def plot_RPF_regions(input_file: str, hist_name: str, output_prefix: str = ".", printing_extensions: Optional[List[str]] = None) -> None: """ Main entry point for stand-alone highlight plotting functionality. If this is being used as a library, call ``plot_RPF_fit_regions(...)`` directly instead. Args: input_file (str): Path to the input file. hist_name (str): Name of the histogram to be highlighted. output_prefix (str): Directory where the output file should be stored. Default: "." printing_extensions (list): Printing extensions to be used. Default: None, which corresponds to printing to ``.pdf``. Returns: None. """ # Argument validation if printing_extensions is None: printing_extensions = [".pdf"] # Basic setup # Create logger logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) # Quiet down the matplotlib logging logging.getLogger("matplotlib").setLevel(logging.INFO) # Retrieve hist with histogram.RootOpen(filename = input_file, mode = "READ") as f: hist = f.Get(hist_name) hist.SetDirectory(0) # Increase the size of the fonts, etc with sns.plotting_context(context = "notebook", font_scale = 1.5): # See the possible arguments to highlight_region_of_surface(...) # For example, to turn on the color overlay, it would be: #highlight_args = {"use_color_screen" : True} highlight_args: Dict[str, bool] = {} # Call plotting functions fig, ax = plot_RPF_fit_regions( histogram.get_array_from_hist2D(hist), highlight_regions = define_highlight_regions(), colormap = "ROOT_kBird", view_angle = (35, 225), **highlight_args, ) # Modify axis labels # Set the distance from axis to label in pixels. # Having to set this by hand isn't ideal, but tight_layout doesn't work as well for 3D plots. ax.xaxis.labelpad = 12 # Visually, delta eta looks closer ax.yaxis.labelpad = 15 # If desired, add additional labeling here. # Probably want to use, for examxple, `ax.text2D(0.1, 0.9, "label text", transform = ax.transAxes)` # This would place the text in the upper left corner (it's like NDC) # Save and finish up # The figure will be saved at ``output_prefix/output_path.printing_extension`` output_wrapper = analysis_objects.PlottingOutputWrapper(output_prefix = output_prefix, printing_extensions = printing_extensions) plot_base.save_plot(output_wrapper, fig, output_name = "highlightRPFRegions") plt.close(fig)
def setup(self) -> bool: """ Setup the analysis and the PYTHIA 6 generator. The main task is to setup the efficiency histograms. Usually, we'd like the generator to set itself up, but ``TPythia{6,8}`` is a singleton, so we need to call set up immediately before we run the particular analysis. """ # Setup the efficiency histograms # Distribution to sample for determining which efficiency hist to use. # Based on year 14 ZDC rates (plot from Dan). # 0 = 0-33 kHz -> 1/9 # 1 = 33-66 kHz -> 5/9 # 2 = 66-100 kHz -> 3/9 self.efficiency_sampling = [0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2] # Retrieve the efficiency histograms hists = histogram.get_histograms_in_file( filename="inputData/AuAu/200/y14_efficiency_dca1.root") centrality_index_map = { # 0-10% in most analyses. # 0 = 0-5%, 1 = 5-10% params.EventActivity.central: list(range(0, 2)), # 20-50% in Joel's STAR analysis. # 4 = 20-25%, 5 = 25-30%, 6 = 30-35%, 7 = 35-40%, 8 = 40-45%, 9 = 45-50% params.EventActivity.semi_central: list(range(4, 10)), } for interation_rate_index in range(3): centrality_hists = [] for centrality_index in centrality_index_map[self.event_activity]: h_root = hists[ f"efficiency_lumi_{interation_rate_index}_cent_{centrality_index}"] _, _, h_temp = histogram.get_array_from_hist2D( h_root, set_zero_to_NaN=False) centrality_hists.append(h_temp) # Average the efficiency over the centrality bins. final_efficiency_hist = sum(centrality_hists) / len( centrality_hists) self.efficiency_hists.append(final_efficiency_hist) if interation_rate_index == 0: # h_root was set from the last iteration, so we take advantage of it. # Take advantage of the last iteration self.efficiency_pt_bin_edges = histogram.get_bin_edges_from_axis( h_root.GetXaxis()) self.efficiency_eta_bin_edges = histogram.get_bin_edges_from_axis( h_root.GetYaxis()) # Complete setup of PYTHIA6 if necessary. if self.generator.initialized is False: self.generator.setup() return True
