def groups(self, parser): groups = [] group = IgnorableOptionGroup(parser, "Registration", ignore=self.ignore) group.add_option( "--regfrom", help="Registration image (e.g. perfusion weighted image)", type="image") #group.add_option("--omat", help="Output file for transform matrix", default=None) #group.add_option("--bbr", dest="do_bbr", help="Include BBR registration step using EPI_REG", action="store_true", default=False) #group.add_option("--flirt", dest="do_flirt", help="Include rigid-body registration step using FLIRT", action="store_true", default=True) #group.add_option("--flirtsch", help="user-specified FLIRT schedule for registration") groups.append(group) #group = IgnorableOptionGroup(parser, "Extra BBR registration refinement", ignore=self.ignore) #group.add_option("-c", dest="cfile", help="ASL control/calibration image for initial registration - brain extracted") #group.add_option("--wm_seg", dest="wm_seg", help="tissue segmenation image for bbr (in structural image space)") #groups.append(group) #group = IgnorableOptionGroup(parser, "Distortion correction using fieldmap (see epi_reg)", ignore=self.ignore) #g.add_option("--nofmapreg", dest="nofmapreg", help="do not perform registration of fmap to T1 (use if fmap already registered)", action="store_true", default=False) #groups.append(group) #group = IgnorableOptionGroup(parser, "Deprecated", ignore=self.ignore) #g.add_option("-r", dest="lowstruc", help="extra low resolution structural image - brain extracted") #g.add_option("--inweight", dest="inweight", help="specify weights for input image - same functionality as the flirt -inweight option", type="float") #groups.append(group) return groups
def groups(self, parser): groups = [] group = IgnorableOptionGroup(parser, "BASIL options", ignore=self.ignore) group.add_option("--infertau", help="Infer bolus duration", action="store_true", default=False) group.add_option("--inferart", help="Infer macro vascular (arterial) signal component (not supported for multi-TE data)", action="store_true", default=False) group.add_option("--inferpc", help="Infer pre-capillary signal component (not supported for multi-TE data)", action="store_true", default=False) group.add_option("--infert1", help="Include uncertainty in T1 values", action="store_true", default=False) group.add_option("--infertexch", help="Infer exchange time (multi-TE data only)", action="store_true", default=False) group.add_option("--artonly", help="Remove tissue component and infer only arterial component (not supported for multi-TE data)", action="store_true", default=False) group.add_option("--fixbat", help="Fix bolus arrival time", action="store_false", default=True) group.add_option("--batsd", help="Bolus arrival time standard deviation (s) - default 1.0 for multi-PLD, 0.1 otherwise", type=float) group.add_option("--spatial", help="Add step that implements adaptive spatial smoothing on CBF", action="store_true", default=False) group.add_option("--fast", help="Faster analysis (1=faster, 2=single step", type=int, default=0) group.add_option("--noiseprior", help="Use an informative prior for the noise estimation", action="store_true", default=False) group.add_option("--noisesd", help="Set a custom noise std. dev. for the nosie prior", type=float) group.add_option("--basil-options", "--fit-options", help="File containing additional options for model fitting step", type="optfile") groups.append(group) group = IgnorableOptionGroup(parser, "Model options", ignore=self.ignore) group.add_option("--disp", help="Model for label dispersion", default="none") group.add_option("--exch", help="Model for tissue exchange (residue function)", default="mix") groups.append(group) group = IgnorableOptionGroup(parser, "Partial volume correction / CBF estimation (enforces --spatial)", ignore=self.ignore) group.add_option("--pgm", help="Gray matter PV map", type="image") group.add_option("--pwm", help="White matter PV map", type="image") groups.append(group) group = IgnorableOptionGroup(parser, "Special options", ignore=self.ignore) group.add_option("--t1im", help="Voxelwise T1 tissue estimates", type="image") group.add_option("--batim", "--attim", help="Voxelwise BAT (ATT) estimates in seconds", type="image") groups.append(group) return groups
