Example #1
def admm_denoise(y, Phi_sum, A, At, _lambda=1, gamma=0.0, 
                denoiser='tv', iter_max=50, noise_estimate=False, sigma=None, 
                tv_weight=0.1, tv_iter_max=5, multichannel=True, x0=None, model=None, X_orig=None, show_iqa=True, tvm='tv_chambolle'):
    Alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM)[1]-based denoising 
    regularization for snapshot compressive imaging (SCI).

    y : two-dimensional (2D) ndarray of ints, uints or floats
        Input single measurement of the snapshot compressive imager (SCI).
    Phi : three-dimensional (3D) ndarray of ints, uints or floats, omitted
        Input sensing matrix of SCI with the third dimension as the 
        time-variant, spectral-variant, volume-variant, or angular-variant 
        masks, where each mask has the same pixel resolution as the snapshot
    Phi_sum : 2D ndarray
        Sum of the sensing matrix `Phi` along the third dimension.
    A : function
        Forward model of SCI, where multiple encoded frames are collapsed into
        a single measurement.
    At : function
        Transpose of the forward model.
    proj_meth : {'admm' or 'gap'}, optional
        Projection method of the data term. Alternating direction method of 
        multipliers (ADMM)[1] and generalizedv alternating projection (GAP)[2]
        are used, where ADMM for noisy data, especially real data and GAP for 
        noise-free data.
    gamma : float, optional
        Parameter in the ADMM projection, where more noisy measurements require
        greater gamma.
    denoiser : string, optional
        Denoiser used as the regularization imposing on the prior term of the 
    _lambda : float, optional
        Regularization factor balancing the data term and the prior term, 
        where larger `_lambda` imposing more constrains on the prior term. 
    iter_max : int or uint, optional 
        Maximum number of iterations.
    accelerate : boolean, optional
        Enable acceleration in GAP.
    noise_estimate : boolean, optional
        Enable noise estimation in the denoiser.
    sigma : one-dimensional (1D) ndarray of ints, uints or floats
        Input noise standard deviation for the denoiser if and only if noise 
        estimation is disabled(i.e., noise_estimate==False). The scale of sigma 
        is [0, 255] regardless of the the scale of the input measurement and 
    tv_weight : float, optional
        weight in total variation (TV) denoising.
    x0 : 3D ndarray 
        Start point (initialized value) for the iteration process of the 

    x : 3D ndarray
        Reconstructed 3D scene captured by the SCI system.

    .. [1] S. Boyd, N. Parikh, E. Chu, B. Peleato, and J. Eckstein, 
           "Distributed Optimization and Statistical Learning via the 
           Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers," Foundations and 
           TrendsĀ® in Machine Learning, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 1-122, 2011.
    .. [2] X. Yuan, "Generalized alternating projection based total variation 
           minimization for compressive sensing," in IEEE International 
           Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), 2016, pp. 2539-2543.
    .. [3] Y. Liu, X. Yuan, J. Suo, D. Brady, and Q. Dai, "Rank Minimization 
           for Snapshot Compressive Imaging," IEEE Transactions on Pattern 
           Analysis and Machine Intelligence, doi:10.1109/TPAMI.2018.2873587, 

    Code credit
    Xin Yuan, Bell Labs, [email protected], created Aug 7, 2018.
    Yang Liu, Tsinghua University, [email protected], 
      updated Jan 22, 2019.

