def _cal_2d_pos_emb(self, hidden_states, bbox): position_coord_x = bbox[:, :, 0] position_coord_y = bbox[:, :, 3] rel_pos_x_2d_mat = position_coord_x.unsqueeze( -2) - position_coord_x.unsqueeze(-1) rel_pos_y_2d_mat = position_coord_y.unsqueeze( -2) - position_coord_y.unsqueeze(-1) rel_pos_x = relative_position_bucket( rel_pos_x_2d_mat, num_buckets=self.rel_2d_pos_bins, max_distance=self.max_rel_2d_pos, ) rel_pos_y = relative_position_bucket( rel_pos_y_2d_mat, num_buckets=self.rel_2d_pos_bins, max_distance=self.max_rel_2d_pos, ) rel_pos_x = F.one_hot( rel_pos_x, num_classes=self.rel_2d_pos_onehot_size).astype(hidden_states.dtype) rel_pos_y = F.one_hot( rel_pos_y, num_classes=self.rel_2d_pos_onehot_size).astype(hidden_states.dtype) rel_pos_x = self.rel_pos_x_bias(rel_pos_x).transpose([0, 3, 1, 2]) rel_pos_y = self.rel_pos_y_bias(rel_pos_y).transpose([0, 3, 1, 2]) rel_2d_pos = rel_pos_x + rel_pos_y return rel_2d_pos
def calculate_area(pred, label, num_classes, ignore_index=255): """ Calculate intersect, prediction and label area Args: pred (Tensor): The prediction by model. label (Tensor): The ground truth of image. num_classes (int): The unique number of target classes. ignore_index (int): Specifies a target value that is ignored. Default: 255. Returns: Tensor: The intersection area of prediction and the ground on all class. Tensor: The prediction area on all class. Tensor: The ground truth area on all class """ if len(pred.shape) == 4: pred = paddle.squeeze(pred, axis=1) if len(label.shape) == 4: label = paddle.squeeze(label, axis=1) if not pred.shape == label.shape: raise ValueError('Shape of `pred` and `label should be equal, ' 'but there are {} and {}.'.format( pred.shape, label.shape)) # Delete ignore_index mask = label != ignore_index pred = pred + 1 label = label + 1 pred = pred * mask label = label * mask pred = F.one_hot(pred, num_classes + 1) label = F.one_hot(label, num_classes + 1) pred = pred[:, :, :, 1:] label = label[:, :, :, 1:] pred_area = [] label_area = [] intersect_area = [] for i in range(num_classes): pred_i = pred[:, :, :, i] label_i = label[:, :, :, i] pred_area_i = paddle.sum(pred_i) label_area_i = paddle.sum(label_i) intersect_area_i = paddle.sum(pred_i * label_i) pred_area.append(pred_area_i) label_area.append(label_area_i) intersect_area.append(intersect_area_i) pred_area = paddle.concat(pred_area) label_area = paddle.concat(label_area) intersect_area = paddle.concat(intersect_area) return intersect_area, pred_area, label_area
def forward_sigmoid(self, logits_4D, labels_4D, do_rmi=False): """ Using the sigmiod operation both. Args: logits_4D : [N, C, H, W], dtype=float32 labels_4D : [N, H, W], dtype=long do_rmi : bool """ label_mask_3D = labels_4D != self.ignore_index valid_onehot_labels_4D = paddle.cast( F.one_hot(paddle.cast(labels_4D, dtype='int64') * paddle.cast(label_mask_3D, dtype='int64'), num_classes=self.num_classes), dtype='float32') # label_mask_flat = paddle.cast( # paddle.reshape(label_mask_3D, [-1]), dtype='float32') valid_onehot_labels_4D = valid_onehot_labels_4D * paddle.unsqueeze( label_mask_3D, axis=3) valid_onehot_labels_4D.stop_gradient = True probs_4D = F.sigmoid(logits_4D) * paddle.unsqueeze(label_mask_3D, axis=1) + _CLIP_MIN valid_onehot_labels_4D = paddle.transpose(valid_onehot_labels_4D, [0, 3, 1, 2]) valid_onehot_labels_4D.stop_gradient = True rmi_loss = self.rmi_lower_bound(valid_onehot_labels_4D, probs_4D) return rmi_loss