def groups(self, parser): group = IgnorableOptionGroup(parser, "ENABLE options", ignore=self.ignore) group.add_option("--noise", "-n", dest="noise_roi", help="Noise ROI. If not specified, will run BET on structural image and invert the brain mask", type="image") group.add_option("--noise-from-struc", help="If specified, noise ROI is assumed to be in structural image space and will be registered to ASL space", action="store_true", default=False) group.add_option("--gm", dest="gm_roi", help="Grey matter ROI. If not specified, FAST will be run on the structural image", type="image") group.add_option("--gm-from-struc", help="If specified, GM ROI is assumed to be in T1 image space and will be registered to ASL space", action="store_true", default=False) group.add_option("--regfrom", help="Reference image in ASL space for registration and motion correction. If not specified will use middle volume of ASL data", type="image") group.add_option("--min-nvols", help="Minimum number of repeats to keep for each TI", type="int", default=6) return [group]
def groups(self, parser): group = IgnorableOptionGroup(parser, "Preprocessing", ignore=self.ignore) group.add_option("--diff", help="Perform tag-control subtraction", action="store_true", default=False) group.add_option("--smooth", help="Spatially smooth data", action="store_true", default=False) group.add_option("--fwhm", help="FWHM for spatial filter kernel", type="float", default=6) group.add_option("--mc", help="Motion correct data", action="store_true", default=False) group.add_option("--ref", help="Optional reference image for motion correction", type="image", default=None) group.add_option("--reorder", help="Re-order data in specified order") return [ group, ]
def groups(self, parser): ret = [] g = IgnorableOptionGroup(parser, "General Pipeline Options") g.add_option( "--wp", help= "Analysis which conforms to the 'white papers' (Alsop et al 2014)", action="store_true", default=False) g.add_option("--mc", help="Motion correct data", action="store_true", default=False) if oxasl_enable: g.add_option("--use-enable", help="Use ENABLE preprocessing step", action="store_true", default=False) ret.append(g) g = IgnorableOptionGroup(parser, "Model fitting options") g.add_option("--fixbat", dest="inferbat", help="Fix bolus arrival time", action="store_false", default=True) g.add_option( "--batsd", help= "Bolus arrival time standard deviation (s) - default 1.0 for multi-PLD, 0.1 otherwise", type=float) g.add_option("--fixbolus", "--fixtau", dest="infertau", help="Fix bolus duration", action="store_false") g.add_option("--art-off", "--artoff", dest="inferart", help="Do not infer arterial component", action="store_false", default=True) g.add_option("--spatial-off", "--spatialoff", dest="spatial", help="Do not include adaptive spatial smoothing on CBF", action="store_false", default=True) g.add_option("--infertexch", help="Infer exchange time (multi-TE data only)", action="store_true", default=False) g.add_option("--infert1", help="Infer T1 value", action="store_true", default=False) g.add_option("--infert2", help="Infer T2 value (multi-TE data only)", action="store_true", default=False) g.add_option("--t1im", help="Voxelwise T1 tissue estimates", type="image") g.add_option("--batim", "--attim", help="Voxelwise BAT (ATT) estimates in seconds", type="image") g.add_option( "--basil-options", "--fit-options", help="File containing additional options for model fitting step", type="optfile", default=None) ret.append(g) g = IgnorableOptionGroup( parser, "Physiological parameters (all have default values from literature)" ) g.add_option( "--bat", help= "Estimated bolus arrival time (s) - default=0.7 (pASL), 1.3 (cASL)", type=float) g.add_option("--t1", "--t1t", help="Tissue T1 (s)", type=float, default=1.3) g.add_option("--t2", "--t2t", help="Tissue T2 (ms)", type=float, default=50) g.add_option("--t2s", help="Tissue T2* (ms)", type=float, default=20) g.add_option("--t1b", help="Blood T1 (s)", type=float, default=1.65) g.add_option( "--t2b", help= "Blood T2 (ms) - Lu et al. 2012 MRM 67:42-49, 3T during normoxia", type=float, default=150) g.add_option("--t2sb", help="Blood T2* (ms) - Petersen 2006 MRM 55(2):219-232", type=float, default=50) ret.append(g) g = IgnorableOptionGroup(parser, "Output options") g.add_option("--save-corrected", help="Save corrected input data", action="store_true", default=False) g.add_option("--save-reg", help="Save registration information (transforms etc)", action="store_true", default=False) g.add_option("--save-basil", help="Save Basil modelling output", action="store_true", default=False) g.add_option("--save-calib", help="Save calibration output", action="store_true", default=False) g.add_option("--save-all", help="Save all output (enabled when --debug specified)", action="store_true", default=False) g.add_option("--output-stddev", "--output-std", help="Output standard deviation of estimated variables", action="store_true", default=False) g.add_option("--output-var", "--vars", help="Output variance of estimated