Example #1
    def forward(self, inputs):
        Get SOLOv2MaskHead output.

            inputs(list[Tensor]): feature map from each necks with shape of [N, C, H, W]
            ins_pred(Tensor): Output of SOLOv2MaskHead head
        feat_all_level = F.relu(self.convs_all_levels[0](inputs[0]))
        for i in range(1, self.range_level):
            input_p = inputs[i]
            if i == (self.range_level - 1):
                input_feat = input_p
                x_range = paddle.linspace(
                    -1, 1, paddle.shape(input_feat)[-1], dtype='float32')
                y_range = paddle.linspace(
                    -1, 1, paddle.shape(input_feat)[-2], dtype='float32')
                y, x = paddle.meshgrid([y_range, x_range])
                x = paddle.unsqueeze(x, [0, 1])
                y = paddle.unsqueeze(y, [0, 1])
                y = paddle.expand(
                    y, shape=[paddle.shape(input_feat)[0], 1, -1, -1])
                x = paddle.expand(
                    x, shape=[paddle.shape(input_feat)[0], 1, -1, -1])
                coord_feat = paddle.concat([x, y], axis=1)
                input_p = paddle.concat([input_p, coord_feat], axis=1)
            feat_all_level = paddle.add(feat_all_level,
        ins_pred = F.relu(self.conv_pred(feat_all_level))

        return ins_pred
Example #2
    def get_output_and_grid(self, output, k, stride):
        grid = self.grids[k]

        batch_size = output.shape[0]
        n_ch = 5 + self.num_classes
        hsize, wsize = output.shape[-2:]
        if grid.shape[2:4] != output.shape[2:4]:
            yv, xv = paddle.meshgrid(
            grid = paddle.stack((xv, yv), 2)
            grid = paddle.reshape(grid, (1, 1, hsize, wsize, 2))
            grid = paddle.cast(grid, dtype=output.dtype)
            self.grids[k] = grid

        output = paddle.reshape(
            output, (batch_size, self.n_anchors, n_ch, hsize, wsize))
        output = paddle.transpose(output, [0, 1, 3, 4, 2])
        output = paddle.reshape(output,
                                (batch_size, self.n_anchors * hsize * wsize,
                                 -1))  # [N, 1 * 80 * 80, 85]
        grid = paddle.reshape(grid, (1, -1, 2))  # [1, 1 * 80 * 80, 2]

        xy = (output[:, :, :2] + grid) * stride  # [N, 1 * 80 * 80, 2]  xy解码
        wh = paddle.exp(output[:, :,
                               2:4]) * stride  # [N, 1 * 80 * 80, 2]  wh解码
        output = paddle.concat([xy, wh, output[:, :, 4:]],
                               2)  # [N, 1 * 80 * 80, 85]   解码后的xywh放回output里面
        return output, grid
Example #3
    def __init__(self, channels, scale):
        super(AntiAliasInterpolation2d, self).__init__()
        sigma = (1 / scale - 1) / 2
        kernel_size = 2 * round(sigma * 4) + 1
        self.ka = kernel_size // 2
        self.kb = self.ka - 1 if kernel_size % 2 == 0 else self.ka

        kernel_size = [kernel_size, kernel_size]
        sigma = [sigma, sigma]
        # The gaussian kernel is the product of the
        # gaussian function of each dimension.
        kernel = 1
        meshgrids = paddle.meshgrid(
            [paddle.arange(size, dtype='float32') for size in kernel_size])
        for size, std, mgrid in zip(kernel_size, sigma, meshgrids):
            mean = (size - 1) / 2
            kernel *= paddle.exp(-(mgrid - mean)**2 / (2 * std**2 + 1e-9))

        # Make sure sum of values in gaussian kernel equals 1.
        kernel = kernel / paddle.sum(kernel)
        # Reshape to depthwise convolutional weight
        kernel = kernel.reshape([1, 1, *kernel.shape])
        kernel = paddle.tile(kernel, [channels, *[1] * (kernel.dim() - 1)])

        self.register_buffer('weight', kernel)
        self.groups = channels
        self.scale = scale
def rand_cutout(x, ratio=0.5):
    cutout_size = int(x.shape[2] * ratio + 0.5), int(x.shape[3] * ratio + 0.5)
    offset_x = paddle.randint(0,
                              x.shape[2] + (1 - cutout_size[0] % 2),
                              shape=[x.shape[0], 1, 1])
    offset_y = paddle.randint(0,
                              x.shape[3] + (1 - cutout_size[1] % 2),
                              shape=[x.shape[0], 1, 1])

