def infer_and_save_depth(input_file, output_file, model_wrapper, image_shape,
                         half, save):
    Process a single input file to produce and save visualization

    input_file : str
        Image file
    output_file : str
        Output file, or folder where the output will be saved
    model_wrapper : nn.Module
        Model wrapper used for inference
    image_shape : Image shape
        Input image shape
    half: bool
        use half precision (fp16)
    save: str
        Save format (npz or png)
    if not is_image(output_file):
        # If not an image, assume it's a folder and append the input name
        os.makedirs(output_file, exist_ok=True)
        output_file = os.path.join(output_file, os.path.basename(input_file))

    # change to half precision for evaluation if requested
    dtype = torch.float16 if half else None

    # Load image
    image = load_image(input_file)
    # Resize and to tensor
    image = resize_image(image, image_shape)
    image = to_tensor(image).unsqueeze(0)

    # Send image to GPU if available
    if torch.cuda.is_available():
        image ='cuda:{}'.format(rank()), dtype=dtype)

    # Depth inference (returns predicted inverse depth)
    pred_inv_depth = model_wrapper.depth(image)[0]

    if save == 'npz' or save == 'png':
        # Get depth from predicted depth map and save to different formats
        filename = '{}.{}'.format(os.path.splitext(output_file)[0], save)
        print('Saving {} to {}'.format(
            pcolor(input_file, 'cyan', attrs=['bold']),
            pcolor(filename, 'magenta', attrs=['bold'])))
        write_depth(filename, depth=inv2depth(pred_inv_depth))
        # Prepare RGB image
        rgb = image[0].permute(1, 2, 0).detach().cpu().numpy() * 255
        # Prepare inverse depth
        viz_pred_inv_depth = viz_inv_depth(pred_inv_depth[0]) * 255
        # Concatenate both vertically
        image = np.concatenate([rgb, viz_pred_inv_depth], 0)
        # Save visualization
        print('Saving {} to {}'.format(
            pcolor(input_file, 'cyan', attrs=['bold']),
            pcolor(output_file, 'magenta', attrs=['bold'])))
        imwrite(output_file, image[:, :, ::-1])
Example #2
def save_depth(batch, output, args, dataset, save):
    Save depth predictions in various ways

    batch : dict
        Batch from dataloader
    output : dict
        Output from model
    args : tuple
        Step arguments
    dataset : CfgNode
        Dataset configuration
    save : CfgNode
        Save configuration
    # If there is no save folder, don't save
    if save.folder is '':

    # If we want to save
    if save.depth.rgb or save.depth.viz or save.depth.npz or save.depth.png:
        # Retrieve useful tensors
        rgb = batch['rgb']
        pred_inv_depth = output['inv_depth']

        # Prepare path strings
        # print("save:",batch['filename'])
        filename = [os.path.split(batch['filename'][i])[-1]  for i in range(len(batch['filename']))]
        dataset_idx = 0 if len(args) == 1 else args[1]
        save_path = [os.path.join(save.folder, 'depth',
                                 prepare_dataset_prefix(dataset, dataset_idx),
                                 ,batch['sensor_name'][i]) for i in range(len(batch['sensor_name']))]
        # Create folder
        for i in range(len(save_path)):
            os.makedirs(save_path[i], exist_ok=True)
        # For each image in the batch
        length = rgb.shape[0]
        for i in range(length):
            # Save numpy depth maps
            if save.depth.npz:
                write_depth('{}/{}_depth.npz'.format(save_path[i], filename[i]),
                            intrinsics=batch['intrinsics'][i] if 'intrinsics' in batch else None)
            # Save png depth maps
            if save.depth.png:
                write_depth('{}/{}_depth.png'.format(save_path[i], filename[i]),
            # Save rgb images
            if save.depth.rgb:
                rgb_i = rgb[i].permute(1, 2, 0).detach().cpu().numpy() * 255
                write_image('{}/{}_rgb.png'.format(save_path[i], filename[i]), rgb_i)
            # Save inverse depth visualizations
            if save.depth.viz:
                viz_i = viz_inv_depth(pred_inv_depth[i]) * 255
                write_image('{}/{}_viz.png'.format(save_path[i], filename[i]), viz_i)