def loadPAC(self): searchdir = QtCore.QDir.currentPath() """alterdir = os.path.join(adapter.getHome(), ".local", "share", "Steam", "SteamApps", "common") if os.path.isdir(alterdir): searchdir = alterdir""" fName = QtGui.QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(self, "Load PAC file", searchdir,"All Files (*);;PAC Files (*.pac)")) if fName != "": self.staging = fileadding_utils.staging() try: self.statusText.setText("Loading %s" % self.staging.loadPackage(fName) except FileNotFoundError as e: self.errorbox(str(e)) self.updatePACScreen() self.statusText.setText("Ready")
def newPAC(self): self.staging = fileadding_utils.staging() self.updateStagingScreen() self.statusText.setText("Ready")
def cliUI(cmdline): sekai = fileadding_utils.staging() docompress = not cmdline.no_compress dryrun = cmdline.dry_run # staging operations if cmdline.stage: if cmdline.add: if os.path.isfile(cmdline.file): if os.path.isdir(cmdline.base_dir): relpath = os.path.relpath(cmdline.file, cmdline.base_dir) newbie = sekai.addfile(relpath, cmdline.file, compression=docompress) if newbie: print("Added new file with name: " + datastruct.adjustSeparatorForPac(relpath)) else: print("File " + datastruct.adjustSeparatorForPac(relpath) + " will be replaced") else: print("directory \"" + cmdline.add + "\" si not valid") elif os.path.isdir(cmdline.file): sekai.addDirectory(cmdline.file, compression=docompress, verbose=True, wholedir=True) else: print("file \"" + cmdline.file + "\" not found") sekai.saveEnviron() elif cmdline.merge: if os.path.isdir(cmdline.file): sekai.addDirectory(cmdline.file, compression=docompress, verbose=True, wholedir=False) else: print("directory \"" + cmdline.add + "\" si not valid") sekai.saveEnviron() elif cmdline.undo: undid = sekai.undoFile(cmdline.file) if not undid: print("Warning: command had no effect (typo in filename?)") sekai.saveEnviron() elif cmdline.remove: removed = sekai.removeFile(cmdline.file) if not removed: print("Warning: command had no effect (typo in filename?)") sekai.saveEnviron() elif cmdline.commit: sekai.commit() print("Commit completed") sekai.saveEnviron() elif cmdline.write: sekai.writeout(cmdline.file, dry_run=dryrun, debuggy=cmdline.debug) if not dryrun: sekai.clearEnviron() elif cmdline.peek: nonStaging(sekai.package, cmdline, elif cmdline.list: sekai.listInfo() elif cmdline.list_harder: sekai.listDetailed() # other operations elif cmdline.file: # targeting (initialize staging) sekai.loadPackage(cmdline.file) print("Staging environment initialized with target pacfile: " + sekai.saveEnviron() else: sekai.start_id = cmdline.offset sekai.saveEnviron() # non-staging operations elif cmdline.file is not None: pac = datastruct.pacfile() with open(cmdline.file, "rb") as binfile: pac.loadFromFile(binfile) nonStaging(pac, cmdline, cmdline.file) else: if cmdline.version: print(info.getInfoMsg())
def cliUI(cmdline): sekai = fileadding_utils.staging() docompress = not cmdline.no_compress dryrun = cmdline.dry_run # staging operations if cmdline.stage: if cmdline.add: if os.path.isfile(cmdline.file): if os.path.isdir(cmdline.base_dir): relpath = os.path.relpath(cmdline.file, cmdline.base_dir) newbie = sekai.addfile(relpath, cmdline.file, compression=docompress) if newbie: print("Added new file with name: " + datastruct.adjustSeparatorForPac(relpath)) else: print("File " + datastruct.adjustSeparatorForPac(relpath) + " will be replaced") else: print('directory "' + cmdline.add + '" si not valid') elif os.path.isdir(cmdline.file): sekai.addDirectory(cmdline.file, compression=docompress, verbose=True, wholedir=True) else: print('file "' + cmdline.file + '" not found') sekai.saveEnviron() elif cmdline.merge: if os.path.isdir(cmdline.file): sekai.addDirectory(cmdline.file, compression=docompress, verbose=True, wholedir=False) else: print('directory "' + cmdline.add + '" si not valid') sekai.saveEnviron() elif cmdline.undo: undid = sekai.undoFile(cmdline.file) if not undid: print("Warning: command had no effect (typo in filename?)") sekai.saveEnviron() elif cmdline.remove: removed = sekai.removeFile(cmdline.file) if not removed: print("Warning: command had no effect (typo in filename?)") sekai.saveEnviron() elif cmdline.commit: sekai.commit() print("Commit completed") sekai.saveEnviron() elif cmdline.write: sekai.writeout(cmdline.file, dry_run=dryrun, debuggy=cmdline.debug) if not dryrun: sekai.clearEnviron() elif cmdline.peek: nonStaging(sekai.package, cmdline, elif cmdline.list: sekai.listInfo() elif cmdline.list_harder: sekai.listDetailed() # other operations elif cmdline.file: # targeting (initialize staging) sekai.loadPackage(cmdline.file) print("Staging environment initialized with target pacfile: " + sekai.saveEnviron() else: sekai.start_id = cmdline.offset sekai.saveEnviron() # non-staging operations elif cmdline.file is not None: pac = datastruct.pacfile() with open(cmdline.file, "rb") as binfile: pac.loadFromFile(binfile) nonStaging(pac, cmdline, cmdline.file) else: if cmdline.version: print(info.getInfoMsg())