Example #1
class VonMisesPdf(Pdf):
  def __init__(self, mu, kappa, rv):
    :param mu: mu of von mises distribution - should be on unit sphere
    :param kappa: concentration of von mises-fisher distribution
    :param rv: associated random variable (always set in constructor, 
               contains at least one RVComp
    Pdf.__init__(kappa, rv)
    self._process_inputs(mu, kappa, rv)

  def _process_inputs(self, mu, kappa, rv):
    if rv.dimension != self._ndim(mu):
      raise ValueError("RV and mu must have same number of dimensions")
    if tools.norm2(mu) < consts.EPS:
      raise ValueError("mu must have non-zero length")
    self._n_dimensions = self._ndim(mu)
    mu /= tools.norm2(mu)
    self._mu = mu
    self._cpdf = VonMisesCPdf(kappa, rv)

  def samples(self, n, cond=None):
    return self._cpdf.samples(n, self._mu)

  def shape(self):
    return self._n_dimensions

  def sample(self, cond=None):
    return self._cpdf.sample(self._mu)
  def mean(self, cond=None):
    return self._mu

  def eval_log(self, x, cond=None):
    return self._cpdf.eval_log(x, self._mu)

  def _ndim(self, x):
    return x.shape[0]
Example #2
class VonMisesTrackingLocalizer(TrackingLocalizer):
    def __init__(self,
    Localizes source using Von Mises particle filter
          x_t ~ VM(x_{t-1}, kappa_v)
          y_t ~ VM(x_t, kappa_w)

    :param n_particles: number of particles to use
    :param state_kappa: concentration parameter for state von mises distribution
    :param observation_kappa: concentration parameter for observation von mises
    :param outlier_prob: Probability that a given observation comes from a 
                         background uniform outlier von mises distribution. If
                         this is omitted, it will be set to 0, and the normal
                         particle filtering algorithm will be used
    All other parameters will be passed to TrackingLocalizer in the form of *args
    and **kwargs
        TrackingLocalizer.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
        self._grid_size = self._n_theta * self._n_phi
        self._setup_particle_filters(n_particles, state_kappa,
                                     observation_kappa, outlier_prob)

    #def _process_search_space(self, search_space):
    #  self._search_space = search_space
    #  self._planes = self._search_space.get_planes()
    #  self._tracking_plane = self._planes[0]

    def get_distribution(self, rffts):
        d, energy = self.get_distribution_real(rffts, 'gcc')
        maxind = np.argmax(d)
        obs = self._directions[:, maxind]
        obs = np.asarray(obs,
                         dtype=float)  # port audio uses 32, pybayes uses 64
        if self._use_outlier_distribution():
        #self._posterior = self._particle_filter.posterior()
        return self._posterior

    def _setup_particle_filters(self, n_particles, state_kappa,
                                observation_kappa, outlier_prob):
    Setup the distributions needed by PartcileFilter in pybayes
        self._n_particles = n_particles
        self._state_kappa = state_kappa
        self._obs_kappa = observation_kappa
        ndim = self._get_effective_n_dimensions()
        # State RVs
        self._x_t = pb.RV(pb.RVComp(ndim, 'x_t'))
        self._x_t_1 = pb.RV(pb.RVComp(ndim, 'x_{t-1}'))
        # Observation RV
        self._y_t = pb.RV(pb.RVComp(ndim, 'y_t'))
        # Initial state RV
        self._x0 = pb.RV(pb.RVComp(ndim, 'x0'))
        init_kappa = .5  # Really small so is almost uniform
        init_mu = np.ones((ndim, ))

        # Create distributions
        self._state_distribution = \
          VonMisesCPdf(self._state_kappa, self._x_t, self._x_t_1)
        self._obs_distribution = \
          VonMisesCPdf(self._obs_kappa, self._y_t, self._x_t)
        self._init_distribution = \
          VonMisesPdf(init_mu, init_kappa, self._x0)