    # TODO: Current version paddle doesn't support int64 Tensors indices
    # grid_batch, grid_x, grid_y = paddle.meshgrid(
    #     paddle.arange(x.shape[0], dtype='int64'),
    #     paddle.arange(cutout_size[0], dtype='int64'),
    #     paddle.arange(cutout_size[1], dtype='int64'),
    # )
    # grid_x = paddle.clip((grid_x + offset_x - cutout_size[0] // 2).astype(x.dtype), min=0, max=x.shape[2] - 1).astype('int64')
    # grid_y = paddle.clip((grid_y + offset_y - cutout_size[1] // 2).astype(x.dtype), min=0, max=x.shape[3] - 1).astype('int64')
    # mask = paddle.ones([x.shape[0], x.shape[2], x.shape[3]], dtype=x.dtype)
    # mask[grid_batch, grid_x, grid_y] = 0
    grid_batch, grid_x, grid_y = paddle.meshgrid(
        paddle.arange(x.shape[0], dtype='int64'),
        paddle.arange(x.shape[2], dtype='int64'),
        paddle.arange(x.shape[3], dtype='int64'),
    grid_x = grid_x + offset_x - cutout_size[0] // 2
    grid_y = grid_y + offset_y - cutout_size[1] // 2
    mask = 1 - ((grid_x >= 0).astype(x.dtype) *
                (grid_x < cutout_size[0]).astype(x.dtype) *
                (grid_y >= 0).astype(x.dtype) *
                (grid_y < cutout_size[1]).astype(x.dtype)).astype(x.dtype)

    x = x * mask.unsqueeze(1).detach()
    return x
def rand_translation(x, ratio=0.125):
    shift_x, shift_y = int(x.shape[2] * ratio + 0.5), int(x.shape[3] * ratio +
    translation_x = paddle.randint(-shift_x,
                                   shift_x + 1,
                                   shape=[x.shape[0], 1, 1])
    translation_y = paddle.randint(-shift_y,
                                   shift_y + 1,
                                   shape=[x.shape[0], 1, 1])
    grid_batch, grid_x, grid_y = paddle.meshgrid(
        paddle.arange(x.shape[0], dtype='int64'),
        paddle.arange(x.shape[2], dtype='int64'),
        paddle.arange(x.shape[3], dtype='int64'),
    grid_x = paddle.clip((grid_x + translation_x + 1).astype(x.dtype), 0,
                         x.shape[2] + 1).astype('int64')
    grid_y = paddle.clip((grid_y + translation_y + 1).astype(x.dtype), 0,
                         x.shape[3] + 1).astype('int64')
    x_pad = F.pad(x, [1, 1, 1, 1])

    # TODO: Current version paddle doesn't support int64 Tensors indices
    # x = x_pad.transpose([0, 2, 3, 1])[grid_batch, grid_x, grid_y].transpose([0, 3, 1, 2])
    indices = paddle.stack([grid_batch, grid_x, grid_y], -1)
    x = x_pad.transpose([0, 2, 3,
                         1]).gather_nd(indices).transpose([0, 3, 1, 2])

    return x
Example #6
    def __init__(self, dim, window_size, num_heads, qkv_bias=True, qk_scale=None, attn_drop=0., proj_drop=0.):

        self.dim = dim
        self.window_size = window_size  # Wh, Ww
        self.num_heads = num_heads
        head_dim = dim // num_heads
        self.scale = qk_scale or head_dim ** -0.5

        # define a parameter table of relative position bias
        relative_position_bias_table = self.create_parameter(
            shape=((2 * window_size[0] - 1) * (2 * window_size[1] - 1), num_heads), default_initializer=nn.initializer.Constant(value=0))  # 2*Wh-1 * 2*Ww-1, nH
        self.add_parameter("relative_position_bias_table", relative_position_bias_table)

        # get pair-wise relative position index for each token inside the window
        coords_h = paddle.arange(self.window_size[0])
        coords_w = paddle.arange(self.window_size[1])
        coords = paddle.stack(paddle.meshgrid([coords_h, coords_w]))                   # 2, Wh, Ww
        coords_flatten = paddle.flatten(coords, 1)                                     # 2, Wh*Ww
        relative_coords = coords_flatten.unsqueeze(-1) - coords_flatten.unsqueeze(1)   # 2, Wh*Ww, Wh*Ww
        relative_coords = relative_coords.transpose([1, 2, 0])                         # Wh*Ww, Wh*Ww, 2
        relative_coords[:, :, 0] += self.window_size[0] - 1                            # shift to start from 0
        relative_coords[:, :, 1] += self.window_size[1] - 1
        relative_coords[:, :, 0] *= 2 * self.window_size[1] - 1
        self.relative_position_index = relative_coords.sum(-1)                         # Wh*Ww, Wh*Ww
        self.register_buffer("relative_position_index", self.relative_position_index)

        self.qkv = nn.Linear(dim, dim * 3, bias_attr=qkv_bias)
        self.attn_drop = nn.Dropout(attn_drop)
        self.proj = nn.Linear(dim, dim)
        self.proj_drop = nn.Dropout(proj_drop)

