def _discover_nodes(cls, ip=None, node_id=None):
     # type: (Optional[str], Optional[str]) -> Dict[str, AlbaNode]
     :param ip: IP of ALBA node to retrieve
     :type ip: str
     :param node_id: ID of the ALBA node
     :type node_id: str
     :return: Dict with guid of the node mapped to the node itself
     :rtype: Dict[str, AlbaNode]
     nodes = {}
     if ip is not None:
         # List the requested node
         node = AlbaNodeController.model_volatile_node(
             node_id, AlbaNode.NODE_TYPES.ASD, ip)
         data = node.client.get_metadata()
         if data['_success'] is False and data[
                 '_error'] == 'Invalid credentials':
             raise HttpNotAcceptableException(
                 error_description='Invalid credentials')
         if data['node_id'] != node_id:
             raise HttpNotAcceptableException(
                 error_description='Unexpected node identifier. {0} vs {1}'.
                 format(data['node_id'], node_id))
         nodes[node.guid] = node
     return nodes