        # Setup distribution for outliers
        if outlier_prob < 0 or outlier_prob > 1:
            raise ValueError("Outlier probability must be between 0 and 1")
        self._outlier_rv = pb.RV(pb.RVComp(ndim, 'outlier'))
        self._outlier_mu = np.hstack((np.array([0, -1.]), np.zeros(
            (ndim - 2, ))))
        self._outlier_kappa = .001
        self._outlier_prob = outlier_prob  # Probability of generation from background pdf
        self._outlier_distribution = \
          VonMisesPdf(self._outlier_mu, self._outlier_kappa, self._outlier_rv)

        # Do particle filtering ourselves...
        self._posterior = EmpPdf(
        self._estimate = self._get_estimate()
        self._count = 0
        # Create a set of weights for tracking the distribution p(c_t|x_t,y_{1:t})
        self._class_weights = np.array([.5, .5])
        # Matrix used to store weights for each particle for each class in order
        # to calculate class posterior weights and state posterior weights
        self._joint_weights = np.ones((

        #self._particle_filter = pb.ParticleFilter(self._n_particles,
        #                                          self._init_distribution,
        #                                          self._state_distribution,
        #                                          self._obs_distribution)
        #self._posterior = self._particle_filter.posterior()

    def _bayes(self, yt):
    Take care of particle filtering ourselves, otherwise we don't have easy access
    to the weights of particles
        # resample -- do it here so that the weights will be available after one run
        # of inference.
        for i in range(self._posterior.particles.shape[0]):
            # generate new ith particle:
            self._posterior.particles[i] = \
            # recompute ith weight:
            self._posterior.weights[i] *= \
              np.exp(self._obs_distribution.eval_log(yt, self._posterior.particles[i]))
        # assure that weights are normalised
        return True

    def _weighted_bayes(self, yt):
    Do particle filtering using a spike and slab method. That is, assume we
    have a background near-uniform distribution eating up all the outlier
    data. Then weight the particles using this assumption
        self._count += 1
        if self._count % 1 == 0:
        class_weight_sum = np.zeros((2, ))
        for i in range(self._posterior.particles.shape[0]):
            # generate new ith particle:
            self._posterior.particles[i] = \
            # recompute ith weight:
            # Get likelihoods of classes p(y_t|c_t=j,x_t) for each class c_j
            state_ll = self._obs_distribution.eval_log(
                yt, self._posterior.particles[i])
            outlier_ll = self._outlier_distribution.eval_log(yt)
            # calculate p(c_t=j|x_t,y_{1:t-1})
            state_class_prob = np.log(1. - self._outlier_prob) + np.log(
            outlier_class_prob = np.log(self._outlier_prob) + np.log(
            # Class weights
            self._joint_weights[0, i] = np.exp(state_ll + state_class_prob)
            self._joint_weights[1, i] = np.exp(outlier_ll + outlier_class_prob)
            class_weight_sum += self._joint_weights[:, i]
            self._posterior.weights[i] *= np.sum(self._joint_weights[:, i])
            # Now find p(c_j|x_t) = p(x_t|c_j)p(c_j) / p(x_t) for each class c_j
            # First compute p(x_t, c_j) = p(x_t|c_j)p(c_j)
            #state_particle_log_prob = \
            #  self._obs_distribution.eval_log(self._posterior.particles[i], \
            #          self._estimate) + np.log(1 - self._outlier_prob)
            #outlier_particle_log_prob = \
            #  self._outlir_distribution.eval_log(self._posterior.particles[i]) \
            #          + np.log(self._outlier_prob)
            ## Now compute p(x_t) = \sum_j p(x_t, c_j)
            #total_particle_log_prob = np.log(np.exp(state_particle_log_prob) + \
            #                          np.exp(outlier_particle_log_prob))
            ## Finally compute the actual posteriors p(c_j|x_t)
            #state_class_post = state_particle_log_prob - total_particle_log_prob
            #outlier_class_post = outlier_particle_log_prob - total_particle_log_prob
            ## Now compute total likelihood
            ## p(y_t|x_t) = sum_j p(y_t,c_j|x_t) = sum_j p(y_t|c_j,x_t)p(c_j|x_t)
            ##total_likelihood = np.exp(state_ll + state_class_post) + \
            ##                  np.exp(outlier_ll + outlier_class_post)
            #total_likelihood = state_ll + np.log(1 - self._outlier_prob) + \
            #                  outlier_ll + np.log(self._outlier_prob)
            ## We want to calculate p(x_t,c_state|y_t) = p(x_t|c_0,y_t)p(c_0|y_t)
            ## we have p(x_t|c_0,y_t) from above. Now calculate p(c_0|y_t)
            ## p(c_0|y_t) \propto p(y_t|c_0)p(c_0)
            #state_data_joint = self._obs_distribution.eval_log(yt, self._estimate) \
            #    + np.log(1 - self._outlier_prob)
            #outlier_data_joint = self._outlier_distribution.eval_log(yt) + \
            #    np.log(self._outlier_prob)
            #total_data_lhood = np.log(np.exp(state_data_joint) + np.exp(outlier_data_joint))
            #state_class_data_post = state_data_joint - total_data_lhood
            #outlier_class_data_post = outlier_data_joint - total_data_lhood
            #self._posterior.weights[i] *= np.exp(state_ll + total_data_lhood)
            #print "state: %f, outlier: %f, update: %f" %(eta_state, eta_outlier, weight_update)
        # assure that weights are normalised
        total_sum = np.sum(class_weight_sum)
        self._joint_weights /= (total_sum + consts.EPS)
        self._class_weights = class_weight_sum / (total_sum + consts.EPS)
        self._estimate = self._get_estimate()