        self.softmax = nn.Softmax(axis=-1)
Example #7
 def _meshgrid(self, x, y, row_major=True):
     yy, xx = paddle.meshgrid(y, x)
     yy = yy.reshape([-1])
     xx = xx.reshape([-1])
     if row_major:
         return xx, yy
         return yy, xx
 def _create_grid_offsets(self, size, stride, offset):
     grid_height, grid_width = size[0], size[1]
     shifts_x = paddle.arange(
         offset * stride, grid_width * stride, step=stride, dtype='float32')
     shifts_y = paddle.arange(
         offset * stride, grid_height * stride, step=stride, dtype='float32')
     shift_y, shift_x = paddle.meshgrid(shifts_y, shifts_x)
     shift_x = paddle.reshape(shift_x, [-1])
     shift_y = paddle.reshape(shift_y, [-1])
     return shift_x, shift_y
Example #9
 def build_P_paddle(self, I_r_size):
     I_r_height, I_r_width = I_r_size
     I_r_grid_x = (paddle.arange(-I_r_width, I_r_width, 2).astype('float32')
                   + 1.0) / I_r_width  # self.I_r_width
     I_r_grid_y = (
         paddle.arange(-I_r_height, I_r_height, 2).astype('float32') +
         1.0) / I_r_height  # self.I_r_height
     # P: self.I_r_width x self.I_r_height x 2
     P = paddle.stack(paddle.meshgrid(I_r_grid_x, I_r_grid_y), axis=2)
     P = paddle.transpose(P, perm=[1, 0, 2])
     # n (= self.I_r_width x self.I_r_height) x 2
     return P.reshape([-1, 2])
Example #10
 def build_P_paddle(self, I_r_size):
     I_r_width, I_r_height = I_r_size
     I_r_grid_x = paddle.divide(
         (paddle.arange(-I_r_width, I_r_width, 2).astype('float32') + 1.0),
     I_r_grid_y = paddle.divide(
         (paddle.arange(-I_r_height, I_r_height, 2).astype('float32') +
     P = paddle.stack(paddle.meshgrid(I_r_grid_x, I_r_grid_y), axis=2)
     P = paddle.transpose(P, perm=[1, 0, 2])
     return P.reshape([-1, 2])
Example #11
    def get_coord_features(self, points, batchsize, rows, cols):
        if self.cpu_mode:
            coords = []
            for i in range(batchsize):
                norm_delimeter = (1.0 if self.use_disks else
                                  self.spatial_scale * self.norm_radius)
                                        rows, cols, norm_delimeter))
            coords = paddle.to_tensor(np.stack(coords,
            num_points = points.shape[1] // 2
            points = points.reshape([-1, points.shape[2]])
            points, points_order = paddle.split(points, [2, 1], axis=1)
            invalid_points = paddle.max(points, axis=1, keepdim=False) < 0
            row_array = paddle.arange(start=0,
            col_array = paddle.arange(start=0,

            coord_rows, coord_cols = paddle.meshgrid(row_array, col_array)
            coords = paddle.unsqueeze(paddle.stack([coord_rows, coord_cols],
                                      axis=0).tile([points.shape[0], 1, 1, 1])

            add_xy = (points * self.spatial_scale).reshape(
                [points.shape[0], points.shape[1], 1, 1])
            coords = coords - add_xy
            if not self.use_disks:
                coords = coords / (self.norm_radius * self.spatial_scale)

            coords = coords * coords
            coords[:, 0] += coords[:, 1]
            coords = coords[:, :1]
            invalid_points = invalid_points.numpy()

            coords[invalid_points, :, :, :] = 1e6
            coords = coords.reshape([-1, num_points, 1, rows, cols])
            coords = paddle.min(coords, axis=1)
            coords = coords.reshape([-1, 2, rows, cols])

        if self.use_disks:
            coords = (coords <= (self.norm_radius * self.spatial_scale)**
            coords = paddle.tanh(paddle.sqrt(coords) * 2)
        return coords
Example #12
 def get_reference_points(spatial_shapes, valid_ratios):
     valid_ratios = valid_ratios.unsqueeze(1)
     reference_points = []
     for i, (H, W) in enumerate(spatial_shapes.tolist()):
         ref_y, ref_x = paddle.meshgrid(paddle.linspace(0.5, H - 0.5, H),
                                        paddle.linspace(0.5, W - 0.5, W))
         ref_y = ref_y.flatten().unsqueeze(0) / (valid_ratios[:, :, i, 1] *
         ref_x = ref_x.flatten().unsqueeze(0) / (valid_ratios[:, :, i, 0] *
         reference_points.append(paddle.stack((ref_x, ref_y), axis=-1))
     reference_points = paddle.concat(reference_points, 1).unsqueeze(2)
     reference_points = reference_points * valid_ratios
     return reference_points
Example #13
    def build_P_paddle(self, I_r_size):
        I_r_height, I_r_width = I_r_size
        I_r_grid_x = (paddle.arange(-I_r_width, I_r_width, 2, dtype='float64')
                      + 1.0) / paddle.to_tensor(np.array([I_r_width]))