    See Also
    # [0] initialization
    if x0 is None:
        x0 = At(y) # default start point (initialized value)
    if not isinstance(sigma, list):
        sigma = [sigma]
    if not isinstance(iter_max, list):
        iter_max = [iter_max] * len(sigma)
    # [1] start iteration for reconstruction
    x = x0 # initialization
    theta = x0
    b = np.zeros_like(x0)
    psnr_all = []
    k = 0
    for idx, nsig in enumerate(sigma): # iterate all noise levels
        for it in range(iter_max[idx]):
            # Euclidean projection
            yb = A(theta+b)
            x = (theta+b) + _lambda*(At((y-yb)/(Phi_sum+gamma))) # ADMM
            # switch denoiser 
            if denoiser.lower() == 'tv': # total variation (TV) denoising
                    if tvm == 'tv_chambolle':
                        theta = denoise_tv_chambolle(x-b, tv_weight, n_iter_max=tv_iter_max, multichannel=multichannel)
                    elif tvm == 'ITV3D_FGP':
                        theta = denoise_tv_chambolle(x-b, tv_weight, n_iter_max=tv_iter_max, multichannel=multichannel)
                    elif tvm == 'ITV2D_cham':
                        theta = denoise_tv_chambolle(x-b, tv_weight, n_iter_max=tv_iter_max, multichannel=multichannel)                   
                        raise TypeError("no such tv denoiser")
                except TypeError as e:
                    print("Exception: ",repr(e))
            elif denoiser.lower() == 'wavelet': # wavelet denoising
                if noise_estimate or nsig is None: # noise estimation enabled
                    theta = denoise_wavelet(x-b, multichannel=multichannel)
                    theta = denoise_wavelet(x-b, sigma=nsig, multichannel=multichannel)
            # elif denoiser.lower() == 'vnlnet': # Video Non-local net denoising
            #     theta = vnlnet(np.expand_dims((x-b).transpose(2,0,1),3), nsig)
            #     theta = np.transpose(theta.squeeze(3),(1,2,0))
            elif denoiser.lower() == 'ffdnet': # FFDNet frame-wise video denoising
                # x = ffdnet_vdenoiser(x, nsig, model)                  # [zzh] original
                theta = ffdnet_vdenoiser(x-b, nsig, model)              # [zzh] new code from xinyuan(1/3)
            elif denoiser.lower() == 'fastdvdnet': # FastDVDnet video denoising
                # x = fastdvdnet_denoiser(x, nsig, model, gray=True)    # [zzh] original
                theta = fastdvdnet_denoiser(x-b, nsig, model, gray=True) # [zzh] new code from xinyuan(2/3)
                raise ValueError('Unsupported denoiser {}!'.format(denoiser))
            theta = np.clip(theta,0,1) # [zzh] new code from xinyuan(3/3)
            b = b - (x-theta) # update residual
            # [optional] calculate image quality assessment, i.e., PSNR for 
            # every five iterations
            if show_iqa and X_orig is not None:
                psnr_all.append(psnr(X_orig, x))
                if (k+1)%5 == 0:
                    if not noise_estimate and nsig is not None:
                        if nsig < 1:
                            print('  ADMM-{0} iteration {1: 3d}, sigma {2: 3g}/255, ' 
                              'PSNR {3:2.2f} dB.'.format(denoiser.upper(), 
                               k+1, nsig*255, psnr_all[k]))
                            print('  ADMM-{0} iteration {1: 3d}, sigma {2: 3g}, ' 
                                'PSNR {3:2.2f} dB.'.format(denoiser.upper(), 
                                k+1, nsig, psnr_all[k]))
                        print('  ADMM-{0} iteration {1: 3d}, ' 
                              'PSNR {2: 2.2f} dB.'.format(denoiser.upper(), 
                               k+1, psnr_all[k]))
            k = k+1
    psnr_ = []
    ssim_ = []
    nmask = x.shape[2]
    if X_orig is not None:
        for imask in range(nmask):
            psnr_.append(compare_psnr(X_orig[:,:,imask], x[:,:,imask], data_range=1.))
            ssim_.append(compare_ssim(X_orig[:,:,imask], x[:,:,imask], data_range=1.))
    return x, psnr_, ssim_, psnr_all
Example #2
def gap_denoise(y, Phi_sum, A, At, _lambda=1, accelerate=True, 
                denoiser='tv', iter_max=50, noise_estimate=False, sigma=None, 
                tv_weight=0.1, tv_iter_max=5, multichannel=True, x0=None, 
                X_orig=None, model=None, show_iqa=True, tvm='tv_chambolle'):
    Alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM)[1]-based denoising 
    regularization for snapshot compressive imaging (SCI).

