def __init__(self, num_layers, mode='ir', opts=None): super(BackboneEncoderUsingLastLayerIntoWPlus, self).__init__() print('Using BackboneEncoderUsingLastLayerIntoWPlus') assert num_layers in [50, 100, 152], 'num_layers should be 50,100, or 152' assert mode in ['ir', 'ir_se'], 'mode should be ir or ir_se' blocks = get_blocks(num_layers) if mode == 'ir': unit_module = bottleneck_IR elif mode == 'ir_se': unit_module = bottleneck_IR_SE self.input_layer = Sequential( Conv2D(opts.input_nc, 64, (3, 3), 1, 1, bias_attr=False), BatchNorm2D(64), PReLU(64)) self.output_layer_2 = Sequential(BatchNorm2D(512), paddle.nn.AdaptiveAvgPool2D((7, 7)), Flatten(), Linear(512 * 7 * 7, 512)) self.linear = EqualLinear(512, 512 * 18, lr_mul=1) modules = [] for block in blocks: for bottleneck in block: modules.append( unit_module(bottleneck.in_channel, bottleneck.depth, bottleneck.stride)) self.body = Sequential(*modules)
def __init__(self, inplanes, planes, stride=1, downsample=None, zero_init_residual=True): super(BasicBlock, self).__init__() self.conv1 = conv3x3(inplanes, planes, stride) self.bn1 = BatchNorm2D( planes, weight_attr=paddle.ParamAttr( regularizer=paddle.regularizer.L1Decay(0.0)), bias_attr=paddle.ParamAttr( regularizer=paddle.regularizer.L1Decay(0.0))) self.relu = ReLU() self.conv2 = conv3x3(planes, planes) if zero_init_residual: self.bn2 = BatchNorm2D( planes, weight_attr=paddle.ParamAttr( initializer=nn.initializer.Constant(value=0.0), regularizer=paddle.regularizer.L1Decay(0.0)), bias_attr=paddle.ParamAttr( regularizer=paddle.regularizer.L1Decay(0.0))) else: self.bn2 = BatchNorm2D( planes, weight_attr=paddle.ParamAttr( regularizer=paddle.regularizer.L1Decay(0.0)), bias_attr=paddle.ParamAttr( regularizer=paddle.regularizer.L1Decay(0.0))) self.downsample = downsample self.stride = stride
def __init__(self, input_size, num_layers, out_dim, mode='ir'): super(Backbone, self).__init__() assert input_size[0] in [ 112, 224 ], "input_size should be [112, 112] or [224, 224]" assert num_layers in [34, 50, 100, 152], "num_layers should be 50, 100 or 152" assert mode in ['ir', 'ir_se'], "mode should be ir or ir_se" blocks = get_blocks(num_layers) if mode == 'ir': unit_module = BottleneckIR elif mode == 'ir_se': unit_module = BottleneckIRSE self.input_layer = Sequential( Conv2D(3, 64, (3, 3), 1, 1, bias_attr=False), BatchNorm2D(64), PReLU(64)) if input_size[0] == 112: self.output_layer = Sequential(BatchNorm2D(512), Dropout(), Flatten(), Linear(512 * 7 * 7, out_dim), BatchNorm1D(out_dim)) else: self.output_layer = Sequential(BatchNorm2D(512), Dropout(), Flatten(), Linear(512 * 14 * 14, out_dim), BatchNorm1D(out_dim)) modules = [] for block in blocks: for bottleneck in block: modules.append( unit_module(bottleneck.in_channel, bottleneck.depth, bottleneck.stride)) self.body = Sequential(*modules)
def __init__(self, num_classes=10): super(ImperativeLenetWithSkipQuant, self).__init__() conv2d_w1_attr = fluid.ParamAttr(name="conv2d_w_1") conv2d_w2_attr = fluid.ParamAttr(name="conv2d_w_2") fc_w1_attr = fluid.ParamAttr(name="fc_w_1") fc_w2_attr = fluid.ParamAttr(name="fc_w_2") fc_w3_attr = fluid.ParamAttr(name="fc_w_3") conv2d_b1_attr = fluid.ParamAttr(name="conv2d_b_1") conv2d_b2_attr = fluid.ParamAttr(name="conv2d_b_2") fc_b1_attr = fluid.ParamAttr(name="fc_b_1") fc_b2_attr = fluid.ParamAttr(name="fc_b_2") fc_b3_attr = fluid.ParamAttr(name="fc_b_3") self.conv2d_0 = Conv2D(in_channels=1, out_channels=6, kernel_size=3, stride=1, padding=1, weight_attr=conv2d_w1_attr, bias_attr=conv2d_b1_attr) self.conv2d_0.skip_quant = True self.batch_norm_0 = BatchNorm2D(6) self.relu_0 = ReLU() self.pool2d_0 = MaxPool2D(kernel_size=2, stride=2) self.conv2d_1 = Conv2D(in_channels=6, out_channels=16, kernel_size=5, stride=1, padding=0, weight_attr=conv2d_w2_attr, bias_attr=conv2d_b2_attr) self.conv2d_1.skip_quant = False self.batch_norm_1 = BatchNorm2D(16) self.relu6_0 = ReLU6() self.pool2d_1 = MaxPool2D(kernel_size=2, stride=2) self.linear_0 = Linear(in_features=400, out_features=120, weight_attr=fc_w1_attr, bias_attr=fc_b1_attr) self.linear_0.skip_quant = True self.leaky_relu_0 = LeakyReLU() self.linear_1 = Linear(in_features=120, out_features=84, weight_attr=fc_w2_attr, bias_attr=fc_b2_attr) self.linear_1.skip_quant = False self.sigmoid_0 = Sigmoid() self.linear_2 = Linear(in_features=84, out_features=num_classes, weight_attr=fc_w3_attr, bias_attr=fc_b3_attr) self.linear_2.skip_quant = False self.softmax_0 = Softmax()
def __init__(self, num_classes=10): super(ImperativeLenet, self).__init__() conv2d_w1_attr = fluid.ParamAttr(name="conv2d_w_1") conv2d_w2_attr = fluid.ParamAttr(name="conv2d_w_2") fc_w1_attr = fluid.ParamAttr(name="fc_w_1") fc_w2_attr = fluid.ParamAttr(name="fc_w_2") fc_w3_attr = fluid.ParamAttr(name="fc_w_3") conv2d_b2_attr = fluid.ParamAttr(name="conv2d_b_2") fc_b1_attr = fluid.ParamAttr(name="fc_b_1") fc_b2_attr = fluid.ParamAttr(name="fc_b_2") fc_b3_attr = fluid.ParamAttr(name="fc_b_3") self.features = Sequential( Conv2D( in_channels=1, out_channels=6, kernel_size=3, stride=1, padding=1, weight_attr=conv2d_w1_attr, bias_attr=False), BatchNorm2D(6), ReLU(), MaxPool2D( kernel_size=2, stride=2), Conv2D( in_channels=6, out_channels=16, kernel_size=5, stride=1, padding=0, weight_attr=conv2d_w2_attr, bias_attr=conv2d_b2_attr), BatchNorm2D(16), PReLU(), MaxPool2D( kernel_size=2, stride=2)) self.fc = Sequential( Linear( in_features=400, out_features=120, weight_attr=fc_w1_attr, bias_attr=fc_b1_attr), LeakyReLU(), Linear( in_features=120, out_features=84, weight_attr=fc_w2_attr, bias_attr=fc_b2_attr), Sigmoid(), Linear( in_features=84, out_features=num_classes, weight_attr=fc_w3_attr, bias_attr=fc_b3_attr), Softmax())
def __init__(self, in_channel, depth, stride): super(bottleneck_IR, self).__init__() if in_channel == depth: self.shortcut_layer = MaxPool2D(1, stride) else: self.shortcut_layer = Sequential( Conv2D(in_channel, depth, (1, 1), stride, bias_attr=False), BatchNorm2D(depth)) self.res_layer = Sequential( BatchNorm2D(in_channel), Conv2D(in_channel, depth, (3, 3), (1, 1), 1, bias_attr=False), PReLU(depth), Conv2D(depth, depth, (3, 3), stride, 1, bias_attr=False), BatchNorm2D(depth))
def __init__(self, input_size, block, layers, zero_init_residual=True): super(ResNet, self).__init__() assert input_size[0] in [ 112, 224 ], "input_size should be [112, 112] or [224, 224]" self.inplanes = 64 self.zero_init_residual = zero_init_residual self.conv1 = Conv2D(3, 64, kernel_size=7, stride=2, padding=3, weight_attr=paddle.ParamAttr( initializer=nn.initializer.KaimingNormal())) self.bn1 = BatchNorm2D( 64, weight_attr=paddle.ParamAttr( initializer=nn.initializer.Constant(value=1), regularizer=paddle.regularizer.L1Decay(0.0)), bias_attr=paddle.ParamAttr( initializer=nn.initializer.Constant(value=0), regularizer=paddle.regularizer.L1Decay(0.0))) self.relu = ReLU() self.maxpool = MaxPool2D(kernel_size=3, stride=2, padding=1) self.layer1 = self._make_layer(block, 64, layers[0]) self.layer2 = self._make_layer(block, 128, layers[1], stride=2) self.layer3 = self._make_layer(block, 256, layers[2], stride=2) self.layer4 = self._make_layer(block, 512, layers[3], stride=2) self.bn_o1 = BatchNorm2D( 2048, weight_attr=paddle.ParamAttr( initializer=nn.initializer.Constant(value=0.0), regularizer=paddle.regularizer.L1Decay(0.0)), bias_attr=paddle.ParamAttr( regularizer=paddle.regularizer.L1Decay(0.0))) self.dropout = Dropout() if input_size[0] == 112: self.fc = Linear(2048 * 4 * 4, 512) else: self.fc = Linear(2048 * 8 * 8, 512) self.bn_o2 = BatchNorm1D( 512, weight_attr=paddle.ParamAttr( initializer=nn.initializer.Constant(value=0.0), regularizer=paddle.regularizer.L1Decay(0.0)), bias_attr=paddle.ParamAttr( regularizer=paddle.regularizer.L1Decay(0.0)))
def __init__(self, in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size, stride, padding, groups=1, act=None): super(ConvBNLayer, self).__init__() self._conv = Conv2D(in_channels=in_channels, out_channels=out_channels, kernel_size=kernel_size, stride=stride, padding=padding, groups=groups, weight_attr=ParamAttr(initializer=KaimingNormal()), bias_attr=False) self._batch_norm = BatchNorm2D( out_channels, weight_attr=ParamAttr(regularizer=L2Decay(0.0)), bias_attr=ParamAttr(regularizer=L2Decay(0.0))) if act == "hard_swish": act = 'hardswish' self.act = act
def __init__(self, in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size, stride=1, groups=1, act=None, name=None, data_format="NCHW"): super(ConvBNLayer, self).__init__() self._conv = Conv2D(in_channels=in_channels, out_channels=out_channels, kernel_size=kernel_size, stride=stride, padding=(kernel_size - 1) // 2, groups=groups, weight_attr=ParamAttr(name=name + "_weights"), bias_attr=False, data_format=data_format) if name == "conv1": bn_name = "bn_" + name else: bn_name = "bn" + name[3:] self._act = act self._batch_norm = BatchNorm2D( out_channels, weight_attr=ParamAttr(name=bn_name + "_scale", regularizer=L2Decay(0.0)), bias_attr=ParamAttr(name=bn_name + "_offset", regularizer=L2Decay(0.0)), data_format=data_format)
def __init__(self): super(ModelCase6, self).__init__() self.bn1 = BatchNorm2D(3) self.relu1 = ReLU() self.fc1 = paddle.nn.Linear(3 * 16 * 16, 3 * 16 * 16) self.dp = paddle.nn.Dropout(p=0.5) self.lstm = paddle.nn.LSTM(1536, 10, direction='bidirectional', num_layers=2)
def __init__(self, num_channels, num_filters, filter_size, stride=1, groups=1, padding=0): super(ConvBNLayer, self).__init__() self._conv = Conv2D(in_channels=num_channels, out_channels=num_filters, kernel_size=filter_size, stride=stride, padding=padding, groups=groups, bias_attr=False) self._batch_norm = BatchNorm2D(num_filters)
def __init__(self, in_channels, out_channels): super(Decoder, self).__init__() self.relus = LayerList([ReLU() for i in range(2)]) self.conv_transpose_01 = Conv2DTranspose(in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size=3, padding=1) self.conv_transpose_02 = Conv2DTranspose(out_channels, out_channels, kernel_size=3, padding=1) self.bns = LayerList([BatchNorm2D(out_channels) for i in range(2)]) self.upsamples = LayerList( [Upsample(scale_factor=2.0) for i in range(2)]) self.residual_conv = Conv2D(in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size=1, padding='same')
