Example #1
    def parse_siteinfo(self, xml=None):
        if xml is not None:
                self._root = etree.parse(xml)
                self._root = xml

        # try:
        xml_dict = _xml_to_dict(self._root)
        self.site_name = xml_dict.get('site_name')
        self.site_codes = [
            testXMLValue(code) for code in self._findall('siteCode')
        self.elevation = xml_dict.get('elevation_m')
        self.vertical_datum = xml_dict.get('vertical_datum')
        self.site_types = [
            testXMLValue(typ) for typ in self._findall('siteType')
        self.site_properties = dict([
            (prop.attrib.get('name'), testXMLValue(prop))
            for prop in self._findall('siteProperty')
        self.altname = xml_dict.get('altname')
        self.notes = [testXMLValue(note) for note in self._findall('note')]
        # sub-objects
        tzi = self._find('timeZoneInfo')
        if tzi is not None:
            self.time_zone_info = TimeZoneInfo(tzi, self._ns)

        self.location = Location(self._find('geoLocation'), self._ns)
Example #2
    def parse_location(self,xml=None):
        if xml is not None:
                self._root = etree.parse(xml)
                self._root = xml

        # try:
        xml_dict = _xml_to_dict(self._root)
        geogs = self._findall('geogLocation')
        self.geo_coords = list()
        self.srs = list()
        for g in geogs:
            self.geo_coords.append((testXMLValue(g.find(ns(self._ns) + 'longitude')),testXMLValue(g.find(ns(self._ns) + 'latitude'))))

        locsite = self._findall('localSiteXY')
        self.local_sites = list()
        self.notes = list()
        self.projections = list()
        for ls in locsite:
            z = testXMLValue(ls.find(ns(self._ns) + 'Z'))
            if z is not None:
                self.local_sites.append((testXMLValue(ls.find(ns(self._ns) + 'X')),testXMLValue(ls.find(ns(self._ns) + 'Y')),z))
                self.local_sites.append((testXMLValue(ls.find(ns(self._ns) + 'X')),testXMLValue(ls.find(ns(self._ns) + 'Y')),'0'))

            self.notes.append([testXMLValue(note) for note in ls.findall(ns(self._ns) + 'note')])
Example #3
    def __init__(self, elem, parent, parse_remote_metadata=False):
        self.id = testXMLValue(elem.find(wfs_ns("Name")))
        self.title = testXMLValue(elem.find(wfs_ns("Title")))
        self.abstract = testXMLValue(elem.find(wfs_ns("Abstract")))
        self.keywords = extract_xml_list(elem.findall(wfs_ns("Keywords")))

        # bboxes
        self.boundingBox = None
        b = elem.find(wfs_ns("BoundingBox"))
        if b is not None:
            self.boundingBox = (
        self.boundingBoxWGS84 = None
        b = elem.find(wfs_ns("LatLongBoundingBox"))
        if b is not None:
            self.boundingBoxWGS84 = (
        # crs options
        self.crsOptions = [Crs(srs.text) for srs in elem.findall(wfs_ns("SRS"))]

        # verbs
        self.verbOptions = [op.tag for op in parent.findall(wfs_ns("Operations/*"))]
        self.verbOptions + [op.tag for op in elem.findall(wfs_ns("Operations/*")) if op.tag not in self.verbOptions]

        # others not used but needed for iContentMetadata harmonisation
        self.styles = None
        self.timepositions = None

        # MetadataURLs
        self.metadataUrls = []
        for m in elem.findall(wfs_ns("MetadataURL")):
            metadataUrl = {
                "type": testXMLValue(m.attrib["type"], attrib=True),
                "format": testXMLValue(m.find("Format")),
                "url": testXMLValue(m),

            if metadataUrl["url"] is not None and parse_remote_metadata:  # download URL
                    content = urlopen(metadataUrl["url"])
                    doc = etree.parse(content)
                    if metadataUrl["type"] is not None:
                        if metadataUrl["type"] == "FGDC":
                            metadataUrl["metadata"] = Metadata(doc)
                        if metadataUrl["type"] == "TC211":
                            metadataUrl["metadata"] = MD_Metadata(doc)
                except Exception, err:
                    metadataUrl["metadata"] = None

Example #4
File: csw.py Project: monoid/owslib
    def _invoke(self):
        # do HTTP request
        self.response = util.http_post(self.url, self.request, self.lang,

        # parse result see if it's XML
        self._exml = etree.parse(StringIO.StringIO(self.response))

        # it's XML.  Attempt to decipher whether the XML response is CSW-ish """
        valid_xpaths = [
            util.nspath_eval('ows:ExceptionReport', namespaces),
            util.nspath_eval('csw:Capabilities', namespaces),
            util.nspath_eval('csw:DescribeRecordResponse', namespaces),
            util.nspath_eval('csw:GetDomainResponse', namespaces),
            util.nspath_eval('csw:GetRecordsResponse', namespaces),
            util.nspath_eval('csw:GetRecordByIdResponse', namespaces),
            util.nspath_eval('csw:HarvestResponse', namespaces),
            util.nspath_eval('csw:TransactionResponse', namespaces)

        if self._exml.getroot().tag not in valid_xpaths:
            raise RuntimeError, 'Document is XML, but not CSW-ish'

        # check if it's an OGC Exception
        val = self._exml.find(util.nspath_eval('ows:Exception', namespaces))
        if val is not None:
            self.exceptionreport = ExceptionReport(self._exml,
            self.exceptionreport = None
Example #5
def getAttributes(shapefile, WFS_URL):
    Given a valid shapefile(WFS Featuretype as returned by getShapefiles), this function will 
    make a request for one feature from the featureType and parse out the attributes that come from
    a namespace not associated with the normal GML schema. There may be a better way to determine 
    which are shapefile dbf attributes, but this should work pretty well.
    wfs = WebFeatureService(WFS_URL, version='1.1.0')
    feature = wfs.getfeature(typename=shapefile, maxfeatures=1, propertyname=None)
    gml = etree.parse(feature)
    name_spaces = gml_root.nsmap
    attributes = []
    for namespace in name_spaces.values():
        if namespace not in ['http://www.opengis.net/wfs',
            custom_namespace = namespace
            for element in gml.iter('{'+custom_namespace+'}*'):
                if etree.QName(element).localname not in ['the_geom', 'Shape', shapefile.split(':')[1]]:
    return attributes
Example #6
    def parse_criteria(self, xml=None):
        if xml is not None:
                self._root = etree.parse(xml)
                self._root = xml

        # try:
        xml_dict = _xml_to_dict(self._root, depth=4)
        self.method_called = self._root.attrib.get('MethodCalled')
        self.location_param = xml_dict.get('location_param')
        self.variable_param = xml_dict.get('variable_param')
            self.begin_date_time = parser.parse(xml_dict['begin_date_time'])
            self.begin_date_time = None

            self.end_date_time = parser.parse(xml_dict['end_date_time'])
            self.end_date_time = None

        self.parameters = [(param.attrib.get('name'),
                           for param in self._findall('parameter')]
Example #7
    def _invoke(self):
        # do HTTP request

        if isinstance(self.request, basestring):  # GET KVP
            self.response = urlopen(self.request, timeout=self.timeout).read()
            self.request = cleanup_namespaces(self.request)
            self.request = util.xml2string(etree.tostring(self.request))

            self.response = util.http_post(self.url, self.request, self.lang, self.timeout)

        # parse result see if it's XML
        self._exml = etree.parse(StringIO.StringIO(self.response))

        # it's XML.  Attempt to decipher whether the XML response is CSW-ish """
        valid_xpaths = [
            util.nspath_eval("ows:ExceptionReport", namespaces),
            util.nspath_eval("csw:Capabilities", namespaces),
            util.nspath_eval("csw:DescribeRecordResponse", namespaces),
            util.nspath_eval("csw:GetDomainResponse", namespaces),
            util.nspath_eval("csw:GetRecordsResponse", namespaces),
            util.nspath_eval("csw:GetRecordByIdResponse", namespaces),
            util.nspath_eval("csw:HarvestResponse", namespaces),
            util.nspath_eval("csw:TransactionResponse", namespaces),

        if self._exml.getroot().tag not in valid_xpaths:
            raise RuntimeError, "Document is XML, but not CSW-ish"

        # check if it's an OGC Exception
        val = self._exml.find(util.nspath_eval("ows:Exception", namespaces))
        if val is not None:
            raise ows.ExceptionReport(self._exml, self.owscommon.namespace)
            self.exceptionreport = None
Example #8
    def _invoke(self):
        # do HTTP request
        self.response = http_post(self.url, self.request, self.lang, self.timeout)

        # parse result see if it's XML
        self._exml = etree.parse(StringIO.StringIO(self.response))

        # it's XML.  Attempt to decipher whether the XML response is CSW-ish """
        valid_xpaths = [

        if self._exml.getroot().tag not in valid_xpaths:
            raise RuntimeError, 'Document is XML, but not CSW-ish'

        # check if it's an OGC Exception
        val = self._exml.find(nsp_ows('ows:Exception'))
        if val is not None:
            raise ows.ExceptionReport(self._exml, ns.get_versioned_namespace('ows',_ows_version))
            self.exceptionreport = None
Example #9
    def _invoke(self):
        # do HTTP request
        self.response = util.http_post(self.url, self.request, self.lang, self.timeout)

        # parse result see if it's XML
        self._exml = etree.parse(StringIO.StringIO(self.response))

        # it's XML.  Attempt to decipher whether the XML response is CSW-ish """
        valid_xpaths = [
            util.nspath("ExceptionReport", namespaces["ows"]),
            util.nspath("Capabilities", namespaces["csw"]),
            util.nspath("DescribeRecordResponse", namespaces["csw"]),
            util.nspath("GetDomainResponse", namespaces["csw"]),
            util.nspath("GetRecordsResponse", namespaces["csw"]),
            util.nspath("GetRecordByIdResponse", namespaces["csw"]),
            util.nspath("HarvestResponse", namespaces["csw"]),
            util.nspath("TransactionResponse", namespaces["csw"]),

        if self._exml.getroot().tag not in valid_xpaths:
            raise RuntimeError, "Document is XML, but not CSW-ish"

        # check if it's an OGC Exception
        val = self._exml.find(util.nspath("Exception", namespaces["ows"]))
        if val is not None:
            self.exceptionreport = ExceptionReport(self._exml, self.owscommon.namespace)
            self.exceptionreport = None
Example #10
    def gmlas_config(self):
        path = self.gmlasConfigLineEdit.text()
        if path == '':
            raise InputError(self.tr("You must select a GMLAS config file"))

        xmlConfig = etree.parse(self.gmlasConfigLineEdit.text())

        # Set parameters
        c = xmlConfig.getroot()

        for l in c.iter('ExposeMetadataLayers'):
            l.text = str(self.ogrExposeMetadataLayersCheckbox.isChecked()).lower()
        for l in c.iter('LayerBuildingRules'):
            for n in l.iter('RemoveUnusedLayers'):
                n.text = str(self.ogrRemoveUnusedLayersCheckbox.isChecked()).lower()
            for n in l.iter('RemoveUnusedFields'):
                n.text = str(self.ogrRemoveUnusedFieldsCheckbox.isChecked()).lower()

        for l in c.findall("XLinkResolution/URLSpecificResolution/HTTPHeader"):
            name = l.find('Name').text
            if name == 'Accept-Language':
                l.find('Value').text = self.acceptLanguageHeaderInput.text()

        textConfig = BytesIO()
        xmlConfig.write(textConfig, encoding='utf-8', xml_declaration=False)
        # Write config in temp file
        tf = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(prefix='gmlasconf_', suffix='.xml', delete=False)
        log("Temporary configuration file created '{}' for conversion.".format(str(tf.name)))

        return tf.name
    def gmlas_config(self):
        path = self.gmlasConfigLineEdit.text()
        if path == '':
            raise InputError(self.tr("You must select a GMLAS config file"))

        xmlConfig = etree.parse(self.gmlasConfigLineEdit.text())

        # Set parameters
        c = xmlConfig.getroot()

        for l in c.iter('ExposeMetadataLayers'):
            l.text = str(self.ogrExposeMetadataLayersCheckbox.isChecked()).lower()
        for l in c.iter('LayerBuildingRules'):
            for n in l.iter('RemoveUnusedLayers'):
                n.text = str(self.ogrRemoveUnusedLayersCheckbox.isChecked()).lower()
            for n in l.iter('RemoveUnusedFields'):
                n.text = str(self.ogrRemoveUnusedFieldsCheckbox.isChecked()).lower()

        for l in c.findall("XLinkResolution/URLSpecificResolution/HTTPHeader"):
            name = l.find('Name').text
            if name == 'Accept-Language':
                l.find('Value').text = self.acceptLanguageHeaderInput.text()

        textConfig = BytesIO()
        xmlConfig.write(textConfig, encoding='utf-8', xml_declaration=False)
        # Write config in temp file
        tf = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(prefix='gmlasconf_', suffix='.xml', delete=False)
        log("Temporary configuration file created '{}' for conversion.".format(str(tf.name)))

        return tf.name
Example #12
    def parse_series(self, xml=None):
        if xml is not None:
                self._root = etree.parse(xml)
                self._root = xml