    y : two-dimensional (2D) ndarray of ints, uints or floats
        Input single measurement of the snapshot compressive imager (SCI).
    Phi : three-dimensional (3D) ndarray of ints, uints or floats, omitted
        Input sensing matrix of SCI with the third dimension as the 
        time-variant, spectral-variant, volume-variant, or angular-variant 
        masks, where each mask has the same pixel resolution as the snapshot
    Phi_sum : 2D ndarray,
        Sum of the sensing matrix `Phi` along the third dimension.
    A : function
        Forward model of SCI, where multiple encoded frames are collapsed into
        a single measurement.
    At : function
        Transpose of the forward model.
    proj_meth : {'admm' or 'gap'}, optional
        Projection method of the data term. Alternating direction method of 
        multipliers (ADMM)[1] and generalizedv alternating projection (GAP)[2]
        are used, where ADMM for noisy data, especially real data and GAP for 
        noise-free data.
    gamma : float, optional
        Parameter in the ADMM projection, where more noisy measurements require
        greater gamma.
    denoiser : string, optional
        Denoiser used as the regularization imposing on the prior term of the 
    _lambda : float, optional
        Regularization factor balancing the data term and the prior term, 
        where larger `_lambda` imposing more constrains on the prior term. 
    iter_max : int or uint, optional 
        Maximum number of iterations.
    accelerate : boolean, optional
        Enable acceleration in GAP.
    noise_estimate : boolean, optional
        Enable noise estimation in the denoiser.
    sigma : one-dimensional (1D) ndarray of ints, uints or floats
        Input noise standard deviation for the denoiser if and only if noise 
        estimation is disabled(i.e., noise_estimate==False). The scale of sigma 
        is [0, 255] regardless of the the scale of the input measurement and 
    tv_weight : float, optional
        weight in total variation (TV) denoising.
    x0 : 3D ndarray 
        Start point (initialized value) for the iteration process of the 
    model : pretrained model for image/video denoising.
    tvm : string, optional, {'tv_chambolle', 'ATV_ClipA', 'ATV_ClipB','ATV_cham','ATV_FGP',
        tv denoiser type, default value = 'tv_chambolle' (zzh)

    x : 3D ndarray
        Reconstructed 3D scene captured by the SCI system.

    .. [1] X. Liao, H. Li, and L. Carin, "Generalized Alternating Projection 
           for Weighted-$\ell_{2,1}$ Minimization with Applications to 
           Model-Based Compressive Sensing," SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences, 
           vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 797-823, 2014.
    .. [2] X. Yuan, "Generalized alternating projection based total variation 
           minimization for compressive sensing," in IEEE International 
           Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), 2016, pp. 2539-2543.
    .. [3] Y. Liu, X. Yuan, J. Suo, D. Brady, and Q. Dai, "Rank Minimization 
           for Snapshot Compressive Imaging," IEEE Transactions on Pattern 
           Analysis and Machine Intelligence, doi:10.1109/TPAMI.2018.2873587, 

    Code credit
    Xin Yuan, Bell Labs, [email protected], created Aug 7, 2018.
    Yang Liu, Tsinghua University, [email protected], 
      updated Jan 22, 2019.