def __init__(self, num_layers, mode='ir', opts=None): super(GradualStyleEncoder, self).__init__() assert num_layers in [50, 100, 152], 'num_layers should be 50,100, or 152' assert mode in ['ir', 'ir_se'], 'mode should be ir or ir_se' blocks = get_blocks(num_layers) if mode == 'ir': unit_module = bottleneck_IR elif mode == 'ir_se': unit_module = bottleneck_IR_SE self.input_layer = Sequential( Conv2D(opts.input_nc, 64, (3, 3), 1, 1, bias_attr=False), BatchNorm2D(64), PReLU(64)) modules = [] for block in blocks: for bottleneck in block: modules.append( unit_module(bottleneck.in_channel, bottleneck.depth, bottleneck.stride)) self.body = Sequential(*modules) self.styles = nn.LayerList() self.style_count = 18 self.coarse_ind = 3 self.middle_ind = 7 for i in range(self.style_count): if i < self.coarse_ind: style = GradualStyleBlock(512, 512, 16) elif i < self.middle_ind: style = GradualStyleBlock(512, 512, 32) else: style = GradualStyleBlock(512, 512, 64) self.styles.append(style) self.latlayer1 = nn.Conv2D(256, 512, kernel_size=1, stride=1, padding=0) self.latlayer2 = nn.Conv2D(128, 512, kernel_size=1, stride=1, padding=0)
def __init__(self, in_channels, out_channels): super(Encoder, self).__init__() self.relus = LayerList([ReLU() for i in range(2)]) self.separable_conv_01 = SeparableConv2D(in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size=3, padding='same') self.bns = LayerList([BatchNorm2D(out_channels) for i in range(2)]) self.separable_conv_02 = SeparableConv2D(out_channels, out_channels, kernel_size=3, padding='same') self.pool = MaxPool2D(kernel_size=3, stride=2, padding=1) self.residual_conv = Conv2D(in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size=1, stride=2, padding='same')
def __init__(self, ch_in, ch_out, filter_size, stride, norm_type='bn', norm_groups=32, use_dcn=False, norm_name=None, name=None): super(ConvNormLayer, self).__init__() assert norm_type in ['bn', 'sync_bn', 'gn'] self.conv = Conv2D(in_channels=ch_in, out_channels=ch_out, kernel_size=filter_size, stride=stride, padding=(filter_size - 1) // 2, groups=1, weight_attr=ParamAttr(name=name + "_weight", initializer=Normal(mean=0., std=0.01), learning_rate=1.), bias_attr=False) param_attr = ParamAttr(name=norm_name + "_scale", learning_rate=1., regularizer=L2Decay(0.)) bias_attr = ParamAttr(name=norm_name + "_offset", learning_rate=1., regularizer=L2Decay(0.)) if norm_type in ['bn', 'sync_bn']: self.norm = BatchNorm2D(ch_out, weight_attr=param_attr, bias_attr=bias_attr) elif norm_type == 'gn': self.norm = GroupNorm(num_groups=norm_groups, num_channels=ch_out, weight_attr=param_attr, bias_attr=bias_attr)
def __init__(self, in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size, stride=1, groups=1, is_tweaks_mode=False, act=None, name=None): super(ConvBNLayer, self).__init__() self.is_tweaks_mode = is_tweaks_mode #ResNet-D 1/2:add a 2×2 average pooling layer with a stride of 2 before the convolution, # whose stride is changed to 1, works well in practice. self._pool2d_avg = AvgPool2D(kernel_size=2, stride=2, padding=0, ceil_mode=True) self._conv = Conv2D(in_channels=in_channels, out_channels=out_channels, kernel_size=kernel_size, stride=stride, padding=(kernel_size - 1) // 2, groups=groups, weight_attr=ParamAttr(name=name + "_weights"), bias_attr=False) if name == "conv1": bn_name = "bn_" + name else: bn_name = "bn" + name[3:] self._act = act self._batch_norm = BatchNorm2D( out_channels, weight_attr=ParamAttr(name=bn_name + "_scale", regularizer=L2Decay(0.0)), bias_attr=ParamAttr(bn_name + "_offset", regularizer=L2Decay(0.0)))
