def compoSummary(self): """A verbose composition summary, one for each data partition.""" print("\n\nData composition summary") print("========================\n") # Make a name format (eg '%12s') that is long enough for the longest # name longestNameLen = 7 # to start for i in self.taxNames: if len(i) > longestNameLen: longestNameLen = len(i) nameFormat = '%' + '%i' % (longestNameLen + 1) + 's' for i in range(len( p =[i] print("Part %i" % i) print("%s" % (' ' * (longestNameLen + 1)), end=' ') for j in range(len(p.symbols)): print("%10s" % p.symbols[j], end=' ') print("%10s" % 'nSites') # print '' #cumulativeComps = [0.0] * len(p.symbols) grandTotalNSites = 0 for k in range(p.nTax): c = p.composition([k]) # print "tax %s, part.composition() returns %s" % (k, c) nSites = pf.partSequenceSitesCount(p.cPart, k) grandTotalNSites = grandTotalNSites + nSites print(nameFormat % self.taxNames[k], end=' ') # Usually sum(c) will be 1.0, unless the sequence is # empty. We don't want to test "if sum(c) == 0.0:" or # "if sum(c):" cuz of small numbers. if sum(c) > 0.99: for j in range(len(p.symbols)): print("%10.4f" % c[j], end=' ') #cumulativeComps[j] = cumulativeComps[j] + (c[j] * nSites) else: # Empty sequence, all zeros. Write dashes. for j in range(len(p.symbols)): print("%10s" % '-', end=' ') print("%10s" % nSites) c = p.composition() print(nameFormat % 'mean', end=' ') for j in range(len(p.symbols)): print("%10.4f" % c[j], end=' ') # print "%10s" % grandTotalNSites print("%10.4f" % (float(grandTotalNSites) / self.nTax)) print("\n")
def compoChiSquaredTest(self, verbose=1, skipColumnZeros=0, useConstantSites=1, skipTaxNums=None, getRows=0): """A chi square composition test for each data partition. So you could do, for example:: read('myData.nex') # Calling Data() with no args tells it to make a Data object # using all the alignments in var.alignments d = Data() # Do the test. By default it is verbose, and prints results. # Additionally, a list of lists is returned ret = d.compoChiSquaredTest() # With verbose on, it might print something like --- # Part 0: Chi-square = 145.435278, (dof=170) P = 0.913995 print ret # The list of lists that it returns might be something like --- # [[145.43527849758556, 170, 0.91399521077908041]] # which has the same numbers as above, with one # inner list for each data partition. If your data has more than one partition:: read('first.nex') read('second.nex') d = Data() d.compoChiSquaredTest() # Output something like --- # Part 0: Chi-square = 200.870463, (dof=48) P = 0.000000 # Part 1: Chi-square = 57.794704, (dof=80) P = 0.971059 # [[200.87046313430443, 48, 0.0], [57.794704451018163, 80, 0.97105866938683427]] where the last line is returned. With *verbose* turned off, the ``Part N`` lines are not printed. This method returns a list of lists, one for each data partition. If *getRows* is off, the default, then it is a list of 3-item lists, and if *getRows* is turned on then it is a list of 4-item lists. In each inner list, the first is the X-squared statistic, the second is the degrees of freedom, and the third is the probability from chi-squared. (The expected comes from the data.) If *getRows* is turned on, the 4th item is a list of X-sq contributions from individual rows (ie individual taxa), that together sum to the X-sq for the whole partition as found in the first item. This latter way is the way that Tree-Puzzle does it. Note that this ostensibly tests whether the data are homogeneous in composition, but it does not work on sequences that are related. That is, testing whether the X^2 stat is significant using the chi^2 curve has a high probability of type II error for phylogenetic sequences. However, the X-squared stat can be used in valid ways. You can simulate data under the tree and model, and so generate a valid null distribution of X^2 values from the simulations, by which to assess the significance of the original X^2. You can use this method to generate X^2 values. A problem arises when a composition of a character is zero. If that happens, we can't calculate X-squared because there will be a division by zero. If *skipColumnZeros* is set to 1, then those columns are simply skipped. They are silently skipped unless verbose is turned on. So lets say that your original data have all characters, but one of them has a very low value. That is reflected in the model, and when you do simulations based on the model you occasionally get zeros for that character. Here it is up to you: you could say that the the data containing the zeros are validly part of the possibilities and so should be included, or you could say that the data containing the zeros are not valid and should be excluded. You choose between these by setting *skipColumnZeros*. Note that if you do not set *skipColumnZeros*, and then you analyse a partition that has column zeros, the result is None for that partition. Another problem occurs when a partition is completely missing a sequence. Of course that sequence does not contribute to the stat. However, in any simulations that you might do, that sequence *will* be there, and *will* contribute to the stat. So you will want to skip that sequence when you do your calcs from the simulation. You can do that with the *skipTaxNums* arg, which is a list of lists. The outer list is nParts