Example #1
   def __init__(self, board_address, update_timestep, target_spike_source):
       # Superclass
       super(TxThread, self).__init__()
       # Cache timsetep
       self._updateTimestep = update_timestep
       self._target_spike_source = target_spike_source
       # Create SDP connection to hist
       self._connection = SDPConnection(board_address)
       # Create SDP message 
       self._message = SCPMessage()
       self._message.flags = 0x7
       self._message.tag = 255
       # Set source as ethernet core
       self._message.src_cpu = 0
       self._message.src_x = 0
       self._message.src_y = 0
       self._message.src_port = 255
       # Set destination
       self._message.dst_port = (1 << 5) | 1
Example #2
class TxThread(threading.Thread):
    def __init__(self, board_address, update_timestep, target_spike_source):
        # Superclass
        super(TxThread, self).__init__()
        # Cache timsetep
        self._updateTimestep = update_timestep
        self._target_spike_source = target_spike_source
        # Create SDP connection to hist
        self._connection = SDPConnection(board_address)
        # Create SDP message 
        self._message = SCPMessage()
        self._message.flags = 0x7
        self._message.tag = 255
        # Set source as ethernet core
        self._message.src_cpu = 0
        self._message.src_x = 0
        self._message.src_y = 0
        self._message.src_port = 255
        # Set destination
        self._message.dst_port = (1 << 5) | 1
    def run(self):
            # Sleep a bit
            # **TEMP** set mean ISI to random number
            self._message.arg1 = 0
            self._message.arg2 = TxThread._doubleToS1516(4.0)
            # Loop through target spike source's sub vertices
            for subvertex in self._target_spike_source.vertex.subvertices:
                # Get sub-vertex's placement and set as message destination
                (x, y, p) = subvertex.placement.processor.get_coordinates()
                self._message.dst_cpu = p
                self._message.dst_x = x
                self._message.dst_y = y
                print("Sending command to %u %u %u" % (x, y, p))
                # Send message
    def _doubleToS1516(double):
        Reformat a double into a 32-bit integer representing s1615 format
        (i.e. signed 16.15).
        Raise an exception if the value cannot be represented in this way.
        if (double < -65536) or (double > (65536.0-1/32768.0)):
            raise Exception("ERROR: DSG - double cannot be recast as a s1615. Exiting.")

        # Shift up by 15 bits:
        scaledMyDouble = double * 32768.0

        # Round to an integer:
        # **THINK** should we actually round here?
        myS1615 = int(scaledMyDouble)
        return myS1615