class Bot: """ Main class for the twitch bot """ def __init__(self, config, args): self.config = config self.args = args self.last_ping = self.last_pong = ScheduleManager.init() DBManager.init(self.config["main"]["db"]) # redis redis_options = {} if "redis" in config: redis_options = dict(config.items("redis")) RedisManager.init(**redis_options) wait_for_redis_data_loaded(RedisManager.get()) self.nickname = config["main"].get("nickname", "pajbot") if config["main"].getboolean("verified", False): TMI.promote_to_verified() # phrases self.phrases = { "welcome": ["{nickname} {version} running! HeyGuys"], "quit": ["{nickname} {version} shutting down... BibleThump"], } if "phrases" in config: phrases = config["phrases"] if "welcome" in phrases: self.phrases["welcome"] = phrases["welcome"].splitlines() if "quit" in phrases: self.phrases["quit"] = phrases["quit"].splitlines() # streamer if "streamer" in config["main"]: self.streamer = config["main"]["streamer"] = "#" + self.streamer elif "target" in config["main"]: = config["main"]["target"] self.streamer =[1:] self.bot_domain = self.config["web"]["domain"] log.debug("Loaded config") # do this earlier since schema upgrade can depend on the helix api self.api_client_credentials = ClientCredentials( self.config["twitchapi"]["client_id"], self.config["twitchapi"]["client_secret"], self.config["twitchapi"]["redirect_uri"], ) self.twitch_id_api = TwitchIDAPI(self.api_client_credentials) self.twitch_tmi_api = TwitchTMIAPI() self.app_token_manager = AppAccessTokenManager(self.twitch_id_api, RedisManager.get()) self.twitch_helix_api = TwitchHelixAPI(RedisManager.get(), self.app_token_manager) self.twitch_v5_api = TwitchKrakenV5API(self.api_client_credentials, RedisManager.get()) self.twitch_tmi_api = TwitchTMIAPI() self.bot_user_id = self.twitch_helix_api.get_user_id(self.nickname) if self.bot_user_id is None: raise ValueError( "The bot login name you entered under [main] does not exist on twitch." ) self.streamer_user_id = self.twitch_helix_api.get_user_id( self.streamer) if self.streamer_user_id is None: raise ValueError( "The streamer login name you entered under [main] does not exist on twitch." ) StreamHelper.init_streamer(self.streamer, self.streamer_user_id) # SQL migrations with DBManager.create_dbapi_connection_scope() as sql_conn: sql_migratable = DatabaseMigratable(sql_conn) sql_migration = Migration(sql_migratable, pajbot.migration_revisions.db, self) # Redis migrations redis_migratable = RedisMigratable(redis_options=redis_options, namespace=self.streamer) redis_migration = Migration(redis_migratable, pajbot.migration_revisions.redis, self) # Thread pool executor for async actions self.action_queue = ActionQueue() # refresh points_rank and num_lines_rank regularly UserRanksRefreshManager.start(self.action_queue) self.reactor = irc.client.Reactor(self.on_connect) # SafeDefaultScheduler makes the bot not exit on exception in the main thread # e.g. on actions via bot.execute_now, etc. self.reactor.scheduler_class = SafeDefaultScheduler self.reactor.scheduler = SafeDefaultScheduler() self.start_time = = self HandlerManager.init_handlers() self.socket_manager = SocketManager(self.streamer, self.execute_now) self.stream_manager = StreamManager(self) StreamHelper.init_stream_manager(self.stream_manager) self.decks = DeckManager() self.banphrase_manager = BanphraseManager(self).load() self.timer_manager = TimerManager(self).load() self.kvi = KVIManager() # bot access token if "password" in self.config["main"]: log.warning( "DEPRECATED - Using bot password/oauth token from file. " "You should authenticate in web gui using route /bot_login " "and remove password from config file") access_token = self.config["main"]["password"] if access_token.startswith("oauth:"): access_token = access_token[6:] self.bot_token_manager = UserAccessTokenManager( api=None, redis=None, username=self.nickname, user_id=self.bot_user_id, token=UserAccessToken.from_implicit_auth_flow_token( access_token), ) else: self.bot_token_manager = UserAccessTokenManager( api=self.twitch_id_api, redis=RedisManager.get(), username=self.nickname, user_id=self.bot_user_id) self.emote_manager = EmoteManager(self.twitch_v5_api, self.action_queue) self.epm_manager = EpmManager() self.ecount_manager = EcountManager() if "twitter" in self.config and self.config["twitter"].get( "streaming_type", "twitter") == "tweet-provider": self.twitter_manager = PBTwitterManager(self) else: self.twitter_manager = TwitterManager(self) self.discord_bot_manager = DiscordBotManager(self, RedisManager.get()) self.module_manager = ModuleManager(self.socket_manager, bot=self).load() self.commands = CommandManager(socket_manager=self.socket_manager, module_manager=self.module_manager, bot=self).load() self.websocket_manager = WebSocketManager(self) HandlerManager.trigger("on_managers_loaded") # Commitable managers self.commitable = { "commands": self.commands, "banphrases": self.banphrase_manager } self.execute_every(60, self.commit_all) self.execute_every(1, self.do_tick) # promote the admin to level 2000 admin = self.config["main"].get("admin", None) if admin is None: log.warning( "No admin user specified. See the [main] section in the example config for its usage." ) else: with DBManager.create_session_scope() as db_session: admin_user = User.find_or_create_from_login( db_session, self.twitch_helix_api, admin) if admin_user is None: log.warning( "The login name you entered for the admin user does not exist on twitch. " "No admin user has been created.") else: admin_user.level = 2000 # silent mode self.silent = ("flags" in config and "silent" in config["flags"] and config["flags"]["silent"] == "1") or args.silent if self.silent:"Silent mode enabled") # dev mode = "flags" in config and "dev" in config["flags"] and config[ "flags"]["dev"] == "1" if self.version_long = extend_version_if_possible(VERSION) else: self.version_long = VERSION self.irc = IRCManager(self) relay_host = self.config["main"].get("relay_host", None) relay_password = self.config["main"].get("relay_password", None) if relay_host is not None or relay_password is not None: log.warning( "DEPRECATED - Relaybroker support is no longer implemented. relay_host and relay_password are ignored" ) self.reactor.add_global_handler("all_events", self.irc._dispatcher, -10) = { "broadcaster": self.streamer, "version": self.version_long, "version_brief": VERSION, "bot_name": self.nickname, "bot_domain": self.bot_domain, } self.data_cb = { "status_length": self.c_status_length, "stream_status": self.c_stream_status, "bot_uptime": self.c_uptime, "current_time": self.c_current_time, "molly_age_in_years": self.c_molly_age_in_years, } self.user_agent = f"pajbot1/{VERSION} ({self.nickname})" @property def password(self): return f"oauth:{self.bot_token_manager.token.access_token}" def on_connect(self, sock): return self.irc.on_connect(sock) def start(self): """Start the IRC client.""" self.reactor.process_forever() def get_kvi_value(self, key, extra={}): return self.kvi[key].get() def get_last_tweet(self, key, extra={}): return self.twitter_manager.get_last_tweet(key) def get_emote_epm(self, key, extra={}): epm = self.epm_manager.get_emote_epm(key) # maybe we simply haven't seen this emote yet (during the bot runtime) but it's a valid emote? if epm is None and self.emote_manager.match_word_to_emote( key) is not None: epm = 0 if epm is None: return None # formats the number with grouping (e.g. 112,556) and zero decimal places return f"{epm:,.0f}" def get_emote_epm_record(self, key, extra={}): val = self.epm_manager.get_emote_epm_record(key) if val is None: return None # formats the number with grouping (e.g. 112,556) and zero decimal places return f"{val:,.0f}" def get_emote_count(self, key, extra={}): val = self.ecount_manager.get_emote_count(key) if val is None: return None # formats the number with grouping (e.g. 112,556) and zero decimal places return f"{val:,.0f}" @staticmethod def get_source_value(key, extra={}): try: return getattr(extra["source"], key) except: log.exception("Caught exception in get_source_value") return None def get_user_value(self, key, extra={}): try: with DBManager.create_session_scope() as db_session: user = User.find_by_user_input(db_session, extra["argument"]) if user is not None: return getattr(user, key) except: log.exception("Caught exception in get_source_value") return None @staticmethod def get_command_value(key, extra={}): try: return getattr(extra["command"].data, key) except: log.exception("Caught exception in get_source_value") return None def get_usersource_value(self, key, extra={}): try: with DBManager.create_session_scope() as db_session: user = User.find_by_user_input(db_session, extra["argument"]) if user is not None: return getattr(user, key) return getattr(extra["source"], key) except: log.exception("Caught exception in get_source_value") return None def get_time_value(self, key, extra={}): try: tz = timezone(key) return"%H:%M") except: log.exception("Unhandled exception in get_time_value") return None def get_current_song_value(self, key, extra={}): if current_song = PleblistManager.get_current_song( inner_keys = key.split(".") val = current_song for inner_key in inner_keys: val = getattr(val, inner_key, None) if val is None: return None if val is not None: return val return None def get_strictargs_value(self, key, extra={}): ret = self.get_args_value(key, extra) if not ret: return None return ret @staticmethod def get_args_value(key, extra={}): r = None try: msg_parts = extra["message"].split(" ") except (KeyError, AttributeError): msg_parts = [""] try: if "-" in key: range_str = key.split("-") if len(range_str) == 2: r = (int(range_str[0]), int(range_str[1])) if r is None: r = (int(key), len(msg_parts)) except (TypeError, ValueError): r = (0, len(msg_parts)) try: return " ".join(msg_parts[r[0]:r[1]]) except AttributeError: return "" except: log.exception("UNHANDLED ERROR IN get_args_value") return "" def get_value(self, key, extra={}): if key in extra: return extra[key] if key in return[key] if key in self.data_cb: return self.data_cb[key]() log.warning("Unknown key passed to get_value: %s", key) return None def privmsg_arr(self, arr, target=None): for msg in arr: self.privmsg(msg, target) def privmsg_from_file(self, url, per_chunk=35, chunk_delay=30, target=None): try: r = requests.get(url, headers={"User-Agent": self.user_agent}) r.raise_for_status() content_type = r.headers["Content-Type"] if content_type is not None and cgi.parse_header( content_type)[0] != "text/plain": log.error( "privmsg_from_file should be fed with a text/plain URL. Refusing to send." ) return lines = r.text.splitlines() i = 0 while lines: if i == 0: self.privmsg_arr(lines[:per_chunk], target) else: self.execute_delayed(chunk_delay * i, self.privmsg_arr, lines[:per_chunk], target) del lines[:per_chunk] i = i + 1 except: log.exception("error in privmsg_from_file") # event is an event to clone and change the text from. # Usage: !eval bot.eval_from_file(event, '') def eval_from_file(self, event, url): try: r = requests.get(url, headers={"User-Agent": self.user_agent}) r.raise_for_status() content_type = r.headers["Content-Type"] if content_type is not None and cgi.parse_header( content_type)[0] != "text/plain": log.error( "eval_from_file should be fed with a text/plain URL. Refusing to send." ) return lines = r.text.splitlines() import copy for msg in lines: cloned_event = copy.deepcopy(event) cloned_event.arguments = [msg] # omit the source connection as None (since its not used) self.on_pubmsg(None, cloned_event) self.whisper_login(event.source.user.lower(), f"Successfully evaluated {len(lines)} lines") except: log.exception("BabyRage") self.whisper_login(event.source.user.lower(), "Exception BabyRage") def privmsg(self, message, channel=None, increase_message=True): if channel is None: channel = return