def _gather_topk_pyramid(self, gt2anchor_distances, num_anchors_list, pad_gt_mask): pad_gt_mask = pad_gt_mask.tile([1, 1, self.topk]).astype(paddle.bool) gt2anchor_distances_list = paddle.split(gt2anchor_distances, num_anchors_list, axis=-1) num_anchors_index = np.cumsum(num_anchors_list).tolist() num_anchors_index = [ 0, ] + num_anchors_index[:-1] is_in_topk_list = [] topk_idxs_list = [] for distances, anchors_index in zip(gt2anchor_distances_list, num_anchors_index): num_anchors = distances.shape[-1] topk_metrics, topk_idxs = paddle.topk(distances, self.topk, axis=-1, largest=False) topk_idxs_list.append(topk_idxs + anchors_index) topk_idxs = paddle.where(pad_gt_mask, topk_idxs, paddle.zeros_like(topk_idxs)) is_in_topk = F.one_hot(topk_idxs, num_anchors).sum(axis=-2) is_in_topk = paddle.where(is_in_topk > 1, paddle.zeros_like(is_in_topk), is_in_topk) is_in_topk_list.append(is_in_topk.astype( gt2anchor_distances.dtype)) is_in_topk_list = paddle.concat(is_in_topk_list, axis=-1) topk_idxs_list = paddle.concat(topk_idxs_list, axis=-1) return is_in_topk_list, topk_idxs_list
def gather_topk_anchors(metrics, topk, largest=True, topk_mask=None, eps=1e-9): r""" Args: metrics (Tensor, float32): shape[B, n, L], n: num_gts, L: num_anchors topk (int): The number of top elements to look for along the axis. largest (bool) : largest is a flag, if set to true, algorithm will sort by descending order, otherwise sort by ascending order. Default: True topk_mask (Tensor, bool|None): shape[B, n, topk], ignore bbox mask, Default: None eps (float): Default: 1e-9 Returns: is_in_topk (Tensor, float32): shape[B, n, L], value=1. means selected """ num_anchors = metrics.shape[-1] topk_metrics, topk_idxs = paddle.topk(metrics, topk, axis=-1, largest=largest) if topk_mask is None: topk_mask = (topk_metrics.max(axis=-1, keepdim=True) > eps).tile( [1, 1, topk]) topk_idxs = paddle.where(topk_mask, topk_idxs, paddle.zeros_like(topk_idxs)) is_in_topk = F.one_hot(topk_idxs, num_anchors).sum(axis=-2) is_in_topk = paddle.where(is_in_topk > 1, paddle.zeros_like(is_in_topk), is_in_topk) return is_in_topk.astype(metrics.dtype)
def forward(self, input, label): feat_norm = paddle.sqrt( paddle.sum(paddle.square(input), axis=1, keepdim=True)) input = paddle.divide(input, feat_norm) weight_norm = paddle.sqrt( paddle.sum(paddle.square(self.weight), axis=0, keepdim=True)) weight = paddle.divide(self.weight, weight_norm) logits = paddle.matmul(input, weight) if not or label is None: return logits alpha_p = paddle.clip(-logits.detach() + 1 + self.margin, min=0.) alpha_n = paddle.clip(logits.detach() + self.margin, min=0.) delta_p = 1 - self.margin delta_n = self.margin m_hot = F.one_hot(label.reshape([-1]), num_classes=logits.shape[1]) logits_p = alpha_p * (logits - delta_p) logits_n = alpha_n * (logits - delta_n) pre_logits = logits_p * m_hot + logits_n * (1 - m_hot) pre_logits = self.scale * pre_logits return pre_logits
