Example #1
  def complete(self, add_centroids=True, graph_attrs={}, atlas={}):
    super(FiberGraph, self).complete()
    assert atlas, "One Atlas must exist for any small graph!"
    # since only 1 atlas
    atlas_name = atlas.keys()[0]
    atlas_regions = atlas[atlas.keys()[0]]

    print "Attempting to add atlas labels ..."
    if atlas_regions is not None:
      f_regions = open(atlas_regions, "rb")
      self.graph.vs["region_name"] = f_regions.read().splitlines()
    if add_centroids:
      print "Adding centroids ..."
      cent_loc = os.path.join(os.environ['M2G_HOME'], "data", "Centroids", "centroids.mat")
      if not os.path.exists(cent_loc):

      cent_mat = sio.loadmat(cent_loc)["centroids"]
      centroids = []

      for row in cent_mat:

      self.graph.vs["centroid"] = centroids
    for key in graph_attrs.keys():
      self.graph[key] = graph_attrs[key]
Example #2
    def complete(self, add_centroids=True, graph_attrs={}, atlas={}):
        super(FiberGraph, self).complete()

        assert atlas, "One Atlas must exist for any small graph!"
        # since only 1 atlas
        atlas_name = atlas.keys()[0]
        atlas_regions = atlas[atlas.keys()[0]]

        print "Attempting to add atlas labels ..."
        if atlas_regions is not None:
            f_regions = open(atlas_regions, "rb")
            self.graph.vs["region_name"] = f_regions.read().splitlines()

        if add_centroids:
            print "Adding centroids ..."
            cent_loc = os.path.join(os.environ['M2G_HOME'], "data",
                                    "Centroids", "centroids.mat")
            if not os.path.exists(cent_loc):

            cent_mat = sio.loadmat(cent_loc)["centroids"]
            centroids = []

            for row in cent_mat:

            self.graph.vs["centroid"] = centroids

        for key in graph_attrs.keys():
            self.graph[key] = graph_attrs[key]
Example #3
def create(roifn=os.path.join(os.environ["M2G_HOME"], "data", "Atlas",
	Downsamples an atlas from a template brain.

	Create a new atlas given some scaling factor determined by the start index. Can be useful if looking for parcellation of certain scale for graph generation.

	**Positional Arguments**
			roifn: [.nii; nifti image] (default = MNI152)
					- Nifti roi mask file name
			start: [int] (default = 2)
					- The x,y,z start position which determines the scaling. 
			atlas: [.nii; nifti image]
					- Atlas labels in MNI space.

    start_time = time()
    atlmap = None
    print "Loading rois as base ..."
    if not os.path.exists(roifn):
    img = nib.load(roifn)
    base = img.get_data()
    aff = img.get_affine()
    fm = img.file_map
    true_dim = base.shape

    # Labelling new
    label_used = False
    print "Labeling new ..."
    region_num = 1

    step = 1 + (start * 2)
    mstart = -start
    mend = start + 1

    # Align new to scale factor
    xdim, ydim, zdim = map(ceil, np.array(base.shape) / float(step))
    if step == 1:
        assert xdim == base.shape[0] and ydim == base.shape[
            1] and zdim == base.shape[2]
    resized_base = np.zeros((xdim * step, ydim * step, zdim * step), dtype=int)
    resized_base[:base.shape[0], :base.shape[1], :base.shape[2]] = base
    base = resized_base
    del resized_base

    # Create new matrix
    new = np.zeros_like(base,
                        dtype=np.int)  # poke my finger in the eye of bjarne

    # TODO: Cythonize
    for z in xrange(start, base.shape[2] - start, step):
        for y in xrange(start, base.shape[1] - start, step):
            for x in xrange(start, base.shape[0] - start, step):

                if label_used:
                    region_num += 1  # only increase counter when a label was used
                    label_used = False

                # set other (step*step)-1 around me to same region
                for zz in xrange(mstart, mend):
                    for yy in xrange(mstart, mend):
                        for xx in xrange(mstart, mend):
                            if (base[x + xx, y + yy, z + zz]):  # Masking
                                label_used = True
                                new[x + xx, y + yy, z + zz] = region_num

    new = new[:true_dim[0], :true_dim[1], :
              true_dim[2]]  # shrink new to correct size
    print "Your atlas has %d regions ..." % len(np.unique(new))

    img = nib.Nifti1Image(new,

    del new
    print "Building atlas took %.3f sec ..." % (time() - start_time)

    return img
Example #4
def create(roifn=os.path.join(os.environ["M2G_HOME"],"data","Atlas", 
          "MNI152_T1_1mm_brain.nii"), start=2):
	Downsamples an atlas from a template brain.

	Create a new atlas given some scaling factor determined by the start index. Can be useful if looking for parcellation of certain scale for graph generation.

	**Positional Arguments**
			roifn: [.nii; nifti image] (default = MNI152)
					- Nifti roi mask file name
			start: [int] (default = 2)
					- The x,y,z start position which determines the scaling. 
			atlas: [.nii; nifti image]
					- Atlas labels in MNI space.

  start_time = time()
  atlmap = None
  print "Loading rois as base ..."
  if not os.path.exists(roifn):
  img = nib.load(roifn)
  base = img.get_data()
  aff = img.get_affine()
  fm = img.file_map
  true_dim = base.shape

  # Labelling new 
  label_used = False
  print "Labeling new ..."
  region_num = 1

  step = 1+(start*2)
  mstart = -start
  mend = start+1

  # Align new to scale factor
  xdim, ydim, zdim = map(ceil, np.array(base.shape)/float(step)) 
  if step == 1:
    assert xdim == base.shape[0] and ydim == base.shape[1] and zdim == base.shape[2]
  resized_base = np.zeros((xdim*step, ydim*step, zdim*step), dtype=int)
  resized_base[:base.shape[0], :base.shape[1], :base.shape[2]] = base
  base = resized_base
  del resized_base

  # Create new matrix
  new = np.zeros_like(base, dtype=np.int) # poke my finger in the eye of bjarne

  # TODO: Cythonize
  for z in xrange(start, base.shape[2]-start, step):
    for y in xrange(start, base.shape[1]-start, step):
      for x in xrange(start, base.shape[0]-start, step):

        if label_used: 
          region_num += 1 # only increase counter when a label was used
          label_used = False

        # set other (step*step)-1 around me to same region
        for zz in xrange(mstart,mend):
          for yy in xrange(mstart,mend):
            for xx in xrange(mstart,mend):
              if (base[x+xx,y+yy,z+zz]): # Masking
                label_used = True
                new[x+xx,y+yy,z+zz] = region_num
  new = new[:true_dim[0], :true_dim[1], :true_dim[2]] # shrink new to correct size
  print "Your atlas has %d regions ..." % len(np.unique(new))

  img = nib.Nifti1Image(new, affine=img.get_affine(), header=img.get_header(), file_map=img.file_map)
  del new
  print "Building atlas took %.3f sec ..." % (time()-start_time)

  return img