protocol detected: %s" % "HTTP")
                # save the reassembled http session IPs to FlowDetails

                # this part is checking the http handler module name and importing the handler
                http_protocol_handler = settings.HTTP_HANDLER
                package = "ovizart.modules.traffic.parser.tcp"
                module_name = ".".join([package, http_protocol_handler])
                # from ovizart.modules.traffic.parser.tcp.x import handler as imported_module
                http_handler_module = getattr(__import__(module_name, fromlist=["handler"]), "handler")
                http_handler = http_handler_module.Handler()
                # define a get_flow_ips function for the custom handler if required
                # TODO: save the timestamps of the flows
                flow_ips = http_handler.get_flow_ips(path=upload_path)
                flow_detail_li = []
                for detail in flow_ips:
                    flow_detail, create = FlowDetails.objects.get_or_create(parent_hash_value=request.session['uploaded_hash'], user_id=user_id, src_ip=detail[0], sport=int(detail[1]), dst_ip=detail[2], dport=int(detail[3]), protocol="http", timestamp = detail[4])
                if flow_file.details:
                    pre_li = flow_file.details
                    flow_file.details = pre_li
                    flow_file.details = flow_detail_li
                # then call functions that will save request and responses that will parse dat files, save the headers and files
                #http_handler.save_request(path=upload_path, hash_value=request.session['uploaded_hash'])
                #http_handler.save_response(path=upload_path, hash_value=request.session['uploaded_hash'])
                http_handler.save_request_response(path=upload_path, hash_value=request.session['uploaded_hash'])

            # dns realted issues starts here
            if output and "dns" in output:
                log.message("protocol detected: %s" % "DNS")
                dns_protocol_handler = settings.DNS_HANDLER
                package = "ovizart.modules.traffic.parser.udp"
                module_name = ".".join([package, dns_protocol_handler])
                # from ovizart.modules.traffic.parser.udp.x import handler as imported_module
                dns_handler_module = getattr(__import__(module_name, fromlist=["handler"]), "handler")
                dns_handler = dns_handler_module.Handler()
                # define a get_flow_ips function for the custom handler if required
                flow_ips = dns_handler.get_flow_ips(path=upload_path, file_name=request.session['uploaded_file_name'])
                flow_detail_li = []
                for detail in flow_ips:
                    flow_detail, create = FlowDetails.objects.get_or_create(parent_hash_value=request.session['uploaded_hash'], user_id=user_id, src_ip=detail[0], sport=int(detail[1]), dst_ip=detail[2], dport=int(detail[3]), protocol="dns", timestamp = detail[4])
                if flow_file.details:
                    pre_li = flow_file.details
                    flow_file.details = pre_li
                    flow_file.details = flow_detail_li


            if output and "smtp" in output:
                log.message("protocol detected: %s" % "SMTP")
                smtp_protocol_handler = settings.SMTP_HANDLER
                package = "ovizart.modules.traffic.parser.tcp"
                module_name = ".".join([package, smtp_protocol_handler])
                # from ovizart.modules.traffic.parser.tcp.x import handler as imported_module
                smtp_handler_module = getattr(__import__(module_name, fromlist=["handler"]), "handler")
                smtp_handler = smtp_handler_module.Handler()
                # define a get_flow_ips function for the custom handler if required
                smtp_handler.set_flow(flow_file) # i need this, to get the timestamp from a packet belongs to the flow
                flow_ips = smtp_handler.get_flow_ips(path=upload_path, file_name=request.session['uploaded_file_name'])
                flow_detail_li = []
                for detail in flow_ips:
                    flow_detail, create = FlowDetails.objects.get_or_create(parent_hash_value=request.session['uploaded_hash'], user_id=user_id, src_ip=detail[0], sport=int(detail[1]), dst_ip=detail[2], dport=int(detail[3]), protocol="smtp", timestamp = detail[4])
                if flow_file.details:
                    pre_li = flow_file.details
                    flow_file.details = pre_li
                    flow_file.details = flow_detail_li


                log.message("protocol detected: %s" % "Unknown")
                unknown_protocol_handler = settings.UNKNOWN_HANDLER
                package = "ovizart.modules.traffic.parser"
                module_name = ".".join([package, unknown_protocol_handler])
                unknown_handler_module = getattr(__import__(module_name, fromlist=["handler"]), "handler")
                unknown_handler = unknown_handler_module.Handler()
                flow_ips = unknown_handler.get_flow_ips(path=upload_path, file_name=request.session['uploaded_file_name'], parent_hash_value=request.session['uploaded_hash'], user_id=user_id)
                flow_detail_li = []
                for detail in flow_ips:
                    flow_detail, create = FlowDetails.objects.get_or_create(parent_hash_value=request.session['uploaded_hash'], user_id=user_id, src_ip=detail[0], sport=int(detail[1]), dst_ip=detail[2], dport=int(detail[3]), protocol="unknown", timestamp = detail[4])
                    if created:

                if flow_file.details:
                    pre_li = flow_file.details
                    flow_file.details = pre_li
                    flow_file.details = flow_detail_li

        form = UploadPcapForm()
        context['form'] = form

    request.session['message'] = False
    return render_to_response("pcap/upload.html",
            context_instance=RequestContext(request, context))