        I_r_grid_y = (
            paddle.arange(-I_r_height, I_r_height, 2, dtype='float64') +
            1.0) / paddle.to_tensor(np.array([I_r_height]))

        # P: self.I_r_width x self.I_r_height x 2
        P = paddle.stack(paddle.meshgrid(I_r_grid_x, I_r_grid_y), axis=2)
        P = paddle.transpose(P, perm=[1, 0, 2])
        # n (= self.I_r_width x self.I_r_height) x 2
        return P.reshape([-1, 2])
Example #14
def generate_anchors_for_grid_cell(feats,
    Like ATSS, generate anchors based on grid size.
        feats (List[Tensor]): shape[s, (b, c, h, w)]
        fpn_strides (tuple|list): shape[s], stride for each scale feature
        grid_cell_size (float): anchor size
        grid_cell_offset (float): The range is between 0 and 1.
        anchors (Tensor): shape[l, 4], "xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax" format.
        anchor_points (Tensor): shape[l, 2], "x, y" format.
        num_anchors_list (List[int]): shape[s], contains [s_1, s_2, ...].
        stride_tensor (Tensor): shape[l, 1], contains the stride for each scale.
    assert len(feats) == len(fpn_strides)
    anchors = []
    anchor_points = []
    num_anchors_list = []
    stride_tensor = []
    for feat, stride in zip(feats, fpn_strides):
        _, _, h, w = feat.shape
        cell_half_size = grid_cell_size * stride * 0.5
        shift_x = (paddle.arange(end=w) + grid_cell_offset) * stride
        shift_y = (paddle.arange(end=h) + grid_cell_offset) * stride
        shift_y, shift_x = paddle.meshgrid(shift_y, shift_x)
        anchor = paddle.stack([
            shift_x - cell_half_size, shift_y - cell_half_size,
            shift_x + cell_half_size, shift_y + cell_half_size
        anchor_point = paddle.stack([shift_x, shift_y],

        anchors.append(anchor.reshape([-1, 4]))
        anchor_points.append(anchor_point.reshape([-1, 2]))
            paddle.full([num_anchors_list[-1], 1], stride, dtype=feat.dtype))
    anchors = paddle.concat(anchors)
    anchors.stop_gradient = True
    anchor_points = paddle.concat(anchor_points)
    anchor_points.stop_gradient = True
    stride_tensor = paddle.concat(stride_tensor)
    stride_tensor.stop_gradient = True
    return anchors, anchor_points, num_anchors_list, stride_tensor
Example #15
    def _get_output_single(self, input, idx):
        ins_kernel_feat = input
        # CoordConv
        x_range = paddle.linspace(-1,
        y_range = paddle.linspace(-1,
        y, x = paddle.meshgrid([y_range, x_range])
        x = paddle.unsqueeze(x, [0, 1])
        y = paddle.unsqueeze(y, [0, 1])
        y = paddle.expand(y,
                          shape=[paddle.shape(ins_kernel_feat)[0], 1, -1, -1])
        x = paddle.expand(x,
                          shape=[paddle.shape(ins_kernel_feat)[0], 1, -1, -1])
        coord_feat = paddle.concat([x, y], axis=1)
        ins_kernel_feat = paddle.concat([ins_kernel_feat, coord_feat], axis=1)

        # kernel branch
        kernel_feat = ins_kernel_feat
        seg_num_grid = self.seg_num_grids[idx]
        kernel_feat = F.interpolate(kernel_feat,
                                    size=[seg_num_grid, seg_num_grid],
        cate_feat = kernel_feat[:, :-2, :, :]

        for kernel_layer in self.kernel_pred_convs:
            kernel_feat = F.relu(kernel_layer(kernel_feat))
        if self.drop_block and self.training:
            kernel_feat = self.drop_block_fun(kernel_feat)
        kernel_pred = self.solo_kernel(kernel_feat)
        # cate branch
        for cate_layer in self.cate_pred_convs:
            cate_feat = F.relu(cate_layer(cate_feat))
        if self.drop_block and self.training:
            cate_feat = self.drop_block_fun(cate_feat)
        cate_pred = self.solo_cate(cate_feat)

        if not self.training:
            cate_pred = self._points_nms(F.sigmoid(cate_pred), kernel_size=2)
            cate_pred = paddle.transpose(cate_pred, [0, 2, 3, 1])
        return cate_pred, kernel_pred
Example #16
def dft_matrix(n: int,
               return_complex: bool = False,
               dtype: str = 'float64') -> Tensor:
    """Compute discrete Fourier transform matrix.

        n(int): the size of dft matrix.
        return_complex(bool): whether to return complex matrix. If True, the matrix will
            be complex type. Otherwise, the real and image part will be stored in the last
            axis of returned tensor.
        dtype(str): the datatype of the returned dft matrix.

        output: [n, n] or [n,n,2]

        Complex tensor of shape (n,n) if return_complex=True, and of shape (n,n,2) otherwise.


