Example #1
def read_p4info_text_format_from_file(fname):
    p4info = p4info_pb2.P4Info()
    f = argparse.FileType('r')(fname)
    text = f.read()
    # TBD: Better to close file f here?
    text_format.Merge(text, p4info)
    return p4info
Example #2
    def setUp(self, grpc_addr, proto_txt_path):
        self.device_id = 0

        # Setting up PTF dataplane
        #        self.dataplane = ptf.dataplane_instance
        #        self.dataplane.flush()

        self._swports = []
        #        for device, port, ifname in config["interfaces"]:
        #            self._swports.append(port)

        #        grpc_addr = testutils.test_param_get("grpcaddr")
        if grpc_addr is None:
            grpc_addr = 'localhost:50051'

        self.channel = grpc.insecure_channel(grpc_addr)
        self.stub = p4runtime_pb2_grpc.P4RuntimeStub(self.channel)

        #        proto_txt_path = testutils.test_param_get("p4info")
        print "Importing p4info proto from", proto_txt_path
        self.p4info = p4info_pb2.P4Info()
        with open(proto_txt_path, "rb") as fin:
            google.protobuf.text_format.Merge(fin.read(), self.p4info)


        # used to store write requests sent to the P4Runtime server, useful for
        # autocleanup of tests (see definition of autocleanup decorator below)
        self._reqs = []

Example #3
def tr_p4info(platform, p4info_path, p4info_out_path):
    Translate to NP4 compatible p4info
    p4info = p4info_pb2.P4Info()
    with open(p4info_path, 'r') as p4info_f:
        text_format.Merge(p4info_f.read(), p4info)

    # Spin through tables
    for table in p4info.tables:
        # Look for "standard_metadata" match fields
        for mf in table.match_fields:
            if platform == "np4":
                if mf.name.startswith("standard_metadata"):
                    mf.name = mf.name.replace("standard", "intrinsic")
                    mf.bitwidth = 8
                elif mf.name == "vlan_tag.$valid$":
                    mf.name = "vlan_tag"

    if platform == "np4":
        # Spin through actions
        for action in p4info.actions:
            # Look for "port_num" param
            for p in action.params:
                if p.name == "port_num":
                    p.bitwidth = 8

    # Add the packet in controller packet metadata
    cpm = p4info.controller_packet_metadata.add()
    cpm.preamble.id = 67146229
    cpm.preamble.name = "packet_in"
    cpm.preamble.alias = "packet_in"
    metadata = cpm.metadata.add()
    metadata.id = 1
    metadata.name = "ingress_port"
    metadata.bitwidth = 9
    metadata = cpm.metadata.add()
    metadata.id = 2
    metadata.name = "_pad"
    metadata.bitwidth = 7

    # Add the packet out controller packet metadata
    cpm = p4info.controller_packet_metadata.add()
    cpm.preamble.id = 67121543
    cpm.preamble.name = "packet_out"
    cpm.preamble.alias = "packet_out"
    metadata = cpm.metadata.add()
    metadata.id = 1
    metadata.name = "egress_port"
    metadata.bitwidth = 9
    metadata = cpm.metadata.add()
    metadata.id = 2
    metadata.name = "_pad"
    metadata.bitwidth = 7

    # Write out new p4info
    with open(p4info_out_path, 'w') as f:

    print("P4Info successfully translated to {}".format(p4info_out_path))
Example #4
    def __init__(self, grpc_addr, device_id, device, election_id, role_id,
                 config_path, p4info_path, ctx_json):
        self.grpc_addr = grpc_addr
        if self.grpc_addr is None:
            self.grpc_addr = 'localhost:50051'

        self.device_id = int(device_id)
        if self.device_id is None:
            print("Device ID is not set")

        self.device = device

        self.config_path = config_path
        self.p4info_path = p4info_path
        self.ctx_json_path = ctx_json

        self.channel = grpc.insecure_channel(self.grpc_addr)
        self.stub = p4runtime_pb2.P4RuntimeStub(self.channel)

        print "Importing p4info proto from", p4info_path
        self.p4info = p4info_pb2.P4Info()
        with open(p4info_path, "rb") as fin:
            google.protobuf.text_format.Merge(fin.read(), self.p4info)

        self.p4info_helper = helper.P4InfoHelper(p4info_path)


        # used to store write requests sent to the P4Runtime server, useful for
        # autocleanup of tests (see definition of autocleanup decorator below)
        self.reqs = []

        self.election_id = election_id
        self.role_id = role_id
def build_p4info():
    """Builds P4 Info"""

    p4info = p4info_pb2.P4Info()
    with open(arg.p4info, "r") as f:
        text_format.Merge(f.read(), p4info)
    return p4info
Example #6
    def __init__(self, p4_info_filepath):
        p4info = p4info_pb2.P4Info()
        # Load the p4info file into a skeleton P4Info object
        with open(p4_info_filepath) as p4info_f:
            google.protobuf.text_format.Merge(p4info_f.read(), p4info)
        self.p4info = p4info

        self.next_mbr_id = 1
        self.next_grp_id = 1
    def setUp(self):
        self._swports = []
        for device, port, ifname in config["interfaces"]:

        grpc_addr = testutils.test_param_get("grpcaddr")
        if grpc_addr is None:
            grpc_addr = 'localhost:50051'

        self.device_id = int(testutils.test_param_get("device_id"))
        if self.device_id is None:
            self.fail("Device ID is not set")

        self.cpu_port = int(testutils.test_param_get("cpu_port"))
        if self.cpu_port is None:
            self.fail("CPU port is not set")

        self.device = testutils.test_param_get("device")
        if self.device is None:
            self.fail("Device is not set")

        pltfm = testutils.test_param_get("pltfm")
        if pltfm is not None and pltfm == 'hw' and getattr(
                self, "_skip_on_hw", False):
            raise SkipTest("Skipping test in HW")

        proto_txt_path = testutils.test_param_get("p4info")
        # print "Importing p4info proto from", proto_txt_path
        self.p4info = p4info_pb2.P4Info()
        with open(proto_txt_path, "rb") as fin:
            google.protobuf.text_format.Merge(fin.read(), self.p4info)


        # used to store write requests sent to the P4Runtime server, useful for
        # autocleanup of tests (see definition of autocleanup decorator below)
        self.reqs = []

        self.election_id = 1
        if testutils.test_param_get("generate_tv") == 'True':
            self.generate_tv = True
            self.generate_tv = False
        if self.generate_tv:
            self.tv_list = []
            self.tv_name = self.__class__.__name__
            # Setting up PTF dataplane
            self.dataplane = ptf.dataplane_instance
            self.channel = grpc.insecure_channel(grpc_addr)
            self.stub = p4runtime_pb2_grpc.P4RuntimeStub(self.channel)
Example #8
 def __init__(self):
     self.p4info = p4info_pb2.P4Info()
     self.p4runtime_api_version = "1.3.0"
     self.stored_packet_out = queue.Queue()
Example #9
 def __init__(self):
     self.p4info = p4info_pb2.P4Info()
     self.p4runtime_api_version = "1.2.0-dev"
Example #10
 def __init__(self):
     self.p4info = p4info_pb2.P4Info()
Example #11
def read_p4info_text_format_from_file(fname):
    p4info = p4info_pb2.P4Info()
    f = argparse.FileType('r')(fname)
    text = f.read()
    text_format.Merge(text, p4info)
    return p4info