self.irc.privmsg(message, channel, increase_message=increase_message) def c_uptime(self): return utils.time_ago(self.start_time) @staticmethod def c_current_time(): return @staticmethod def c_molly_age_in_years(): molly_birth = datetime.datetime(2018, 10, 29, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc) now = diff = now - molly_birth return diff.total_seconds() / 3600 / 24 / 365 @property def is_online(self): return def c_stream_status(self): return "online" if else "offline" def c_status_length(self): if return utils.time_ago( self.stream_manager.current_stream.stream_start) if self.stream_manager.last_stream is not None: return utils.time_ago(self.stream_manager.last_stream.stream_end) return "No recorded stream FeelsBadMan " def execute_now(self, function, *args, **kwargs): self.execute_delayed(0, function, *args, **kwargs) def execute_at(self, at, function, *args, **kwargs): self.reactor.scheduler.execute_at(at, lambda: function(*args, **kwargs)) def execute_delayed(self, delay, function, *args, **kwargs): self.reactor.scheduler.execute_after(delay, lambda: function(*args, **kwargs)) def execute_every(self, period, function, *args, **kwargs): self.reactor.scheduler.execute_every(period, lambda: function(*args, **kwargs)) def _ban(self, login, reason=None): message = f"/ban {login}" if reason is not None: message += f" {reason}" self.privmsg(message) def ban(self, user, reason=None): self.timeout(user, 30, reason, once=True) self.execute_delayed(1, self._ban, user.login, reason) def unban(self, user): self.privmsg(f"/unban {user.login}") def untimeout(self, user): self.privmsg(f"/untimeout {user.login}") def _timeout(self, login, duration, reason=None): message = f"/timeout {login} {duration}" if reason is not None: message += f" {reason}" self.privmsg(message) def timeout(self, user, duration, reason=None, once=True): self._timeout(user.login, duration, reason) if not once: self.execute_delayed(1, self._timeout, user.login, duration, reason) def timeout_login(self, login, duration, reason=None, once=True): self._timeout(login, duration, reason) if not once: self.execute_delayed(1, self._timeout, login, duration, reason) def timeout_warn(self, user, duration, reason=None): duration, punishment = user.timeout( duration, warning_module=self.module_manager["warning"]) self.timeout(user, duration, reason) return (duration, punishment) def delete_message(self, msg_id): self.privmsg(f"/delete {msg_id}") def whisper(self, user, message): return self.irc.whisper(user.login, message) def whisper_login(self, login, message): return self.irc.whisper(login, message) def send_message_to_user(self, user, message, event, method="say"): if method == "say": self.say( + ", " + lowercase_first_letter(message)) elif method == "whisper": self.whisper(user, message) elif method == "me": elif method == "reply": if event.type in ["action", "pubmsg"]: self.say(message) elif event.type == "whisper": self.whisper(user, message) else: log.warning("Unknown send_message method: %s", method) def safe_privmsg(self, message, channel=None, increase_message=True): # Check for banphrases res = self.banphrase_manager.check_message(message, None) if res is not False: self.privmsg(f"filtered message ({})", channel, increase_message) return self.privmsg(message, channel, increase_message) def say(self, message, channel=None): if message is None: log.warning("message=None passed to Bot::say()") return if self.silent: return message = utils.clean_up_message(message) self.privmsg(message[:510], channel) def is_bad_message(self, message): return self.banphrase_manager.check_message(message, None) is not False def safe_me(self, message, channel=None): if not self.is_bad_message(message):, channel) def me(self, message, channel=None): self.say("/me " + message[:500], channel=channel) def on_welcome(self, chatconn, event): return self.irc.on_welcome(chatconn, event) def connect(self): return self.irc.start() def on_disconnect(self, chatconn, event): self.irc.on_disconnect(chatconn, event) def parse_message(self, message, source, event, tags={}, whisper=False): msg_lower = message.lower() emote_tag = tags["emotes"] msg_id = tags.get("id", None) # None on whispers! if not whisper and == # Moderator or broadcaster, both count source.moderator = tags[ "mod"] == "1" or == self.streamer_user_id source.subscriber = tags["subscriber"] == "1" if not whisper and source.banned: self.ban(source) return False # Parse emotes in the message emote_instances, emote_counts = self.emote_manager.parse_all_emotes( message, emote_tag) now = source.last_seen = now source.last_active = now if not whisper: # increment epm and ecount self.epm_manager.handle_emotes(emote_counts) self.ecount_manager.handle_emotes(emote_counts) urls = self.find_unique_urls(message) res = HandlerManager.trigger( "on_message", source=source, message=message, emote_instances=emote_instances, emote_counts=emote_counts, whisper=whisper, urls=urls, msg_id=msg_id, event=event, ) if res is False: return False if source.ignored: return False if whisper: self.whisper_login("datguy1", "{} said: {}".format(source, message)) if msg_lower[:1] == "!": msg_lower_parts = msg_lower.split(" ") trigger = msg_lower_parts[0][1:] msg_raw_parts = message.split(" ") remaining_message = " ".join( msg_raw_parts[1:]) if len(msg_raw_parts) > 1 else None if trigger in self.commands: command = self.commands[trigger] extra_args = { "emote_instances": emote_instances, "emote_counts": emote_counts, "trigger": trigger, "msg_id": msg_id, }, source, remaining_message, event=event, args=extra_args, whisper=whisper) def on_whisper(self, chatconn, event): tags = { tag["key"]: tag["value"] if tag["value"] is not None else "" for tag in event.tags } id = tags["user-id"] login = event.source.user name = tags["display-name"] with DBManager.create_session_scope( expire_on_commit=False) as db_session: source = User.from_basics(db_session, UserBasics(id, login, name)) self.parse_message(event.arguments[0], source, event, tags, whisper=True) def on_ping(self, chatconn, event): self.last_ping = def on_pong(self, chatconn, event): self.last_pong = def on_usernotice(self, chatconn, event): tags = { tag["key"]: tag["value"] if tag["value"] is not None else "" for tag in event.tags } id = tags["user-id"] login = tags["login"] name = tags["display-name"] with DBManager.create_session_scope( expire_on_commit=False) as db_session: source = User.from_basics(db_session, UserBasics(id, login, name)) if event.arguments and len(event.arguments) > 0: msg = event.arguments[0] else: msg = None # e.g. user didn't type an extra message to share with the streamer HandlerManager.trigger("on_usernotice", source=source, message=msg, tags=tags) if msg is not None: self.parse_message(msg, source, event, tags) def on_action(self, chatconn, event): self.on_pubmsg(chatconn, event) def on_pubmsg(self, chatconn, event): tags = { tag["key"]: tag["value"] if tag["value"] is not None else "" for tag in event.tags } id = tags["user-id"] login = event.source.user name = tags["display-name"] if event.source.user == self.nickname: return False with DBManager.create_session_scope( expire_on_commit=False) as db_session: source = User.from_basics(db_session, UserBasics(id, login, name)) res = HandlerManager.trigger("on_pubmsg", source=source, message=event.arguments[0]) if res is False: return False self.parse_message(event.arguments[0], source, event, tags=tags) def on_pubnotice(self, chatconn, event): tags = { tag["key"]: tag["value"] if tag["value"] is not None else "" for tag in event.tags } HandlerManager.trigger( "on_pubnotice", stop_on_false=False,[1:], msg_id=tags["msg-id"], message=event.arguments[0], ) def commit_all(self): for key, manager in self.commitable.items(): manager.commit() HandlerManager.trigger("on_commit", stop_on_false=False) @staticmethod def do_tick(): HandlerManager.trigger("on_tick") def quit(self, message, event, **options): quit_chub = self.config["main"].get("control_hub", None) quit_delay = 0 if quit_chub is not None and == f"#{quit_chub}": quit_delay_random = 300 try: if message is not None and int(message.split()[0]) >= 1: quit_delay_random = int(message.split()[0]) except (IndexError, ValueError, TypeError): pass quit_delay = random.randint(0, quit_delay_random)"%s is restarting in %d seconds.", self.nickname, quit_delay) self.execute_delayed(quit_delay, self.quit_bot) def quit_bot(self, **options): self.commit_all() HandlerManager.trigger("on_quit") phrase_data = {"nickname": self.nickname, "version": self.version_long} try: ScheduleManager.base_scheduler.print_jobs() ScheduleManager.base_scheduler.shutdown(wait=False) except: log.exception("Error while shutting down the apscheduler") try: for p in self.phrases["quit"]: self.privmsg(p.format(**phrase_data)) except Exception: log.exception("Exception caught while trying to say quit phrase") self.twitter_manager.quit() self.socket_manager.quit() sys.exit(0) def apply_filter(self, resp, f): available_filters = { "strftime": _filter_strftime, "lower": lambda var, args: var.lower(), "upper": lambda var, args: var.upper(), "title": lambda var, args: var.title(), "capitalize": lambda var, args: var.capitalize(), "swapcase": lambda var, args: var.swapcase(), "time_since_minutes": lambda var, args: "no time" if var == 0 else utils.time_since(var * 60, 0, time_format="long"), "time_since": lambda var, args: "no time" if var == 0 else utils.time_since(var, 0, time_format="long"), "time_since_dt": _filter_time_since_dt, "urlencode": _filter_urlencode, "join": _filter_join, "number_format": _filter_number_format, "add": _filter_add, "or_else": _filter_or_else, "or_broadcaster": self._filter_or_broadcaster, "or_streamer": self._filter_or_broadcaster, } if in available_filters: return available_filters[](resp, f.arguments) return resp def _filter_or_broadcaster(self, var, args): return _filter_or_else(var, self.streamer) def find_unique_urls(self, message): from pajbot.modules.linkchecker import find_unique_urls return find_unique_urls(URL_REGEX, message)
class Bot: """ Main class for the twitch bot """ version = "1.35" date_fmt = "%H:%M" admin = None url_regex_str = r"\(?(?:(http|https):\/\/)?(?:((?:[^\W\s]|\.|-|[:]{1})+)@{1})?((?:www.)?(?:[^\W\s]|\.|-)+[\.][^\W\s]{2,4}|localhost(?=\/)|\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3})(?::(\d*))?([\/]?[^\s\?]*[\/]{1})*(?:\/?([^\s\n\?\[\]\{\}\#]*(?:(?=\.)){1}|[^\s\n\?\[\]\{\}\.\#]*)?([\.]{1}[^\s\?\#]*)?)?(?:\?{1}([^\s\n\#\[\]]*))?([\#][^\s\n]*)?\)?" last_ping = last_pong = @staticmethod def parse_args(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument( "--config", "-c", default="config.ini", help="Specify which config file to use (default: config.ini)") parser.add_argument( "--silent", action="count", help="Decides whether the bot should be silent or not") # TODO: Add a log level argument. return parser.parse_args() bot_token = None @property def password(self): if "password" in self.config["main"]: log.warning( "DEPRECATED - Using bot password/oauth token from file. " "You should authenticate in web gui using route /bot_login " "and remove password from config file") return self.config["main"]["password"] if self.bot_token is None: self.bot_token = BotToken(self.config) t = self.bot_token.access_token() return "oauth:{}".format(t) def load_config(self, config): self.config = config DBManager.init(self.config["main"]["db"]) redis_options = {} if "redis" in config: redis_options = dict(config.items("redis")) RedisManager.init(**redis_options) pajbot.models.user.Config.se_sync_token = config["main"].get( "se_sync_token", None) pajbot.models.user.Config.se_channel = config["main"].get( "se_channel", None) self.domain = config["web"].get("domain", "localhost") self.nickname = config["main"].get("nickname", "pajbot") self.timezone = config["main"].get("timezone", "UTC") if