        # try:
        xml_dict = _xml_to_dict(self._root, depth=3)
        self.value_count = xml_dict.get('value_count')
        self.value_type = xml_dict.get('value_type')
        self.general_category = xml_dict.get('general_category')
        self.sample_medium = xml_dict.get('sample_medium')
        self.data_type = xml_dict.get('data_type')
        # date-time
        self.begin_date_time = parser.parse(xml_dict.get('begin_date_time'))
        self.begin_date_time_utc = parser.parse(
            xml_dict.get('begin_date_time_utc')) if xml_dict.get(
                'begin_date_time_utc') is not None else None
        self.end_date_time = parser.parse(xml_dict.get('end_date_time'))
        self.end_date_time_utc = parser.parse(
            xml_dict.get('end_date_time_utc')) if xml_dict.get(
                'end_date_time_utc') is not None else None
        # method info
        self.method_description = xml_dict.get('method_description')
        self.method_code = xml_dict.get('method_code')
        self.method_link = xml_dict.get('method_link')
        method = self._find('method')
        if method is not None:
            self.method_id = method.attrib.get('methodID')
            self.method_id = None

        # source info
        self.organization = xml_dict.get('organization')
        self.source_description = xml_dict.get('source_description')
        self.citation = xml_dict.get('citation')
        source = self._find('source')
        if source is not None:
            self.source_id = source.attrib.get('sourceID')
            self.source_id = None

        # quality control info
        self.quality_control_level_code = xml_dict.get(
        self.definition = xml_dict.get('definition')
        qa = self._find('qualityControlLevel')
        if qa is not None:
            self.quality_control_level_id = qa.attrib.get(
            self.quality_control_level_id = None

        # properties
        self.properties = dict([(prop.attrib.get('name'), testXMLValue(prop))
                                for prop in self._findall('seriesProperty')])
        # sub-objects
        self.variable = Variable(self._find('variable'), self._ns)
Example #13
    def __init__(self, elem, parent, parse_remote_metadata=False):
        self.id = testXMLValue(elem.find(nspath('Name')))
        self.title = testXMLValue(elem.find(nspath('Title')))
        self.abstract = testXMLValue(elem.find(nspath('Abstract')))
        self.keywords = [f.text for f in elem.findall(nspath('Keywords'))]

        # bboxes
        self.boundingBox = None
        b = elem.find(nspath('BoundingBox'))
        if b is not None:
            self.boundingBox = (float(b.attrib['minx']),float(b.attrib['miny']),
                    float(b.attrib['maxx']), float(b.attrib['maxy']),
        self.boundingBoxWGS84 = None
        b = elem.find(nspath('LatLongBoundingBox'))
        if b is not None:
            self.boundingBoxWGS84 = (
                    float(b.attrib['maxx']), float(b.attrib['maxy']),
        # crs options
        self.crsOptions = [Crs(srs.text) for srs in elem.findall(nspath('SRS'))]

        # verbs
        self.verbOptions = [op.tag for op \
            in parent.findall(nspath('Operations/*'))]
        self.verbOptions + [op.tag for op \
            in elem.findall(nspath('Operations/*')) \
            if op.tag not in self.verbOptions]
        #others not used but needed for iContentMetadata harmonisation

        # MetadataURLs
        self.metadataUrls = []
        for m in elem.findall(nspath('MetadataURL')):
            metadataUrl = {
                'type': testXMLValue(m.attrib['type'], attrib=True),
                'format': testXMLValue(m.find('Format')),
                'url': testXMLValue(m)

            if metadataUrl['url'] is not None and parse_remote_metadata:  # download URL
                    content = urlopen(metadataUrl['url'])
                    doc = etree.parse(content)
                    if metadataUrl['type'] is not None:
                        if metadataUrl['type'] == 'FGDC':
                            metadataUrl['metadata'] = Metadata(doc)
                        if metadataUrl['type'] == 'TC211':
                            metadataUrl['metadata'] = MD_Metadata(doc)
                except Exception, err:
                    metadataUrl['metadata'] = None

Example #14
    def __init__(self, elem, parent, parse_remote_metadata=False, timeout=30):
        self.id = testXMLValue(elem.find(nspath('Name')))
        self.title = testXMLValue(elem.find(nspath('Title')))
        self.abstract = testXMLValue(elem.find(nspath('Abstract')))
        self.keywords = [f.text for f in elem.findall(nspath('Keywords'))]

        # bboxes
        self.boundingBox = None
        b = elem.find(nspath('BoundingBox'))
        if b is not None:
            self.boundingBox = (float(b.attrib['minx']),float(b.attrib['miny']),
                    float(b.attrib['maxx']), float(b.attrib['maxy']),
        self.boundingBoxWGS84 = None
        b = elem.find(nspath('LatLongBoundingBox'))
        if b is not None:
            self.boundingBoxWGS84 = (
                    float(b.attrib['maxx']), float(b.attrib['maxy']),
        # crs options
        self.crsOptions = [Crs(srs.text) for srs in elem.findall(nspath('SRS'))]

        # verbs
        self.verbOptions = [op.tag for op \
            in parent.findall(nspath('Operations/*'))]
        self.verbOptions + [op.tag for op \
            in elem.findall(nspath('Operations/*')) \
            if op.tag not in self.verbOptions]
        #others not used but needed for iContentMetadata harmonisation

        # MetadataURLs
        self.metadataUrls = []
        for m in elem.findall(nspath('MetadataURL')):
            metadataUrl = {
                'type': testXMLValue(m.attrib['type'], attrib=True),
                'format': testXMLValue(m.find('Format')),
                'url': testXMLValue(m)

            if metadataUrl['url'] is not None and parse_remote_metadata:  # download URL
                    content = urlopen(metadataUrl['url'], timeout=timeout)
                    doc = etree.parse(content)
                    if metadataUrl['type'] is not None:
                        if metadataUrl['type'] == 'FGDC':
                            metadataUrl['metadata'] = Metadata(doc)
                        if metadataUrl['type'] == 'TC211':
                            metadataUrl['metadata'] = MD_Metadata(doc)
                except Exception, err:
                    metadataUrl['metadata'] = None

Example #15
    def __init__(self, elem, parse_remote_metadata=False, timeout=30):
        self.id = testXMLValue(elem.find(nspath_eval('wfs:Name', namespaces)))
        self.title = testXMLValue(elem.find(nspath_eval('wfs:Title', namespaces)))
        self.abstract = testXMLValue(elem.find(nspath_eval('wfs:Abstract', namespaces)))
        self.keywords = [f.text for f in elem.findall(nspath_eval('ows:Keywords/ows:Keyword', namespaces))]

        # bbox
        self.boundingBoxWGS84 = None
        b = BoundingBox(elem.find(nspath_eval('ows:WGS84BoundingBox', namespaces)), namespaces['ows'])
        if b is not None:
                self.boundingBoxWGS84 = (
                        float(b.minx), float(b.miny),
                        float(b.maxx), float(b.maxy),
            except TypeError:
                self.boundingBoxWGS84 = None
        # crs options
        self.crsOptions = [Crs(srs.text) for srs in elem.findall(nspath_eval('wfs:OtherSRS', namespaces))]
        dsrs = testXMLValue(elem.find(nspath_eval('wfs:DefaultSRS', namespaces)))
        if dsrs is not None:  # first element is default srs
            self.crsOptions.insert(0, Crs(dsrs))

        # verbs
        self.verbOptions = [op.text for op in elem.findall(nspath_eval('wfs:Operations/wfs:Operation', namespaces))]

        # output formats
        self.outputFormats = [op.text for op in elem.findall(nspath_eval('wfs:OutputFormats/wfs:Format', namespaces))]

        # MetadataURLs
        self.metadataUrls = []
        for m in elem.findall(nspath_eval('wfs:MetadataURL', namespaces)):
            metadataUrl = {
                'type': testXMLValue(m.attrib['type'], attrib=True),
                'format': testXMLValue(m.find('Format')),
                'url': testXMLValue(m)

            if metadataUrl['url'] is not None and parse_remote_metadata:  # download URL
                    content = openURL(metadataUrl['url'], timeout=timeout)
                    doc = etree.parse(content)
                    if metadataUrl['type'] is not None:
                        if metadataUrl['type'] == 'FGDC':
                            metadataUrl['metadata'] = Metadata(doc)
                        if metadataUrl['type'] in ['TC211', '19115', '19139']:
                            metadataUrl['metadata'] = MD_Metadata(doc)
                except Exception:
                    metadataUrl['metadata'] = None


        #others not used but needed for iContentMetadata harmonisation
Example #16
def xmlvalid(xml, xsd):

    Test whether an XML document is valid


    - xml: XML content
    - xsd: pointer to XML Schema (local file path or URL)


    xsd1 = etree.parse(xsd)
    xsd2 = etree.XMLSchema(xsd1)

    doc = etree.parse(StringIO(xml))
    return xsd2.validate(doc)
Example #17
    def parse_seriescatalog(self,xml=None):
        if xml is not None:
                self._root = etree.parse(xml)
                self._root = xml

        # try:
        self.series = [Series(elm,self._ns) for elm in self._findall('series')]
Example #18
File: csw.py Project: sabman/OWSLib
    def harvest(self, source, resourcetype, resourceformat=None, harvestinterval=None, responsehandler=None):

        Construct and process a Harvest request


        - source: a URI to harvest
        - resourcetype: namespace identifying the type of resource
        - resourceformat: MIME type of the resource
        - harvestinterval: frequency of harvesting, in ISO8601
        - responsehandler: endpoint that CSW should responsd to with response


        # construct request
        node0 = etree.Element(util.nspath('Harvest', namespaces['csw']))
        node0.set('version', self.version)
        node0.set('service', self.service)
        node0.set(util.nspath('schemaLocation', namespaces['xsi']), schema_location)
        etree.SubElement(node0, util.nspath('Source', namespaces['csw'])).text = source
        etree.SubElement(node0, util.nspath('ResourceType', namespaces['csw'])).text = resourcetype
        if resourceformat is not None:
            etree.SubElement(node0, util.nspath('ResourceFormat', namespaces['csw'])).text = resourceformat
        if harvestinterval is not None:
            etree.SubElement(node0, util.nspath('HarvestInterval', namespaces['csw'])).text = harvestinterval
        if responsehandler is not None:
            etree.SubElement(node0, util.nspath('ResponseHandler', namespaces['csw'])).text = responsehandler
        self.request = util.xml2string(etree.tostring(node0))

        self.response = util.http_post(self.url, self.request, self.lang)

        # parse result
        self._response = etree.parse(StringIO.StringIO(self.response))

        # check for exceptions
        self._isexception(self._response, self.owscommon.namespace)

        self.results = {}

        if self.exceptionreport is None:
            val = self._response.find(util.nspath('Acknowledgement', namespaces['csw']))
            if util.testXMLValue(val) is not None:
                ts = val.attrib.get('timeStamp')
                self.timestamp = util.testXMLValue(ts, True)
                id = val.find(util.nspath('RequestId', namespaces['csw']))
                self.id = util.testXMLValue(id) 

            self.results['inserted'] = []

            for i in self._response.findall(util.nspath('TransactionResponse/InsertResult', namespaces['csw'])):
                for j in i.findall(util.nspath('BriefRecord', namespaces['csw']) + '/' + util.nspath('identifier', namespaces['dc'])):
Example #19
def getValues(shapefile, attribute, getTuples, limitFeatures, wfs_url):
    Similar to get attributes, given a shapefile and a valid attribute this function
    will make a call to the Web Feature Services returning a list of values associated
    with the shapefile and attribute.

    If getTuples = True, will also return the tuples of [feature:id]  along with values [feature]

    wfs = WebFeatureService(wfs_url, version='1.1.0')

    feature = wfs.getfeature(typename=shapefile, maxfeatures=limitFeatures, propertyname=[attribute])
    content = BytesIO(feature.read().encode())
    gml = etree.parse(content)

    values = []

    for el in gml.iter():
        if attribute in el.tag:
            if el.text not in values:

    if getTuples == 'true' or getTuples == 'only':
        tuples = []
        att = False

        # If features are encoded as a list of featureMember elements.
        gmlid_found = False
        for featureMember in gml.iter('{' + GML_NAMESPACE + '}featureMember'):
            for el in featureMember.iter():
                if el.get('{' + GML_NAMESPACE + '}id'):
                    gmlid = el.get('{' + GML_NAMESPACE + '}id')
                    att = True
                    gmlid_found = True
                if attribute in el.tag and att is True:
                    value = el.text
                    tuples.append((value, gmlid))
                    att = False
            if not gmlid_found:
                raise Exception('No gml:id found in source feature service. This form of GML is not supported.')