def forward(self, inputs): token_ids = inputs['token_ids'] type_ids = inputs['type_ids'] pos_ids = inputs['pos_ids'] generation_mask = inputs['generation_mask'] latent_id = inputs['latent_id'] data_id = inputs['data_id'] # [-1, 1, latent_type_size] latent_id = F.one_hot(latent_id, self.latent_type_size) # [-1, 1, hidden_size] latent_emb = paddle.matmul( latent_id, self.latent_weight, transpose_y=True) caches = self.plato2_encoder.gen_caches(token_ids) # [-1, seq_len + 1, hidden_size] enc_out, new_caches = self.plato2_encoder( caches, token_ids, type_ids, pos_ids, generation_mask, latent_emb) pred_ids = self.decode(inputs, new_caches) nsp_inputs = self.gen_nsp_input(token_ids, pred_ids) # [-1, 2] probs = self.nsp_predictor(nsp_inputs) return self.get_results(data_id, token_ids, pred_ids, probs)
def forward(self, input): dtype = input.dtype flatten = input.reshape([-1, self.dim]) dist = (flatten.pow(2).sum(1, keepdim=True) - 2 * flatten.transpose([0, 1]).matmul(self.embed) + self.embed.pow(2).sum(0, keepdim=True)) embed_ind = (-dist).argmax(1) embed_onehot = F.one_hot(embed_ind, self.n_embed).astype(dtype) embed_ind = embed_ind.reshape(input.shape[:-1]) quantize = F.embedding(embed_ind, self.embed.transpose([1, 0]), padding_idx=-1) if embed_onehot_sum = embed_onehot.sum(0) embed_sum = flatten.transpose([1, 0]).matmul(embed_onehot) if dist_fn.get_world_size() > 1: dist_fn.all_reduce(embed_onehot_sum) dist_fn.all_reduce(embed_sum) ema_inplace(self.cluster_size, embed_onehot_sum, self.decay) ema_inplace(self.embed_avg, embed_sum, self.decay) cluster_size = laplace_smoothing( self.cluster_size, self.n_embed, self.eps) * self.cluster_size.sum() embed_normalized = self.embed_avg / cluster_size.unsqueeze(0) self.embed[:] = embed_normalized loss = F.mse_loss(quantize.detach(), input) * self.commitment quantize = input + (quantize - input).detach() return quantize, embed_ind, loss
def test_bad_x(): label = name="label", shape=[4], append_batch_size=False, dtype="float32") one_hot_label = functional.one_hot(x=label, num_classes=4)
def forward(self, input, label): # lambda = max(lambda_min,base*(1+gamma*iteration)^(-power)) self.iter += 1 self.lamb = max( self.LambdaMin, self.base * (1 + self.gamma * self.iter)**(-1 * self.power)) # --------------------------- cos(theta) & phi(theta) --------------------------- self.linear.weight.Tensor = F.normalize(self.linear.weight) x = F.normalize(input) cos_theta = self.linear(x) cos_theta = cos_theta.clip(min=-1, max=1) cos_m_theta = self.mlambda[self.m](cos_theta) theta = cos_theta.acos() k = paddle.floor(self.m * theta / 3.14159265) phi_theta = paddle.to_tensor(((-1.0)**k) * cos_m_theta - 2 * k) NormOfFeature = paddle.norm(input, p=2, axis=1) # --------------------------- convert label to one-hot --------------------------- one_hot = F.one_hot(label, num_classes=phi_theta.shape[1]) one_hot = paddle.reshape(one_hot, (phi_theta.shape[0], phi_theta.shape[1])) # --------------------------- Calculate output --------------------------- output = (one_hot * (phi_theta - cos_theta) / (1 + self.lamb)) + cos_theta output *= NormOfFeature.reshape((-1, 1)) return output
def index_add_(parent, axis, idx, child): expend_dim = parent.shape[0] idx_one_hot = F.one_hot(idx.cast("int64"), expend_dim) child = paddle.expand_as(child.cast("float32").unsqueeze(-1), idx_one_hot) output = parent + ( idx_one_hot.cast("float32").multiply(child)).sum(axis).squeeze() return output