        .. code-block:: python

        import paddle
        import paddleaudio.functional as F
        m = F.dft_matrix(512)
        >> [512, 512, 2]
        m = F.dft_matrix(512, return_complex=True)
        >> [512, 512]

    # This is due to a bug in paddle in lacking support for complex128, as of paddle 2.1.0
    if return_complex and dtype == 'float64':
        raise ValueError('not implemented')

    x, y = paddle.meshgrid(paddle.arange(0, n), paddle.arange(0, n))
    z = x.astype(dtype) * y.astype(dtype) * paddle.to_tensor(
        (-2 * math.pi / n), dtype)
    cos = paddle.cos(z)
    sin = paddle.sin(z)

    if return_complex:
        return cos + paddle.to_tensor([1j]) * sin
    cos = cos.unsqueeze(-1)
    sin = sin.unsqueeze(-1)
    return paddle.concat([cos, sin], -1)
Example #17
 def get_single_level_center_point(self, featmap_size, stride,
     Generate pixel centers of a single stage feature map.
         featmap_size: height and width of the feature map
         stride: down sample stride of the feature map
         y and x of the center points
     h, w = featmap_size
     x_range = (paddle.arange(w, dtype='float32') + cell_offset) * stride
     y_range = (paddle.arange(h, dtype='float32') + cell_offset) * stride
     y, x = paddle.meshgrid(y_range, x_range)
     y = y.flatten()
     x = x.flatten()
     return y, x
Example #18
    def generate_anchor(self, nGh, nGw, anchor_wh):
        nA = len(anchor_wh)
        yv, xv = paddle.meshgrid([paddle.arange(nGh), paddle.arange(nGw)])
        mesh = paddle.stack((xv, yv),
                            axis=0).cast(dtype='float32')  # 2 x nGh x nGw
        meshs = paddle.tile(mesh, [nA, 1, 1, 1])

        anchor_offset_mesh = anchor_wh[:, :, None][:, :, :, None].repeat(
            int(nGh), axis=-2).repeat(int(nGw), axis=-1)
        anchor_offset_mesh = paddle.to_tensor(
        # nA x 2 x nGh x nGw

        anchor_mesh = paddle.concat([meshs, anchor_offset_mesh], axis=1)
        anchor_mesh = paddle.transpose(anchor_mesh,
                                       [0, 2, 3, 1])  # (nA x nGh x nGw) x 4
        return anchor_mesh
Example #19
 def _generate_anchors(self, feats):
     anchors, num_anchors_list = [], []
     stride_tensor_list = []
     for feat, stride in zip(feats, self.fpn_strides):
         _, _, h, w = feat.shape
         cell_half_size = self.grid_cell_scale * stride * 0.5
         shift_x = (paddle.arange(end=w) + self.grid_cell_offset) * stride
         shift_y = (paddle.arange(end=h) + self.grid_cell_offset) * stride
         shift_y, shift_x = paddle.meshgrid(shift_y, shift_x)
         anchor = paddle.stack([
             shift_x - cell_half_size, shift_y - cell_half_size,
             shift_x + cell_half_size, shift_y + cell_half_size
         anchors.append(anchor.reshape([-1, 4]))
             paddle.full([num_anchors_list[-1], 1], stride))
     return anchors, num_anchors_list, stride_tensor_list
Example #20
 def _generate_anchor_point(self, feat_sizes, strides, offset=0.):
     anchor_points, stride_tensor = [], []
     num_anchors_list = []
     for feat_size, stride in zip(feat_sizes, strides):
         h, w = feat_size
         x = (paddle.arange(w) + offset) * stride
         y = (paddle.arange(h) + offset) * stride
         y, x = paddle.meshgrid(y, x)
             paddle.stack([x, y], axis=-1).reshape([-1, 2]))
             paddle.full([len(anchor_points[-1]), 1],
     anchor_points = paddle.concat(anchor_points).astype(self._dtype)
     anchor_points.stop_gradient = True
     stride_tensor = paddle.concat(stride_tensor)
     stride_tensor.stop_gradient = True
     return anchor_points, stride_tensor, num_anchors_list
Example #21
    def decode_outputs(self, outputs):
        grids = []
        strides = []
        for (hsize, wsize), stride in zip(self.hw, self.strides):
            yv, xv = paddle.meshgrid(
            grid = paddle.reshape(paddle.stack((xv, yv), 2), (1, -1, 2))
            shape = grid.shape[:2]
            strides.append(paddle.full((*shape, 1), stride))