    See Also
    # [0] initialization
    if x0 is None:
        # x0 = At(y, Phi) # default start point (initialized value)
        x0 = At(y) # default start point (initialized value)
    if not isinstance(sigma, list):
        sigma = [sigma]
    if not isinstance(iter_max, list):
        iter_max = [iter_max] * len(sigma)
    # y1 = np.zeros(y.shape)
    y1 = np.zeros_like(y) 
    # [1] start iteration for reconstruction
    x = x0 # initialization
    psnr_all = []
    k = 0
    time_start = time.time() # timing
    print('---> gap_denoise')
    for idx, nsig in enumerate(sigma): # iterate all noise levels
        for it in range(iter_max[idx]):
            yb = A(x)
            if accelerate: # accelerated version of GAP
                y1 = y1 + (y-yb)
                x = x + _lambda*(At((y1-yb)/Phi_sum)) # GAP_acc
                x = x + _lambda*(At((y-yb)/Phi_sum)) # GAP
            # switch denoiser 
            if denoiser.lower() == 'tv': # total variation (TV) denoising
                    if tvm == 'tv_chambolle':
                        x = denoise_tv_chambolle(x, tv_weight, n_iter_max=tv_iter_max, multichannel=multichannel)
                    elif tvm == 'ITV3D_FGP':
                        x = denoise_tv_FGP_ITV3D(x, tv_weight, n_iter_max=tv_iter_max)
                    elif tvm == 'ITV2D_cham':
                        x = denoise_tv_cham_ITV2D(x, tv_weight, n_iter_max=tv_iter_max)                        
                        raise TypeError("no such tv denoiser")
                except TypeError as e:
                    print("Exception: ",repr(e))
            elif denoiser.lower() == 'wavelet': # wavelet denoising
                if noise_estimate or nsig is None: # noise estimation enabled
                    x = denoise_wavelet(x, multichannel=multichannel)
                    x = denoise_wavelet(x, sigma=nsig, multichannel=multichannel)
            # elif denoiser.lower() == 'vnlnet': # Video Non-local net denoising
            #     x = vnlnet(np.expand_dims(x.transpose(2,0,1),3), nsig)
            #     x = np.transpose(x.squeeze(3),(1,2,0))
            elif denoiser.lower() == 'ffdnet': # FFDNet frame-wise video denoising
                x = ffdnet_vdenoiser(x, nsig, model)
            elif denoiser.lower() == 'fastdvdnet': # FastDVDnet video denoising
                x = fastdvdnet_denoiser(x, nsig, model, gray=True)
                raise ValueError('Unsupported denoiser {}!'.format(denoiser))
            # [optional] calculate image quality assessment, i.e., PSNR for 
            # every five iterations
            if show_iqa and X_orig is not None:
                psnr_all.append(psnr(X_orig, x))
                if (k+1)%5 == 0:
                    if not noise_estimate and nsig is not None:
                        if nsig < 1:
                            print('  GAP-{0} iteration {1: 3d}, sigma {2: 3g}/255, ' 
                            'PSNR {3:2.2f} dB.'.format(denoiser.upper(), 
                            k+1, nsig*255, psnr_all[k]))
                            print('  GAP-{0} iteration {1: 3d}, sigma {2: 3g}, ' 
                                'PSNR {3:2.2f} dB.'.format(denoiser.upper(), 
                                k+1, nsig, psnr_all[k]))
                        print('  GAP-{0} iteration {1: 3d}, ' 
                            'PSNR {2:2.2f} dB.'.format(denoiser.upper(), 
                            k+1, psnr_all[k]))
            k = k+1
        time_now = time.time()
        print('----> finish {}/{} time cost {:.2f} min'.format(idx+1, len(sigma),(time_now-time_start)/60))
    psnr_ = []
    ssim_ = []
    nmask = x.shape[2]
    if X_orig is not None:
        for imask in range(nmask):
            psnr_.append(compare_psnr(X_orig[:,:,imask], x[:,:,imask], data_range=1.))
            ssim_.append(compare_ssim(X_orig[:,:,imask], x[:,:,imask], data_range=1.))
    return x, psnr_, ssim_, psnr_all
Example #3
def admm_denoise_bayer(y_bayer, Phi_bayer, _lambda=1, gamma=0.01,
                denoiser='tv', iter_max=50, noise_estimate=True, sigma=None, 
                tv_weight=0.1, tv_iter_max=5, multichannel=True, x0_bayer=None, 
                X_orig=None, model=None, show_iqa=True):
    Generalized alternating projection (GAP)[1]-based denoising regularization 
    for snapshot compressive imaging (SCI).

    y_bayer : two-dimensional (2D) ndarray of ints, uints or floats
        Input single measurement of the snapshot compressive imager (SCI).
    Phi_bayer : three-dimensional (3D) ndarray of ints, uints or floats, omitted
        Input sensing matrix of SCI with the third dimension as the 
        time-variant, spectral-variant, volume-variant, or angular-variant 
        masks, where each mask has the same pixel resolution as the snapshot
    Phi : 3D ndarray,
        Sensing matrix `Phi`.
    proj_meth : {'admm' or 'gap'}, optional
        Projection method of the data term. Alternating direction method of 
        multipliers (ADMM)[1] and generalizedv alternating projection (GAP)[2]
        are used, where ADMM for noisy data, especially real data and GAP for 
        noise-free data.
    gamma : float, optional
        Parameter in the ADMM projection, where more noisy measurements require
        greater gamma.
    denoiser : string, optional
        Denoiser used as the regularization imposing on the prior term of the 
    _lambda : float, optional
        Regularization factor balancing the data term and the prior term, 
        where larger `_lambda` imposing more constrains on the prior term. 
    iter_max : int or uint, optional 
        Maximum number of iterations.
    accelerate : boolean, optional
        Enable acceleration in GAP.
    noise_estimate : boolean, optional
        Enable noise estimation in the denoiser.
    sigma : one-dimensional (1D) ndarray of ints, uints or floats
        Input noise standard deviation for the denoiser if and only if noise 
        estimation is disabled(i.e., noise_estimate==False). The scale of sigma 
        is [0, 255] regardless of the the scale of the input measurement and 
    tv_weight : float, optional
        weight in total variation (TV) denoising.
    x0_bayer : 3D ndarray 
        Start point (initialized value) for the iteration process of the 
    model : pretrained model for image/video denoising.

    x : 3D ndarray
        Reconstructed 3D scene captured by the SCI system.