def beam_search_step(state, logits, eos_id, beam_width, is_first_step, length_penalty): """logits.shape == [B*W, V]""" _, vocab_size = logits.shape bsz, beam_width = state.log_probs.shape onehot_eos = P.cast(F.one_hot(P.ones([1], 'int64') * eos_id, vocab_size), 'int64') #[1, V] probs = P.log(F.softmax(logits)) #[B*W, V] probs = mask_prob(probs, onehot_eos, state.finished) #[B*W, V] allprobs = P.reshape(state.log_probs, [-1, 1]) + probs #[B*W, V] not_finished = 1 - P.reshape(state.finished, [-1, 1]) #[B*W,1] not_eos = 1 - onehot_eos length_to_add = not_finished * not_eos #[B*W,V] alllen = P.reshape(state.lengths, [-1, 1]) + length_to_add allprobs = P.reshape(allprobs, [-1, beam_width * vocab_size]) alllen = P.reshape(alllen, [-1, beam_width * vocab_size]) allscore = hyp_score(allprobs, alllen, length_penalty) if is_first_step: allscore = P.reshape( allscore, [bsz, beam_width, -1])[:, 0, :] # first step only consiter beam 0 scores, idx = P.topk(allscore, k=beam_width) #[B, W] next_beam_id = idx // vocab_size #[B, W] next_word_id = idx % vocab_size gather_idx = P.concat( [P.nonzero(idx != -1)[:, :1], P.reshape(idx, [-1, 1])], 1) next_probs = P.reshape(P.gather_nd(allprobs, gather_idx), idx.shape) next_len = P.reshape(P.gather_nd(alllen, gather_idx), idx.shape) gather_idx = P.concat([ P.nonzero(next_beam_id != -1)[:, :1], P.reshape(next_beam_id, [-1, 1]) ], 1) next_finished = P.reshape( P.gather_nd(state.finished, gather_idx), state.finished.shape ) #[gather new beam state according to new beam id] #log.debug(gather_idx.numpy()) #log.debug(state.finished.numpy()) #log.debug(next_finished.numpy()) next_finished += P.cast(next_word_id == eos_id, 'int64') next_finished = P.cast(next_finished > 0, 'int64') #log.debug(next_word_id.numpy()) #log.debug(next_beam_id.numpy()) next_state = BeamSearchState(log_probs=next_probs, lengths=next_len, finished=next_finished) output = BeamSearchOutput(scores=scores, predicted_ids=next_word_id, beam_parent_ids=next_beam_id) return output, next_state
def forward(self, x, class_id=None): if self.n_class > 0: class_id = (class_id % self.n_class).detach() class_id = F.one_hot(class_id, self.n_class).astype('float32') class_id = class_id.reshape([x.shape[0], -1]) x = paddle.concat([x, class_id], 1) return super(ConditionalDeepConvGenerator, self).forward(x)
def test_api_with_dygraph(self): num_classes = 10 label = np.array([ np.random.randint(0, num_classes - 1) for i in range(6) ]).reshape([6, 1]) with fluid.dygraph.guard(): one_hot_label = functional.one_hot( x=fluid.dygraph.to_variable(label), num_classes=num_classes)
def _labelsmoothing(self, target, class_num): if target.shape[-1] != class_num: one_hot_target = F.one_hot(target, class_num) else: one_hot_target = target soft_target = F.label_smooth(one_hot_target, epsilon=self.epsilon) soft_target = paddle.reshape(soft_target, shape=[-1, class_num]) return soft_target
def forward(self, x, class_id): if self.n_class > 0: class_id = (class_id % self.n_class).detach() class_id = F.one_hot(class_id, self.n_class).astype('float32') class_id = class_id.reshape([x.shape[0], -1, 1, 1]) class_id = class_id.tile([1, 1, *x.shape[2:]]) x = paddle.concat([x, class_id], 1) return super(NLayerDiscriminatorWithClassification, self).forward(x)
def forward(self, outputs, targets, length=None): targets = F.one_hot(targets, outputs.shape[1]) try: predictions = self.loss_fn(outputs, targets) except TypeError: predictions = self.loss_fn(outputs) predictions = F.log_softmax(predictions, axis=1) loss = self.criterion(predictions, targets) / targets.sum() return loss