config["main"].getboolean("verified", False): TMI.promote_to_verified() self.trusted_mods = config.getboolean("main", "trusted_mods") self.phrases = { "welcome": ["{nickname} {version} running!"], "quit": ["{nickname} {version} shutting down..."] } if "phrases" in config: phrases = config["phrases"] if "welcome" in phrases: self.phrases["welcome"] = phrases["welcome"].splitlines() if "quit" in phrases: self.phrases["quit"] = phrases["quit"].splitlines() TimeManager.init_timezone(self.timezone) if "streamer" in config["main"]: self.streamer = config["main"]["streamer"] = "#" + self.streamer elif "target" in config["main"]: = config["main"]["target"] self.streamer =[1:] StreamHelper.init_streamer(self.streamer) self.silent = False = False if "flags" in config: self.silent = True if "silent" in config["flags"] and config[ "flags"]["silent"] == "1" else self.silent = True if "dev" in config["flags"] and config["flags"][ "dev"] == "1" else def __init__(self, config, args=None): # Load various configuration variables from the given config object # The config object that should be passed through should # come from pajbot.utils.load_config self.load_config(config) log.debug("Loaded config") # streamer is additionally initialized here so streamer can be accessed by the DB migrations # before StreamHelper.init_bot() is called later (which depends on an upgraded DB because # StreamManager accesses the DB) StreamHelper.init_streamer(self.streamer) # Update the database (and partially redis) scheme if necessary using alembic # In case of errors, i.e. if the database is out of sync or the alembic # binary can't be called, we will shut down the bot. pajbot.utils.alembic_upgrade() log.debug("ran db upgrade") # Actions in this queue are run in a separate thread. # This means actions should NOT access any database-related stuff. self.action_queue = ActionQueue() self.action_queue.start() self.reactor = irc.client.Reactor(self.on_connect) self.start_time = = self HandlerManager.init_handlers() self.socket_manager = SocketManager(self.streamer) self.stream_manager = StreamManager(self) StreamHelper.init_bot(self, self.stream_manager) ScheduleManager.init() self.users = UserManager() self.decks = DeckManager() self.banphrase_manager = BanphraseManager(self).load() self.timer_manager = TimerManager(self).load() self.kvi = KVIManager() twitch_client_id = None twitch_oauth = None if "twitchapi" in self.config: twitch_client_id = self.config["twitchapi"].get("client_id", None) twitch_oauth = self.config["twitchapi"].get("oauth", None) # A client ID is required for the bot to work properly now, give an error for now if twitch_client_id is None: log.error( 'MISSING CLIENT ID, SET "client_id" VALUE UNDER [twitchapi] SECTION IN CONFIG FILE' ) self.twitchapi = TwitchAPI(twitch_client_id, twitch_oauth) self.emote_manager = EmoteManager(twitch_client_id) self.epm_manager = EpmManager() self.ecount_manager = EcountManager() self.twitter_manager = TwitterManager(self) self.module_manager = ModuleManager(self.socket_manager, bot=self).load() self.commands = CommandManager(socket_manager=self.socket_manager, module_manager=self.module_manager, bot=self).load() HandlerManager.trigger("on_managers_loaded") # Reloadable managers self.reloadable = {} # Commitable managers self.commitable = { "commands": self.commands, "banphrases": self.banphrase_manager } self.execute_every(10 * 60, self.commit_all) self.execute_every(1, self.do_tick) try: self.admin = self.config["main"]["admin"] except KeyError: log.warning( "No admin user specified. See the [main] section in the example config for its usage." ) if self.admin: with self.users.get_user_context(self.admin) as user: user.level = 2000 self.parse_version() self.irc = IRCManager(self) relay_host = self.config["main"].get("relay_host", None) relay_password = self.config["main"].get("relay_password", None) if relay_host is not None or relay_password is not None: log.warning( "DEPRECATED - Relaybroker support is no longer implemented. relay_host and relay_password are ignored" ) self.reactor.add_global_handler("all_events", self.irc._dispatcher, -10) = {} self.data_cb = {} self.url_regex = re.compile(self.url_regex_str, re.IGNORECASE)["broadcaster"] = self.streamer["version"] = self.version["version_brief"] = self.version_brief["bot_name"] = self.nickname self.data_cb["status_length"] = self.c_status_length self.data_cb["stream_status"] = self.c_stream_status self.data_cb["bot_uptime"] = self.c_uptime self.data_cb["current_time"] = self.c_current_time self.data_cb["molly_age_in_years"] = self.c_molly_age_in_years self.silent = True if args.silent else self.silent if self.silent:"Silent mode enabled") """ For actions that need to access the main thread, we can use the mainthread_queue. """ self.mainthread_queue = ActionQueue() self.execute_every(1, self.mainthread_queue.parse_action) self.websocket_manager = WebSocketManager(self) try: if self.config["twitchapi"]["update_subscribers"] == "1": self.execute_every(30 * 60, self.action_queue.add, (self.update_subscribers_stage1, )) except: pass def on_connect(self, sock): return self.irc.on_connect(sock) def update_subscribers_stage1(self): limit = 25 offset = 0 subscribers = []"Starting stage1 subscribers update") try: retry_same = 0 while True: log.debug("Beginning sub request limit=%s offset=%s", limit, offset) subs, retry_same, error = self.twitchapi.get_subscribers( self.streamer, 0, offset, 0 if retry_same is False else retry_same) log.debug("got em!") if error is True: log.error("Too many attempts, aborting") return False if retry_same is False: offset += limit if not subs: # We don't need to retry, and the last query finished propery # Break out of the loop and start fiddling with the subs! log.debug("Done!") break log.debug("Fetched %d subs", len(subs)) subscribers.extend(subs) if retry_same is not False: # In case the next attempt is a retry, wait for 3 seconds