        # If features are encoded as a featureMembers element.
        for featureMember in gml.iter('{' + GML_NAMESPACE + '}featureMembers'):
            for el in featureMember.iter():
                gmlid = el.get('{' + GML_NAMESPACE + '}id')
                for feat in el.getchildren():
                    if attribute in feat.tag:
                        value = feat.text
                        tuples.append((value, gmlid))

    if getTuples == 'true':
        return sorted(values), sorted(tuples)
    elif getTuples == 'only':
        return sorted(tuples)
        return sorted(values)
Example #20
    def parse_variable(self,xml=None):
        if xml is not None:
                self._root = etree.parse(xml)
                self._root = xml

        # try:
        xml_dict = _xml_to_dict(self._root)
        self.value_type = xml_dict.get('value_type')
        self.data_type = xml_dict.get('data_type')
        self.general_category = xml_dict.get('general_category')
        self.sample_medium = xml_dict.get('sample_medium')
        self.no_data_value = xml_dict.get('no_data_value')
        self.variable_name = xml_dict.get('variable_name')
        self.variable_code = xml_dict.get('variable_code')
        self.variable_description = xml_dict.get('variable_description')
        self.speciation = xml_dict.get('speciation')
        # notes and properties
        notes = [(note.attrib.get('title'),testXMLValue(note)) for note in self._findall('note')]
        none_notes = [note[1] for note in notes if note[0] is None]
        self.notes = dict([note for note in notes if note[0] is not None])
        if len(none_notes) > 0:
            self.notes['none'] = none_notes

        self.properties = dict([(prop.attrib.get('name'),testXMLValue(prop)) for prop in self._findall('variableProperty')])
        # related
        related = self._find('related')
        if related is not None:
            self.parent_codes = [dict([('network',code.attrib.get('network')),('vocabulary',code.attrib.get('vocabulary')),('default',code.attrib.get('default'))])
                             for code in related.findall(ns(self._ns) + 'parentCode')]
            self.related_codes = [dict([('network',d.get('network')),('vocabulary',d.get('vocabulary')),('default',d.get('default'))])
                             for code in related.findall(ns(self._ns) + 'relatedCode')]
            self.parent_codes = None
            self.related_codes = None

        # sub-objects
        if self._ns == 'wml1.0':
            unit = self._find('units')
            self.unit = Unit1_0(unit, self._ns) if unit is not None else None

            timesupport = self._find('timeSupport')
            self.time_support = TimeScale(timesupport, self._ns) if timesupport is not None else None
            unit = self._find('unit')
            self.unit = Unit(unit, self._ns) if unit is not None else None

            timescale = self._find('timeScale')
            self.time_scale = TimeScale(timescale, self._ns) if timescale is not None else None

        categories = self._find('categories')
        if categories is not None:
            self.categories = [Category(cat,self._ns) for cat in categories.findall(ns(self._ns) + 'category')]
            self.categories = None
Example #21
    def parse_site(self,xml=None):
        if xml is not None:
                self._root = etree.parse(xml)
                self._root = xml

        # try:
        self.site_info = SiteInfo(self._find('siteInfo'), self._ns)
        self.series_catalogs = [SeriesCatalog(elm, self._ns) for elm in self._findall('seriesCatalog')]
Example #22
    def __init__(self, xml_root, namespace):
            self._root = etree.parse(xml_root)
            self._root = xml_root

        if not namespace in namespaces:
            raise ValueError('Unsupported namespace passed in to parser!')

        self._ns = namespace
Example #23
    def __init__(self,xml_root,namespace):
            self._root = etree.parse(xml_root)
            self._root = xml_root

        if not namespace in namespaces:
            raise ValueError('Unsupported namespace passed in to parser!')

        self._ns = namespace
Example #24
File: csw.py Project: sabman/OWSLib
    def __init__(self, url, lang='en-US', version='2.0.2'):

        Construct and process a GetCapabilities request


        - url: the URL of the CSW
        - lang: the language (default is 'en-US')
        - version: version (default is '2.0.2')


        self.url = url
        self.lang = lang
        self.version = version
        self.service = 'CSW'
        self.exceptionreport = None
        self.owscommon = OwsCommon('1.0.0')

        # construct request
        node0 = etree.Element(util.nspath('GetCapabilities', namespaces['csw']))
        node0.set('service', self.service)
        node0.set(util.nspath('schemaLocation', namespaces['xsi']), schema_location)
        tmp = etree.SubElement(node0, util.nspath('AcceptVersions', namespaces['ows']))
        etree.SubElement(tmp, util.nspath('Version', namespaces['ows'])).text = self.version
        tmp2 = etree.SubElement(node0, util.nspath('AcceptFormats', namespaces['ows']))
        etree.SubElement(tmp2, util.nspath('OutputFormat', namespaces['ows'])).text = outputformat
        self.request = util.xml2string(etree.tostring(node0))

        # invoke
        self.response = util.http_post(self.url, self.request, self.lang)

        # parse result
        self._capabilities = etree.parse(StringIO.StringIO(self.response))

        # check for exceptions
        self._isexception(self._capabilities, self.owscommon.namespace)

        if self.exceptionreport is None:
            # ServiceIdentification
            val = self._capabilities.find(util.nspath('ServiceIdentification', namespaces['ows']))
            # ServiceProvider
            val = self._capabilities.find(util.nspath('ServiceProvider', namespaces['ows']))
            # ServiceOperations metadata 
            for elem in self._capabilities.findall(util.nspath('OperationsMetadata/Operation', namespaces['ows'])):
                self.operations.append(OperationsMetadata(elem, self.owscommon.namespace))
            # FilterCapabilities
            val = self._capabilities.find(util.nspath('Filter_Capabilities', namespaces['ogc']))
Example #25
    def parse_seriescatalog(self, xml=None):
        if xml is not None:
                self._root = etree.parse(xml)
                self._root = xml

        # try:
        self.series = [
            Series(elm, self._ns) for elm in self._findall('series')
Example #26
    def __init__(self, elem, parse_remote_metadata=False, timeout=30):
        self.id = testXMLValue(elem.find(nspath_eval('wfs:Name', namespaces)))
        self.title = testXMLValue(elem.find(nspath_eval('wfs:Title', namespaces)))
        self.abstract = testXMLValue(elem.find(nspath_eval('wfs:Abstract', namespaces)))
        self.keywords = [f.text for f in elem.findall(nspath_eval('ows:Keywords/ows:Keyword', namespaces))]

        # bbox
        self.boundingBoxWGS84 = None
        b = BoundingBox(elem.find(nspath_eval('ows:WGS84BoundingBox', namespaces)), namespaces['ows'])
        if b is not None:
            self.boundingBoxWGS84 = (
                    float(b.minx), float(b.miny),
                    float(b.maxx), float(b.maxy),
        # crs options
        self.crsOptions = [Crs(srs.text) for srs in elem.findall(nspath_eval('wfs:OtherSRS', namespaces))]
        dsrs = testXMLValue(elem.find(nspath_eval('wfs:DefaultSRS', namespaces)))
        if dsrs is not None:  # first element is default srs
            self.crsOptions.insert(0, Crs(dsrs))

        # verbs
        self.verbOptions = [op.text for op in elem.findall(nspath_eval('wfs:Operations/wfs:Operation', namespaces))]

        # output formats
        self.outputFormats = [op.text for op in elem.findall(nspath_eval('wfs:OutputFormats/wfs:Format', namespaces))]

        # MetadataURLs
        self.metadataUrls = []
        for m in elem.findall(nspath_eval('wfs:MetadataURL', namespaces)):
            metadataUrl = {
                'type': testXMLValue(m.attrib['type'], attrib=True),
                'format': testXMLValue(m.find('Format')),
                'url': testXMLValue(m)

            if metadataUrl['url'] is not None and parse_remote_metadata:  # download URL
                    content = openURL(metadataUrl['url'], timeout=timeout)
                    doc = etree.parse(content)
                    if metadataUrl['type'] is not None:
                        if metadataUrl['type'] == 'FGDC':
                            metadataUrl['metadata'] = Metadata(doc)
                        if metadataUrl['type'] in ['TC211', '19115', '19139']:
                            metadataUrl['metadata'] = MD_Metadata(doc)
                except Exception:
                    metadataUrl['metadata'] = None


        #others not used but needed for iContentMetadata harmonisation
Example #27
    def parse_sites_response(self, xml=None):
        if xml is not None:
                self._root = etree.parse(xml)
                self._root = xml

        # try:
        self.query_info = QueryInfo(self._find('queryInfo'), self._ns)
        self.sites = [Site(site, self._ns) for site in self._findall('site')]
Example #28
def getValues(shapefile, attribute, getTuples, limitFeatures, WFS_URL):
    Similar to get attributes, given a shapefile and a valid attribute this function
    will make a call to the Web Feature Services returning a list of values associated
    with the shapefile and attribute.
    If getTuples = True, will also return the tuples of [feature:id]  along with values [feature]

    wfs = WebFeatureService(WFS_URL, version="1.1.0")

    feature = wfs.getfeature(typename=shapefile, maxfeatures=limitFeatures, propertyname=[attribute])

    gml = etree.parse(feature)

    values = []

    for el in gml.iter():
        if attribute in el.tag:
            if el.text not in values:

    if getTuples == "true" or getTuples == "only":
        tuples = []
        # If features are encoded as a list of featureMember elements.
        gmlid_found = False
        for featureMember in gml.iter("{" + GML_NAMESPACE + "}featureMember"):
            for el in featureMember.iter():
                if el.get("{" + GML_NAMESPACE + "}id"):
                    gmlid = el.get("{" + GML_NAMESPACE + "}id")
                    att = True
                    gmlid_found = True
                if attribute in el.tag and att == True:
                    value = el.text
                    tuples.append((value, gmlid))
                    att = False
            if gmlid_found == False:
                raise Exception("No gml:id found in source feature service. This form of GML is not supported.")
        # If features are encoded as a featureMembers element.
        for featureMember in gml.iter("{" + GML_NAMESPACE + "}featureMembers"):
            for el in featureMember.iter():
                gmlid = el.get("{" + GML_NAMESPACE + "}id")
                for feat in el.getchildren():
                    if attribute in feat.tag:
                        value = feat.text
                        tuples.append((value, gmlid))

    if getTuples == "true":
        return sorted(values), sorted(tuples)
    elif getTuples == "only":
        return sorted(tuples)
        return sorted(values)
Example #29
    def parse_sites_response(self,xml=None):
        if xml is not None:
                self._root = etree.parse(xml)
                self._root = xml

        # try:
        self.query_info = QueryInfo(self._find('queryInfo'), self._ns)
        self.sites = [Site(site, self._ns) for site in self._findall('site')]
Example #30
def test_gm03():
    """Test GM03 parsing"""

    e = etree.parse(resource_file('gm03_example1.xml'))
    gm03 = GM03(e)
    assert gm03.header.version == '2.3'
    assert gm03.header.sender == 'geocat.ch'
    assert not hasattr(gm03.data, 'core')
    assert hasattr(gm03.data, 'comprehensive')
    assert len(gm03.data.comprehensive.elements) == 13
    assert sorted(list(gm03.data.comprehensive.elements.keys())) == [
        'address', 'citation', 'contact', 'data_identification', 'date',
        'extent', 'extent_geographic_element', 'geographic_bounding_box',
        'identification_point_of_contact', 'keywords', 'metadata',
        'metadata_point_of_contact', 'responsible_party'
    ]  # noqa
    assert isinstance(gm03.data.comprehensive.date, list)
    assert len(gm03.data.comprehensive.date) == 1
    assert gm03.data.comprehensive.metadata.file_identifier == '41ac321f632e55cebf0508a2cea5d9023fd12d9ad46edd679f2c275127c88623fb9c9d29726bef7c'  # noqa
    assert gm03.data.comprehensive.metadata.date_stamp == '1999-12-31T12:00:00'
    assert gm03.data.comprehensive.metadata.language == 'de'

    # Test TID searching

    assert gm03.data.comprehensive.metadata.tid == 'xN6509077498146737843'

    search_tid = gm03.data.comprehensive.metadata.tid
    assert gm03.data.comprehensive.get_element_by_tid('404') is None
    assert gm03.data.comprehensive.get_element_by_tid(search_tid) is not None
    search_tid2 = gm03.data.comprehensive.extent.data_identification.ref
    assert search_tid2 == 'xN8036063300808707346'
    assert gm03.data.comprehensive.get_element_by_tid(search_tid2) is not None

    e = etree.parse(resource_file('gm03_example2.xml'))
    gm03 = GM03(e)
    assert gm03.data.comprehensive.geographic_bounding_box.extent_type_code == 'false'
    assert gm03.data.comprehensive.geographic_bounding_box.north_bound_latitude == '47.1865387201702'
    assert gm03.data.comprehensive.geographic_bounding_box.south_bound_latitude == '47.1234508676764'
    assert gm03.data.comprehensive.geographic_bounding_box.east_bound_longitude == '9.10597474389878'
    assert gm03.data.comprehensive.geographic_bounding_box.west_bound_longitude == '9.23798212070671'
Example #31
    def parse_series(self,xml=None):
        if xml is not None:
                self._root = etree.parse(xml)
                self._root = xml