    .. [1] X. Liao, H. Li, and L. Carin, "Generalized Alternating Projection 
           for Weighted-$\ell_{2,1}$ Minimization with Applications to 
           Model-Based Compressive Sensing," SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences, 
           vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 797-823, 2014.
    .. [2] X. Yuan, "Generalized alternating projection based total variation 
           minimization for compressive sensing," in IEEE International 
           Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), 2016, pp. 2539-2543.
    .. [3] Y. Liu, X. Yuan, J. Suo, D. Brady, and Q. Dai, "Rank Minimization 
           for Snapshot Compressive Imaging," IEEE Transactions on Pattern 
           Analysis and Machine Intelligence, vol. 41, no. 12, pp. 2990-3006, 

    Code credit
    Xin Yuan, Bell Labs, [email protected], basic version created Aug 7, 2018.
    Yang Liu, MIT CSAIL, [email protected], updated Dec 5, 2019.

    See Also
    bayer = [[0,0], [0,1], [1,0], [1,1]] # `BGGR` Bayer pattern

    if not isinstance(sigma, list):
        sigma = [sigma]
    if not isinstance(iter_max, list):
        iter_max = [iter_max] * len(sigma)

    # stack the bayer channels at the last dimension [consistent to image color channels]
    (nrow, ncol, nmask) = Phi_bayer.shape
    yall = np.zeros([nrow//2, ncol//2, 4], dtype=np.float32)
    Phiall = np.zeros([nrow//2, ncol//2, nmask, 4], dtype=np.float32)
    Phi_sumall = np.zeros([nrow//2, ncol//2, 4], dtype=np.float32)
    x0all = np.zeros([nrow//2, ncol//2, nmask, 4], dtype=np.float32)
    # iterative solve for each Bayer channel
    for ib in range(len(bayer)): 
        b = bayer[ib]
        yall[...,ib] = y_bayer[b[0]::2, b[1]::2]
        Phiall[...,ib] =  Phi_bayer[b[0]::2, b[1]::2]
        # y = y_bayer[b[0]::2][b[1]::2]
        # Phi = Phi_bayer[b[0]::2][b[1]::2]

        # A  = lambda x :  A_(x, Phi) # forward model function handle
        # At = lambda y : At_(y, Phi) # transpose of forward model

        Phib = Phiall[...,ib]
        Phib_sum = np.sum(Phib, axis=2)
        Phib_sum[Phib_sum==0] = 1

        Phi_sumall[...,ib] = Phib_sum

        # [0] initialization
        if x0_bayer is None:
            # x0 = At(y, Phi) # default start point (initialized value)
            x0all[...,ib] = At_(yall[...,ib], Phiall[...,ib]) # default start point (initialized value)
            x0all[...,ib] = x0_bayer[b[0]::2,b[1]::2]

    # y1 = np.zeros(y.shape)
    y1all = np.zeros_like(yall) 
    # [1] start iteration for reconstruction
    xall = x0all # initialization
    thetaall = x0all
    x_bayer = np.zeros_like(Phi_bayer)
    b = np.zeros_like(x0all)

    psnr_all = []
    k = 0
    for idx, nsig in enumerate(sigma): # iterate all noise levels
        for it in range(iter_max[idx]): 
            start_time = time.time()

            for ib in range(len(bayer)): # iterate all bayer channels
                yb = A_(thetaall[...,ib]+ball[...,ib], Phiall[...,ib])
                xall[...,ib] = thetaall[...,ib]+ball[...,ib] + _lambda*(At_((yall[...,ib]-yb)/(Phi_sumall[...,ib]+gamma), Phiall[...,ib])) # GAP