def _make_layer(self, block, planes, blocks, stride=1): downsample = None if stride != 1 or self.inplanes != planes * block.expansion: downsample = Sequential( conv1x1(self.inplanes, planes * block.expansion, stride), BatchNorm2D( planes * block.expansion, weight_attr=paddle.ParamAttr( initializer=nn.initializer.Constant(value=0.0)), bias_attr=paddle.ParamAttr( regularizer=paddle.regularizer.L1Decay(0.0))), ) layers = [] layers.append( block(self.inplanes, planes, stride, downsample, self.zero_init_residual)) self.inplanes = planes * block.expansion for _ in range(1, blocks): layers.append(block(self.inplanes, planes, self.zero_init_residual)) return Sequential(*layers)
def __init__(self, num_channels, filter_size, num_filters, stride, num_groups=1): super().__init__() self.conv = Conv2D( in_channels=num_channels, out_channels=num_filters, kernel_size=filter_size, stride=stride, padding=(filter_size - 1) // 2, groups=num_groups, weight_attr=ParamAttr(initializer=KaimingNormal()), bias_attr=False) = BatchNorm2D( num_filters, weight_attr=ParamAttr(regularizer=L2Decay(0.0)), bias_attr=ParamAttr(regularizer=L2Decay(0.0))) self.hardswish = nn.Hardswish()
def __init__(self, mode="train"): ClasModel = paddle.nn.Sequential( Conv2D(3, 6, (3, 3)), BatchNorm2D(6), ReLU(), Conv2D(6, 6, (3, 3)), BatchNorm2D(6), ReLU(), MaxPool2D((2, 2)), Conv2D(6, 12, (3, 3)), BatchNorm2D(12), ReLU(), Conv2D(12, 12, (3, 3)), BatchNorm2D(12), ReLU(), MaxPool2D((2, 2)), Conv2D(12, 8, (3, 3)), BatchNorm2D(8), ReLU(), Conv2D(8, 8, (3, 3)), BatchNorm2D(8), ReLU(), MaxPool2D((2, 2)), Flatten(), Linear(128, 128), ReLU(), Linear(128, 32), ReLU(), Linear(32, 2), Softmax(), ) input = InputSpec([None, 3, 64, 64], "float32", "x") label = InputSpec([None, 1], "int32", "label") model = paddle.Model(ClasModel, inputs=input, labels=label) model.prepare( paddle.optimizer.Adam(parameters=ClasModel.parameters()), paddle.nn.CrossEntropyLoss(), paddle.metric.Accuracy(), ) self.model = model if mode == "predict": self.load_weight()
def __init__(self, input_nc, ndf=64, norm_type='instance'): """Construct a DCGAN discriminator Parameters: input_nc (int) -- the number of channels in input images ndf (int) -- the number of filters in the last conv layer norm_type (str) -- normalization layer type """ super(DCDiscriminator, self).__init__() norm_layer = build_norm_layer(norm_type) if type( norm_layer ) == functools.partial: # no need to use bias as BatchNorm2d has affine parameters use_bias = norm_layer.func == nn.BatchNorm2D else: use_bias = norm_layer == nn.BatchNorm2D kw = 4 padw = 1 sequence = [ nn.Conv2D(input_nc, ndf, kernel_size=kw, stride=2, padding=padw, bias_attr=use_bias), nn.LeakyReLU(0.2) ] nf_mult = 1 nf_mult_prev = 1 n_downsampling = 4 for n in range(1, n_downsampling): # gradually increase the number of filters nf_mult_prev = nf_mult nf_mult = min(2**n, 8) if norm_type == 'batch': sequence += [ nn.Conv2D(ndf * nf_mult_prev, ndf * nf_mult, kernel_size=kw, stride=2, padding=padw), BatchNorm2D(ndf * nf_mult), nn.LeakyReLU(0.2) ] else: sequence += [ nn.Conv2D(ndf * nf_mult_prev, ndf * nf_mult, kernel_size=kw, stride=2, padding=padw, bias_attr=use_bias), norm_layer(ndf * nf_mult), nn.LeakyReLU(0.2) ] nf_mult_prev = nf_mult sequence += [ nn.Conv2D(ndf * nf_mult_prev, 1, kernel_size=kw, stride=1, padding=0) ] # output 1 channel prediction map self.model = nn.Sequential(*sequence)