def mixup_loss(self, scores, labels_a, labels_b, lam): if self.ls_eps != 0: labels_a = F.one_hot(labels_a, self.num_classes) labels_a = F.label_smooth(labels_a, epsilon=self.ls_eps) labels_b = F.one_hot(labels_b, self.num_classes) labels_b = F.label_smooth(labels_b, epsilon=self.ls_eps) # reshape [bs, 1, num_classes] to [bs, num_classes] labels_a = paddle.reshape(labels_a, shape=[-1, self.num_classes]) labels_b = paddle.reshape(labels_b, shape=[-1, self.num_classes]) losses = dict() loss_a = self.loss_func(scores, labels_a, soft_label=True) loss_b = self.loss_func(scores, labels_b, soft_label=True) avg_loss_a = paddle.mean( loss_a) #FIXME: call mean here or in last step? avg_loss_b = paddle.mean(loss_b) avg_loss = lam * avg_loss_a + (1 - lam) * avg_loss_b losses['loss'] = avg_loss return losses
def forward(self, logit, label): """ Forward computation. Args: logit (Tensor): Logit tensor, the data type is float32, float64. Shape is (N, C), where C is number of classes, and if shape is more than 2D, this is (N, C, D1, D2,..., Dk), k >= 1. label (Tensor): Label tensor, the data type is int64. Shape is (N, C), where each value is 0 or 1, and if shape is more than 2D, this is (N, C, D1, D2,..., Dk), k >= 1. """ if len(label.shape) != len(logit.shape): label = paddle.unsqueeze(label, 1) mask = (label != self.ignore_index) mask = paddle.cast(mask, 'float32') # label.shape should equal to the logit.shape if label.shape[1] != logit.shape[1]: label = label.squeeze(1) label = F.one_hot(label, logit.shape[1]) label = label.transpose((0, 3, 1, 2)) if isinstance(self.weight, str): pos_index = (label == 1) neg_index = (label == 0) pos_num = paddle.sum(pos_index.astype('float32')) neg_num = paddle.sum(neg_index.astype('float32')) sum_num = pos_num + neg_num weight_pos = 2 * neg_num / (sum_num + self.EPS) weight_neg = 2 * pos_num / (sum_num + self.EPS) weight = weight_pos * label + weight_neg * (1 - label) else: weight = self.weight if isinstance(self.pos_weight, str): pos_index = (label == 1) neg_index = (label == 0) pos_num = paddle.sum(pos_index.astype('float32')) neg_num = paddle.sum(neg_index.astype('float32')) sum_num = pos_num + neg_num pos_weight = 2 * neg_num / (sum_num + self.EPS) else: pos_weight = self.pos_weight label = label.astype('float32') loss = paddle.nn.functional.binary_cross_entropy_with_logits( logit, label, weight=weight, reduction='none', pos_weight=pos_weight) loss = loss * mask loss = paddle.mean(loss) / (paddle.mean(mask) + self.EPS) label.stop_gradient = True mask.stop_gradient = True return loss
def compute_max_iou_gt(ious): r""" For each GT, find the anchor with the largest IOU. Args: ious (Tensor, float32): shape[B, n, L], n: num_gts, L: num_anchors Returns: is_max_iou (Tensor, float32): shape[B, n, L], value=1. means selected """ num_anchors = ious.shape[-1] max_iou_index = ious.argmax(axis=-1) is_max_iou = F.one_hot(max_iou_index, num_anchors) return is_max_iou.astype(ious.dtype)
def compute_max_iou_anchor(ious): r""" For each anchor, find the GT with the largest IOU. Args: ious (Tensor, float32): shape[B, n, L], n: num_gts, L: num_anchors Returns: is_max_iou (Tensor, float32): shape[B, n, L], value=1. means selected """ num_max_boxes = ious.shape[-2] max_iou_index = ious.argmax(axis=-2) is_max_iou = F.one_hot(max_iou_index, num_max_boxes).transpose([0, 2, 1]) return is_max_iou.astype(ious.dtype)