            end_time = time.time()
            # print('    Euclidean projection eclipsed in {:.3f}s.'.format(end_time-start_time))
            # joint Bayer multi-channel denoising
            # switch denoiser 
            if denoiser.lower() == 'tv': # total variation (TV) denoising
                thetaall_vch = (xall-ball).reshape([nrow//2, ncol//2, nmask*4])
                thetaall_vch = denoise_tv_chambolle(thetaall_vch, tv_weight, n_iter_max=tv_iter_max, 
                thetaall = thetaall_vch.reshape([nrow//2, ncol//2, nmask, 4])
                # xall = xall.clip(0., 1.) # [0,1]
            elif denoiser.lower() == 'wavelet': # wavelet denoising
                thetaall_vch = (xall-ball).reshape([nrow//2, ncol//2, nmask*4])
                if noise_estimate or nsig is None: # noise estimation enabled
                    thetaall_vch = denoise_wavelet(thetaall_vch, multichannel=multichannel)
                    thetaall_vch = denoise_wavelet(thetaall_vch, sigma=nsig, multichannel=multichannel)
                thetaall = thetaall_vch.reshape([nrow//2, ncol//2, nmask, 4])
            # elif denoiser.lower() == 'vnlnet': # Video Non-local net denoising
            #     x = vnlnet(np.expand_dims(x.transpose(2,0,1),3), nsig)
            #     x = np.transpose(x.squeeze(3),(1,2,0))
            elif denoiser.lower() == 'ffdnet': # FFDNet frame-wise video denoising
                xall_vch = xall.reshape([nrow//2, ncol//2, nmask*4])
                xall_vch = ffdnet_vdenoiser(xall_vch, nsig, model)
                xall = xall_vch.reshape([nrow//2, ncol//2, nmask, 4])
            elif denoiser.lower() == 'fastdvdnet': # FastDVDnet video denoising
                # # option 1 - run denoising twice
                # xrgb1 = xall[..., [0,1,3]] # R-G1-B (H x W x F x C)
                # xrgb2 = xall[..., [0,2,3]] # R-G2-B (H x W x F x C)
                # xrgb1 = fastdvdnet_denoiser(xrgb1, nsig, model)
                # xrgb2 = fastdvdnet_denoiser(xrgb2, nsig, model)
                # xall[...,0] = (xrgb1[...,0] + xrgb2[...,0])/2 # R  channel (average over two)
                # xall[...,1] = xrgb1[...,1]                    # G1 channel (average over two)
                # xall[...,2] = xrgb2[...,1]                    # G2 channel (average over two)
                # xall[...,3] = (xrgb1[...,2] + xrgb2[...,2])/2 # B  channel (average over two)
                # option 2 - run deniosing once
                thetargb1 = (xall-ball)[..., [3,1,0]] # R-G1-B (H x W x F x C)
                thetargb1 = fastdvdnet_denoiser(thetargb1, nsig, model)
                thetaall[...,3] = thetargb1[...,0] # R  channel (average over two)
                thetaall[...,2] = thetargb1[...,1] # G1=G2 channel (average over two)
                thetaall[...,1] = thetargb1[...,1] # G2=G1 channel (average over two)
                thetaall[...,0] = thetargb1[...,2] # B  channel (average over two)
                raise ValueError('Unsupported denoiser {}!'.format(denoiser))
            ball = ball - (xall-thetaall) # update residual

            # [optional] calculate image quality assessment, i.e., PSNR for 
            # every five iterations
            if show_iqa and X_orig is not None:
                for ib in range(len(bayer)): 
                    b = bayer[ib]
                    x_bayer[b[0]::2, b[1]::2] = xall[...,ib]
                psnr_all.append(psnr(X_orig, x_bayer))
                if (k+1)%5 == 0:
                    if not noise_estimate and nsig is not None:
                        if nsig < 1:
                            print('  GAP-{0} iteration {1: 3d}, sigma {2: 3g}/255, ' 
                            'PSNR {3:2.2f} dB.'.format(denoiser.upper(), 
                            k+1, nsig*255, psnr_all[k]))
                            print('  GAP-{0} iteration {1: 3d}, sigma {2: 3g}, ' 
                                'PSNR {3:2.2f} dB.'.format(denoiser.upper(), 
                                k+1, nsig, psnr_all[k]))
                        print('  GAP-{0} iteration {1: 3d}, ' 
                            'PSNR {2:2.2f} dB.'.format(denoiser.upper(), 
                            k+1, psnr_all[k]))
            k = k+1

    for ib in range(len(bayer)): 
        b = bayer[ib]
        x_bayer[b[0]::2, b[1]::2] = xall[...,ib]

    return x_bayer, psnr_all