def test_get_wins_loses(self):
        same_teams_pairs = {(1, 4): [1, 2]}
        stpc = SameTeamsPairsContainer(same_teams_pairs)

        self.assertEqual(stpc.get_wins_loses(1, 4), (1, 2))
        self.assertEqual(stpc.get_wins_loses(4, 1), (1, 2))

        self.assertEqual(stpc.get_wins_loses(5, 7), (0, 0))
    def test_get_wins_loses(self):
        same_teams_pairs = {(1, 4): [1, 2]}
        stpc = SameTeamsPairsContainer(same_teams_pairs)

        self.assertEqual(stpc.get_wins_loses(1, 4), (1, 2))
        self.assertEqual(stpc.get_wins_loses(4, 1), (1, 2))

        self.assertEqual(stpc.get_wins_loses(5, 7), (0, 0))
hero_id_to_name = get_hero_id_to_name()

def show_win_loses(heroes, hr_id_to_nm):
    if isinstance(heroes, dict):
        heroes = heroes.items()

    for key, value in heroes:
        if isinstance(key, int):
            key = (key, )
        names = ["{0:20}".format(hero_id_to_name[id]) for id in key]
        name = "| ".join(names)
        print "{0} {1:0>5} {2:0>5}".format(name, *value)

solo_hr = defaultdict(lambda: [0, 0])
stpc = SameTeamsPairsContainer()
dtpc = DifferentTeamsPairsContainer()

same_triple = defaultdict(lambda: [0, 0])

for i, record in enumerate(train_data):
    radiant_win, radiant, dire = record
    winners, losers = (radiant, dire) if radiant_win else (dire, radiant)
    #solo heroes
    for hero_id in winners:
        solo_hr[hero_id][WIN_INDEX] += 1

    for hero_id in losers:
        solo_hr[hero_id][LOSE_INDEX] += 1
Example #4
STAT_FILE_NAME = "stat_data.p"
TEST_DATA_FILE_NAME = "test_data16451.p"

print "load stat data from {0}".format(STAT_FILE_NAME)
stat_data = pickle.load(open(STAT_FILE_NAME, 'rb'))
print "load complete"

print "load test data from {0}".format(TEST_DATA_FILE_NAME)
test_data = pickle.load(open(TEST_DATA_FILE_NAME, 'rb'))
print "load complete"

solo_hr, stpc, dtpc = stat_data
solo_hr = defaultdict(lambda: [0, 0], solo_hr)
stpc = SameTeamsPairsContainer(stpc)
dtpc = DifferentTeamsPairsContainer(dtpc)

tr = FractionTermResolver(TEAM_OFFSET, solo_hr, stpc, dtpc, smoothing=0.5)
#tr = OddsTermResolver(TEAM_OFFSET, solo_hr, stpc, dtpc)
predictor = PredictorNaiveBayesBigram(TEAM_OFFSET, tr)

num_correct = 0.0
num_matches = len(test_data)
for record in test_data:
    radiant_win, radiant, dire = record

    probability = predictor.predict(radiant, dire)

    if probability > 0.5001 and radiant_win or probability < 0.4999 and not radiant_win:
        num_correct += 1.0

def show_win_loses(heroes, hr_id_to_nm):
    if isinstance(heroes, dict):
        heroes = heroes.items()

    for key, value in heroes:
        if isinstance(key, int):
            key = (key, )
        names = ["{0:20}".format(hero_id_to_name[id]) for id in key]
        name = "| ".join(names)
        print "{0} {1:0>5} {2:0>5}".format(name, *value)

solo_hr = defaultdict(lambda: [0, 0])
stpc = SameTeamsPairsContainer()
dtpc = DifferentTeamsPairsContainer()

same_triple = defaultdict(lambda: [0, 0])

for i, record in enumerate(train_data):
    radiant_win, radiant, dire = record
    winners, losers = (radiant, dire) if radiant_win else (dire, radiant)
    #solo heroes
    for hero_id in winners:
        solo_hr[hero_id][WIN_INDEX] += 1

    for hero_id in losers:
        solo_hr[hero_id][LOSE_INDEX] += 1
 def setUp(self):
     self.stpc = SameTeamsPairsContainer()