        grids = paddle.concat(grids, axis=1)
        strides = paddle.concat(strides, axis=1)
        grids = paddle.cast(grids, outputs.dtype)
        strides = paddle.cast(strides, outputs.dtype)

        outputs[:, :, :2] = (outputs[:, :, :2] + grids) * strides
        outputs[:, :, 2:4] = paddle.exp(outputs[:, :, 2:4]) * strides
        return outputs
    def test_api_with_dygraph_list_input(self):
        input_3 = np.random.randint(0, 100, [
        input_4 = np.random.randint(0, 100, [

        out_3 = np.reshape(input_3, [100, 1])
        out_3 = np.broadcast_to(out_3, [100, 200])
        out_4 = np.reshape(input_4, [1, 200])
        out_4 = np.broadcast_to(out_4, [100, 200])

        tensor_3 = paddle.to_tensor(input_3)
        tensor_4 = paddle.to_tensor(input_4)
        res_3, res_4 = paddle.meshgrid([tensor_3, tensor_4])

        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(res_3.numpy(), out_3))
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(res_4.numpy(), out_4))
Example #23
def masks_to_boxes(masks):
    """Compute the bounding boxes around the provided masks

    The masks should be in format [N, H, W] where N is the number of masks, (H, W) are the spatial dimensions.

    Returns a [N, 4] tensors, with the boxes in xyxy format
    if masks.numel() == 0:
        return paddle.zeros((0, 4)).requires_grad_(False)
    h, w = masks.shape[-2:]
    y = paddle.arange(0, h, dtype='float32').requires_grad_(False)
    x = paddle.arange(0, w, dtype='float32').requires_grad_(False)
    y, x = paddle.meshgrid(y, x)
    x_mask = masks * x.unsqueeze(0)
    x_max = x_mask.flatten(1).max(-1)[0]
    x_min = x_mask.masked_fill(~masks.bool(), 100000000.0).flatten(1).min(-1)[0
    y_mask = masks * y.unsqueeze(0)
    y_max = y_mask.flatten(1).max(-1)[0]
    y_min = y_mask.masked_fill(~masks.bool(), 100000000.0).flatten(1).min(-1)[0
    return paddle.stacks([x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max], 1)
Example #24
 def _generate_anchors(self, feats=None):
     # just use in eval time
     anchor_points = []
     stride_tensor = []
     for i, stride in enumerate(self.fpn_stride):
         if feats is not None:
             _, _, h, w = feats[i].shape
             h = math.ceil(self.eval_size[0] / stride)
             w = math.ceil(self.eval_size[1] / stride)
         shift_x = paddle.arange(end=w) + self.cell_offset
         shift_y = paddle.arange(end=h) + self.cell_offset
         shift_y, shift_x = paddle.meshgrid(shift_y, shift_x)
         anchor_point = paddle.cast(
                 [shift_x, shift_y], axis=-1), dtype='float32')
         anchor_points.append(anchor_point.reshape([-1, 2]))
                 [h * w, 1], stride, dtype='float32'))
     anchor_points = paddle.concat(anchor_points)
     stride_tensor = paddle.concat(stride_tensor)
     return anchor_points, stride_tensor
Example #25
    def __init__(self, channels, scale):
        super(AntiAliasInterpolation2d, self).__init__()
        sigma = (1 / scale - 1) / 2
        kernel_size = 2 * round(sigma * 4) + 1
        self.ka = kernel_size // 2
        self.kb = self.ka - 1 if kernel_size % 2 == 0 else self.ka

        kernel_size = [kernel_size, kernel_size]
        sigma = [sigma, sigma]
        # The gaussian kernel is the product of the
        # gaussian function of each dimension.
        kernel = 1
        meshgrids = paddle.meshgrid(
            [paddle.arange(size, dtype='float32') for size in kernel_size])
        for size, std, mgrid in zip(kernel_size, sigma, meshgrids):
            mean = (size - 1) / 2
            kernel *= paddle.exp(-(mgrid - mean)**2 / (2 * std**2 + 1e-9))

