Example #1
    def chooseAction(self, gameState: GameState) -> str:
        Picks among legal actions randomly.
        actions = gameState.getLegalActions(self.index)

        return random.choice(actions)
Example #2
    def chooseAction(self, gameState: GameState) -> str:
        capMultiplier = 3

        if self.red:
            capsules = gameState.getRedCapsules()
            capsules = gameState.getBlueCapsules()

        foodList = list(self.getFood(gameState))
        actions = gameState.getLegalActions(self.index)

        meanX = 0
        meanY = 0

        for i in range(len(foodList)):
            meanX = meanX + foodList[i][0]
            meanY = meanY + foodList[i][1]

        for cap in capsules:
            meanX = capMultiplier * meanX + cap[0]
            meanY = capMultiplier * meanY + cap[1]

        meanX = int(meanX / len(foodList))
        meanY = int(meanY / len(foodList))

        myState = gameState.getAgentState(self.index)
        myPos = myState.getPosition()

        curDistance = abs(myPos[0] - meanX) + abs(myPos[1] - meanY)
        '''if meanX > myPos[0]:
            if actions.__contains__('East'):
                return 'East'
        if meanX <= myPos[0]
            if actions.__contains__('West'):
                return 'West'
        if meanY > myPos[1]:
            if actions.__contains__('East'):
                return 'East'
        if meanY <= myPos[1]
            if actions.__contains__('West'):
                return 'West'

        for action in actions:
            gameState.generateSuccessor(self.index, action)
            newPos = myState.getPosition()
            dist = abs(newPos[0] - meanX) + abs(newPos[1] - meanY)
            if dist < curDistance:
                return action

        return random.choice(actions)
Example #3
 def chooseAction(self, gameState: GameState) -> str:
     actions = gameState.getLegalActions(self.index)
     return random.choice(actions)
Example #4
    def chooseAction(self, gameState: GameState) -> str:
        actions = gameState.getLegalActions(self.index)
        food = self.getOpponentFood(gameState).asList()
        myPos = gameState.getAgentPosition(self.index)

        if self.target is not None:
            self.target.dist = self.getMazeDistance(
                (self.target.pos.x, self.target.pos.y),

        targets = [Target(Position(x, y), self.getMazeDistance(
            (x, y), myPos)) for x, y in food]
        target: Target = min(targets, key=lambda target: target.dist)
        if self.target is None or target.dist < self.target.dist or len(self.path) == 0 or self.path is None:
            self.target = target
            maze = Maze(gameState.getWalls())
            path = []
            pos = myPos
            while True:
                directions = [
                    (pos[0], pos[1] + 1, "North"),
                    (pos[0], pos[1] - 1, "South"),
                    (pos[0] + 1, pos[1], "East"),
                    (pos[0] - 1, pos[1], "West")

                maze[pos[0]][pos[1]].visited = True

                possibleMoves = [d for d in directions
                                 if not maze[d[0]][d[1]].isWall
                                 and not maze[d[0]][d[1]].visited]

                # print("path", path)
                # print("pos", pos)
                # print("possibleMoves", possibleMoves)

                if len(possibleMoves) == 0:
                    if len(path) == 0:
                    lastMove = path.pop()
                    if lastMove == "North":
                        pos = (pos[0], pos[1] - 1)
                    if lastMove == "South":
                        pos = (pos[0], pos[1] + 1)
                    if lastMove == "East":
                        pos = (pos[0] - 1, pos[1])
                    if lastMove == "West":
                        pos = (pos[0] + 1, pos[1])

                d = possibleMoves[0]
                maze[d[0]][d[1]].visited = True
                pos = (d[0], d[1])

                # but did we win?
                if pos[0] == self.target.pos.x and pos[1] == self.target.pos.y:
                    # print("yay")
                    # print("path", path)
                    self.path = path

        if gameState.isOnRedTeam(self.index):
            print(self.target, self.path)

        move = self.path[0]
        self.path = self.path[1:]
        return move
Example #5
 def chooseAction(self, gameState: GameState) -> str:
     actions = gameState.getLegalActions(self.index)
     return Directions.STOP