    def _get_effective_n_dimensions(self):
        if self._n_phi == 1:
            return 2
        return self._n_dimensions

    def _get_estimate(self):
        w = np.asarray(self._posterior.weights)
        parts = np.asarray(self._posterior.particles)
        return w.dot(parts)

    def get_joint_weights(self):
        return self._joint_weights.copy()

    def get_class_weights(self):
        return self._class_weights

    def _use_outlier_distribution(self):
        return self._outlier_prob > 0

    def _weighted_resample(self):
        resample_idxs = self._posterior.get_resample_indices()
        # Resample particles and associated joint weights
        np.asarray(self._posterior.particles)[:] = np.asarray(
        self._joint_weights[:, :] = self._joint_weights[:, resample_idxs]
        # Normalize joint weights -- ensures particle weights normalized
        self._joint_weights /= (np.sum(self._joint_weights, axis=0) *
        self._posterior.weights[:] = 1. / self._n_particles
        self._class_weights = np.sum(self._joint_weights, axis=1)
        self._class_weights = np.array([.5, .5])
class VonMisesTrackingLocalizer(TrackingLocalizer):

  def __init__(self, n_particles, state_kappa, observation_kappa, outlier_prob=0, 
               *args, **kwargs):
    Localizes source using Von Mises particle filter
          x_t ~ VM(x_{t-1}, kappa_v)
          y_t ~ VM(x_t, kappa_w)

    :param n_particles: number of particles to use
    :param state_kappa: concentration parameter for state von mises distribution
    :param observation_kappa: concentration parameter for observation von mises
    :param outlier_prob: Probability that a given observation comes from a 
                         background uniform outlier von mises distribution. If
                         this is omitted, it will be set to 0, and the normal
                         particle filtering algorithm will be used
    All other parameters will be passed to TrackingLocalizer in the form of *args
    and **kwargs
    TrackingLocalizer.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
    self._grid_size = self._n_theta * self._n_phi
    self._setup_particle_filters(n_particles, state_kappa, observation_kappa, outlier_prob)