def __init__(self, input_nz, input_nc, output_nc, ngf=64, norm_type='batch', padding_type='reflect'): """Construct a DCGenerator generator Args: input_nz (int) -- the number of dimension in input noise input_nc (int) -- the number of channels in input images output_nc (int) -- the number of channels in output images ngf (int) -- the number of filters in the last conv layer norm_layer -- normalization layer padding_type (str) -- the name of padding layer in conv layers: reflect | replicate | zero """ super(DCGenerator, self).__init__() norm_layer = build_norm_layer(norm_type) if type(norm_layer) == functools.partial: use_bias = norm_layer.func == nn.BatchNorm2D else: use_bias = norm_layer == nn.BatchNorm2D mult = 8 n_downsampling = 4 if norm_type == 'batch': model = [ nn.Conv2DTranspose(input_nz, ngf * mult, kernel_size=4, stride=1, padding=0, bias_attr=use_bias), BatchNorm2D(ngf * mult), nn.ReLU() ] else: model = [ nn.Conv2DTranspose(input_nz, ngf * mult, kernel_size=4, stride=1, padding=0, bias_attr=use_bias), norm_layer(ngf * mult), nn.ReLU() ] for i in range(1, n_downsampling): # add upsampling layers mult = 2**(n_downsampling - i) output_size = 2**(i + 2) if norm_type == 'batch': model += [ nn.Conv2DTranspose(ngf * mult, ngf * mult // 2, kernel_size=4, stride=2, padding=1, bias_attr=use_bias), BatchNorm2D(ngf * mult // 2), nn.ReLU() ] else: model += [ nn.Conv2DTranspose(ngf * mult, int(ngf * mult // 2), kernel_size=4, stride=2, padding=1, bias_attr=use_bias), norm_layer(int(ngf * mult // 2)), nn.ReLU() ] output_size = 2**(6) model += [ nn.Conv2DTranspose(ngf, output_nc, kernel_size=4, stride=2, padding=1, bias_attr=use_bias), nn.Tanh() ] self.model = nn.Sequential(*model)
def __init__(self, in_c, out_c, kernel=(1, 1), stride=(1, 1), padding=(0, 0), groups=1): super(ConvBlock, self).__init__() self.conv = Conv2D(in_c, out_channels=out_c, kernel_size=kernel, groups=groups, stride=stride, padding=padding) = BatchNorm2D(out_c) self.prelu = PReLU(out_c)
def __init__(self): super(ModelCase4, self).__init__() self.bn1 = BatchNorm2D(3) self.ln1 = LayerNorm([3 * 16 * 16]) self.relu1 = ReLU() self.fc1 = paddle.nn.Linear(3 * 16 * 16, 3 * 16 * 16)
def __init__(self): super(ModelCase5, self).__init__() self.bn1 = BatchNorm2D(255)
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. ''' 输入数据形状是[N, C, H, W]时的batchnorm示例 ''' import numpy as np import paddle from paddle.nn import BatchNorm2D # 设置随机数种子,这样可以保证每次运行结果一致 np.random.seed(100) # 创建数据 data = np.random.rand(2, 3, 3, 3).astype('float32') # 使用BatchNorm2D计算归一化的输出 # 输入数据维度[N, C, H, W],num_features等于C bn = BatchNorm2D(num_features=3) x = paddle.to_tensor(data) y = bn(x) print('input of BatchNorm2D Layer: \n {}'.format(x.numpy())) print('output of BatchNorm2D Layer: \n {}'.format(y.numpy())) # 取出data中第0通道的数据, # 使用numpy计算均值、方差及归一化的输出 a = data[:, 0, :, :] a_mean = a.mean() a_std = a.std() b = (a - a_mean) / a_std print('channel 0 of input data: \n {}'.format(a)) print('std {}, mean {}, \n output: \n {}'.format(a_mean, a_std, b)) = data self.transform = vt.Compose([vt.ToTensor()]) def __getitem__(self, index): data = cv2.imread(osp.join(self.data_path,[index][0])) data = self.transform(data) label =[index][1] return data, label def __len__(self): return len( from paddle.nn import Conv2D, BatchNorm2D, ReLU, Softmax, MaxPool2D, Flatten, Linear ClasModel = paddle.nn.Sequential(Conv2D(3, 6, (3, 3)), BatchNorm2D(6), ReLU(), Conv2D(6, 6, (3, 3)), BatchNorm2D(6), ReLU(), MaxPool2D((2, 2)), Conv2D(6, 12, (3, 3)), BatchNorm2D(12), ReLU(), Conv2D(12, 12, (3, 3)), BatchNorm2D(12), ReLU(), MaxPool2D((2, 2)), Conv2D(12, 8, (3, 3)), BatchNorm2D(8), ReLU(), Conv2D(8, 8, (3, 3)), BatchNorm2D(8), ReLU(), MaxPool2D((2, 2)), Flatten(), Linear(128, 128), ReLU(), Linear(128, 32), ReLU(), Linear(32, 2), Softmax()) train_dataset = HumanClasDataset(mode="train") eval_dataset = HumanClasDataset(mode="eval")