def plot_2D_efficiency_data(efficiency_hist: Hist, centrality_range: params.SelectedRange, output_info: analysis_objects.PlottingOutputWrapper) -> None: """ Plot the 2D efficiency data Args: efficiency_hist: Efficiecny histogram. centrality_range: Centrality range. output_info: Output info for saving figures. Returns: None. """ X, Y, efficiency_data = histogram.get_array_from_hist2D(hist = efficiency_hist) logger.debug(f"efficiency data min: {np.nanmin(efficiency_data)}, max: {np.nanmax(efficiency_data)}") fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (8, 6)) im = ax.imshow( efficiency_data.T, extent = [np.nanmin(X), np.nanmax(X), np.nanmin(Y), np.nanmax(Y)], interpolation = "nearest", aspect = "auto", origin = "lower", norm = matplotlib.colors.Normalize( vmin = np.nanmin(efficiency_data), vmax = np.nanmax(efficiency_data) #vmin = 0.5, vmax = 1, ), cmap = "viridis", ) # Add the colorbar color_bar = fig.colorbar(im, ax = ax) color_bar.set_label("Efficiency") # Labels ax.set_xlabel(fr"${labels.pt_display_label()}\:({labels.momentum_units_label_gev()})$") ax.set_ylabel(r"$\eta$") title = f"{period} tracking efficiency data" if system != params.CollisionSystem.pp: title += rf", ${centrality_range.min} \textendash {centrality_range.max}\%$" ax.set_title(title, size = 16) # Final adjustments fig.tight_layout() name = f"efficiency_{period}" if system != params.CollisionSystem.pp: name += f"_centrality_{centrality_range.min}_{centrality_range.max}" plot_base.save_plot(output_info, fig, name) # Cleanup plt.close(fig)
def test_get_array_from_hist2D(self, logging_mixin, use_bin_edges, set_zero_to_NaN, test_root_hists): """ Test getting numpy arrays from a 2D hist. """ hist = test_root_hists.hist2D x, y, hist_array = histogram.get_array_from_hist2D(hist = hist, set_zero_to_NaN = set_zero_to_NaN, return_bin_edges = use_bin_edges) # Determine expected values if use_bin_edges: epsilon = 1e-9 x_bin_edges = np.empty(hist.GetXaxis().GetNbins() + 1) x_bin_edges[:-1] = [hist.GetXaxis().GetBinLowEdge(i) for i in range(1, hist.GetXaxis().GetNbins() + 1)] x_bin_edges[-1] = hist.GetXaxis().GetBinUpEdge(hist.GetXaxis().GetNbins()) y_bin_edges = np.empty(hist.GetYaxis().GetNbins() + 1) y_bin_edges[:-1] = [hist.GetYaxis().GetBinLowEdge(i) for i in range(1, hist.GetYaxis().GetNbins() + 1)] y_bin_edges[-1] = hist.GetYaxis().GetBinUpEdge(hist.GetYaxis().GetNbins()) x_mesh = np.arange(np.amin(x_bin_edges), np.amax(x_bin_edges) + epsilon, hist.GetXaxis().GetBinWidth(1)) y_mesh = np.arange(np.amin(y_bin_edges), np.amax(y_bin_edges) + epsilon, hist.GetYaxis().GetBinWidth(1)) else: x_mesh = np.array([hist.GetXaxis().GetBinCenter(i) for i in range(1, hist.GetXaxis().GetNbins() + 1)]) y_mesh = np.array([hist.GetYaxis().GetBinCenter(i) for i in range(1, hist.GetYaxis().GetNbins() + 1)]) x_range = x_mesh y_range = y_mesh expected_x, expected_y = np.meshgrid(x_range, y_range) expected_hist_array = np.array([ hist.GetBinContent(x, y) for x in range(1, hist.GetXaxis().GetNbins() + 1) for y in range(1, hist.GetYaxis().GetNbins() + 1)], dtype=np.float32 ).reshape(hist.GetYaxis().GetNbins(), hist.GetXaxis().GetNbins()) if set_zero_to_NaN: expected_hist_array[expected_hist_array == 0] = np.nan assert np.allclose(x, expected_x) assert np.allclose(y, expected_y) assert np.allclose(hist_array, expected_hist_array, equal_nan = True) # Check particular values for good measure. assert np.isclose(hist_array[1][0], 1.0) if set_zero_to_NaN: assert np.isnan(hist_array[0][1]) else: assert np.isclose(hist_array[0][1], 0.0)