  #def _process_search_space(self, search_space):
  #  self._search_space = search_space
  #  self._planes = self._search_space.get_planes()
  #  self._tracking_plane = self._planes[0]

  def get_distribution(self, rffts):
    d, energy = self.get_distribution_real(rffts, 'gcc')
    maxind = np.argmax(d)
    obs = self._directions[:, maxind]
    obs = np.asarray(obs, dtype=float) # port audio uses 32, pybayes uses 64
    if self._use_outlier_distribution():
    #self._posterior = self._particle_filter.posterior()
    return self._posterior

  def _setup_particle_filters(self, n_particles, state_kappa, 
                              observation_kappa, outlier_prob):
    Setup the distributions needed by PartcileFilter in pybayes
    self._n_particles = n_particles
    self._state_kappa = state_kappa
    self._obs_kappa = observation_kappa
    ndim = self._get_effective_n_dimensions()
    # State RVs
    self._x_t = pb.RV(pb.RVComp(ndim, 'x_t'))
    self._x_t_1 = pb.RV(pb.RVComp(ndim, 'x_{t-1}'))
    # Observation RV
    self._y_t = pb.RV(pb.RVComp(ndim, 'y_t'))
    # Initial state RV
    self._x0 = pb.RV(pb.RVComp(ndim, 'x0'))
    init_kappa = .5 # Really small so is almost uniform
    init_mu = np.ones((ndim,))

    # Create distributions
    self._state_distribution = \
      VonMisesCPdf(self._state_kappa, self._x_t, self._x_t_1)
    self._obs_distribution = \
      VonMisesCPdf(self._obs_kappa, self._y_t, self._x_t)
    self._init_distribution = \
      VonMisesPdf(init_mu, init_kappa, self._x0)

    # Setup distribution for outliers
    if outlier_prob < 0 or outlier_prob > 1:
      raise ValueError("Outlier probability must be between 0 and 1")
    self._outlier_rv = pb.RV(pb.RVComp(ndim, 'outlier'))
    self._outlier_mu = np.hstack((np.array([0, -1.]), np.zeros((ndim-2,))))
    self._outlier_kappa = .001
    self._outlier_prob = outlier_prob # Probability of generation from background pdf
    self._outlier_distribution = \
      VonMisesPdf(self._outlier_mu, self._outlier_kappa, self._outlier_rv)

    # Do particle filtering ourselves...
    self._posterior = EmpPdf(self._init_distribution.samples(self._n_particles))
    self._estimate = self._get_estimate()
    self._count = 0
    # Create a set of weights for tracking the distribution p(c_t|x_t,y_{1:t})
    self._class_weights = np.array([.5, .5])
    # Matrix used to store weights for each particle for each class in order
    # to calculate class posterior weights and state posterior weights
    self._joint_weights = np.ones((2, self._n_particles,)) 

    #self._particle_filter = pb.ParticleFilter(self._n_particles, 
    #                                          self._init_distribution, 
    #                                          self._state_distribution,
    #                                          self._obs_distribution)
    #self._posterior = self._particle_filter.posterior()
  def _bayes(self, yt):
    Take care of particle filtering ourselves, otherwise we don't have easy access
    to the weights of particles
    # resample -- do it here so that the weights will be available after one run
    # of inference.
    for i in range(self._posterior.particles.shape[0]):
      # generate new ith particle:
      self._posterior.particles[i] = \
      # recompute ith weight:
      self._posterior.weights[i] *= \
        np.exp(self._obs_distribution.eval_log(yt, self._posterior.particles[i]))
    # assure that weights are normalised
    return True