def get_loss(self, mask_logits, mask_label, mask_target, mask_weight): mask_label = F.one_hot(mask_label, self.num_classes).unsqueeze([2, 3]) mask_label = paddle.expand_as(mask_label, mask_logits) mask_label.stop_gradient = True mask_pred = paddle.gather_nd(mask_logits, paddle.nonzero(mask_label)) shape = mask_logits.shape mask_pred = paddle.reshape(mask_pred, [shape[0], shape[2], shape[3]]) mask_target = mask_target.cast('float32') mask_weight = mask_weight.unsqueeze([1, 2]) loss_mask = F.binary_cross_entropy_with_logits( mask_pred, mask_target, weight=mask_weight, reduction="mean") return loss_mask
def sample_from_softmax(self, logits, use_softmax_sample=True): if use_softmax_sample: #uniform_noise = paddle.uniform(logits.shape, dtype="float32", min=0, max=1) uniform_noise = paddle.rand(logits.shape, dtype="float32") gumbel_noise = -paddle.log(-paddle.log(uniform_noise + 1e-9) + 1e-9) else: gumbel_noise = paddle.zeros_like(logits) # softmax_sample equal to sampled_tokids.unsqueeze(-1) softmax_sample = paddle.argmax(F.softmax(logits + gumbel_noise), axis=-1) # one hot return F.one_hot(softmax_sample, logits.shape[-1])
def _run(self, num_classes): label ="label", shape=[1], dtype="int64") one_hot_label = functional.one_hot(x=label, num_classes=num_classes) place = fluid.CPUPlace() label_data = np.array([np.random.randint(0, 10 - 1) for i in range(6)]).reshape([6, 1]) exe = fluid.Executor(place) ret ={'label': label_data, }, fetch_list=[one_hot_label], return_numpy=False)
def _post_process_loss(self, logit, label, semantic_weights, loss): """ Consider mask and top_k to calculate the final loss. Args: logit (Tensor): Logit tensor, the data type is float32, float64. Shape is (N, C), where C is number of classes, and if shape is more than 2D, this is (N, C, D1, D2,..., Dk), k >= 1. label (Tensor): Label tensor, the data type is int64. Shape is (N), where each value is 0 <= label[i] <= C-1, and if shape is more than 2D, this is (N, D1, D2,..., Dk), k >= 1. semantic_weights (Tensor, optional): Weights about loss for each pixels, shape is the same as label. loss (Tensor): Loss tensor which is the output of cross_entropy. If soft_label is False in cross_entropy, the shape of loss should be the same as the label. If soft_label is True in cross_entropy, the shape of loss should be (N, D1, D2,..., Dk, 1). Returns: (Tensor): The average loss. """ mask = label != self.ignore_index mask = paddle.cast(mask, 'float32') label.stop_gradient = True mask.stop_gradient = True if loss.ndim > mask.ndim: loss = paddle.squeeze(loss, axis=-1) loss = loss * mask if semantic_weights is not None: loss = loss * semantic_weights if self.weight is not None: _one_hot = F.one_hot(label, logit.shape[-1]) coef = paddle.sum(_one_hot * self.weight, axis=-1) else: coef = paddle.ones_like(label) if self.top_k_percent_pixels == 1.0: avg_loss = paddle.mean(loss) / (paddle.mean(mask * coef) + self.EPS) else: loss = loss.reshape((-1, )) top_k_pixels = int(self.top_k_percent_pixels * loss.numel()) loss, indices = paddle.topk(loss, top_k_pixels) coef = coef.reshape((-1, )) coef = paddle.gather(coef, indices) coef.stop_gradient = True coef = coef.astype('float32') avg_loss = loss.mean() / (paddle.mean(coef) + self.EPS) return avg_loss