variables", action="store_true", default=False) g.add_option("--output-residuals", help="Output residuals (model fit - actual data)", action="store_true", default=False) g.add_option("--output-mni", help="Output in MNI standard space", action="store_true", default=False) g.add_option( "--output-custom", help= "Output in custom space (provide path to reference image in space)", type=str) g.add_option( "--output-custom-mat", help= "(Optional) FLIRT transformation from structural space to custom space. " + "If not provided, will FLIRT registration from structural to --output-custom will be used.", type=str) g.add_option("--no-report", dest="save_report", help="Don't try to generate an HTML report", action="store_false", default=True) ret.append(g) return ret
def groups(self, parser): ret = [] g = IgnorableOptionGroup(parser, "Distortion correction using fieldmap") g.add_option("--fmap", help="fieldmap image (in rad/s)", type="image") g.add_option("--fmapmag", help="fieldmap magnitude image - wholehead extracted", type="image") g.add_option("--fmapmagbrain", help="fieldmap magnitude image - brain extracted", type="image") g.add_option( "--nofmapreg", help= "Do not perform registration of fmap to T1 (use if fmap already in T1-space)", action="store_true", default=False) ret.append(g) g = IgnorableOptionGroup( parser, "Distortion correction using phase-encode-reversed calibration image (TOPUP)" ) g.add_option("--cblip", help="phase-encode-reversed (blipped) calibration image", type="image") ret.append(g) g = IgnorableOptionGroup(parser, "General distortion correction options") g.add_option( "--echospacing", help= "Effective EPI echo spacing (sometimes called dwell time) - in seconds", type=float) g.add_option("--pedir", help="Phase encoding direction, dir = x/y/z/-x/-y/-z") g.add_option( "--gdc-warp", "--gdcwarp", help= "Additional warp image for gradient distortion correction - will be combined with fieldmap or TOPUP distortion correction", type="image") ret.append(g) g = IgnorableOptionGroup(parser, "Sensitivity correction") g.add_option("--cref", help="Reference image for sensitivity correction", type="image") g.add_option( "--cact", help= "Image from coil used for actual ASL acquisition (default: calibration image - only in longtr mode)", type="image") g.add_option("--isen", help="User-supplied sensitivity correction in ASL space") g.add_option( "--senscorr-auto", "--senscorr", help= "Apply automatic sensitivity correction using bias field from FAST", action="store_true", default=False) g.add_option("--senscorr-off", help="Do not apply any sensitivity correction", action="store_true", default=False) ret.append(g) g = IgnorableOptionGroup(parser, "Partial volume correction (PVEc)") g.add_option( "--pvcorr", help="Apply PVEc using FAST estimates taken from --fslanat dir", action="store_true", default=False) g.add_option( "--surf-pvcorr", help= "Apply PVEc using surface PV estimates taken from --fslanat dir w/ surfaces (not mutually exclusive with --pvcorr)", action="store_true", default=False) g.add_option('--cores', help="Number of processor cores to use for --surf-pvcorr", type=int) g.add_option( "--pvgm", help= "GM PV estimates in ASL space (apply PVEc only, don't estimate PVs)", type="image", default=None) g.add_option("--pvwm", help="As above, WM PV estimates in ASL space", type="image", default=None) ret.append(g) return ret
def groups(self, parser): group = IgnorableOptionGroup(parser, self.title, ignore=self.ignore) group.add_option("--struc", "-s", help="Structural image", type="image", default=None) group.add_option("--struc-brain", "--sbet", "--struc-bet", type="image", help="Structural image (brain extracted)", default=None) group.add_option("--struc2asl", help="Structural->ASL transformation matrix", default=None) group.add_option("--asl2struc", help="ASL->Structural transformation matrix", default=None) group.add_option("--wm-seg", help="White matter segmentation of structural image", type="image", default=None) group.add_option("--gm-seg", help="Grey matter segmentation of structural image", type="image", default=None) group.add_option("--csf-seg", help="CSF segmentation of structural image", type="image", default=None) group.add_option("--fslanat", help="FSL_ANAT output directory for structural information", default=None) group.add_option("--fastsrc", help="Images from a FAST segmentation - if not set FAST will be run on structural image") group.add_option("--struc2std", help="Structural to MNI152 linear registration (.mat)") group.add_option("--struc2std-warp", help="Structural to MNI152 non-linear registration (warp)") return [group, ]