long, and each inner list is a list of taxNums to exclude. """ if not useConstantSites: newData = Data([]) aligs = [] for a in self.alignments: # aligs.append(a.removeConstantSites()) aligs.append( a.subsetUsingMask(a.constantMask(), theMaskChar='1', inverse=1)) newData._fill(aligs) theResult = newData.compoChiSquaredTest( verbose=verbose, skipColumnZeros=skipColumnZeros, useConstantSites=1, skipTaxNums=skipTaxNums, getRows=getRows) del (newData) return theResult gm = ['Data.compoChiSquaredTest()'] nColumnZeros = 0 results = [] # check skipTaxNums if skipTaxNums != None: if not isinstance(skipTaxNums, list): gm.append("skipTaxNums should be a list of lists.") raise P4Error(gm) if len(skipTaxNums) != self.nParts: gm.append( "skipTaxNums should be a list of lists, nParts long.") raise P4Error(gm) for s in skipTaxNums: if not isinstance(s, list): gm.append("skipTaxNums should be a list of lists.") raise P4Error(gm) for i in s: if not isinstance(i, int): gm.append( "skipTaxNums inner list items should be tax numbers." ) gm.append("Got %s" % i) raise P4Error(gm) # Check for blank sequences. Its a pain to force the user to do this. hasBlanks = False blankSeqNums = [] for partNum in range(self.nParts): p =[partNum] partBlankSeqNums = [] for taxNum in range(self.nTax): if skipTaxNums and skipTaxNums[ partNum] and taxNum in skipTaxNums[partNum]: pass else: nSites = pf.partSequenceSitesCount( p.cPart, taxNum) # no gaps, no missings if not nSites: partBlankSeqNums.append(taxNum) if partBlankSeqNums: hasBlanks = True blankSeqNums.append(partBlankSeqNums) if hasBlanks: gm.append( "These sequence numbers were found to be blank. They should be excluded." ) gm.append("%s" % blankSeqNums) gm.append("Set the arg skipTaxNums to this list.") raise P4Error(gm) for partNum in range(self.nParts): gm = ['Data.compoChiSquaredTest() Part %i' % partNum] p =[partNum] comps = [] for taxNum in range(self.nTax): if skipTaxNums and skipTaxNums[ partNum] and taxNum in skipTaxNums[partNum]: pass else: oneComp = p.composition([taxNum]) nSites = pf.partSequenceSitesCount( p.cPart, taxNum) # no gaps, no missings # print "tax %i, nSites=%i, oneComp=%s" % (taxNum, nSites, # oneComp) if nSites: for k in range(len(oneComp)): oneComp[k] = oneComp[k] * nSites comps.append(oneComp) else: gm.append( "(Zero-based) sequence %i is blank, and should be excluded." % taxNum) gm.append( "You need to add the number %i to the arg skipTaxNums list of lists." % taxNum) gm.append( "(I could do that automatically, but it is best if *you* do it, explicitly.)" ) gm.append( "You can use the Alignment method checkForBlankSequences(listSeqNumsOfBlanks=True)" ) gm.append("to help you get those inner lists.") raise P4Error(gm) # print "comps=", comps # Here we calculate the X^2 stat. But we want to check # for columns summing to zero. So we can't use # p4.func.xSquared() nRows = len(comps) nCols = len(comps[0]) # I could have just kept nSites, above theSumOfRows = p4.func._sumOfRows(comps) theSumOfCols = p4.func._sumOfColumns(comps) # print theSumOfCols isOk = 1 columnZeros = [] for j in range(len(theSumOfRows)): if theSumOfRows[j] == 0.0: gm.append("Zero in a row sum. Programming error.") raise P4Error(gm) for j in range(len(theSumOfCols)): if theSumOfCols[j] == 0.0: if skipColumnZeros: columnZeros.append(j) else: if verbose: print(gm[0]) print(" Zero in a column sum.") print( " And skipColumnZeros is not set, so I am refusing to do it at all." ) isOk = 0 nColumnZeros += 1 theExpected = p4.func._expected(theSumOfRows, theSumOfCols) # print "theExpected = ", theExpected # print "columnZeros = ", columnZeros if isOk: if getRows: xSq_rows = [] xSq = 0.0 alreadyGivenZeroWarning = 0 k = 0 for taxNum in range(self.nTax): if skipTaxNums and skipTaxNums[ partNum] and taxNum in skipTaxNums[partNum]: if getRows: # this taxon is not in comps. Add a placeholder xSq_rows.append(0.0) # k is the counter for comps and theExpected, taxNum # without the skips else: xSq_row = 0.0 for j in range(nCols): if j in columnZeros: if skipColumnZeros: if verbose and not alreadyGivenZeroWarning: print(gm[0]) print( " Skipping (zero-based) column number(s) %s, which sum to zero." % columnZeros) alreadyGivenZeroWarning = 1 else: gm.append("Programming error.") raise P4Error(gm) else: theDiff = comps[k][j] - theExpected[k][j] xSq_row += (theDiff * theDiff) / \ theExpected[k][j] xSq += xSq_row if getRows: xSq_rows.append(xSq_row) k += 1 # print xSq_rows dof = (p.dim - len(columnZeros) - 1) * (len(comps) - 1) prob = pf.chiSquaredProb(xSq, dof) if verbose: print("Part %i: Chi-square = %f, (dof=%i) P = %f" % (partNum, xSq, dof, prob)) if getRows: # print " rows = %s" % xSq_rows print("%20s %7s %s" % ('taxName', 'xSq_row', 'P (like puzzle)')) for tNum in range(self.nTax): if not skipTaxNums or tNum not in skipTaxNums[ partNum]: thisProb = pf.chiSquaredProb( xSq_rows[tNum],[partNum].dim - 1) print("%20s %7.5f %7.5f" % (self.taxNames[tNum], xSq_rows[tNum], thisProb)) else: print("%20s --- ---" % self.taxNames[tNum]) if getRows: results.append([xSq, dof, prob, xSq_rows]) else: results.append([xSq, dof, prob]) else: # ie not isOk, ie there is a zero in a column sum # Maybe a bad idea. Maybe it should just die, above. results.append(None) if nColumnZeros and verbose: print("There were %i column zeros." % nColumnZeros) return results