def compute_class_connectiveity(pred_conn, label_conn, pred_num_conn, label_num_conn, pred, real_label_num, real_pred_num, zero): pred_conn = paddle.to_tensor(pred_conn) label_conn = paddle.to_tensor(label_conn) pred_conn = F.one_hot(pred_conn, pred_num_conn) label_conn = F.one_hot(label_conn, label_num_conn) ious = paddle.zeros((real_label_num, real_pred_num)) pair_conn_sum = paddle.to_tensor([0.], stop_gradient=False) for i in range(1, label_num_conn): label_i = label_conn[:, :, i] pair_conn = paddle.to_tensor([0.], stop_gradient=False) pair_conn_num = 0 for j in range(1, pred_num_conn): pred_j_mask = pred_conn[:, :, j] pred_j = pred_j_mask * pred iou = compute_iou(pred_j, label_i, zero) ious[i - 1, j - 1] = iou if iou != 0: pair_conn += iou pair_conn_num += 1 if pair_conn_num != 0: pair_conn_sum += pair_conn / pair_conn_num lone_pred_num = 0 pred_sum = paddle.sum(ious, axis=0) for m in range(0, real_pred_num): if pred_sum[m] == 0: lone_pred_num += 1 img_connectivity = pair_conn_sum / (real_label_num + lone_pred_num) return img_connectivity
def forward(self, input, targets): relations, texts, x = input node_nums, char_nums = [], [] for text in texts: node_nums.append(text.shape[0]) char_nums.append(paddle.sum((text > -1).astype(int), axis=-1)) max_num = max([char_num.max() for char_num in char_nums]) all_nodes = paddle.concat([ paddle.concat( [text, paddle.zeros((text.shape[0], max_num - text.shape[1]))], -1) for text in texts ]) temp = paddle.clip(all_nodes, min=0).astype(int) embed_nodes = self.node_embed(temp) rnn_nodes, _ = self.rnn(embed_nodes) b, h, w = rnn_nodes.shape nodes = paddle.zeros([b, w]) all_nums = paddle.concat(char_nums) valid = paddle.nonzero((all_nums > 0).astype(int)) temp_all_nums = (paddle.gather(all_nums, valid) - 1).unsqueeze(-1).unsqueeze(-1) temp_all_nums = paddle.expand(temp_all_nums, [ temp_all_nums.shape[0], temp_all_nums.shape[1], rnn_nodes.shape[-1] ]) temp_all_nodes = paddle.gather(rnn_nodes, valid) N, C, A = temp_all_nodes.shape one_hot = F.one_hot(temp_all_nums[:, 0, :], num_classes=C).transpose([0, 2, 1]) one_hot = paddle.multiply(temp_all_nodes, one_hot.astype("float32")).sum(axis=1, keepdim=True) t = one_hot.expand([N, 1, A]).squeeze(1) nodes = paddle.scatter(nodes, valid.squeeze(1), t) if x is not None: nodes = self.fusion([x, nodes]) all_edges = paddle.concat( [rel.reshape([-1, rel.shape[-1]]) for rel in relations]) embed_edges = self.edge_embed(all_edges.astype('float32')) embed_edges = F.normalize(embed_edges) for gnn_layer in self.gnn_layers: nodes, cat_nodes = gnn_layer(nodes, embed_edges, node_nums) node_cls, edge_cls = self.node_cls(nodes), self.edge_cls(cat_nodes) return node_cls, edge_cls
def __call__(self, ins_pred_list, ins_label_list, cate_preds, cate_labels, num_ins): """ Get loss of network of SOLOv2. Args: ins_pred_list (list): Variable list of instance branch output. ins_label_list (list): List of instance labels pre batch. cate_preds (list): Concat Variable list of categroy branch output. cate_labels (list): Concat list of categroy labels pre batch. num_ins (int): Number of positive samples in a mini-batch. Returns: loss_ins (Variable): The instance loss Variable of SOLOv2 network. loss_cate (Variable): The category loss Variable of SOLOv2 network. """ #1. Ues dice_loss