def _plot_2D_hists(self, fig: matplotlib.figure.Figure, ax: matplotlib.axes.Axes) -> None: """ Plot a 2D hist using matplotlib. Note: This is is restricted to plotting only one hist (because how would you plot multiple 2D hists on one canvas)? Args: fig: Figure from matplotlib ax: Axis from matplotlib. Raises: ValueError: If more than one histogram is stored in the ``hists``, which doesn't make sense for 2D hist, which doesn't make sense for 2D hists. """ if len(self.hists) > 1: raise ValueError( self.hists, "Too many hists are included for a 2D hist. Should only be one!" ) # We can do a few different types of plots: # - Surface plot # - Image plot (like colz), created using: # - imshow() by default # - pcolormesh() as an option # NOTE: seaborn heatmap is not really as flexible here, so we'll handle it manually instead. # Since the style is already applied, there isn't really anything lost # Retrieve the array corresponding to the data # NOTE: The convention for the array is arr[x_index][y_index]. Apparently this matches up with # numpy axis conventions (?). We will have to transpose the data when we go to plot it. # This is the same convention as used in root_numpy. X, Y, hist_array = histogram.get_array_from_hist2D( hist=self._first_hist(), set_zero_to_NaN=True, return_bin_edges=not self.surface) # Define and fill kwargs kwargs = {} # Set the z axis normalization via this particular function # Will be called when creating the arguments normalizationFunction = matplotlib.colors.Normalize if self.logz: normalizationFunction = matplotlib.colors.LogNorm # Evaluate kwargs["norm"] = normalizationFunction(vmin=np.nanmin(hist_array), vmax=np.nanmax(hist_array)) logger.debug("min: {}, max: {}".format(np.nanmin(hist_array), np.nanmax(hist_array))) # Colormap is the default from sns.heatmap kwargs["cmap"] = plot_base.prepare_colormap( # Label is included so we could use a legend if we want kwargs["label"] = self._first_hist().GetTitle() logger.debug("kwargs: {}".format(kwargs)) if self.surface: logger.debug("Plotting surface") # Need to retrieve a special 3D axis for the surface plot ax = plt.axes(projection="3d") # For the surface plot, we want to specify (X,Y) as bin centers. Edges of surfaces # will be at these points. # NOTE: There are n-1 faces for n points, so not every value will be represented by a face. # However, the location of the points at the bin centers is still correct! # Create the plot axFromPlot = ax.plot_surface(X, Y, hist_array.T, **kwargs) else: # Assume an image plot if we don't explicitly select surface logger.debug("Plotting as an image") # pcolormesh is somewhat like a hist in that (X,Y) should define bin edges. So we need (X,Y) # to define lower bin edges, with the last element in the array corresponding to the lower # edge of the next (n+1) bin (which is the same as the upper edge of the nth bin). # # imshow also takes advantage of these limits to determine the extent, but only in a limited # way, as it just takes the min and max of each range. # # Plot with either imshow or pcolormesh # Anecdotally, I think pcolormesh is a bit more flexible, but imshow seems to be much faster. # According to, either one can be fine with the proper # options. So the plan is to stick with imshow unless pcolormesh is needed for some reason if self.use_pcolor_mesh: logger.debug("Plotting with pcolormesh") axFromPlot = plt.pcolormesh(X, Y, hist_array.T, **kwargs) else: logger.debug("Plotting with imshow ") # This imshow is quite similar to rplt.imshow (it is located in # ``plotting.root2matplotlib.imshow``), which can be seen here: # # However, we don't copy it directly because we want to set the 0s to nan so they won't # be plotted. extent = [np.amin(X), np.amax(X), np.amin(Y), np.amax(Y)] #logger.debug(f"Extent: {extent}, binEdges[1]: {binEdges[1]}") axFromPlot = plt.imshow(hist_array.T, extent=extent, interpolation="nearest", aspect="auto", origin="lower", **kwargs) # Draw the colorbar based on the drawn axis above. label = self.z_label if self.z_label else self._first_hist().GetZaxis( ).GetTitle() # NOTE: The mappable argument must be the separate axes, not the overall one # NOTE: This can cause the warning: # ''' # matplotlib/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in less_equal # mask |= resdat <= 0" # ''' # The warning is due to the nan we introduced above. It can safely be ignored # See: # (Could suppress, but I don't feel it's necessary at the moment) fig.colorbar(axFromPlot, label=label)