        # try:
        xml_dict = _xml_to_dict(self._root,depth=3)
        self.value_count = xml_dict.get('value_count')
        self.value_type = xml_dict.get('value_type')
        self.general_category = xml_dict.get('general_category')
        self.sample_medium = xml_dict.get('sample_medium')
        self.data_type = xml_dict.get('data_type')
        # date-time
        self.begin_date_time = parser.parse(xml_dict.get('begin_date_time'))
        self.begin_date_time_utc = parser.parse(xml_dict.get('begin_date_time_utc')) if xml_dict.get('begin_date_time_utc') is not None else None
        self.end_date_time = parser.parse(xml_dict.get('end_date_time'))
        self.end_date_time_utc = parser.parse(xml_dict.get('end_date_time_utc')) if xml_dict.get('end_date_time_utc') is not None else None
        # method info
        self.method_description = xml_dict.get('method_description')
        self.method_code = xml_dict.get('method_code')
        self.method_link = xml_dict.get('method_link')
        method = self._find('method')
        if method is not None:
            self.method_id = method.attrib.get('methodID')
            self.method_id = None

        # source info
        self.organization = xml_dict.get('organization')
        self.source_description = xml_dict.get('source_description')
        self.citation = xml_dict.get('citation')
        source = self._find('source')
        if source is not None:
            self.source_id = source.attrib.get('sourceID')
            self.source_id = None

        # quality control info
        self.quality_control_level_code = xml_dict.get('quality_control_level_code')
        self.definition = xml_dict.get('definition')
        qa = self._find('qualityControlLevel')
        if qa is not None:
            self.quality_control_level_id = qa.attrib.get('qualityControlLevelID')
            self.quality_control_level_id = None

        # properties
        self.properties = dict([(prop.attrib.get('name'),testXMLValue(prop)) for prop in self._findall('seriesProperty')])
        # sub-objects
        self.variable = Variable(self._find('variable'),self._ns)
Example #32
    def parse_site(self, xml=None):
        if xml is not None:
                self._root = etree.parse(xml)
                self._root = xml

        # try:
        self.site_info = SiteInfo(self._find('siteInfo'), self._ns)
        self.series_catalogs = [
            SeriesCatalog(elm, self._ns)
            for elm in self._findall('seriesCatalog')
Example #33
    def parse_query_info(self, xml=None):
        if xml is not None:
                self._root = etree.parse(xml)
                self._root = xml

        # try:
            # create queryinfo object from dict
        xml_dict = _xml_to_dict(self._root)
        self.creation_time = parser.parse(xml_dict.get('creation_time')) if xml_dict.get('creation_time') is not None else None
        self.notes = [testXMLValue(note) for note in self._findall('note')]
        self.criteria = Criteria(self._find('criteria'), self._ns)
Example #34
    def parse_query_info(self, xml=None):
        if xml is not None:
                self._root = etree.parse(xml)
            except Exception:
                self._root = xml

        # try:
        # create queryinfo object from dict
        xml_dict = _xml_to_dict(self._root)
        self.creation_time = parser.parse(xml_dict.get('creation_time')) \
            if xml_dict.get('creation_time') is not None else None
        self.notes = [testXMLValue(note) for note in self._findall('note')]
        self.criteria = Criteria(self._find('criteria'), self._ns)
Example #35
    def __load_titles(self):
        RDF_URI = "http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#"
        ns = {
            "rdf": RDF_URI,
            "foaf": "http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/",
            "dc": "http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/",
            "dcterms": "http://purl.org/dc/terms/",
            "skos": "http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#",

        tfile = dlxml.parse(self.rdf_path)
        root = tfile.getroot()

        scheme = root.find("skos:ConceptScheme", ns)
        return scheme.findall("dc:title", ns)
Example #36
File: csw.py Project: sabman/OWSLib
    def getdomain(self, dname, dtype='parameter'):

        Construct and process a GetDomain request


        - dname: the value of the Parameter or Property to query
        - dtype: whether to query a parameter (parameter) or property (property)


        # construct request
        dtypename = 'ParameterName'
        node0 = etree.Element(util.nspath('GetDomain', namespaces['csw']))
        node0.set('service', self.service)
        node0.set('version', self.version)
        node0.set(util.nspath('schemaLocation', namespaces['xsi']), schema_location)
        if dtype == 'property':
            dtypename = 'PropertyName'
        etree.SubElement(node0, util.nspath(dtypename, namespaces['csw'])).text = dname
        self.request = util.xml2string(etree.tostring(node0))

        # invoke
        self.response = util.http_post(self.url, self.request, self.lang)

        # parse result
        self._values = etree.parse(StringIO.StringIO(self.response))

        # check for exceptions
        self._isexception(self._values, self.owscommon.namespace)

        if self.exceptionreport is None:
            self.results = {}

            val = self._values.find(util.nspath('DomainValues', namespaces['csw'])).attrib.get('type')
            self.results['type'] = util.testXMLValue(val, True)

            val = self._values.find(util.nspath('DomainValues/' + dtypename, namespaces['csw']))
            self.results[dtype] = util.testXMLValue(val)

            # get the list of values associated with the Domain
            self.results['values'] = []

            for f in self._values.findall(util.nspath('DomainValues/ListOfValues/Value', namespaces['csw'])):
Example #37
    def __init__(self, elem, parse_remote_metadata=False):
        self.id = testXMLValue(elem.find(nspath_eval("wfs:Name", namespaces)))
        self.title = testXMLValue(elem.find(nspath_eval("wfs:Title", namespaces)))
        self.abstract = testXMLValue(elem.find(nspath_eval("wfs:Abstract", namespaces)))
        self.keywords = [f.text for f in elem.findall(nspath_eval("ows:Keywords/ows:Keyword", namespaces))]

        # bbox
        self.boundingBoxWGS84 = None
        b = BoundingBox(elem.find(nspath_eval("ows:WGS84BoundingBox", namespaces)), namespaces["ows"])
        if b is not None:
            self.boundingBoxWGS84 = (float(b.minx), float(b.miny), float(b.maxx), float(b.maxy))
        # crs options
        self.crsOptions = [Crs(srs.text) for srs in elem.findall(nspath_eval("wfs:OtherSRS", namespaces))]
        dsrs = testXMLValue(elem.find(nspath_eval("wfs:DefaultSRS", namespaces)))
        if dsrs is not None:  # first element is default srs
            self.crsOptions.insert(0, Crs(dsrs))

        # verbs
        self.verbOptions = [op.text for op in elem.findall(nspath_eval("wfs:Operations/wfs:Operation", namespaces))]

        # output formats
        self.verbOptions = [op.text for op in elem.findall(nspath_eval("wfs:OutputFormats/wfs:Format", namespaces))]

        # MetadataURLs
        self.metadataUrls = []
        for m in elem.findall(nspath_eval("wfs:MetadataURL", namespaces)):
            metadataUrl = {
                "type": testXMLValue(m.attrib["type"], attrib=True),
                "format": testXMLValue(m.find("Format")),
                "url": testXMLValue(m),

            if metadataUrl["url"] is not None and parse_remote_metadata:  # download URL
                    content = urlopen(metadataUrl["url"])
                    doc = etree.parse(content)
                    if metadataUrl["type"] is not None:
                        if metadataUrl["type"] == "FGDC":
                            metadataUrl["metadata"] = Metadata(doc)
                        if metadataUrl["type"] in ["TC211", "19115", "19139"]:
                            metadataUrl["metadata"] = MD_Metadata(doc)
                except Exception, err:
                    metadataUrl["metadata"] = None

Example #38
    def parse_timezoneinfo(self,xml=None):
        if xml is not None:
                self._root = etree.parse(xml)
                self._root = xml

        # try:
        xml_dict = _xml_to_dict(self._root)
        default = self._find('defaultTimeZone')
        if default is not None:
          self.zone_offset = default.attrib.get('zoneOffset')
          self.zone_abbreviation = default.attrib.get('zoneAbbreviation')

        daylight = self._find('daylightSavingsTimeZone')
        if daylight is not None:
          self.daylight_zone_offset = daylight.attrib.get('zoneOffset')
          self.daylight_zone_abbreviation = daylight.attrib.get('zoneAbbreviation')
Example #39
    def parse_timezoneinfo(self, xml=None):
        if xml is not None:
                self._root = etree.parse(xml)
                self._root = xml

        # try:
        xml_dict = _xml_to_dict(self._root)
        default = self._find('defaultTimeZone')
        if default is not None:
            self.zone_offset = default.attrib.get('zoneOffset')
            self.zone_abbreviation = default.attrib.get('zoneAbbreviation')

        daylight = self._find('daylightSavingsTimeZone')
        if daylight is not None:
            self.daylight_zone_offset = daylight.attrib.get('zoneOffset')
            self.daylight_zone_abbreviation = daylight.attrib.get(
Example #40
File: csw.py Project: sabman/OWSLib
    def getrecordbyid(self, id=[], esn='full', outputschema=namespaces['csw'], format=outputformat):

        Construct and process a GetRecordById request


        - id: the list of Ids
        - esn: the ElementSetName 'full', 'brief' or 'summary' (default is 'full')
        - outputschema: the outputSchema (default is 'http://www.opengis.net/cat/csw/2.0.2')
        - format: the outputFormat (default is 'application/xml')


        # construct request 
        node0 = etree.Element(util.nspath('GetRecordById', namespaces['csw']))
        node0.set('outputSchema', outputschema)
        node0.set('outputFormat', format)
        node0.set('version', self.version)
        node0.set('service', self.service)
        node0.set(util.nspath('schemaLocation', namespaces['xsi']), schema_location)
        for i in id:
            etree.SubElement(node0, util.nspath('Id', namespaces['csw'])).text = i
        etree.SubElement(node0, util.nspath('ElementSetName', namespaces['csw'])).text = esn
        self.request = util.xml2string(etree.tostring(node0))

        # invoke
        self.response = util.http_post(self.url, self.request, self.lang)

        # parse result
        self._records = etree.parse(StringIO.StringIO(self.response))

        # check for exceptions
        self._isexception(self._records, self.owscommon.namespace)
        if self.exceptionreport is None:
            self.records = {}

            self._parserecords(outputschema, esn)
Example #41
    def parse_location(self, xml=None):
        if xml is not None:
                self._root = etree.parse(xml)
                self._root = xml

        # try:
        xml_dict = _xml_to_dict(self._root)
        geogs = self._findall('geogLocation')
        self.geo_coords = list()
        self.srs = list()
        for g in geogs:
                (testXMLValue(g.find(ns(self._ns) + 'longitude')),
                 testXMLValue(g.find(ns(self._ns) + 'latitude'))))

        locsite = self._findall('localSiteXY')
        self.local_sites = list()
        self.notes = list()
        self.projections = list()
        for ls in locsite:
            z = testXMLValue(ls.find(ns(self._ns) + 'Z'))
            if z is not None:
                    (testXMLValue(ls.find(ns(self._ns) + 'X')),
                     testXMLValue(ls.find(ns(self._ns) + 'Y')), z))
                    (testXMLValue(ls.find(ns(self._ns) + 'X')),
                     testXMLValue(ls.find(ns(self._ns) + 'Y')), '0'))

                for note in ls.findall(ns(self._ns) + 'note')
def find_data_metadata(resource, credentials, no_ssl_check=False):
    Retrieves and parse a remote metadata, given a gsconfig object (resource or layergroup).
    :param resource: an object from the gsconfig python library (either a resource or a layergroup)
    :param credentials: an object that store credential for various OGC services
    :param no_ssl_check: boolean indicating if SSL certificate check should be deactivated (False by default)
    :return: a tuple (url, parsed metadata).
    if resource.metadata_links is None:
        raise GsMetadataMissingInconsistency(
            "%s:%s" % (resource.workspace.name, resource.name))
    for mime_type, md_format, url in resource.metadata_links:
        if mime_type == "text/xml" and md_format == "ISO19115:2003":
            # disable certificate verification
            ctx = None
            if no_ssl_check:
                ctx = ssl.create_default_context()
                ctx.check_hostname = False
                ctx.verify_mode = ssl.CERT_NONE
            req = Request(url)
            username, password = credentials.getFromUrl(url)
            if username is not None:
                base64string = base64.b64encode(
                    ('%s:%s' % (username, password)).encode())
                authheader = "Basic %s" % base64string.decode()
                req.add_header("Authorization", authheader)
                with urlopen(req, context=ctx) as fhandle:
                    return (url, MD_Metadata(etree.parse(fhandle)))
            except Exception as e:
                raise GsToGnMetadataInvalidInconsistency(
                    layer_name="%s:%s" %
                    (resource.workspace.name, resource.name))

    raise GsMetadataMissingInconsistency(resource.workspace.name + ":" +
Example #43
    def parse_criteria(self, xml=None):
        if xml is not None:
                self._root = etree.parse(xml)
                self._root = xml