to calculate instance loss loss_ins = [] total_weights = paddle.zeros(shape=[1], dtype='float32') for input, target in zip(ins_pred_list, ins_label_list): if input is None: continue target = paddle.cast(target, 'float32') target = paddle.reshape( target, shape=[-1, paddle.shape(input)[-2], paddle.shape(input)[-1]]) weights = paddle.cast( paddle.sum(target, axis=[1, 2]) > 0, 'float32') input = F.sigmoid(input) dice_out = paddle.multiply(self._dice_loss(input, target), weights) total_weights += paddle.sum(weights) loss_ins.append(dice_out) loss_ins = paddle.sum(paddle.concat(loss_ins)) / total_weights loss_ins = loss_ins * self.ins_loss_weight #2. Ues sigmoid_focal_loss to calculate category loss # expand onehot labels num_classes = cate_preds.shape[-1] cate_labels_bin = F.one_hot(cate_labels, num_classes=num_classes + 1) cate_labels_bin = cate_labels_bin[:, 1:] loss_cate = F.sigmoid_focal_loss(cate_preds, label=cate_labels_bin, normalizer=num_ins + 1., gamma=self.focal_loss_gamma, alpha=self.focal_loss_alpha) return loss_ins, loss_cate
def loss(self, scores, labels, reduce_sum=False, **kwargs): """Calculate the loss accroding to the model output ```scores```, and the target ```labels```. Args: scores (paddle.Tensor): The output of the model. labels (paddle.Tensor): The target output of the model. Returns: losses (dict): A dict containing field 'loss'(mandatory) and 'top1_acc', 'top5_acc'(optional). """ if len(labels) == 1: labels = labels[0] elif len(labels) == 3: labels_a, labels_b, lam = labels return self.mixup_loss(scores, labels_a, labels_b, lam) else: raise NotImplemented if self.ls_eps != 0.: labels = F.one_hot(labels, self.num_classes) labels = F.label_smooth(labels, epsilon=self.ls_eps) # reshape [bs, 1, num_classes] to [bs, num_classes] #NOTE: maybe squeeze is helpful for understanding. labels = paddle.reshape(labels, shape=[-1, self.num_classes]) #labels.stop_gradient = True #XXX(shipping): check necessary losses = dict() #NOTE(shipping): F.crossentropy include logsoftmax and nllloss ! #NOTE(shipping): check the performance of F.crossentropy loss = self.loss_func(scores, labels, **kwargs) avg_loss = paddle.mean(loss) top1 = paddle.metric.accuracy(input=scores, label=labels, k=1) top5 = paddle.metric.accuracy(input=scores, label=labels, k=5) _, world_size = get_dist_info() #NOTE(shipping): deal with multi cards validate if world_size > 1 and reduce_sum: top1 = paddle.distributed.all_reduce( top1, op=paddle.distributed.ReduceOp.SUM) / world_size top5 = paddle.distributed.all_reduce( top5, op=paddle.distributed.ReduceOp.SUM) / world_size losses['top1'] = top1 losses['top5'] = top5 losses['loss'] = avg_loss return losses
def forward(self, input, label): # --------------------------- cos(theta) & phi(theta) --------------------------- self.linear.weight.Tensor = F.normalize(self.linear.weight) x = F.normalize(input) cosine = self.linear(x) phi = cosine - self.m # --------------------------- convert label to one-hot --------------------------- label = label.astype(dtype='int64').flatten() one_hot = F.one_hot(label, num_classes=phi.shape[1]) # -------------torch.where(out_i = {x_i if condition_i else y_i) ------------- output = (one_hot * phi) + ( (1.0 - one_hot) * cosine ) # you can use torch.where if your torch.__version__ is 0.4 output *= self.s return output