Example #1
def regimen_dict_from_choice(key_type, regimen_string):
    Given a regimen string, "morning,noon,evening" return a dict of the appropriate update values
    of the casedoc of this representation

    key_type is ART or NONART

    so if art will return 'artregimen': <int>, "dot_a_one": 0, "dot_a_two": "1", etc
    if nonartregimen it'll be 'nonartregimen' and dot_n_one, etc.

    assert key_type in list(type_keys.keys()), 'the key_type must be ART or NONART'

    #ensure regimen_string is in PACT_REGIMEN_CHOICES_DICT
    #get integer day slot from DAY_SLOTS_BY_TIME[str]
    if len(regimen_string) > 0:
        regimen_split = regimen_string.split(',')
        regimen_freq = len(regimen_split)
        regimen_freq = 0
        regimen_split = []

    day_key_prefix = type_keys[key_type]
    if key_type == DOT_ART:
        key_type_string = CASE_ART_REGIMEN_PROP
    elif key_type == DOT_NONART:
        key_type_string = CASE_NONART_REGIMEN_PROP
    ret = { key_type_string: str(regimen_freq) }
    for x in range(0, 4):
        if x < regimen_freq:
            ret[day_key_prefix % digit_strings[x]] = str(DAY_SLOTS_BY_TIME.get(regimen_split[x], None))
            ret[day_key_prefix % digit_strings[x]] = ""
    return ret
Example #2
def regimen_dict_from_choice(key_type, regimen_string):
    Given a regimen string, "morning,noon,evening" return a dict of the appropriate update values
    of the casedoc of this representation

    key_type is ART or NONART

    so if art will return 'artregimen': <int>, "dot_a_one": 0, "dot_a_two": "1", etc
    if nonartregimen it'll be 'nonartregimen' and dot_n_one, etc.

    assert key_type in type_keys.keys(), 'the key_type must be ART or NONART'

    #ensure regimen_string is in PACT_REGIMEN_CHOICES_DICT
    #get integer day slot from DAY_SLOTS_BY_TIME[str]
    if len(regimen_string) > 0:
        regimen_split = regimen_string.split(',')
        regimen_freq = len(regimen_split)
        regimen_freq = 0
        regimen_split = []

    day_key_prefix = type_keys[key_type]
    if key_type == DOT_ART:
        key_type_string = CASE_ART_REGIMEN_PROP
    elif key_type == DOT_NONART:
        key_type_string = CASE_NONART_REGIMEN_PROP
    ret = { key_type_string: str(regimen_freq) }
    for x in range(0, 4):
        if x < regimen_freq:
            ret[day_key_prefix % digit_strings[x]] = str(DAY_SLOTS_BY_TIME.get(regimen_split[x], None))
            ret[day_key_prefix % digit_strings[x]] = ""
    return ret
Example #3
def get_regimen_code_arr(str_regimen):
    Helper function to decode regimens for both the old style regimens (in REGIMEN_CHOICES) as well as the new style
    regimens as required in the technical specs above.

    should return an array of day slot indices.
    if str_regimen is None or str_regimen == '' or str_regimen == 'None':
        return []

    #legacy handling
    if str_regimen.lower() == 'qd':
        return [0]
    elif str_regimen.lower() == 'qd-am':
        return [0]
    elif str_regimen.lower() == 'qd-pm':
        return [2]
    elif str_regimen.lower() == 'bid':
        return [0, 2]
    elif str_regimen.lower() == 'qid':
        return [0, 1, 2, 3]
    elif str_regimen.lower() == 'tid':
        return [0, 1, 2]
    elif str_regimen.lower() == '':
        return []

    #newer handling, a split string
    splits = str_regimen.split(',')
    ret = []
    for x in splits:
        if x in DAY_SLOTS_BY_TIME.keys():
                "value error, the regimen string is incorrect for the given patient, returning blank"
            ret = []
    return ret
Example #4
def get_regimen_code_arr(str_regimen):
    Helper function to decode regimens for both the old style regimens (in REGIMEN_CHOICES) as well as the new style
    regimens as required in the technical specs above.

    should return an array of day slot indices.
    if str_regimen is None or str_regimen == '' or str_regimen == 'None':
        return []

    #legacy handling
    if str_regimen.lower() == 'qd':
        return [0]
    elif str_regimen.lower() == 'qd-am':
        return [0]
    elif str_regimen.lower() == 'qd-pm':
        return [2]
    elif str_regimen.lower() == 'bid':
        return [0, 2]
    elif str_regimen.lower() == 'qid':
        return [0, 1, 2, 3]
    elif str_regimen.lower() == 'tid':
        return [0, 1, 2]
    elif str_regimen.lower() == '':
        return []

    #newer handling, a split string
    splits = str_regimen.split(',')
    ret = []
    for x in splits:
        if x in DAY_SLOTS_BY_TIME.keys():
            logging.error("value error, the regimen string is incorrect for the given patient, returning blank")
            ret = []
    return ret