        # try:
        xml_dict = _xml_to_dict(self._root,depth=4)
        self.method_called = self._root.attrib.get('MethodCalled')
        self.location_param = xml_dict.get('location_param')
        self.variable_param = xml_dict.get('variable_param')
            self.begin_date_time = parser.parse(xml_dict['begin_date_time'])
            self.begin_date_time = None

            self.end_date_time = parser.parse(xml_dict['end_date_time'])
            self.end_date_time = None

        self.parameters = [(param.attrib.get('name'),param.attrib.get('value')) for param in self._findall('parameter')]
Example #44
    def parse_siteinfo(self,xml=None):
        if xml is not None:
                self._root = etree.parse(xml)
                self._root = xml

        # try:
        xml_dict = _xml_to_dict(self._root)
        self.site_name = xml_dict.get('site_name')
        self.site_codes = [testXMLValue(code) for code in self._findall('siteCode')]
        self.elevation = xml_dict.get('elevation_m')
        self.vertical_datum = xml_dict.get('vertical_datum')
        self.site_types = [testXMLValue(typ) for typ in self._findall('siteType')]
        self.site_properties = dict([(prop.attrib.get('name'),testXMLValue(prop)) for prop in self._findall('siteProperty')])
        self.altname = xml_dict.get('altname')
        self.notes = [testXMLValue(note) for note in self._findall('note')]
        # sub-objects
        tzi = self._find('timeZoneInfo')
        if tzi is not None:
            self.time_zone_info = TimeZoneInfo(tzi, self._ns)

        self.location = Location(self._find('geoLocation'), self._ns)
Example #45
# =============================================================================

# get a list of entries for a given code list dictionary

import sys
import urllib2

from owslib.etree import etree
from owslib.iso import CodelistCatalogue

if len(sys.argv) < 3:
    print 'Usage: %s <path/to/gmxCodelists.xml> <CodeListDictionary>' % sys.argv[

e = etree.parse(sys.argv[1])
c = CodelistCatalogue(e)

clds = c.getcodelistdictionaries()

def valid_clds():
    return '''
Valid code list dictionaries are:

''' % '\n'.join(clds)

if len(sys.argv) < 2:
    print '''
Example #46
    def load_thesaurus(self, input_file, name, store):

        RDF_URI = 'http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#'
        XML_URI = 'http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace'

        ABOUT_ATTRIB = f"{{{RDF_URI}}}about"
        LANG_ATTRIB = f"{{{XML_URI}}}lang"

        ns = {
            'rdf': RDF_URI,
            'foaf': 'http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/',
            'dc': 'http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/',
            'dcterms': 'http://purl.org/dc/terms/',
            'skos': 'http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#'

        tfile = dlxml.parse(input_file)
        root = tfile.getroot()

        scheme = root.find('skos:ConceptScheme', ns)
        if not scheme:
            raise CommandError("ConceptScheme not found in file")

        titles = scheme.findall('dc:title', ns)

        default_lang = getattr(settings, 'THESAURUS_DEFAULT_LANG', None)
        available_lang = get_all_lang_available_with_title(titles, LANG_ATTRIB)
        thesaurus_title = determinate_value(available_lang, default_lang)

        descr = scheme.find('dc:description', ns).text if scheme.find(
            'dc:description', ns) else thesaurus_title
        date_issued = scheme.find('dcterms:issued', ns).text
        about = scheme.attrib.get(ABOUT_ATTRIB)

        print(f'Thesaurus "{thesaurus_title}" issued at {date_issued}')

        thesaurus = Thesaurus()
        thesaurus.identifier = name

        thesaurus.title = thesaurus_title
        thesaurus.description = descr
        thesaurus.about = about
        thesaurus.date = date_issued

        if store:

        for lang in available_lang:
            if lang[0] is not None:
                thesaurus_label = ThesaurusLabel()
                thesaurus_label.lang = lang[0]
                thesaurus_label.label = lang[1]
                thesaurus_label.thesaurus = thesaurus

        for concept in root.findall('skos:Concept', ns):
            about = concept.attrib.get(ABOUT_ATTRIB)
            alt_label = concept.find('skos:altLabel', ns)
            if alt_label is not None:
                alt_label = alt_label.text
                concepts = concept.findall('skos:prefLabel', ns)
                available_lang = get_all_lang_available_with_title(
                    concepts, LANG_ATTRIB)
                alt_label = determinate_value(available_lang, default_lang)

            print(f'Concept {alt_label} ({about})')

            tk = ThesaurusKeyword()
            tk.thesaurus = thesaurus
            tk.about = about
            tk.alt_label = alt_label

            if store:

            for pref_label in concept.findall('skos:prefLabel', ns):
                lang = pref_label.attrib.get(LANG_ATTRIB)
                label = pref_label.text

                print(f'    Label {lang}: {label}')

                tkl = ThesaurusKeywordLabel()
                tkl.keyword = tk
                tkl.lang = lang
                tkl.label = label

                if store:
Example #47
    def _invoke(self):
        # do HTTP request

        request_url = self.url

        # Get correct URL based on Operation list.

        # If skip_caps=True, then self.operations has not been set, so use
        # default URL.
        if hasattr(self, 'operations'):
            caller = inspect.stack()[1][3]
            if caller == 'getrecords2': caller = 'getrecords'
                op = self.get_operation_by_name(caller)
                if isinstance(self.request, six.string_types):  # GET KVP
                    get_verbs = [
                        x for x in op.methods if x.get('type').lower() == 'get'
                    request_url = get_verbs[0].get('url')
                    post_verbs = [
                        x for x in op.methods
                        if x.get('type').lower() == 'post'
                    if len(post_verbs) > 1:
                        # Filter by constraints.  We must match a PostEncoding of "XML"
                        for pv in post_verbs:
                            for const in pv.get('constraints'):
                                if const.name.lower() == 'postencoding':
                                    values = [v.lower() for v in const.values]
                                    if 'xml' in values:
                                        request_url = pv.get('url')
                            # Well, just use the first one.
                            request_url = post_verbs[0].get('url')
                    elif len(post_verbs) == 1:
                        request_post_url = post_verbs[0].get('url')
            except:  # no such luck, just go with request_url

        if isinstance(self.request, six.string_types):  # GET KVP
            self.request = '%s%s' % (bind_url(request_url), self.request)
            self.response = openURL(self.request,
            self.request = cleanup_namespaces(self.request)
            # Add any namespaces used in the "typeNames" attribute of the
            # csw:Query element to the query's xml namespaces.
            for query in self.request.findall(
                    util.nspath_eval('csw:Query', namespaces)):
                ns = query.get("typeNames", None)
                if ns is not None:
                    # Pull out "gmd" from something like "gmd:MD_Metadata" from the list
                    # of typenames
                    ns_keys = [x.split(':')[0] for x in ns.split(' ')]
                    self.request = add_namespaces(self.request, ns_keys)

            self.request = util.element_to_string(self.request,

            self.response = util.http_post(request_url, self.request,
                                           self.lang, self.timeout,
                                           self.username, self.password)

        # parse result see if it's XML
        self._exml = etree.parse(BytesIO(self.response))

        # it's XML.  Attempt to decipher whether the XML response is CSW-ish """
        valid_xpaths = [
            util.nspath_eval('ows:ExceptionReport', namespaces),
            util.nspath_eval('csw:Capabilities', namespaces),
            util.nspath_eval('csw:DescribeRecordResponse', namespaces),
            util.nspath_eval('csw:GetDomainResponse', namespaces),
            util.nspath_eval('csw:GetRecordsResponse', namespaces),
            util.nspath_eval('csw:GetRecordByIdResponse', namespaces),
            util.nspath_eval('csw:HarvestResponse', namespaces),
            util.nspath_eval('csw:TransactionResponse', namespaces)

        if self._exml.getroot().tag not in valid_xpaths:
            raise RuntimeError('Document is XML, but not CSW-ish')

        # check if it's an OGC Exception
        val = self._exml.find(util.nspath_eval('ows:Exception', namespaces))
        if val is not None:
            raise ows.ExceptionReport(self._exml, self.owscommon.namespace)
            self.exceptionreport = None
Example #48
    def _invoke(self, mock_requests_post, mock_requests_request):
            if self.auth.token is not None:
                self.auth.username = "******"
                self.auth.password = self.auth.token
        except AttributeError:

        # do HTTP request

        request_url = self.url

        # Get correct URL based on Operation list.

        # If skip_caps=True, then self.operations has not been set, so use
        # default URL.
        if hasattr(self, "operations"):
            caller = inspect.stack()[1][3]
            if caller == "getrecords2":
                caller = "getrecords"
            # noinspection PyBroadException
                op = self.get_operation_by_name(caller)
                if isinstance(self.request, str):  # GET KVP
                    get_verbs = [
                        x for x in op.methods if x.get("type").lower() == "get"
                    request_url = get_verbs[0].get("url")
                    post_verbs = [
                        x for x in op.methods
                        if x.get("type").lower() == "post"
                    if len(post_verbs) > 1:
                        # Filter by constraints.  We must match a PostEncoding of "XML"
                        for pv in post_verbs:
                            for const in pv.get("constraints"):
                                if const.name.lower() == "postencoding":
                                    values = [v.lower() for v in const.values]
                                    if "xml" in values:
                                        request_url = pv.get("url")
                            # Well, just use the first one.
                            request_url = post_verbs[0].get("url")
                    elif len(post_verbs) == 1:
                        request_url = post_verbs[0].get("url")
            except Exception:  # nosec
                # no such luck, just go with request_url

        # print("Echo")

        if isinstance(self.request, str):  # GET KVP
            # print("Foxtrot")

            self.request = "%s%s" % (bind_url(request_url), self.request)
            self.response = openURL(self.request,

            # debug
            # print("invoke")
            # print(self.response[0:100])
            # print("Golf")

            self.request = cleanup_namespaces(self.request)
            # Add any namespaces used in the "typeNames" attribute of the
            # csw:Query element to the query's xml namespaces.
            # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
            for query in self.request.findall(
                    util.nspath_eval("csw:Query", csw_namespaces)):
                ns = query.get("typeNames", None)
                if ns is not None:
                    # Pull out "gmd" from something like "gmd:MD_Metadata" from the list
                    # of typenames
                    ns_keys = [x.split(":")[0] for x in ns.split(" ")]
                    self.request = add_namespaces(self.request, ns_keys)
            self.request = add_namespaces(self.request, "ows")

            self.request = util.element_to_string(self.request,

            # print("Hotel")

            self.response = http_post(request_url,

            # debug
            # print("invoke 2")
            # print(self.response[0:100])

        # debug
        # print("parse")
        # print(self.response[0:100])
        # print(self.response)

        # parse result see if it's XML
        self._exml = etree.parse(BytesIO(self.response))

        # it's XML.  Attempt to decipher whether the XML response is CSW-ish """
        valid_xpaths = [
            util.nspath_eval("ows:ExceptionReport", csw_namespaces),
            util.nspath_eval("csw:Capabilities", csw_namespaces),
            util.nspath_eval("csw:DescribeRecordResponse", csw_namespaces),
            util.nspath_eval("csw:GetDomainResponse", csw_namespaces),
            util.nspath_eval("csw:GetRecordsResponse", csw_namespaces),
            util.nspath_eval("csw:GetRecordByIdResponse", csw_namespaces),
            util.nspath_eval("csw:HarvestResponse", csw_namespaces),
            util.nspath_eval("csw:TransactionResponse", csw_namespaces),

        if self._exml.getroot().tag not in valid_xpaths:
            raise RuntimeError("Document is XML, but not CSW-ish")

        # check if it's an OGC Exception
        val = self._exml.find(util.nspath_eval("ows:Exception",
        if val is not None:
            raise ows.ExceptionReport(self._exml, self.owscommon.namespace)
            self.exceptionreport = None
Example #49
    def __init__(self, elem, parent, parse_remote_metadata=False, timeout=30):
        self.id = elem.find(nspath('Name', ns=WFS_NAMESPACE)).text
        self.title = elem.find(nspath('Title', ns=WFS_NAMESPACE)).text
        abstract = elem.find(nspath('Abstract', ns=WFS_NAMESPACE))
        if abstract is not None:
            self.abstract = abstract.text
            self.abstract = None
        self.keywords = [
            f.text for f in elem.findall(nspath('Keywords', ns=WFS_NAMESPACE))

        # bboxes
        self.boundingBoxWGS84 = None
        b = elem.find(nspath('WGS84BoundingBox', ns=OWS_NAMESPACE))
        if b is not None:
            lc = b.find(nspath("LowerCorner", ns=OWS_NAMESPACE))
            uc = b.find(nspath("UpperCorner", ns=OWS_NAMESPACE))
            ll = [float(s) for s in lc.text.split()]
            ur = [float(s) for s in uc.text.split()]
            self.boundingBoxWGS84 = (ll[0], ll[1], ur[0], ur[1])

        # there is no such think as bounding box
        # make copy of the WGS84BoundingBox
        self.boundingBox = (self.boundingBoxWGS84[0], self.boundingBoxWGS84[1],
                            self.boundingBoxWGS84[2], self.boundingBoxWGS84[3],
        # crs options
        self.crsOptions = [
            for srs in elem.findall(nspath('OtherCRS', ns=WFS_NAMESPACE))
        defaultCrs = elem.findall(nspath('DefaultCRS', ns=WFS_NAMESPACE))
        if len(defaultCrs) > 0:
            self.crsOptions.insert(0, Crs(defaultCrs[0].text))

