def __logicLoop(self, task): """ Main logic loop, if the actual frames > max frames go to next generation, save statistics to file, update the pandas and the UI text Args: task (task): Panda3D requires this param Returns: int: Task.cont to continue looping """ if self.__terminationCriteria(): sys.exit() if self.actualFrameNumber > self.maxFramesPerGeneration or Panda.livingPandas == 0: if self.bestGenomeScore < Panda.getBestPanda().carrotsEaten: self.bestGenomeScore = Panda.getBestPanda().carrotsEaten self.bestGenomeGenes = Panda.getBestPanda().brainWeights if (( % 10) == 0: self.__saveBestGenomeToFile() self.__saveGenomeStatsToFile() self.__goNextGen() for panda in Panda.pandaList: panda.update(self, Carrot.carrotList, Spike.spikeList) self.__updateText() self.actualFrameNumber += 1 return Task.cont
def __goNextGen(self): """ Evolve the population one generation, clear the scene and generate it again in other random positions """ if self.bestGenomeScore < Panda.getBestPanda().carrotsEaten: self.bestGenomeScore = Panda.getBestPanda().carrotsEaten self.bestGenomeGenes = Panda.getBestPanda().brainWeights self.actualFrameNumber = 0 Spike.clearNormalSpikes() Panda.clearPandas(self) Carrot.clearCarrots(self) self.__generateSpikes() self.__generatePandas() self.__generateCarrots()