def groups(self, parser): groups = [] group = IgnorableOptionGroup(parser, "Calibration", ignore=self.ignore) group.add_option("--calib", "-c", help="Calibration image", type="image") group.add_option( "--perf", "-i", help= "Perfusion image for calibration, in same image space as calibration image", type="image") group.add_option("--calib-method", "--cmethod", help="Calibration method: voxelwise or refregion") group.add_option("--calib-alpha", "--alpha", help="Inversion efficiency", type=float, default=None) group.add_option("--calib-gain", "--cgain", help="Relative gain between calibration and ASL data", type=float, default=1.0) group.add_option( "--calib-aslreg", help="Calibration image is already aligned with ASL image", action="store_true", default=False) group.add_option("--tr", help="TR used in calibration sequence (s)", type=float, default=3.2) groups.append(group) group = IgnorableOptionGroup(parser, "Voxelwise calibration", ignore=self.ignore) group.add_option("--pct", help="Tissue/arterial partition coefficiant", type=float, default=0.9) groups.append(group) group = IgnorableOptionGroup(parser, "Reference region calibration", ignore=self.ignore) group.add_option("--mode", help="Calibration mode (longtr or satrevoc)", default="longtr") group.add_option("--tissref", help="Tissue reference type (csf, wm, gm or none)", default="csf") group.add_option("--te", help="Sequence TE (ms)", type=float, default=0.0) group.add_option( "--refmask", "--csf", help="Reference tissue mask in calibration image space", type="image") group.add_option( "--t1r", help= "T1 of reference tissue (s) - defaults: csf 4.3, gm 1.3, wm 1.0", type=float, default=None) group.add_option( "--t2r", help= "T2/T2* of reference tissue (ms) - defaults T2/T2*: csf 750/400, gm 100/60, wm 50/50", type=float, default=None) group.add_option( "--t2star", action="store_true", default=False, help= "Correct with T2* rather than T2 (alters the default T2 values)") group.add_option( "--pcr", help= "Reference tissue partition coefficiant (defaults csf 1.15, gm 0.98, wm 0.82)", type=float, default=None) groups.append(group) group = IgnorableOptionGroup( parser, "longtr mode (calibration image is a control image with a long TR)", ignore=self.ignore) groups.append(group) group = IgnorableOptionGroup( parser, "satrecov mode (calibration image is a sequnce of control images at various TIs)", ignore=self.ignore) group.add_option( "--tis", help= "Comma separated list of inversion times, --tis 0.2,0.4,0.6" ) group.add_option( "--fa", help="Flip angle (in degrees) for Look-Locker readouts", type=float) group.add_option( "--lfa", help="Lower flip angle (in degrees) for dual FA calibration", type=float) group.add_option("--calib-nphases", help="Number of phases (repetitions) of higher FA", type=int) group.add_option( "--fixa", action="store_true", default=False, help= "Fix the saturation efficiency to 100% (useful if you have a low number of samples)" ) groups.append(group) #group = IgnorableOptionGroup(parser, "CSF masking options (only for --tissref csf)", ignore=self.ignore) #group.add_option("--csfmaskingoff", action="store_true", default=False, help="Turn off the ventricle masking, reference is based on segmentation only.") #group.add_option("--str2std", help="Structural to MNI152 linear registration (.mat)") #group.add_option("--warp", help="Structural to MNI152 non-linear registration (warp)") return groups
def groups(self, parser): groups = [] group = IgnorableOptionGroup(parser, "Multiphase Options", ignore=self.ignore) group.add_option( "--mp-spatial", help="Enable spatial smoothing on multiphase fitting step", action="store_true", default=False) group.add_option( "--mp-spatial-phase", help= "Perform spatial regularization on the phase rather than the magnitude", action="store_true", default=False) group.add_option( "--mp-options", help= "File containing additional options for multiphase fitting step", type="optfile") group.add_option( "--mp-init-step", help= "Initialize multiphase fitting by initially fitting to the mean over repeats", action="store_true", default=False) group.add_option("--mp-biascorr", help="Use supervoxel-based bias correction", action="store_true", default=False) group.add_option( "--mp-biascorr-sv", help="Number of supervoxels to use in bias correction", type="int", default=8) group.add_option( "--mp-biascorr-comp", help="Supervoxels compactness to use in bias correction", type="float", default=0.1) group.add_option( "--mp-biascorr-sigma", help="Pre-supervoxel smoothing width in bias correction", type="float", default=0.5) group.add_option( "--mp-biascorr-simple", help="Use simplified form of supervoxel-based bias correction", action="store_true", default=False) groups.append(group) return groups