        # verbs
        self.verbOptions = [op.tag for op \
            in parent.findall(nspath('Operations/*',ns=WFS_NAMESPACE))]
        self.verbOptions + [op.tag for op \
            in elem.findall(nspath('Operations/*',ns=WFS_NAMESPACE)) \
            if op.tag not in self.verbOptions]

        #others not used but needed for iContentMetadata harmonisation
        self.styles = None
        self.timepositions = None
        self.defaulttimeposition = None

        # MetadataURLs
        self.metadataUrls = []
        for m in elem.findall('MetadataURL'):
            metadataUrl = {
                testXMLValue(m.attrib['type'], attrib=True),

            if metadataUrl[
                    'url'] is not None and parse_remote_metadata:  # download URL
                    content = urllib2.urlopen(metadataUrl['url'],
                    doc = etree.parse(content)
                    try:  # FGDC
                        metadataUrl['metadata'] = Metadata(doc)
                    except:  # ISO
                        metadataUrl['metadata'] = MD_Metadata(doc)
                except Exception, err:
                    metadataUrl['metadata'] = None

Example #50
    def __init__(self,
        if xmltag_split(elem.tag) != 'Layer':
            raise ValueError('%s should be a Layer' % (elem, ))

        self.parent = parent
        if parent:
            self.index = "%s.%d" % (parent.index, index)
            self.index = str(index)

        self._children = children

        self.id = self.name = testXMLValue(
            elem.find(nspath('Name', WMS_NAMESPACE)))

        # layer attributes
        self.queryable = int(elem.attrib.get('queryable', 0))
        self.cascaded = int(elem.attrib.get('cascaded', 0))
        self.opaque = int(elem.attrib.get('opaque', 0))
        self.noSubsets = int(elem.attrib.get('noSubsets', 0))
        self.fixedWidth = int(elem.attrib.get('fixedWidth', 0))
        self.fixedHeight = int(elem.attrib.get('fixedHeight', 0))

        # title is mandatory property
        self.title = None
        title = testXMLValue(elem.find(nspath('Title', WMS_NAMESPACE)))
        if title is not None:
            self.title = title.strip()

        self.abstract = testXMLValue(
            elem.find(nspath('Abstract', WMS_NAMESPACE)))

        # TODO: what is the preferred response to esri's handling of custom projections
        #       in the spatial ref definitions? see http://resources.arcgis.com/en/help/main/10.1/index.html#//00sq000000m1000000
        #       and an example (20150812) http://maps.ngdc.noaa.gov/arcgis/services/firedetects/MapServer/WMSServer?request=GetCapabilities&service=WMS

        # bboxes
        b = elem.find(nspath('EX_GeographicBoundingBox', WMS_NAMESPACE))
        self.boundingBoxWGS84 = None
        if b is not None:
            minx = b.find(nspath('westBoundLongitude', WMS_NAMESPACE))
            miny = b.find(nspath('southBoundLatitude', WMS_NAMESPACE))
            maxx = b.find(nspath('eastBoundLongitude', WMS_NAMESPACE))
            maxy = b.find(nspath('northBoundLatitude', WMS_NAMESPACE))
            box = tuple(
                map(float, [
                    minx.text if minx is not None else None,
                    miny.text if miny is not None else None,
                    maxx.text if maxx is not None else None,
                    maxy.text if maxy is not None else None

            self.boundingBoxWGS84 = tuple(box)
        elif self.parent:
            if hasattr(self.parent, 'boundingBoxWGS84'):
                self.boundingBoxWGS84 = self.parent.boundingBoxWGS84

        # make a bbox list (of tuples)
        crs_list = []
        for bb in elem.findall(nspath('BoundingBox', WMS_NAMESPACE)):
            srs_str = bb.attrib.get('CRS', None)
            srs = Crs(srs_str)

            box = tuple(
                map(float, [
                    bb.attrib['minx'], bb.attrib['miny'], bb.attrib['maxx'],
            minx, miny, maxx, maxy = box[0], box[1], box[2], box[3]

            # handle the ordering so that it always
            # returns (minx, miny, maxx, maxy)
            if srs and srs.axisorder == 'yx':
                # reverse things
                minx, miny, maxx, maxy = box[1], box[0], box[3], box[2]

        self.crs_list = crs_list
        # and maintain the original boundingBox attribute (first in list)
        # or the wgs84 bbox (to handle cases of incomplete parentage)
        self.boundingBox = crs_list[0] if crs_list else self.boundingBoxWGS84

        # ScaleHint
        sh = elem.find(nspath('ScaleHint', WMS_NAMESPACE))
        self.scaleHint = None
        if sh is not None:
            if 'min' in sh.attrib and 'max' in sh.attrib:
                self.scaleHint = {
                    'min': sh.attrib['min'],
                    'max': sh.attrib['max']

        attribution = elem.find(nspath('Attribution', WMS_NAMESPACE))
        if attribution is not None:
            self.attribution = dict()
            title = attribution.find(nspath('Title', WMS_NAMESPACE))
            url = attribution.find(nspath('OnlineResource', WMS_NAMESPACE))
            logo = attribution.find(nspath('LogoURL', WMS_NAMESPACE))
            if title is not None:
                self.attribution['title'] = title.text
            if url is not None:
                self.attribution['url'] = url.attrib[
            if logo is not None:
                self.attribution['logo_size'] = (int(logo.attrib['width']),
                self.attribution['logo_url'] = logo.find(
                    nspath('OnlineResource', WMS_NAMESPACE)

        # TODO: get this from the bbox attributes instead (deal with parents)
        # SRS options
        self.crsOptions = []

        # Copy any parent SRS options (they are inheritable properties)
        if self.parent:
            self.crsOptions = list(self.parent.crsOptions)

        # Look for SRS option attached to this layer
        if elem.find(nspath('CRS', WMS_NAMESPACE)) is not None:
            # some servers found in the wild use a single SRS
            # tag containing a whitespace separated list of SRIDs
            # instead of several SRS tags. hence the inner loop
            for srslist in [
                    x.text for x in elem.findall(nspath('CRS', WMS_NAMESPACE))
                if srslist:
                    for srs in srslist.split():

        # Get rid of duplicate entries
        self.crsOptions = list(set(self.crsOptions))

        # Set self.crsOptions to None if the layer (and parents) had no SRS options
        if len(self.crsOptions) == 0:
            # raise ValueError('%s no SRS available!?' % (elem,))
            # Comment by D Lowe.
            # Do not raise ValueError as it is possible that a layer is purely a parent layer and does not have SRS specified. Instead set crsOptions to None
            # Comment by Jachym:
            # Do not set it to None, but to [], which will make the code
            # work further. Fixed by anthonybaxter
            self.crsOptions = []

        # Styles
        self.styles = {}

        # Copy any parent styles (they are inheritable properties)
        if self.parent:
            self.styles = self.parent.styles.copy()

        # Get the styles for this layer (items with the same name are replaced)
        for s in elem.findall(nspath('Style', WMS_NAMESPACE)):
            name = s.find(nspath('Name', WMS_NAMESPACE))
            title = s.find(nspath('Title', WMS_NAMESPACE))
            if name is None or title is None:
                raise ValueError('%s missing name or title' % (s, ))
            style = {'title': title.text}
            # legend url
            legend = s.find(nspath('LegendURL/OnlineResource', WMS_NAMESPACE))
            if legend is not None:
                style['legend'] = legend.attrib[

            lgd = s.find(nspath('LegendURL', WMS_NAMESPACE))
            if lgd is not None:
                if 'width' in list(lgd.attrib.keys()):
                    style['legend_width'] = lgd.attrib.get('width')
                if 'height' in list(lgd.attrib.keys()):
                    style['legend_height'] = lgd.attrib.get('height')

                lgd_format = lgd.find(nspath('Format', WMS_NAMESPACE))
                if lgd_format is not None:
                    style['legend_format'] = lgd_format.text.strip()
            self.styles[name.text] = style

        # keywords
        self.keywords = [
            for f in elem.findall(nspath('KeywordList/Keyword', WMS_NAMESPACE))

        # extents replaced by dimensions of name
        # comment by Soren Scott
        # <Dimension name="elevation" units="meters" default="500" multipleValues="1"
        #    nearestValue="0" current="true" unitSymbol="m">500, 490, 480</Dimension>
        # it can be repeated with the same name so ? this assumes a single one to match 1.1.1

        self.timepositions = None
        self.defaulttimeposition = None
        time_dimension = None
        for dim in elem.findall(nspath('Dimension', WMS_NAMESPACE)):
            dim_name = dim.attrib.get('name')
            if dim_name is not None and dim_name.lower() == 'time':
                time_dimension = dim
        if time_dimension is not None:
            self.timepositions = time_dimension.text.split(
                ',') if time_dimension.text else None
            self.defaulttimeposition = time_dimension.attrib.get(
                'default', None)

        # Elevations - available vertical levels
        self.elevations = None
        elev_dimension = None
        for dim in elem.findall(nspath('Dimension', WMS_NAMESPACE)):
            if dim.attrib.get('elevation') is not None:
                elev_dimension = dim
        if elev_dimension is not None:
            self.elevations = [
                e.strip() for e in elev_dimension.text.split(',')
            ] if elev_dimension.text else None

        # and now capture the dimensions as more generic things (and custom things)
        self.dimensions = {}
        for dim in elem.findall(nspath('Dimension', WMS_NAMESPACE)):
            dim_name = dim.attrib.get('name')
            dim_data = {}
            for k, v in six.iteritems(dim.attrib):
                if k != 'name':
                    dim_data[k] = v
            # single values and ranges are not differentiated here
            dim_data['values'] = dim.text.strip().split(
                ',') if dim.text.strip() else None
            self.dimensions[dim_name] = dim_data

        # MetadataURLs
        self.metadataUrls = []
        for m in elem.findall(nspath('MetadataURL', WMS_NAMESPACE)):
            metadataUrl = {
                testXMLValue(m.attrib['type'], attrib=True),
                testXMLValue(m.find(nspath('Format', WMS_NAMESPACE))),
                testXMLValue(m.find(nspath('OnlineResource', WMS_NAMESPACE)).

            if metadataUrl[
                    'url'] is not None and parse_remote_metadata:  # download URL
                    content = openURL(metadataUrl['url'], timeout=timeout)
                    doc = etree.parse(content)
                    if metadataUrl['type'] is not None:
                        if metadataUrl['type'] == 'FGDC':
                            metadataUrl['metadata'] = Metadata(doc)
                        if metadataUrl['type'] == 'TC211':
                            metadataUrl['metadata'] = MD_Metadata(doc)
                except Exception:
                    metadataUrl['metadata'] = None


        # DataURLs
        self.dataUrls = []
        for m in elem.findall(nspath('DataURL', WMS_NAMESPACE)):
            dataUrl = {
                m.find(nspath('Format', WMS_NAMESPACE)).text.strip(),
                m.find(nspath('OnlineResource', WMS_NAMESPACE)).

        # FeatureListURLs
        self.featureListUrls = []
        for m in elem.findall(nspath('FeatureListURL', WMS_NAMESPACE)):
            featureUrl = {
                m.find(nspath('Format', WMS_NAMESPACE)).text.strip(),
                m.find(nspath('OnlineResource', WMS_NAMESPACE)).

        self.layers = []
        for child in elem.findall(nspath('Layer', WMS_NAMESPACE)):
            self.layers.append(ContentMetadata(child, self))
Example #51
    def __init__(self, elem, parent=None, children=None, index=0, parse_remote_metadata=False, timeout=30):
        if xmltag_split(elem.tag) != 'Layer':
            raise ValueError('%s should be a Layer' % (elem,))

        self.parent = parent
        if parent:
            self.index = "%s.%d" % (parent.index, index)
            self.index = str(index)

        self._children = children

        self.id = self.name = testXMLValue(elem.find(nspath('Name', WMS_NAMESPACE)))

        # layer attributes
        self.queryable = int(elem.attrib.get('queryable', 0))
        self.cascaded = int(elem.attrib.get('cascaded', 0))
        self.opaque = int(elem.attrib.get('opaque', 0))
        self.noSubsets = int(elem.attrib.get('noSubsets', 0))
        self.fixedWidth = int(elem.attrib.get('fixedWidth', 0))
        self.fixedHeight = int(elem.attrib.get('fixedHeight', 0))

        # title is mandatory property
        self.title = None
        title = testXMLValue(elem.find(nspath('Title', WMS_NAMESPACE)))
        if title is not None:
            self.title = title.strip()

        self.abstract = testXMLValue(elem.find(nspath('Abstract', WMS_NAMESPACE)))

        # TODO: what is the preferred response to esri's handling of custom projections
        #       in the spatial ref definitions? see http://resources.arcgis.com/en/help/main/10.1/index.html#//00sq000000m1000000
        #       and an example (20150812) http://maps.ngdc.noaa.gov/arcgis/services/firedetects/MapServer/WMSServer?request=GetCapabilities&service=WMS