log.debug("waiting for 3 seconds...") time.sleep(3) log.debug("waited enough!") log.debug("Finished with the while True loop!") except: log.exception( "Caught an exception while trying to get subscribers") return None"Ended stage1 subscribers update") if subscribers: "Got some subscribers, so we are pushing them to stage 2!") self.mainthread_queue.add(self.update_subscribers_stage2, args=[subscribers])"Pushed them now.") def update_subscribers_stage2(self, subscribers): self.kvi["active_subs"].set(len(subscribers) - 1) self.users.reset_subs() self.users.update_subs(subscribers) def start(self): """Start the IRC client.""" self.reactor.process_forever() def get_kvi_value(self, key, extra={}): return self.kvi[key].get() def get_last_tweet(self, key, extra={}): return self.twitter_manager.get_last_tweet(key) def get_emote_epm(self, key, extra={}): val = self.epm_manager.get_emote_epm(key) if val is None: return None # formats the number with grouping (e.g. 112,556) and zero decimal places return "{0:,.0f}".format(val) def get_emote_epm_record(self, key, extra={}): val = self.epm_manager.get_emote_epm_record(key) if val is None: return None # formats the number with grouping (e.g. 112,556) and zero decimal places return "{0:,.0f}".format(val) def get_emote_count(self, key, extra={}): val = self.ecount_manager.get_emote_count(key) if val is None: return None # formats the number with grouping (e.g. 112,556) and zero decimal places return "{0:,.0f}".format(val) @staticmethod def get_source_value(key, extra={}): try: return getattr(extra["source"], key) except: log.exception("Caught exception in get_source_value") return None def get_user_value(self, key, extra={}): try: user = self.users.find(extra["argument"]) if user: return getattr(user, key) except: log.exception("Caught exception in get_source_value") return None @staticmethod def get_command_value(key, extra={}): try: return getattr(extra["command"].data, key) except: log.exception("Caught exception in get_source_value") return None def get_usersource_value(self, key, extra={}): try: user = self.users.find(extra["argument"]) if user: return getattr(user, key) return getattr(extra["source"], key) except: log.exception("Caught exception in get_source_value") return None def get_time_value(self, key, extra={}): try: tz = timezone(key) return except: log.exception("Unhandled exception in get_time_value") return None def get_current_song_value(self, key, extra={}): if current_song = PleblistManager.get_current_song( inner_keys = key.split(".") val = current_song for inner_key in inner_keys: val = getattr(val, inner_key, None) if val is None: return None if val is not None: return val return None def get_strictargs_value(self, key, extra={}): ret = self.get_args_value(key, extra) if not ret: return None return ret @staticmethod def get_args_value(key, extra={}): r = None try: msg_parts = extra["message"].split(" ") except (KeyError, AttributeError): msg_parts = [""] try: if "-" in key: range_str = key.split("-") if len(range_str) == 2: r = (int(range_str[0]), int(range_str[1])) if r is None: r = (int(key), len(msg_parts)) except (TypeError, ValueError): r = (0, len(msg_parts)) try: return " ".join(msg_parts[r[0]:r[1]]) except AttributeError: return "" except: log.exception("UNHANDLED ERROR IN get_args_value") return "" def get_notify_value(self, key, extra={}): payload = { "message": extra["message"] or "", "trigger": extra["trigger"], "user": extra["source"].username_raw } self.websocket_manager.emit("notify", payload) return "" def get_value(self, key, extra={}): if key in extra: return extra[key] if key in return[key] if key in self.data_cb: return self.data_cb[key]() log.warning("Unknown key passed to get_value: %s", key) return None def privmsg_arr(self, arr, target=None): for msg in arr: self.privmsg(msg, target) def privmsg_from_file(self, url, per_chunk=35, chunk_delay=30, target=None): try: r = requests.get(url) r.raise_for_status() content_type = r.headers["Content-Type"] if content_type is not None and cgi.parse_header( content_type)[0] != "text/plain": log.error( "privmsg_from_file should be fed with a text/plain URL. Refusing to send." ) return lines = r.text.splitlines() i = 0 while lines: if i == 0: self.privmsg_arr(lines[:per_chunk], target) else: self.execute_delayed(chunk_delay * i, self.privmsg_arr, (lines[:per_chunk], target)) del lines[:per_chunk] i = i + 1 except: log.exception("error in privmsg_from_file") # event is an event to clone and change the text from. # Usage: !eval bot.eval_from_file(event, '') def eval_from_file(self, event, url): try: r = requests.get(url) r.raise_for_status() content_type = r.headers["Content-Type"] if content_type is not None and cgi.parse_header( content_type)[0] != "text/plain": log.error( "eval_from_file should be fed with a text/plain URL. Refusing to send." ) return lines = r.text.splitlines() import copy for msg in lines: cloned_event = copy.deepcopy(event) cloned_event.arguments = [msg] # omit the source connection as None (since its not used) self.on_pubmsg(None, cloned_event) self.whisper(event.source.user.lower(), "Successfully evaluated {0} lines".format(len(lines))) except: log.exception("BabyRage") self.whisper(event.source.user.lower(), "Exception BabyRage") def privmsg(self, message, channel=None, increase_message=True): if channel is None: channel = return self.irc.privmsg(message, channel, increase_message=increase_message) def c_uptime(self): return time_ago(self.start_time) @staticmethod def c_current_time(): return @staticmethod def c_molly_age_in_years(): molly_birth = datetime.datetime(2018, 10, 29, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc) now = diff = now - molly_birth return diff.total_seconds() / 3600 / 24 / 365 @property def is_online(self): return def c_stream_status(self): return "online" if else "offline" def c_status_length(self): if return time_ago(self.stream_manager.current_stream.stream_start) if