def _plot_response_matrix_with_matplotlib( name: str, x_label: str, y_label: str, output_name: str, hist: Hist, plot_errors_hist: bool, output_info: analysis_objects.PlottingOutputWrapper) -> None: """ Underlying function to actually plot a response matrix with matplotlib. Args: name: Name of the histogram. x_label: X axis label. y_label: Y axis label. output_name: Output name of the histogram. hist: The response matrix related 2D hist. errors_hist: True if the hist is the response matrix errors hist. output_info: Output information. Returns: None """ # Setup fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8, 6)) # Convert the histogram X, Y, hist_array = histogram.get_array_from_hist2D( hist=hist, set_zero_to_NaN=True, return_bin_edges=True, ) # Determine and fill args kwargs = {} # Create a log z axis heat map. kwargs["norm"] = matplotlib.colors.LogNorm(vmin=np.nanmin(hist_array), vmax=np.nanmax(hist_array)) logger.debug(f"min: {np.nanmin(hist_array)}, max: {np.nanmax(hist_array)}") # The colormap that we use is the default from sns.heatmap kwargs["cmap"] = plot_base.prepare_colormap( # Label is included so we could use a legend if we want kwargs["label"] = name logger.debug("kwargs: {}".format(kwargs)) # Determine the edges extent = [np.amin(X), np.amax(X), np.amin(Y), np.amax(Y)] # Finally, create the plot ax_from_imshow = ax.imshow(hist_array.T, extent=extent, interpolation="nearest", aspect="auto", origin="lower", **kwargs) # Add colorbar # It needs to be defined on the figure because it is stored in a separate axis. fig.colorbar(ax_from_imshow, ax=ax) # Final styling ax.set_title(name) ax.set_xlabel(x_label) ax.set_ylabel(y_label) fig.tight_layout() # Save and cleanup output_name += "_mpl" plot_base.save_plot(output_info, fig, output_name) plt.close(fig)
def plot_RPF_fit_regions(jet_hadron: "correlations.Correlations", filename: str) -> None: """ Plot showing highlighted RPF fit regions. Args: jet_hadron: Main analysis object. filename: Filename under which the hist should be saved. Returns: None """ # Retrieve the hist to be plotted # Here we selected the corrected 2D correlation hist = jet_hadron.correlation_hists_2d.signal.hist.Clone(f"{}_RPF_scaled") hist.Scale(jet_hadron.correlation_scale_factor) with sns.plotting_context(context = "notebook", font_scale = 1.5): # Perform the plotting # The best option for clarify of viewing seems to be to just replace the colors with the overlay colors. # mathematical_blending and screen_colors look similar and seem to be the next most promising option. (fig, ax) = highlight_RPF.plot_RPF_fit_regions( histogram.get_array_from_hist2D(hist), highlight_regions = define_highlight_regions( signal_dominated_eta_region = jet_hadron.signal_dominated_eta_region, background_dominated_eta_region = jet_hadron.background_dominated_eta_region, near_side_phi_region = jet_hadron.near_side_phi_region, ), use_color_overlay = False, use_color_screen = False, use_mathematical_blending = False, ) # Add additional labeling # Axis # Needed to fix z axis rotation. See: ax.zaxis.set_rotate_label(False) ax.set_zlabel(r"$1/N_{\mathrm{trig}}\mathrm{d^{2}}N/\mathrm{d}\Delta\varphi\mathrm{d}\Delta\eta$", rotation=90) # Set the distance from axis to label in pixels. # This is not ideal, but clearly tight_layout doesn't work as well for 3D plots ax.xaxis.labelpad = 12 # Visually, dEta looks closer ax.yaxis.labelpad = 15 ax.zaxis.labelpad = 12 # Overall alice_label = labels.make_valid_latex_string(jet_hadron.alice_label.display_str()) system_label = labels.system_label( energy = jet_hadron.collision_energy, system = jet_hadron.collision_system, activity = jet_hadron.event_activity ) jet_finding = labels.jet_finding() constituent_cuts = labels.constituent_cuts() leading_hadron = "$" + jet_hadron.leading_hadron_bias.display_str() + "$" jet_pt = labels.jet_pt_range_string(jet_hadron.jet_pt) assoc_pt = labels.track_pt_range_string(jet_hadron.track_pt) # Upper left side upper_left_text = "" upper_left_text += alice_label upper_left_text += "\n" + system_label upper_left_text += "\n" + jet_pt upper_left_text += "\n" + jet_finding # Upper right side upper_right_text = "" upper_right_text += leading_hadron upper_right_text += "\n" + constituent_cuts upper_right_text += "\n" + assoc_pt # Need a different text function since we have a 3D axis ax.text2D(0.01, 0.99, upper_left_text, horizontalalignment = "left", verticalalignment = "top", multialignment = "left", transform = ax.transAxes) ax.text2D(0.00, 0.00, upper_right_text, horizontalalignment = "left", verticalalignment = "bottom", multialignment = "left", transform = ax.transAxes) # Finish up plot_base.save_plot(jet_hadron.output_info, fig, filename) plt.close(fig)
def track_eta_phi(hist: Hist, event_activity: params.EventActivity, output_info: analysis_objects.PlottingOutputWrapper) -> None: """ Plot track eta phi. Also include an annotation of the EMCal eta, phi location. Args: rho_hist: Rho centrality dependent hist. output_info: Output information. includes_constituent_cut: True if the plot was produced using the constituent cut. Returns: None. The figure is plotted. """ # Setup fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8, 6)) x, y, hist_array = histogram.get_array_from_hist2D( hist, set_zero_to_NaN=True, return_bin_edges=True, ) plot = ax.imshow( hist_array.T, extent=[np.amin(x), np.amax(x), np.amin(y), np.amax(y)], interpolation="nearest", aspect="auto", origin="lower", # Intentionally stretch the scale near the top of the range to emphasise the inefficiency. norm=matplotlib.colors.Normalize(vmin=np.nanmax(hist_array) * 0.8, vmax=np.nanmax(hist_array) * 0.9), cmap="viridis", ) # Draw the colorbar based on the drawn axis above. # NOTE: This can cause the warning: # ''' # matplotlib/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in less_equal # mask |= resdat <= 0" # ''' # The warning is due to the nan we introduced above. It can safely be ignored # See: # (Could suppress, but I don't feel it's necessary at the moment) fig.colorbar(plot) # Draw EMCal boundaries r = matplotlib.patches.Rectangle( xy=(-0.7, 80 * np.pi / 180), width=0.7 + 0.7, height=(187 - 80) * np.pi / 180, facecolor="none", edgecolor="tab:red", linewidth=1.5, label="EMCal", ) ax.add_patch(r) # Final presentation settings ax.set_xlabel(labels.make_valid_latex_string(r"\eta")) ax.set_ylabel(labels.make_valid_latex_string(r"\varphi")) ax.legend(loc="upper right") fig.tight_layout() # Finally, save and cleanup output_name = f"track_eta_phi_{str(event_activity)}" plot_base.save_plot(output_info, fig, output_name) plt.close(fig) # Check the phi 1D projection track_phi = hist.ProjectionY() # Make it easier to view track_phi.Rebin(8) import ROOT canvas = ROOT.TCanvas("c", "c") # Labeling track_phi.SetTitle("") track_phi.GetXaxis().SetTitle( labels.use_label_with_root(labels.make_valid_latex_string(r"\varphi"))) track_phi.GetYaxis().SetTitle("Counts") track_phi.Draw() # Draw lines corresponding to the EMCal line_min = ROOT.TLine(80 * np.pi / 180, track_phi.GetMinimum(), 80 * np.pi / 180, track_phi.GetMaximum()) line_max = ROOT.TLine(187 * np.pi / 180, track_phi.GetMinimum(), 187 * np.pi / 180, track_phi.GetMaximum()) for l in [line_min, line_max]: l.SetLineColor(ROOT.kRed) l.Draw("same") # Save the plot plot_base.save_plot(output_info, canvas, f"track_phi_{str(event_activity)}")