        # bboxes
        b = elem.find(nspath('EX_GeographicBoundingBox', WMS_NAMESPACE))
        self.boundingBoxWGS84 = None
        if b is not None:
            minx = b.find(nspath('westBoundLongitude', WMS_NAMESPACE))
            miny = b.find(nspath('southBoundLatitude', WMS_NAMESPACE))
            maxx = b.find(nspath('eastBoundLongitude', WMS_NAMESPACE))
            maxy = b.find(nspath('northBoundLatitude', WMS_NAMESPACE))
            box = tuple(map(float, [minx.text if minx is not None else None,
                            miny.text if miny is not None else None,
                            maxx.text if maxx is not None else None,
                            maxy.text if maxy is not None else None]))

            self.boundingBoxWGS84 = tuple(box)
        elif self.parent:
            if hasattr(self.parent, 'boundingBoxWGS84'):
                self.boundingBoxWGS84 = self.parent.boundingBoxWGS84

        # make a bbox list (of tuples)
        crs_list = []
        for bb in elem.findall(nspath('BoundingBox', WMS_NAMESPACE)):
            srs_str = bb.attrib.get('CRS', None)
            srs = Crs(srs_str)

            box = tuple(map(float, [bb.attrib['minx'],
            minx, miny, maxx, maxy = box[0], box[1], box[2], box[3]

            # handle the ordering so that it always
            # returns (minx, miny, maxx, maxy)
            if srs and srs.axisorder == 'yx':
                # reverse things
                minx, miny, maxx, maxy = box[1], box[0], box[3], box[2]

                minx, miny, maxx, maxy,
        self.crs_list = crs_list
        # and maintain the original boundingBox attribute (first in list)
        # or the wgs84 bbox (to handle cases of incomplete parentage)
        self.boundingBox = crs_list[0] if crs_list else self.boundingBoxWGS84

        # ScaleHint
        sh = elem.find(nspath('ScaleHint', WMS_NAMESPACE))
        self.scaleHint = None
        if sh is not None:
            if 'min' in sh.attrib and 'max' in sh.attrib:
                self.scaleHint = {'min': sh.attrib['min'], 'max': sh.attrib['max']}

        attribution = elem.find(nspath('Attribution', WMS_NAMESPACE))
        if attribution is not None:
            self.attribution = dict()
            title = attribution.find(nspath('Title', WMS_NAMESPACE))
            url = attribution.find(nspath('OnlineResource', WMS_NAMESPACE))
            logo = attribution.find(nspath('LogoURL', WMS_NAMESPACE))
            if title is not None:
                self.attribution['title'] = title.text
            if url is not None:
                self.attribution['url'] = url.attrib['{http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink}href']
            if logo is not None:
                self.attribution['logo_size'] = (int(logo.attrib['width']), int(logo.attrib['height']))
                self.attribution['logo_url'] = logo.find(nspath('OnlineResource', WMS_NAMESPACE)).attrib['{http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink}href']

        # TODO: get this from the bbox attributes instead (deal with parents)
        # SRS options
        self.crsOptions = []

        # Copy any parent SRS options (they are inheritable properties)
        if self.parent:
            self.crsOptions = list(self.parent.crsOptions)

        # Look for SRS option attached to this layer
        if elem.find(nspath('CRS', WMS_NAMESPACE)) is not None:
            # some servers found in the wild use a single SRS
            # tag containing a whitespace separated list of SRIDs
            # instead of several SRS tags. hence the inner loop
            for srslist in map(lambda x: x.text, elem.findall(nspath('CRS', WMS_NAMESPACE))):
                if srslist:
                    for srs in srslist.split():

        # Get rid of duplicate entries
        self.crsOptions = list(set(self.crsOptions))

        # Set self.crsOptions to None if the layer (and parents) had no SRS options
        if len(self.crsOptions) == 0:
            # raise ValueError('%s no SRS available!?' % (elem,))
            # Comment by D Lowe.
            # Do not raise ValueError as it is possible that a layer is purely a parent layer and does not have SRS specified. Instead set crsOptions to None
            # Comment by Jachym:
            # Do not set it to None, but to [], which will make the code
            # work further. Fixed by anthonybaxter
            self.crsOptions = []

        # Styles
        self.styles = {}

        # Copy any parent styles (they are inheritable properties)
        if self.parent:
            self.styles = self.parent.styles.copy()

        # Get the styles for this layer (items with the same name are replaced)
        for s in elem.findall(nspath('Style', WMS_NAMESPACE)):
            name = s.find(nspath('Name', WMS_NAMESPACE))
            title = s.find(nspath('Title', WMS_NAMESPACE))
            if name is None or title is None:
                raise ValueError('%s missing name or title' % (s,))
            style = {'title': title.text}
            # legend url
            legend = s.find(nspath('LegendURL/OnlineResource', WMS_NAMESPACE))
            if legend is not None:
                style['legend'] = legend.attrib['{http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink}href']

            lgd = s.find(nspath('LegendURL', WMS_NAMESPACE))
            if lgd is not None:
                if 'width' in lgd.attrib.keys():
                    style['legend_width'] = lgd.attrib.get('width')
                if 'height' in lgd.attrib.keys():
                    style['legend_height'] = lgd.attrib.get('height')

                lgd_format = lgd.find(nspath('Format', WMS_NAMESPACE))
                if lgd_format is not None:
                    style['legend_format'] = lgd_format.text.strip()
            self.styles[name.text] = style

        # keywords
        self.keywords = [f.text for f in elem.findall(nspath('KeywordList/Keyword', WMS_NAMESPACE))]

        # extents replaced by dimensions of name
        # comment by Soren Scott
        # <Dimension name="elevation" units="meters" default="500" multipleValues="1"
        #    nearestValue="0" current="true" unitSymbol="m">500, 490, 480</Dimension>
        # it can be repeated with the same name so ? this assumes a single one to match 1.1.1

        self.timepositions = None
        self.defaulttimeposition = None
        time_dimension = None
        for dim in elem.findall(nspath('Dimension', WMS_NAMESPACE)):
            if dim.attrib.get('name') is not None:
                time_dimension = dim
        if time_dimension is not None:
            self.timepositions = time_dimension.text.split(',') if time_dimension.text else None
            self.defaulttimeposition = time_dimension.attrib.get('default', None)

        # Elevations - available vertical levels
        self.elevations = None
        elev_dimension = None
        for dim in elem.findall(nspath('Dimension', WMS_NAMESPACE)):
            if dim.attrib.get('elevation') is not None:
                elev_dimension = dim
        if elev_dimension is not None:
            self.elevations = [e.strip() for e in elev_dimension.text.split(',')] if elev_dimension.text else None

        # and now capture the dimensions as more generic things (and custom things)
        self.dimensions = {}
        for dim in elem.findall(nspath('Dimension', WMS_NAMESPACE)):
            dim_name = dim.attrib.get('name')
            dim_data = {}
            for k, v in six.iteritems(dim.attrib):
                if k != 'name':
                    dim_data[k] = v
            # single values and ranges are not differentiated here
            dim_data['values'] = dim.text.strip().split(',') if dim.text.strip() else None
            self.dimensions[dim_name] = dim_data

        # MetadataURLs
        self.metadataUrls = []
        for m in elem.findall(nspath('MetadataURL', WMS_NAMESPACE)):
            metadataUrl = {
                'type': testXMLValue(m.attrib['type'], attrib=True),
                'format': testXMLValue(m.find(nspath('Format', WMS_NAMESPACE))),
                'url': testXMLValue(m.find(nspath('OnlineResource', WMS_NAMESPACE)).attrib['{http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink}href'], attrib=True)

            if metadataUrl['url'] is not None and parse_remote_metadata:  # download URL
                    content = openURL(metadataUrl['url'], timeout=timeout)
                    doc = etree.parse(content)
                    if metadataUrl['type'] is not None:
                        if metadataUrl['type'] == 'FGDC':
                            metadataUrl['metadata'] = Metadata(doc)
                        if metadataUrl['type'] == 'TC211':
                            metadataUrl['metadata'] = MD_Metadata(doc)
                except Exception:
                    metadataUrl['metadata'] = None


        # DataURLs
        self.dataUrls = []
        for m in elem.findall(nspath('DataURL', WMS_NAMESPACE)):
            dataUrl = {
                'format': m.find(nspath('Format', WMS_NAMESPACE)).text.strip(),
                'url': m.find(nspath('OnlineResource', WMS_NAMESPACE)).attrib['{http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink}href']

        # FeatureListURLs
        self.featureListUrls = []
        for m in elem.findall(nspath('FeatureListURL', WMS_NAMESPACE)):
            featureUrl = {
                'format': m.find(nspath('Format', WMS_NAMESPACE)).text.strip(),
                'url': m.find(nspath('OnlineResource', WMS_NAMESPACE)).attrib['{http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink}href']

        self.layers = []
        for child in elem.findall(nspath('Layer', WMS_NAMESPACE)):
            self.layers.append(ContentMetadata(child, self))
Example #52
    def __init__(self, elem, parent, parse_remote_metadata=False, timeout=30):
        self.id = testXMLValue(elem.find(nspath('Name')))
        self.title = testXMLValue(elem.find(nspath('Title')))
        self.abstract = testXMLValue(elem.find(nspath('Abstract')))
        self.keywords = [f.text for f in elem.findall(nspath('Keywords'))]

        # bboxes
        self.boundingBox = None
        b = elem.find(nspath('LatLongBoundingBox'))
        srs = elem.find(nspath('SRS'))

        if b is not None:
            self.boundingBox = (float(b.attrib['minx']), float(
                b.attrib['miny']), float(b.attrib['maxx']),
                                float(b.attrib['maxy']), Crs(srs.text))

        # transform wgs84 bbox from given default bboxt
        self.boundingBoxWGS84 = None

        if b is not None and srs is not None:
            wgs84 = pyproj.Proj(init="epsg:4326")
                src_srs = pyproj.Proj(init=srs.text)
                mincorner = pyproj.transform(src_srs, wgs84, b.attrib['minx'],
                maxcorner = pyproj.transform(src_srs, wgs84, b.attrib['maxx'],

                self.boundingBoxWGS84 = (mincorner[0], mincorner[1],
                                         maxcorner[0], maxcorner[1])
            except RuntimeError as e:

        # crs options
        self.crsOptions = [
            Crs(srs.text) for srs in elem.findall(nspath('SRS'))

        # verbs
        self.verbOptions = [op.tag for op \
            in parent.findall(nspath('Operations/*'))]
        self.verbOptions + [op.tag for op \
            in elem.findall(nspath('Operations/*')) \
            if op.tag not in self.verbOptions]

        #others not used but needed for iContentMetadata harmonisation
        self.styles = None
        self.timepositions = None
        self.defaulttimeposition = None

        # MetadataURLs
        self.metadataUrls = []
        for m in elem.findall(nspath('MetadataURL')):
            metadataUrl = {
                'type': testXMLValue(m.attrib['type'], attrib=True),
                'format': testXMLValue(m.find('Format')),
                'url': testXMLValue(m)

            if metadataUrl[
                    'url'] is not None and parse_remote_metadata:  # download URL
                    content = openURL(metadataUrl['url'], timeout=timeout)
                    doc = etree.parse(content)
                    if metadataUrl['type'] is not None:
                        if metadataUrl['type'] == 'FGDC':
                            metadataUrl['metadata'] = Metadata(doc)
                        if metadataUrl['type'] == 'TC211':
                            metadataUrl['metadata'] = MD_Metadata(doc)
                except Exception:
                    metadataUrl['metadata'] = None

Example #53
    def __init__(self, elem, parent, parse_remote_metadata=False, timeout=30):
        self.id = elem.find(nspath('Name',ns=WFS_NAMESPACE)).text
        self.title = elem.find(nspath('Title',ns=WFS_NAMESPACE)).text
        abstract = elem.find(nspath('Abstract',ns=WFS_NAMESPACE))
        if abstract is not None:
            self.abstract = abstract.text
            self.abstract = None
        self.keywords = [f.text for f in elem.findall(nspath('Keywords',ns=WFS_NAMESPACE))]

        # bboxes
        self.boundingBoxWGS84 = None
        b = elem.find(nspath('WGS84BoundingBox',ns=OWS_NAMESPACE))
        if b is not None:
            lc = b.find(nspath("LowerCorner",ns=OWS_NAMESPACE))
            uc = b.find(nspath("UpperCorner",ns=OWS_NAMESPACE))
            ll = [float(s) for s in lc.text.split()]
            ur = [float(s) for s in uc.text.split()]
            self.boundingBoxWGS84 = (ll[0],ll[1],ur[0],ur[1])

        # there is no such think as bounding box
        # make copy of the WGS84BoundingBox
        self.boundingBox = (self.boundingBoxWGS84[0],
        # crs options
        self.crsOptions = [Crs(srs.text) for srs in elem.findall(nspath('OtherCRS',ns=WFS_NAMESPACE))]
        defaultCrs =  elem.findall(nspath('DefaultCRS',ns=WFS_NAMESPACE))
        if len(defaultCrs) > 0:

        # verbs
        self.verbOptions = [op.tag for op \
            in parent.findall(nspath('Operations/*',ns=WFS_NAMESPACE))]
        self.verbOptions + [op.tag for op \
            in elem.findall(nspath('Operations/*',ns=WFS_NAMESPACE)) \
            if op.tag not in self.verbOptions]
        #others not used but needed for iContentMetadata harmonisation

        # MetadataURLs
        self.metadataUrls = []
        for m in elem.findall('MetadataURL'):
            metadataUrl = {
                'type': testXMLValue(m.attrib['type'], attrib=True),
                'format': m.find('Format').text.strip(),
                'url': testXMLValue(m.find('OnlineResource').attrib['{http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink}href'], attrib=True)

            if metadataUrl['url'] is not None and parse_remote_metadata:  # download URL
                    content = urllib2.urlopen(metadataUrl['url'], timeout=timeout)
                    doc = etree.parse(content)
                    try:  # FGDC
                        metadataUrl['metadata'] = Metadata(doc)
                    except:  # ISO
                        metadataUrl['metadata'] = MD_Metadata(doc)
                except Exception, err:
                    metadataUrl['metadata'] = None

Example #54
    def _invoke(self):
        # do HTTP request

        if isinstance(self.request, basestring):  # GET KVP
            req = Request(self.request)
            if self.username is not None and self.password is not None:
                base64string = base64.encodestring('%s:%s' % (self.username, self.password))[:-1]
                req.add_header('Authorization', 'Basic %s' % base64string)
            self.response = urlopen(req, timeout=self.timeout).read()
            xml_post_url = self.url
            # Get correct POST URL based on Operation list.
            # If skip_caps=True, then self.operations has not been set, so use
            # default URL.
            if hasattr(self, 'operations'):
                caller = inspect.stack()[1][3] 
                if caller == 'getrecords2': caller = 'getrecords'
                    op = self.get_operation_by_name(caller)
                    post_verbs = filter(lambda x: x.get('type').lower() == 'post', op.methods)
                    if len(post_verbs) > 1:
                        # Filter by constraints.  We must match a PostEncoding of "XML"
                            xml_post_url = next(x for x in filter(list, ([pv.get('url') for const in pv.get('constraints') if const.name.lower() == "postencoding" and 'xml' in map(lambda x: x.lower(), const.values)] for pv in post_verbs)))[0]
                        except StopIteration:
                            # Well, just use the first one.
                            xml_post_url = post_verbs[0].get('url')
                    elif len(post_verbs) == 1:
                        xml_post_url = post_verbs[0].get('url')
                except:  # no such luck, just go with xml_post_url

            self.request = cleanup_namespaces(self.request)
            # Add any namespaces used in the "typeNames" attribute of the
            # csw:Query element to the query's xml namespaces.
            for query in self.request.findall(util.nspath_eval('csw:Query', namespaces)):
                ns = query.get("typeNames", None)
                if ns is not None:
                    # Pull out "gmd" from something like "gmd:MD_Metadata" from the list
                    # of typenames
                    ns_keys = [x.split(':')[0] for x in ns.split(' ')]
                    self.request = add_namespaces(self.request, ns_keys)

            self.request = util.element_to_string(self.request, encoding='utf-8')

            #Modified by Ross Thompson for use with FGP
            #self.response = util.http_post(xml_post_url, self.request, self.lang, self.timeout, self.username, self.password)
            self.response = util.http_post(self.url, self.request, self.lang, self.timeout, self.username, self.password)

        # parse result see if it's XML
        self._exml = etree.parse(StringIO.StringIO(self.response))

        # it's XML.  Attempt to decipher whether the XML response is CSW-ish """
        valid_xpaths = [
            util.nspath_eval('ows:ExceptionReport', namespaces),
            util.nspath_eval('csw:Capabilities', namespaces),
            util.nspath_eval('csw:DescribeRecordResponse', namespaces),
            util.nspath_eval('csw:GetDomainResponse', namespaces),
            util.nspath_eval('csw:GetRecordsResponse', namespaces),
            util.nspath_eval('csw:GetRecordByIdResponse', namespaces),
            util.nspath_eval('csw:HarvestResponse', namespaces),
            util.nspath_eval('csw:TransactionResponse', namespaces)

        if self._exml.getroot().tag not in valid_xpaths:
            raise RuntimeError('Document is XML, but not CSW-ish')

        # check if it's an OGC Exception
        val = self._exml.find(util.nspath_eval('ows:Exception', namespaces))
        if val is not None:
            raise ows.ExceptionReport(self._exml, self.owscommon.namespace)
            self.exceptionreport = None
Example #55
    def parse_variable(self, xml=None):
        if xml is not None:
                self._root = etree.parse(xml)
                self._root = xml

        # try:
        xml_dict = _xml_to_dict(self._root)
        self.value_type = xml_dict.get('value_type')
        self.data_type = xml_dict.get('data_type')
        self.general_category = xml_dict.get('general_category')
        self.sample_medium = xml_dict.get('sample_medium')
        self.no_data_value = xml_dict.get('no_data_value')
        self.variable_name = xml_dict.get('variable_name')
        self.variable_code = xml_dict.get('variable_code')
        self.variable_description = xml_dict.get('variable_description')
        self.speciation = xml_dict.get('speciation')
        # notes and properties
        notes = [(note.attrib.get('title'), testXMLValue(note))
                 for note in self._findall('note')]
        none_notes = [note[1] for note in notes if note[0] is None]
        self.notes = dict([note for note in notes if note[0] is not None])
        if len(none_notes) > 0:
            self.notes['none'] = none_notes

        self.properties = dict([(prop.attrib.get('name'), testXMLValue(prop))
                                for prop in self._findall('variableProperty')])
        # related
        related = self._find('related')
        if related is not None:
            self.parent_codes = [
                dict([('network', code.attrib.get('network')),
                      ('vocabulary', code.attrib.get('vocabulary')),
                      ('default', code.attrib.get('default'))])
                for code in related.findall(ns(self._ns) + 'parentCode')
            self.related_codes = [
                dict([('network', d.get('network')),
                      ('vocabulary', d.get('vocabulary')),
                      ('default', d.get('default'))])
                for code in related.findall(ns(self._ns) + 'relatedCode')
            self.parent_codes = None
            self.related_codes = None

        # sub-objects
        if self._ns == 'wml1.0':
            unit = self._find('units')
            self.unit = Unit1_0(unit, self._ns) if unit is not None else None

            timesupport = self._find('timeSupport')
            self.time_support = TimeScale(
                timesupport, self._ns) if timesupport is not None else None
            unit = self._find('unit')
            self.unit = Unit(unit, self._ns) if unit is not None else None

            timescale = self._find('timeScale')
            self.time_scale = TimeScale(
                timescale, self._ns) if timescale is not None else None

        categories = self._find('categories')
        if categories is not None:
            self.categories = [
                Category(cat, self._ns)
                for cat in categories.findall(ns(self._ns) + 'category')
            self.categories = None
Example #56
# Contact email: [email protected]
# =============================================================================

# get a list of entries for a given code list dictionary

import sys
import urllib2

from owslib.etree import etree
from owslib.iso import CodelistCatalogue

if len(sys.argv) < 3:
    print 'Usage: %s <path/to/gmxCodelists.xml> <CodeListDictionary>' % sys.argv[0]


clds = c.getcodelistdictionaries()

def valid_clds():
    return  '''
Valid code list dictionaries are:

''' % '\n'.join(clds)

if len(sys.argv) < 2:
    print '''
Usage: %s <codelistdictionary>
Example #57
    def __init__(self,
        if elem.tag != 'Layer':
            raise ValueError('%s should be a Layer' % (elem, ))

        self.parent = parent
        if parent:
            self.index = "%s.%d" % (parent.index, index)
            self.index = str(index)

        self._children = children

        self.id = self.name = testXMLValue(elem.find('Name'))

        # layer attributes
        self.queryable = int(elem.attrib.get('queryable', 0))
        self.cascaded = int(elem.attrib.get('cascaded', 0))
        self.opaque = int(elem.attrib.get('opaque', 0))
        self.noSubsets = int(elem.attrib.get('noSubsets', 0))
        self.fixedWidth = int(elem.attrib.get('fixedWidth', 0))
        self.fixedHeight = int(elem.attrib.get('fixedHeight', 0))

        # title is mandatory property
        self.title = None
        title = testXMLValue(elem.find('Title'))
        if title is not None:
            self.title = title.strip()

        self.abstract = testXMLValue(elem.find('Abstract'))

        # bboxes
        b = elem.find('BoundingBox')
        self.boundingBox = None
        if b is not None:
            try:  # sometimes the SRS attribute is (wrongly) not provided
                srs = b.attrib['SRS']
            except KeyError:
                srs = None
            self.boundingBox = (
        elif self.parent:
            if hasattr(self.parent, 'boundingBox'):
                self.boundingBox = self.parent.boundingBox

        # ScaleHint
        sh = elem.find('ScaleHint')
        self.scaleHint = None
        if sh is not None:
            if 'min' in sh.attrib and 'max' in sh.attrib:
                self.scaleHint = {
                    'min': sh.attrib['min'],
                    'max': sh.attrib['max']

        attribution = elem.find('Attribution')
        if attribution is not None:
            self.attribution = dict()
            title = attribution.find('Title')
            url = attribution.find('OnlineResource')
            logo = attribution.find('LogoURL')
            if title is not None:
                self.attribution['title'] = title.text
            if url is not None:
                self.attribution['url'] = url.attrib[
            if logo is not None:
                self.attribution['logo_size'] = (int(logo.attrib['width']),
                self.attribution['logo_url'] = logo.find(

        b = elem.find('LatLonBoundingBox')
        if b is not None:
            self.boundingBoxWGS84 = (
        elif self.parent:
            self.boundingBoxWGS84 = self.parent.boundingBoxWGS84
            self.boundingBoxWGS84 = None

        # SRS options
        self.crsOptions = []

        # Copy any parent SRS options (they are inheritable properties)
        if self.parent:
            self.crsOptions = list(self.parent.crsOptions)

        # Look for SRS option attached to this layer
        if elem.find('SRS') is not None:
            ## some servers found in the wild use a single SRS
            ## tag containing a whitespace separated list of SRIDs
            ## instead of several SRS tags. hence the inner loop
            for srslist in [x.text for x in elem.findall('SRS')]:
                if srslist:
                    for srs in srslist.split():

        #Get rid of duplicate entries
        self.crsOptions = list(set(self.crsOptions))

        #Set self.crsOptions to None if the layer (and parents) had no SRS options
        if len(self.crsOptions) == 0:
            #raise ValueError('%s no SRS available!?' % (elem,))
            #Comment by D Lowe.
            #Do not raise ValueError as it is possible that a layer is purely a parent layer and does not have SRS specified. Instead set crsOptions to None
            # Comment by Jachym:
            # Do not set it to None, but to [], which will make the code
            # work further. Fixed by anthonybaxter
            self.crsOptions = []

        self.styles = {}

        #Copy any parent styles (they are inheritable properties)
        if self.parent:
            self.styles = self.parent.styles.copy()

        #Get the styles for this layer (items with the same name are replaced)
        for s in elem.findall('Style'):
            name = s.find('Name')
            title = s.find('Title')
            if name is None or title is None:
                raise ValueError('%s missing name or title' % (s, ))
            style = {'title': title.text}
            # legend url
            legend = s.find('LegendURL/OnlineResource')
            if legend is not None:
                style['legend'] = legend.attrib[
            self.styles[name.text] = style

        # keywords
        self.keywords = [f.text for f in elem.findall('KeywordList/Keyword')]

        # timepositions - times for which data is available.
        self.timepositions = None
        self.defaulttimeposition = None
        for extent in elem.findall('Extent'):
            if extent.attrib.get("name").lower() == 'time':
                if extent.text:
                    self.timepositions = extent.text.split(',')
                    self.defaulttimeposition = extent.attrib.get("default")

        # Elevations - available vertical levels
        self.elevations = None
        for extent in elem.findall('Extent'):
            if extent.attrib.get("name").lower() == 'elevation':
                if extent.text:
                    self.elevations = extent.text.split(',')

        # MetadataURLs
        self.metadataUrls = []
        for m in elem.findall('MetadataURL'):
            metadataUrl = {
                testXMLValue(m.attrib['type'], attrib=True),

            if metadataUrl[
                    'url'] is not None and parse_remote_metadata:  # download URL
                    content = openURL(metadataUrl['url'], timeout=timeout)
                    doc = etree.parse(content)
                    if metadataUrl['type'] is not None:
                        if metadataUrl['type'] == 'FGDC':
                            metadataUrl['metadata'] = Metadata(doc)
                        if metadataUrl['type'] == 'TC211':
                            metadataUrl['metadata'] = MD_Metadata(doc)
                except Exception:
                    metadataUrl['metadata'] = None


        # DataURLs
        self.dataUrls = []
        for m in elem.findall('DataURL'):
            dataUrl = {

        self.layers = []
        for child in elem.findall('Layer'):
            self.layers.append(ContentMetadata(child, self))