  def _weighted_bayes(self, yt):
    Do particle filtering using a spike and slab method. That is, assume we
    have a background near-uniform distribution eating up all the outlier
    data. Then weight the particles using this assumption
    self._count += 1
    if self._count % 1 == 0:
    class_weight_sum = np.zeros((2,))
    for i in range(self._posterior.particles.shape[0]):
      # generate new ith particle:
      self._posterior.particles[i] = \
      # recompute ith weight:
      # Get likelihoods of classes p(y_t|c_t=j,x_t) for each class c_j
      state_ll = self._obs_distribution.eval_log(yt, self._posterior.particles[i]) 
      outlier_ll = self._outlier_distribution.eval_log(yt)
      # calculate p(c_t=j|x_t,y_{1:t-1})
      state_class_prob = np.log(1. - self._outlier_prob) + np.log(self._class_weights[0])
      outlier_class_prob = np.log(self._outlier_prob) + np.log(self._class_weights[1])
      # Class weights
      self._joint_weights[0, i] = np.exp(state_ll + state_class_prob)
      self._joint_weights[1, i] = np.exp(outlier_ll + outlier_class_prob)
      class_weight_sum += self._joint_weights[:, i]
      self._posterior.weights[i] *= np.sum(self._joint_weights[:, i])
      # Now find p(c_j|x_t) = p(x_t|c_j)p(c_j) / p(x_t) for each class c_j
      # First compute p(x_t, c_j) = p(x_t|c_j)p(c_j)
      #state_particle_log_prob = \
      #  self._obs_distribution.eval_log(self._posterior.particles[i], \
      #          self._estimate) + np.log(1 - self._outlier_prob)
      #outlier_particle_log_prob = \
      #  self._outlir_distribution.eval_log(self._posterior.particles[i]) \
      #          + np.log(self._outlier_prob)
      ## Now compute p(x_t) = \sum_j p(x_t, c_j)
      #total_particle_log_prob = np.log(np.exp(state_particle_log_prob) + \
      #                          np.exp(outlier_particle_log_prob))
      ## Finally compute the actual posteriors p(c_j|x_t)
      #state_class_post = state_particle_log_prob - total_particle_log_prob
      #outlier_class_post = outlier_particle_log_prob - total_particle_log_prob
      ## Now compute total likelihood 
      ## p(y_t|x_t) = sum_j p(y_t,c_j|x_t) = sum_j p(y_t|c_j,x_t)p(c_j|x_t)
      ##total_likelihood = np.exp(state_ll + state_class_post) + \
      ##                  np.exp(outlier_ll + outlier_class_post)
      #total_likelihood = state_ll + np.log(1 - self._outlier_prob) + \
      #                  outlier_ll + np.log(self._outlier_prob)
      ## We want to calculate p(x_t,c_state|y_t) = p(x_t|c_0,y_t)p(c_0|y_t)
      ## we have p(x_t|c_0,y_t) from above. Now calculate p(c_0|y_t)
      ## p(c_0|y_t) \propto p(y_t|c_0)p(c_0)
      #state_data_joint = self._obs_distribution.eval_log(yt, self._estimate) \
      #    + np.log(1 - self._outlier_prob)
      #outlier_data_joint = self._outlier_distribution.eval_log(yt) + \
      #    np.log(self._outlier_prob)
      #total_data_lhood = np.log(np.exp(state_data_joint) + np.exp(outlier_data_joint))
      #state_class_data_post = state_data_joint - total_data_lhood
      #outlier_class_data_post = outlier_data_joint - total_data_lhood
      #self._posterior.weights[i] *= np.exp(state_ll + total_data_lhood)
      #print "state: %f, outlier: %f, update: %f" %(eta_state, eta_outlier, weight_update)
    # assure that weights are normalised
    total_sum = np.sum(class_weight_sum)
    self._joint_weights /= (total_sum + consts.EPS)
    self._class_weights = class_weight_sum / (total_sum + consts.EPS)
    self._estimate = self._get_estimate()

  def _get_effective_n_dimensions(self):
    if self._n_phi == 1:
      return 2
    return self._n_dimensions

  def _get_estimate(self):
      w = np.asarray(self._posterior.weights)
      parts = np.asarray(self._posterior.particles)
      return w.dot(parts)

  def get_joint_weights(self):
    return self._joint_weights.copy()

  def get_class_weights(self):
    return self._class_weights
  def _use_outlier_distribution(self):
    return self._outlier_prob > 0

  def _weighted_resample(self):
    resample_idxs = self._posterior.get_resample_indices()
    # Resample particles and associated joint weights
    np.asarray(self._posterior.particles)[:] = np.asarray(self._posterior.particles)[resample_idxs]
    self._joint_weights[:, :] = self._joint_weights[:, resample_idxs]
    # Normalize joint weights -- ensures particle weights normalized
    self._joint_weights /= (np.sum(self._joint_weights, axis=0) * self._n_particles)
    self._posterior.weights[:] = 1. / self._n_particles
    self._class_weights = np.sum(self._joint_weights, axis=1)
    self._class_weights = np.array([.5, .5])