        # Make sure sum of values in gaussian kernel equals 1.
        kernel = kernel / paddle.sum(kernel)
        # Reshape to depthwise convolutional weight
        kernel = kernel.reshape((1, 1, *kernel.shape))
        kernel = kernel.tile(
            (channels, *((1, ) * (len(kernel.shape) - 1))
             ))  # [1, 1, *kernel.shape] -> [channels, 1, *kernel.shape]
        self.kernel_attr = paddle.ParamAttr(
            initializer=paddle.nn.initializer.Assign(kernel), trainable=False)
        self.groups = channels
        self.scale = scale
        self.conv = nn.Conv2D(channels,
Example #26
 def forward(self, inputs, _inputs, _input):
     x, y, z = paddle.meshgrid([inputs, _inputs, _input])
     return x + y + z
Example #27
 def forward(self, inputs, _inputs):
     x, y = paddle.meshgrid([inputs, _inputs])
     return x + y
def make_grid(h, w, dtype):
    yv, xv = paddle.meshgrid([paddle.arange(h), paddle.arange(w)])
    return paddle.stack((xv, yv), 2).cast(dtype=dtype)
Example #29
    def get_offset(self, anchors, featmap_size, stride):
            anchors: [M,5] xc,yc,w,h,angle
            featmap_size: (feat_h, feat_w)
            stride: 8

        anchors = paddle.reshape(anchors, [-1, 5])  # (NA,5)
        dtype = anchors.dtype
        feat_h = featmap_size[0]
        feat_w = featmap_size[1]
        pad = (self.kernel_size - 1) // 2
        idx = paddle.arange(-pad, pad + 1, dtype=dtype)

        yy, xx = paddle.meshgrid(idx, idx)
        xx = paddle.reshape(xx, [-1])
        yy = paddle.reshape(yy, [-1])

        # get sampling locations of default conv
        xc = paddle.arange(0, feat_w, dtype=dtype)
        yc = paddle.arange(0, feat_h, dtype=dtype)
        yc, xc = paddle.meshgrid(yc, xc)

        xc = paddle.reshape(xc, [-1, 1])
        yc = paddle.reshape(yc, [-1, 1])
        x_conv = xc + xx
        y_conv = yc + yy

        # get sampling locations of anchors
        # x_ctr, y_ctr, w, h, a = np.unbind(anchors, dim=1)
        x_ctr = anchors[:, 0]
        y_ctr = anchors[:, 1]
        w = anchors[:, 2]
        h = anchors[:, 3]
        a = anchors[:, 4]

        x_ctr = paddle.reshape(x_ctr, [-1, 1])
        y_ctr = paddle.reshape(y_ctr, [-1, 1])
        w = paddle.reshape(w, [-1, 1])
        h = paddle.reshape(h, [-1, 1])
        a = paddle.reshape(a, [-1, 1])

        x_ctr = x_ctr / stride
        y_ctr = y_ctr / stride
        w_s = w / stride
        h_s = h / stride
        cos, sin = paddle.cos(a), paddle.sin(a)
        dw, dh = w_s / self.kernel_size, h_s / self.kernel_size
        x, y = dw * xx, dh * yy
        xr = cos * x - sin * y
        yr = sin * x + cos * y
        x_anchor, y_anchor = xr + x_ctr, yr + y_ctr
        # get offset filed
        offset_x = x_anchor - x_conv
        offset_y = y_anchor - y_conv
        offset = paddle.stack([offset_y, offset_x], axis=-1)
        offset = paddle.reshape(
            offset, [feat_h * feat_w, self.kernel_size * self.kernel_size * 2])
        offset = paddle.transpose(offset, [1, 0])
        offset = paddle.reshape(
            [1, self.kernel_size * self.kernel_size * 2, feat_h, feat_w])
        return offset
Example #30
    def forward(self, x, offset, mask):
        in_C = self.in_channels
        out_C = self.out_channels
        stride = self.stride
        padding = self.padding
        # dilation = self.dilation
        groups = self.groups
        N, _, H, W = x.shape
        _, w_in, kH, kW = self.weight.shape
        out_W = (W + 2 * padding - (kW - 1)) // stride
        out_H = (H + 2 * padding - (kH - 1)) // stride

        # ================== 1.先对图片x填充得到填充后的图片pad_x ==================
        pad_x_H = H + padding * 2 + 1
        pad_x_W = W + padding * 2 + 1
        pad_x = F.pad(x, pad=[0, 0, 0, 0, padding, padding + 1, padding, padding + 1], value=0.0)

        # ================== 2.求所有采样点的坐标 ==================
        # 卷积核中心点在pad_x中的位置
        y_outer, x_outer = paddle.meshgrid([paddle.arange(out_H), paddle.arange(out_W)])
        y_outer = y_outer * stride + padding
        x_outer = x_outer * stride + padding
        start_pos_yx = paddle.stack((y_outer, x_outer), 2).cast(dtype='float32')  # [out_H, out_W, 2]         仅仅是卷积核中心点在pad_x中的位置
        start_pos_yx = paddle.unsqueeze(start_pos_yx, axis=[0, 3])                # [1, out_H, out_W, 1, 2]   仅仅是卷积核中心点在pad_x中的位置
        start_pos_yx = paddle.tile(start_pos_yx, [N, 1, 1, kH * kW, 1])  # [N, out_H, out_W, kH*kW, 2]   仅仅是卷积核中心点在pad_x中的位置
        start_pos_y = start_pos_yx[:, :, :, :, :1]  # [N, out_H, out_W, kH*kW, 1]   仅仅是卷积核中心点在pad_x中的位置
        start_pos_x = start_pos_yx[:, :, :, :, 1:]  # [N, out_H, out_W, kH*kW, 1]   仅仅是卷积核中心点在pad_x中的位置
        start_pos_y.stop_gradient = True
        start_pos_x.stop_gradient = True