self.stream_manager.last_stream is not None: return time_ago(self.stream_manager.last_stream.stream_end) return "No recorded stream FeelsBadMan " def execute_at(self, at, function, arguments=()): self.reactor.scheduler.execute_at(at, lambda: function(*arguments)) def execute_delayed(self, delay, function, arguments=()): self.reactor.scheduler.execute_after(delay, lambda: function(*arguments)) def execute_every(self, period, function, arguments=()): self.reactor.scheduler.execute_every(period, lambda: function(*arguments)) def _ban(self, username, reason=""): self.privmsg(".ban {0} {1}".format(username, reason), increase_message=False) def ban(self, username, reason=""): log.debug("Banning %s", username) self._timeout(username, 30, reason) self.execute_delayed(1, self._ban, (username, reason)) def ban_user(self, user, reason=""): self._timeout(user.username, 30, reason) self.execute_delayed(1, self._ban, (user.username, reason)) def unban(self, username): self.privmsg(".unban {0}".format(username), increase_message=False) def _timeout(self, username, duration, reason=""): self.privmsg(".timeout {0} {1} {2}".format(username, duration, reason), increase_message=False) def timeout(self, username, duration, reason=""): log.debug("Timing out %s for %d seconds", username, duration) self._timeout(username, duration, reason) self.execute_delayed(1, self._timeout, (username, duration, reason)) def timeout_warn(self, user, duration, reason=""): duration, punishment = user.timeout( duration, warning_module=self.module_manager["warning"]) self.timeout(user.username, duration, reason) return (duration, punishment) def timeout_user(self, user, duration, reason=""): self._timeout(user.username, duration, reason) self.execute_delayed(1, self._timeout, (user.username, duration, reason)) def timeout_user_once(self, user, duration, reason): self._timeout(user.username, duration, reason) def _timeout_user(self, user, duration, reason=""): self._timeout(user.username, duration, reason) def delete_message(self, msg_id): self.privmsg(".delete {0}".format(msg_id)) def whisper(self, username, *messages, separator=". ", **rest): """ Takes a sequence of strings and concatenates them with separator. Then sends that string as a whisper to username """ if len(messages) < 0: return False message = separator.join(messages) return self.irc.whisper(username, message) def send_message_to_user(self, user, message, event, separator=". ", method="say"): if method == "say": self.say(user.username + ", " + lowercase_first_letter(message), separator=separator) elif method == "whisper": self.whisper(user.username, message, separator=separator) elif method == "me": elif method == "reply": if event.type in ["action", "pubmsg"]: self.say(message, separator=separator) elif event.type == "whisper": self.whisper(user.username, message, separator=separator) else: log.warning("Unknown send_message method: %s", method) def safe_privmsg(self, message, channel=None, increase_message=True): # Check for banphrases res = self.banphrase_manager.check_message(message, None) if res is not False: self.privmsg("filtered message ({})".format(, channel, increase_message) return self.privmsg(message, channel, increase_message) def say(self, *messages, channel=None, separator=". "): """ Takes a sequence of strings and concatenates them with separator. Then sends that string to the given channel. """ if len(messages) < 0: return False if not self.silent: message = separator.join(messages).strip() message = clean_up_message(message) if not message: return False"Sending message: %s", message) self.privmsg(message[:510], channel) def is_bad_message(self, message): return self.banphrase_manager.check_message(message, None) is not False def safe_me(self, message, channel=None): if not self.is_bad_message(message):, channel) def me(self, message, channel=None): self.say(".me " + message[:500], channel=channel) def parse_version(self): self.version = self.version self.version_brief = self.version if try: current_branch = (subprocess.check_output( ["git", "rev-parse", "--abbrev-ref", "HEAD"]).decode("utf8").strip()) latest_commit = subprocess.check_output( ["git", "rev-parse", "HEAD"]).decode("utf8").strip()[:8] commit_number = subprocess.check_output( ["git", "rev-list", "HEAD", "--count"]).decode("utf8").strip() self.version = "{0} DEV ({1}, {2}, commit {3})".format( self.version, current_branch, latest_commit, commit_number) except: log.exception("hmm") def on_welcome(self, chatconn, event): return self.irc.on_welcome(chatconn, event) def connect(self): return self.irc.start() def on_disconnect(self, chatconn, event): self.irc.on_disconnect(chatconn, event) def parse_message(self, message, source, event, tags={}, whisper=False): msg_lower = message.lower() emote_tag = None msg_id = None for tag in tags: if tag["key"] == "subscriber" and == source.subscriber = tag["value"] == "1" elif tag["key"] == "emotes": emote_tag = tag["value"] elif tag["key"] == "display-name" and tag["value"]: source.username_raw = tag["value"] elif tag["key"] == "user-type": source.moderator = tag[ "value"] == "mod" or source.username == self.streamer elif tag["key"] == "id": msg_id = tag["value"] # source.num_lines += 1 if source is None: log.error("No valid user passed to parse_message") return False if source.banned: self.ban(source.username) return False # If a user types when timed out, we assume he's been unbanned for a good reason and remove his flag. if source.timed_out is True: source.timed_out = False # Parse emotes in the message emote_instances, emote_counts = self.emote_manager.parse_all_emotes( message, emote_tag) if not whisper: # increment epm and ecount self.epm_manager.handle_emotes(emote_counts) self.ecount_manager.handle_emotes(emote_counts) urls = self.find_unique_urls(message) log.debug("{2}{0}: {1}".format(source.username, message, "<w>" if whisper else "")) res = HandlerManager.trigger( "on_message", source=source, message=message, emote_instances=emote_instances, emote_counts=emote_counts, whisper=whisper, urls=urls, msg_id=msg_id, event=event, ) if res is False: return False source.last_seen = source.last_active = if source.ignored: return False if msg_lower[:1] == "!": msg_lower_parts = msg_lower.split(" ") trigger = msg_lower_parts[0][1:] msg_raw_parts = message.split(" ") remaining_message = " ".join( msg_raw_parts[1:]) if len(msg_raw_parts) > 1 else None if trigger in self.commands: command = self.commands[trigger] extra_args = { "emote_instances": emote_instances, "emote_counts": emote_counts, "trigger": trigger, "msg_id": msg_id, }, source, remaining_message, event=event, args=extra_args, whisper=whisper) def on_whisper(self, chatconn, event): # We use .lower() in case twitch ever starts sending non-lowercased usernames username = event.source.user.lower() with self.users.get_user_context(username) as source: self.parse_message(event.arguments[0], source, event, whisper=True, tags=event.tags) def on_ping(self, chatconn, event): # self.say('Received a ping. Last ping received {} ago'.format(time_since(, self.last_ping.timestamp())))"Received a ping. Last ping received %s ago", time_ago(self.last_ping)) self.last_ping = def on_pong(self, chatconn, event): # self.say('Received a pong. Last pong received {} ago'.format(time_since(, self.last_pong.timestamp())))"Received a pong. Last pong received %s ago", time_ago(self.last_pong)) self.last_pong = def on_usernotice(self, chatconn, event): # We use .lower() in case twitch ever starts sending non-lowercased usernames tags = {} for d in event.tags: tags[d["key"]] = d["value"] if "login" not in tags: return username = tags["login"] with self.users.get_user_context(username) as source: msg = "" if event.arguments: msg = event.arguments[0] HandlerManager.trigger("on_usernotice", source=source, message=msg, tags=tags) def on_action(self, chatconn, event): self.on_pubmsg(chatconn, event) def on_pubmsg(self, chatconn, event): if event.source.user == self.nickname: return False username = event.source.user.lower() if self.streamer == "forsen": if "zonothene" in username: self._ban(username) return True raw_m = event.arguments[0].lower() if raw_m.startswith("!lastseen forsen"): if len(raw_m) > len("!lastseen forsen2"): if raw_m[16] == " ": return True else: return True if raw_m.startswith("!lastseen @forsen"): if len(raw_m) > len("!lastseen @forsen2"): if raw_m[17] == " ": return True else: return True if self.streamer == "nymn": if "hades_k" in username: self._timeout(username, 3600) return True if "hades_b" in username: self._timeout(username, 3600) return True raw_m = event.arguments[0] m = "".join(sorted(set(raw_m), key=raw_m.index)) m = "".join(ch for ch in m if ch.isalnum()) if "niqers" in m: self.timeout(username, 600) return True if "niqe3rs" in m: self.timeout(username, 600) return True if "niq3ers" in m: self.timeout(username, 600) return True if "niqurs" in m: self.timeout(username, 600) return True if "nigurs" in m: self.timeout(username, 600) return True if "nige3rs" in m: self.timeout(username, 600) return True if "nig3ers" in m: self.timeout(username, 600) return True if "nig3ers" in m: self.timeout(username, 600) return True if "nigger" in m: self.timeout(username, 600) return True # We use .lower() in case twitch ever starts sending non-lowercased usernames with self.users.get_user_context(username) as source: res = HandlerManager.trigger("on_pubmsg", source=source, message=event.arguments[0]) if res is False: return False self.parse_message(event.arguments[0], source, event, tags=event.tags) @time_method def reload_all(self):"Reloading all...") for key, manager in self.reloadable.items(): log.debug("Reloading %s", key) manager.reload() log.debug("Done with %s", key)"ok!") @time_method def commit_all(self):"Commiting all...") for key, manager in self.commitable.items():"Commiting %s", key) manager.commit()"Done with %s", key)"ok!") HandlerManager.trigger("on_commit", stop_on_false=False) @staticmethod def do_tick(): HandlerManager.trigger("on_tick") def quit(self, message, event, **options): quit_chub = self.config["main"].get("control_hub", None) quit_delay = 0 if quit_chub is not None and == ("#{}".format(quit_chub)): quit_delay_random = 300 try: if message is not None and int(message.split()[0]) >= 1: quit_delay_random = int(message.split()[0]) except (IndexError, ValueError, TypeError): pass quit_delay = random.randint(0, quit_delay_random)"%s is restarting in %d seconds.", self.nickname, quit_delay) self.execute_delayed(quit_delay, self.quit_bot) def quit_bot(self, **options): self.commit_all() HandlerManager.trigger("on_quit") phrase_data = {"nickname": self.nickname, "version": self.version} try: ScheduleManager.base_scheduler.print_jobs() ScheduleManager.base_scheduler.shutdown(wait=False) except: log.exception("Error while shutting down the apscheduler") try: for p in self.phrases["quit"]: self.privmsg(p.format(**phrase_data)) except Exception: log.exception("Exception caught while trying to say quit phrase") self.twitter_manager.quit() self.socket_manager.quit() sys.exit(0) @staticmethod def apply_filter(resp, f): available_filters = { "strftime": _filter_strftime, "lower": lambda var, args: var.lower(), "upper": lambda var, args: var.upper(), "time_since_minutes": lambda var, args: "no time" if var == 0 else time_since(var * 60, 0, time_format="long"), "time_since": lambda var, args: "no time" if var == 0 else time_since(var, 0, time_format="long"), "time_since_dt": _filter_time_since_dt, "urlencode": _filter_urlencode, "join": _filter_join, "number_format": _filter_number_format, "add": _filter_add, } if in available_filters: return available_filters[](resp, f.arguments) return resp def find_unique_urls(self, message): from pajbot.modules.linkchecker import find_unique_urls return find_unique_urls(self.url_regex, message)