        # 卷积核内部的偏移
        half_W = (kW - 1) // 2
        half_H = (kH - 1) // 2
        y_inner, x_inner = paddle.meshgrid([paddle.arange(kH), paddle.arange(kW)])
        y_inner -= half_H
        x_inner -= half_W
        filter_inner_offset_yx = paddle.stack((y_inner, x_inner), 2).cast(dtype='float32')     # [kH, kW, 2]       卷积核内部的偏移
        filter_inner_offset_yx = paddle.reshape(filter_inner_offset_yx, (1, 1, 1, kH * kW, 2))  # [1, 1, 1, kH*kW, 2]   卷积核内部的偏移
        filter_inner_offset_yx = paddle.tile(filter_inner_offset_yx, [N, out_H, out_W, 1, 1])  # [N, out_H, out_W, kH*kW, 2]   卷积核内部的偏移
        filter_inner_offset_y = filter_inner_offset_yx[:, :, :, :, :1]  # [N, out_H, out_W, kH*kW, 1]   卷积核内部的偏移
        filter_inner_offset_x = filter_inner_offset_yx[:, :, :, :, 1:]  # [N, out_H, out_W, kH*kW, 1]   卷积核内部的偏移
        filter_inner_offset_y.stop_gradient = True
        filter_inner_offset_x.stop_gradient = True

        # 预测的偏移
        offset = paddle.transpose(offset, [0, 2, 3, 1])  # [N, out_H, out_W, kH*kW*2]
        offset_yx = paddle.reshape(offset, (N, out_H, out_W, kH * kW, 2))  # [N, out_H, out_W, kH*kW, 2]
        offset_y = offset_yx[:, :, :, :, :1]  # [N, out_H, out_W, kH*kW, 1]
        offset_x = offset_yx[:, :, :, :, 1:]  # [N, out_H, out_W, kH*kW, 1]

        # 最终采样位置。
        pos_y = start_pos_y + filter_inner_offset_y + offset_y  # [N, out_H, out_W, kH*kW, 1]
        pos_x = start_pos_x + filter_inner_offset_x + offset_x  # [N, out_H, out_W, kH*kW, 1]
        pos_y = paddle.clip(pos_y, 0.0, H + padding * 2 - 1.0)  # 最终采样位置限制在pad_x内
        pos_x = paddle.clip(pos_x, 0.0, W + padding * 2 - 1.0)  # 最终采样位置限制在pad_x内

        # ================== 3.采样。用F.grid_sample()双线性插值采样。 ==================
        pos_x = pos_x / (pad_x_W - 1) * 2.0 - 1.0
        pos_y = pos_y / (pad_x_H - 1) * 2.0 - 1.0
        xtyt = paddle.concat([pos_x, pos_y], -1)  # [N, out_H, out_W, kH*kW, 2]
        xtyt = paddle.reshape(xtyt, (N, out_H, out_W * kH * kW, 2))  # [N, out_H, out_W*kH*kW, 2]
        value = F.grid_sample(pad_x, xtyt, mode='bilinear', padding_mode='zeros', align_corners=True)  # [N, in_C, out_H, out_W*kH*kW]
        value = paddle.reshape(value, (N, in_C, out_H, out_W, kH * kW))    # [N, in_C, out_H, out_W, kH * kW]
        value = value.transpose((0, 1, 4, 2, 3))                           # [N, in_C, kH * kW, out_H, out_W]

        # ================== 4.乘以重要程度 ==================
        # 乘以重要程度
        mask = paddle.unsqueeze(mask, [1])  # [N,    1, kH * kW, out_H, out_W]
        value = value * mask                # [N, in_C, kH * kW, out_H, out_W]
        new_x = paddle.reshape(value, (N, in_C * kH * kW, out_H, out_W))  # [N, in_C * kH * kW, out_H, out_W]

        # ================== 5.乘以本层的权重,加上偏置 ==================
        # 1x1卷积
        rw = paddle.reshape(self.weight, (out_C, w_in * kH * kW, 1, 1))  # [out_C, w_in, kH, kW] -> [out_C, w_in*kH*kW, 1, 1]  变成1x1卷积核
        out = F.conv2d(new_x, rw, bias=self.bias, stride=1, groups=groups)  # [N, out_C, out_H, out_W]
        return out